By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 8, 2023



Chapter 27

I'm not a lawyer, but I know there are places that reading this might be illegal. Please avoid involving Nifty in breaking the law where you live.

If you can Nifty needs your donations. The cite runs on voluntary donation and wouldn't we all hope for its long life?


Chapter 27

"King Ferdinand, this is more a personal than national matter. Would you deign to grant us a private meeting? If you can leave the castle we would more than happily provide you a meal at any place of your choice." He looked at me for a moment then nodded his head. It was an odd request to make of a King but we did leave the castle on occasion for dinner or parties that we seemed not to be able to avoid.

"Prince Al Sari, contact my secretary after court today and you will be given a location where we will meet you." I wasn't sure it was wise for me to be outside the castle with the two of them in the country but I was not going to over rule him on a personal matter in front of the court. I think he knew that because he didn't look back for agreement.

There were four matters of no consequence that the Prime Minister and his chief of staff spoke about to the King. It was a boring presentation reiterating a disagreement Spain had with France for many years. Now that they had the authority instead of the monarch or head of state they wanted advice on how they should treat our neighbor to the north. It was exactly what Tito had hoped not to have to deal with in agreeing to be King and giving up the right to declare war. I could have told him that it never works trying to pass the buck down the chain instead of up, it was a lesson every politician learned once elected administrator..

"What reason is there to change the national policy towards our neighbor?"

"Having reunited Iberia we now border France without the Basque as a buffer."

"That is not enough to change a policy of cooperation." I had warned him that this day would come no matter how well he thought he and the French President were getting along. There was a natural antipathy between the two nations. There was three major points of contention other than the ancient hatred. Spain permitted slaves and was no longer a nation that accepted Arab residents since kicking them out 50 years earlier and resisted being a Papist nation, France although having allowed millions of Arab immigrants in the great emigration early in the century, didn't permit slavery and happily remained Papist.

France currently was asking for a free border much like it had with the rest of Europe. Spain had rejected the idea when it was the ruler's option and when the legislative branch had that power made the same decision. France was threatening to invade far enough into the country to eliminate visitor check points. It wasn't a declaration of war but the Prime Minister thought it should be treated as one the moment a French soldier set foot in Spain.

"Prime Minister, almost anything you do will be called an escalation of hostilities. We do not have the army to resist an outright invasion by France, but if you chose to do as Juan Diego thought wise and started sending the Papists out of the nation over the French border you may keep them busy enough to give you time to negotiate a decision you can live with.. We don't have the money to build a wall like hemmed in East Germany for thirty some years, besides who wants to live behind a wall? My people want to live free."

They talked about the same problem for a long time without any decision being made as it wasn't the King's to make. I didn't think there was much we should say on the matter unless Ferdinand would be willing to rejoin the European Union and give up his throne and crown, which being new to him was very unlikely.

"Why did you throw Juan Diego's thought about forcing the Papists out of the nation into the discussion?" We were the only two in the hallway to our way to his quarters for lunch, I was giving him my thoughts on how he had conducted the meeting. I had skipped breakfast as I often was doing to get to the court before it was crowded, Regent to the King was a full time job and thankless.

"It is natural for the Spanish to hate the French. It is far from natural for us to hate the Papists. Juan Diego made a declaration about throwing out more than ten million of our citizens. It might help us in feeding everyone but many of those citizens are productive members of the country helping the economy. We have a history of non tolerance, do we need to go forward the same way? If the Prime Minister can get a law forbidding that in the future the idea will be at rest."

"Speaking of non-tolerance, I was of the impression that Arabs were not even being permitted in as official delegations. Did you over rule that?"

"No. I imagine the Duke was the one to walk them through customs."

"What is he up to?"

"We will learn that tonight at dinner. Will you have my security remove him from the table should he be there when we arrive?" Even he understood that the Duke was troublesome much like his relative, Alexandra..

"Most definitely. I will also have them know that they are to bar him from joining us in case he shows up later."

