By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 14, 2023



Chapter 9

I could give you the whole story about legalities and age, but if you have made it this far into Nifty and my story you are well aware of those. So far I think the story has been a little slow and non-sexual, I apologize. I know this is about the least sex I have put into a story, the characters are highly sexual so perhaps it will pick up.

Remember Nifty needs your contributions to survive.


Chapter 9

Angelo, Jamaal and I were excused. Mehmet, his two older brothers and his father wanted privacy, they moved to the center of the largest of the three lawns where it would have taken aids to listen in to their conversation. It felt wrong leaving my Master with his father since there had been so much tension but he obviously knew what he was doing in sending me off. Angelo took Jamaal for his first tour of the palace and me on my second. Where rooms and things were, started to make some sense to me as I saw them a second time.

"Angelo, you never showed me this room before."

"Prince Mehmet didn't want you to know about it. Now that you own a slave he thought it was time for you to see it. You didn't need to know about it before because you were doing your training at Camp (50)." Angelo and I had stepped into the center of the room while Jamaal walked around studying the equipment.

"Does he suppose there is a reason that I should be wanting to punish Jamaal, already?" I was looking at a machine that appeared to be a replica of an ancient rack.

"What is this for?" I didn't think I would be trying to torture anyone to learn the truth.

"When I was being trained to suck my own cock I couldn't seem to bend over far enough. It didn't seem to matter how much I practiced Yoga I couldn't get past licking the head of my cock. Our Master brought this in with a physical therapist to work on my back until I was limber enough to get my entire cock in my mouth. Look over in that corner, I would be strapped into that machine after being on the rack and bent over for hours on end until I was able to reach further than I had when I started. I have the therapist come by the palace once a month to help me stretch, we use both the rack and that machine, it helps.

"Is your slave not able to suck his cock?" He wasn't, but could I really subject him to these machines and having a therapist stretch him?

"Master, my cock is so much shorter than yours, how does your Master think I will ever be able to get the whole thing in my mouth?" Jamaal had taken one look at the second machine and come to hide behind me.

"Chuckles, I never thought you were that stupid. If I can suck all ten inches on my own cock into my mouth and throat, I obviously take that last five inches. You will have half as much to swallow." I don't know if I would have been able to start by getting my tongue on the five inch mark but he needed some encouragement.

"Angelo, what is that stool, it looks like a birthing stool." I was serious, there was enough of a rim to hold up your legs and part of your butt but I thought my ass and cock would hang out.

"The only reason it has been used since Prince Mehmet bought it was so he could sit and have his ass licked by a slave he didn't want to take to bed. I think he has had just about every slave in the palace on their back under the stool, even the females. He enjoys having his ass licked as much as any man you will ever meet.

"Our Master loves having a tongue in his ass every day. I don't think he knows it but he has even had his younger brother, Prince Ahmed, lick his ass."

"Are you trying to train Ahmed to do everything you do?"

"He has asked me to. I would have trouble fucking him. Even more trouble having him drink my piss like I drink his brother's."

"Is what you do here kept quiet? I would be glad to help you teach Ahmed what he needs to learn. Just this afternoon I fucked him. He needs a lot of training, but I think with enough practice he could be a nice hole to fuck for the slaves." From the look on his face I had the feeling that Angelo wasn't reasduy to turn a family member over to their slaves.

"Do you believe that Prince Mehmet will talk his father into taking Ahmed with you when you move to the new Palace?"

"Aren't you coming with us?"

"I have served in this house for the last ten years. I would miss the family, but if Prince Mehmet exerts right of ownership I will go along and do as he wishes." The words didn't match the look on Angelo's face, he would miss Mehmet as much as my Master would miss his body slave. They were like an old married couple.

"Please come with us Angelo, you are the only one that I feel comfortable having come into our bedroom in the morning."

"Ali, you need to learn how to drain your Master's piss. You need to learn, too, Jamaal."

"Do you think our Master bought Jamaal for my personal slave or for me to have a slave that I can offer to his friends and associates? Or one that can sleep at the foot of the bed and be prepared to drink his piss morning and night, he learned that the Realto used Jamaal's mouth during the night and first thing every morning."

