A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


I woke up when I thought I heard voices. When I looked I saw Henri being led out of the room by Terry. I'd forgotten about asking Terry over. I was sure both would enjoy their time together. Now I was awake and had a sleeping Janus on my chest.

I gently moved him off my chest and onto his back. He just moaned in his sleep. It must have been quite the dream he was having. His cock slapped his tight abs.

At fifteen Janus was a knockout. When he was older he was definitely going to be a man and lady killer. Looking along his smooth body sent shivers along my spine.

I had watched while Henri had screwed Janus' tight ass and sucked and chewed his cock lots. Although salty his cumm had a real sweet after taste. I'd swallowed lots of loads. I'd only screwed Janus once and that was back in Russia, before I knew he was only fifteen, It kind of scared me to fuck a fifteen year old.

Why I wasn't sure. Janus had experience in the art of making love to men that put him years older than his real age. I guess old taboos just came out when ever I was close to him. I was brought out of my thoughts by Janus.

"You promised to chew on my cock Master Jake."

I looked up at his face. Those deep blue eyes seemed to bore right into my soul. The smile on his bright red lips almost made me swoon. God I loved him and I knew he felt the same. I looked back at his nice 6.5 inch cock, now leaking precumm. I didn't want to chew that nice cock I wanted to just suck.

He swung his legs around and moved down on the big bed. I moved with him and he rolled onto his side. That wonderful cock was a bare inch from my mouth. I opened my mouth to take that cock. Before I even had a chance to get it into my mouth, my brain was short circuited by the most searing pain I had ever felt. Janus had bit down hard on the head of my cock. The scream that was almost out of my mouth was stopped when Janus rammed his cock into my throat.

Almost chocking on his cock I bit down. The pain in my own cock stopped momentarily.

"Now I show you what Henri and I like best." He said.

He rolled over so he was now on top of me, his cock still in my throat. The pain in my cock was still acute and I didn't know what was next. I did feel his tongue on my balls, but didn't register it as something that might hurt. That changed when he bit down very hard on one of my balls. My whole body arched off the bed as I tried to dislodge him. I figured nothing in the world could be more painful, until he got both my balls between his teeth. I almost passed out from the pain of his teeth biting deep into my tender nuts. It didn't last long before he agin had my cock in his mouth. He rolled back off me, but didn't stop chewing on my cock. It seemed like he really was trying to bite it off. Now free to move I started on his cock. WE really were like two old dogs chewing on a bone. Although very painful it was also very erotic feeling his teeth as he chew and bit my cock. I was astounded I was still hard, but then he seemed to get harder the more I chewed his cock. All of a sudden he rolled away.

"Fuck me Master Jake. Fuck me Master."

I didn't see love when I looked at his pulled back legs. All I saw was a slave boy that was mine to do with as I pleased.

"On your knees boy." I said almost sneering.

He liked pain; well I was going to show him what real pain was.

He got onto his knees and I pushed his head into the bed. I reached between his legs and gripped his ball sack. Then I lined up my leaking cock on his tight looking hole. Instead of ramming my cock into his hole I used his ball sack as a handle to pull him back onto my cock. He was super tight and I still had to use my leg muscles to force my cock into him. His whole body arched up and I used a hand to force his face back into the bed.

"Take it fuck toy. You are nothing but my play thing boy."

Holding onto his balls I pummeled his tight ass. He whimpered as I reamed his tight chute. No love here, this was pure unadulterated lust. I had a tight boy pussy to use as I pleased and right now all I wanted was to plunge my cock as deep as it would go into his unwilling ass. In a very short time his whimpers changed to moans as I hammered his butt. I didn't want him enjoying it so I let go of his balls and reached under him and grabbed his cock. He was still hard. Not for long I thought.

I gave his cock a vicious twist and yanked it back between his legs. That brought a howl of pain from him, but it also caused him to blow. As he blew his ass tightened on my cock and I shot my load deep into his bowels. Spent I just slumped on top of his back, forcing him flat. After I came down from the rush I slowly sat up. My cock didn't want to leave his hole and I had to actually pull it out. When I looked at my cock it was covered in pinkish foam. Fuck I had really hurt him. Remorse set in quickly.

I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands.

