98 Degrees and Bsb All Star Tour

By moc.liamtoh@amohalkoNrohtua

Published on Sep 3, 1999


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are fictional stories. I am not implying anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This chapter and all other chapters linked to this storyline are fantasy. Please enjoy, but keep in mind these are stories from the mind of a fiction author and not drawn from reality. Please enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How is everybody out in cyberland? Well, I am good. These next few chapters should come at a quicker pace now that I have gotten more into a rhythm with school and all the other daily obligations. If you all have suggestions or comments (good or bad) PLEASE write me at "authorNoklahoma@hotmail.com". Every little comment helps and is appreciated. Thank you to CHARLIE for some friendly encouragement with some of the other characters involved in this series. You are the reason this series continues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------


98 Degrees & Backstreet Boys All Star Tour (Brian & Jeff) Written by Ethereal

Brian paced around the main level of the hotel not wanting to go back to his own room, but knowing he was not wanted in Jeff's.

"Brian?", Kevin said in surprise as he walked out of the gift shop towards the elevator.

"Oh, hey Kev," Brian said stopping his pacing but not focusing on Kevin.

"Bri, we are leaving for the show in 10 minutes and you haven't even had a shower or anything have you?", Kevin asked looking Brian over.

"No, I got in a fight with AJ and now Jeff isn't speaking to me." Brian blurted out. It felt good to get it off his chest and tell someone.

"What!? Why did you get in a fight with AJ, and why is Jeff mad about it?", Kevin asked with concern.

"AJ came into my room earlier and said that I was being selfish for loving Jeff and trying to build a relationship with him. That if anyone found out, it would ruin my career and drag you guys down with me," Brian said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"You know that's not true. AJ is just AJ. Always worried about himself first and others last," Kevin said.

"Yeah, I just love Jeff more than I guess I realized," Brian confessed holding back the rest of his tears.

"I know, Bri. I know," Kevin said and pulled Brian into a hug. Brian fought the urge to break down and cry during the embrace. "We need to get to the bus now, it's time to get going," Kevin said pulling out of the hug and straightening Brian's shirt up.

"I need to go get my cell phone." Brian said lowly feeling a little bit better, but still sad.

"Want me to go with or do you want to just meet me on the bus, Bri?", Kevin asked tenderly.

"I'll meet you there, It's not a two man job. It's just a phone," Brian said trying to fake a smile.

"Okay, see you on the bus, bro.," Kevin said, then punched Brian lightly in the arm.

When the elevator doors opened, Brian took a step off and into the hall. He froze in his tracks when he saw Drew kissing someone. Suddenly, Drew flew back into the wall with pain all over his face. He slid down the wall, not able to keep his balance from the shock.

"You bastard," Jeff yelled at Drew.

"I just had to see if you felt the same way. Now I know," Drew said trying to pick himself up, still stunned.

"You could have just asked, stupid ass!", Jeff yelled. "I love Brian and you know it." Jeff spit out in frustration.

"And Brian loves Jeff," a voice startled Drew and Jeff as it filled the hall. Jeff and Drew both looked down the hall towards the elevator to see Brian standing there. The 3 men stood there in shock not knowing what to say next.

"Are you okay, Drew?", Brian looked at Drew and asked.

"Yeah, I am okay.....," Drew answering nervously not knowing what to say next or how much Brian had seen.

"Good, because a wise man once told me friends don't fight and I'd hate to see that man look like an ass not taking his own advice," Brian said switching his stare to Jeff like Jeff had done only an hour and a half before.

"We need to go guys!", Howie said walking past the three men.

"I agree," Brian said and smiled at Jeff.


98 Degrees & Backstreet Boys All Star Tour (Brian & Jeff) Written by Ethereal

The men arrived at the venue and quickly headed to make up and the dressing rooms. 98 Degrees went through make up first since there was only 4 of them, and the Backstreet Boys went straight to the dressing rooms and got into their outfits for the first number. They wore black slacks with black turtlenecks with black, shiny shoes. Through out the show they would add shirts, vests and other items, but the black was essentially a canvas the costume designer was repainting for every song.

