By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 27, 2023



Chapter 18

Please obey the laws in your locale concerning what you are allowed to read and how old you need to be to read about men having sex with other men. None of this story is true and I beg to apologize to the countries involved as I have no desire to insult them with my ignorance or fantasies. If you wish to give me ideas about future scenes I will read and often incorporate those ideas.

Nifty is a donation based system. If you are able to help out, please do. If only so I have a place to continue this story.


Chapter 18

"Master, I am confused by much of what is happening. Why will you give me away?" I had thought the prince valued me as a slave.

"Ali, you are a slave, a possession. If giving you away is to my advantage then I will give you to the Royal Prince." He didn't sound happy about doing that, more resigned.

"I thought we were developing some feelings between us. You have kissed me and under the blankets like this you promised me the future included me being allowed to fuck you." Was I guilt tripping him into not sending me away?

"Things change. You are being sent on the mission of a century. I can't deny you the luxurious life the Prince will give you."

"You will still be my Master?" This is part of my confusion, what type of slave could I be to him if I was married to a Prince of much higher standing?

"Yes, you will report to me monthly, here in the hotel and for more detailed debriefing at the house you now own in Kuwait. Jamaal will be at the house waiting for your also."

"But doesn't a traditional mate being given a dowry have something to bring to the marriage?"

"The agency and my father will arrange for you to have the minimum they think is necessary. You should have at least two of your own slaves. I am sorry that I can't allow you to take Jamaal as I think he may be one of the anchors that will you bring back to Kuwait and my bed." I could see misery in his eyes as he thought of me being taken to the Royal Prince's bed.

"Come back to your bed, then the promise of your ass still stands?

"Who are to be my two slaves?"

"There have been Saudis at my father's palace, they know that Angelo is my slave so he must accompany you. My brother is petitioning the agency to be sent as the second. My father is not pleased but as Ahmed has moved into my palace I now have the authority to allow or deny him the chance to enslave himself for life. Having him with you might make adjusting easier. Would you like Ahmed to be your slave?"

"I would really own him?" Wouldn't that be a change? To own the brother of the man that owns me? Is this a French Farce I am living?

"Yes. If you are to take him with you there will be papers of enslavement required for you to take him into the Royal Enclave." What a switch, but it did seem to be a fair exchange for the Kuwaitis having stolen my freedom. Besides I like Ahmed.

"What is the glitch? You can't just give me your brother as a s;lave."

"The glitch is that while you will own my brother he will always be able to escape to the Kuwaiti Embassy without you making an international scene. If he wants to return to the family you will allow him. You will not be allowed to sell him."

"Would he be prepared to allow my husband to beat him for his behavior?" I could see Prince Al Sari beating Ahmed for a smart comment or familiarity with me.

"I think that would be required of him. He will know going into this agreement that he will be treated as a slave and not my brother. For all slaves other than you that has included regular beatings to maintain obedience. Ahmed knows of this practice and of a secret Saudi practice of turning a different slave over to the Mullahs to be beaten once a month (I had never heard of this practice). With what you have said about that Prince enjoys he may feel the need to turn over more than one to help absolve what he does that is haram.

"Do you think the Royal Prince will permit me to have sex with my slaves?" I knew what Mehmet was talking about and didn't question the fact that the Prince might feel a need to be absolved from his desires for piss.

"He grew up in a family where both his father and mother had their own harems. I imagine he thinks you will at some point have your own also, at this time we think he has a female harem but not a male harem. I think he intends you to be his only male which may mean you will have a very special position in the Royal household."

"Occupied every night he is not with one of the females?" It came out rather resentful, could he really think I would be pleased to share him with his women? If I was going to have to share him with the females, he was going to have to share me with Ahmed, Jamaal and Mehmet.

"He never spends a night with the women of his harem. You may not have much freedom to be with your slaves except during the day."

"Master, I don't want to leave you. Do you think it might be arranged that I/you are to have business in Kuwait that I must attend to regularly?" He seemed to be thinking that over seriously, I know that it would mean logistical nightmares not having us seen on the same day.

"I don't believe the Prince would allow that. But, it might be a good point of negotiation. If we decided that we want to get the engagement broken we might insist on me being in Kuwait more often. Most of my businesses are Arab-centric, I don't think they would be too appropriate (to my family) for you to appear to run, but if the Agency agreed to you as a titular head of the camps we might be able to force the Prince into you splitting your time between us.

