By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 1, 2023



Chapter 38

Nifty survives on your contributions. Help out if you can.

Please be of the legal age to read this material before proceeding. There will be men having sex with other men, extreme forms of that are possible.


Chapter 38

"There are people outside of the palace that still believe you are being hunted as an escaped slave. I have transportation to your beach house arranged for Daiki and you to avoid that unpleasantness. I will be there to see you in about a week, the King has said I may have a week away from the palace, anywhere I would like. I want to spend a week with you." There was more than a hint that he wanted to spend that week in my bed.

"Prince Walid, you are of course welcome. Hopefully within the week we will have started on the road or laying water pipes and electric lines, I want them all accomplished by the time we start offering plots for building houses and businesses. For the next few months I don't expect to get home at night less than exhausted if I make it every night. I may be able to spare you a slave to enjoy while you are visiting." I had wanted to take the prince to my bed when we first met and when he came to the hospital. However, during the four days I spent in the palace I had spent most of his time off from the kitchen with Daiki! I wanted more of him and he seemed to want more of me.

I had a crush on him, we had only managed to spend one evening in bed in four days. I loved every inch of his body I was able to explore, it was a body built from work and honed to perfection. While I might have enjoyed fucking him we spent the two hours we had that evening kissing, licking and sucking at each other. It was the first evening I had spent that way since the Saudi Prince that was to be my husband died.

Daiki had an easily handled seven inch cock with beautiful, hairless balls that I had a hard time staying away from. I would be sucking his nipples and feel the need to suck his balls again or I would be licking at his armpit and the need would overcome me to lick and suck his balls again. The doctor and nurses had not approved me having my balls licked or Daiki might have been much the same. He said he wanted to suck them, as it was he would spread my legs every fifteen minutes or so licking and probing at my asshole with his tongue, his soft lips keeping my cock rock hard and my need to cum moments away.

Other than a quick hand job I gave myself in the hospital it was the first time I released a load, I knew that Daiki would be covered in it if he didn't suck me down soon. We had been touching each other for at least ninety minutes; we were both so desperate that we were holding the other's head tight to our crotches when we shot our loads. I don't know how much I shot but I know I had stopped counting volleys around five because my mind wasn't able to count two separate cum loads at once. Daiki gave me more cum than any of my Kings or Princes. It seemed like he could have filled a cocktail glass with all that he shot, whether that was because we had kept each other excited for so long or because he had been wanting sex with me for more than a week and hadn't given himself relief I don't know. But I do know that he didn't taste stale, he had all the good tastes of man cum, spicy, peppery, sweet, creamy and that unnamed yet addictive taste that that I had only found with a few men. I think it is related to those smells a man emits.

Daiki seemed to have no trouble following the doctor's orders, he was prepared He had tightly wrapped my balls in a soft cloth he had brought with him, He had been careful to fasten it around the shaft so that no saliva would seep down onto my balls but only allowing him to suck eight inches. Having to worry about those stitches was weird, always before my balls gave me pleasure when licked or sucked and now I was having to care for them. At least the doctor had said I wouldn't have a problem in the future and that I was allowed to cum, he had suggested that I might want to not over do that for a few weeks but that once a day would be okay by the time I left the palace and by the time I returned to my own home he felt it should be okay to cum as often as I felt the need but to stop if I felt any pain.

I went back to Daiki's balls moments after he over-filled me with cum. I wanted to lick all that had spilled over my lips onto those lovely balls. He has little natural hair on his body, a black slick pubic patch with no hair on his balls, a little on his taint and almost none around his asshole Without hair to stop the cum it did slip down to his asshole before I was able to get his legs spread enough to get my tongue there. The touch of my tongue to his asshole made him squeal, I hoped with pleasure but it might have been torture. I had felt that way a few times when not yet calmed after cumming more than once. I didn't leave one lonely sperm, I wanted all of his cum and squeezed his balls and shaft to draw out any that he had not given me the first time.

I admit it, I wanted more of his cum and would have done almost anything to get it. I don't think I will ever allow him to shoot his cum in my ass without a condom, I will want to swallow rather than absorb or leave for one of the slaves to suck out of my asshole. It is the first time I feel that way. I have been where I want every drop of a man's cum in my ass, Prince then King Al Sari. Where I enjoyed the taste but wasn't greedy to the point of always needing to taste it with King Juan Diego. Is this going to turn me back to where I want to suck his cock all the time? If so I know that Ahmed and Jamaal would be happy to keep my ass satisfied while I suck Daiki.