Before they knew it, the Backstreet Boys were entering the make up room and saying hi and good bye as 98 Degrees exited to go to get dressed. Jeff grabbed Brian as he walked out the door.

"I just want you to know I am not mad at you or anything. When I locked you out of my room, I just needed to think. I hope you aren't mad at me for that, or what happened in the hall. I love you," Jeff said without hesitation or fear of people hearing. All he could think about was how much he loved Brian and wanting to see the love grow.

"I love you, too. And no, I am not mad. I was hurt that you couldn't share your feelings with me, but I understand. And I am upset with Drew, but I don't think I could give you up without a little bit of a fight myself," Brian said with a grin. Brian pulled Jeff into a hug and just held him. No kissing, no talking. Just the feeling of their bodies together as one. The way it should be.

"You need to go get your make up done and I need to get dressed, Bri," Jeff said pulling away a little and placing one soft kiss on Brian's lips.

"All right, but I ain't gonna act like I am happy!", Brian said pouting.

The show dragged on for the already tired men as they gave it their all to entertain and remember what Spencer had said about hitting every move. As always, a few stray fans got past the numerable security officers and got on stage. One girl grabbed hold of Jeff's neck during the final chorus of "I do" and refused to let go. When they finally got her off, Jeff's shirt was torn around the neck. The women screamed as Jeff coyly pulled the shirt up to reveal his rock hard stomach. The cheers gained more steam as he exposed his upper torso. They screams peaked as Jeff pulled the black turtleneck up over his head and off his body completely. Brian gazed on from backstage as his lover played the crowd. Brian loved the sexiness Jeff had when he was toying with an audience. The lump in his pants grew as Jeff finished the song and the crowd went crazy.

"He's getting laid tonight, isn't he?", Nick Carter asked Brian with a smile.

"You're dang right he is," Brian said and chuckled at how obviously turned on he was.

The show finally ended and all 9 men ran off stage feeling the last of their adrenaline kicking in.

"Damn, that was exciting!", Drew exclaimed as they walked into the dressing room.

"I am exhausted. It's a good thing we don't have another show for 2 days!", Kevin said through a yawn.

The guys quickly changed and got on the tour bus headed for the hotel. Brian and Jeff were cuddled up together at the table towards the front of the bus with Nick Lachey sitting across from them.

"So how are you holding up, Nick?", Jeff asked with his head resting on Brian's collar bone.

"Eh, you know how I am with touring...But at least Kevin is here," Nick said without thinking.

"What!? You and Kevin?", Jeff leaned forward and quietly asked Nick.

"Yeah, we are sweet on each other," Nick blushed and said before putting his finger on his lips as a signal for Jeff to be quiet as Kevin entered the area where the table was and took a seat next to Nick.

"What are talking about, fellas?", Kevin asked after he was seated.

"Gay men and how all of them are so damn sexy," Jeff spoke up with a smile. He wanted to see Kevin's response.

"Yeah, I know a very sexy one myself!", Brian said and pulled Jeff into a deep kiss.

"Oh Lord. This is going to get old fast!", Nick said teasing Jeff and Brian. Both of the kissing men stuck up their middle fingers at the same time causing them to break their kiss because they burst into laughter.

The bus pulled into the rear of the hotel as normal. Howie, AJ and Justin had gone to sleep in their bunks, so Drew made sure to go around and wake everyone up so they could get into real beds. Once everyone was awake and walking, the men got off the bus escorted by security, headed into the hotel and onto the elevators. The elevator chime awoke AJ who had fallen asleep against the wall in the back.

"Shit, I am exhausted," AJ said and pushed by everyone to get off and go to bed.

"Someone needs his rest!", Justin said and tried to smile through his drowsiness.

Brian leaned over and whispered something into Jeff's ear as they walked hand in hand down towards their rooms.

"No secret's!!," Nick Lachey yelled walking next to Kevin.

"I said I want him to make love to me tonight!", Brian yelled back at Nick.

"Hey, that sounds like fun, Kev. What do you say?", Nick said and looked up at Kevin. Kevin was shocked by Nick's open nature and forwardness.

"Whatever you want, baby," Kevin said and grabbed Nick's hand.

Jeff and Brian reached Jeff's room and went inside but not before they said goodnight to Kevin and Nick.

