98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on Jun 17, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

I stood there mouth wide open disbelieving what they had just said. "Unbelievable!?!" I questioned.

My face flushed even redder. "That's what I said wasn't it?" Jeff replied.

"Bu. . .bu. . .but. . .," I stammered.

"It was EXCELLENT!!!" Nick said, grinning from ear to ear.

"We have got to get you in touch with the managers," Justin spoke up.

"Yeah," Jeff said.

"Really guys, I'm not that good. Comeone, stop pulling my tail."

"We're not pulling you tail," Drew said quickly. "You have a really nice voice, and you get into what you are singing."

"I'm setting you up with and audition with our manager before we leave," Justin said. "As a matter of fact I'm calling right now."

He walked over to the phone and dialed a number. After several moments of conversation he hung up and looked at me, smiling. "You're on, you've got an audition tomorrow around 4:00."

I opened my mouth to speak, but for the first time in a long time I couldn't find anything to say. "Thanks," was all I could get out.

We sat around for several moments, in complete silence. My mind was racing, exploring all the possiblities that had just walked through my door. 'And I wasn't even looking for anything, just a good time,' I thought.

"We'll we need to get and DO something," Nick said.

"How about getting something to eat," Drew suggested.

"Good idea," I piped up, "I haven't eaten anything since last night."

"Well then," Jeff said, "we need to feed you. We can't have you wasting away on us here." He smiled.

"I guess that wouldn't be good," I replied. "Besides I have to be around for this audition tomorrow. I can't believe that you're doing this for me, I've known you for all of half a day."

"But you're such a great guy," Nick said, smiling deeply.

That drop dead smile set off all the warning lights in my brain. 'That isn't your normal run of the mill smile,' I said to myself, 'there is something more there, I know it. It's got to be. . .'

"Hey, you still there?" Jeff said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Well then, let's get going. I'm kinda hungry myself," Nick said, standing.

We all walked out of the hotel together. "You know guys, I can't fit you all in my car."

"Already taken care of," Drew said. "While you were in Never Never Land, I called the limo."

"Oh," I said, blushing.

We waited for several minutes, engaging in light conversation, waiting for the limo. It finally drove up and we filed in, sitting on the wrap around "sofa." Jeff and Nick sat on either side of me, both trying to start up conversation at the same time. "Hold on here guys," I said slightly frustrated, "there's enough of me to go around." The three of us got into one conversation, thereby satisfying everyone.

Nick and Jeff ended up arguing about some trivial matter which completely lost me. I looked up and saw Drew and Justin watching the three of us, smiling. When they saw me look up, they quickly turned their heads and started their own conversation. I tuned back into Jeff and Nick's arguing, and noticed Drew and Justin "zoom" back in on us when they thought I had stopped paying attention. 'Weird,' I thought to myself. 'Do they know something that I don't?'

We finally arrived at a restaurant and got out. We walked in together and joked while we waited for the hostess. She finally arrived, coming up behind us. Tapping on Drew's shoulder she said, "May I help you, sirs?" We turned and her face lightened up.

"Hey Meg," I said.

"Hey, fancy meeting you here. You NEVER eat out, what possesed you to do so today," she joked.

"Oh, I would never! They dragged me here!" I answered dramatically.

"Right," she winked. She showed us to a table where we sat down. Drew engaged her in a short conversation while Jeff and Nick started to talk to me again.

'They're almost acting like vultures,' I said to myself. 'You'd think that they were afraid that Meg and I are a couple. I guess in some ways we act like it, but. . .Meg!?! I could never!'

Meg finally went back to work, leaving me alone with the guys. We talked while waiting for our food, then ate. We sat around for awhile before getting up and leaving. Once we were back in the limo I asked what we were going to do next. "Well, I was thinking that we could go to another club," Jeff said.

"Yeah, that would be fun," Justin said.

"I'm amenable to the idea," I added.

Jeff tapped on the window seperating us from the driver to give him instructions.

"So what's the deal with Meg," Drew asked, "is she taken?"

"It depends on what you consider taken," I replied, acting upset.

"Jeez, I'm sorry," he replied quickly. Nick and Jeff's faces dimmed.

"No problem, I think the only person she is taken with right now is you!"

"What do you mean?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Well, let me see if I can get this right. I believe, from what she has said, that the thinks you are VERY cute, have a great sense of humor, and are and all around great guy. Of course I could have mistaken what she was saying. But. . ." His frown morphed into a grin. "That's what I'm talking about!" I exclaimed.

We finally pulled up to the club and walked up to the entrance. The doorman recognized the guys immediately. "Who's he?" he asked, gesturing towards me.

"He's a friend," Jeff replied quickly.

