By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 4, 2023



Chapter 41

This story was written by me with no assistance. Please obey the laws in your locale concerning your rights to read stories about two men having sex, if you are not old enough please go away.

Open up your wallets pull out your credit cards and help Nifty.,


Chapter 41

Daiki was forcefully telling the soldiers that he did not want to return to Kuwait with them or me. It was heart-breaking to watch him so obviously under the mind-control of someone else. I should have known that he would be easy to manipulate just by how easily he had fallen under my spell, still I hated watching as he tried to convince others that it was his desire not something that had been put into his head while he was being held in the center. He tried claiming that he didn't know me and when he saw that wasn't working claimed that I had kidnapped him from the King's palace to make into one of my slaves.

There wasn't anyone there that could deny his accusations other than me and all I had on my side was a lawyer that had known me years earlier but had never visited Manzili. Meckelson managed to talk with the ambassador while the police were trying to sort out the situation. Before the English police, NCA, could decide what to do the soldiers were ordered to take Daiki to Kuwait where he and Prince Walid would make the decision. At least one person would know the truth.

"Did we hear you say that this one lead you into the trap?"

"I did. How much further he was involved I am not sure. I didn't see him once I awoke inside the center." I was upset that Winnie had betrayed me but I had let my cock get me in trouble once again.

"Do you want him charged?"

"Can you wait until you have some of the others? Maybe then you can learn more about what was going on." I remembered how afraid he had been in prison, had he been forced into this.

"Inspector Wallace, take this young man to the van."

I couldn't understand why either he or Daiki had betrayed me. Sure I am a dominating bastard at times but I had done nothing wrong to either of them. I had helped Daiki when his father had made him lose his job and had given him all the sex he wanted. I had stopped three young thugs from having their revenge on Winnie but he still lead me into a trap? Was there something else happening?

"Inspector, could you have someone go to his home? He had no reason to betray me. It makes no sense to me unless there is a family connection or money involved." As happy as he had been when walking across the field to meet me I couldn't imagine it would be a family connection, but there really had to be a reason. His friends were still in prison and he hadn't had time to make up with them.

Daiki could be explained by saying he had been brainwashed or was still under the control of somebody within the center. I would love to break that connection but I was still angry that he had been involved with the kidnappers.

"This is the boy you are trying to rescue?"

"Yes. They really seemed to have done a job on him." The only time I had tried toucjiong him he had pulled away hard enough to fall to the ground.

"You need to take him somewhere and fuck the Hell out of him until he straightens up, excuse the pun." Meckelson was the last person other than my father that I would have ever expected to say anything like that. "Let me see if I can get the two of you alone in the operations tent."

"I didn't bring any lube with me."

"What kind of queer are you?" Meckelson handed me two small foil packs from his jacket pocket. What was he doing carrying lube? I would have said he was too old to be thinking about sex let alone having it or needing lube when he did. I had never thought of him that way before and even that afternoon shook my head at the thought of the wrinkled man with anyone I knew.

"Go. I'll have him brought to you. Don't worry, the police and soldiers have had just about as much as they are willing to put up from him." I was fairly sure the three soldiers the King had sent had been hand picked out of thousands basically so that my sexuality wouldn't stop them from doing the job. Would they be willing to stand guard while I fucked Daiki into reality? I hoped so.


"We're taking him to the commander's tent. The cot in the operations tent is too old to hold any two men." Why didn't they just say that to me instead of guiding me away from the operations tent by a tight grip on my arms.

Did everyone need to know what was about to happen? I couldn't think about their reactions, I needed to think about Daiki. Had he really been converted to a straight man? What would I need to do to bring him back to me? Would he drop the pretense when he was lead into the tent? Would he want to fight? Would this be an equal desire situation or was I going to have to rape him over and over until he was back to himself?

I was alone. After less than two minutes I stripped back the covers on the triple high double air mattress that was in the center of the tent. I put the two packets of lube on a chest being used as a lamp table, making sure they were easily within reach. I thought about laying back on the bed and talking Daiki into it with me but decided it would be better if I stood and if necessary bully him into the bed, although neither of us might find that too enjoyable. The second time in his ass would be better and the third might have him screaming about how FANTASTIC he felt.

