By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 10, 2023



Chapter 42

All characters are fictitious. The Countries mentioned in the future have not done what they are said to have done. I have written every word of this story. If you are not of legal age to read stories of men having sex with men I hope you go elsewhere. If you don't like stories that might become extreme, I suggest you find something else to read.


Chapter 42

We were met at the airport by two palace guards, with Daiki's 18 year old brother between them in cuffs.

"What's that asshole doing here?"

"Your brother? He is going with us to the courthouse to be signed over to me as a slave."

"He doesn't have sex with men."

"By the end of the week he will be having sex with any man I tell him to. He might even be ready to suck your ass."

"Master, please don't bring him along. He has been mean to me."

"If he is mean to you ever again he will be beaten so hard that he will wish you would fuck him every morning before he gets up. Now take off his clothes and put on that slave wrap."

Tanvir tried fighting the guards and his brother but three to one would not have been a fair battle even if he had been larger or stronger. When Daiki had him stripped I warned him that any further fighting and he would be feeling the bull whip at sundown. I had the feeling that it was going to take a lot of my time and effort to train Tanvir to be as docile as his older brother but looking at his body I thought it would be worth it

Both the King and their mother had signed the papers necessary to enslave a free Kuwaiti. Once outside the Courthouse the guards were ready to leave Tanvir in my hands but I convinced them to stay until I was able to have a second collar brought and the second end of the chain Daiki carried fastened to his brother's collar.

Meckelson was waiting in the Mercedes with the A/C running. His eyes lit up upon seeing the new slave.

"That is the type of boy I like. Will you let me have some time with him?" Meckelson spoke before I starterd up the engine.

"He claims to be straight and to never had sex with a boy or man. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to wait until he has had some training?"

"I may not be back until long after his training has finished. I am only staying tonight and most of the day tomorrow while I pick out the lot I want."

"Mr. Meckelson, in all the years you worked with my father I never even suspected that you would have wanted to have sex with a boy. I knew that you weren't married and that my mother didn't like you being around me but that was as much as I knew, why?"

"Your parents both know about me. Your father walked in on me have sex with a friend of his when we roomed together in college. For the first few minutes he was there I thought he was going to join us but he didn't. Later he told me that it didn't matter to him but that he didn't want me to make any moves on him. Like that was likely." I laughed, pictures I had seen of my father in college didn't show a very physically attractive man and one that was definitely far from the type Meckelson professed to like upon seeing Tanvir..

"Later I thought your mother would have sliced my throat if she had ever heard that I had tried to get you to have sex with me. She is still that protective of you." He sounded like he didn't like her much but that there had been an attraction to me.

"So you'll have a house here but they will never know about it?"

"I don't think there is a reason they need to know. Most of the work I do for your father is within a few thousand miles of here and he has always asked why I don't buy a house rather than use hotel rooms. When you are single and moving around so much hotels work better. Although I always charge them to him.

"With the type of town you want to build I might be able to either find a lover or settle down with a slave. In the last few years I have started to feel like I want more out of life than meeting strange men in strange cities for a night of unsatisfying sex and a walk of shame."

"You have never had a lover?"

"For a year while in college, that friend of your father. Since then I have been alone. Thirty five years without anyone to be concerned about what I am doing is sad."

Tanvir and Daiki were fighting in the backseat. I had to stop the car and wrap the chain around their necks with them seated back to back. I warned them both that if I had to stop again that they would be feel the whip within an hour of arriving at Manzili. Tanvir didn't seem to like my hands on him, so I made sure I felt all of his body before taking off the slave wrap and letting Meckelson grope him for five minutes.

"So is cock what you have been missing?" Meckelson had concentrated his groping there.

"No. I like a submissive boy. One that not only sucks cock but enjoys being fucked." I wondered how much he could fuck, I tried to add up his age from when he and my father graduated from college but realized I didn't know when that was. I made a guess they were in their mid-fifties if not older. Looking at Meckelson and my father I would have said much older.

"My father pays you enough that you could go to one of the plastic surgeons in the region and lose twenty years or more. Looking younger might help you find someone that would want to get to know you. I know being liked for looks is shallow, but a good first impression is helpful."

"The same old doctor that worked on you?"

"I don't know if he is back in business, but if so he would not be a bad choice." I felt bad for Meckelson, unless he found a man at least his age he wasn't going to attract anyone the way he looked. If his desire was for a teenager he would need the help.

For the rest of the drive I thought about how I could train slaves to care for their masters. It didn't seem like it was a possibility. You either care or you don't. I know slaves that cared for their owner, Hell I had a few of them.

"That's enough! Tanvir, when we get to Manzili you are going to be whipped. You need to learn that when you are given an order you obey."

"Master, don't hurt him, please."

"For that you will feel the whip, too, Daiki." The other slaves wouldn't understand what was happening when called to the beach. They had always been told that Daiki wasn't a slave so there would be confusion. Why would I be beating him?

