A Dark Night in a British Pub

By Roger Kent

Published on Sep 7, 2023


Authoritarian -- A dark night in a British pub (part 2)

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A dark night in a British pub part 2

A week had gone by since that night at the pub. After being used and abused I had found myself thrown out of a van on a country road feeling so embarrassed and disoriented. I had finally found my way home getting home much later than usual. I had lied to my wife telling her Dave and I had met some friends and the night went on longer than expected. What had happened was my secret which I would never tell anyone. Certainly not my wife or even my best friend Dave.

The following week I met Dave for our usual beers but I definitely didn't want to return to that pub again where I had been used by those three guys. I couldn't tell Dave about it. I was too embarrassed and also I sort of reasoned to myself that Dave might blame himself for leaving me that night. Although I knew that really wasn't a good reason but I kidded myself that it was. My main reason was since that night I had replayed it in my head and I remembered I had liked some of those feelings I felt . Yes, I had been humiliated and verbally abused in the most degrading way but I had liked sucking their cocks. The fucking sort of hurt initially but when they had cum in me it was very exciting . I could never reveal that to anyone as I could only just admit it to myself.

Anyway Dave and I left the pub about 11pm after talking the usual trash we talk about. Dave dropped me off home and drove off. As I walked up the path my phone pinged with a text. It read " I bet you missed us tonight didn't you slut? - the 3 amigos" followed by 3 smirking devil emojis

Obviously it was them ! How did they get my number ? Oh shit I recalled giving them my number in that pub before it all happened !

another text - " you gave us your home address too ! " this was followed by laughing emojis

another text " we have some lovely pics of you sucking our cocks and being fucked ! We have printed them as big photos too." followed by 3 smirking devil emojis

Oh my god ! I was horrified . I had thought I could put that night behind me and try to forget it but here it was resurrecting itself all over again.

another text "We are back in town next week so if you want the pics come to our hotel next Saturday at 8pm. We will send you details on the night. Its not far. Of course if you don't come then we could always post them through your letter box and your missus might like them !"

Oh fuck ! I thought . If my wife saw them I would be finished . How embarrassing. It would definitely be a divorce etc. She would tell Dave's wife and she would tell Dave. My work would find out . Fuck!! I texted back

" look guys you had your fun so lets just leave it at that . I could have told the police but I haven't"

I waited ....

" well yes you can tell who you like . we have recordings of you saying you had gay fantasies, also ones of you begging for cock . "

Oh fuck fuck fuck ! I thought

I texted back simply "ok I will be there."

another text arrived. "make sure you have showered and douched too"

I knew what they all meant. I would have to have sex with them to get the photos back. Strangely, I felt sort of excited as I was 'wanted'. I hadn't felt 'desired' for years. Sex with my wife was sort of uninspiring. I always had to persuade her to have sex and then when she finally relented I didn't feel wanted really. To her sex was a chore.

That week went really slowly. My mind was racing wondering how I could extricate myself from the situation. I couldn't think how though. However, I ordered a douche kit which I picked up from a collection point and on the Saturday morning I made my excuses to Dave saying that I wasn't feeling up to going out that night . About 7pm I secretly douched in the bathroom without my wife knowing. I had never done it before so it was a whole new experience for me.

I received a text about 7.30 giving me a hotel which I knew and a room number. I told my wife that I was picking Dave up as his car was playing up. I drove off to the hotel and I swear I could hear my heart beating through my chest.

I arrived at their room and knocked . One of the guys opened it, and I could see the other two stood further back in the room.

" hey guys our bitch is here !" he shouted.

I thought I would lay my cards on the table straight away "ok guys can I see the pics before anything happens ?"

" sure here they are ! They opened a drawer and four large photos were pulled out. my mouth dropped ! Two showed me on my knees sucking a big cock while having two other cocks on my cheeks. My face was clearly visible . The other two showed my face looking straight at the camera with my eyes closed and a guy on top of me which looked like he was fucking me and my mouth was sucking a cock. In both of the pictures my eyes were closed but anyone could see it was definitely me. Before they could do anything I ripped them up but they didn't seem worried.

They smiled and one said that it was okay as he still had them on his phone.

" Ok well can you delete the phone pics too?" I demanded

" well , we can but only after you service our cocks bitch! that's the deal! take it or leave it. we can easily print more pics off!

We all knew I had no option. So I agreed.

One of them said " good !right, so if you please us we promise we will give you the phone with the pics on and you can delete them. At the pub last time we spiked your drink to make you more pliable but this time we want you to be the submissive slut who begs for cock do you understand ?"

I said I understood . I thought if I play their game pretend to be a cock hungry slut , they will be happy and I can delete all the pics on the phone.

"Okay we are going to blindfold you first as that turns us on" another said.

One of them stepped forward and put a thick rubber blindfold on me. It was tight and I couldn't see a thing. I felt my clothes being removed and I heard them also undressing.

I felt my hands being cuffed behind my back and was sort of walked into what I knew was the bathroom. I was made to stand on the shower tray

" right kneel down bitch" I was told.

I knelt down and then felt warm water hitting me and assumed it was the shower

" open your mouth slut! "

As I did I smelt and tasted piss! I was horrified. I realised they were all pissing in my face. They were laughing and sneering at me saying all sorts " just look at the filthy bitch taking our piss" , "swallow it bitch" , "say you love it! " I thought I had better play along and said " i love your piss in my face!"

"tell us how much of a submissive slut you are" one commanded.