I held up the butt-plug. "This would then find its use in filling the Prince." I chuckled at the thought of inserting the butt plug into the Royal Prince and leaving it there for days at a time.

"And you, don't forget."

"Does this marriage seem to have a financial basis for the Prince? I mean do you think I will be transferring money from Kuwait regularly?"

"Such as from the slaves?"


"I will need to talk with my father about that. Hopefully he was wise enough to refuse to allow that business to be compromised. But it is well known in the Mid-east that I own the camps and had purchased approximately four hundred slaves at the Kuwaiti auction, a couple hundred in Saudi Arabia and fifty in China.

"It will be expected that disposing of them will take time." I wondered if he was enumerating the slaves, looking for one that he would use as he had used me.

"Time that will mark the length of the engagement?" Perhaps this could be dragged out over more than the six months we expected.

"I imagine you are thinking like the Prince, already."

My Master went to visit the Ambassador. If Mehmet was persuaded by the needs of the Kingdom to allow my marriage to the Royal Prince there would need to be national negotiations beyond those that had occurred between the two families. I was secluded in the bedroom with all in attendance instructed that I/he were out for the evening. It was the first time I had to myself to think about the idea of marriage. Could I get my parents invited, they would hate the idea of who I was to marry (a male arab) but if it was to happen I would like them there but not involved.

"There have been two more presents delivered, shall we bring them in here?" The slave had been brought to the hotel by the Ambassador for this purpose, if I was to be receiving presents each day someone would be needed to keep order.

"Are the boxes large enough to hold a person?" I don't think either of the slaves had ever heard of the Trojan Horse, they looked at me in total confusion.

"One box is about the size of that box," he said pointing to a shoe box Mehmet had carelessly thrown on the floor.

"The other is about the size of a jewelry box."

"A box to hold jewelry or a box of jewelry?"

"The first."

"I've had enough of presents. Wait until your master returns." I returned to thinking about a wedding not a marriage. If there was a long engagement Prince Al Sari would demand a full state ceremony, What would that be like? Would his father and the Mullahs agree to having the heir apparent officially bound to another male in front of the world? Might I demand that as one of the stipulations? I was beginning to realize that there were stipulations that I wanted. I wanted? Yes, I wanted the marriage to go forth. It was a sensation I had not felt often since leaving America. In two day I would go to the Penthouse and with either the bull whip or cane in hand promise myself to the Royal Prince. Perhaps it would be better if I said yes with my cock in his ass? I was just being foolish, I need to agree to the marriage more formally.

"Ali, he is outmaneuvering us. The Embassy has already received the Royal Proclamation that the Royal Prince and Prince Mehmet will be wedding in Riyadh in six months. With the proclamation was a formal request to be made aware of what pre-wedding festivities that Kuwait and my father will want.

"My desire to stand in the way of this wedding is growing even stronger, even though the pressure from three sides is going to be hard for me to withstand. I heard from my father that this marriage now has to happen. What are those gifts?"

"I didn't open them, Master. Since they are sent to you, you should be the one to say what happens to them. I thought there had been too many gifts and you might want to return them, I suppose there was a hope that you had rejected the proposal at the Embassy.."

"Ali, there are going to be gifts everyday until the wedding. They are yours, it seems the decision has been made for us." He was holding mye by the shoulder not quite willing to hug me where the cameras could see us.

"Master, there are some stipulations I would like the Ambassador and your family to demand. Do you think that would be possible?"

"You have come to the same conclusion, Ali? Will you be able to live with this?" He had actually turned me to face him with a tender look on his face.

"I imagine I will survive just as I have as a slave." I couldn't say that owning his brother and having a husband that was willing to be reciprocal instead of domineering would be a much easier life than what I already had.

The box that the slave had thought looked to be the size of a jewelry box was a gold embossed Koran. The other box was that jewelry box, if he intended to fill this I was going to be an extremely well kept husband. There were already the ten ruby toes rings, the engagement ring and in the box when I opened it three different color stone necklaces any of which could easily have been more expensive than all the jewelry my mother owned."