"Olly, I have never used a whip. Could you show me how to whip Tanvir?" He was looking at the boy in the back seat, not me while he talked. For what he had done for me in England I decided to give him the boy if he could be trained, the boy hadn't cost me anything.

"Do you want him trained as a personal pony boy or personal sex slave and housekeeper?"

It didn't take him long to answer although he had turned far enough to have a hand between the boy's legs. I thought he might become so enamored that he wouldn't want him trained as a slave, what would I do then? Let Meckelson have the boy to free? No, the family had to pay and Tanvir was the price, it didn't matter what the boy thought he wanted, the rest of his life was going to be lived as a sex slave. He could do worse than have a Master that traveled and left him to himself most of the time.

"I don't think he's big enough to be a pony." He was rubbing both pecs while talking.

"The carts really don't take that much to move once the slave overcomes inertia. He could haul you around if you wanted to buy yourself a cart. I don't have any extra. My plan was to have a monopoly on the carts moving around town so Manzili never gets too crowded with traffic but for all you have done I would allow you to have a private cart."

"Train him to become a personal sex slave and housekeeper, to cook too if possible." It sounded like a firm decision.

"I'm no fucking woman!"

"That's another lesson you'll need to learn Tanvir, you don't speak unless asked a question. You are adding up the whip strokes you will be getting.

"Do I need to keep calling you Mr. Meckelson? It seems that for as long as I've known you that I should be able to get away with calling you Irv like my father and mother do. I am going to try being on a first name basis with everyone that lives in Manzili."

"Irv, will work. Should I still call you Olly or would you rather I call you Ali as most of the people I met have?"

"Ali is the name I was given once I went through slave training. I have some pride in it. Since my parents were not willing to spend the money to purchase me when I was first auctioned off I have abandoned the name they gave me. I would prefer that you call me Ali but I will probably still answer to Olly unless I am having a bad day. No one else would know who you were referring to if you asked them for Olly unless they thought your pronunciation was horrible." I knew that was why I had originally been named Ali, Mehmet had thought that was what I was saying.

"Okay, Ali it will be. Do all the slaves get a new name once training is finished?"

"It generally is after training, but I did rename all the pony boys while in training. By taking their old names away I wanted them to start understanding they are ponies not humans any longer. Most of them have accepted their new names and position in Manzili, there are a few that I will have retrained for other jobs since they have never become good enough at giving blow jobs to represent the city as is intended of all the ponies. The first one has had his tongue removed, he and the other are scheduled to be castrated.

"The pair will be maintenance workers for the town. The sex stations need constant cleaning and sanitizing. Unless residents start to request the ponies wear diapers the other slave will roam the streets picking up pony shit and washing down piss.

"The ponies are property of the city so once you own property in the city you are permitted to demand sex from the pony hauling you within the city. I hope you like the town when you see it. The city planners have done a great job of making sure the town is not just another town.

"I don't know that my father would be pleased, but if you like the town enough you might open a law office here. So far I think there are three lawyers that are considering the idea but none that have confirmed they will. With self-rule that has been granted I am going to need to develop a legal system that will includes a civil and criminal court. You could be one of the founding fathers of the system, helping to write the laws and move onto being a judge?" I had been thinking that I might discuss allowing Saudia Arabia to control the criminal court so I wouldn't need prosecutors or jails.

"I went to law school hoping the whole three years to become a judge some day. I clerked for an appeals court judge before your father convinced me to travel the world working for him. Do you have some idea what your system will look like?"

"I have committed to the King of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia that I will not put in place laws that are in contrast with theirs except possibly in the case of human rights. They both accepted that the town would most likely have better human rights than either of their countries." The worst laws were still against women and I didn't plan on any living with us.

"Still, I am not so sure of that. I have already told a company that if they were to bring in females that the women must be lesbians. It feels like I am going to press the companies not to have any heterosexuals in the town, how to do that and still have reasonable human rights for everyone seems confusing." It isn't that I have anything against heterosexuals other than they have discriminated against men like me for thousands of years.

"Did the Kings give you the land here with any restrictions?"

"No, they didn't even say that I was to build a town. It was just acceptable to them if I did. They had both learned of the town Mehmet and associates had built in Kuwait and when I said I wanted to do something like that they approved of it." At least the King of Saudi Arabia had. Much of what was going to be there was because of him.

How Ahmed knew I was about to park is beyond me. When the back doors were opened and he saw the brothers wrapped in chain he asked what I wanted to be done with them. He looked at me horrified when I told him that they were to be chained to the racks on the beach and that all slaves were to be in attendance when they were punished at sunset.

I asked if there were any of the slaves that had behaved in a manner that would require me to punish them. Capricorn had refused to prepare the sex stations as they were built. Ahmed thought it better if I dealt with him.

"Have any of his operations been finished?"

"He still has his tongue and his balls although the sac is black. The doctor snapped the elastic bands into place the day after you left. He said the balls should have stopped living an hour later. I don't know when they are going to fall off but the doctor says they will."