"Alright, I'll let you all in, but you know we don't really open for another thirty minutes." He opened the door and let us in.

We walked into the deserted club. Bus boys were cleaning tables and mopping up the floors. The DJ was standing behind his "booth" organizing his CDs. He looked up and saw us as we entered. He smiled broadly and quickly walked over to us. "You're 98 Degrees right?"

"Yeah, that's us," Nick replied.

"Cool, can I get you guys to perform a little for us when the club opens?"


"Good deal. Who's he?" he asked pointing to me.

We all laughed, save the DJ who waited patiently for an answer. "He's just a friend of ours," Drew go out inbetween laughs.

We continued to laugh and the DJ returned to his booth. We found a clean table and sat around talking, waiting for the club to open. Soon, people began to walk into the club in groups. They payed no attention to us. Even so, the guys hid as much as the could, without looking like they were hiding.

The music began to blare and people headed out to the dance floor. Before we knew it, the DJ was calling the guys names and they were being drug from the table onto the stage. After several minutes of begging, by the DJ and clubbers, the guys were persuaded to sing "The Hardest Thing" and "Invisible Man."

After being asked several minutes worth of questions, they returned to the table, energized. Drew and Justin stayed only long enough to tell everyone they were going to go "mingle with the ladies." Jeff and Nick remained to "keep me company."

We talked for a long time before I decided it was time. "Guys, I've got something I have to tell ya'll."

Their faces lit up like halogen lightbulbs. "What's that," they said at the same time.

"Well, I want to get this out now, before it get to the point where it will hurt alot later." They merely sat there looking at me. I felt their stares, and couldn't bare to return the look. I dropped my head, so sure that I was right but still scared to break open the truth. "I'm. . ., I'm gay." I mumbled.

Neither of them said anything. 'I was wrong,' I thought. 'They aren't, they hate me.' I flinch away from them, tears coming, unbidden, to my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry." Jeff said.

Then Nick said the words I had been waiting for, for what seemed an eternity. "So are we."

Then the tears started in earnest, tears of pure joy. I smiled at them with all my heart. Soon the tears stopped and I was left there smiling like an idiot at them, but it didn't matter because they were smiling right back.

"Come on," Nick said. He got up and started walking to the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Back to the hotel," he replied.

"I'll go tell Justin and Drew," Jeff told us. He walked back into the crowd as Nick and I made our way out the door and over to the limo.

Nick gave directions to the driver, then we waited a few minutes for Jeff to get in. He closed the door, and the driver got underway.

About fifteen minutes later we found ourselves on the guys' floor of the hotel.

"Whose room," Jeff asked.

"Mine," Nick replied.

We walked down the hall together and Nick opened his door. We walked into the room and closed the door behind us. Then both Jeff and Nick converged on me. Jeff from behind and Nick in front.

Jeff began to rub my back and nibbled on the back of my neck. Nick kissed my lightly on the lips then parted his lips and sent his tongue questing for my mouth, which parted easily for him. The kissing grew more and more passionate, sending shivers throughout my entire body.

As Nick and I kissed, Jeff continued kissing the back of my neck and nibbling on my earlobes. He slide his warm hands down my back and under my shirt. He began to slowly pull it up my body. I lifted my arms for him, then broked the kiss with Nick to remove it the rest of the way.

I "helped" Nick with his shirt as Jeff removed his own. When both their shirts were off, I took a moment to study their perfect physiques. Then I faced Jeff and enclosed his lips with mine. He moaned deeply into my mouth. His lips parted for my tongue. Jeff and I kissed as Nick began to work on my neck and back.

Jeff and I broke off only to dive back deeper and more passionately. Nick's wandering hands soon found my belt and began to loosen it. He slipped his hand into my loosenned pants and began to play with my aching, throbbing cock. Getting the idea I reached down and began to rub Jeff's cock through his pants. I was soon rewarded by deep moans which I echoed.

We broke our kiss and I turned to face both of them. "First things first," I whispered. "Lets get these off." I removed Jeff's pants then Nick's. Jeff's cock was raging and leaking precum. Nick's was only semi-hard.

"What about you," Nick said looking at my own pants.

I quickly removed them. "Better?"

"Much," they replied together.

I stepped forward and grabbed their cocks, one in either hand. I stroked them slowly. Soon Nick was also hard as a rock and leaking precum. I smiled and lowered myself to my knees. I pointed Jeff's cock at my face and leaned forward. I began to stroke his wonderful member with my wet tongue, while continuing to please Nick with my hand.

I teased Jeff with my tongue for a moment until his moans became strained with lust. Then I took him into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his engorged member and sucked him for all I was worth. I brought him to the edges of orgasm then slowly backed off and removed him from my mouth. I began to slowly stroke him with my hand and got to work on Nick.