"Olly (he only called me that when we were alone), you do know that I will not approve anything that is going to hurt you. You are the person that I love more than anyone else than I have ever known. You have agreed to be with me for a little more than another year, but I hope that you stay at my side for many more." He was holding onto my arm harder than I had ever felt him do, I wondered what he feared. Perhaps he was afraid that I would leave him like his parents had?

"Olly, I am aware that you have needed much more sex than I have been able to give you. This is different, before we open these presents that I fear may change our lives will you allow me to fuck you?" SHOCK!

It might have been called fucking, but I think the King was actually trying his best to make love to me. He touched me in places he had never touched before, licked and sucked me as if he was now desperate to have me. Could he see a future when I was not sharing a bed with him? He had never been that exciting for me in bed and while I cared for him it wasn't romantic love I felt. If I had been asked I would have admitted that I felt more love for Ahmed, Yasir and Jamaal. I would hate to have to leave any of them for any reason even the King's order.

I enjoyed our pre-lunch fuck but I did not orgasm with him in me. Laying there with him sucking my cock I could only think of the wondrous times the Royal Prince and I had with each other. What had he sent me?

Lunch over, it was time to open the presents. Of course the king went first even though I was probably more anxious to see what had been sent.

The first box was a gilt family tree that showed exactly where Ferdinand was in the line of ascension. The second box was a jeweled dagger that had supposedly killed one of his ancestors in the hand of an Egyptian servant.

I explained the protocol that he was to follow regarding the letter of thanks that must be handwritten.

I picked up the large box to find that it weighed little. The wrapping paper was nothing special, I was used to the Royal Prince's gifts being wrapped in extravagant sheets of silver or gold that needed to be saved as they were often very valuable in their own right. This was plain white paper with a black ribbon and red bow. Inside wrapped in a sheet of silk I found a six foot bull-whip that moved as if it had never been used, a very strange gift to receive from Kuwait, did the Prince expect me to whip his brother? The King asked if I was expected to become an enforcer when I left the position of Regent.

I explained as subtly as possible that I had no understanding of the gift. Interestly I had never had one of my own previous to this.

I quietly opened the second box, like the Royal Prince had done with his courting gifts the box was wrapped in a fine sheet of silk, woven with a golden pattern that I thought resembled the floor in the Royal Palace. As I said it was too small even for a bracelet. As I turned back the top I found a golden replicas of the Prince's balls on a purple velvet pillow. Was that a joke, a declaration that he missed me or something I couldn't even guess at? The look on my face prompted the King.

"Your Prince still thinks you are the best he has ever had sex with."


"Golden balls are a symbol of the male being the best, they were most often distributed to ranchers that raise the bulls that once were used in the ring.. In this case I say it has to do with sex, see the drawing behind the pillow?"

The drawing was a remarkably realistic water color painting of my cock and balls, that once unfolded was life size. I had to blush at seeing what he had included in the box. The young King laughed, he had just had the cock in his mouth and I'm sure he knew without me saying a word that it was me.

"That doesn't look like a courting gift. It looks like a gift from a man that has already conquered the receiver."

"No. I am going to need Ahmed to tell me more about what the Prince might have been thinking in sending me such a thing when he knew you would be here to see it." It was a little embarrassing to be holding a painting of my cock up for the King of Spain even if he had enough experience with it to enjoy the painting and suggest I have it framed and hung in his bedroom not mine.

"It might be appropriate for one of my slaves to hang in their quarters, my King, but not either of us. What would you say when you had a romantic visitor?"

"Like the Royal Prince I would probably say there is the best that I have ever had."

"But you my King are much less experienced than the Royal Prince."

"Was that meant to insult me?"

"No, my King, it was only to say that he has had many more to compare me to. Even now I hear he has gathered more than a hundred boys and men in his harem since trading me to Juan Diego. That is to add to the thousands he has had thrown at him as he visited other nations. I can't think he would be able to number the cocks he has either sucked or had fuck him." The golden balls made me wonder was it a warning that he intended to have me castrated Or were they possibly given to remind me that he liked me to suck them?

