A Cabin in the Woods

Published on Jan 24, 2022


A Cabin in the Woods By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

Lake Johns is a town in West Virginia, near the border with Virginia. Lake Johns has five hundred residents, two churches, three gas stations, and drugstore-restaurant. Its most memorable feature is not having a lake. There is a marsh area that might have been a lake at one time. Since there are no written records of the town or the surrounding country, no one knows if the lake existed.

The Lake Johns' Fishing Club in on a small stream flowing from the mountains on the west side of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The Club has a cabin on the actual border line, so it might have been in Virginia or West Virginia. No one was exactly sure.

At some point the fish in the stream thrived. While the club survived it became a favorite drinking club when moonshine was king. While the local police could raid it. The police would need to have a survey done to see which state the club house sat in. That was too expensive, so it was never raided. While moonshine is not necessary now, the favorite brew was what ever was on sale at the nearest convenience store. They were twenty plus miles away.

It was a men's only club and other activities became more common in the Cabin. There were no actual meetings of the club. Men would gather, play cards or darts, get drunk and mess around some. Messing around was mostly wrestling. The rules required the looser to suck the cock of the winner. Eventually fishing became rare, but the club remained popular. Men went to the cabin, drank enough beer to pretend to be drunk, and then messed around.

The men were either bachelors, or unhappily married men who didn't get enough sex at home. The precise amount of sex at home that was needed was unclear, so there were usually some men using the cabin.

The Chairman of the Club was Aaron Billings, a bachelor farmer who lived nearby with his brothers, Moses and Able. Aaron was six-five and 250 pounds. Moses was six feet tall and two hundred pounds. Able was 160 pounds and five-feet-six. While outsiders might think they were homosexuals, no one would ever say that to their face. Messing around was not gay sex. The men of the Fishing Club just had a good time with their buddies.

I am Hank Jones and am the art teacher in the High School. I am Hudson River School painter born in the wrong century and living in the wrong place. I paint landscapes and wild animal paintings. I also draw scientific illustrations of animals for books.

Aaron came to my studio, a barn behind my house. He wanted a picture of a fish for the Cabin. He found a painting he liked and bought it. the locals thought any man who was an art teacher must be gay. Aaron stared at my basket. I stared at his. We understood each other. We sucked and fucked for an hour. It turned out that his messing around and my fucking like rabbits were exactly the same thing.

Aaron also realized that fucking a man who liked a cock in his ass was more fun that a man who claimed he didn't. He also admitted he knew he was gay, as were many of the men in the fishing club. I was more responsive to sex, and he liked that. The club approach was to take it like a man. I like to be fucked. I tend to moan and beg for more. Aaron loved that. He liked being appreciated.

Two weeks later he came by with his brothers Moses and Able, as well as Bigfoot's ugly brother, Bubba. They loved my paintings and drawings as much as they loved my ass. I used my sphincter to massage their cocks, and I appreciated the forcefulness of their orgasms.

Bubba had a great time. Being ugly was a big problem in the straight world. In the gay world being ugly and hung was fine. I was the first man to take and swallow his load. I also sat on his cock and masturbated him with my sphincter. Bubba had a recharge time of five to ten minutes.

Talking sperm was not a part of their sexual repertoire. Of course they enjoyed gay sex, but with men they didn't need to pull away and shoot their load into the air. I has a suspicion, the brothers enjoyed fucking an ass lubricated by their brother's cum.

In many ways Lake Johns was an odd place. I was the first person to move to Lake Johns in four of five years. You were a new commer to the town if your parents had not been born there. I suspected that some borderline students were the products of intermarriage. That insulted people who assured me that they were no worse than their parents and grandparents.

I had never heard of the Lake John's Fishing Club. Aaron asked me to visit it and look it over. He wanted me to meet the board of directors. Aaron said the board would like to meet me. He thought the board and I liked some of the same things. I figured why not. A week later, I drove to Aaron's farm, and he drove me in his truck to the camp.

The cabin was as advertised, a cabin. It was made of logs and was rustic. It was built in 1878 according to a date carved over the door and had not been modernized. It was heated by a potbellied stove and a large stone fireplace. There was a small generator that provided feeble electric light.

There were several card tables and one, large, canopied bed. A wide bench ran against the walls. It was covered in pillows. My painting hung over the fireplace mantle. There was screened porch to the side.

The camp was rustic, and the men were rustic. I eventually realized members included the Sherriff, a Judge, a pharmacist, and the only doctor in the town. There were a few farmers. I had the feeling they had watched a lot of Westerns when they were young. There were fifteen men in all.