"yes sirs I am your sub slut to use . do what you want with me!"

When they had finished I heard the shower going on and I felt the water washing the piss off me. I was still blindfolded and in total darkness and I was then pulled back into the bedroom.

"Ok slut on your knees and tell us what you want" I realised I had to say sluttish things to please them.

I got on to my knees and said "please sirs give me your hard cocks" .

" what do you want to do with our cocks bitch?"

" I want to suck them and your balls and be fucked by them!"

I was pulled so I was kneeling by the side of the bed and I was told to stick my tongue out . then a strange sensation hit me as I was licking something unfamiliar. My head was pushed forward and then I realised I was licking someone's bum hole !! I tried to move away but I was just shoved in harder.

" LICK HIS HOLE BITCH!" I was ordered. As I was doing it i felt someone kneeling behind me and I could feel his cock pushing against my hole. I felt some cold liquid going onto my hole which I assumed was some form of lube. Then I was sort of pushed and pulled into position and felt a cock pushing against my hole. I felt it going into me. At the same time my head was being pushed by someone into licking one of their arses. I could hear all sort of noises showing they were loving it. The guy who was fucking me was squeezing my nipples hard and somehow it made my cock hard. I was surprised as I had never had my nipples squeezed before. The harder he squeezed them the more my cock stiffened. The man who was pushing my head forward said

"hey its my turn now !"

I felt him sit front of me where the other guy had been but facing me and he grabbed my head and forced it onto his cock. He was grabbing my hair and moving my head up and down , up and down repeatedly.

" that's a good bitch boi "

The guy fucking me pulled out and I felt the arse guy take his place. He just went straight in and it hurt. I cried out in shock.

" shut the fuck up you stupid bitch and take my super cock. Say you love my super cock"

" I love your super cock Sir " he was pounding me hard and I knew he was about to cum.

" yes take my spunk you slag " He was juddering and pulsating as his cum filled me up . He slowly withdrew his cock.

The guy who I was sucking pulled his cock out of my mouth and I was dragged onto the bed. I was laying on my back still blindfolded and hands cuffed behind my back. the blindfold was removed and I opened my eyes just in time to see an arse being lowered onto my face.

"now rim my arse you stupid cunt! tell me how much you love it too"

" i love it !!" was all i could manage before his hole was smothering my face. I could hear the others laughing.

" didn't your mother ever tell you not to speak with your mouth full" He laughed loudly at his own joke. However, I was panicking thinking I might suffocate ! I started to kick my legs . He lifted himself up and said " take a big breath bitch" I did and he lowered himself onto me again. He did this many times . He enjoyed seeing me struggle for breath and rimming his hole at the same time I could feel my cock being wanked and sucked and I had to admit to myself it felt amazing.

Finally he got off me and all three got onto the bed and were kneeling around my head. They were wanking and clearly they were going to cum on my face. one of them said that he wanted to cum in my mouth.

"Open your mouth !" He shot a long string of cum into my mouth and almost immediately after the other two shot their cum over my face. One of them smeared it over my face. I could see he enjoyed that as I reckoned it made him feel powerful.

"say thank you Sirs! and make it sound sincere" I was commanded

Deep within me I was sexually excited as my cock proved. It was hard and throbbing. It was easy to sound sincere but I wanted them to believe me so I could get the camera pics and maybe put this all behind me.

" Thank you sirs for using me. I am a stupid slut bitch and I love your big hard cocks . I love to suck them and be fucked by them and I love your cum in and over me!"

" oooh look at the sluts hard cock ! would you like me to wank you off bitch? " one of them offered

" yes please sir "

he took hold of my cock and started to wank me and I knew I would cum almost instantly. He knew it too.

" beg me bitch , beg your masters to allow you to cum and make it good"

" oh please sirs please I beg you, let me cum, I am desperate, please please sirs !".

" MASTERS !" he corrected me

" yes masters i am your bitch to be used "

" say you are a stupid bitch and love cock in your mouth and arse "

I said it all , i said everything he demanded . Finally I gushed a huge load of cum over my stomach. I couldn't remember cumming so much and with such intensity ever before.

They all got off the bed and one of them gave me the phone with the pics on that they had taken of me.

" Do you promise there are no other pics of me on any your phones?"

"sure all those pics are gone . Here check our phones if you don't believe me!

I checked their phones and there was only the one phone with pics on which I deleted . I had a quick shower leaving them laying on the bed watching the TV drinking their beers.

On the way home I received an email with a link to a video . I opened it up and my heart nearly stopped . There was a video of me being pissed on in the shower, and all the goings on in the bedroom. Also I could hear everything with me begging to cum and my cum spraying onto my stomach and also me saying how much I loved sucking their cocks and being fucked by them.

I pulled the car over and thought it through . They had set up cameras in the bathroom and bedroom. They had said they had removed all the pics of the night and they had. That was true. Now they had even more revealing stuff in bright clear colour and with me begging for cock and showing my hard cock shooting cum ! I was totally screwed.

a text arrived " we did get rid of those pics you stupid slag as now we have even better stuff to use. You are our bitch and you will be available next time we are in town! say "YES MASTERS"

I texted back "yes Masters "

I drove on but somehow now I was okay with it. The sex with them was the most excitement I had ever had and I liked them having a hold over me. It took all the struggle out of me having a inner battle with myself giving in to my dark desires which were awakened that dark night in the pub.

Next: Chapter 3

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