By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 19, 2023



Chapter 35

Is anyone reading along with me? If you are I hope you are of legal age and in a locale that allows this type of story, gay and at times extreme. cbru49@gmail,com A single hand job? Or how many?

Chapter 35

Cancer had turned out to be a voracious cock sucker. Every time I turned around in the training corral wherever I looked he was on his knees under a robe or trying to get at my other slaves' cocks. He had tried sucking me once and wasn't able to get me into his throat but had tried and was willing to suck it anytime I said anything to him. Surprisingly he was the only one of the dozen that had managed the fifteen miles the first time without being completely out of breath. I could see that his legs were quivering but he had survived and was still standing when we walked into the training corral to release them from their chains.

The stable master had suggested that the ponies start their runs with a bit in their mouths so they were able to get used to it from the very beginning, I hadn't know that they all had their very back molars removed before I saw them. The weights had been removed from their cock and balls for their first run, I didn't care to see them bruised on the inside of their legs. Salman had been in charge, removing the weights, pacing their run and putting the weights back as he unchained each of them. They spent the next hour attempting to pull sleds that had been loaded with a quarter ton of stones. Most of the slaves were moving the sleds a little with only two of them able to pull them a complete circuit of the corral.

I had turned them over to the stable master. The Tai Kwan Do master that was to force me to correct any problems I had with style and work me hard was late, so I was working on my own.

"Do you need a sparring partner, mister?"

"That's Master, slave." Aries had just pulled his sled the whole way around the corral and been released from his harness.

"Master, would you like a sparring partner?" Aries was an easy two inches taller than me, with a reach that I would have guessed at 37-38 inches. My reach is right at 35 inches. Those 2-3 inches can be deadly in a real fight, in a sparring partner, a huge challenge.

I never brag about my ability or that I was in the Olympics. I wanted to warn the boy that we might not be evenly matched when he warned me that he was picked up in a sweep of Colorado Springs that year on his only free evening from the Olympic training camp and that he had hoped to make the Olympic team prior to that. We were sparring hard when the trainer arrived, he stayed to the side yelling at us both about this stance or move that he felt was not good enough. It was the best workout I had while in either Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. It was as hard as beating the illegal fighter in Spain. There was no one that could have scored us but when we finally sat for a break I had the feeling that I was not winning the match. I wondered if my King had him picked up so that I would have one less competitors when I went to the Olympics the following year.

"Master, I had come over here thinking I would easily be able to beat you and help my fellow ponies get an easier life. That was most likely the hardest I have had to work in a sparring match since I first put on a gi. Are you rated in the World Championship?"

"No, I was supposed to compete for Spain but I haven't talked to my King about going to any of the competitions. I have the trainer so I can stay in shape for the Olympics if I am cleared to compete for Saudi Arabia."

"Why wouldn't you be? You are really good."

"I'm still considered to be a slave, just like you and no decision has been made if we can compete for the nation where we reside."

"But there is a chance? The light in his face almost reminded me of a kid waiting for Christmas to arrive.

"The Olympic Committee has another year to make a decision, they haven't hinted at what they are going to do. One of the questions is about slaves like you that were picked up in the smaller raids, were the raids targeted to pick up specific athletes? I was in a group of thousands, that decision may come separately."

"You are a slave but you own us?"

"I was given the papers that say I own you and the boys that are helping me train you for sex . While I do hold the papers I don't think much of what I do as owning slaves. Your group of 12 is the closest I feel to owning 'slaves' since you are all going to be set doing work that could get you punished by others. I am afraid that some of you will be whipped just to speed up when you are already going as fast as possible. This is a difficult project for me, I can't believe I am training men to act as animals; fortunately I won't be whipped if I fail."

"Aren't you going to marry the King?"

"We are to get married in just over three weeks." An involuntary smile lit my face.

"You are really happy about that?" He seemed amazed.

"I am. I didn't even know I would enjoy being with a man when I was rounded up in Ohio."

"You're Olly from Ohio State?

"Yeah, what do you know about me?"

"I watched you at the Olympics two and a half years ago. What is more recent is that the trainers were upset that you hadn't showed up in Colorado Springs. There was a rumor they thought you would be first in your weight class if you had continued to train. There was some discussion with my trainers to see if they thought I would be able to drop enough weight and still be competitive in your weight class but the decision was no."

"Glad to know I wouldn't be facing you if I make it there again."

