Gay stories

1,829 Gay Interracial stories

Stories involving People of Different Ethnicities

Dec 28, 1999

Adult Friends

More than a Hug

By Alex

1.5K words

Dec 27, 1999

4.4K words

Dec 4, 1999

15K words

Dec 2, 1999

2.5K words

Nov 23, 1999

3.4K words

Oct 17, 1999

5.4K words

Sep 4, 1999

3 chapters

17K words

Sep 2, 1999

5.8K words

100+ views

Jun 22, 1999

3.4K words

Jun 6, 1999

2 chapters

5.7K words

Mar 24, 1999

2.1K words

Feb 24, 1999

2 chapters

11K words

Jan 26, 1999

3.9K words

Jan 25, 1999

4 chapters

29K words

Jan 7, 1999

2.6K words

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