"You need to stop. I'm not leaving my balls for you to suck all night." He thought he was being cute, but if I had known how I would have had him leave them.

"Daiki, you could stay all night and allow me to sleep with them in my mouth."

"I'm sorry, I told my parents that I would be home in fifteen more minutes so I need to get dressed and moving." He really did sound sorry, whether it was because he wanted more from me or because he hated me not getting what I wanted.

"They betrayed you with the Chef. Why do you feel you need to respect them by following your word?" I was hoping that he would come to my town with me, I might never suck a different cock if he does. To have his balls in bed every night sounded almost perfect. My bad side spoke to me 'if he ever says he wants to leave, you are keeping this sac and balls' I tried shaking the thought off but I knew it just might be true.

"I'll be angering them badly enough when I tell them that I will be going with you as your personal chef and possible executive chef for the town. They don't expect me to move out until I get married." I hoped that wasn't a hint that we should get married. I had gone through that process already and didn't want to again.

I held on, one arm around his butt. My other hand had finally found its way two knuckles deep into him and the last thing I wanted was to lose that connection. I was seriously trying to feel what he would be like once I was able to mount him.

"Next time we are together you can have that." He had a hand on mine trying to get loose.

"When will that be?" I was hoping he would talk to his parents and leave home that night.

"Before work in the morning?" I was glad to hear that he wanted me as much as I wanted his ass. I pulled my two fingers out and moved to where I could kiss him good night. My cock was hard again, not between us but between his legs and touching his ass lips. It felt like he was already reaching for me with his cheeks.

"I'll be waiting for you." As he turned to get his robe the thought hit me that I had him in my bed for two hours and we didn't fuck, I lunged across the bed and kissed both cheeks. "Are you sure you need to leave?"

Daiki: Leaving Ali was the last thing I wanted to do that night. There isn't a square cm of his body that I don't want to lick, suck or eat. That includes toes and feet, the parts that I was always taught were dirty. Dirtier than an asshole, which I would have licked all night if I didn't want to confront my father about the way he had tried to ruin my life. When he learned that I had another kitchen job before I got home I was going to drive him crazy, even more when he learned it was Prince Ali.

He had never directly made any negative comments about men having sex with men. He had made negative comments when he heard that the King had given a parcel of land to Prince Ali, but it had been about a slave getting above himself, even then he hadn't said anything about Ali or the men that were reported to have had sex with him. He thought that a man was never able to shed the fact that he was once a slave and to be a personal sex slave was even worse for his future, what his thought about men having sex was his secret.. Walking alone through the palace to our quarters I couldn't stop smiling, I was enjoying the taste of Ali's cum lingering on my tongue; it wasn't the first time I had sucked a cock, but it was the first time I had swallowed the man's cum. I knew he wanted to fuck me and I wanted that, too, but I hoped I would get to enjoy his cum in my mouth again and again. I didn't know why, but I wanted to swallow as much of his cum as he could possibly give me.

Does nature have special plans for us? He had told me he felt that way about my cum, also. Do people meet that have those reactions to each other randomly or does Mother Nature guide us to each other? Smells and tastes, life is strange.

"So you think I am ruining my life working in the King's kitchen for a famous chef? You may have wanted to get me out of the kitchen but it didn't work. I am going to be the personal chef for Prince Ali."

"You can't leave home." She had screamed when she learned I was still going to be a cook, that was women's work.

"Mother, there is no reason I can't. I will miss you and my father but it is time that I take a chance on my abilities and live on my own." I couldn't tell them that I hoped I would be living in the Prince's house and sleeping in his bed, (abilities I didn't think I would ever use to survive) they had learned I had sex with a boy when I was still in school but had thought it was a faze that I would out grown since I never mentioned anyone over dinner or breakfast after the beating my father gave me for lying about it. My mother had thought it was possible I had a crush on the chef until he was invited to their quarters and she saw for herself how much of a skirt chaser he was when he tried approaching both of my sisters in front of my father.