"You've answered the question. Jamaal will be used by anyone that the Prince permits once you are living in his own palace. That is why he has asked me to train him not you. He will be going to the morning sessions at Camp (50), then returning to me. Ahmed wishes he could go to the camp and have some of the training."

"He does need it. Why don't we try to find a way to sneak him into camp. He will need to be completely shaved if we are going to try it.

"How big a cock is he able to suck?"

"I haven't tried him on the dildos like you use in camp. He can take all of my cock." Angelo doesn't have that large of a cock but it might be six and a half inches and a nice thickness.

"I will be taking Jamaal to the camp in the morning. If the Prince wants to go have him come here and we can shave him properly." I knew that he had said he would, but when faced with reality I wasn't sure the teenager knew what he wanted.

"Should I have him blindfolded when he enters the room?" Angelo seemed fairly ccertain Ahmed would be returning with him.

"Angelo you know best. Other than shaving him is there anything you want him to do? If you are going to start any of his training he should remain blindfolded. Especially if you are going to have him learn to lick our assholes." Angelo left the room carrying a blindfold that was a half hood, from the look of it he wouldn't me able to see to walk let alone determine who we are.

"Jamaal, we will need to finish shaving you, too. I like the pubes you have above your cock but they will not fit in when you get to camp." Part of me wondered if Mett hadn't bought Jamaal for me to have a lover, not a slave. It would be easy for me to fall in love with the young man that depended on my every whim for his pleasures in life. He had learned to lick my ass with an eagerness a slave that hated me would never have exhibited.

"Jamaal, while we're waiting for Prince Ahmed lick out my arm pits." I had been in the heat all day without any deodorant or antiperspirant, neither of which my Master wore or allowed me to wear. I was dripping sweat. Jamaal followed his order perfectly, although I think he was stopping on occasion to take a smell before he would start licking up the sweat and dead skin,m again. Had he thought about me over the last thirteen years the same way I had thought about him?

Jamaal was cleaning out the second armpit when Angelo and the Prince returned. For some reason I was feeling like I was in charge and instead of allowing Angelo to bring Ahmed any closer I motioned for them to kneel. I decided not to allow Ahmed to know that I knew who he was just as I didn't want him knowing whom I am. Before motioning Jamaal to join Angelo and Ahmed on the floor I turned his face so that I could kiss him, my cock had already been hard now it was leaking pre-cum. Jmaal licked it off my cock on his way to the floor.

Angelo had shown me a voice distorter sitting by the door that I picked up and tested before having Angelo instruct the pair in licking and cleaning feet with their tongues. I hadn't expected it to be arousing but I did enjoy being shrimped and then having the soles of my feet laved with their tongues. It was very obvious which tongue was which, it made me want to have Jamaal once more satisfying my asshole. While instructing the boys, Jamaal was only a year older than Prince Ahmed, heads bowed sucking my toes there was a matching eagerness that only comes from the really young. Angelo didn't need to tell them too much so I had him spend his free time with his tongue washing my balls.

"Angelo, have the slaves take your place washing my balls." It was a leap of faith, what would Ahmed think of being referred to as a slave. I had the feeling that being treated like a slave was exactly what he wanted. Would he have taken Angelo's place earlier in the day otherwise? I was ready to shoot.

"Angelo, it is time for the boys to be shaved. Do you have everything that will be needed?" I planned on using the clippers myself, someday I hoped that Ahmed would learn that slaves had denuded his body. He was young enough that there really wasn't much chest hair, no back hair but plenty of thigh and calf hair. The mix of blond and black hair on the floor was interesting but it didn't distract me from clipping any hair on the boy's body long enough for the clippers to be useful. While I was clipping Ahmed's chest hair I pinched his nipples, he had a straight line between his nipples and his cock. He stood erect when I pinched the first and oozed pre-cum when I pinched the second. I allowed Jamaal to lick it off.