"Well I won't be there anyway."

"We might get you training after work hours. Master Tan, could you also train my opponent?"

"I can train as many people as you would like, I need to stay alert." That was a mild joke, Master Tan was perhaps the most alert man I ever met.

"I will speak to the King but expect Aries to be training, also."

I returned to our quarters feeling better than I had felt since the first night I had been back in Saudi Arabia. Two minutes after the King showed up I had him in bed and speared on the end of my cock.

"Your Highness, how are we to divide this up? I am expected to fuck slaves and be ready when they are having their lessons in how to suck cock but still be ready for you. I don't think my cock will stand up that often. So far I haven't had a problem, but training the ponies I know there are two or three of them that are going to take every ounce of cum I can produce.

"Not that I have done anything with any of them as of yet. Is it alright with you for me to be having sex with them or will you consider that adultery once we're married. I don't know that I want to be having sex with any of the slaves once we're married. It seems like I should only be having sex with you once we're married. Is what I have to do with the slaves not considered adultery or is because they are slaves that it will not make a difference to you? And if that is the way it is, will you also be having sex with slaves and your wives?" Sex was screwing around in my head.

"It sounds like this has been bothering you for some time. Are we talking about whatever you might do with Ahmed, Salman, Runihuru, Mosi, Khozito, Ihad, Imad and Zubyda plus my last two nephews? Or is this about something else?"

"You bought me twelve slaves that are untrained to turn into ponies that will be available to any rider. They aren't broken into having sex with another man, yet. I have been having them learn to suck cock by pleasuring my other slaves, it is slow going; at least three of them don't want to learn and have yet to make their partners cum. The problem I have is that they all have virgin assholes and I don't think it is proper for their virginity to be taken by another slave.

"Should I do that, or you, or us? I think if they are to be under my whip as ponies that I should but I don't want to have sex outside of our marriage unless it is approved by you. It would not feel quite as wrong if you were there with me, but if you were to be taking their virginity while I was busy elsewhere I would be angry, so I can see how it could affect you." He was the one more likely to be talking business while his cock was in my ass but this time I had started to talk almost as soon as I had popped through his assring.

"I am going to be so busy between now and our wedding that I will be coming to bed ready to collapse without doing more than giving you a kiss. Unless you don't want a honeymoon?" He really thought I would settle for that and not at least fuck him?

"Maybe you could cut the length down to just a week." Three weeks traveling hadn't sounded that wonderful from the beginning.

"I am already thinking that we are not going to have more than ten days. The month long plans we had earlier are not going to work. As King I have too many responsibilities to be out of the Kingdom for a month. I don't trust my brothers and uncles for us to be gone that long, I am afraid we would come back to one of them having taken over my position." I knew exactly who he thought would try to take his position if he wasn't there to stop it.

"In ten days you don't think that will happen?"

"It might, but they shouldn't be too settled into place for me to oust again."

" Maybe just a week on Crete?"

"You would be happy with that?" He had put his hands on my butt and was helping to pull me in even further with each stroke.

"As long as we are together, alone, I will be happy. We don't even need to go for a whole week if you are so afraid of your relatives. We could take a weekend and do the real thing later."

"I hate to do it, but four days on Crete with only one slave with us?"

"That will be fine. Now about the ponies?"

"Break their asses in. If you need to fuck them a dozen times do it. I want them ready to take anyone that they give a ride. We will decide on monogamy later, for now we'll both have slaves whenever and I'll have the wives one afternoon each during the week. I could hardly deny you what I am getting myself. If you can, the ponies should also be taught to drink piss."

"That is going to take longer, but I think at least half of them should be trainable. I'll order their outfits this week." I lost it and shot a full load inside my love and laid down on his chest with my face in his left armpit.

"You're going to dress them?"

"Let it be a surprise." He had never seemed to want to just play in bed but he rolled me over after that and tried tickling me."

"Your Highness, I am only ticklish when I'm tired. Although I ran fifteen miles, trained for an hour at Tai Kwan Do and worked the ponies for four hours I am not really tired." rolling him on his back I spread his legs and said, ":if you aren't too tired I could fuck you again."

He crossed his ankles behind my back. "If I fall asleep don't take it that I wasn't happy with having you in me."

