A Dare Made Me See the Truth

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 3, 2002



'You love me?' - Nick thought.

Brian was against the wall, eyes still locked on him. Nick was frozen. Brian tried to clean the last tears he had been dropping.

Nick began to move towards him. His eyes still icy. Nick's lips were trembling from what Brian judged to be anger. His face confirmed that. The way he was moving closer to him. Nick's breath. He was angry. Brian had never seen him like that. Never before.

Nick was now inches away from him. His deep blue eyes locked on Brian's. His mouth showing to be still very aware of what he had said. Nick said he hated Brian. And Brian was afraid of him now. Nick had no mercy in his gaze.

"Nick, please... you gotta believe in me... I only got together with Lucy because you said that night didn't mean anything for you..." - he could feel he was shaking. Not only he could lose his friend, they could lose much more now. - "I didn't know you had seen us kissing. I didn't want that to happen..." - again Brian felt his cheeks getting wet with tears. Yes, he was crying again. But Nick still didn't make a move. Eyes frozen, Nick's lips pressed together in anger. - "Nick... I meant those words..." - Brian didn't know more what to say. - "I love you and I'd do anything...

"Shut up, Brian!" - Nick screamed inches away from his face.

Brian felt his breath coming in short gasps. His eyes widened first and shut together the next second. It was then when he felt wet lips pressing against his own. It was Nick.

He took Brian's bottom lip between his and bit it softly, feeling Brian tense under the kiss. Brian still had his eyes shut. He was scared. Feeling this fear coming from Brian, Nick reached his hand to the back of his neck, caressing him at the same time he pushed his tongue inside his mouth, when Brian finally loosened and with eyes still closed began to kiss Nick back. His hands found it's way through Nick soft blond hair and Brian licked his tongue, licked his lips and pushed his tongue inside his mouth.

Both tongues dueling first. Both tongues making love later.

Softly breaking the kiss Nick kissed Brian's jaw line, and then buried his head on his neck. God that felt good! He had missed this... he had missed this so bad! Like so many other things he missed from Brian. Nick kissed soflty his neck before tracing all the way from his shoulder to his ear with his tongue, causing Brian to pull him closer.

"I love you Brian..." - Nick whispered childishly. - "I just didn't want to hear any words at all... I can't take it anymore, I wanna be with you, I wanna touch you, I wanna look at you... I don't wanna hear what went wrong, because right now everything is right again..."

Brian took a deep sigh. He had this hard breath from someone who had been crying a lot. He wanted to say so many things to Nick... He wanted to let him know how much he cared, how much he needed, how much he loved him... But Brian didn't say a thing. He put his hands on Nick's neck and kissed him deeply, touching him, caressing his hair, kissing his eyes, running his hand over his back... He just wanted to feel Nick so desperately he didn't dare to say a word.

Nick took two steps back and looked Brian in the eyes. He smiled, took his hand and with linked fingers he made Brian follow him.

Nick entered one of the rooms with a large bed, its was nobody's room.

When they got there he looked at Brian. His eyes were shining. Nick's smile got even bigger.

Still linking fingers Nick took his other hand to the back of Brian's neck and pulled him close to kiss his mouth. The kiss was tender, but full of passion at the same time. There was this urgency, they needed each other badly. And soon the kiss began to increase in rhythm. Nick's tongue was exploring all the space inside Brian's mouth and Brian was just giving in to the amazing feeling that it was to have Nick's tongue playing inside his mouth. He wanted to feel him, he wanted to taste Nick.

Nick's hands began to touch all the way under Brian's shirt, and fast he pulled it off. Brian did the same to him and put his hands around Nick's waist, bringing him close, wanting to feel his heart beating against his own.

Nick was licking Brian's earlobe, causing him to close his eyes and concentrate on the pleasure Nick was giving him. His tongue was warm and soft, and his hands were gently taking off his pants leaving him in boxers only.