Angelo taught Jamaal how to use a straight razor. The pair removed the stubble that remained on the Prince's body. I had expected for him to complain at having his hair removed but from the way his cock was bouncing and leaking he couldn't force himself to complain if he had wanted to. As Angelo and Jamaal stripped his asshole and started down his legs I saw why the slaves in the camps wee shaved, he was shining like a statue. I had a hard time resisting running my hands over his chest and down his body but I had not been given permission from my Master to touch his brother again.

A pair of blinders were fitted on Ahmed and he was taught to shave my slave. As blond as Jamaal is Ahmed must have known who he was shaving, the other house slaves were not as light haired or skinned as him. I thought about forgetting why we had Ahmed come to the room but a urge from my bladder made me rethink that. Could I really piss in the Prince's mouth? Why not? I had fucked him, taking his virginity.

"Angelo, we brought the boy here to learn how to drink piss. What must we do, now?" Other than letting go with a stream of piss what was there I could do? Angelo handed me a large bottle of water and told me to drink it all. If I was going to have enough piss for three slaves I guess he knew what he was telling me. I would have rather had a sweetened tea, I knew that would make me want to piss quickly but water was what I had so I drank. It wasn't even half way done when the urge that I had felt earlier was becoming extreme. I had seen slaves being showered in piss in the camp so if I couldn't stop pissing from one mouth to the next I supposed they would accept being showered. That seemed almost as intriguing as pissing in Jamaal's mouth, I remember while crossing swords with him at the camp out I had splashed his leg twice without him complaining, for two days I had looked at the shoe that had my piss run into it from down his leg and was constantly hard, I should have know right then that I was going to want man on man sex.

Just the memory had me hard again. That was alright, I had learned to piss through a hard-on years earlier when I would have trouble after waking with my erection not going down. While I was drinking the water I heard Angelo telling the pair the best way to accept the piss in their mouths and even if they had seen porno's with boys spitting the piss back on the pisser that with their masters this would not be acceptable. He told them to watch him swallow the piss as it went in his mouth and not to allow it to build up.

Once the piss started flowing I wanted to empty myself in Angelo's mouth but with a lot of self control was able to slow enough to move to sticking the tip of my cock in Jamaal's mouth and let the stream build up once more. Jamaal had trouble swallowing my piss and some of it ran down his chest soaking his own cock. As I once more got the flow of piss under control I turned to Ahmed, who had taken off his mask and sat like a bird with his mouth open waiting for my cock. I gave the young Prince most of what I had left and turning once more to my slave emptied my bladder, warning him not to spill any more piss.

Ahmed and Angelo licked Jamaal's chest and cock dry.

"Ali, I am going to need practice drinking piss just as I am going to need practice taking a dick your size in my ass. Thank you for risking all you have risked today by allowing me these pleasures. I am sorry I acted like a spoiled brat earlier and ran away when told that I could only have your slave if you gave permission. I can see as we sit on the floor looking up at you that he is clearly in love with you. I hope the use my brother makes of him will not interfere with whatever the two of you think you are able to build for yourselves as slaves.

"May I practice licking your ass while Jamaal sucks your cock?" For the next thirty minutes I had three mouths exploring my body. Angelo had joined the pair licking and sucking at my balls when he could reach them, when not, he was at my feet sucking toes. I gave Jamaal one of the hugest loads of cum I have ever shot even to this day. I followed it up with a piss chaser that he managed to completely swallow.

"I hoped that you were able to make good use of Angelo's room."

"Yes, Master. Jamaal had some training and I gave him the reward he deserved."

"I hope you have remembered that I am the only one allowed to fuck this hole." Mett had two fingers in me warming me up for a third round of fucking.

"Yes, Master. I hope that you will be pleased that I allowed Jamaal to practice what you had taught him in the service cubicle. He was even better this time, Angelo knelt beside him and coached him, I was moaning and groaning too loudly to tell him anything he needed to do."

"Did you start to work on having him suck his own cock?"

"No, Master. Angelo and I had another plan for him. Jamaal now has had his first two load of piss in his mouth. He will be able to step in if Angelo is busy when we wake."

"He smells like you gave him a shower in piss, too."