I don't think I could ever sleep with ten inches of hard cock pounding away in my asshole. For the first five or ten minutes the King was there with me, working his ass up and down my cock as well as squeezing as hard as he could. We both had another orgasm. I was thinking about the next day when I would be taking Aries' anal virginity and remained in the King's ass fully hard but not fucking. I hoped Aries was getting a good night's sleep because I was going to make sure he was well exercised, he was going to return to the stable with every muscle in his body worked like it had never been before. My lover was not going to be able to sit for dinner, I let mmy cock slip out just a little and skipped dinner , too.

"We ran fifteen miles yesterday but you were too slow. If you want to blame the chains go ahead, today you will have a lighter leash holding you to four or five others. Aries, you're going to be attached to me since you were the only one of the ponies that finished the trail without being short of breath. The two groups will be paced at about five minute miles, Aries I hope you are ready for almost the entire run being at four minute miles." I said that, but I had never paced myself for more than thirteen miles at four minute miles. That was good, I wanted to push myself as well as him, if we were to compete at Tae Kwan Do our legs needed strengthening.

Why they had learned to run at that speed I'll never guess, but Ihad lead one group and Imad the other at five minutes a mile never varying it, really not a bad pace if you are not running for records or awards. Aries had trouble keeping up with me the first couple miles, we had been running about ten minutes when he synced into my pace. It is a speed I like, I think I could do a full marathon at that speed but I have yet to try it without any competition beyond 18 miles and that only once.

The morning hadn't warmed up much but he was sweating bad enough that his slave outfit was soaked and clinging to his body rather than flapping freely as my waist wrap was. Around the fourteen mile mark I didn't think that Aries was going to survive to the end and if he did it would be much slower than the four minute miles I was pacing. Two or three times I felt the leash around his neck jerk my waist when he fell back, I was glad we had put him on an extendable leash that stretched out to almost fifty yards.

"Master, I can't go any further."

"No talking. Breath and run."

I could see the finish line and I wasn't going to let him stop, that close. If I ended up dragging him the last half mile he was not only going to be out of breathe, he was going to be out of his skin, too. He pushed himself and finished the last half mile before collapsing breathless with legs and sides shaking so hard I didn't know if he was going to breath normal for ten minutes. I found I was breathing hard, but I wasn't out of breath. I gave him exactly ten minutes rest then dragged him by the ear to where we practiced Tai Kwan Do every day. ` "Master Tan, we are ready."

For an hour we went through movements, stances and poses. Mater Tan didn't allow us to stop to catch our breath which I knew was because of the way we had arrived. If only Aries had been breathless the training would have been different. After an hour we were both tired and moving much less precisely. Mater Tan had not called a move in two minutes, I thought we were finished for the day. Then two guards burst from the doorway to the showers and ran straight at us. I managed to get my feet under me but Aries didn't and landed on his ass and back, he didn't get up.

Suddenly, I realized that I was facing both guards and they were rushing me with a style that is best called Ultimate Fighter, I can't say it was martial arts or boxing or maybe even that fake wrestling they played in the early part of the century. Master Tan had always laughed at the style those men that fought inside the cages tried emulating. He said any good practitioner of Tai Kwan Do would be able to stand up to two or three of them without ever being hit. I guess I was about to find out if I matched up to his definition of good.

One guard went left, the other right. I was fine with that, if they didn't know how good I am I might be able to catch one by the head between my ankles and throw him into the other. I waited for them to move close enough for me. They didn't, the one to the left dropped to the mat and dove for my legs, the one to the right sent a kick at my chest. I tried to back up fast only to find that my feet were no longer under me. It was a move that I should have anticipated. I did my best to rollover and do a kip up to find both guards only feet away.

Rather than allow myself to be hit by the oncoming fists I dropped to the mat creating a confusion of limbs. Both guards hit the mat having given me time to get to my knees and drive their heads into the mats. Mater Tan stopped the fight. While the guards slunk out of the cage Master Tan critiqued my reactions and lack of them. I felt like a fool but I knew everything he was saying was not competition wisdom but street fighting smarts. I would have been badly hurt had it been a real fight against two men with knives, I needed to get better if I could expect to defend myself from the enemies I had made.

I had been practicing with a lunge whip while the slaves trained to pull their sleds. Aries had gone back to the sled pulling with the other slaves as he had most days after we finished practice. After talking to my King I was more certain than ever that first among the slaves to lose whatever anal cherry there is was going to be Aries and it would most certainly be in front of all the others. I grabbed a tube of lube from the cabinet where my other slaves had stored the dildos and butt plugs for the next step in training the ponies. The butt plugs were going to be more important for them than anyone that had graduated from the camps with me. They had sampled the dildos, but only to see how wide they could open their mouths never touching their asses.