"I don't want you to spend your life in some rich man's kitchen let alone a slave's kitchen!"

That started it and for the next two hours my father and I shouted at each other. I tried to convince him that it was my life not his and he tried many arguments including that it was a father's duty to see to having his son set in a good profession. His goal of a good profession was for me to be nothing more than an errand boy for the King,like him not knowing how to do anything other than navigate his way around the palace. He also tried the bad logic about how was he supposed to find me good wife if I was working in a slave's kitchen.

In some ways my father must think I am still a child. After we had been arguing for an hour or so he tried the old 'because I said so and I am your father' spiel. I told him that didn't mean much since as my father he couldn't even afford to have his own house but had to live in the King's or suffer in the slums. Prince Ali had promised me that I was going to be earning more my first year out of the palace than my father earned in two years. I thought telling him that might make him understand the error of his thoughts but even the money meant nothing if I was required to use my hands to earn a living, I didn't insult him by telling him that he did too..

It wouldn't take me long to afford building my own house in Ali's town. I wouldn't need a palace, but a single bedroom house with a large entertainment area if that is what I want when I am ready to move out of the beach house. Of course that will depend on me wanting to move out of Ali's bed and house. That night I couldn't think much beyond moving into his bed, what would it mean for my life? Was I going to become a cock sucker? Did it matter? The way I was feeling that night I was willing to be called anything anyone choose. I had never had sex with any man more than once, even those times hadn't involved as much of my body as the hours I spent with Ali had. Okay, it was the first time I ever had a man lick my ass and the first time I ever buried my face in a man's armpit, why have I waited this long to enjoy a man so totally?. Not only another man but my body, too, I had learned much about myself with Ali.

I argued with my parents longer than I had sex with Ali. There was an irony there I wasn't certain I could express either to them or to him, although I think he would understand it without me saying any more than the basics. It was well after midnight when I locked myself into my room. My father was still ranting in the main room of our quarters and my mother was crying in their bedroom. I felt bad that they were upset, but Ali was my future.

I fell asleep thinking about what I was going to feel like walking around at work that morning after having his ten inches in my ass spurting his cream. I dreamed about all the different positions I had ever heard of men having anal sex. I had sat on a cock that was a little smaller than mine once and been fucked doggy style by an even smaller cock. I had enjoyed having both cocks in my ass but I knew then that I wanted more, not only to be fucked again but to have more of a cock in me fucking me for days. Realistically I knew that being fucked for days would be impossible but still I wanted to be with a man that would fuck me often enough to change my life, the cock I had sucked that evening was exactly what I thought I wanted. I didn't have any idea how that much cock would feel, I had never played with a dildo up until that time and ten inches is a lot of cock. I dreamed about Ali, the evening we'd had and ten inches of cock battering my asshole.

He answered the light knock on his door without bothering to dress after getting out of his bed. His cock was pointing straight at me as I walked in. I gulped at the sight of what I knew was going in me in the next few minutes. Ali pulled my robe up and over my head before I was more than three steps into his room. Another three and I would have been at the door to the bedroom. He pulled me into his arms, skin on skin I felt my body reacting as much as my mind had all night.

We hadn't said much more than good morning and I've been waiting. It was surprising that he was able to pick me up and carry me to his bed. Why I don't know, he had carried me into the gulf only a little more than a week earlier. I had thought we would be getting into the bed but he helped me to the edge of it so my knees were just above the carpet and my ass stuck over the edge visible and accessible to not only his mouth and fingers but the tip of his cock that smeared precum on me. He wasn't brutal. A minute after I was hanging off his bed he was burying his tongue. Allah! it felt so good as his tongue slid in and out. It was so good that I wasn't sure that I wanted to go any further, if my ass felt heavenly already why attempt what was coming? I knew that was selfish, but if he wanted to lick me until I needed to leave for work I wouldn't stop him.

