A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Dec 2, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 7

As I walked out of the store, carrying the bag with my speedos, my head started to swim with all the things I had promised to do, while the taste of Connor's cum filled my mouth. I had managed to rinse my face, but it was still sticky where he had smeared his cock around, and I found the combination very arousing. It seemed like my cock had been hard for years as I realized this was the longest I had gone without shooting my load in a very long time, probably since I had started masturbating. All I wanted was to find a private place, and since it had been so long and I was in a constant state of arousal, I could easily jerk off and shoot very quickly. I saw an alleyway, between two buildings and with no one around on the street, I walked down it. I looked everywhere, up and down and behind, there were doorways but no people. There were a couple dumpsters and garbage cans and the back doors to the stores on the street. My hand reached into my shorts and stroked my stiff cock a few times as my other hand slid up under my t-shirt to rub and pinch my nipples. I paused and looked around again, knowing I had promised to never to do this, which somehow made me feel both excited and disappointed at the same time. Excited at the thought of cumming, disappointed that I was breaking my word.

I looked around again and seeing no one and noticing there were very few windows I slipped my t-shirt off and dropped it on the ground. I wanted to get fully naked, but the idea of getting caught held me back, so instead I pushed my shorts down to my ankles, keeping my shoes on. There was a slight breeze and I loved how it felt on my newly hairless body, making my skin tingle. I looked around again and seeing no one, started stroking my shaft while pinching and rubbing my nipples. My mind filled with the thoughts of what I had experienced so far recently and I felt myself getting very close, my balls pulling up tight against my body, then I heard a door swing open and a second later, my hand still on my shaft heard,

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I panicked, without even looking I started to run, but forgetting my shorts were around my ankles all I did was stumble and fall onto a pile of cardboard. As I struggled to get up a man appeared, a tall older man, over sixty, very thin with white hair and a moustache. He stepped closer and looked down at me, right away I saw his eyes taking in my naked body and they looked pleased. His smile widened as he reached his hand out towards me, I took it and he easily pulled me to my feet. I saw he was much taller than me, easily over 6 feet and that he was wearing a pharmacists jacket with the name of the pharmacy on the pocket. I wanted to bend down and pull up my shorts, but his hand kept a firm grip on mine as his eyes continued to scan my body. Finally he said,

"What an extremely beautiful boy you are, and your body so smooth and defined, not a hair anywhere, just as it should be."

His right hand held mine firm as his left slowly slid over my chest and nipples, then he looked down and I thought he was going to grab my shaft, but instead he said,

"Do you always masturbate in alleys boy?"

"No Sir. I'm so sorry Sir, I'll just be on my way."

I tried to pull my hand back but he held it firmly as he asked,

"What's your name boy, I've never seen you before."

"My name is Nick Walsh Sir, I just moved here with my Mother."

There was a pause and then he said,

"You can call me Mr. Toews. Yes, I thought so. Well I can't let you go home like this can I?"

His eyes were on the ground and when I looked down I saw that when I fell, with my shorts around my ankles they as well as my shoes had been in a puddle of water I had not seen.

"I think I'll be fine Sir, really I should go."

His eyes narrowed as he said,

"No boy, that will not do at all."

He then started pulling my by the hand toward the open door he had come out of. With my shorts around my ankles it was very awkward for me to walk, I had to take tiny steps quickly to make sure I didn't fall again. He saw the bag with my speedos and picked it up and as we passed I tried to reach down and grab my t-shirt but his grasp was too firm as he said,

"Now boy, you are much to fine to be wearing an old t-shirt like that."

A minute later he walked in through the open door, with me duck walking behind him. Once inside he pulled the door closed and locked it as I saw boxes of pharmacy supplies, everything from bandages to kleenex piled high in the store room. His free hand ran down my shoulder then over the top of my arm as he said,

"So perfectly smooth, amazingly smooth. Wait...how did you get yourself so smooth boy?"

My mind was reeling, my face flushing red as I said,

"I got some cream from the barber, I'm going to join the swim team Sir."

He smiled wide as he said,

"Yes, I thought this was Jerry's work. Now it makes sense, he mentioned you to me, and he's right, you are a breath takingly beautiful boy."

I wondered how much Jerry had told him, hoping I could just clean up and leave but he said,

"Now, look what you're doing to my clean floor boy. Kick off those dirty shoes and shorts right now."

Knowing he knew Jerry, meant he might know a lot, but at the same time kicking off my shoes and shorts would leave me naked, and I had already broken the rules about masturbating so I tried,

"Maybe I should just head out Sir, I don't want to mess up your floor."