It was a hot summer day, and I was wearing shorts and an Izod shirt. I had my portable art box with me in case I found something to paint or draw. We got there at 10:30 and since many of the men were fishing, I did a few oil sketches.

The trees around the cabin were old, tall, and created dark shadows in contrast with the bring sunlight over the cleared areas near a stream. This made for dramatic sketches. I do the sketches quickly. Some I might turn into full scale paintings later.

When the men returned from fishing, they saw the sketches as a magic trick. I suspected they decorated their homes with family photos and trophies. Painting was painting houses. I also did a pencil sketch of the biggest fish they caught. That was another marvel. We had a good lunch of the morning's catch and beer.

After lunch we went to a pond and skinny dipped. Skinny dipping had been normal before mixed bathing became common. I had seen photos of Czar Nicolas skinny dipping with other men. The Czarina took the photos. Before elastic, swimming trunks were unreliable.

For us, it provided a natural way get naked. No one was obvious, but they all checked me out. I checked them out too. While all cocks are the same, and function the same, there is a nice variety. While I'm not a sex maniac, I had enough experience to know soft cocks are not perfectly related to erect cock size. There are what a pal called a still life cocks. They are the same size hard as soft. I knew many stealth cocks. They grew exponentially when excited. I also knew of cocks that needed to be in your ass or mouth to reach full size.

When I got out of the pond, Aaron came over to me. "Hank, I mentioned to the guys that you are a friendly, accommodating man. There a more men here than I expected. They are really friendly if you get my drift. If that a problem you need to let me know," he said. "By the way, Doc Miller has given them a clean bill of health."

"Does that mean their sperm is edible?" I asked.

Aaron burst out laughing. "I never thought of it that way, but I guess it does," he said. "I know you had a physical at the school. Doc never tells tales, but he wasn't worried about you. The guys here rarely take the cream. If you are into that, you might make many new friends. You were the first to take mine and it was beautiful."

It turned out the men of the club were interested in more direct sexual contact. The club had been founded in the 19th Century. Acknowledging homosexuality was unthinkable then and the phrase was all but unknown. Skinny dipping with male friends was normal as was being a bachelor.

All male clubs were the rule. Mixing with women was scandalous, except in carefully defined situations. Most colleges were all male and meeting women was carefully controlled. Men lived in an all-male bunk house. Sailors might spend months or a year at sea.

The men of the Lake John's Fishing Club were not surprised or shocked by more open sexual attitudes. For the fishing Club it was hard to change anything after a hundred and twenty years. I was sitting on the grass with Jody. He was Aaron's nephew.

"Uncle Aaron told me you and his bros had some fun," Jody asked in a near whisper.

"We seemed to have hit it off well," I said. "He's a nice guy," I said.

"Uncle Aaron taught me some good stuff," Jody said. "He told me you took the cum in your mouth. He said you swallowed it." I nodded. "Did it taste good?"

"It tasted okay, it was fresh, straight from his balls. It was exciting. I liked it," I said, "He said it was good. When a guy gets really excited and shoots off, I like tasting his spunk."

"Do you think I would like it?" he asked.

"Probably," I said. "When you are with a guy he may shoot off as you may shoot off. It's nice to share his orgasm. I get excited sharing his orgasm."

"Do guys take yours?"

"Eventually. Sometimes it takes some time to get used to eating cum," I said. "It helps if you like the guy."

"Do you like Uncle Aaron?" he asked.

I nodded. "Taking a man's load is about as personal as you can get. You get to know and like a guy when you are that personal. It's real intimate and personal. We are both men. I know what he is feeling. You can't hide anything when guy is shooting off in your mouth. He's trusting you with his cock," I said.

Jody leaned over an wrapped his lips around my cock head. That was the starting gun for the afternoon's activities. It was all sex for the next few hours, but it wasn't an orgy. It lacked the frantic activity of an orgy. It was a playful exploration of men's sexual organs.

Jody and I broke into new territory. We were sexually engaged in bright sunlight. For the Club members, it was usually in a darken room later at night. The men could all see what we were doing. Hard cocks could be classified as a communicable disease. Most of the club members caught a case raging erections.

Jody was hard as a rock, so I slobbered in it and took a seat on it. My ass isn't one hundred percent virgin, so Jody and I illustrated good ass and cock co-ordination. I guessed that many of the men knew the joys of fucking a pal, but they had never acknowledged the enjoyment of fucking a pal.

"I'm shooting!" Jody cried as shivered and twitched with each ejaculation. The men had formed a ring of onlookers around us. They politely clapped when I got off of Jody's cock. My hole dripped a little of Jody's load, so they knew it had been a real orgasm. I was on the grass, catching my breath.