I could feel my asshole opening as he licked and probed. I had gone to his rooms wanting to be fucked and after feeling so good for ten minutes I was actually begging him to put his dick in me. Hopefully the rooms to either side of him were empty or well insulated, I was getting loud and he seemed to like hearing me beg. He didn't pull away for I'd guess another ten minutes when he used one finger to grease my hole with what felt like an abundance of cool lube. After his tongue had me openeven his finger felt good, I was ready to cum before he ever fucked me, I tried holding back as well as I could. It felt like he was about to split me in two, just as I would chicken breasts in the kitchen later that day, a meal I knew the King was having to honor Ali. It took a minute or two for me to spread wide enough for the head of his cock to move past the entrance and into me. Why did I want this? Damn, it hurt.

"Ali, please stop."

"Relax, Daiki. Soon having me in you will feel better than good, it will feel FANTASTIC."

I thought he was just bragging although he really hadn't bragged any other time we had been together. Why would he start now? I did the best I could to relax, but really with what he was forcing into me how was I really expected to relax? He hadn't started to fuck me but he did have maybe? Half of his cock in me. He was swaying side to side a little, I think that is what he was doing.

I felt his cock hit a wall inside my ass. I thought that had to be as far as he could jam his cock into me, no other cock had hit anything inside me when going in my ass.. A few seconds later he was tapping at the wall. It took him a minute or more to make me open for him. Then I felt his pubic bone hit my butt.

"Daiki, I'm all the way in, try to adjust to what you feel," he had leaned over and was fingering my nipples. Can it be that they are directly connected to my asshole? Every time he would pinch one or the other my asshole would clench tighter. When he released the nipple I would release the hold I had on his cock.

I didn't want to adjust my ass, I wanted to shit that shaft out and never allow anyone to ever put anything else in me. He moved from my nipples so he could hold on to me by the shoulders, I couldn't move and really couldn't push his cock a cm., I think I was screaming and yelling at him to stop and to pull his cock out for five minutes, maybe more. Without me noticing, the pain had disappeared and I was trying to squeeze his cock with an unknown part of my ass. A minute later he pulled his cock back until he was almost through the second opening causing my body to shake and quiver like it never had with either of the other cocks that had been in me.

When he plunged back into me I remember yelling out PLEASE! I can't tell you now whether I was asking him to push more cock into me, move his cock in and out more or if I wanted him to pull all the way out. Whatever I meant he liked hearing it and whispered in my ear that I should calm down because he was going to start fucking me. Start? I thought that is what he had been doing. He had already made me feel more than I had felt either of the other times a man had put a cock in me. I found myself nodding my head in compliance, hoping that he would do just what he told me.

"What do you want, Daiki? Tell me."


"More what?"

"More, sir?"

"That's not the answer. What do you want more of?"

"More of your cock."

"How can I do that?"

"Fuck me. Fuck me deeper and more. Harder and faster."

I started begging him to fuck me and couldn't have stopped begging if I had wanted to. There was no other reason for my existence at that moment. I was living for the feeling in my ass and he was the one that was giving me more wonderful feeling than I had ever imagined it possible for one's body to release. He pulled my left leg up on the bed and did what I asked, he was able to push the last one plus cm in and instantly I lost it. I shot cum all over the side of the bed and the blue and red Azerbaijan carpet spreading from one side of the room to the other.

"That is great. But, I am not going to give you my load yet, Daiki." I know now that he was talking about the clenching that an ass does when a man shoots.

For the next few minutes I thought I wanted him to stop but then the most terrific feelings took over my body and I knew that Ali was a master of what he was doing. I didn't scream for anything, I could hear myself but I didn't recognize the sound I was making. For at least another fifteen minutes he kept his cock in me, pumping in and out nearly the entire ten inches. Just as he announced he was going to cum he pulled back far enough to spray his cum over my prostrate and I joined him in celebrating our union with my second load that morning.

I remember begging him not to pull his cock out of me. Fortunately he is more aware of his surroundings and needs. He reminded me that I only had a few minutes before I was due in the kitchen. He had talked to me the night before about leaving the Chef on the best terms possible, my father would have already angered the him but as long as I did everything I could before the last day he would blame my father, not me. If I would ever need him to speak as to my worth, he wouldn't hold abruptly leaving against me.

I saw the puddle between my knees and ignoring his warning about the shortage of time dropped my head so I could lick up everything I had sprayed. He swatted my butt when I moved from the floor to the side of the bed, and told me to leave it for him. The entire day I felt like I was floating on a magic carpet with no anchor or home. I hoped he was feeling the same, but he is more experienced so perhaps he would not be swept away with one morning of sex. I know, I was. He had been right, it was FANTASTIC!

