A Cute Guy with a Mower

By David Lee

Published on Feb 2, 2025


A Cute Guy with a Mower, Chapter 4

Seth had done well in high school but was expecting junior college to be much more difficult. He was pleased to find that it wasn't. By the first quarter of the fall term, he had an "A" in all of his classes. In fact, he scored so high in math that his teacher wondered if he'd somehow gotten the answers to the test. Rather than accuse him of cheating, he asked Seth to demonstrate solving some others in front of the class. In so doing, a couple of kids in the room began to understand the problems that they'd missed. The repetition helped them make a breakthrough. It turned out to be a good situation for all involved.

Mr. Compton asked Seth to stay for a few minutes after class if he had time. His next one didn't start for an hour, so he did.

"Your abilities are remarkable. I'm going to recommend placing you in a higher-level class. You could teach this one. I have an opening in the upper level one during fourth period if that works in your schedule."

"Yeah, I could start my school day later and use the earlier period for studying or for keeping up my mowing business. I'd love to advance as fast as I can. Thanks!"

Compton went on to make several suggestions about majors in general. He felt that Seth could have a bright future in business or some other field. Seth was elated.

"Well, I dropped my second period math class today," Seth said over dinner. He tried to look forlorn to see if he could get a rise out of Justin.

"Whatever for? I thought you were doing exceedingly well in it."

"That's the problem. Mr. Compton says it's not challenging me. He's moving me to a higher-level class that he's teaching in the afternoon. That will free up my morning for work.

"He also says he thinks I might try to get a degree in engineering or in landscape architecture if I'm set on working with plants. It would mean I could be more on the designing end than doing the grunt work. There are online programs from reputable universities so that I could do most of it without being on campus. I could also continue taking my general education courses at Kirkwood for the next year and a half. So, in less than four years, I might have my bachelor's degree and could begin a master's if I wanted to."

"You stinker! For a minute, I thought you were dropping out of school. This all seems perfect for you. You could have an impact on the environment as well as being involved with beautifying your surroundings. Let's get on the computer and start exploring the possibilities."

Had it been his parents guiding him through the process, Seth might have felt offended. As it was, he appreciated the input he was receiving. Justin had been through a similar process in choosing schools for his degrees and knew a lot more about the ropes than Seth did. Eventually, they found a program with a good reputation which would fit his needs. Seth, again, realized how lucky he was to have ended up where he did when his family disowned him.

"Wow! You've really helped me." Seth exclaimed when they'd finished.

"No problem. I've had more experience."

"I'll bet your parents were there to guide you all the way."

"That's true for starting my undergrad studies. I was pretty much on my own after my sophomore year. Well, that's not entirely true. I had Grandpa Clete."

"Oh, did you lose your family that young? I'm sorry if I touched on a nerve."

"You haven't offended me. I've mostly forgotten the grief I went through. I really should have discussed this with you earlier. We have more in common than our attraction to guys in general and each other in particular. It was after my second year of college that I finally accepted my orientation and came out to them. They reacted very much like your parents did. I was given a similar choice, and like you, I didn't let them try to change me.

"I was very lucky that Grandpa stood by me. From then on, I stayed with him whenever I wasn't away at school. It was like he became my parent for all intents and purposes. He paid my tuition and showed me the love that a person expects from family. Sadly, he passed away the summer after I got my MBA. At least he lived long enough to celebrate my achievements with me. He made me his sole heir. That's why I have the standard of living I enjoy. Sure, I'm making good money, but my salary is almost like an allowance in relation to what he left me.

"Looking back on it now, I think his generosity was a factor behind my wanting to give you a home. I empathized with you, and I felt a kind of responsibility to pay forward what he did for me."

"Thanks for sharing that with me. I feel less like a taker knowing you were blessed in the same way. Still, I'm not part of your family."

"Yes, you are! We may not have a marriage license to show that we belong to each other, but you've become my family."

"Damn, you're gonna make me cry."

"Cool. Get over here and let me kiss your tears away. And you can kiss mine."

Their gentle kisses turned more passionate, and they ended up going to bed early.

During the second semester, when there was little outside work to occupy him, Seth enrolled in the online landscape architecture program he'd applied for. He could learn a lot of the basics during the winter and apply them when the weather turned warmer in the spring. This would give him a jumpstart.

Winter that year did have a few major snowfalls which allowed him to earn some money with the blade Justin provided for his pickup. Again, Seth realized how much brighter his future was because of the man he'd come to love.

Before the term ended, he began to plan how he would do a hands-on project to fulfill that part of his online classwork. Justin suggested that Seth could create a new design for the acreage and actually apply it. Seth was thrilled to have the opportunity. This would likely guarantee a good grade.

When he discussed the project with his online professor, the man was very enthusiastic about the prospect. He advised Seth to create detailed drawings of his plan and then take a lot of "before" pictures and update them with each change he made to document the progress.