He looked like he was going to go along, but then he asked,

"Besides pleasuring yourself in the alley, why are you here boy?"

"I had to buy some swim wear and I need sunscreen Sir."

He looked over my body and smiled as he aid,

"Yes, you are showing a lot of skin, beautiful skin at that, would be s shame to get it sun burned. Well, boy, you're lucky I'm the only store in town that sells it, have all kinds. Now, kick off those dirty shoes and shorts and lets get you fixed up."

I hesitated, partly to assert myself and partly because getting naked meant presenting myself as I had been ordered. His right hand was still gripping my right hand as I tried to turn around. I made it part way and out of nowhere his other hand smacked the side of my butt cheek hard enough that the cracking noise echoed in the room. I let out a yelp and turned back to face him, his expression firm as he said,

"You are really being naughty, I have told you twice to kick off those shoes and shorts, boys your age are becoming so rude, I should make you mop the floor as punishment."

I thought of lying, but he knew Jerry so I obeyed Connor and said,

"I'm sorry Sir, other punishments do not seem to teach me, you should sp......"

My voice trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. His voice however got louder as he demanded,

"You are really trying my patience boy, a call to your Mother is in order I think."

At that moment I gave in and said,

"Please don't call her Sir. I meant to say other punishments don't seem to work, you should feel free to spank me, it's the only thing that works Sir."

His face showed surprise as he said,

"I imagine that would very effective boy and you certainly deserve it, but...just kick those shoes and shorts off like I told you."

He let go of my hand and I bent down and undid and then pulled off my shoes, then stepped out of my shorts. I was naked so I dropped to my knees and spread them wide, his eyes following my every movement. My cock was already hard so I slowly pulled my foreskin back and put my hands behind my back. His eyes opened and closed a couple times, he seemed to think he was dreaming and looked unsure of what to do. Then he looked like he would pass out when he said,

"Damn boy, damn, what a perfect position. Why don't you just go ahead and finish what you were doing in the alley."

I looked up at him and said,

"I am required to ask permission to masturbate or ejaculate Sir."

He smiled, then said,

"Again as it should be, bu.....but you were masturbating in the alley."

I knew I was busted as I said,

"I'm so sorry Sir, I promise it will never happen again ever. You should feel free to spank me to make sure I understand Sir."

He stood staring at me, silent for a a couple minutes then his smile turned to a sneer as he said,

"It is very tempting boy, but not right this minute. First things first, let's get you some sunscreen for that amazing body of yours."

He reached down and grabbed my ear lobe and practically dragged me towards the front of the store. It was empty, luckily as he started rummaging though the many types of sun screen. He finally settled on a very large bottle and said,

"This will be perfect boy, it's new from Europe. It has a high protection value, but it needs to be applied liberally, meaning a lot of it and if you swim or sweat much, you need to re apply it. In fact, I think you should ask someone to apply it for you, every time you need it, no matter what boy, got it?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir, would you apply it for me please?"

He looked like he wasn't going to do it, then he opened the bottle and squeezed some into his hand. He started to apply it to my chest and without thinking I said,

"I can do the front side myself Sir."

His face did not change expression as he started to walk behind me and I thought I had regained some control, but a second later his hand smacked my left butt cheek so hard that I cried out loudly.

"I know you COULD do it yourself boy, but for saying that to me, not only will you ask an adult to apply it every time, you will ask them to apply it to the front of your body too, every time, no matter what boy. Now, anything else to say to me boy?"

I stayed quiet as he slowly and gently massaged the cream into my arms, underarms, shoulders and chest. As he massaged it into my nipples a moan escaped and he said,

"You really are a horny one aren't you?"

He spent much more time than needed on my nipples, making me groan and moan several times until, he said,

"You sound like a slut boy, and damn that is hot."

He applied the sunscreen to the rest of my torso and legs, avoiding my cock and balls, then walked behind and started doing my back. Then the back of legs and as he let out a loud gasp, his fingers started applying it to my butt cheeks.

"This is the sweetest boy ass I've ever seen, perfection."

His hands reached around my waist and started stroking the sunscreen into my shaft and balls. I let a louder moan as his hands expertly ran up an down my shaft, then over my cock head, I was about to shoot my load when his hands stopped.

"Boy, don't even think of ejaculating, you need to learn control. Keep in mind, I could do this to you all day and just might. I could bring you the edge and stop for hours, but I am much more interested in whats behind you."