"You have fucked the Royal Prince?"

"Yes, My Highness." He knew that I had fucked his predecessor nightly but he had never heard about the days and nights I spent with the Royal Prince.

"And the Prince Mehmet?"

"Not as often my King." What more could I say?"

"These two will soon be elevated to the rulers of their nations. That will leave you as the one man on Earth that has fucked three heads of state. Could that be why they are here? Are they going to beg for your silence?"

"Prince Al Sari never begs unless your cock has played half way in his ass for too long. There weren't that many times I made him beg, his ass and I were too compatible." He frowned at the smile on my face.

We sat in his suite doing light pieces of work. I was especially involved with talking to security for the King for the evening. It was perhaps 45 minutes before we needed to dress for the dinner when Ahmed requested being taken along to the dinner. I didn't think it the best idea but he begged to be allowed to see his brother. I thought they would have crossed paths when he had recently been in Kuwait taking care of slave camp business. The King approved of him accompanying us, he didn't want the evening to devolve into a seduction scene. That I agreed with.

"King Ferdinand, your nation allows slavery yet there are no slave markets or training camps within your borders. We are here to negotiate a change in that practice. You already have the owner of the largest group of training camps in the Arab nations and the premier trainer of non slaves living in the castle, would you not be wise to control the slave sales yourself or have it controlled by your government?" Mehmet had greeted his brother with a much longer than usual hug. The Royal Prince hadn't waited for them to take a seat before beginning.

"We permit owning a slave in Spain, but the laws that permit that, expressly forbid the buying and selling of slaves within the country, they must be bought elsewhere. The law has only been on the books, how long Prince Ali?" Back in public he was using that title. In front of this pair I didn't mind, although I still intend to have it changed when I wed. Queen Oliver? Ha Ha.

"Three years, your Majesty." Let them choke on that.

I thought he had understood the protocol concerning gifts as I had explained it to him, but I was wrong. "Those were very interesting gifts you gave to my regent. Do you believe he is the enforcer in my nation? The golden balls, I wish that he could wear them to a counsel meeting, they would fall all over themselves in protest. Is he really the best you have ever had fuck you Prince Al Sari?"

The Prince glared at me. What could he expect, he's the one that was gifting me with golden testicles, did he think the King was going to believe that all we had ever done that would warrant that was have oral sex? I could see looking at the Prince that he honestly believed what the gift said. I bowed my head slightly in recognition of his praise. He wouldn't get the same praise from me, Juan Diego held that place in my heart although the fact that I still loved him some rushed back as I sat beside him at the round table.

"Your Highness, what would it take for you to get the law changed?"

"I honestly have never gauged the sentiment for changing the law in that direction, I know there was a huge up swelling of fear when the law was first proposed, among our citizens afraid their children might be dragooned into slavery as they saw happening in the USA. Now that they have seen how slavery can benefit the nation that may have changed some but I would still expect a huge portion of Iberia would be for protecting their children more forcefully than could be written into the laws. You and I both know there always is a black market for slaves to be taken out of a country. But also of uprisings of citizens protecting their land and families with pitchforks and fire.

"So even if we were to write the law so that no Iberian child or citizen was to be sold within the country we would be opening ourselves up to the enterprises that bring the slaves in taking our own out. I don't think of how we would ever again protect ourselves."

"But we are talking about legitimate slave sales and training."

"Prince Al Sari, I won't be working to change the law unless I have a majority of the members of the legislatures come to me and ask to develop an acceptable bill. I do guarantee that any such bill would include the death penalty for anyone found guilty of enslaving Spanish children or trying to take them from the country. I would ask that we agree to the assassination of anyone found with Iberian children outside of the peninsula." He glared at the Prince while he spoke and didn't drop the glare for at least two minutes.