Janus quickly moved off the bed. He grabbed a tissue and shoved it into his hole. Then got on his knees in front of me. He leaned forward and licked and sucked my cock clean. Then just sat back on his heels.

I was almost in tears when I looked at his face.

"What is the matter Master?"

"I'm sorry I used you like that Janus. I'm sorry I called you those names."

"Master Jake all you did was use me as I am supposed to be used. I am your boy toy slave. It is all I ever want to be. I will always love you and obey you. You really are my Master. Now more than ever. You made me part of you. That is what I have been dreaming about since you first sucked me."

"Now I am whole. Master, I must go clean myself out so I don't mess up your floor. You are very strong I would hate to get whipped by you Master." He giggled.

"Come on Janus, I need a shower too."

What was washed from his hole did have a pink tinge but not much. After a long hot shower we cuddled back in bed. Sleep really came easy.

I woke up as the first signs of another day made it self known through my windows. I eased out from Janus. I dressed and headed down for a much needed coffee. Even this early I knew the cook shack would be open. After grabbing a coffee I went into the den and sat down.

What I had done last night was Rape. Sure Janus had been fucked before and even I had screwed his ass in the shower the first day I met him. Then I found out he was only fifteen. I had not screwed him since until last night. Last night I had wanted to hurt him, why I'm not sure but that was all that was on my mind as I used him. He had said when I was done. He was a Slave to me and that was all he ever wanted to be. Slave well it might be that I was now the Slave.

I wondered why Yuri had set him and Henri up with me. Surely he knew what both boys considered themselves. By spending almost 150 grand on getting them here to the US, I really did own both.

This was a whole different life now. Never before had I agreed to have another chew on my cock and balls and never I had ever contemplated doing it to another, but I had done both and surprising to me I enjoyed it. The power in my mind threw everything I had ever believed right out the window. I was still just sipping my coffee when Hank walked in the den.

"What the fuck are you doing up so early? Your boys kick you out of bed?" He chuckled.

"No not that Uncle."

Hank went and got a coffee and came back in and sat down.

"You look troubled Jake. Got a problem?"

"Last night I raped and brutalized Janus and what's more I enjoyed it. I just don't know anymore what I am becoming."

"I've never done anything like that before and never even contemplated it, yet last night it happened. This life is so different than anything I have even dreamed."

"Jake, I think now you have come full circle. The first time I had a young boy here, before I started the boy toy operation, I never ever thought about fucking any boy under sixteen. It was just something that wasn't done. Then a boy named Harry came to work here. I firmly believed he was over sixteen, in those days you couldn't even contemplate hiring anyone under 16. Well I put him to work. Later, almost six weeks after he had been working here I screwed him. I'll tell you he was one very experienced boy and that just reinforced my notion that he was far older than sixteen. Well after our night together he told me he was only fifteen."

"You may wonder what I did after that day."

I just looked at my Uncle.

"I decided that age only came into a concern for me if a boy was not willing. Once I had fucked his brains out the first night, I used him almost continuously for a year. Together we planned the boy toy operation. He now works in New York setting up appointments for my four condos there."

Jake, Yuri and I talked about Henri and Janus. He told me everything about those two boys. To me it's a wonder you weren't screwing Janus from the first day. Yuri told me he is very hard to resist. Both boys have been screwed more times than I bet you have and I know how many of my hands you have gone through."

"Those two boys only want one thing. They want to love and serve you Jake, just as they did Yuri. You bought them and you now own them. My suggestion is to forget that Janus is only fifteen and use him as he really wants to be used. I think you will find the other taboos you hold so dearly will disappear too."

"Besides it will make things around this house more peaceful."

"Thank you Uncle. I guess I have been acting like a prude. It's just until last night I never ever even thought about hurting someone before and I really did enjoy it when it happened."

"Do you remember the day I took you to the barn?"

"I still feel it in my mind." I laughed.

"Well Yuri told me he used a strap on those boys almost weekly for any thing they didn't do correct. If you took either boy to the barn and strapped them, they would just love you that much more. Yuri knew both boys liked pain and suffering, but never contemplated sending them out on tricks where they could get more than they could handle. Like you Yuri loved both boys."

When I thought about what Hank said, I guess I knew that nothing went on in Yuri's home that he didn't know about, so would have known both boys were masochists and sadists combined. Janus had been worried Yuri would find out.