Bubba was there and came over to me. "Your ass is dripping a little. Would you mind if I push it in deeper?" he asked. He didn't wait for an answer. His oversized cock slid into my cum lubricated ass effortlessly. I do not play it cool when I'm being fucked. My sluttiest friend in art school told me, "If a guy is nice enough to fuck me, I might as well say thanks."

I like it and everyone knew just how much I likes it. The Club members feigned indifference to talking a cock up the ass. A high-powered detective might point out that four alarm orgasm shooting sperm three feet into the air is not a sign of indifference. Bubba drained every drop of sperm from his balls into me as he yelled "Bingo."

The cry bingo surprised me, but before I could give it serious thought, Bubba had pulled out and Aaron's cock was in me. he was pounding me like a madman. That might normally be a problem, but with two loads of sperm in me it was good, really good.

"Shit," he cried. "It's like fucking butter!" A minute later he shot off firehose style.

"Okay guys, there nothing to see here," Sherriff Erasmus Jones said. "Our guest needs a rest!" Erasmus was the Hollywood cast director's idea of a Southern Sherriff. He was overweight, with sunglasses, and a trim, white beard that matched his curly, body hair. The men dispersed.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm a little tired, but I could have taken a few more loads," I said.

He laughed. "I kind of guessed that, but I wanted to make sure you would still want more when I fuck you for desert after dinner. I've got bull balls and a butt plug cock that sometimes takes some getting used to."

I laughed and told him I would add him to my dance card.

"I might mention I haven't taken a load from a new man in years," Erasmus said. "The bloom of youth is gone.

Several men were working on dinner. Fish just caught from the stream and vegetables picked from the garden that morning were on the menu. Only the beer was store bought. Erasmus introduced me to Judge Miller and Doc introduced me to his nurse, Thompson. He was an older Black man. He was sixty and hung.

After dark many of the club members went home. I was with a few of the older men, Aaron, Erasmus, Judge Miller, and Thompson. Jody remained as did some younger pals, Rudy, Freddy, and Skyler. It was a calm and quiet evening.

"Any of you men want to play some poker?" Aaron asked.

"That's fine with me, but since we're naked I was hoping we might get hard and fuck like rabbits," I suggested.

"I'm afraid we are a bit short on bottoms," Erasmus said.

"I have a confession to make. I tend to be insatiable, and I like the bottom," I said.

"Wouldn't that be messy?" Judge Miller asked.

"That depends on your pals' loads," I said. "It all homemade, fresh and warm. It may be too intimate. Aaron, would it bother you pushing your nephew's cum deeper into me?"

"I hate to say this, but it might add a little tingle," Aaron said.

"Shit, if I can eat your sperm Uncle Aaron, you can use mine as lube!" Jody exclaimed. All the men as well as Aaron laughed.

The men seemed to relax after than interchange. I suspected they had been circumspect as to whom they had sucked or fucked. I found out later that no one had mentioned eating and swallowing a load, or depositing some sperm in a warm place. I also suspected that fiddling with younger men was acceptable but admitting a younger man left a thank you gift six inched up your ass was never discussed.

An hour and a half later, the men were still friends and much more relaxed than they been that morning. I noticed that while Erasmus had warned about the shortage of bottoms, he liked it when some of the younger men discovered he possessed some extra muscles in his ass, and he could massage a visiting cock.

Everyone was tired and we went home. I spent the next day painting. School was cancelled the next Monday. A pump broke and there was no water, so I had another day of painting. Aaron and Erasmus came by at that afternoon.

"You kicked thing up a notch at the get together. The guys went to some new places," Aaron said.

"I doubt it was me," I said. "Sometimes men just are in the mood."

"Hank, the club is 130 years old, and we've been doing the same thing for almost a hundred years with out much change. It was you," Aaron said.

"You like man sex, and you aren't afraid to show it," Erasmus said. "I pretend I a straight man who just loves to suck cock and doesn't mind fucking a tight ass. After our get together I just about ready to admit I have gay tendencies."

We laughed. "Well, I can tell you that as a gay man, sucking cock, and fucking ass are often considered danger signs of being gay," I said.

"At one time I thought my svelte figure and bulk had lessened my attraction to women," Erasmus mused. "Somehow, my big cock remained attractive to men. Aaron can still attract widows. I think even the widows are afraid I might roll over at night a kill them."

"Erasmus and I have been faithful cock suckers since high school," Aaron said. "We are hoping you enjoyed the club and will join our happy band?"

"I would be glad to join," I said. "Are there dues or obligations?"

"Well, we do have dues, but I will take your dues up my ass, and in liquid form," Aaron said. It was mid-day, and then had to get back to work.

Next: Chapter 2

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