"King Ferdinand, you sound so firm on this issue. Would your opinion be the same if the children being taken were the children of Papists? Juan Diego and you have both spoken out against them." Prince Mehmet was exploring a rumor he'd heard, could the ten million papists in Spain be a possible source of slaves to feed their growing market? I could see the greed in both sets of eyes as Mehmet spoke of Papist children.

"Yes, we have both spoken of our desire for the Papists to leave the country. I have spoken with no where near the vehemence Juan Diego did. He was prepared to send a bill to the Parliament requesting the removal of all Papists whether aged 90 or1 from all of the agricultural areas of the country. His idea was to send them out of the country to France or Italy since there wouldn't be space in our cities. What you are asking is much harsher. Would you remove our teenagers just as you are in America? Or would you like much younger children or adults?"

"Your Highness, we would not want to interfere in your internal policies, you would enact the parameters setting the ages of the Papists to be taken and made into slaves. We have found that boys from 12 to 16 work best, but there have been a few outstanding slaves that were in their later twenties." Prince Mehmet had caught my eyes and wasn't letting go while he spoke.

"I bet you two thousand euros that your regent, Prince Ali, remembers his training so well that if you were to order him under the table he would give the three of us blow jobs one after the other." I hated hearing him bet the King anything, since the day Yasir and I had scrubbed him so thoroughly I had known he had a weakness for gambling.

"That doesn't sound much like a bet, Prince Mehmet. It sounds more like you would like to pay me a thousand euros each for a blow job from the regent. I agree his blow jobs are worth at least that much but if that is why you are here, speak directly."

What the fuck was he doing? I had promised him that type of obedience when he had questioned me about Yasir giving himself to three members of parliament to sway their votes. He hadn't followed up on the conversation but would he give me that order here in the very center of the most popular restaurant in Madrid with three members of the court less than thirty feet from his table and many citizens that had never before seen him in public staring at us?

"Well, if he is to do it here and now maybe we can go up to two thousand." I knew that was chump change compared to what the Saudi normally carried in his pockets. Prince Al Sari was giving me a look that said your master is going to sell you again, how do you like that?

"If you are to keep raising your offers so slowly perhaps I should ask Prince Al Sari, would a blow job be worth that slave who brought your presents to us"? I would suck the prince's cock as good as I know how to get Salman released from him, leaving the table coverings opened to the crowd if that was what he wanted.

"I've taken a liking to that nephew. But if you were to have Prince Ali spend the night with me I would transfer his ownership to you." I hadn't seen it coming, was I once more about to have a night with Prince Al Sari?

"You really are a pig, Prince Al Sari, willing to give your nephew away to have sex with my Regent all night. If I ever heard a member of the royal council make that type of deal I would be sure he was imprisoned for the rest of the slave's life. As for enslaving the Papists find another country, where they are even less welcome.

"It is time for us to leave, Prince Ali, Ahmed, I don't wish to be further contaminated by the filth they spout. The next thing we will be hearing is that the slave would lick the soles of our feet for the chance for one of them to fuck either of your beautiful asses."

I walked out of the restaurant as pleased with Tito as I had ever been. Much of the love I had felt at sitting down with my former masters had disappeared, Tito was right they were pigs. How had I ever rutted with them? He had never made a mention of what he thought of my ass any other time he'd had the opportunity, had he just noticed that afternoon?

"Stay with me tonight, I don't think they would try to attack you while you're under the protection of the Royal Security Force but having you in my bed will let me feel more assured of your safety. You did not want to go with either of them did you?" There was a note of fear he had done wrong in his voice.

"No, my King. You showed me just how bad of pigs they are. I still had lingering feelings but I think tonight made those feelings die even more than they did the times I thought of being sold by them. The only thing I am sorry about is that Ahmed saw what his brother is like. It would have been a kindness for him to live on while feeling brotherly love for Mehmet."

