Gay stories

3,631 Gay College stories

Stories involving Colleges, Universities, and Fraternities

May 6, 2009

Paying the Dues

By john smith

2K words

May 6, 2009

8 chapters

25K words

Apr 27, 2009

30 chapters

151K words

Apr 22, 2009

9 chapters

12K words

Apr 15, 2009

2.1K words

Apr 9, 2009

2 chapters

7.4K words

Apr 5, 2009

2 chapters

5.3K words

Mar 17, 2009

857 words

Mar 12, 2009


1.4K words

Mar 12, 2009

3K words

Mar 9, 2009

3 chapters

6K words

Feb 24, 2009

976 words

Feb 15, 2009

4.3K words

Feb 14, 2009

35 chapters

176K words

Feb 9, 2009

17 chapters

36K words

Feb 6, 2009

1.2K words

Feb 4, 2009

2 chapters

7K words

Feb 3, 2009

6.8K words

Jan 29, 2009

6 chapters

7.6K words

Jan 28, 2009

1.7K words

Jan 22, 2009

5 chapters

44K words

Jan 19, 2009

2.2K words

Jan 13, 2009

3 chapters

17K words

Jan 8, 2009

3 chapters

27K words

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