Brian was so carried away with the sensations Nick's tongue was giving him kissing his neck, his ear, licking his lips, sucking his lips, biting his lips, wrestling with his own tongue, that he didn't even notice when Nick had pulled his pants and gotten into boxers only too.

They were still making out against the wall when suddently Nick made a movement to Brian pointing to the bed ahead of them with his head.

Still kissing Nick managed to throw Brian on the bed, surprising him a little. When Brian looked at Nick he gave him puppy eyes and that moment Brian knew he could never love someone as much as he loved Nick. It didn't matter if he was a guy. It didn't matter if they were backstreet boys. It didn't matter if the world said no to them. Looking at his caring and loving eyes Brian could feel this was the person he was meant to love. This was the one meant to love him. It was scary this person was Nick. But Brian couldn't change it. And honestly, he didn't want to.

Nick had kissed his fears away, and for the first time Brian said something.

"I know I love you when I look into your eyes." - Nick looked at him and smiled, getting closer to the bed. Brian continued. - "I know I love you because when we are apart I feel a part of my self is missing - and it is my heart." - Nick was still smiling when he slowly got into the bed. "I know I love you because if tomorrow I didn't have you life would have no meaning at all."

Nick was slowly creeping on top of him. Brian went on. "I know I love you because I can't promise we'll be together forever, although my soul belongs to you. I know I love you because everytime you look at me I feel I don't need anything else because life has given me it all."

Still only listening to him Nick leaned down his head and let his hair brush against Brian's naked chest. He continued again.

"I know I love you because I need your touch. I know I love you because ever since I could hold you in my arms, even if just as friends, the world became a happier place. And everything was perfect."

Nick kissed his lips softly and Brian put his arms tightly around him.

"Thank you for coming into my life..." - Brian whispered.

Nick sighed on Brian's neck and came up to face him.

He used his finger to lightly touch Brian's lips, admiring every single detail of them. Brian kissed the tip of his finger and parted his lips, Nick still tracing them with his finger. His eyes locked on Brian's lips. Paying attention like a child does when looking at something very intriguing. Then Nick touched Brian's tongue with his finger, and Brian closed his lips around it.

Right after Nick pulled his finger away and made the tip of their tongues touch. Only lightly touching, and Brian was so sweet... Nick licked his lips and looked Brian in the eyes.

"I love you more than anything else. I love you more than life it's self." - Nick said in a husky voice.

Brian smiled and they locked eyes while Nick's hand found it's way inside Brian's boxers and touched him there.

Brian closed his eyes and sighed. He felt when Nick pulled his boxers off because he felt suddently cold. But it didn't last long. Nick's hand was all over his cock, up and down until Brian had a painful hard on.

They looked at each other and smiled. Nick took off his own boxers and pressed himself against Brian's body, making their cocks rub against the other while they kissed deeply, Brian devouring Nick's mouth, running his tongue all over his skin, begging silently for Nick to move faster.

And Nick did. They fell into a franatic rhythm, Nick moving on top of him as if he was making love to a girl.

"Hm..." - Brian cried out in pleasure and Nick knew he had to stop, otherwise he'd make him come.

Feeling Nick stop the movements of friction Brian couldn't help but whining loudly.

"Not yet, love." - Nick whispered on his ear and Brian opened his eyes brushing Nick's hair away from his eyes.

Slowly Nick kissed Brian's chest, and in not even one minute Brian let go of his hands running through Nick's soft blond hair.

Nick took time to suck Brian's nipple, getting a soft moan from Brian. Nick knew he needed it badly, and he couldn't wait to relieve Brian, to make him feel the way he did. To make him feel through his touch all the love he had inside his heart.

There he was, facing that sensitive part of Brian. That place where Nick could give him so much pleasure, and it made him tremble in expectation.

Nick gave in to his instincts. He leaned down and licked the head of Brian's cock, tasting the precum already formed on it.

"Oh, Nick...!" - who had heard Brian would have thought he was in pain. But that was so far away from the truth! He ran his finger deeper through his friend's hair. Through his lover's hair.