"If Yuri loved both boys, why did he let me take them?"

"I'm not sure Jake, but what I will say is Yuri doesn't do anything unless Yuri gains something. It may have cost you 150 grand to get both boys out of Russia, but I doubt Yuri considers that payment for the boys. I suspect he figures you still owe him a favor and will want to collect someday."

"How did you two meet Uncle?"

Hank chuckled and then sat back. He was about to talk when one of the kitchen boys walked in with a carafe of coffee. That was the first time in ages since I had seen any of the kitchen boys.

"Thank you Siam." Jake said.

"Siam, some day this young man will be your boss and master. Make sure you treat him right too."

"Of course Master." He bowed to Hank and then bowed to me before heading back to the kitchen.

That just filled my head with more questions.

"I'll fill you in about the kitchen later Jake."

"Before I knew Yuri personally he was a regular customer of mine. One day he asked one of my boys if he was interested in making twice what I paid him. That boy was Geo. Geo called me and told me what Yuri wanted. I had him investigated. Wonder of wonders, Yuri was doing a similar thing in Russia as I was in the US, but his operation was six times the size of mine. I called him and invited him out to the Ranch."

WE had a very long talk and he told me what he really needed. That was boys who were into more bizarre aspects of gay sex. Well at that time I had lots who liked doing almost anything. We decided we could trade one on one with each other. That agreement has been going on for almost 10 years."

"I am very happy with the way it's worked out and especially those twenty three boys you brought back."

"Jake, how you treat those two boys is entirely up to you, but they both consider you their Master and there's not thing one you can do about it. Janus will never change I am sure, but I am also sure that those two only love each other because both like the same thing. Henri is probably going to want to be released from you and will eventually go back to Russia where he can get what he really wants."

What Hank said I knew was true? Henri was already acting more independent. Yuri had told me both boys would ask before they had sex with someone else. Henri hadn't asked me yesterday if he could suck off Terry and he hadn't asked me if Terry could fuck him all night.

Sure I had made the suggestion yesterday and had invited Terry to our bed, but I never actually gave Henri permission to suck off Terry or permission to sleep with Terry. So what do I do about that? I guess that was my decision too.

"Thank you Uncle." I got up and headed back to my bedroom.

It was still dark in the room. The sun had not yet risen above the horizon. Janus was sprawled on his stomach on the bed. His firm white buns looked real nice in this half dawn light. I stood and looked down at him. Jake had said that Yuri had whipped both boys so I looked real close at those sweet looking buns.

You could just see the faded marks of what looked like some kind of cane that had been used on his butt. Could I do the same thing? I just wasn't sure about that. I walked over and sat in one of the deep leather chairs.

I watched as Janus stretched. He reached out a hand where I had been sleeping. Not finding me he lifted his head and looked both ways. Almost instantly he was out of bed looking around for me. He ran into the bathroom. I heard him piss and then he came out and just stood.

"Janus." When I spoke he jumped a foot and then ran over and kneeled at my feet.

"I'm sorry Master. I should have been up to assist you." "Stand up Janus."

"Janus did Yuri whip you boys lots?"

"Yes Master."


"Master Jake, Master Yuri taught us everything. How to make the beds a certain way. How to clean our room and bathroom. Even how to eat using the right utensils. If we made a mistake after he had showed us he would whip our butts. Sometimes that was several times a day. After we started to learn English he would punish us if we didn't speak it right."

"What did he use? I notice very few marks on your butt."

"He got it from Master Hank. It was called a riding crop."

Well I knew what a riding crop was, but didn't really know if we had one in the tack room.

"Janus, I want you to get dressed and go to the tack room in the horse barn. Find exactly what Yuri was using on you boys and bring it back here. Go now boy and don't take to long."

"Yes Master Jake."

The sun was up and still no sign of Henri. I got up and walked into Terry's bedroom. Henri was on his knees sucking Terry off.

"When you are done Henri, I want to see you." I turned and walked out.

Now what do I do. Punish Henri for not asking. I knew that would have been what Yuri did, but could I do that?

Janus came back and handed me the crop he had found. It was just long piece, about 30 inches, of thin dowel covered in leather. One end had a flap of leather that could be used as a grip fitted over your wrist so you didn't drop it.

"Get undressed Janus."

