A Career Change

By Rachelle Naughty

Published on Nov 9, 2022


This is a work of fiction depicting sexual acts between consenting adults, aged eighteen and over. There are no similarities to anyone real or living, other than myself who is the main character, set in deep running fantasy. There are depictions of unprotected sex and smoking. I do not condone either, as each is an individual's choice. Constructive feedback welcome at rachellenaughty@yahoo.com. Also, support Nifty with a donation if you are able.

A Career Change Chapter 8 -- It's Only Friday?

"Rachelle, wake up, wake up," I heard while in a deep sleep. I thought I was dreaming, but it was Carla.

"What's going on," I said half asleep.

"It's morning and you are a smelly mess. You slept in your heels and makeup," she said sternly.

"I didn't have the keys," I said with annoyance.

"Oh shit! I forgot to give those to you. " she said as she handed me the keys from her pocketbook.

I explained to her about the man who sprayed me with his cum and the cigar smoking man which is why I smell.

"We must get the fan fixed in that room. A few members smoke in there but I am sorry you experienced that" she said.

She apologized to me twice now. I never expected that. Carla seemed inconvenienced by working with me or she just didn't like me. I couldn't tell which it was.

"I actually didn't mind, except the smoke was very thick," I replied.

I took off my heels to massage my aching feet. I immediately took the makeup off, washed my face and shaved, then I hopped in the shower. Carla entered the bathroom.

"I can see by your blouse and skirt Barry visited last night. He drops a big tip," she said with a wink.

I didn't even look at the tips last night, I was so tired. They were crumpled up on the vanity.

"You only had four last night for Happy Hour. I thought you would have a few more, but Thursday nights can be unpredictable. Mostly everyone is watching the games, or they don't go out," she said.

It's Friday, I thought to myself. Four, that was all? It felt like I had three times that amount with the load that Barry' unleashed. I exited the shower and dried off. I looked at the tips from last night, a hundred dollars from Barry' plus the other money.

"I have your expanded wardrobe downstairs. I will have it brought up here this afternoon. You will have to try it on and put away what fits. What doesn't fit, bring to the salon on Monday and we will get them altered. Why don't you prepare for training and come down to the salon."

"What do I wear?"

"Wear a robe, and slippers and put a shower cap on. We will have new clothes for you down there. I will take the heels and keys for you now. You will be wearing these again today. How did you do in them yesterday."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"See you downstairs," she said and left.

After arriving at the salon, into the shower I went. My skin was tingling from the soap again. That was followed by the moisturizing tub for a nice soak. I thought I would go for makeup next but there was another girl who appeared in the salon while I was soaking. She was much younger than me, more feminine looking, but she seemed dramatic. She didn't acknowledge me, other than a quick `Hi' which was more a sarcastic smile and not so much a word.

As I was heel training in a pair of thong panties and a robe, she was making a scene with Estelle and this other woman who was styling her natural hair. I felt like I made progress with the heels, but I wasn't certain. My pussy was also stretched some more which wasn't as uncomfortable as the day before. It was three o'clock and Carla appeared while I was getting makeup and nails done.

"You are getting great reviews for Happy Hour among the members, and you seem to be attracting a lot of attention." she said. "Do you want to do it again? It is Friday night so it should not run past six thirty, but you never know."

I thought about it, she was giving me the option, I can say no. It isn't as if she said I must do it.

"Can I think about it?" I replied.

"Can you let me know by four because scheduling needs to open the queue for reservations."

A lot was going through my mind at that moment. I would be happy to go back to my apartment, eat dinner, have a glass of wine and chill or I should just tell them I need to leave. Is this what I want? Am I enjoying this? A lot has happened in 48 hours. I don't even know where my male clothes from Wednesday are.

My nails were done. Estelle painted them red with little pink hearts on each nail. Oh my God, I am such a girl, I thought. I could take that off with some acetone and the falsies will come off with a little work. Makeup isn't an issue with the wipes in my apartment. My hair will grow back, and I can go back to my boring life.