I couldn't wait for Daiki to spend more time with me. I mostly wanted him to spend the night in my bed. I was going to have two days once we arrived at the beach house that I wouldn't be allowed to get my balls wet. I'm sure they were stinking. The nurses had tried to use antiseptic wipes to clean around my cock and balls and under them enough that no moisture seeped up to the stitches. I really thought that the doctor was torturing me, not keeping me safe. Two days and I would be allowed to fuck Daiki! Sorry Doc, he and I couldn't wait. I will be sure that the nurse, a petite Filipino, does an extra good job cleaning my cock and balls; he enjoys doing it every morning as soon as he gets here, if I didn't stop him I think he would have gladly gone from clean me to at least a hand job. Now I had to wait two weeks before Daiki could fuck me, I should be okay with that as long as he keeps pumping out that addictive cum.

I had been communicating with the city planner while I was living in the palace. My choice to have no links to the outside world from my town dissolved. He thought he had most of what I wanted added to his vision for a new, clean town. Alongside the water plant, the solar panel farm and a salt battery were in place. They needed the electricity to help build the water plant, I thought it a shame that we hadn't laid the wiring necessary for light and cooking at the beach house and wouldn't until we started working on the roads. Daiki was going to have to cook on a propane stove, I didn't think it should be too much trouble.

The King was being a little too helpful. Daiki was sent to my town ahead of me, I still needed to find a name for the town. He went along with food that the King and chef felt we would be wanting. I wanted to have Daiki leave some of the things; escargot, caviar, specialty fruits and other items that unless I either opened a restaurant or held a royal festival would sit on the shelf for a long time. I like escargot, caviar not so much. I wondered if there would be anyone I could pay in Caviar? Maybe I'll just save it for a grand opening.

Daiki was gone for two days when Prince Walid had the chef send a dinner for two to the rooms I was occupying. I was thinking how much I would enjoy having Daiki across the table from me as the boy ( he was probably no more than 14) that had delivered the food announced it was ready and left. There I was with dinner for two, a table set in crystal and gold and no one to join me. I really shouldn't have thought that, Prince Walid wouldn't screw the dates up like that. He was on the other side of the door rapping.

The covered dishes on his side of the table were numbered. One by one he removed the next course as we had one of the nicest meals I had since I left the American mid west. I learned later that the Prince had arranged with an ambassador to have the ingredients shipped in a diplomatic pouch for this going away dinner. It must have taken an extreme amount of planning on his part: he may have even had to contact my mother since it was the meal she would have cooked if she knew I was headed home from school for a weekend or holiday.

If the Prince didn't have two chaperons that evening I would have dragged hi m into my bedroom even though I had been with Daiki only a day before, doctor be damned. I didn't have a belief in the feasibility of monogamy between men, none of the Princes or Kings had thought that they should expect it of me so why should I expect it of either Daiki or Walid and why would I think Daiki might want me to go that route. Would he? This was going to be new to him, might he try modeling out life on what he thought of his parent's?

I thought he was well aware that I would have sex with any of the slaves, he hadn't been around when I had pissed in a slave's mouth but it would only be a day or two before he would be in my bed when I did. I had been missing the feeling of power it gave me, more than even using a whip on one of the slaves would. So often the power when a slave is whipped is whatever holds him down or to the rack or the people that attached him there. The whip hurts their body but if they weren't being held in some way there were only a few of the slaves that would stand to be whipped or paddled. But I had trained most of them to accept my piss and those that weren't trained accepted it when ordered to do so.

Slaves without a master for a week? I hoped Ahmed wasn't having a revolution.

What would I find when I return to my town?

Okay, while I was in the palace maybe I could come up with a name. After a few names being tossed around the idea that I was always calling it 'my town' seemed to be what others expected to hear. Walid translated that to the Arabic for me as "Manzili" not the words I was using in Farsi to refer to it. There might have been something that would have been able to direct people to the town or beach more directly but Manzili sounded almost appropriate considering that I was the one most involved in getting the town built. In a few days I would be totally involved with planners, contractors and thirty slaves with a small amount of equipment that would speed up laying pipes and electrical wires. There isn't a lot that I know about construction but I do know about the slaves we would provide the contractors and would be glad to work beside them.