"Isn't his brother the one that signed him into slavery?" It was as if he hadn't believed what I was telling him.

"He was, Ahmed had begged his father and brother to become my slave. There honestly was little that Mehmet might have done to keep his brother from being enslaved, his only choice to be assured of his happiness was to sign him over to me. His papers of enslavement allow him to walk away from me and return to the family a free man."

"Will he be sleeping beside the bed tonight?"

"No, I told him to spend the night with Jamaal. If anyone can get him to talk about his feelings after seeing his brother and help him out it is Jamaal. Yasir will be overjoyed to be our urinal this night and morning. Unless you have a desire to fill in for Ahmed?" I had given the King the opportunity other nights but since he had broken away from his shit obsession he didn't kneel for me, often.

"Won't Yasir feel deprived?"

"Not if you feed him, your Majesty." That must have been convincing, the King drained our pre-dinner coktails from my cock.

"Thank you, Regent." There was a joke in there somewhere.

I wasn't even thinking about sex when we undressed for bed. I rubbed my hand under my balls and told the King that I would need to be having another Laser treatment for the removal of my hair. He didn't know that was how I had remained hairless for the entire time he knew me, he thought I had been shaving although he had never seen me do it.

"Would you please have them not treat your chest, anymore? I have always liked the feel of a man's hairy chest on my back." That may have been the most he ever said to me about his sex life before meeting me. I wanted to know more but I couldn't force myself to ask since he was rather touchy about the years between running away from home and becoming King. Ahmed had told me a little which made me understand the latrine but not much more.

Wait. He was saying he wanted to spend more nights in bed with me.

"It is time we give you a name that we can use all the time. My lawyers have determined that you are not legally a prince although you are still a member of Mehmet's family. Your original name of Oliver Thrisleson sounds much too much like you live in Norway or somewhere up there. Do you have a preference, if not we may have the genealogists find a little known member from the royal family of the past. That way I can give you his proper estate that will provide a living."

"My highness are you saying that you want rid of me?"

"No. Why?"

"If I have an estate, won't I have to go there and tend to it?"

"No. These estates are run mostly by the King's employees. The income is then reported to the treasury and doled out to the member of the royalty that supposedly owns them, really in NAME only. Kings have been giving them over the centuries and taking them back as families die. The unclaimed estates feed into my private accounts. That is how the kings of the nation have gathered their own riches over the past few centuries, we no longer had the gold from America feeding our vaults. I have not thought that I would ever need them, so much of what should be going into my accounts is going directly into the national treasury, to eliminate the need for us to raise taxes, you approved that move.

"If your were to start selling slaves like the princes suggested you would be able to eliminate some of the taxes or make major improvements."

"Perhaps, but at what cost to the nation?"

"The economy won't support 70 million people for many more years. We are having to import more food every year at a higher and higher cost as water becomes more difficult for the agricultural nations to provide the farmers. Have you had any of the grape growers complain? There has been talk them may soon have to import grapes to keep the wineries producing.

"The crop this year will be smaller than last and they are blaming the lack of rain and snow. The production of wine has dropped each of the last fifteen years, unless we work to get them more water how many years before we have no wine industry in Spain?"


"It will be expensive, but we should begin to expand the desalinization plants."

"Do you know the cost?"

"No. You will need to have a plan provided before we can estimate the cost. Even if we are unable to afford to expand them all we should try to do what we can, Our cities are growing and will soon be begging for nonexistent water if we don't. Although I would suggest most of any added production is funneled to the farmers."

"Another reason to kick out the Papists. That would be about 20% of the population, more food and water for everyone."

"That was Juan Diego's thinking, he feared not being able to afford the imported food as other parts of the nation also have problems with heat and water." On the few nights I had spent in his bed since he was crowned we had often spent an hour or two discussing the business of the nation, I thought he found it the only way for him to be totally comfortable with me as a bed mate.