I snapped the lunge whip I had been practicing with since I learned the boys were to actually become ponies. I had their attention and none wanted to feel the tip, it is not quite as harsh as a bull whip but it is easier to control and direct, I could also make a menacing noise much faster.

"Line up on your knees." Most of them had gotten that command straight, my other boys were using it to get them in position to give them blow jobs.

"Aries, come forward." I know he was confused, was he to get whipped, why?

"You have been told that you will be required to be prepared to satisfy any man that rides in your cart. What does that mean? You have been learning how to suck cock, I hear there are a few of you that are not doing well at it. We will see if we can correct that. It really doesn't take much of an effort on your part, I would suggest you learn before the King has his men come by and remove your tongues. I have resisted having that done to you all but if you aren't going to use them to pleasure a man what good are they? Perhaps we will wait on the ass licking lesson before we decide who should lose their tongue. That lesson will come next for most of you.

"You are going to be asking yourself why you are being taught to lick an ass, you are the slave not the master. First and foremost, is that having your ass licked by your slave feels incredible if done well for some just at their order. Second, is that doing a good job licking an asshole opens it up to being fucked and some of your masters may have you do that, too. Now, Aries, get behind me and show me what you know about licking ass." I didn't know what to expect, he had admitted to sucking cock and enjoying it but he hadn't told me that he had gone any further. I didn't care, he was going to lose any remaining virginity by the time I returned to the palace for my daily meeting with the wedding planner just that thought made me want to take him all the way.

He knew he would have to spread my cheeks before he would be able to reach my asshole so he did put his hands firmly on my cheeks. I complimented him on that in front of everyone. I don't know where he had learned not to go straight for the asshole but to tease it first, but he'd a good teacher. The eleven slaves watched, eyes wide as I commented on what Aries was doing. There were the normal "I'd never do that" comments from the others, but this time I think they all knew that within the week they would all be doing what Aries was doing in front of them or would have lost their tongue for disobedience., that had caused real fear.

"Let's see if you can push your tongue into me, slave." I wanted them to know that they were going to be told to do what Aries was doing. He was actually doing a fair job, not fantastic, but good enough to get my cock to start rising.

"Capricorn, crawl over here and suck my cock." The slaves had been having trouble with him, he was unwilling and when persuaded, dry mouthed. It was time for that to end. He did crawl over, but eyes on my cock wasn't opening his mouth. "Slave I don't expect to have to tell you more than once what I want you to do." Aries moved as if he was going to suck my cock for Capricorn, Salman stopped him by holding the hair on the back of his head. The pony still didn't move to open his mouth, it was time to get serious.

"Carry him into the bathroom. And put him in the tub." Tubs are no longer made with iron and as hard as they were when my parents' house was built. This tub was not the plastic coated things that were in the house we had rented while going to college but of the same material the more advanced manufacturing countries were using to build robots and others, dildos.

"The rest of you new slaves follow us." It was the second time they had entered the King's quarters. Once in the bathroom I had them arrange themselves around the tub so they could all see what was happening. I had my "older" slaves step up to the side, offer their cock to Capricorn and when he didn't suck their cock piss on his head, face or chest. He didn't seem to be getting the idea that he was going to be under piss until he started sucking cock. The button you needed to push, not a lever like I was used to, to close off the drain had been pushed as soon as I walked into the bathroom it was beside the light switch. Now five slave boys into his punishment Capricorn was sitting up to his balls in piss. As I ran out of slaves that had been helping to train the ponies I had his fellow ponies stand in the tub without offering him their cocks to suck. They were told to just to piss on his body wherever they wished, then wipe their wet feet on his hair and return to watching. Their piss had been a deeper yellow than my house slaves. I'd have to check with the stable master, were they not getting enough to drink or too many vitamins? There was even a deeper hush as I stepped up to the tub, everyone around the tub could see that I was once more holding the taser that Salman had used on Sagittarius when they were first lined up for training.