I didn't sleep well that night, I could have used Jamaal, Ahmed or Salman with me but the man that popped up when I slept was Daiki. I loved hearing him scream in my dreams, he was begging me to fuck him more and more in my sleep. I would wake and stretch out on the bed reaching for him, he was the first of my partners I dreamed about since King Juan Diego. I still dreamed of the king two years later, in the dreams he would tell me that everyone that I had been with up until Daiki had been a rebound from my time with him and that was why I had moved on so easily from each of them. It was wonderful having his blessing on starting a relationship with Daiki but what would that mean and what could I do to make Daiki know what I am really like? What does he need to learn about me that he doesn't know and should I just live so he will learn or do I need to try telling him?

Before I left Kuwait City I arranged with the Prince to find a company that would put up a communications tower for such a small population and very few businesses. I expected him to have trouble but he had connections with the main company that built the towers everywhere on the peninsula and told me that there would be no trouble or cost since he would have it on the Kuwait side of the property and connected to the nation's system. Our own tower would certainly make a small town more attractive to a business that might require their connections to be speedy and dependable.

It was only an hour after the mid-day meal when I arrived home. That sounded sweet, HOME, it had been so long since I had used that word. Was Daiki what I needed to make my house a home? I was so happy to see him that I picked him up at the front door and carried him up the stairs and locked my door. Damn taking his work clothes off was a pain in the ass. My robe came off without any bother. Normally, I would have taken time to at least hang it over a piece of furniture but I was so anxious to hold Daiki body to body, skin to skin, cock to cock and throw him on my bed with his legs wrapped around me that my robe landed on the slaves' blanket.

Daiki was eager for me to take him, but eagerness does not always equal ability. The first minutes of frustration were just as much my fault as his. Why I thought I should be able to enter him dry, I don't know. I knew that the first time I fucked him was going to be the first time he had more than a small cock in his ass and it took both me licking his ass and lots and lots of lube. I should have gotten more frustrated as the minutes passed but I was actually settling down as our skin rubbed and we kissed. We were rolling around and fake fucking for ten minutes before I reached for a tube of lube I remembered was in the drawer under the bed.

Strangely this time we were not as much in synchronization as we had been the first time we joined our bodies. I was lubing my cock as I lay on my back after reaching under the bed, Daiki may not have examined my body enough to satisfy him the first time but this time there was no question what he wanted and he stood only to lower his butt down to where his ass spread open for the head of my cock, faster than the first time he had tried to sit on it and with a tight grimace on his face and fingers pinching my nipples he lowered himself inch by inch without stopping. I nearly shot as his butt hit my legs.

"What are you going to do now?" If he had been truthful about his experience I wondered if he knew what to do. He might have seen a porn video but with the way he spoke about his youth I didn't think he had. I had hoped he would figure out he needed to use his legs to raise and lower himself but instead I felt the muscles inside his ass begin to massage my cock as he sat without moving. If he continued that we weren't going to fuck again.

"Daiki, get to where you're on your knees." I waited as he struggled to move from strictly sitting to kneeling. He had stopped massaging my cock while moving.

"Okay, I enjoy the way you are moving inside. You can keep doing that all day. (He grinned at that.) But, I want you to start using your legs to raise and lower yourself, too." I hoped he wouldn't be insulted by me telling him what he needed to do and had put it as nicely as I could. He bent over and let me kiss him again before he slowly started to try what I had told him I wanted. His face went from looking slightly pained to having a smile from ear to ear. I didn't need to tell him anything more, he had the idea and was working me hard and fast, making his cock bounce against my stomach with small spurts of pre-cum spreading as far as my naval. If I had it in my hand I knew he would be shooting cum in minutes.

Some of the slaves really enjoy being fucked, King Juan Diego had enjoyed it almost enough to abdicate the throne and stay in bed. The look on Daiki's face told me that he was enjoying himself even more than any of them. I honestly didn't care if we got out of bed and did anything else for the rest of the day. Kiss and fuck, what else do you need to make you happy? I know buried in Daiki that day I believed it.

"Why are you smiling so big, Ali?"