I felt his finger run up and down the crack of my ass, then run over my hole making me groan out loud.

"Oh, this is one sweet boy pussy."

His finger tip ran up and down and all around my hole, again causing me to moan loudly and without thinking, to spread my legs wider. His finger tip was making my erection go crazy and as I moaned again he stopped and said,

"I have just the thing for you boy, that penis of yours is just too ready to ejaculate."

He rummaged around for a few minutes and then came back and ran a gel like substance up and down my shaft and over my cock head, it tingled and seemed to almost make me even hornier and ready to shoot my load. He applied more and slid his hand up and down my shaft several times, to the point where I was sure I would explode, but even though he kept going my orgasm never came. My cock stayed hard, even got harder, the sensation was there, the feeling that I would shoot, but as his hand kept stroking, my orgasm never came. I moaned again and again, expecting my cock to explode, but even though the sensation was intense, it didn't happen. I looked back at him, frustration on my face and seeing it he said,

"Yes boy, this is very special cream, used to prevent premature ejaculation, unfortunately for you with my own special additives, it does not delay ejaculation for minutes like most, but can easily delay it for hours."

I kind of knew what he meant as his hand continued to stroke my shaft and seeing my confusion he said,

"It means I could stroke you and tease you, keeping you feeling like an orgasm is about to happen for a couple hours, without you being able to ejaculate. You talked about a spanking as punishment, I think this is better."

Again his hand stroked my shaft and even as I tried to thrust my hips, anything to push me over the edge, I stayed on the verge of shooting, without being able to. It was devious and unbearable, I had never felt so helpless and horny before, but it got worse. I felt his slippery finger at my hole as he said,

"Time this boy pussy of yours got some work."

With one of his hands stroking my shaft keeping me on the edge his other hand probed my hole. I thrust my hips again and heard him laugh and say,

"Boy, you could thrust forward, anything, you will not be able to ejaculate, your body is mine."

I almost cried out,

"Will I ever be able to cum?"

His laugh got louder as he said,

"Yes boy, when someone decides to allow it, but that won't be me."

As he spoke his body pushed me down onto my knees, and his finger tip penetrated my hole. The feeling drove my cock even wilder as he said,

"Boy, I'm going to work this boy pussy of yours, and while I do, you are going to keep stroking your shaft with one hand, and use the other to work your nipples. If you stop, I will make sure you never cum again, got it?"

His hand reached around and I took a small bottle of lube from him, knowing it would be a long day, I took it and applied some to my aching cock. I let my hand slide up and down my length and realized quickly that he was right, no matter what I did, I stayed on the verge of shooting without being able to actually shoot. The combination was intensely arousing as my hand stroked my shaft and the other worked my nipples, I felt his finger push past my outer hole and inside me. I groaned, not only knowing I couldn't stop working my cock and nipples, but so horny I didn't want to stop. His finger worked it's way in and out, in time with my stroking, my nipples getting harder an harder, my moans getting louder.

"Time to open you up a bit more boy."

His finger slid out and without a pause, I felt two of his fingers at my hole. The lube he was using was so slick that the tips slid in easily as I let out a loud groan, which got louder as he slid them in further, my hole clamping down and trying to draw them in farther and farther as he said,

"Perfect boy pussy, perfect. Feel how it draws my fingers in boy."

My hand slid up and down my shaft faster and faster, but my orgasm never came, even if I slowed down, I stayed right on the verge of cumming. His fingers stretching my hole, another impression driving me wild and without knowing I pinched my own nipple so hard that I actually screamed and called out,

"Fuck meeeeee........"

His finger stopped moving for a second as I heard him gasp and say,

"You were made for this boy slut, feel your boy pussy pulling my fingers into you."

He was right, my ass muscles were pulling his fingers inside, it was involuntary, but obvious, not only my hole, but my whole being wanted him to go farther, and I again called out,

"Please....fuck meeeeee....."

His fingers slid out slowly, leaving me with an empty feeling as he said,

"Boy, there is nothing I would rather do, and this pussy of yours will get fucked, but not today."

A few seconds later I felt three of his fingers at my hole and I started to panic, they felt massive, but my hand kept stroking my shaft, my other working my nipples as he applied gentle pressure. My hole reacted, clamping shut, refusing the fingers entry as he applied more lube and again pushed forward, but my hole clamped tight again.

"Good boy, you have to keep this pussy of yours tight, your job is to provide pleasure, not take it, always remember that, but it's time for you to open wider."