Janus looked at me and then the riding crop. He started to shake as he undressed.

"Did I do wrong Master?"

"No Janus. Why do you ask?"

"Coz you are going to punish me."

"What makes you think I am going to punish you?"

"Well I brought you the crop and now you want me to undress. I thought I must have done something you didn't like Master Jake."

I chuckled.

"Come here Janus."

When he got close I pulled him onto my lap.

"Is this punishment Janus?" I said as I kissed his nose.

"No Master."

"Janus, this is all new to me. I have never really owned anyone before. Now I own both you and Henri, although I doubt I will own Henri for long."

"Are you going to punish Henri?"

"I'm not sure Janus."

"Master Jake, Henri thinks you are a softy. He thinks he can do anything and you won't punish him."

My eyes narrowed when Janus said that.

"He does, does he? Well we shall just see about that."

"Master, if you punish Henri you got to punish me too. I should have told Henri not to go with Terry."

"I'm sorry, just because you didn't tell Henri he needed permission to sleep with Terry, I won't punish you for it."

"Master Jake, Every time Master Yuri punished one of us he always did the other coz we should have helped the other or stopped him from doing something wrong."

When Henri walked in I pushed Janus off my lap.

"Henri, where are you supposed to be when I get up in the morning?"

"Here to assist you Master."

"Then why weren't you?"

"I guess I forgot coz I was busy with Terry."

"Well you won't forget again. Get on the bed on your stomach."

I gave Henri ten swats with the riding crop. Each hit he yelped. When I stopped he stood up. Fuck he was hard even though a few tears were on his face. He really did like pain.

"Janus. You turn boy. You should have stopped Henri, so you are as much at fault as him."

Janus started to cry. I almost didn't do as I said. I didn't hit near as hard as I did Henri, but he screaming and crying long before I finished. He was also not hard.

"Both you boys go put salve on your butts."

I walked into Terry's room.

Terry had just put on his jeans.

"So how was your night with Henri?"

"Man that guy is wild. I thought I did some things that would turn your head, but Henri will do anything. He had me whip his ass before I fucked him and even wanted me to bite his balls. He drinks piss like water and even licked my dirty ass. I thought I was the only one like that around here."

"I told you he might teach you a few things. How would you like him in bed every night?"

"That might be okay. What's the deal?"

I'm off to the farm for a week. I want to take Janus with me and leave Henri here. Rather than just leave him alone, you could continue his instruction and also have him in your bed. I'm pretty sure he will agree.

"Okay and what do you want?" I had to think about that. I knew I'd love to screw Terry, but I also needed to do something else.

"How about you and Henri switch roles with each other. You become my slave for a week and Henri gets not only control what you do in bed, I get to do anything to you I want."

"I'm not sure that is a very even bargain."

"Terry, you already admitted you like everything Henri does, so what's the difference if I use you the same way. I was probably going to ask you anyway. This way you get Henri as your personal slave for a week."

"Yeah, I guess. So when does this start?"

"As soon as I talk to Henri. Him and Janus are covering their butts with salve. I just gave Henri ten swats with a riding crop on his ass for not asking me if he could suck or get fucked by you."

"So why is Janus getting his butt covered in salve?"

"Because I punished him for not stopping Henri."

"Fuck, you are a hard man to cross. I'm learning more about you everyday."

I'll talk to Henri and send him into you."

I went back to my suite.

"Henri, I'm taking Janus with me to the farm for a week. I'm leaving you here. Not because I don't want you around, but because I will be too busy for both of you. For the next week while I am away you will act as Terry's personal Slave. You will treat him as you would me. If when I come back I here one complaint from him I will take you down to my Uncles whipping posts in the barn and whip you so hard you won't sit, stand or lay down for a month."

"Yes Master. I will obey Master Terry."

"Good, get dressed and go see him. He is expecting you."

Janus had just stood still and listened, but I saw a hint of a smile on his face.

After Henri left the room I pulled Janus close and ran my hand over his butt. He didn't even wince.

"Butt not sore Janus?"

"No Master Jake. It didn't hurt as much as I made you think. I wanted to make Henri sorry he didn't ask you. You could have hit me harder."

"Next time I will make sure you remember." I laughed and hugged him.

"Get dressed. A lot to do this morning before we head for the Farm."