"Me? You are smiling so much you outshine the sun."

"I was thinking the same about you. If that is how you feel being ten inches deep in me, I hope we can be like this everyday." Not many people would want me that often and even fewer are actually capable of taking my cock more than once every couple days to start. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to spear Daiki every time I saw him.

"You're not getting away with once a day, everyday. I think maybe, morning and night." I couldn't believe it, just talking about fucking him twice a day I shot a load of cum up his ass, instinctively he milked my cock.

"What about noon?"

"You are going to have to learn to fuck me when I come in for lunch." His eyes went so wide with surprise that I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"I thought I was going to have to resort to the slaves if I wanted to fuck an ass." He was being rather blunt for him, I wondered if he had already fucked one of the slaves or had picked one out that he wanted to fuck.

"You can fuck any of them if you want, just so you can fuck me, too. That is the purpose for most of them except for the pony boys, and I'm trying to train them to be good fucks as well as ponies but that is slow going and may slow down more if I fuck you twice a day or more." My cock hadn't subsided. Daiki had stopped lowering and raising himself but I was moving my body in the center just by arching my back. I needed to rest for a few minutes but it wasn't long before I rolled him over and with his ankles behind my head pounded away at his ass. Emptied once I lasted longer this time as I mastered Daiki with my cock and mouth, the time alone in Kuwait City soon forgotten.

"Ali, lunch was ready when you rushed through the door. We should go downstairs to eat." He might have been hungry but I think it was more pride in what he had cooked. He had left the kitchen in the hands of a slave and worried that he would ruin the food I was to eat. Right then I should have cared but all I wanted was to eat Daiki.

"Okay, clean us up and we'll go down." With a different man that might have started a power struggle but Daiki was just submissive enough to know that he should use his mouth to clean his cum from my stomach and whatever was sticking to my cock from his ass. If he had been an American and had been rounded up in one of the mass drafts he would have made a wonderful house slave for an Arab. Truthfully he would make me a wonderful slave but I was ready for more, I had to stop and think about what would be the near future for us..

"Why haven't I heard any of the slaves moving around the house?"

"I had Ahmed move them all outside, you have a visitor from Saudi Arabia here. He said he wasn't expected until tomorrow but that he had the extra day and wanted to learn the lay of the land he had to work with. His name is Khalid ibn Saud?"

" Did you expect him to come in for lunch also?"

"No, he had just finished when you pulled up. He might have seen you carry me up the stairs but I'm not too sure, he was following Jamaal to the Saudi portion of your land. He had explored around here most of the morning."

"My town, our town. Manzili! You are the first to know the town's name other than Prince Walid. I had two painted signs made yesterday. When the town is further along, including where the road that will enter and leave the town I will have more permanent signs designed, but for now I wanted to mark it someway." Ahmed and Salman must have heard that I was no longer in the bedroom, they ran into the kitchen and were just moving a little slower when they joined us in the dining room..

"Master!" Both of them dropped to their knees and took a foot in their hand , kissed the upper arch and then sucked on my big toe. I had learned that was the way that Salman expressed his happiness at seeing me. To have two Arabs on my feet was shocking to Daiki. I spoke to them as they pulled off the big toe and didn't allow them to move on to sucking the others.

They were talking over each other, being very non-slave like until I tapped their heads. They then stopped talking only answering when I asked a question. My first was what the complaint I couldn't quite understand that they had been garbling about Daiki.

"Is he the new master of the house?"

"Boys, he will be sleeping in my bed and will be in charge of the kitchen. When I am out working on the town he will be fully in charge of the house."

"But, master he wouldn't give us any piss. How can he be the master of the house if he won't piss in us?" I understood what the problem was. Salman and Ahmed had not been getting any piss while I was gone and they had missed their daily drink. I hadn't pissed since I was back so I lifted the wrap I had thrown on to eat and told them that they needed to share.

Daiki watched in fascination as they took every drop of piss without spilling any on his kitchen floor. If I hadn't just cum twice I might have let them suck my cock while I ate but my cock drooped rather than stood even after feeding the boys a full load of piss and having Ahmed attempt to suck any left in my bladder through the shaft..

"Daiki, you have met these boys?" Hell, if they had a complaint they must have met already, how stupid can I be?