Instead of taking any classes at the community college in the summer, Seth would devote the time to his lawn business and the landscaping project. Given all he had on his plate, he would be very busy. Justin wondered if the kid was taking on too much but thought he should back off and let Seth make his own decisions. He cared for his young lover and was concerned. However, knowing how independent Seth was, he hesitated to put in his two-cents worth.

By the middle of May, it hit Seth that he wasn't going to be able to do everything and get enough rest to do a good job. He asked Justin's advice, so Justin felt he could give it without offending Seth.

"Have you thought about hiring someone to do part of the grunt work. You could even subcontract some of the mowing or have a kid do the trimming to speed things up. If you don't have the funds to cover it, I'll be happy to supplement the cost. Your health is worth more than the money."

"Thanks! You know I hate to have you support me more than you are already, but I may have to let you."

"Seth, you're not a charity case. You're my partner; not just a cute kid with a mower. Couples do those things for each other."

"Thanks, partner! I'll try to keep that in mind. You're all the family that I have."

They embraced and kissed. In the process, Justin's shirt got a little damp from Seth's tears of appreciation. Their closeness led to even more intimacy which tended to revitalize both of them.

To lessen his workload, Seth hired Konnor Meyer; a guy he'd met at Kirkwood in the fall who was taking courses in the agriculture program. The boy was a bit shorter and stockier than Seth and seemed to be a strong and willing worker. Konnor had a few lawns to keep up on his own but had extra time on his hands and was thrilled to make more money for tuition. He had the experience and could go to work immediately without being taught anything. With his assistance, jobs could progress more rapidly and efficiently. While it might cut into Seth's bottom line, having less stress in his life would be worth it.

The first day Konnor showed up to work at the acreage, Justin was deeply into solving some problems in his job, and he didn't get introduced to the kid right away. When he took a break, he looked out the window of his office toward the front of the property. He was greeted by the sight of two shirtless young men, both of whom were adorable in their own way. The new kid reminded him a little of himself because of his build and brown hair. The kid's body seemed well-developed from doing physical labor. He was too far away to access the bulge in his shorts, but Justin began to wonder if he would have a rival for Seth's attention – another cute guy with a mower.

Justin immediately chastised himself for worrying over his relationship with Seth. Seth had resisted Grayson's advances and had never given him reason to doubt his faithfulness. Yet, since Justin's own dick twitched from the sight, he would have to admit that Konnor might be a temptation. He would keep his eyes open to that possibility. He would have to figure out what his reaction might be if Seth were to have sex with the other kid. Justin was very much into monogamy, and he hoped Seth would be too. Still, he didn't own his lover. Whatever their relationship turned out to be, it had to be an equal one. He had no right to be controlling.

The best thing to do was to get acquainted with Konnor and size up the situation rather than stressing. So, he decided to prepare some snacks and cold drinks for the guys to enjoy when they had time to take a break. He texted Seth to bring Konnor around to the table in the shade near the pool.

"Konnor, I want you to meet Justin. He's the owner of this property and my partner."

"Nice to meet you, Justin," Konnor responded with a firm handshake. "This is an awesome place, and I think it will be even better when Seth gets all his plans done. I love the idea of native trees, lots of wildflowers, and a pond in the front, broken up with natural stone walkways. If everyone would do that, it will kill off my temporary job, but I think it might be best for the planet."

"Are you into cutting down on chemicals as much as Seth is?"

"I think so. I've been reading some of the articles he recommended, and I see his point of view. I hope if he gets into the business of converting lawns into gardens that he might consider hiring me on a permanent basis.

"That's his decision, of course, but if you're as conscientious a worker as he thinks you are, I suspect you might have a chance."

"I hope so. Kayla would be thrilled if I get something that will make me happy and provide enough income to give us a good life."

"And who is Kayla?" Justin asked.

"Kayla Hatch, the girl I'm living with," Konnor blushed. "We're both trying to get enough education to have opportunities, but I know I'm not Harvard material. I like working with my hands. My ancestors were all farmers until the late 20th century. Family farms kinda got swallowed up by the big guys."

"There's still some opportunity for smaller farms to survive with the push toward organic crops," Justin interjected.

"True. That's what I'd love to do, but with the price of land these days, it's very difficult to get any property that's decent enough to be arable without spending a fortune." Konnor sighed.

Over a late dinner, Justin and Seth discussed their day. Both were pleased with the progress which had been made on the front of the property. A sizeable chunk of the former lawn had been stripped of sod in preparation for being tilled and turned into a bed of wildflowers. Being thrifty, as well as, environmentally aware, Seth had contracted with a local builder to buy the sod which could be used in his housing development. While he might rather have seen other options for homeowners to use, he knew it would be years, if not decades, before such measures were common. In the meantime, selling the sod would help fund the project.