Nick licked all the way from the base of Brian's cock till his head, placing his lips on the tip of Brian and sucking gently.

Brian shivered and let go a trembling sigh.

Seeing Brian's eyes roll in plesure Nick decided to go further. He placed his lips on his lengh to trace Brian's pulsating veins.

"Oh, God, Nick!" - Brian screamed among gasps. He was trying his best not to force Nick's head, he wanted him to take his time. But this was getting cruel. Brian couldn't breath normally, he was gasping, fighting for breath. Brian needed desperately to be relieved. If Nick hadn't taken the next move as he did, Brian would have definetly begged him to.

Nick finally took all he could of Brian inside his mouth and began to thrust against him, causing the tip of him to bursh on the back of his throat. At the same time Nick was using his tongue to massage Brian's head and lenght, as he felt Brian's finger running desperaltey through his hair and he began to thrust against Nick's mouth.

Nick stopped for a few seconds and blew some air at the tip of Brian, licking it soflty right afther.

"Oh!" - Brian moaned wildly.

'Ok.' - Nick thought happly. It was in time to give Brian what he wanted.

Once again Nick covered his cock with the warmth of his mouth and it didn't took much for Brian to come inside Nick's wet mouth.

As Nick swallowed Brian's cum he was still fighting for air. Just as he calmed down a bit he brought Nick up and kissed him deeply, being still able to taste some of his cum inside his mouth. They were connected. Nothing more mattered in this world. Both guys knew that if they died tomorrow their life's would've been worth.

Without giving Nick time to recover Brian dropped him on the bed at his side and quickly began to lick all over his chest, not wasting any time untill he could place his lips softly at the tip of Nick. He screamed out in surprise and pleasure.

"We are not done yet, Frack..." - Brian said sounding a little devilsh.

Kissing Nick's cock from the base to the tip and seeing the reaction on his face Brian knew Nick wouldn't last much, so he just took all he could bear with inside his mouth and began sucking vigorously.

"Hmpf!" - Nick whined in pleasure. - "Oh, God... Brian! I can't take, I'm gonna... Oh!"

Nick was gasping as Brian increased the thrusts against his body, sucking and licking Nick.

"OH, BRIAN!!!" - Nick screamed as he came biting his lip and collapsing onto the bed.

Brian swallowed Nick's release and smiling came up to hold him tight in his arms. Brian just loved this part. It was even better than having Nick's lips and tongue sucking and licking him. This part when Nick reachs orgasm and begins to shiver and shake, needing Brian to pull him closer to his body and make him calm down, as you do with a child.

As soon as he felt Brian's arms around him Nick opened his eyes and reached for his chest, wrapping his hand around Brian, making Brian hold him as if they would never let go of each other.

His friend. His lover. His soul. That's what Brian meant to Nick, and all he wanted was to fall asleep in his arms. Safe, loved.

"I love you, Brian."

"I love you, Nick."

Nick sighed and placed his head right under Brian's chin, making his hair brush softly against Brian's skin. He held Nick tight and kissed his forehead before both falling asleep in each other's arms.

At nine o'clock Brian woke up. Nick was still sleeping in his arms. Slowly and without waking him up Brian got of the bed and headed to the living room. He called Lucy.

"Hello?" - she answered at Joey's house, her friend right in front of her. - "Oh, hey!"

Lucy placed her hand on the phone and whispered to Joey: "Its Brian!"

"So, how you doing sweetie? I hope everything is fine... Oh, I'm glad it is. Yeah, I'm fine too." - Lucy took a deep breath before asking, looking Joey into the eyes. - "Is Nick there with you? No, I was just wondering... Sure, Brian, what is it that you wanna tell me?"

She looked at Joey, both girls waiting.