"Ali, by sending this box and having made a start the Royal Prince has committed to filling the box with both family jewelry and new. The blue stone necklace is one I have seen him wear. I think it was inherited from a great-grandfather, the green stone one is his father's and the black one seems to have been purchased to match the ring set you chose. The treasury of Kuwait could not fill this box with the jewels he seems to be intent on giving you. I am not an expert on jewelry but I think what is here now would have ransomed you and ten others from the slave auction.

"While I was out I had one of the toe rings appraised. It is considered to be flawless, about a full carat, I chose the smallest, it is of a better quality than the jeweler has ever seen. He could not even estimate the cost."

"But how does one wear toe rings, the rubies would be in the way of putting on shoes." Was he saying he wanted me barefoot if not pregnant? I doubted that in that showing the sole of the foot was an insult in his culture.

"They are only worn on special occasions. There are specific sandals that fasten tightly around the ankle with an opening across the ten toes. I have worn a pair of the sandals once, they are more comfortable than our normal sandals and wrap your calf securely so they never slip low enough to bump the jewels."

"Aren't toe rings more feminine than I should want to appear to the Prince?"

"He has an Indian Grandfather that was a decedent from many great rulers. He would be well aware that his ancestors wore toe rings when they were attempting to impress their next seduction. Those men were never considered feminine even when they wore such things." He was flipping through his phone attempting to find photos of some of the great Rajas.

"I will be expected to wear them to the wedding?"

"Unless he chooses to send you a set that match the rings and necklace."

"Who buys the wedding robe?" I didn't have any money except for what the Prince had paid Mehmet's father as a dowry. I was sure my father would never consent to buying me a robe for the occasion.

"It should be bought by your father. However,since my father has made the arrangements he will buy it." That thought seemed to amuse Mehmet. I joined him in laughter and every time I touched my robe we would start back.

"Master, you wear robes by Khosla very often. Let's have him design the wedding robe and the robes for the three days of celebration." I had been warned by the Ambassador that a minimum of three days of celebration followed a royal wedding, there may be more if Prince Al Sari or his father decided that we were to travel the kingdom for their subjects to meet.

"Three days but nine robes, ten pairs of sandals Three headdresses and who knows what else will be required. There will definitely be more as the Prince will be expected to take you on a honeymoon for a minimum of a month.

"Is there anywhere you would like to go? We can negotiate that in the stipulations."

"Anywhere other than America. Maybe somewhere I can wear a Speedo again?" I hadn't realized my antipathy to my homeland. I was soon to have my third home, that was as easily accepted as that I am gay.

"But I am known to love America."

"We have seen enough of it for now, sounds to be the best line in negotiation. I might run into an old friend and blow the whole thing." I thought of how many students would have graduated and might recognize me form Ohio State, they spread across the nation so avoiding Ohio wouldn't solve the issue.

"True. We'll be sure of that then. He has been known to go on adventure vacations, would you be okay with that?" He didn't give me a hint of whether he would have enjoyed that honeymoon. I was feeling bad that he was the not the one I was marrying.

"I would love it. The Amazon or the back country in Australia, a trip down the Nile? That would be wonderful." I almost let him know how eager I was to be married to the Prince. Where did this dual set of feelings come from and would I resolve them before saying the traditional vows. I could see that his jealousy was increasing as he saw what the Prince could and would happily be giving me. To me the two slaves he was giving me were worth all the Royal Prince had offered so far. No, would ever give me: I can't put a value on my two friends.

Sex that night was less enthusiastic than ever before. Mehemet did fuck me twice but he didn't seem to have the uncontrollable desire I had seen since the first day. I tried to show an eagerness but maybe even I failed. Mehmet put me out of his bed, ordering me to sleep on the floor where I would be available if he needed to use me as his urinal. I woke the following morning with his grip on my hair tight enough to pull me up to the level of his cock He didn't even try to manage the flow of his urine, he was concerned only with emptying his bladder and getting on with his day not how I would manage what flowed into my mouth.

Over breakfast I was instructed by Prince Mehmet to catalog the gifts I had received, writing a full description of each so that I could offer a proper response to the Prince when I saw him that evening. The Tiger Robe and other items Mehmet had appropriated were in with what I was being permitted to wear. My Master was adjusting to the idea of the marriage but was not pleased, which I was glad to see. Before our midday meal Ahmed arrived at the hotel. His father had refused Mehmet's request to enslave his brother: he had sent the boy to us to see the life of a slave being used as barter.