After breakfast and my briefing of the crew on the impending visit from the ATF, FBI and probably State Police, telling them to be careful and keep it in their pants when the Feds were here. I told Janus to go pack a bag for a week away from the Ranch. Also to pack a bag for me and bring them down to the truck. He took off, I went to the den.

I down loaded and printed off everything we knew about this Pierre character and put it in my briefcase. I also added the six files on the Russian boys that worked on the farm. I'd check on them too while I was there.

I didn't need worry about Big Mike the Manager of the Farm. He had been with the Ranch for over thirty years. He was straight as an arrow, married with two daughters and three sons, all married. He had near a dozen grand children. Only one of those I knew was as kinky as a three dollar bill, although I had never slept with him. Hank was wrong in his statement that I had screwed his entire crew here. There were several that I had not slept with, although there were a few I had been to bed with many times.

I headed out to my Suburban. Janus was waiting.

"Got everything Janus?"

"Yes Jake."

"Go get the riding crop Janus. It goes every where I go now. Got to keep you in line." I laughed.

Janus came back with the crop.

"You are going to whip me more Master Jake."

"Do you want me to Janus?"

"Yes Jake. I really like it a lot."

"Well I guess I will have to do it more then." I swiped it across his butt and laughed.

He giggled and climbed into the Suburban.

I really couldn't call Janus a boy. He was a very experienced young man. He was so different than any other I had run into save Henri. He adored me the more I hurt him, which was against everything I had ever believed. How could anyone enjoy getting whipped or having his cock and balls chewed on or even having a dick forced into his ass? It made me wonder what else I would learn in the next few years. Not being in any hurry, I pulled off the main road and drove up on what was called the knoll. In reality it was an anomaly left over from the last ice age. What it was a chuck of rock the size of an apartment block that had been pushed here by the ice. Over intervening years it had been covered in dirt and sand. Now the only rock visible was on top where I stopped.

There were a lot of such anomalies in Wyoming. If you really wanted to see weird shit, all you had to do was Visit Yellowstone National Park in the North West corner of the State.

"Why have we stopped here Master Jake?"

I looked at Janus. Those huge eyes really did seem to pull you right in. I blinked a couple of times.

"Janus I really need to understand a few things."

"Okay Master."

"Janus have you always liked pain?

"I don't know Master. When I was in the boy's jail in Russia the guards all whipped us for any little infraction of the rules. I hated it at first, but I started feel all funny inside and would get hard when the guards did it. They just laughed at me. They also sometimes whipped me on my dick when I did get hard."

"When Master Yuri whipped me with the cane the first time I got hard. I was so scared he was just going to whip me harder I started to Bawl my eyes out. He asked why I was crying so hard when I didn't cry when he whipped. I told him I was scared hew was going to do it on my dick too."

"He just laughed and said he only whipped boys on their butts. He put me in with Henri coz we were the same."

"Did you lose your virginity in jail Janus?"

"No Master. Yuri did it the first time."

"How old were you?"

"I was thirteen Master. I lived with Henri in a big room with fifteen other boys. Master Yuri came down one day. He had the other boys hold me down while he did it. Then he had Henri and the other boys do it too. I was so sore I cried all night. After breakfast the next morning Master Yuri called me to his office. He did me again, but it didn't hurt and I kind of liked it. After he put Henri and me in the big house together."

"All we had to wear was those sleeveless dresses. So when he taught us stuff and we made mistakes it was easy for him to whip us."

"Yuri didn't teach you to like having your dick and balls chewed on."

"No Master." Janus giggled.

"Sometimes Henri and I would tie each other down before we fucked. One day Henri said he wanted to try something new. He gagged me and chewed on my cock. I thought I was going to die coz I thought he was going to bite it off, but after a while I started to get real hard and blew in Henri's mouth. He was so mad I came in his mouth that he bit my balls too."

A few days later he asked to do the same to him. He came in my mouth so I bit his balls too. Since then we did each other lots and love the cumm to."

"Janus do you remember the first time I sucked you boys off in Russia?"

"Yes Master."

"Well from now on that's how I want you to suck me. No teeth. In fact if I feel teeth on my cock I'll whip you. But they won't be the love taps I did this morning. Janus I like my cock sucked and not chewed."

"I'll try Master, but I never did that way for a long time."