"Open your mouth, Capricorn." His lips parted slightly. Not enough to force my cock into his mouth but enough that I was able to aim my cock and hit between them with piss. He tried to turn away but Salman grabbed him as I motioned to him. I was done with his reluctance, and forced the head of my cock through his lips and lodged it into his cheek before beginning to piss a hard full stream. He had the choice to open wide so piss splashed out or to try choking down my hot piss without opening up. I think it was as much that his cheeks were full as the need to breath, I had been holding his nose shut while pissing, finally his teeth split open enough for me to force my cock through by hooking a thumb under his front teeth and forcing his head back.

"You have my cock in your mouth and I'm going to keep pissing so you better start to swallow or you are going to drown." I had put the taser down so I could put the other hand on the back of his head. This boy was stubborn, he was trying to keep his mouth wide enough open that he wasn't holding my cock, barely touching the bottom with his tongue. If he had done anything to help me get hard I would have forced my way into his throat, but I wasn't hard and that wasn't my next move unless he started to listen. Raping his throat didn't seem like the right thing to teach him how to suck cock, I slapped him hard with the back of my left hand.

"You are being one stupid, hard-headed slave." I had pulled out before hitting him, spewing the last of my piss in his eyes. I looked at the other boys training to be horses.

"I want you all to see this. This is minor punishment compared to what may be used on slaves that do not follow orders to give masters the sex they demand." The slave was still trying to wipe the piss out of his eyes. I had picked the taser back up and quickly aimed it at his balls and shot. If the pain from the probes hadn't been enough, the charge of electricity shooting through his body from his balls had him jerking around in the piss, screaming in pain.

"Ahmed, Mosi, place the top on the tub." This tub had been designed so that the occupant could soak his body with his head comfortably held out of the water in case he fell asleep. They pulled the sides together and closed the latches

"Capricorn, you are going to be soaking in our piss until you decide that it is time you WANT to suck cock. The slaves that live in my quarters will be allowed to add to the level of piss preferably by aiming at your head and face. When you are ready to give me a good blow job you can tell who ever is pissing on you that you are ready to beg to suck my cock. Then in front of your fellow ponies you will beg, drink piss and give me a good blow job."

I could have taken him outside and whipped him but I didn't want to risk that I would hit too hard and leave scars that would be visible once he was in the traces and hauling the Saudi Princes or their wives. I was going to have my hands full with Capricorn, I hoped there wasn't another like him in any of other ponies that had been reluctant to piss on him.

"That bathroom may smell like piss, dear. I have one of your ponies soaking. He hasn't been willing to give a good blow job to anyone. The slaves he's sucked said his mouth would stay dry the entire time and none of them were able to unload. If you want to add to his piss bath that is okay but the one off the bedroom will not smell."

"Do you think he is trainable?"

"I don't know, but we will see in the next couple days. Laying there without anything to eat and only piss to drink he will have time to think about being a slave. If he does not learn to suck I may allow you to have his tongue removed. What good would it be to him be if he wouldn't suck his masters or lick ass?"

"Maybe they would prefer to fuck him, anyway."

"It's possible, he does have a nice ass. It is going to look magnificent once he is trained with the butt plug tail."

"You're going to have them all wearing tails?" I hadn't told him before so he was acting like it was a completely new idea.

"Full horse tails. Perhaps not quite as long but no thinner."

"Is that all?"

"Still trying to learn my plans? Sorry, I'm not giving away the secret."

"Then come to bed and fill my mouth so I don't ask anymore questions." That was the kind of offer I liked from him. The King had really learned how to suck cock since we'd been together and enjoyed practicing after work was done for the day. He still needed to lick my balls longer but he was getting better every time he pounced between my legs.

"Before we go in, a thought. Maybe you should have the other slaves masturbate into his mouth, giving him as much cum as he can swallow until he admits to liking the taste."

"I'll meet you in the bedroom. I'm going to get the slaves started on that. Between cum and piss he is going to learn what he needs to be doing or drown."

"Don't you be giving him either. I want some of both from you before we go to dinner." I had forgotten that we were to go out to a pre-wedding dinner with his brothers. I hoped to have time to shower before I dressed.

"Ali, have you thought any more about what we should change your name to? I don't like calling you by a name that a Kuwaiti gave you even if it was only because it sounded like your true name. Most Arabic names have to do with our religion so it may be hard for us to find one unless you consult with the formal baby naming office."

"There is an office to name babies? Why don't the mother and father get to name the children?"

"Would you still have names when you got to the tenth or eleventh boy? The office tries to keep there from being too many of any one name at one time. If gets difficult when we all live here in the palace and there are six Mohameds playing together."