"The first time he tried swallowing all the piss I gave him he had trouble. His chest was coated. He improved by the second time I was using his mouth and didn't lose a drop, I think that was to the disappointment of Angelo and your brother."

"Ahmed was with you?" Shit, I hadn't meant to let my Master know that Ahmed had been in the room with the three of us learning more about sex and serving a man than he already had been taught by Angelo.

"Yes, Master." I was sure he was going to punish me in some way.

"What did he do while with the three of you slaves?" It sounded like he was more angry at Ahmed than at us so I proceeded to tell him. Angelo had warned me that there was little that occurred in the palace that was not told to the Master of the family.

"Yes, Master he drank a slave's piss. He learned how to properly clean his father's feet with his mouth. When I allowed Jamaal to suck my cock as a reward for drinking my piss Ahmed licked my ass, he could have stood having you talk him through it at least one time, Master." How simple it had been for me to turn into a slave that was willing to brown nose the Master.

"What do you and Angelo think you are doing? Are you turning my brother into a slave boy? My father will have you bath beheaded if he learns about this."

"He wasn't given any cum, master."

"Master, Ali, that is not true. While I was licking your asshole he sucked my cock and swallowed a full load of cum."



"While I was sucking your cock, he sucked a load of cum out of my cock, also."

"Master, I think your brother needs to go to the camp with us."

"He's not shaved."

"Master, he has been."

"The three of you are going to have my father murdering me. Have none of you ever heard of Honor Killing?"

"Angelo, take one of Ali's guards and bring my brother here." He hadn't said anything for at least fifteen minutes. I didn't know what was going to happen.

"How soon can you come to my father's palace?" I hadn't seen Mehmet pick up one of the communication devices.

"I'm at the oasis. I could be there in less than five minutes."

"Amal may have a way for us to escape this mess the four of you have made. He is our sponsor and father will listen to him if he suggests a new path for Ahmed. Outside father denied us the right to have my brother follow my to Twenty-Second Century City, he has yet to accept the idea that men owning male slaves can use them for any purpose other than labor.

"He has hundreds of slaves working in the gravel pits. African girls drawing water for the males and overseers that father more slaves for his needs."

"Rais Amal, I apologize for requesting your presence at this hour. I have never wanted to cause you problems with my father but my younger brother and these three slaves have created a situation that once learned of will cause my father to seek revenge if not an Honor Killing.

"My brother Ahmed will be here soon, whether willingly or not.

"You know my father's feelings about the new laws allowing Kuwaiti men to own American sex slaves. When I told him that I would be purchasing slaves for my use he was furious. We fought for months until we came to an agreement that says I will not he subservient to any slave in any position I choose for sex. For my self that is not a problem in that what I want is a slave to serve my needs and that means servicing my cock..

"But three months after that agreement between my father and I, Ahmed announced to our father that he will be having sex with other men. Bad but possibly a solvable problem as he is still only a teenager. Tonight father proposed a wife for Ahmed, he as of yet does not know that. While father was telling my brothers and I that he had arranged for the Mulluh's daughter to marry Ahmed, the foolish boy was off with these three idiots learning how to please a man in many ways that would cause my father to kill his own son and force me to kill these three slaves.

"I had learned of my brother's feelings a month ago. Today I arranged to purchase a Palace in Twenty-Second Century City. Our father thinks of it as a cesspool of sin and will not allow me to take Ahmed with me when I move there.

"That is the situation. Pray Rais do you have a way to help us out of this without causing a family schism or killing?"

"You are still working for the Agency, not your father?' Amal had not interrupted Mehmet through the whole description of the situation we had put him in.

"Correct. That is the purpose of Ali. As you can see he is a nearly perfect duplicate of me."

"All the way?" Mett and I both blushed as Rais Amal was staring at my cock. Why that was when my cock length was as necessary as the cleft in my chin.

"Yes, Rais. We will be even more of a double after Dr. Mohammed ibn Nasir has finished his work on our bodies. Ali then will be one of the tools I use in my work for the Agency."

"And the purpose of the other two?"

