Lesbian stories

807 Lesbian Authoritarian stories

Stories involving Bondage, Control, S&M, and authority figures

Mar 26, 2011

The Bank Teller Fantasy

By moc.cnysatad@sf021eel

2.2K words

Feb 8, 2011

7 chapters

81K words

100+ views

Jan 21, 2011



4.1K words

200+ views

Jan 7, 2011

2 chapters

52K words

Dec 10, 2010

7 chapters

28K words

Oct 31, 2010

9.3K words

Oct 15, 2010

12 chapters

125K words

100+ views

Oct 9, 2010

2 chapters

41K words

Sep 30, 2010

10K words

Jul 21, 2010

2 chapters

6K words

Jul 17, 2010

11 chapters

16K words

Jul 16, 2010

5.9K words

300+ views

Jul 16, 2010

4.8K words

Jul 6, 2010

3.4K words

100+ views

Jul 1, 2010

1.5K words

100+ views

Jun 9, 2010

2 chapters

4.4K words

Jun 7, 2010

2.2K words

May 30, 2010

6.5K words

May 24, 2010

3.1K words

May 21, 2010

5 chapters

8.2K words

Apr 25, 2010

3 chapters

3.8K words

Apr 16, 2010

17 chapters

29K words

100+ views

Apr 11, 2010

4.3K words

600+ views

Apr 7, 2010

4 chapters

18K words

100+ views

Apr 3, 2010

4.3K words

Mar 30, 2010

1.3K words

Mar 23, 2010

6.7K words

100+ views

Mar 23, 2010

573 words

Mar 18, 2010

3K words

Mar 16, 2010

3.7K words

Mar 11, 2010

1.4K words

Mar 8, 2010

1.3K words

Mar 8, 2010

2.9K words

400+ views

Jan 10, 2010

6.3K words

100+ views

Dec 20, 2009

6.3K words

Sep 28, 2009

2.1K words

Aug 30, 2009

1.5K words

Aug 30, 2009

2 chapters

26K words

Aug 21, 2009

2.5K words

Aug 17, 2009

771 words

Jun 8, 2009

3 chapters

5.1K words

May 23, 2009

18K words

May 5, 2009

9K words

Apr 8, 2009

6.2K words

Apr 3, 2009

2.4K words

Jan 14, 2009

1.4K words

300+ views


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