I teased him with my tongue just as I had Jeff and when he could barely stand it any longer I wrapped my mouth around his manhood and sucked for all I was worth.

I continued like this for awhile, bringing one to the fringes of orgasm then switching to the other. Then I pulled off both and stroked them with my hands for a few moments. Then I leaned forward and took both in my mouth at the same time. I was surprised I was able to get both in, but you'd be surprised what you can do in the heat of lust.

I brought them to orgasm simultaneously, firing to enormous loads into my already full mouth. I somehow managed to swallow the most of it, only a little dripping from the corners of my mouth. When they finished I pulled both out and stood. Both looked at me, eyes filled with fiery passion. They licked the excess cum off my faces before sitting me down on the bed.

They knelt in front of me, side by side. They both leaned forward and reached towards my cock with their tongues. They made contact, and I leaned back and moaned with ectasy. It took only a few short moments for them to bring me to orgasm. I fired a gigantic load all over their faces.

They cleaned each other's faces, not wanting to lose any of the precious liquid, then got up and fell back on the bed on either side of me. I felt their warm bodies on either side of me and started to cry, silent tears.

Nick noticed them first, "What's wrong?"

"You guys will be leaving in another couple of days. Then I'll be here all alone, again."

"No you won't. You're gonna audition tomorrow, make it then come with us back to California." Jeff said.

"But, I can't do that. I can't sing well enough to---"

Nick cut me off, "None of that now. You can worry about it tomorrow." He began to kiss the side of my neck lightly.

I don't know if it was Nick's kissing or Jeff's quiet whispering into my ear, but I was soon fast asleep, all worries forgotten.

Drew and Justin got off the elevator and walked down the hall. "I'm going to go to sleep," Justin said.

"Yeah so am I," Drew replied. "But I wanna check on the lovebirds first." They laughed quietly.

Justin walked to his room opened the door and closed it behind him. Drew walked to Nick's door and knocked softly. When there was on answer he quietly opened the door and stuck his head in. He caught sight of the three male bodies holding each other and smiled. He kept looking for a moment, just long enough to make sure that they were sleeping. 'I knew it,' he thought.

He stepped back into the hall and closed the door behind him. He walked to his room and stepped inside closing the door behind him.

I woke up looking at a strange ceiling, hearing strange sounds, and feeling a strange bed beneath me. Then I felt the warm bodies on either side of me and I smiled. 'So it wasn't a dream,' I thought. I got up carefully, trying not to wake up either of the guys. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Other than the normal morning grogginess I felt fine. I washed my face then walked back into the main part of the room. I leaned against the wall watching Jeff and Nick sleeping peacfully. I marveled at how good they looked, and how lucky I was to be here with them.

My eyes misted over as I lost myself in thought. My imagination supplied memories from the night before, but the image that kept resurfacing in my mind's eye was the look of both their faces after I had "relieved" them. It was a look of passion and lust. It made me feel wierd. I knew I needed more than just passion and lust. I needed real love, but passion and lust were certainely good things. 'But they only last so long,' I told myself. 'I need something that will last me forever.'

I snapped out of my "trance" and decided that I had best wake them up. I walked over to the bed and stood over Jeff. I look into his peaceful face before bending down and kissing him solidly on the lips. It took a moment but he began to wake up. As he wiped the grogginess from his eyes I went around to Nick and did the same to him.

His eyes flashed open immediately and he smiled. I smiled back. "What a nice way to wake up in the morning," he said.

I helped them get ready without incident, then climbed back into my clothes from the day before. "Guys, I'm gonna have to go home and change into some better cloths to do that interview in later. Besides my mother is probably in hysterics. Her brain hasn't assimilated the fact that I am not her little boy in need of looking after anymore."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Nick said. Jeff nodded agreement. "So when are you gonna come back?"

"Well, the interview is at 4:00 so I guess I'll come by around 3:15, or 3:30. That way I'll have time to some and warm up and lossen up my nerves before I go audition with your manager."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Jeff said.

"See yah then," I said, beaming at them.

I turned around and walked out the door down the hall and into the elevator. Once I reached the elevator I punched in for the lobby and collapsed against the wall. 'I can't believe that just happened!!!'

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

*I finally got to the juicier part. But for all those romantics out there, it won't be all sex! (Sorry about that to the rest of you.)

**Sorry it took so long the get this out, but my computer crashed and it took a little time to get it back up and running.

***Note to Mark4wild I received your e-mail but when I attempted to reply, AOL sent me an error message. I hope the prescence of this story answers your question.

Next: Chapter 4

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