"We both knew that Ahmed held a severe crush on me. For the boy to go from a prominent family in Kuwait to being the slave of another slave that would soon be married to the Royal Prince was a confusing argument for Mehmet to make to his younger brother either for or against. Mehmet knew that it was probable that I would make him a better life in Saudi Arabia than his father would allow in Kuwait. If enslaved Ahmed would be denouncing his family and any inheritance he would ever expect. Still Ahmed was barely nineteen and those things didn't matter, what did matter was that he had learned to serve me while in Camp( 50) and had found a position in life that suited him for the time being due to the emotions of a boy. In response to his brother's arguments to and fro Ahmed knelt in front of me and kissed my feet, holding his mouth there until his brother released him by telling him what would be coming.

"We can not do the required paperwork while in Saudi Arabia. Tomorrow we will return home, you can say goodbye to mother, father and our brothers before we go to the court where you will have to swear to your desire in front of three Mullahs and three judges. They will all need to agree that you are mentally competent to make this decision and sign your life over to me. The Agency will put in a good word for you. That night we will come back and I will turn you over to Ali.

"From now until he marries Prince Al Sari of the House of Saud you will work side by side with Angelo in learning the proper manner of life in the Saudi court. What you will be doing will make life for your Master much more realistic and easy, it was difficult for me to hear Mehmet calling me his brother's master. A few hours each day you will spend at the Embassy, you will then return here to serve him side by side with Jamaal. I'm sorry Ali, I am unable to turn Angelo over as well as my brother and you; in negotiations we will define him as a family slave not the personal slave of Prince Mehmet.

"Go help your master dress for dinner, Ahmed. Be sure that he is not carrying a full bladder." I must have been fidgeting for my Master to even think of my need to piss What did it take for him to basically tell his brother to drink slave piss? Ahmed was supremely pleased to get on the floor of the bathroom and open his mouth to drink me. I would be glad to have him with me living here, not only because he was always eager to drink piss either., At the camp we had developed the beginnings of a friendship and I was going to need a friend if I was to survive here, even with the second most powerful man in the Kingdom loving me..

It had barely registered that Mehmet would be sending Jamaal to join me, too. I hoped that Prince Al Sari did not find it non-royal for me to associate with two slave boys. Still they would be there for me to start the day and to end it. If lucky they can form their own bond, if they haven't already. They were both dedicated to protecting and serving me in the camp, I would expect no less as I began a life in Saudi Arabia, thank you Prince Mehmet.

Time was there for me to meet the Prince again. Slaves were not allowed in the restaurant except when settling their masters in the awkward seats, I saw an occasional slave spread a napkin for their master before moving to an out side wall of the restaurant reserved so that they could be called for by their masters. I wanted Ahmed to see the Prince, if he wasn't in the restaurant when we arrived Ahmed would sit with the enforcer rather than stand in the line of slaves. The Agency hadn't seen fit to loosen up the reins even now that I was walking into the lion's den and about to say yes to the heir apparent to the KIng. I was extremely nervous. My life was about to change in ways that no one could have predicted even four months earlier. Maybe not even when we arrived here to start a mission to steal my future husband's plans. I certainly wouldn't have known it after our first night spent in the penthouse, who marries a one night stand?

"Ahd, do not drain me completely, my future husband wanted some from me our first night together and may expect it again." I intended to have a full bladder when he next was at my feet waiting to be fed or showered. I wouldn't want there to be any reason for him to feel I could not give him what he needed.

"Thank you, Master." I had almost forgot that Ahmed would always thank me for filling his mouth with a load of piss or cum. Does that come from good breeding or rearing? Prince Al Sari, had done it, also. I'm sure I never heard slaves being told to do it while in Camp (50).

"Ahd, if the Prince shows up in the restaurant I will probably not be here for most of the night. Pick a robe that will not be too much if there is a morning walk of shame."

I knew what I like and I really, really like some of my dishdashas, a couple of the shorter caftan that are worn in the countryside and one coat that was to be wore over a caftan. Mehmet had wonderful taste in clothing and so seemingly did the Prince. I had no idea where I would ever wear the silk dishdasha I had received among all the gifts the Prince had given me, or was I expected to wear it tonight?