"Yes, Ali." I was glad to hear him use my name, it quickly differentiated him from the slaves not only to them but to him also. "We had some disagreement the first day I was here about what they would be doing in the kitchen and in your bedroom."

"They are only to do what you wish in the kitchen, who have you selected to help you?" I would talk later about they might do in the bedroom.

"For now, the youngest of the cousins, Saidi, is working with me. He doesn't know enough to give me any time off but I can worry about that later."

"I can cook your dinner on Friday."

"No, Master Daiki please don't let him cook." What was wrong, they had both eaten food I'd cooked without a complaint. Then, slaves were never supposed to complain.

"Ali, they are tired of hamburgers. Maybe we can find someone else that would be willing to cook one day a week with Saidi?"

"I don't remember hearing that was any of their talents, have the latest ten slaves arrived?"

Ahmed was the first to answer. "Master, we received a message from the Kuwaiti Agency that they would be delayed for a few days. For the same reason that Mohamed is clearing them out of the Auction house. Lice."

"We don't want them to spread. Head or pubic?" I knew that this shipment of slaves had not had their pubic bushes shaved so it was a possibility they were spreading those nasty little red lice among themselves.

"The man didn't know anything more." Another matter that having a doctor here would help me with, I wouldn't have to do a fully body inspection of the slaves to check for lice and ticks. I would need to do whatever I could to get a clinic started even if it was little more than three or four chairs in a waiting room and a single table with a minimum of equipment stuffed into an insulated trailer supplied by WHO.

I mentioned to Daiki that I was going to have to start looking for a doctor before I could even start the slaves on building roads and laying pipe and wiring.

"Master?" Ahmed knew better than to address me without being spoken to first, but since I hadn't dismissed them I was going to ignore it.

"What is it, Ahmed?"

"Scorpio is a doctor and Leo is a nurse." Scorpio was one of the three slaves that still couldn't give a good blow job. Would it be advisable to put him in a position of authority and power? He was turning into a good fuck, I hoped to find a way to make a trade off on that and having him pulled from the stable. Leo on the other hand could suck your balls right up the shaft of your dick if you weren't careful.

"How do you know that?"

"The first day you were gone Capricorn twisted his ankle while running and they taped him up and got him back to the stable where they took more serious care of him.

"So is there any other evidence they know what they are doing?"

"Ali, I think it was Leo that treated a burn Saidi has from boiling water he spilled. It wouldn't have killed him but I'm sure he was in pain and had to be cut out of his pants."

"Daiki, I really don't want the slaves wearing pants. Find something else they can wear in the kitchen even if it is only a longer wrap than what I'm wearing. The look he gave me was of displeasure at having been given an order in front of the slaves but too bad, he needed to learn what I wanted and what I thought was the proper way to treat my slaves. I was going to have to learn how to share with him, I had shared with everyone else in my bed but it was always because they knew how to do it and my sharing was because of their selflessness.

"Daiki, Salman would like to lick your ass."

"But, I am full of your cum." I think he blushed as he admitted that there was cum in his ass, if the slaves hadn't been there I would have said more about that.

"Yes. Salman loves digging for my cum out of an ass. Anytime I have fucked you, you have permission to allow him to lick your ass and dig for my cum. Do you hear me, Slave?"

Daiki started to answer. "You are not my slave. How am I going to get you to understand and believe that, Daiki?"

"I know it, but everyone else here is a slave so it was the easiest way to fit in while you were stuck in the sick bed."

"Did you understand what I was saying about Salman?"


"Salman, you understand that Daiki can ask you to lick his ass anytime he wants?" I was expanding what I had just said but Daiki needed to understand I wanted him treated as the slaves would treat me.

"Yes, Master. Do you want me to lick his ass, now?" I took Daiki in my arms and with as little force as possible I bent him over my knees and snapped my fingers so Salman understood there was cum waiting for him in that perfect ass.

"Ahmed, while Salman is emptying his ass of cum and making my lover feel good go out and find Scorpio. Take your time, bring him here in about fifteen minutes. Will that be enough Daiki?" In fifteen minutes I would be surprised if Daiki hadn't lost a third load of cum. But it should give me time to make a plan on how to have Scorpio serve as the town doctor.

Next: Chapter 40

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