"I am going to spend every ounce of my energy on completely fulfilling you tonight, my sweet prince," Brian said staring deep into Jeff's gorgeous eyes. Suddenly, the men heard a knock on the door and were knocked out of the moment. Brian opened the door so Jeff couldn't see who was there. Jeff walked over to the bed and took a seat in the chair that was bedside.

"No, we don't use........All right!", Jeff heard Brian say frustrated.

"Who was it, Bri?", Jeff asked taking off his shoes.

"It was Kevin, he gave me these and recommended we use them," Brian said half embarrassed. Brian opened his hand and exposed four condoms.

"Do you want to use them, we did last time?", Jeff asked unsure of Brian's feelings.

"I don't know, maybe we should?", Brian offered.

"Well, we were both virgins and I don't intend on sleeping around, but it is completely your call. I won't enjoy this unless you are comfortable," Jeff said.

"If Kevin asked, we used them!", Brian said with a funny grin before throwing them on the floor and walking sexily towards Jeff who was still in the chair.

"You don't need to try and be sexy....you already are, babe," Jeff said with 100% passion filled eyes.

Brian dropped to his knees in front of Jeff, and eased him back in the chair. He slowly took Jeff's socks off one at a time. Brian then undid Jeff's belt and jeans and urged Jeff to pull his tush up a little so he could ease his jeans off.

Once Brian had pulled Jeff's jeans off, he sat back and admired the way Jeff's beautiful cock looked in his heather gray boxer briefs.

"You are magnificent, J.," Brian said before leaning forward and grabbing hold of Jeff's T-shirt.

"You got me so hot tonight when you stripped off your shirt on stage....will you reenact it for me?", Brian said acting timid and flirtatious.

Jeff smiled and slowly grabbed the bottom of his shirt like he had earlier. He again pulled is slowly up releasing his firm ab's. The shirt traced over his cleft as Jeff continued pulling up without ever breaking eye contact with Brian. In one quick movement, Jeff pulled the shirt off and pulled Brian into a kiss before even Brian could react.

Jeff ran his hands through the back of Brian's hair and pulled him up off his knees into his own lap. The kiss got hotter as Jeff began to pull back and lick Brian's' lips erotically. He then pulled Brian's bottom lip in his mouth and began to softly suck on it. Brian moaned as he felt Jeff's tender love being expressed in such a pleasurable way.

"No, babe. I am going to please you this time. Come to the bed with me," Brian said getting up and quickly stripping down to his boxers.

"I don't want this night to end, Bri," Jeff said looking up at Brian from the bed as Brian walked closer.

"We have every night for the rest of our lives, baby," Brian said gazing deeply into Jeff's eyes.

"I want you to make love to me," Brian said dropping his boxers at the edge of the bed. Brian's cock popped up as he moved close to Jeff on the bed.

"Hold on, let me get something," Jeff said running from the bed.

"I thought we said no condoms tonight?", Brian asked confused.

"We did," Jeff answered as he walked back with a little tube in his hand.

"Let's try this with some KY and see what it's like," Jeff added.

"Whatever it takes to get you inside me, Jeff," Brian said standing up and grabbing Jeff. Brian pulled Jeff back onto the bed and hopped on top of him.

"This is what I want, babe," Brian smiled as he moved down to Jeff's boxer briefs. Brian kissed his way past Jeff's toned Ab's and belly button. He then slowly ran his hands up Jeff's powerful thighs and slowly grabbed onto the sides of Jeff's underwear. With Jeff's help, he inched them down until finally, Jeff's splendorous cock was freed. Brian pulled the underwear the rest of the way off.

Jeff handed Brian the tube of KY and Brian seductively opened the lid with his mouth. He quickly squirted some out in his hand and grabbed hold of Jeff's meat. Jeff gasped in through his teeth and the feel of Brian's hand and the cold KY on his member.

"You ready, J?", Brian asked getting into position.

"Ready when you are, gorgeous," Jeff smiled up at the man he loved so much.