Estelle was all finished and told me to look in the mirror after putting a wig on me. There I was in a thong panty, four-inch heels, locked in chastity, a butt plug in my ass, with full make up, a wig and not a stitch of body hair. I had always fantasized about this, but I still wasn't certain. I walked out of the salon and into Carla's office. She was on the phone and looked at me like, what the hell are you doing in my office? I sat, took her cigarettes, and lit one as she finished her conversation.

"What is up with you?" She asked.

"I am not certain this is what I want," I said.

Carla looked at me, sensing the doubt running through my mind.

"Answer one question. Which do you prefer, cock or pussy?" she asked.

"Cock," I said instinctively.

"If you leave, and I don't blame you for leaving, how much cock will you get out there?"

"I don't know, not much," I replied

"And why is that?"

"I don't know exactly, but it has a lot to do with trust," I said

"Are you saying you trust the system here and that not having a lot of control over what is expected of you is better for you?"

I sat there and didn't say anything. What she said was right. I do trust the system here and I like not being in control. "I am in for Happy Hour tonight, but I want to know what happens over the weekend. Do I sit in my apartment all weekend? I need to get home to get my laptop and deal with a few issues there, and I need to get there discreetly without my neighbors seeing me," I said.

"First things first, let me confirm with scheduling. It is Friday, they will let you know if the reservations run past six-thirty. If they do, do you want to commit to another half-hour?"

I looked at her thinking no and yes came out of my mouth.

"Very nice Rachelle. Are you enjoying yourself?" she asked

"I don't know, maybe" as I took a big drag on the slim cigarette.

"As for the weekend, you are free to do what you like. You have a wardrobe to try on, you need to stretch your legs and hips, go to the gym to walk, or jog. You can hang out in your apartment, practice makeup, go outside, do what you like. You are not a prisoner here. If you want to go home to get some things taken care of, go ahead. You have your male clothes and car keys in your bedroom closet. Along with your wallet and ID. I would take all the makeup off before you leave. Just make sure you take your pass key with you to get back into the building or if you decide not to come back the key will be deactivated after forty-eight hours. Sunday neither Estelle nor I are here. If you want to work the booths let the scheduling department know. I texted their contact info to you."

"Ok," I said. `Why don't you blame me for wanting to leave?"

"You are starting this transformation late in life. It's possible to do, but it is more difficult. You have lived a lot of life as a man and now you are trying to become something that is not a true man. Aside from the physical attributes, the mental issues can weigh someone like you down. Your life has changed dramatically in the past forty-eight hours. I worry about you, frankly. I am hoping for the best outcome and that you will stay longer than two months," she said.

I sat there in silence. She was very perceptive, and she must have experienced this before with someone else.

"Let's get you dressed."

I went into the changing room. A black faux leather skirt with fish net thigh highs, a white blouse, and a bra with foam forms. I put everything on and then put the heels back on. I locked the heels and kept the keys this time. I checked myself in the mirror. I went into the salon and grabbed a lipstick and some blush just in case.

"I need some cigarettes, bottled water and a couple bottles of two of wine in my apartment."

"I will have them dropped to your room," she said,

"Thank you," I said. I was always polite with Carla, not knowing if she liked me or not. I had the sense she did not but at the same time after what she just said to me, she may care about my well-being.

"I also texted the kitchen contact information to you. You can call them and tell them your name and apartment number. They will send your meals up to you. They know I have you on a weight loss diet so they will only send healthy food."

I had a half-hour to kill before Happy Hour.

I walked out and wobbled a bit but regained my stride. These short steps seemed very unnatural to me. It takes twice as long to walk the same distance because I can't walk fast without losing my balance. The skirt was snug. Off the elevator and I entered my apartment. Housekeeping was there earlier, apparently with fresh sheets, and towels.

I grabbed a bottle of water so I wouldn't forget it and passed the time thinking about my situation and what Carla said to me. I looked at the clock, it was ten to five. I may as well go down there because it is going to take twice as long for me to walk the same distance, I said to myself. Let's see what the third night of Happy Hour has in store for me I though to myself.

Next: Chapter 9

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