"Talking about playing, why have I never seen any of the palace children playing? I can't imagine that you are able to keep the teenagers locked in school all day and doing homework until bedtime. The little ones need the exercise and sun."

"Are you telling me you want a child?"

"NO! I just like to see them playing every so often, it reminds me of what is good about humanity and a hope for a better future."

"You just want to watch some of the teenage boys with their cocks swinging." He was grinning at me, knowing it wasn't rue.

"My Highness, I have more than enough cock in my life already. Why would I want to watch any teenage cock flopping in their shorts? They have no idea what to do with it or mine."

"But you could teach them. If you hadn't named the one slave Jamaal, that is what I would have called you, beautiful one. How about Kamil, it means 'the perfect'?" He hadn't started to lick my balls

but he was nuzzling his short beard against the hairless sac, tickling me in a non-laughable way.

"Lower." I was enjoying the nuzzling and the conversation, I wasn't thinking about what I said or that my King would lift my legs so that he was able to rub his beard over my asshole. My moaning let him know what I really wanted, much more than a blow job. Most times he had fucked me he had one of the slaves lick my ass, he said why else should we have them sleeping in the bedroom. But it was mid-afternoon and I had them busy elsewhere. It was only the second time he had put his tongue to my asshole but he had learned from watching the slaves what made me moan and what I was doing before I at last was ready for him to enter me.

"Yes. Lick me like that. Please, I want more of your tongue."

The first few months I would never have believed I could say that to the King. As time passed he no longer was just a king, he was my lover, he was willing to do everything I was willing to do for him except take my toes in his mouth. That was okay, I didn't seem to have the trail of nerves he did that ran straight from his big toes to his cock. I had my toes sucked numerous times and the only reason I got hard was if I knew I was humiliating the man with my toes in his mouth or if like Ihad he was able to take half my foot and suck on it.

"That is so good. Please do it harder, push your tongue into me. That's right, tongue fuck me! Don't stop." I was having to constantly move my cock, it was trying to find a way into my mouth, if he kept it up for more than a few more minutes there wouldn't be a chance. I would be sucking myself. He liked when I did that, but he wanted to see it.

"PLEASE, FUCK ME!" I was there and I hoped he was too. My scream was probably loud enough that if anyone had been walking past the outside of our quarters they would have heard my need clearly and know who it was that needed fucked. But he didn't fuck me, yet. Searching with his hands he moved my cock from beside my cheek into my mouth and patted me on the heart before pushing my leg down closer to the mattress. Then I felt his other hand on my butt, not with that much pressure, but a little as he worked his fingers into the crack and one at a time two fingers into me. Fingers and tongue in and out and I was trying to talk with my mouth full.

"Are you ready for me to fuck you?" Hadn't I just yelled that out to the world?

I tried to scream yes around my cock but all that happened was that it sunk in another inch. I was enjoying the pre-cum on my tongue but I wanted him in me so bad.

"I thought about what we talked about yesterday." He had taken his tongue away and now had two fingers of each hand going in and out of my ass opposite each other and I was close to cumming just from what he was doing to me, I was trying not to suck my cock just bathe it in saliva, it was starting to batter my epiglottis.

"You are going to need to teach the slaves to suck your cock. Not just any slave's cock will do. You will need to know that they are good enough for my brothers and nephews. You are also going to have to fuck them so you know they are more than ice-cycles in bed. Like you are doing with the Pony in the bathroom you are going to need to teach them to drink piss, no matter the pisser or taste. Just like you have taught me, you are going to need to teach them how to eat out an asshole and make the man scream to be fucked.

"You will have to teach them to fuck, at least those who haven't. BUT. You not allowed to have them fuck you, this ASSHOLE is mine from now on. You are not to give it up for any reason. That includes a mass attack. If that happens, fight to the death." He inserted two more fingers, three fingers in and three fingers out.

"Do you understand?" He eased me back so my cock slid out of my mouth.

"Yes, my Husband. Will you give me the same guarantee?

I couldn't ask much more, he had two wives and the choice of any slave in the palace, but if his ass belonged to me and was not shared, I should be pleased.

"Will you promise to keep me licked and fucked well?"

"My husband, anytime you want." I hoped that was all the talking, I needed to have his cock in me. His fingers were gone and he rolled over onto his back on the bed.

Lifting his legs all he said was, "I want it now."

