Gay stories

5,963 Gay Authoritarian stories

Stories involving Bondage, Control, S&M, and authority figures

Feb 11, 2006

Sexual Predator Diversion Program

By moc.oohay@yobdeknapsllewa

2 chapters

4.8K words

Feb 9, 2006


743 words

Feb 6, 2006

2.2K words

Feb 2, 2006

2K words

Feb 1, 2006

4 chapters

5.2K words

Jan 30, 2006

2 chapters

3K words

Jan 28, 2006

2 chapters

9.1K words

Jan 27, 2006

4 chapters

10K words

Jan 25, 2006

3 chapters

4.4K words

100+ views

Jan 24, 2006

7.4K words

Jan 23, 2006

879 words

Jan 21, 2006

7 chapters

27K words

Jan 18, 2006

748 words

Jan 9, 2006

4 chapters

15K words

Jan 5, 2006

4 chapters

3.4K words

Jan 3, 2006

4 chapters

5.7K words

Jan 3, 2006

1.3K words

Jan 1, 2006

3.6K words

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