"Why did they bring me here and why don't you have clothes on?" Daiki hadn't walked more than two steps into the tent.

This sounded harder than I had expected. Should I talk or just act?

"Daiki, the night you were kidnapped by your father and his goons you admitted to falling in love with me. Your legs were wrapped around me when your father walked up with his lantern and accused me of only having taken you to Manzili as my cook because I wanted your ass. Did they destroy your love when they destroyed your sexuality? Or are you ready to come back to me?" I stood to the side of the bed, he had only come one step further into the tent so he was a good ten feet away from me. He had looked down, twice. He was trying hard to keep his eyes focused on mine and away from my cock.

"You have it completely wrong. I'm not in love with you. I want to get married and have lots of children. Do you think you can give me children? Of course not, you're a queer." That was all it took, for some reason hearing him say that word was enough to launch me across the tent. I might have hit him but I wanted to try the honey approach not the vinegar? I mashed my mouth on his and gave him a kiss much like we had often shared. He tried shaking his head to break away from the connection but I held him tight.

It was at least five minutes before he stopped fighting me. He still wasn't kissing back but at least he was accepting the fact that he was being kissed by another man and didn't pull away. I wanted more than that from him, but if it was necessary I would take him by force. I had torn his shirt while kissing him, I had pinched his nipples a few times. Always before his nipples had been directly connected to his cock, could they have changed that? When I finally reached down to grope him I found out that hadn't changed. Let him worry about why he was getting hard as another man kissed him and played with his nipples.

"Get undressed." I was going to need to take control of the situation. I didn't want to control him but I wanted to have sex.

"No." He stepped back a couple steps.

I didn't argue with him. I angrily tore the rest of his clothing off. I ripped his shirt worse. The pants, shoes and socks came off whole but when I started to slide his underwear off he tried once more to stop me and I pulled them hard enough to tear straight through the elastic and down the back of the cotton jockey shorts. Normally by this time he would have been struggling to get his mouth on my cock but not even a hand had tried to touch me. I was going to change that, he struggled hard as I pulled his right arm and hand between us.

"Don't you remember how much you like sucking that?"

"I don't suck cock." There seemed to be a reluctant anger in the comment.

"Daiki, you love sucking cock and getting fucked. Get over what they did to you in the center, you are back in my bed and you are going to be making love to me before you sleep." I was having to hold his head close to kiss him, so only one hand was able to force him to do more. Finally, I pushed him onto the bed.

I could have stepped between his legs and forced his legs in the air but I had the fee3ling that Daiki was going to need more than having his ass feel good. I thought they had completely changed him. If making his ass feel great was all it would take I could have licked his ass until he begged to be fucked. Instead I had my knees on either side of his head and my cock sticking straight out towards his face. He was still squirming under me, maybe to get away, maybe to make me think he wanted to get away but whatever it was, too bad.

"You are going to suck my cock before I fuck you and then I'm going to fuck you until you start begging me to fuck you again. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Who told you that you are a slave?"

"The men with Masoud and my Father."

"The men that kidnapped you?"

"No, the men inside the Center that made me look at you when you were being prepared to be branded. My father tried to convince me that all you wanted was another slave." It was as if he was starting to question all he had been told.

"If I wanted another slave you would have been spending your days and night in the stable or on the floor. I wanted to spend my time with you and not just because you like sucking my cock and getting fucked. I am like you, I was starting to fall for you." I was beginning to admit to myself that I wanted more from Daiki than sex.

"Men can't be in love." He said it rather weakly.

"That is the center talking. You believed in love when you went there. I didn't, but why else would I still be after you when this much time has passed? You are going to be back in my house, cooking meals and getting fucked everyday.

"Open your mouth." He was still resisting me but I was beyond accepting that from him. I grabbed him by the nose and held it closed until he had no choice but to open his mouth to get a breath. I forced myself in about seven inches. I hoped he wouldn't bite, if what they had taught him was deep in his brain I knew he might.

"Daiki, you have my cock, now suck it." There were tears coming from his eyes but I didn't care. He was a man that had loved sucking and fucking, I wasn't going to let the people in the center change him. For a moment or two he let my cock sit on his tongue doing nothing and then he licked up and around for a few seconds before starting to suck on it. He had been moving up and down on my shaft for three or four minutes before the head of my cock made its way to the back of his throat. The vibrations at the entrance to his throat were strong enough to bounce my cock around until I rammed it into his throat. He kept sucking and contracting his throat around me as I sank deeper in. I pushed all the way in until his nose was rubbing me and I was pulsating, ready to shoot.