His three finger tips stayed at my hole as his other hand wound up and delivered the hardest smack my butt cheek had ever felt. All at once the pain was exquisite and for a split second I wanted him to spank my entire ass like that, to reduce me to a crying little boy like my Mother's spankings had done, but just as I thought that my hole relaxed and the three finger tips slid just inside. I groaned and took in a deep breath of air, then moaned out load as I again begged him to fuck me. My hole clamped down tight again drawing his fingers in, but the three of them seemed way too big, impossible to fit. My hands continued to work my shaft and nipples and a second later his other hand smacked my butt cheek even harder, so hard that a tear fell from my eyes as they gently slid a bit further in.

My cock need to shoot so bad it was getting painful, but still no matter what I could not shoot my load, my balls ached as his three fingers tried to push all the way in, feeling like they would split me open. He said,

"Relax that boy pussy of yours boy, these finger are smaller than the average cock."

I tried my best but could not manage it and as his fingers relaxed I thought he might stop. I heard him doing something and just as I looked back and saw him pull his belt free from the loops on his pants I thought he was going to fuck me. I looked away as his fingers applied more pressure and then felt immediate pain as his belt slapped down hard across my butt cheek, again causing me to relax my hole and as I did, the three fingers slid inside all the way. I lost it, had no idea what I was saying,

"Ohhhhh...fuck me...please...fuck me....."

His fingers did not move, just stayed inside me feeling huge, but comforting at the same time, as my hand slid up and down my shaft he slowly started to pull them out, then thrust them all thee way back in. I again groaned, louder my nipples so erect they were getting painful but my hand could not take me over the edge, I could not shoot my load, the combination of sensations was over powering, I felt sweat forming on my body as his fingers slid in and out of my hole, over and over until minutes later he pulled them free. At the same time he said,

"Relax boy, stop stroking."

I didn't want to, but my hands stopped their assault on my shaft and nipples and as I knelt there my cock bobbed and bucked so much I thought it would break off. Mr. Toews was watching me, my mind allowed that, but mostly I felt horny and willing to do anything to be able to shoot my load.

"Please Sir, please Mr. Toews, I'm begging you, I'll do anything, please let me cum Sir."

His answer was firm and fast,

"No. Stand up boy."

As I did my legs wobbled and I almost fell, but he grabbed me and said,

"The sunscreen will be 15 dollars boy."

I looked at him, begging him with my eyes, but his expression stayed firm as I walked back and grabbed my wet shorts. I pulled out my money and knew right away it was not enough and even worse knew some had fallen out in the alley. I told him so, but even after looking, it became obvious it had blown away. Back inside he said,

"Now, what will we do about this boy? I am not running a charity, I can not afford to give you the sunscreen without being paid."

I had no idea what to say, but he spoke again,

"I'm going to bill you for the rest boy, make sure your Mother comes in and settles up."

I knew how my Mother was about money and being responsible, and explaining how I lost it would be awkward to say the least,

"Could we work something out Sir, please? I promise, I'll do anything Sir."

His face never changed as he said,

"I think from now on, you should never wear a shirt again, ever. At home or outside."

I eagerly nodded and said,

"Yes Sir."

He looked at me and said,

"Don't forget about the sunscreen boy, especially now that you won't need a shirt again. An adult must apply it to you, back and front, every time, got it?"

I swallowed hard and said,

"I promise Sir."

He held the bag holding my speedos and pulled out one of the pink pair, handed them to me and said,

"Leave the shorts and t-shirt here, this is enough for you to wear home."

I took them from him and struggled into them, taking minutes to force my erection inside and even then, pushed to the side it made a huge obvious bulge, the speedos just barely covering everything. As I stood there he smiled, especially when he walked behind me and said,

"The word spank has never been placed over such a spank able ass before."

I thought the event was over as my erection pulsed and for a moment it felt normal again, I was about to shoot my load, but he noticed and quickly grabbed the cream and thrust his hand into my speedos and covered my cock and balls with it. Then took another hand ful and did the same thing, massaging it deep into my shaft and balls, then smiled and said,

"That should keep you from ejaculating for another couple hours boy, and remember this is a small town, you should never think about breaking your word again. The consequences will just get worse for you. Now, head straight home boy."

He handed me the bag with the other speedos and I walked out of the store wearing just a tiny spedo, my erection trying to stand up straight and pop out of the waistband every time I took a step.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep the comments and suggestions coming.

Next: Chapter 8

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