"Ahmed, I need you to call the Ambassador. If you do not admit to having been enslaved he should speak with you as my Master's brother. We need to know if I am expected to wear the silk robe that Prince Al Sari sent me among the first batch of gifts announcing his intent. I don't want to insult him by not wearing it if he will be expecting it; but it seems a bit much even for the restaurant here." I was not pleased with the colors, thinking they did not go with my complexion at all: I had stayed away from deep blues since I had any idea that what you wore mattered.

I spread myself to all four corners of the bed. It was great to be naked, even if it was only to be while Ahmed tried to find out about the silk robe. Silver and blue were not really my best colors but I would give it a try if I was expected to, if it looked too bad I would have it returned to my Prince. I didn't fall asleep, but I was close to dozing when Ahmed returned. It wasn't proper slave behavior but he crawled on the bed with me and licked at my ass lightly.

"Master, may I lick your asshole?" What a question. I can't imagine hearing it from anyone other than a slave that had been trained to my desires. Perhaps not even then, but only from a member of royalty turned into a slave.

"For five minutes, then you will have to wash off any trace of you left on my butt. I wouldn't want the Prince to think I was out being promiscuous the day I was to agree to his proposal." It was the first time that Ahmed heard me confirm there was to be a wedding.

The Physical Therapist was to once more join me for dinner. I did not want to appear like I was desperately waiting for the Prince to join me, he had said he would be dining there all week but hadn't said whether he would be alone or with others. I couldn't believe how nervous I had gotten riding down the elevator, I was about to seal my sexual identity and have it announced to the world shortly thereafter. I had only been having sex for three months, I had never tried sex with women. Should I do that before agreeing to marry a man? I was thinking about that as I waited for the Physical Therapist feeling no stirring in my balls or cock picturing women, that was all the answer I needed.

My back was to the entrance. I would have a much better chance if attacked from behind than the therapist who had only basic martial arts skills.

"Prince Mehmet, are you waiting to have dinner with me?" I liked his voice and the hand on my shoulder felt warm and pleasing. It might felt possessive if he had known I was a slave but it was more that of a love partner.

"I was to eat with my Physical Therapist, Prince Al Sari. I would enjoy having you join me. The therapist and I can discuss my progress at another time."

As I rose I could see that the enforcer and Ahmed had both stood in the lobby and blocked the therapist from entering the restaurant. Ahmed stared at the Prince for a moment then turning to me nodded his head and smiled.

"Would you prefer to eat here this evening with my younger brother and I or would you like me to take you to another restaurant elsewhere in the city?" I wanted out of the hotel without a disguise but I was aware that the Agency and the enforcer would be extremely upset if I went out. Enough to cause problems for either Mehmet or I.

"Is the dinner with your brother meant to be business or a simple family dinner?"

"No dinner is a simple family dinner in my family, Mehmet. However, it is meant to be more pleasure than business. Come with me to meet him." It wasn't really an order, however there was no denying what the Prince had said was not a request. That was alright, custom is such that I would need walked through much of it anyway. There wouldn't have been a good reason not to meet this younger brother considering what I was intending to agree to later.

"Prince Mehmet of Kuwait, meet my brother Prince Al Baka." He did not at all resemble his older brother. The younger brother was at least one hundred pounds heavier and perhaps four or five inches shorter. While my Prince was beautiful and would turn heads for many years to come the younger brother would turn heads away with his toad like appearance. As disgusting as he appeared the younger brother was good company, humorous and far from dogmatic as many of the Saudis I had met tended to be.

"Brother, I understand why you have been bewitched. Mehmet, I hope that my brother has not been too aggressive in his courting of you. You will serve him well in the court and among the family. Have you made a decision on whether you will accept his offer of marriage? I know your father has basically sold you to my brother for ten million dinars but you are an adult and should be allowed to make your own decision." I was glad to hear a family member that understood I would only be happy if I made the decision.

"I had planned to tell your brother in private but since you have brought up the subject for him, I guess this will be a good time. Prince Al Sari of the Saud, I happily accept all that you have offered in way of courtship and will become your first spouse." I was surprised that they both were overjoyed. I hadn't expected a PDA so was more than just surprised as I was ground between them in a family hug, uncomfortably I felt Al Baka's cock press into mine..