"That's my boy. Get that cock good and wet, you know where its going." Whether he wanted it or not he was getting fucked if I could pull out before shooting my cum down his throat. It took a minute to pull out of his throat and mouth, he left extra spit on the tip, like he remembered what he needed. I moved back between his legs and using a pack of the lube Meckelson had given me slicked up his asshole. It must have been that same seven weeks for Daiki, his ass was tight. As my head slipped in he groaned in pain, grimacing but not either screaming or yelling from what was happening in his asshole. As I slid further in he raised his legs to wrap around me, he didn't complain. He wasn't fucking back but by the time I was slapping my body against his he had started to rhythmically squeeze down on me. A few minutes later when I had long stroked him at least a dozen times he was reacting and working his way up and down,

His expression never changed from the vehement anger he had shown when he spouted out the Center's line about two men not possibly being in love. But, his body had reacted. Not only his ass, his cock had stayed hard and as I approached orgasm he shot his own load across his chest and onto his cheek and chin. Could he have been prohibited from cumming the entire time he was held? Only then did he wrap his arms around me and hold on as if his life depended on having me stay in him. With his asshole squeezing down hard from his orgasm I shot my sperm into his waiting ass, if only he could give me children life would be complete.

I wouldn't pull out. He was moving like he might want me to, but I refused. I wasn't about to stop until I heard him say either he loved me or begged me to fuck him harder. Whether or not that was realistic I was on a mission and that was to bring my lover back. I had him in my arms again, now I needed to have his heart with me.

I had been fucking him about twenty minutes the second time before Daiki pulled my head down low enough for him to initiate a kiss. I was so happy about that I know I cried. It wasn't everything that I needed from him but it was a definite start, just as licking his own cum from my fingers had been a new start I lay on top of him, after cumming a second time, for at least thirty minutes before I was able to get hard again. As I started sliding half-way out Daiki spoke for the first time in more than an hour.

"Please, fuck me hard, Ali. I need you to fuck out every thought they tried crowding into my head. I still love you." That was it, I had Daiki back and we would be able to get past this unforgivable episode of his Father's ignorance. Our mouths didn't separate the rest of the time we fucked. I woke with not only a sore cock but a sore mouth, I was still inside Daiki, our chests glued together with arms and legs so entangled not even the best sculptor could have determined whose was whose.

"Was that a nightmare or was I really being kept from you for weeks?" Daiki was crying when I woke him, he had just realized his life was his again.

"You were held here for seven weeks at least. Now we need to get you past it. If you want a shrink we will find you the best. I need to get up, it is time to piss."

"Why have you never given me your piss like you do Salman, Ahmed and the others?"

"Honestly, I've waited for you to either ask for it or for you to let me know that drinking piss is something that you will never do, even for me." I thought he would be disgusted by the idea, in some ways he seemed too fastidious for nastier sex.

"But I have wanted to do it since the first time I watched Salman empty your bladder." The look of desire on his face was shocking. I wasn't sure I wanted to give him piss to drink, wouldn't that change how he felt about me?

"My morning piss is stronger than it is the rest of the day, are you sure you want to start by drinking the first piss of the day?" While I honestly wanted to unload my nights accumulation I didn't want to make him gag the first time he drank piss..

"Are you going to make me beg?" I was pulling out of his ass. If he wanted to try drinking my piss I was HAPPY to give it to him but I wondered if this was the best place. It was another man's tent, I wouldn't want him making a mess.

I did want him to swallow all of my waste, and he was on his knees doing it.

I did my best to hold the flow back. First thing in the morning once I start pissing the stream can get fairly strong and I didn't think he would be ready to take that. He was doing well, I was glad I had him kneel on a towel since he was losing some down his chest and over his hard cock and up tight balls. He held onto an inch or so of my cock in his mouth, some flowed back but for more than a minute I joined our bodies with my urine. It was part of an unmentioned power struggle, I didn't ask for his piss or take his cock in more than my hand all night or morning. There would be time enough for that when we got home, I wanted to lick his balls but I didn't allow myself the pleasure of his treasures, he needed to know that he belonged to me.