For the next hour we went back and forth eating ass, never moving into a sixty-nine. Neither of us thought much of that position unless we were both ready to cum.. I hadn't expect the King to ever eat my ass that much or eagerly. By the time we heard the bell signifying dinner would be served in fifteen minutes neither of us could hold back from giving the other a full mouth of cum. He turned around quickly and grabbing my head jammed our mouths together. Neither of us had swallowed more than half of what was in our mouths so we were able to share back and forth as the cum diluted and slid down our throats, I have idea whose I drank the most of, his or my own. I went to lick a stream off his face only to taste what my ass was like.

My King, that was wonderful, but I still need fucked. If you aren't too hungry could we stay here so you could fuck me?"

"After dinner, the family needs to see you.. Then I will fuck you until I can't get hard any more."

"Didn't you let Salman in?"

"I did want to get out of the bed, I was enjoying your cock up my ass too much." He had fucked me at least four time after we got back from the dinner with his family and before he allowed me to sleep soundly with his cock up my ass and both arms wrapped around me. Somehow neither of us had brushed our teeth, pissed or showered before falling asleep.

"Let me up, I need to take a wicked piss."

"I would have offered to drink it, but if you need to piss that hard maybe I should just get in the shower and let you give me your gold"

"Move it." He must have covered my whole body in piss half a dozen times. I don't think I ever saw anyone piss that much. It made me tingle and before he was finished I was pissing up my torso almost to the top of my head. More than once I was drinking both streams. If I had any cum left in my balls I would have shot sitting there on the floor but I was drained, he had either sucked the end of my cock while fucking me or jerked me off each time he fucked me. Even fucked that well I asked him if the erection he had gotten pissing on me meant he wanted more of my ass, I was sore but I would have given it up to him.

"Six time in twenty-four hours, if this is what we are like now, what do you expect on our honeymoon?"

"Four days without you pulling out of my ass?"

"You will need to fuck me, too."

"Need? I want to fuck you and would do it right now but look, my cock is drooping."

"Thank Allah. I was afraid you were going for a third time this morning."

"Your ass needs to get stronger. Maybe I should be fucking you three times every night."

"No, not tonight, please. I have to service wife number two tomorrow and if you fuck me out I will never be able to do that." He had a hand over his ass and the other over his crotch. I gave him a kiss and stepped out of the shower. Salman was waiting with a warm towel in hand.

"Do you need my mouth for piss, Master?

"No, but my ass is full of cum."

"Thank the King!" I laughed at Salman being so happy to be getting the King's cum, while he ate me out I mused about how far we all had come since first meeting.

By the end of the next week I had fucked each of the ponies. Aries had been the first and the best. He had been given a day to anticipate what was going to happen and I think that might have had something to do with the ease with which he relaxed and opened up for my cock. His lips had seemed ready to grab at me when I pressed my cock head to them, I hadn't licked him or had a slave lick his ass. I had shown the other ponies what his hole looked like without being touched and teased and rubbed it until I started to feel him slowly pulsating on my finger-tip. I knew that pulsing and wanted to be feeling it caressing the glans of my erection.

"Aries, are you ready for my cock?" I wasn't going to start pressing my cock to his hole until be begged me to enter him. Just answering me wasn't going to be good enough.

"Yes, Master."

"What slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"Yes what, slave?" He needed to remember our positions as he started to beg, I had thought to bring a paddle to the corral with me but had decided if I needed to hit them I would use the Lunge that was in a holder by the gate, after all that was what the riders in the carts would have to whip them and they should know what it felt like.

"Master, I want to be fucked."

"You need to be more affirmative slaver."

"Master, I need fucked."

"You are get close, slave, try again." I hadn't withdrawn my fingers and was in far enough that I was massaging his prostrate, I could see fluid running out of his cock.

"Please Master."

"Please what, slave?"

"Please fuck me Master."

"Now loud enough that all the other slaves can hear you."

"PLEASE FUCK ME, MASTER!" He was barely finished yelling when I pressed the tip of my cock through the outer ring. I wanted him to adjust and enjoy what he was getting so I held still. During those two minutes all the ponies came up and saw my cock in his ass, some with disgust but most amazed that anything as big as my cock fit in an ass. As the last of them sat down I pushed about half of my cock in. You wouldn't believe the yell.