"Bull shit Janus. The first time I fucked your face in Russia you did choke and gag, but I never felt your teeth once. So I know you can do it."

I undid my jeans and pushed them and my underwear down around my ankles.

"Come on Janus suck my cock. Remember what I said."

Janus, I knew was about to test my resolve. He knew I had not whipped him anywhere as hard as I had done Henri. I knew he liked to get caned, so I figured he might just defy me to test how far I would go.

He did exactly as I thought he would do. He did suck my cock right to the base, but as he pulled back he scrapped his teeth along my cock. He also bit down a bit when he started back in. I'll admit it was a very erotic pain and nothing like he had done last night, but it was exactly opposite of my instructions.

"Watch the teeth Janus."

I hardly felt his teeth from then on. He did get me off pretty quick and had no problem swallowing my load. He finished and sat up.

The look on his face was like a puppy dog that had peed on the floor and knew it was wrong. I almost laughed.

"I'm sorry Master. I really tried but it is so hard not to use my teeth."

"I warned you Janus. Get out of the truck." He followed me around to the back of the suburban. I pulled the window open and dropped the tailgate.

"Strip boy. Everything."

Even though he was shaking he was also very hard. Once he was nude I had him lean over the tailgate. I looked at those white buns. You could barely see where I had whipped him this morning.

"I told you what would happen Janus."

I raised the cane and brought it down hard across those very white buns. His cry of pain was real. I saw the livid red strip on his ass. I just raised the cane again and gave several just as hard. After one, Janus bolted from the tail gate. Tears were streaming down his face and he opening crying.

"Please Master. No more. I promise never t use my teeth again."

"Are you sure Janus?"

"I promise Master."

"Fine, come over here."

When he got close I kneeled down and sucked his cock. He let out a mixture of groan and moan, rammed his cock into my throat and blew his load of salty cumm. I sucked it up and swallowed. He screamed when I used his butt to keep him from falling.

"Put you jeans and t-shirt on the get in the truck. I don't have any salve in the truck. You will have to wait until we get to the farm."

He had a real hard time sitting that last 2 miles to the Farm. I drove right to the first aid station.

"Come on boy."

Inside I had him drop his jeans and lean over the examination table. I got the big tube of salve from the cabinet. He cried as I coated his very red ass. The salve took a few minutes to work, but knew it would sooth his very sore butt.

"Oh wow. What happened to him?" A voice said.

I turned and looked. A young man with a mop of bright red hair stood just inside the aid station.

"Simple, he screwed up and I tanned his butt. Who are you?"

"I'm Timothy. My brother is one of the farm hands. He brings me to work when my mom isn't home."

"Just stay put Janus. It takes a few minutes for the salve to work."

When I looked at Timothy he wasn't looking at me, but at Janus' ass. I also saw a bulge in his jeans. Another young old queer boy I figured.

If he was here at the farm he pretty much had to know what goes on around here. Mike had instructions not to hire any straight boys. So Timothy's brother was Gay and probably had done his younger brother or vise versa. Timothy had moved farther inside the Station. I wondered how far I could go. Like Hank had said age never came into the equation if boys were willing.

"Janus, you better help out Timothy before he messes up his jeans."

"Okay Jake." He turned and went to his knees in front Timothy.

Timothy started to protest, but never stopped Janus as he unsnapped his jeans and pulled the zipper down. He half heatedly tried to stop Janus from pulling down his jeans. A nice five inch uncut cock popped out. His pubes were just as red as his hair. He moaned when Janus sucked his cock. He also started to shake. Janus steadied him and continued to suck his cock. About a minute later Timothy moaned real loud and I saw Janus swallowing. Hair trigger I figured. Janus steadied Timothy as he sat back.

"You taste real good Timothy." Janus said.

Timothy looked down at Janus and then at his cock. Then he looked at me. His face turned as red as his hair. Strange part was he never tried to pull up his jeans to cover himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't want that to happen." He said.

"One part of you did and from the looks of it you want it again."

That's when Timothy pulled up his underwear and jeans. He had trouble stuffing his cock into the tight jeans.

"I'll do it again if you want me to Timothy." Janus said.

"No, no, that okay. I just wanted to get a band aid."

He turned to leave.

"Timothy, come over here." He hesitated and then walked to me with his head down.


Next: Chapter 9

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