"They aren't going to just fall off. He needs to remove them. Irv, let me go take care of this. Salman, give Mr. Meckelson a tour. Start with the stables." Maybe he would see a pony that he wanted more than he wanted Tanvir. It might be better if he chose a slave that had already been trained, Khozito would be everything he wanted except for being purple/black. I didn't know how prejudiced he was but I supposed I would find out.

"Salman take Khozito with you."

When I found the doctor he was arguing with the nurse about where they could store the new equipment until the larger office was finished. I listened for a few minute before stepping into the trailer and telling the nurse to listen to the doctor. He glared at me but started hauling the boxes through the door.

"Why haven't you removed Capricorn's balls? They are going to go gangrenous and you may have to amputate his cock. Or he could develop sepsis and you can't treat that here."

"Master, he has not allowed anyone near him." It was strange for the Doctor to call me Master, usually he avoided any title or name when addressing me even though he was a slave.

I had known that I was going to need a strong overseer, I had hoped that Ahmed would be strong enough but it seemed that he wasn't going to be able to man handle the slaves if needed. Using the taser was a trick he had used when slaves had been disobedient before but it wasn't going to work with Capricorn. Unknown to all the slaves I had a tranquilizer pistol that would put them to sleep in seconds. "Do you know where I can find him?"

"I think he has hidden away in one of the buildings that has working A/C. He complained about having a slight fever this morning at breakfast." Immediately I thought infection.

I went into the beach house to get the pistol. I searched through the house just in case. He wasn't there, I was worried about the possible complications he could be suffering. I had considered selling him before the castration but if he developed too much of a complication he was not going to be worth anything. Not that he was worth that much. I was sure looking down at his blackened balls he was thinking that he was no longer a man. That was exactly what I had hoped to accomplish by having him castrated since he hadn't learned when I took his name.

"We need to look in any place that has A/C first. After that we can look in anyplace he would have access to without breaking in." We went the whole way through the town and were approaching a crew of carpenters that were headed to their trailer when I saw the reluctant pony hauling a trailer the carpenters had loaded with their tools. The chief of the crew turned to talk with me, he looked like he could have been a twin of the road crews chief.

"You are Prince Ali, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"That slave has been hiding around the houses we have started, doing nothing for the last three days. This morning four of my men caught him going through food at the trailer. Since he hadn't managed to steal anything we couldn't see that chopping off his hands would be right so we decided to use him as a mule until someone came looking for him. It has taken a few of us using wasted boards on his ass to get him to pull the cart but he has the idea that any of us might smack him if he doesn't move the cart where he is told to. Is he the result of your training?"

"He is the result if you want to talk about one of twenty slaves that is not functioning as he should. You can look at him and see that he is being castrated for not doing as ordered." As I looked at him I saw that there was going to be more than just his balls falling off when the doctor opened up his sac. For sure the sac was gone, too. It was possible he would lose his cock if our doctor wasn't able to save it.

"When you're done with him, bring him over to me.." I didn't go far, I just sat on a chair that allowed me to see the three houses they were building. I was sitting there for at least twenty minutes before the carpenters dragged Capricorn over to me. At least two of them rubbed his face on their crotches and one in his ass.

"The boss told us to ask if he is for sale. He said once the balls come off he would discuss payment. I don't think he wants to pay a lot but you might come to some agreement." Capricorn didn't look like he thought much of being sold to the carpenters but if he didn't start obeying orders that is what I would do. He had caused me enough problems, a future as a laborer and sex slave seemed to suit him..

"Tell your boss that I will think about selling the slave to him but while we negotiate you can use him as a mule as long as he is smacked with the boards when he doesn't react quick enough." He smiled at the thought of having a mule to haul their cart.

"Don't worry, sir. If he's pulling the cart he will get plenty of encouragement." Ahmed had taken the leash from the man, none of us saw him pull back and smack Capricorn as hard as he could. "Slave when you get here tomorrow be ready to take all of our loads, none of this refusing anyone for being too huge.

"This morning only about half of us got to fuck him. He really has something to learn about being a slave."

"I agree." I wondered if this was exactly what he needed. There were more than a dozen men that looked like they could beat his ass regularly and would if he didn't obey their orders. "Smack his balls with that board, okay?"

Capricorn pulled his cock out of the way and the man smashed the board into his balls. So much for having the doctor open up the sac, his testicles were hanging out of the split sac. It looked painful but Capricorn hadn't made even a whimper when he had been hit.

"Do you have a pair of wire clippers or a knife on that cart?"

It wasn't the man I had been speaking with that brought me the clippers, it was a bigger man that looked nothing but mean. I reached between Capricorn's legs. "They are already dead, so why not get rid of them?"

He didn't look like I had caused him any pain but he did let a tear fall when his testicles hit the ground.. While he watched, I stepped on them both and ground them into the sand.