"What do you think?" I expected to hear him tell me that Salman or Ahmed could stay by the bed waiting for me to wake in the morning.

"Ali, do I have to become your slave to get your piss everyday?"

"I'll let you think about that. Love and slavery don't go that well together. If you really do start falling in love with me again now that you are released from that Hellhole I won't allow you to become a slave. You can still have my piss regularly. However if there is a reason that you want to become a slave rather than than my lover we can discuss it." I knew that morning that within a few weeks Daiki would come to me and ask to become a slave, I don't understand what it is about some men that drives them to desire enslavement but I could see that it was rearing its head as he knelt there licking the last few drops of piss off my cock. I had never seen the resemblance in the way he treated me with Ahmed, but it was there and I wouldn't deny him.

"You do know that slaves get punished fairly regularly whether they have displeased me or not just to remind them who is the Master and who the slave?"

"I do, I haven't felt a belt since I was in high school and my father was angry at me for this or that. He beat me until I bled when he caught me with the son of the King's tailor." I had never asked why he had scars on his right cheek, I had thought if he wanted me to know he would tell me; I wondered if he still wanted that boy. That his father gave the scars to him was just one more reason Daiki should never have to see the man again. All the money he had paid to the Center in England had been a waste, Daiki had no lingering thoughts about not wanting to have sex with me.

"Ali, will you paddle me? Not at full strength, but hard enough that I'll get the idea of what you do to the slaves when they disobey you?"

"What? Why?"

"I want to know the feeling so I have it in my mind as I think about losing my freedom. You would take me as a slave if I asked, wouldn't you?"

"Daiki, I was thinking that it was exactly what I should do earlier when you didn't respond to my kissing or holding my cock. You're not big enough to become a pony, they would take advantage of you if you were sent to the stable to sleep. I suppose you could become a house slave that still prepares my meals and sucks my cock while I eat, permitted to sleep beside the bed when its your turn to have my morning waste." I didn't want him thinking that things wouldn't change if he was a slave rather than my lover. He needed to know that slaves never slept in the bed with me, of course I had let Ahmed sleep with me when I was missing Daiki.

"Are you prepared to be seen in a wrap all the time? There are things I have the slaves do that you have never done and may not even have thought about." He was still on his knees, if I hadn't been worn out from fucking him I might have had him do something else.

"I've heard the ponies asking each other when they thought you would make them eat shit. I heard one of them say he thought you were bringing in a real pony to mount Capricorn if he didn't start sucking dick. Some of the others have worried that you are going to start pimping them out once there are more people in the town. I also heard that you were going to have two of the slaves castrated for not complying with orders. I would do my best to keep you happy so you didn't castrate me but if that is what you want I would allow it."

"Daiki, that sounds like you have already decided to become a slave." It had only been a matter of time, why not now?

"Yes, Master." He hadn't gotten up from drinking piss and at my feet let his face drop in a respectful pose.

"Daiki, I will not accept this until we arrive back in Kuwait and you have at least three days to think about what you are asking. I will put you through some of the paces the slaves go through each day and if on the third night when you come to bed you confirm this desire we will have our last night of love and the following day go to Kuwait City to have the papers signed. That is where you were born, correct?"

"Yes, Master. May I call you that in private to see if it feels right?"

"It's time for us to get going. Do you know how to work like a valet?"

It didn't seem at all surprising to have him kiss both balls as he pulled up my underwear. He did fine getting my socks on and then my shirt but had trouble with the pants, he didn't have much experience with wearing pants himself so raising the zipper backwards was just that. It was cool outside but as badly ripped as his shirt was he walked out of the tent without one or underwear. I wished I had brought the wiffled paddle along, I would have given him ten strokes in front of the police and soldiers but as it was he was going to have to wait for anything other than my belt.

"Olly, the NCA has arrested Daiki's father and most of the authorities in the center. The young man that lead us to the other opening has been released for cooperating but is under parole. The other men that kidnapped you are in local custody and will stand trial in the closest town large enough to have a national courthouse. Daiki's father will not be given a trial, the Prime Ministers agreed to have him jailed for thirty years for his part in branding you, he has been put on a jet and will be taken directly to prison when he lands.