"Enough. I want to fuck you, again." I didn't believe it, it had taken six weeks and now the King wanted my ass a second night in a row. I wanted to fuck the King, too. Perhaps something good would come out of talking to the Princes, had they raised the awareness of the King to his own sexuality? Would it last??

The King had about seven inches of cock when hard. He liked the way I had lain on the bed and begun to roll up so that my asshole was about the height of his cock. It was only when he was about halfway in that he saw that I had allowed the tip of my cock slide between my lips. The King had been playing with my cock as it started to disappear.

He asked if I was going soft? No, the shaft was still as hard as when he had first touched it. He pulled himself up to the full height he could while on his knees and pushed hard into my interior, watching as another three inches of the massive cock disappeared into my mouth.

Rising up again he grabbed me by the knees. He had pulled out a few inches and saw that my cock had also. This time when he drove his cock into me as my entire cock disappeared between my light red lips.

"Can you lick your balls, too?" It was the voice of a little boy amazed at the first time he shot cum over his head.

The King was somewhat in awe of what he was seeing. He had heard of boys on the street that would put on a show for the men that bought them by sucking their own cocks but he had never heard that any of them were able to reach their tongues out over their balls or take the entire length. It was the first time he wished that Olly was not his regent but his slave. He sped up and watched the cock bouncing in the mouth while his own bounced hard in the tight asshole. It was so exciting he shot his load as he withdrew, stroked it once and watched the cum slide down the mouth-washed shaft onto my tongue mixing with my own.

"Was that fuck fit for a king and his first subject?" He was still kneeling behind me looking at me enjoying the head of my cock between my lips.

"My Highness that was fit for any of your subjects that would possess it." He and the King had never quite got to this point before, now what was to happen between them? Would the regent give the King more advice or take more power? The King had celebrated his ninetieth birthday the same day he had been crowned.

"The sight of the first two men that would possess me has excited you? Do you also wish that you possess me in the way they had?

"The prince's not only possessed me due to the money they invested in me but through a willingness to admit the depth of their feelings, your highness. Mehmet kissed me first, hiding from the Agency that held his reputation and the existence of his family in their hands, a risk that gave me hope of a future together. Had he been found to do more than treat me as a slave there was little chance any of his extended family surviving the week. I don't mean they would have been enslaved, they would have knelt before the executioner and lost their heads.

"Prince Al Sari loved me as deeply as did I him, but he could not find it in his heart to stand up against his father and marry me. Rather than keep me as a royal concubine or as the prime male in his harem which he knew I would I hate, he traded me away for much less than I was worth to him. She was your relative and had she stayed beside her brother she would now sit on the throne you possess.

"Juan Diego deceived the world as he purchased me with your sister's maidenhead. He wanted me for me, not caring that I had been the slave of two Princes, he had watched me for some time. He wanted me to rule with him here in Spain, I never knew quite why he chose me. Our love was as full as was our sex life. I still mourn my first King. My Highness, I will be yours if you will have me. You know what burdens I come with except that my father is a dealer in ammunition around the world without care for the legality of his sales or the regime that receives the goods. My mother is the 1st cousin to the Prime Minister of Israel but is never seen in public unless there is a high dollar function in America where she can hide her face and the family name among thousands of others."

"Our nation is known to have been the first to kick out the Jews." He said that as flatly as he spoke to the court most days.

"Well she is not 100% Jewish, her mother was from Senegal. So you see I am ¼ Jewish and ¼ African and half from the British isles, my father says mostly Scottish but some Welsh, Irish and English to his shame."

"There is no Arab in there to explain you and Prince Mehmet looking so much alike?"

"I have to assume there is a mixture in his background, also. OR. It could just be that the mixture of my genes just perfectly matched up, except for our blood types."

"Dick size?"

"I'm maybe a quarter inch longer, but we are the same girth and our balls are identical."

Wait, were those supposed to be my balls that he had given me, cut off and coated in gold.? I'd heard about that lottery winner that had his own balls coated with gold and then died years before, but stupid never dies.