"If I need to do anything more to you, it going to be this cock." There was fear in his eyes as he looked at me. If I had to I was going to take him apart one piece at a time but I wouldn't be starting with his cock, he had ten fingers that would teach him lessons along the way and two nipples that I knew were sensitive.

"Master, I will do what you tell me" I wondered how long that would last, Capricorn hadn't seemed to fear the lose of his balls enough for it to affect the rest of his life.

The need to get some vengeance for what had happened to me in England surged through me, I had the bull whip in my hand when I walk to the beach. I had left Capricorn with the doctor and gave orders for him to bring his fellow slave to the beach when he had the dead skin scraped from his cock. He had assured me that the boy would not lose the cock but a few layers of skin would need to grow back and that would take time. He had easily removed the sac below the bands and then the bands slipped off with a light tug. There was no blood, he was starting to look like he was having a sex change operation. Perhaps that is what I could use as a threat. How do doctor give men vaginas? I knew they were lined with the skin from the cock but the hole?

Daiki was neither prepared for the whip or the pain. He screamed so loudly that the sound echoed back off the gulf. He had told me of the two things I had mentioned sounded like he would want to try. The second whip tip to his balls must have changed his mind, he was begging me not to beat his balls any more. I had planned on only giving him a few strokes anyway. Still, I couldn't let the other slaves believe that begging would stop a beating. I put one stroke on each cheeks and as he settled into the pain one more to his balls. Not only was he screaming, he was crying in huge sobs with streams of tears covering his cheeks.

"Please, Mister. Don't whip me."

"What was that slave?"

"Master, please Master. Please don't beat me."

"Slave I think there are a few things you need to learn.

"First, you don't speak unless you are asked a question or told you may.

"Second, you do not fight with other slaves.

"Third, there is no work that is women's work, that is not also slaves' work.

"Fourth, there is nothing I tell you to do that you won't do. What I say is law.

"Fifth, you are being trained to be Mr. Meckelson's slave. Now suck his cock before your beating." Ahmed and Salman dropped him from the stretched position to his knees. I didn't know whether Irv was going to be willing to be sucked in front of all the slaves but he walked up to Tanvir, pulled down his zipper and pulled out what looked to be five soft inches of cock. Tanvir was fighting with himself about sucking the dick even as he was being urged to do so by the two men that had put him on his knees and his brother that was still hanging from a rack.

I really thought he was going to refuse. I hit the arch of his left foot with the whip and he went to scream. Irv knew well enough what to do, before the sound cleared the beach Irv had shoved his cock in the boy's mouth.

"Okay, now slave, suck it." Tanvir was completely taken by surprise as would have been anyone. He didn't know what to do to the cock. He did look strange with his cheeks puffed out and his lips open.

"Ahmed, talk him through it." Ahmed stood and Salman sank to his knees in front of the slave that would soon be his trainee. I heard him talking to Tanvir but at the distance I couldn't understand the Arabic if that was what he was speaking. Irv seemed frustrated with the boy and after a few minutes put his hand on the back of Tanvir's head and Ahmed pushed him down further on Meckelson's cock and with a good hold on his hair pulled the boy back up a few inches before pushing him back down until he was gagging.

"Is he sucking, Irv?" There were boys that thought going up and down was enough and others that started sucking almost the minute a cock entered their mouths.

"He could be sucking harder, but he has started to use his mouth to suck. He does have some tongue action, too. You are going to have him trained for me?"

"Unless you found another that you would rather have?"

"No, he will be perfect." Irv had started to face fuck the boy and there seemed to be a response that was not just Ahmed's hand on the slave's head.

"Get him back on the rack." I could see they were both starting to enjoy themselves. Now it was time that Tanvir felt what it would be like if he didn't do as he was taught.. You better put a gag in his mouth Salman."

I wasn't going for his balls like I hit his brother's. I didn't uses the full force I could either, I didn't want to mark him up before his next owner took possession.

"Irv, pull your pants up and step over here." The lawyer looked like having a slave on his cock was the first time he had ever felt another man's mouth. He had said he had male on male sex previously but from the look on his face I wasn't sure he hadn't been lying.

"You have to grip the handle of the whip firmly. While your aim will come from your arm and body, the actual snap that will deliver the power of the whip will be provided by your forearm and wrist. Stand in front of me." I moved his arm ten or so times with the whip not hitting anything other than air and then another five hitting just the target put together for slaves to use for practice. He was having trouble with not only his aim but using his wrist to deliver just the tip of the whip not the corded length. We hadn't taken a second whip to the beach with us or I would have allowed him more time to practice before moving to the slaves.

"Daiki was punished for minor transgressions but you can see each of the places I hit." Irv and I had moved close enough not only to see the marks the tip of the whip had left but touch if we desired. I stroked the welts on the balls I loved lightly and pointed out to Irv how I had neatly laid the three strokes half an inch apart but parallel. Once he had seen the optimal look that would result from a proper whipping I showed him how I would start on Tanvir by hitting him on both butt cheeks twice. Irv had been more entranced by the welts I had left on Daiki's balls and asked me to show him how it was done.