"You wanna break up with me?" - Lucy smiled widely at Joey. Their plan had succeed. - "Wait, Brian. I also wanna tell you something. I do love you more than you can imagine. But I also wanted to break up. I guess it just wouldn't work out, me and you... Ya know how we've always been friends, and there is no point in being anything more when there isn't that other kind of love. I couldn't be with you. I can't keep you from finding someone who is gonna love you deeper. And I can't keep myself from finding someone like that for me too."

Lucy and Joey smiled at each other.

"You understand? Oh, cool! I'm so glad you do! Yes, we are still friends, dear!" - Lucy was in heaven. She looked once again at Joey and an idea pointed in her mind. She had this devilsh smile on her lips when she talked to Brian. - "So, honey, once we are still friends, could you and Nick stay a little longer at the house? We won't make it on time, I guess we will have to stay here much longer than we were expecting." - a pause. - "Till the end of the week." - she said and Joey began to laugh realizing what Lucy had just done. - "Can you and Nick take care of the house during these days? Oh, thank you so much...!" - Who saw Lucy's face could really believe she was really needing that favor. - "Ok, see you guys later, and Joey is saying hi too. Oh, and Brian... try to have some fun with Nick. I wouldn't want to spoil you guys' week." - Lucy struggled to keep her voice straight and not laugh.

Joey had to put her hand inside her mouth when she heard Lucy saying that. Damn, that girl was an actress!

"Bye, bye!" - Lucy said hanging up the phone.

"Oh, God, girl! Can't believe it worked out! Being alone in that house will be almost like a honeymoon to them! We are genious!"

"Yeah! When on Earth would we imagine that a simple fetish about this guys would cause this?"

Joey nodded.

"Look at this now: Brian and Nick are happy together and we still got that tape with they doing it!"

"Oh, my God, the tape..." - Lucy sighed and they began to grin.

"I'm so proud of us... Still can't believe this has actually happened! A simple game..."

"Yeah... guess a dare made them see the truth."

The girls looked at each other and smiled.

Brian sighed happly. Now everything had fallen into place. He went back to the room and saw Nick still asleep. An Angel. Thats what he was.

Brian laid by his side and wrapped his arms around him. As soon as Nick felt Brian's presence he opened his eyes and turned around to face him with that innocent and pure gaze that had always come naturally to Nick Carter.

"Lucy broke up with me." - Brian whispered smiling. - "I called her."

"Good." - Nick came close to Brian lying his head on the same pillow and putting his leg above Brian's waist.

"She also said we'll have to stay here till the end of the week coz she won't be able to come home earlier."

Nick's smile grew larger and he asked:

"Do you think they know?"

"Know what?"

"About us? Coz its just so perfect..."

"I don't think so... But I honestly don't care. If they know or not... all that matters is what we have."

"I love you Brian..."

Brian leaned down and kissed him softly.

"I love you too, Nick." - he said smiling and looking into his eyes.

What could you say to two souls connected to each other? What could you say to two hearts that belonged to one another? There was nothing left to say. How could you explain they couldn't be together? Well, guess what? You couldn't. Because it didn't matter the future, their love wouldn't fade. It didn't matter if fate or life brought them apart. If they couldn't touch, if they couldn't walk this same way together. Nothing of this would really matter.

Maybe some day they wouldn't be with each other. Maybe they would suffer and cry the feeling they can't share. But they knew... it was in their hearts shining through their eyes. This fealing would never go away. Love would never go away. Come what may ahead. A soul mate is the love you can't let go. Not being able to share this feeling would never mean they could stop loving each other. Love would always be there. Inside of Brian. Inside of Nick. Love above all the other things. One day they were gonna struggle against this feeling. But it won't go away. Love will always be there. And you can't denny love.


Hey... I know this was a short story, I just had it filed here in my computer, it was the first fic I ever wrote. :o) At least with more than one chapter! Please tell me if you liked the ending... I'd love to know!


Oh, and if you want more Frick and Frack slash, here at nifty I hare "We went crazy, dude!" ; "I am here for you" and "Where Can We Go From Here."


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