"I am sorry, Olly. I have been holding back on you. I should have been giving you so much more sex than I have but I was afraid that perhaps you would transfer some of what you felt for Juan Diego onto me but not have it be true." That was a fair evaluation of how my love had followed me through the years of slavery, was everything after Mehmet a rebound?

"That is fair. The pair of you have the same exact build but I hate to tell you this you only have about half of what he had in the cock department. I don't know if anyone had ever talked to him about dick size to him that way.

He fell asleep thinking about what I'd told him with one hand wrapped around my cock and the other pressed firmly against my left pec.

I fell asleep thinking about the two armpits that had so warmly and nicely cupped my head as I slept that were no longer going to shelter me from the world.. Mehmet and Prince Al Sari were prepared to move on with their lives but without Juan Diego I was only half living and giving the King no more than his fellow street boys could have, less than my own slaves gave me..

At dinner the next evening I was greeted by Salman bearing another gift. He spoke of the gift which in itself was most unusual. He also waited for me to open the flat package eyes wide with anticipation. I was unsure of what to do but in a compromise I took the packet into the next room and with the door closed untied the flat packet to find the papers that conveyed ownership of Salman to me. Prince Al Sari wrote that I was being given the boy for not allowing the King to behead the Princes for the insult he felt. If he had known that I was more likely to order that than the King, Salman may been given to the King Ferdinand.

"Salman have you been fully trained?" He had started on his way to being willing to serve cock and ass but he had not had any slave training when I last saw him.

"Yea, your honor?" I thought about him calling me that for a moment and agreed it would suffice until I was married..

"Follow me." I took Salman to a private room off to the side of the court room that I had discovered the second time Juan Diego had held court. The room would have been stuffy if it hadn't towered above us at least forty feet where it opened to the sky giving us light and air. I still wore the robes that I had learned to like in Kuwait, I dropped mine to the floor. Salman stood waiting, looking back and forth from my cock to my face, never making eye contact.

"Do you know what I want, slave?"

""To have me give you a blow job, master?"

"Yes. Are you better than the day you vomited all over me?"

"Yes, my highness."

"No, don't call me that, that appellation is reserved for the king. You may use either Master or your Honor unless your are delivering a message to me as Regent or in Our Highness' bed, where you should not address me but hold out the information you have in your hands, without that puppy dog look that says you want my cock that you have had on your face since you first stepped intothe King's throne room.

"Now show me what you have learned."

Salman quietly lowered himself to the floor where he took the head of my cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue first one way and then the other. For more than five minutes he didn't move from working his tongue and lips on just my cock head. He had been feeling my balls all the time he gave me head. He then moved under my cock and sucked one ball at a time into his mouth, licking and sucking gently until he moved to the other. He went back and forth sucking my balls making me want to unload. Finally I pulled him up and putting my cock to his lips pushed until I could tell it had moved from his mouth into his throat. I held him there until I felt him start squirming for breath. I pulled all the way back until only the very tip of my cock rested between his lips and let him start suckng it back into his mouth.

Then it was time to fuck his face. I grabbed hold of him by the knot of hair on the back of his head controlling the speed of his movement. I sped him up and pulled his head all the way back before plunging my cock deep into his throat. He was good and followed my movements precisely. I got closer and closer to cumming, finally I pulled back, told him to keep his mouth open and spurted shot after shot of cum on his tongue. As I looked at him I realized that the problems he had given me were worth having, he had turned into a true cock sucker.

"Back to work. I'll have Yasir show you around the castle." A sixth slave was not truly desired, I would no longer be able to satisfy them with the King taking me to his bed more often. The twins had often gone to his bed, where were they to get their sex now? I could return them to their father in Saudi Arabia but they wouldn't get the education they were receiving in the castle, all of my slaves were being tutored by the man that had tutored Juan Diego. Someday they might serve the king well.

Next: Chapter 28

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