"Salman, pull the boy's balls down between his legs." I used Salman because he had always seemed the most excited by watching me hit anyone's balls. I have the feeling that he wants me to whip his, too, but is afraid to ask in case I hit them hard enough to damage him. That might have been the one part of his body that had never been punished, his cock had scars where his father had not only hit it but cut at him.

For the next half hour I showed Irv how to punish his slave. When Tanvir was released he dropped to Irv's feet and begged that he not allow me to punish him anymore. I had brought clips to the beach that were then attached to his nipples, they were not meant as punishment but torture: they would hurt much worse when removed.

"If you remove the clips, Tanvir, I will have a set of clips that fasten under the skin placed on you and those clips put on your balls." Irv had asked that he be put in a chastity cage until he returned from finalizing a few contracts that my father had up in the air. Tanvir had fought the slaves that were laughing as they fastened the cage only to find that they enjoyed passing on the torment they had suffered and when he cried would force his mouth to their feet or assholes. I had noticed that all of the slaves that had been fully trained would automatically force the newer slaves to kiss and lick their asses, I thought I should try to understand that some day; I had been the same way.

Even though he was still crying, Daiki had been sent to the house to prepare dinner. Irv and I rode off in the double cart so he could see where the first office building and the plants were to be located. When he saw where Mehmet had chosen to build his new beach house he said that it would be better if he moved to the other end of the beach front lots so he wouldn't have to hear any parties the man held. He was right, I was sure Mehmet would start having Agency parties at the house as soon as he had it built. Reminder to self, see if any of the slaves can be taught to self-suck. There hadn't been much preparatory work done, but a few stakes and ribbons were marking the outline of the building. Mehmet seemed to be preparing to build a house larger than the palace he had in his own town, I couldn't tell too much but it looked like his father's to me. It would be good to have a rich side of town, although almost all the lots would require the purchaser to be fairly rich. The only residents that wouldn't need to have the kind of money that makes others jealous were those that chose to live in the apartments, they were to be kept low-cost.

Irv chose the penultimate lot to the other end of the beach lots. He said he knew that there would be others like Mehmet that would want two lots so he was trying to make sure that he wasn't the only resident with only one beach front lot. Just like a lawyer to think that way. I didn't say anything but I thought he was building close to the public beach so he would be able to watch the naked bodies. He had heard me talking about the fact that the public beach was to be nude and that those that owned lots along beach would be able to restrict the five hundred feet between them and the gulf anyway they chose. I didn't expect there to be too much beachfront that would require clothing, but I didn't know the Kuwaiti elite well enough to make predictions.

Tanvir had been tied to the back of the cart before we started. I didn't know whether to expect him to resist or if he could run as far as we would be going so I had Salman run behind him with the wiffled paddle to make him keep up and not pull against the ponies. Ahmed had been working with the ponies and we now had the two pairs that would alternately be hitched to the double cart chosen. This was the first time the ponies were fully decked out. They had worn the helmet manes the day of the open house, now the pair that pulled us not only had on the helmet mane and the tail plug but the chest plate made of polished metal. The décor designed for their chests rose up to the neck and stretched down to a cock ring. On the stronger slaves it looked like they were gladiators, on the three weakest pony boys it made them look extremely effeminate.

"I was pleased with the design and wished that Prince Al Sari had the opportunity to see the ponies he had purchased fully attired for work, he had never even seen my design for the ornate chest decoration. The pony's back and butts were bare, clear for the rider to use the lunge provided each cart as he felt he needed to.

There was no way for Meckelson to know where on the lot he would build or how far it would go. Even with that being said he had Tanvir take a shovel we had brought along and dig a trench well over one hundred feet long.

"Slave, this is where you will spend the rest of your life. Everyday after your training I want you brought here to widen the trench another three feet until you have made it 100 feet by 50 feet. Once you have it to those dimensions I want you to start making it deeper."

"We won't be having cars in the town, Irv. Why do you want a basement since that all the land you have chosen is in Kuwait?" In Kuwait the basement were only to be used for cars, no residences.

"But under self-rule you should be able to have your own zoning and building laws. If so I rather hope that I will be able to make the basement so I can pull in a small boat or jet-ski." I wondered if he was thinking of having a dungeon, if I was to build a house from scratch I would have half the basement made into a dungeon..

"I am going have to think about crossing the beach with a trench wide enough to pull the water vehicles in. It is not something that is in the plans at this time." I had thought everyone should be able to walk along the entire stretch of beach but could I restrict entry to the gulf?

Irv had Tanvir sleep on the floor by the bed he used that night. Since he wasn't trained he was chained to the bed with enough length for him to get up and kneel but not get on the bed or do anything else. If it had been me I would have used him for a urinal that first morning but I have no idea if Irv did, Tanvir would be trained to be his urinal by the time he returned. There were a few sexual practices that we taught first and that was the third. He would also have learned more about cleaning house than any normal Kuwaiti man knew.