Brian grabbed Jeff's hands and intertwined his fingers. He grasped tightly, then leaned in and placed his lips on top of Jeff's. He then slowly began to lower his hips onto Jeff's warm rod. Brian kissed Jeff more furiously to cover the little bit of pain he felt as Jeff entered him with no problems. Before he knew it, Jeff had filled him up. The KY had made Jeff's cock so slick he slid in with little effort.

"Mmm.....you feel so good, Bri," Jeff moaned with his eyes closed and through passionate kisses he was exchanging with Brian.

"I'm gonna pick up the...mmmmm.....pace..ooohhhh, is that....uhhh.... okay?", Brian asked as he slowly slid up and down on Jeff's cock.

"Please do, babe," Jeff managed to get out in one breath. With that, Brian began to pump up and down faster on Jeff's 8 inches of man.

Ooooh.....you are so tight, babe. You were worth waiting for," Jeff moaned loudly.

Meanwhile 3 doors down, Kevin was sprawled out on his stomach on his bed.

"Do you want it, Kev?", Nick Lachey asked teasing him by rubbing his thick cock and Kevin's tight entrance.

"Oh Gosh yes. Please, I need you," Kevin replied lowly pushing his ass up trying to get Nick inside of him.

With that, Nick grabbed Kevin's hips and pushed deep inside Kevin's tight ass.

"Oooooooooh...Nick, yes!", Kevin howled. Nick picked up the pace and began pushing deeper inside Kevin's beautiful body. Nick leaned down, continuing his thrusts and began to kiss and nibble on the back of Kevin's ear. Kevin moaned loudly trying to take in all the pleasure Nick was giving him.

"Faster baby, I need it faster!", Kevin pleaded.

"What do you say, Kev?", nick asked still sucking on Kevin's ear.

"Please...I love you....Please go faster," Kevin said pushing his ass back hard against Nick's pubic bone making Nick go deeper and harder inside him.

"Oh, Kev. You are so good...and hot," Nick said dropping more of his weight onto Kevin's back. He loved the feel of his stomach on Kevin's back and his pubic hair running across Kevin's ass.

"I'm..I'm almost there, baby....," Nick said as he picked up the pace even more to their peak.

"Oh, I'm coming, Nick....," Kevin said as he shot his load all over the sheets pressed underneath him.

"Oh Kevin!", Nick shouted as he pumped Kevin full of hot cum. Nick kept pumping as he came causing his juice to run out of Kevin and down his ass to his balls. When Nick finished, he pulled out and tenderly licked the cum off of Kevin's enormous nuts.

'That was the best yet," Kevin said as Nick Lachey laid next to him and began kissing the back of his neck.

"Amen, to that, Mr. Body-Beautiful," nick snickered and began to try to go to sleep.

Back in the other room, Brian was riding Jeff furiously. Brian sat up and put his hands on Jeff's chest to stabilize himself as he rode Jeff into ecstasy. Brian loved the feeling of Jeff stretching him to his limits and gliding against his sensitive lining.

"Oh, I'm close Jeff......Let me go f...faster...," Brian stammered out.

Jeff just began to raise and drop his hips helping Brian ride faster and harder, as Kevin had done for Nick. "Oh..Oh Yes...ummm.....I'm coming babe.....," Brian said as he shot his load onto Jeff's neck , chest and face.

Brian kept riding hard trying to please his lover.

"Mmm......You are so warm inside...", Jeff said pinching hsi own nipple and holding one of Brian's thighs as Brian rode his cock.

"Oh...yes....A little bit mor.......," Jeff tried to say as Brian gasped feeling Jeff's hot juice shoot deep inside him. Brian slowed his pace wanting to savor the feel of Jeff's cum filling him.

"Oooooooh....yes, babe...", Jeff grunted as he continued shooting stream after stream inside Brian. Brian finally stopped as he felt Jeff's stream slowing. Brian sat exhausted with Jeff still inside of him.

"You are my world, babe," Jeff said and leaned forward to kiss Brian. He kept kissing Brian and pulled him back into a resting position next to him on the bed.

"I love you, Jeff," Brian said.

"I love you too, babe. Let's get some sleep. I have a surprise for you in the morning," Jeff said and closed his eyes with his arms still wrapped around Brian.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEEP those comments up! I did like you asked! More sex scenes...What do you guys think? Write to: Authornoklahoma@hotmail.com

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