"From what he and the man that procured the brands have said there is no way to reverse what they did to you. Daiki's father laughed when asked about that. The King and Prime Minister will discuss possible reparations once you are back in Kuwait City. Would you like me to represent you in the negotiations?"

Even thinking that Meckelson would work for me was hilarious. I had always thought of him as my father's man. But there were good reasons to allow it, so I did.

We stayed in London that night. Daiki had never been in a nightclub, he had seen me drink a few times. We barhopped some of the bigger gay bars just to give him an idea of what life could be like for him if he chose to proceed in life on his earlier path of being a celebrity chef outside of Kuwait. Having grown up in the palace all he had ever had to drink alcoholic was cooking sherry, getting drunk was not hard for him.

With only four drinks in him he acted even more like a slave than he had when giving me a tongue bath before we left the hotel. In the last cab back to the hotel he tried hard to get his head under the dishdasha I had worn out that evening to be comfortable. Four an a half days dressed in underwear, pants, a belt and shirt was more than I was pleased with, the robe felt more natural, I especially like hanging lose and free. Daiki had gotten on his knees in the rear seat and managed to push the cloth up as far as my knees before I saw that the driver was watching in his rear view mirror. Four hours of freedom had made me somewhat careless but I didn't know what the driver might think if I permitted Daiki to suck my balls in the back seat of his vehicle. I might have risked it had he been even slightly attractive, but obese, pock marked and sinister looking I chose to not permit Daiki to go any further, we'd enough dealing with the police.

It had only taken us ten minutes to get to the hotel. There was very little happening. The doorman was still on duty as was one parking valet but I only saw a single guest and he had taken the cab we vacated. It only took me a second to decide.

"Daiki, undress." He stacked his clothes, but didn't know where to put them.

"Give them to the doorman. He can have a busboy send them to the room in the morning." He nodded to me as Daiki crawled across the red carpet and lifted the pile of clothing topped with a pair of shoes to him.

"Sir, you may want to have the slave go around to the right after you enter the hotel lobby. The two working the front desk are rather prudish. The woman would most likely call the police if she sees him crawling naked across the lobby. I think the man might start yelling at you." I was glad I had judged him correctly.

"Thank you. Daiki, lick his shoes clean to thank the man." That was the first time I had made even the simplest command that Daiki would not have done without worry of punishment, getting naked had become natural in the time he had spent in Manzili. Doing anything for another wasn't

"Do you own the boy?" The doorman properly ignored Daiki as he licked the dust from both of his shoes

"No, but if he works out as a slave, I have promised him I will allow him to enslave himself to me. Do you have a slave of your own?" I didn't think there would be much of a chance that a man that was living on the earnings of a doorman would be able to afford a slave but there are men that can convince slaves in other ways.

"No, we aren't permitted to own slaves in England. I have used a few men as slaves over the years but most of the truly subordinate Londoners have moved to the Mid-East on their own hoping to find a real Master."

"I wonder what country they are going to, the only one I met was deep in Africa. Rwanda, where there is only one day a year when you can enslave anyone."

"I haven't paid too much attention, sir. If you'd like to know, I could have my son come to your room in the morning. He and two of his friends from school have been discussing the possibility. I have tried hard to convince them that it isn't a good idea. Still they all have experienced sexual slavery with the chavies on our street and think a rich Arab would be better." The man didn't look like he was too bothered that his son was serving other men.

"Daiki believes that, too. He can talk to your son in the morning. How old is the boy?"

"He'll turn eighteen tomorrow."

"He could sell himself into slavery for a limited number of years, instead of forever if he wished. I had a young man I bought for transportation from Rwanda to Morocco to college in Spain, it was supposed to be just under one year but he has extended the length of slavery by putting off college another year.

"If your son is like the boys coming from America he will be sent to a slave training camp as soon as anyone enslaves him. Were you hoping to make a few dollars from the deal?" Why would a mna allow his son to sell himself into slavery if he wasn't going to make a few dollars, too.

"I thought if he sold himself that his brothers and I could live a little better life." The man nodded his head in agreement with himself.

"How old are his brothers?"

"Thirteen and fourteen."