"Can you teach your brother to cook like this?"

"Probably not. I have never seen that he has the interest or the discipline necessary to learn how to cook. I might be able to teach him a few things in the kitchen but it will depend on how much you make him want to learn."

"Make him want to learn? What does that mean?" I would have thought Irv was quicker than that. Daiki was telling him to beat his brother until he cooperated and Irv wasn't getting it.

"Irv, if he wants to keep his balls he will learn what his brother teaches him."

"Oh. Does that make the slaves want to learn?"

"The threat of being castrated? For most of the slaves it is a remarkable incentive. Just seeing the one slave that has already been castrated and the second that has been marked and scheduled tends to get the slaves moving a bit faster and learning their tasks better. If Tanvir wants to keep his balls is yet to be learned. From what his brother has said the only way he would have shot a load would have been masturbating, while that feels good as a teen once he feels what it is like to shoot in another's mouth or ass his desire to hold onto his balls will over shadow any reluctance to do as he is trained to do." I was almost completely certain of that. The look on the slave's face when he heard that he would be permitted to fuck another slave was almost worth calling a slave to come with us.

I had taken the anal cherry of all the ponies, the first twelve and the ten that had joined us once we were living here. For a while I hadn't wanted to do it any more but with a break since the last virgin I was back to being ready and Tanvir was going to learn from me what it meant to be fucked.

"Ali, if you are the first to fuck all the slave don't you think about the fact that there are are a few set of brothers and twins? Where you come from that would be considered incest." He sounded almost horrified at the thought.

"It would. But would that be any worse than raping them?

"Yeah, I am raping them and committing incest. What other abomination am I committing. Homosexuality? Masturbation? Mistreating a slave?

"Irv, I no longer care what the neighborhood I grew up in says is right or wrong. What is right is that the slaves learn how to please the men that use them. When I sign Tanvir over to you, I have the feeling you will start to feel the same way."

"Well, I won't be committing incest."

"What the Hell is Incest? And why is it outlawed? Marry your cousin and have mentally impaired children, makes sense. Fuck your brother in law? What do you have except two happy men? If you had asked me that question when I was at Ohio State my answer would have been completely different but having been in two different sets of twins' asses I can't see the reason to outlaw homosexual incest unless it happens to be a father forcing his children." I had seen that and the results were not good.

"I didn't let Tanvir suck you long enough to get off, sure you wouldn't like Ihad and Imad to go with you tonight and teach you all about incest. The boys love getting a third involved in their play. As far as they are concerned the more the merrier. If they can't find another they are pleased to suck and fuck each other, they even liked to do it in front of audiences. Ihad in particular likes the biggest dicks he can find so they often have Runihuru join them." I wasn't sure he believed what I was saying.

"Ali, I have never had sex with two men at the same time."

"You haven't had that much sex have you, Irv?" The questioins he had been asking while we rode around the town suggested that he had a naivete that I had shed months before.

"Well, I have sucked a few dozen cocks and been fucked three times. So I guess I really haven't had that much sex in 35 years" I thought about sending him off with a half dozen slaves that were versatile but instead asked him again if he wanted to have a night with Ihad and Imad. He wasn't able to vocalize his desire but he did nod.

A few seconds after I had called the twins out of the pack of slaves they had their mouths pressed to my feet. They were always eager to do whatever I bid them do, Ihad would have spent his life on his knees licking ass and Imad would have been happy to lick feet and suck toes eighteen hours a day. "Boys, you are going with this man tonight, he wants to know what it is like to be with boys that are related. Give him anything he wants, if he is reluctant to tell you what he wants from you I suggest you both treat his ass to everything you know before giving up yours to him.

"Both of you get up here and open you mouths." I needed to piss and sending Irv off with the memory of the twins drinking piss wasn't a bad idea.

I could tell Imad wanted to ask me a question Generally I would have ignored it but with a virgin slave sleeping beside the bed and a fairly inexperienced man with them I thought I better let him ask what he needed to know.

He stood on his toes and whispered in my ear, "Master, may we use the new slave as a piss pot?"

Slapping his ass I let him know it was fine with me if he could get the boy to agree to it but not to make a mess. If there was anyone that could talk Tanvir into more sex than he had already experienced, Imad was the one to give it a try. I had seen him fuck a couple of the ponies that swore they wouldn't be fucked after I popped their cherries. The twins were slick, I didn't doubt that Tanvir would have had at least three loads of piss come morning, maybe twice that. I sent Ahmed after them with three large bottles of water.

Back in Manzili I had been less conscious about being conspicuous with the implants glowing in my cheeks. There were slaves that knew the true story so anyone that thought I was a murderer was soon set straight. The next group of men considering a purchase were expected in a few days and that I felt was a time that I would need to have one if not both implants totally muted. We had been trying to find a cloth that would block out the glow to no avail.