When the subject turned to Konnor, Seth made some observations.

"I think you're as impressed with him as I am. He's a go-getter, and he's not hard on the eyes. I'm relieved to know that he's straight because I'd hate to have him as a rival for your attention."

"That's funny because I was thinking the same thing in reverse. I could see him being my rival," Justin grinned.

"You know my heart belongs to you," Seth said. "He's a stud, but there are lots of those around. I hope you know that I look deeper than an attractive surface. We both agree on Grayson. Of course, Konnor has a lot more going for him in terms of work-ethic and ambition."

"Speaking of that, do you think we should do something to help him with his dream?"

"I'm in favor of it. I could see the wheels of your mind turning when he was talking. What's your idea?"

"Well, I don't think I've mentioned that I own a chunk of the farmland surrounding my home – other than the lake which is on federal land. This had all been part of a small farm which belonged to the former owner's grandparents. They didn't want to see it become a housing development and sold it to me because I said I'd do my best to keep it intact. I rent the land out to a couple of local farmers on a yearly basis. I'm not obligated to continue those contracts. If we were to construct a few buildings to store machinery and other supplies, it would be possible to set up a small organic farming operation."

"That would require an additional investment on your part," Seth observed.

"But I would also share in the profits, and it would be a project which would benefit the environment as well as Konnor and us."

"I like the whole idea, especially the term `us.'" Seth agreed.

"About that, would you be interested in going to the courthouse around the time of your 19th birthday and making `us' official, or possibly having a ceremony with a few friends present? We will have lived in harmony as a couple for a year by then. From my perspective, I'd like to continue it for the rest of my life."

"You're going to make me cry, damn it! You know how much it will mean to me for us to be a family for real. Of course, my answer is `YES!'"

That night, another storm system moved through. Thor appeared to be throwing thunderbolts as if he were practicing to participate in an Olympic competition. Justin left the blinds open so that they could watch the pyrotechnics from their bed. Seth cuddled close. He wasn't afraid of storms like he'd been as a child, but he still enjoyed the sense of security he got from being in his lover's arms.

Fortunately, it was more Sturm und Drang than precipitation. Seth had been concerned that a heavy torrent might wash out some of the seedlings they'd planted that day before they got established. The light rain which fell was just enough to keep them nicely watered.

One benefit from the active weather was that it seemed to stir their passions. Whether the barometric pressure or their decision to marry soon or the effect of Konnor's hot presence stimulated their libidos, they were both on fire. They wrestled and rubbed their bodies together until they flooded one another in their splooge, reaching climaxes at nearly the same time. They ended up licking most of it up and allowing the rest to dry on them. They would take a quick shower in the morning. With the storm subsiding and their tubes empty, they suddenly felt the need for sleep.

As Seth and Konnor were working on the front of Justin's property the next day, Konnor mentioned a class he'd enrolled in online which had to do with raising organic vegetables. He was frustrated about not finding a garden patch where he could put the ideas into practice. He would get credit for learning the concepts and being tested over his knowledge, but it would be best if he could actually raise a garden.

Seth thought he had a possible solution and said he'd discuss it with his partner.

"Do you guys have some kind of contractual agreement?" Konnor asked, innocently.

"Um, you mean like a business partnership?"


"Oh, I thought you understood that we are, um, domestic partners, you know, like committed to each other though not legally wed."

"Jeez! You must think I'm dense. I don't know any gay couples, but I'm not against the idea. I know some gay individuals."

"You probably know some gay couples, but you just don't know about their orientation. Many of us aren't exactly in the closet, but we still don't go around telling people. More of them will know when we get married."

Conversation over dinner that night revolved around Konnor's predicament.

"Would it be okay if we let Konnor till the land by the fence in the northwest corner of the back yard?" Seth asked. "It's just lawn, it and doesn't have very good grass anyway. In the long run, I was planning to fill it with wildflowers or some kind of daylilies, though they can be invasive."

"That's a great idea! It could always become a field of flowers later, or it might be kept as a vegetable garden. You have his cell number, right? Why don't you text him and suggest the idea. The sooner he finds out, the faster he can get on it before the spring planting season is over.

Seth sent a text message and got an enthusiastic response a few seconds later. Konnor was elated!

Author's notes:

Thanks to all who emailed since last posting - Carl O, Jordan K, John S, Geoff F, John L, Mendy D, Frank K, Tony C, Stan, Chuck V, Geoff (S), Gordon, Steve C, Kevin M, Tom J, David W, Jim W, Tom J, Rod R, Ken McC, Joe W (2), Ted J, Paul R, and Justin T. One of my faithful readers, Ott H, is recovering from a medical event. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks to everyone for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a dlee169@hotmail.com and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds the typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service. It costs the site to do it, so please consider donating to defray their expenses.


Thanks, David

Ps: I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

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