"If you chose to sell them all in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait you would be able to live a nice life here in England." I was wondering just how greedy he was.

I hadn't said a word to Daiki while I was talking to the doorman about selling his boys. He had learned well by watching the slaves around the palace or in the beach house. He hadn't stopped kissing the man's shoes. The parking valet was the youngest of us and was transfixed as he watched Daiki licking and kissing the older man's shoes. After telling the man he could sell his boys in the two countries I told Daiki to crawl over to the boy and not only kiss his shoes but to lick them clean.

"The way he is following your orders he should work out for you. Would you have him suck my cock?" It didn't take a second.

"No, until he is enslaved I am the only one that he will be sucking or have fucking him." I winked at the Parking valet.

"If you want to come up to the room when you get off we could double fuck you." I haven't seen anyone blush that bright. The boy didn't say any thing but I could tell he was seriously thinking about my offer. "What's your name?"

"Nathaniel, sir."

"Just let me know when you knock on the door." If I thought he had blushed bright red the first time I was amazed at how red he went then, he was almost purple at me knowing it was when not if. I wouldn't have thought he had enough blood left in his body, but one look at his crotch told me that he was ready to burst from the uniform.

"Daiki, its time for you to crawl to our room, I need to piss."

"Sir, you don't have to go to your room to piss. We step around this wall." I wondered if Daiki was ready to have other people watch him drinking piss for a moment. I was sure the boy didn't know what I was telling Daiki. If he wasn't ready after licking their shoes he was never going to be.

"You want to watch, Nathaniel?"

"Please. I've never seen anyone drink piss." I had not expected him to be so eager to watch Daiki drink my piss but I am wrong sometimes.

"Shit, man. You're not fucking me with that cock!" The doorman came around the wall to see why Nathaniel was being so loud. He took one look at my cock and said his son would probably be begging to be my slave after one look.

Daiki held my robe up almost to my waist. He had crawled in front of me with his mouth open, knowing that he would only be allowed to take the head in his mouth if I told him he could. He had watched me with at least a half dozen other slaves so he knew.

"Nathaniel, do you want to put my cock in the slave's mouth?"

If I wasn't going to get to fuck him I wanted him to see what he was missing. I was half hard and really ready to give Daiki a full load. I hadn't released any piss since the last time he had taken me in his mouth to drink.

"You can do it." The doorman was urging Nathaniel along. I wondered if in the quiet hours of the night they did more than stand around and talk. When he seemed frozen in place the doorman nudged him forward. That slight nudge was all it took. When Nathaniel moved it wasn't to put my cock in Daiki's mouth it was to kneel beside him. I didn't wait any longer.

I gave both boys a spurt of piss and then held my cock in front of each of them long enough to give them more than a mouthful. For someone that had never seen it happen or even thought about it before that night Nathaniel did well, swallowing nearly as fast as Daiki. I gave the majority of my piss to my boy but the other boy definitely got enough to learn what drinking piss was like and what the taste is like.

"Nathaniel, are you ready to give Daiki your piss?"

"No, would you make him give me his? Please, sir?" It was a total shock, but I helped Daiki to his feet. The doorman had to go answer a call from the front desk. It was a first for Daiki so I wasn't surprised at all that it took him a few minutes to get the stream of piss flowing. Nathaniel seemed to thoroughly enjoy drinking that piss and knelt there with his mouth open the entire time Daiki relieved his bladder in his mouth gulping the waste down without spilling a single drop on his uniform. I did see a spot growing around the end of his cock, he had been so excited that he had shot a load drinking piss for the first time.

"Did he pee his pants?"

"Daiki, that is cum. Nathaniel enjoyed drinking our piss so much he shot a load in his pants." He looked down to see what we were talking about, he hadn't even been aware that he had cum. He smiled back up at us.

"Looks like you have learned how to have fun here when guests ask where the nearest urinal is, you can offer them your mouth."

I wasn't being anything other than straight with him, but he thought I was.

"I'd get fired if anyone ever said anything."

"You think anyone that uses your mouth would go tell the manager? I really doubt they would, usually they would take half the blame. But I'm sure you can figure out which ones are trustworthy to offer your mouth to. The doorman might be able to help you out, too."

"No thanks. He's too old for me."