"You have met Angelo on many occasions, he is my personal servant although a slave. Jamaal is a slave I purchased for Ali to serve the same purpose. He will need someone with him on some of our missions. Also, to stay with him in the palace when Angelo accompanies me." Everyone stood silent as a door swung open.

"Rais Amal." Ahmed seemed pleased to see the older man and threw himself at his feet, lowering his head to the floor three times.

"I haven't a lot of time this evening boys, I have a new slave at home that is waiting to learn his punishment. I purchased a new flog and am anxious to try it out on the boy's butt, he tried to grope the cook's assistant.

"Ahmed, your father is proposing that you get married to take you away from what he thinks are evil practices. Is that what you want?"

"Mehmet, Amal, please do not allow this to happen."

"Will you move to his new palace with Mehmet?"

"If he will have me." The boy had not stood and after saying that bent his head to Mehmet's feet and instead of touching the floor kissed both feet.

"He has learned this evening that you are not only a boy that wants to be with other boys but will gladly be subservient to others. Is that true?"

"I have learned that about myself today, also. Father will not be happy."

"Angelo, tomorrow pack up Ahmed's clothing and any items he asks you to send. Ahmed, you do not need a conflict with your father but I think the only way we shall be able to remove you from the mess you made for yourself by sucking a slave's cock is for you to come with me tonight and stay at the beach house until your brother's palace is ready."

"But I want to go to Camp (50) for training, Rais Amal."

"That would be totally unacceptable." It was the first time that he used a commanding voice, Ahmed didn't seem to notice.

"Mehmet, I could wear the mask you have used to visit Ali." Mehmet seemed to be thinkinbg about the proposition, he knew that Ahmed would be until control of his guards.

"It would not be a bad place for you to hide, father has sworn never to step foot in any of the camps. Our brothers have not sworn the same oath, but why would they think you are there? Unless you have been talking about this desire to them or the slaves."

"Only Angelo and Ali know of my desire."

"Rais Amal, would you drop Ahmed at Camp (50), it is not that far from your beach house. Is that where the slave awaiting punishment is? If I don't have one of my guards go out tonight we may make it until morning before father learns what has happened."

"No, he is at the city house. But, it is not that far off my route, I will drop him off if he is ready to leave."

"What do I need?"

"Only the mask. You should sleep on the bed that is reserved for me it is on the only gazebo. Until I arrive tomorrow stay to yourself." The mask was in one of the Hummers, Mehmet walked out with Rais Amal and Ahmed to retrieve it and bid his brother a farewell.

"Ali on the floor on your knees." I didn't know what was going to happen but I knew that my Master was not pleased with me.

"You think you know enough about sex after two months that you are ready to teach two innocents? If Angelo hadn't been with you I would worry that you have damaged the investment I made in your slave.

"As for again having any sex with my brother, you need to learn. Ahmed is our Father's pride. He hoped that Ahmed would take over the family business. Our brothers want to be involved but are busy with there own businesses, small oil field businesses they received as dowries from their fathers- in law. Neither of them will ever have time for the gravel business unless they give up the lucrative oil field businesses or sell to the other."

"He won't be able to do that and have sex with men?"

"Slave, if he keeps it quiet and remains the dominate partner he should have no problem in doing just what his father wants, but from what you and Angelo have said he is displaying an uncharacteristicly sub00ordinate trait. While I have him at the palace I will be watching, if it is only sexually that he is subordinate I will be able to help him separate the two sides of his life. If it is more than just sex my father will be more than angry.

"While you're down there clean my feet.

"No, Ali, with your mouth."

Mehmet had me lick his feet before, but this time they were carrying the dust and dirt of the entire day. I was so sorry for what we had done to Ahmed. Normally, I did like sucking my Master's toes, but that night they were too dirty. When I choked he had Angelo piss a small stream in my mouth to wash down the dirt. If I was going to take Ahmed and Jamaal further sexually I was being taught that I was going to have to go there, too.

He may have been trying to teach me something. Instead the short spurts of piss he was allowing me from Angelo were making me want him to flood my mouth. I wonder if he is trying to make me beg him to fill my mouth?

Next: Chapter 10

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