Dinner quickly ground to a halt. The younger prince left us with his apologies.

"He is rushing off to tell father that you have accepted. That is the way things happen in my family, we have no need for phones within the family. Father will want to meet you as soon as possible. I will find out his schedule for the next week, is there anytime that you may not be available? I had been instructed not to give too much to the Prince at this point so I let him know that there were three evenings that I would be occupied. It was a lie, I would be sitting in the hotel wishing I had something to do unless the actual Prince Mehmet had me return to his bed.

"I apologize for the robe. I was warned that you didn't like that shade of blue but now seeing it on you I know why. I will have the robe replaced tomorrow with the next gifts that arrive." It felt like an insult but I knew the blue and I were not compatible.

"Is this a family custom? Swamping the betrothed with expensive gifts? Am I expected to do the same?" Having his brother at the table had started us having conversations that should have been held before he asked me to be his husband but were now being held easily.

"There is no precedent for the Royal Prince, heir apparent in choosing another man as his first spouse. What I am doing is because I wish to do it. Please do not do the same, you will soon learn I have too much in the palace at this time."

"Will we be expected to live in your father's palace?" Was everything I did going to be reported to the father?

"About half our time will be there. The other half of the year will be spent traveling. Being away that much does not give me a reason to have my own place. But with a spouse I may have to rethink that, especially if you will not travel with me full-time." It was like he was begging me to go along. I couldn't agree to going home.

"My Prince, I will travel with you unless you are headed to the USA. I have no desire to ever see a country that has agreed to give away its sons to people that it hates."

"That is fine, my dear. You may stay in my father's palace or we may build one of our own. The heir apparent is expected to stay close by the ruler but there have been those in the past that lived as far away as Mecca."

"May I ask about some rumors, my Prince?"

"Of course, now that you have agreed to marriage you may know whatever you want?"

"There is a rumor that you have both a male and female harem that waits upon you in your father's palace. Is that true?"

"I have never had a harem of palace boys. I have the space with two slaves that have been at my side since I was born . You can imagine they are no longer very physically appealing. I also do have a female harem with two slaves living in it. They are both rejects from my father's harem that I didn't want to see forced into prostitution. I have had sex with neither.

"I have had sex with men and women but have not felt the need for a harem since while traveling men and women throw themselves in my bed." It wasn't the bragging of a conceited man, more of a complaint of a put upon prince.

"Marriage to a man was never in my dreams. Can you tell me what you think we will be like as spouses? That doesn't sound right, what do you think marriage is for two princes?"

"I hope our marriage is a partnership in which we stand at each others side against the world. I plan on being in your bed those nights we are together. I was sorry that your father demanded you be in Kuwait four weeks a year and barred me from joining you on those occasions. I don't think he likes me very much."

"My father is traditional, not believing that two men should marry unless it is two unite two countries as he has said was done in long past days and I am not that prominent a Prince.

"If we are happy, perhaps that will be the times you visit the USA if you need to go there."

"I will try to plan it that way, we may need two schedule planners to keep our lives straight. I will have one sent to you when you return to the Kingdom to begin the arrangements for our wedding, the palace will do most of the work but we will have decisions to make."

"Thank you for that, my Prince, I have never done much in the way of ceremony or party planning. It sounds like you intend to allow me to be employed in Kuwait while we are married."

"Would you wish otherwise? I would prefer if you were employed in my country so we do not present conflicts to the world."

"I was thinking that you might prefer I do something here. I would need to transfer businesses from Kuwait to here, I am not certain the government would be pleased with that." That was a brave move, if he put that in the stipulations Mehmet would have to turn some businesses over to me in addition to the slave camps which could easily be relocated even training for both countries if I could grow them with new arrivals.

"We have months to talk about that. Will you join me in the Penthouse, tonight?"

"It will be my pleasure." I didn't even think about the real Mehmet and Ahmed waiting on our floor with the slimmest hope that my evening would not go well. I was really wanting my soon to be husband, we had differences to smooth out; he was about to find out more about my sexuality than the first night had taught him.

Next: Chapter 19

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