"Daiki, back on your knees." We followed the path the doorman had suggested, reaching the elevators with no trouble. I was waiting for the doors to close when a boy about fifteen ran in.

"Oh, Fuck, what is he doing?"

"He's my slave."

"Really? Like you mean he will do anything you tell him to?"

"Yes." My cock had responded to this boy. He was apparently an American on vacation with his siblings, he said he was trying to get back to their room before they started to worry. He rattled on and on about how he had always thought having his own slave would be Perfection. He asked what types of things I had him do.

I gave him a quick run down of some of the sexual things I had the slaves do and some that I had never had any of them do. I don't know why I was bragging, after all it was just a teenager from Ohio. He groped himself the whole time I talked about what the slaves would do for me.

"Daiki, nuzzle his cock." Three sides of the elevator were metallic, the other was a glass wall over looking the atrium. There was a full bar in the atrium that sill had ten or so guests that could have seen anything happening. I didn't notice anyone looking up.

"Could you make him suck my cock, mister?"

"I could, but I won't."

"Please! If you do I'll let you fuck me." I had thought he was a virgin.

"What do you know about being fucked?"

"When ever my brother comes home without getting laid he uses my ass. In the last three years he has fucked me at least 2,000 times."

"You must like it, if you are offering up your ass to a complete stranger."

"It's a shit hole, it doesn't matter. It's not like I'd be kissing and sucking your cock." I had grown up with kids that had been raped, they usually were hypersexual but from the little I knew were more often oral and hated anal.

"Daiki, suck my cock." He raised the dishdasha and the boy almost fainted, hitting his back against the glass wall as the head of my cock disappeared in Daiki's mouth and then more and more of the shaft. I pulled out with my cock pointing at the boy

"So, are you still offering me your ass? If so come back down to room 1432."

The door had opened and I was holding the door. When I told the boy to show Daiki his cock he blushed, without exposing himself and told us goodnight. I didn't think we would see him again. I did think we might have a visit from the valet.

"Well, you had an evening in public as my slave, what do you think?" Daiki had crawled from the elevator down the hall past an open doorway and a straight couple half exposed at the doorway next to our room.

"Master. Those two boys really wanted in my mouth didn't they?" It sounded like he had never had the experience of being wanted.

He had so little experience prior to me that listening to two boys trying to make a bargain for him to suck their dicks had to have been odd. I don't usually lend out my slaves. It isn't that I'm selfish, although I might be. I think lending out a slave is so close to prostituting them that I have trouble convincing myself to do it. I had given out four of them as a bonus for a job well done but to lend out a new slave that hadn't even accepted the fact that he was going to be a slave for the rest of his life seemed to be an act that might confuse him.

"Were you hoping I would tell you to suck their cocks?" We were sitting in chairs the hotel had arranged in a circle in a sitting room before you could enter the bedrooms in the suite. I was trying to treat Daiki as a lover rather than the slave he had been acting for the last hour.

"Are slaves allowed to have that kind of desires, Master?"

"Slaves. Daiki, it is difficult to tell anyone even a slave that they can not have desires. I can tell my slaves that I don't want them to ever express those desires to me Or I could punish them when I see the desire for anyone that is not me. Does that seem fair to you?

"Slaves are allowed to have the desire to suck a strange cock but I really would prefer not to know about it unless I ask. If I ask I always want the truth. If I know the truth I can be a better owner, if you have the desire for another cock I can share you if I feel it would not interfere with the way you respond to me. Or if I know that you really don't want another cock I might force you to as a way to punish you.

"So you see there is never a right answer to the questions I ask you other than the honest ones. You heard me listing the things I have slaves do when that teenager asked. What in that list sounded like something you want me to make you do?" I thought he would need time to think the list through but he didn't.

"Licking your dirty asshole, Master.

"I might want you to whip my balls, too."

"Daiki, you aren't going to want the time I promised you in Kuwait to decide if you will be enslaved. Are you? Tonight was enough?

"Shall we go straight from the airport to the courthouse?"