"Master, have you tried leather?"

"I thought about it, but I with the heat it would be almost unbearable." Even the lightest cloth was too much for me some days. I tried wearing linen or a silk mix most of the time. The tailor had been in Manzili for three days trying everything he could that wouldn't make life too hard.

I agreed to try whatever leather he could find that he thought might do the job. He had already tried tanned goat hide which hadn't done more than wool.

When I came in for the evening meal he was prepared with a stack of animal hides that he thought might work. I spent an hour before eating, in an out of this leather and that. I gave up and told him I was going to eat. A few of the leathers had felt like I might be able to wear them for an entire day but most of them didn't work at covering up the symbols.

Daiki had made me an American meal, beef meatloaf, potatoes and fresh vegetables. As soon as he had it on the table he was underneath licking at my balls and trying to reach my asshole. What is better than eating a comfort meal with your slave licking you? If I could have exposed my ass better, I might have been happier, so would have he. I had to laugh at Daiki, twice he had covered up my right cheek with a skillet so that he wasn't looking at the Star of David while eating my ass. I wondered if all metals worked.

"Fetch the tailor and meet me by the closet holding the Saudi robes." The material the robes were made of wasn't thick, but there were some of them that had metal thread woven in and a couple that were even more metallic. I like the robes, but if they do the job I would allow the tailor to make a couple of them into wraps that I could work in.

I had tried three of them and was getting the idea that I was being foolish. I pulled a robe from the closet that I had always thought was fairly plain. I had actually never worn it because of that. The only decoration on the robe were a few wide strips that ran vertical in a darker material than the rest. For the first time that evening I hoped the robe I let fall over my head wouldn't work.

"Master, it's perfect!" The tailor had been subdued until that moment.

"What, this ugly thing covers up the symbols?"

"Yes! The dark strips completely hide them."

"Well what is the material?

He said he should be able to find it and make me wraps.

"I have never seen it before, Master, but it looks fairly basic."

For the next few days he searched every distributor and store in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other nearby countries where he thought he might find it, but was unable. The night the realtors and title workers showed up the tailor came back and quickly put together a wrap from the bottom of the robe. That left me with a partial robe I could wear at the official dinner to welcome them and a wrap for the next day but I really hated how I looked in the dual-shaded, dark cloth.

The realtors did well the following day. By the end of the day there were two more restaurants that had signed leases, a call center and one lawyer. I didn't count the number of private residences they sold, by the time I was heading to dinner there was still a line out of the title tent where four men had been working steadily since noon. The man I had thought about throwing in the stable the previous night joined the lawyer and two other Realtors at the beach house for a special dinner.

Daiki had supervised the serving of dinner to the other guests in Manzili before coming back to the house. He was extremely sweaty, but the glisten made him even more attractive: I cursed the idea that he was not to be a lover but a slave. The other men didn't know what to do when he crawled under the table. I think they were hoping to have their cocks sucked but Daiki was trained by then to start at my feet and work his way up to my balls. If I sat at the table long enough he would suck my cock or drink piss unless directed to the others.

"Prince Ali, what made you think you would want to create a town that only housed men that would have sex with other men." The Realtor that I thought attractive and I had been conversing easily through most of the dinner. I hadn't realized how much time had passed until I felt Dailki slide his mouth down the full length of my cock. Should I let him suck me off or should I be fully loaded when I later tried taking the man with me when I climbed the stairs.

"Tony, (I didn't know families in Kuwait used that name) I visited the town in Kuwait that Mehmet and his associates built. Other than being too small, I was happy while there. Mehmet had bought a house for us there and was still refurbishing it when the Agency forced him to send me to Saudi Arabia. While there I spoke with Mehmet a few times and he told me the town was completely occupied, Kuwait was prohibiting houses to be built on the outskirts.

"I had a number of problems in Saudi Arabia and while still courting me the Crown Prince gave me the section of land that is in his country and Kuwait donated the smaller portion we're sitting on now in an effort to foster a belief that the two countries would one day work out the disagreement over the contested lands. Neither the Prince nor the King had any thought that I would build a town here but when I mentioned it to Prince al Sari he liked the idea and gave me a few courting gifts that have made it possible.

"When I was rushed out of Saudia Arabia after his death I decided that being a freeman I could do what I wanted about building this town. The slaves I was given by the King and Prince Mehmet made it possible to start the work I needed done. The company that supplied the solar panels and built the salt water battery did a little more work than they were contracted to do, laying the electrical lines for the company that was starting the desalination plant.

"One of the gifts had been the services of an Architect with city planning experience. He and I worked over plans for longer than I would have thought necessary and when he brought me final plans presented something that didn't suit my ideas at all. He stayed here for the following two weeks and mapped out what you saw over the last two days. He has been working with Mehmet on the house he plans to build along the beach and with the company that plans on building an office building. I would love it if others that are building along the beach would use his services also but I doubt they will, everyone has their own thoughts about housing." Having exteriors that didn't match but didn't seem at odds either sounded nice.