"PLEASE!" The sound echoed off the palace out into the empty lots behind us. He wasn't begging for more cock, he was feeling full and split in two. At that point it no longer mattered, if it ever had. I slapped his butt hard. and then again on the other side. His ass didn't seem to be relaxing, I slapped him harder four times and grabbing him by the hips drove my cock the rest of the way into his ass. It was tight and hotter than any ass I had ever felt, I wasn't sure I wouldn't pull out scorched down to the balls.


"Shut up slave. You have my whole cock, relax and start to enjoy it." I hadn't spoken very calmly or even in a tone of voice I thought would calm him but it didn't take too long before Aries' ass gripped at my cock, relaxed, gripped again and then tried pulling back part way until I would drive back into him.

"MASTER, PLEASE. PLEASE, MASTER. GIVE ME MORE MASTER." The ponies were making a noise, a gasp, disbelief? I didn't care, all I cared about right then was the fact that Aries had admitted to wanting my cock in his ass, fucking him.

He was there. Aries admitted he wanted me to fuck him and was a partner to the fuck not just a hole that needed to be filled. I didn't look at the others to see what they thought about him going from No to Give Me More. I knew what I had to do and I was going to give him a fuck that he would long remember. I used every sort of stroke I had learned from the men that had fucked me, short, long, fast, towards the side, deep, shallow, anything that would make him know what his ass was made to do. If I slowed down too long he would beg for me to give him more, harder.

I was enjoying it as much as him and could have given him a large load of cum but there were eleven others that needed to learn what their asses were bought to do, if I came in the first one I would never make it through twelve. I had Capricorn dragged over to me next. I do mean dragged, he had tried to lay down so the leash around his neck would not be enough to pull him with choking him. Imad and Ihad were with me that morning, they grabbed him by his ankles and pulled him across the sand. With nothing in the corral to prop him on Imad lay down and had his brother push Capricorn over until one slave was across the other so that Capricorn's butt was high enough that I didn't need to sprawl on the ground but on my knees would be lined up to fuck him.

"Capricorn, you have thought you can resist all the training you have had so far. Today, if you resist, the only one that is going to feel it is you. Resist and your ass is going to get torn up and hurt for weeks. Relax and we can both enjoy this." I didn't warm him with one finger and work up to three, I jammed two fingers into his asshole.

"You motherfuckingsonofabitchingcocksuckingshiteatingpieceofslaveshit."

"Why would you want to insult me Capricorn? I'm going to have my cock in your ass and all that is going to do is make me fuck you harder." Without greasing the third finger I slid it in with the two that were already spreading his ass.


If nothing else the string of insults had gotten shorter even though Ihad was having to push his shoulders down harder and his face was scraping the sand. I was beginning to think that Capricorn was not going to work out as one of the horses for the palace. Rather than go straight from fingers to cock I pulled away and had Salman who was never far away bring me a paddle that had been strung up outside the corral.

"Count the strokes, you slimy Texan slave!" It was cooperation that I didn't expect to get and shouldn't have demanded in case I didn't get it. It wouldn't be good to have one slave set a precedent for the others. I used a two handed stroke, the first time I hit him he screamed out the number, Ihad realized that he hadn't called out Master after the number and twisted the slave's ear until he called that out too. I didn't hit hit as hard for the next nine strokes, Capricorn did as told and screamed out the number and master after each. His butt was red by the time I had hit him six times, purple by ten.

I didn't add any more grease to his ass or my cock ramming my way in most of the way from the beginning. I pulled all the way back and with the second stroke hit his hot butt with my body.

"YOUFUCKINGTRAITOR YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOUCOCKSUCKINGSHITEATINGARABLOVINGPISSDRINKINGCUNTFACEDASSHOLE!" At least trying to get away from my invading cock his ass was moving up and down. I fucked him for a few minutes and knew this was one slave that needed me to cum in his ass. He might even need me to piss in his ass if I could manage it. Ever since his stay in the tub the other slaves had been using him as a pissing pole, I would love to say urinal but he only opened his mouth when I ordered him to do so.

"NO,PLEASE,NO,PLEASE,NO!" He was wearing down and not fighting either Imad or myself as much as I approached cumming in his ass. I wanted him to beg for it but I knew that would be too much to expect for his first fuck.

"If any of the rest of you think you can resist being fucked you better think again. I have a couple slaves outside the corral that are ready to hold you down as I fuck you. Are you ready for me to cum in your hole, slave?"

"Master, yes sir." I heard it but I doubt any of the ponies had.

Next: Chapter 37

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