"Please, Master." I had hoped there was a chance that he would come back to me as a lover but, NO, he would return to Manzili as the latest slave. Latest, unless one of the boys or the doorman's sons choose to go with me, that is the only way I would take them and even then only if I see something that attracts me. I wasn't going to take them to sell, well maybe the Parking Valet. I wondered if I could ever become like Mehmet? The last time we had talked more than a polite greeting and our one dinner for Ahmed he had suggested that since I would have time once I had the city running that I might want to go into the buying, selling and training business.

I didn't permit him to act like he was my slave longer. I took Daiki to my bed as my lover. Life is strange, two months earlier that would have been exactly what Daiki wanted from me, He had changed. The rehabilitation Center had not turned him away from sex with men but had turned him to having no other desire than to serve me. He still hadn't broken the habit of rising early that had been instilled in him working in the palace kitchen, he was kneeling on the floor waiting for me to wake. When he saw me throw the covers back he opened his mouth and after wishing me a "good morning Master" took the head of my cock in his mouth.

I knew what Daiki wanted. If that was the way our life was going to move forward I gave in and my morning piss flowed over his tongue and down his throat. I hadn't brought anything to bind Daiki to me, while I sat eating my breakfast he spent the time sucking and licking my toes. While he ate off the floor I searched for a store where I would be able to find a collar and leash, Meckelson had called to let me know that there would be a two day delay in my return to Kuwait, he promised he would call if there was any progress on what the countries would be paying in reparation.

It was too cool outside for me to have Daiki dressed in a Kuwaiti style slave wrap, how that had been packed I wasn't sure. Was Ahmed being prescient again? We had spoken about the possibility that Daiki might gradually turn from his young love into a slave but I was not of the opinion that it would be happening while we were in England. Ahmed had felt that I might lead him there if I was to treat him the way he wanted.

We found a collar that worked much like the shock collars but wasn't as harsh. I bought a leash that was made of a heavy chain. I think it must have weighed at least twenty pounds. He was carrying the bulk of the weight as we walked down the street and the single bag that held the whip he had chosen for his first experience with me. Other than that I treated him humanely, called him by his name and allowed him to eat the same food I ate; we dined in restaurants that were being talked about in the city so he could get a feel of what the trends were. We did some of the tourist things, including seeing the Royal Jewels and Buckingham Palace. We were probably a tourist sight ourselves, its not often you see a collared boy carrying a heavy chain walking the streets of London.

Finally, I received a call that Kuwait would allow us to return; Meckelson also had a proposal from each of the Kings and the Center. I wasn't too worried about the money but it would certainly mean that more of Manzili would be in my hands not sold to the men that hoped to inhabit it. I told him that what he had negotiated would be okay but that he had not included Daiki's family and I thought they needed to pay, also, even if it was only the father's Mercedes and one of the younger sons being given over as a slave.

He called back less than an hour later with an agreement that the King of Kuwait would enforce on the family. The following morning we left England, I hope forever. On the way from customs to the King's jet we were stopped by the NCA. I couldn't believe they were going to interfere with our plans on the tarmac. All they wanted was to deliver a message that I should never return, they wouldn't obey their orders the next time. They still believed that I was the one that killed Patrick and were looking for proof. Meckelson flew with us, I had to listen to him give a presentation on why I should do as Mehmet had suggested. He was the first person that tried talking me into the business that was able to convince me that I should think about having a flow of money and that selling or training slaves might be able to provide that.

I hadn't known how smart he was in business. By the time we reached Manzili he had made an estimate of all my endeavors and how much the town was costing me. I had thought without doing too extensive a plan that the town would still be costing me money at the three year point, he showed me how with a couple tweaks to my plan I could be out of the red after little more than a year, basically because the land was costing me only the improvements I was making. If I held onto a small parcel of land where I could build training camps I could turn one piece of land from a one time credit to an ongoing credit to my accounts.

The moral problems I had the first time I was asked to go into the business full-time in Morocco were no longer a matter I was concerned with: when Daiki signed himself over as my slave all reservations disappeared. I could train slaves and sell them without a twinge of guilt. If I was able to castrate a slave I could sell him. Knowing which boys coming from the USA to buy would be a problem, but I hoped that Mehmet would help me. There was such a demand for trained slaves that we wouldn't be in competition unless I hose to train slaves for labor also. I didn't think there was much of a chance of me doing that, I would be training the boys to be ponies and personal sex slaves.

Next: Chapter 43

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