"When will the apartment buildings be started?"

"The company that wants to build the first building sent in the heavy equipment they will need to construct the lower levels. Since there will be no cars allowed in the town they have also bought a lot that borders the edge of the desert for a parking garage. They have been given permission to build a road out to the main highway. They have already started the road, the garage is to be started next week and the apartment building will be started three weeks after that. Once there is a solid base for the apartments they will be sending in a different crew to start building the assembly plant.

"Within a month there will be much more than just Main Street. The leased shops will be started before the company starts digging the basement for the apartment buildings. The next few months are going to be seeing a huge difference to Manzili."

"Are you going to build a different house?"

"No. I like this house. Even if it may seem a little old-time beachy I think I will stay here."

"May I have a tour of the house?" The other guests that had eaten with us had departed.

"Daiki, stop sucking my cock.

"Let's start the tour outside." As I stood he was able to see all ten inches of my cock that caught on the hem of my robe as I stood.

My original plan had been to have a salt water pool put in the back of the house but the crew that I had supplied with sex slaves for one night had brought the equipment needed for a hot tub and installed it when they returned so I hadn't done anything about the pool. The hot tub was actually large enough for swimming a little. I had an outdoor shower so I could cool off after the hot tub, hence not needing the cooler pool. There were enough tables at the back of the lot to seat all the slaves who could access the yard through a gate at the rear of the stable. Daiki had supervised the building of an outdoor kitchen so he would be able to feed as many as I wanted, not be cramped in the house where the kitchen was not much larger than a regular house.

"Ali, this has been a long two days. Could we make use of your Jacuzzi?" I looked at him for a second, there was no where this would lead that didn't end up with us having sex if I stripped then. My cock bounced at the thought.

Daiki had followed us out. "Take my robe, slave."

Other than when I was with other slaves this was going to be the first time he saw me naked with another man. He neatly folded the robe and set it on a lounge chair. I waited for him to help my guest. It didn't take him long to understand that he was expected to help Tony. As my guest was bared I was transfixed. If I could steal the word, PERFECTION. I hadn't known what to expect, a dishdasha covers so much of the body you never know.

Tony might have been a college diver. Every muscle was well defined, he was smaller than I am, maybe four inches shorter and twenty or so pounds lighter but his body didn't need the height or weight to make him worthy of the stare that I am sure I was giving him. As he walked towards the water all of the desire I had for him the night before came back. He could have been a virgin and it wouldn't have mattered, I wanted to bury my cock in his ass and was planning on doing everything I needed to get him in my bed.

"Is something wrong, Ali?"

"No, Tony there absolutely nothing wrong. You are beautiful."

"Thank you. If anyone should know I would think that is you with all the beautiful slaves you have. Look at the boy that was sucking your cock while we ate." Daiki blushed at being called beautiful or at the fact it was known what he was doing under the table.

"Then there was that long dicked black boy that helped with directions. I wasn't the only one that wondered what it would take to steal him away from Manzili. Then those pony boy twins with the nearly white manes, they could stand out among any crowd of men. They don't need the mane or tail to be award winning beuaties."

"Prince al Sari had a good eye for man flesh. I did pick Daiki and Runihuru but the others you mentioned were his choice."

"As were you?"

"No, that was Mehmet. I was chosen because I was nearly identical to him." I was close enough to touch Tony with my cock. I went to touch his shoulder with my hand and my cock ran into his butt cheek. I always said my cock has its own brain, maybe it has its own eyes, too, it could use better aim if so..

Tony reached down and took hold of my cock. "This may be one of the most beautiful things I have seen since I arrived in Manzili. Ali, I hope you are going to make love to me tonight, last night you left my cock drooling when you mentioned that if I wanted you would open the stable for me to sleep with the pony boys."

We slowly walked down the steps into one of the deeper portions of the Jacuzzi, he hadn't given up his hold on my cock from the first moment our skin had touched. That was one of the things about him I was learning that I liked, he had not reacted when he found out he would be going into the pool naked and didn't seem to be upset that Daiki had been sucking my cock while he sat across the table from me.

"Why were you wearing such an ugly robe last night and then a slave wrap of the same material today?" He had been the first that was outspoken enough to mention what I thought. Right then I made the decision that he deserved to see the reason.

"Allow me to turn around." He unhanded my cock and looked at me as I turned. We had only gotten deep enough that the water was over our knees. I turned without any shame, if others wanted to think these thought about me I couldn't do much about it. If Tony believed what he saw then the night would be short.

"Those are old stories. Does it bother you that a fool thought you would be embarrassed to have those symbols glowing on your ever so edible butt?" Tony had reached out and run his hand up the crack of my ass, I almost cried that he accepted the symbols so easily. If he had wanted he could have taken my asshole right then and I wouldn't have objected.

Next: Chapter 44

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