By Nicola Atkins

Published on Sep 19, 2003



A short story about adoring celebrity love by ALFIE A

DISCLAIMER Please remember that this story is totally fictional, and that the celebrity involved had no part in this story, nor are the facts contained within based on reality.

Please also bear in mind that this story is erotic fiction, and that you must be over eighteen to view the following file

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Thanks, and enjoy!!


Siobahn felt the trembling starting up in her hands as soon as she got near the gold-starred door. Her whole body was on overload, it seemed, and she felt dangerously close to fainting. Sweat popped out in large glistening blobs all over her lightly-clad body, even though the temperature in the corridor was surprisingly cold. Weird random thoughts fluttered in and out of her mind like butterflies, the most prurient being, 'Oh shit, I'm sweating to fuck, I'm gonna totally stink and this new top is going to be ruined'. Siobahn had waited her whole life for this moment, so it seemed, and silly things like this were now going to totally ruin it for her.

She couldn't help her bodies' reaction. God knew that she had been in desperate, hopeless love with Mariah Carey since she had first seen the video to 'Fantasy'. As soon as she had seen Mariah on the fairground ride with the wind whipping her lovely long chestnut curls behind her, a soft smile on her pouting, cheekbone-dominated face, Siobahn knew she was totally and utterly in love. In awe even. Her voice was like listening to liquid silk, never missing a high note, honey sweet and lilting in just the right way. Her slender yet curvaceous body was perfect, with lovely long legs, perfect breasts high on her ribcage, and gorgeous curvy thighs. She was Siobahn's idea of perfection, and now, here she was, stood outside her idols' Dressing Room door, about to meet her, after years' of pining after her. Although Mariah had changed a lot through the years, Siobahn had been loyal throughout her career, even during the lulls. Admittedly, Mariah was going through a bit of a lull at the moment, but Siobahn knew she'd be on the up again soon, after all, this wasn't the first time Mariah had gone through a 'quiet period'. Siobahn had been surprised to find that she had been the only person in the corridor (apart from a barrage of minders) when she had arrived, and now, as she stood nervously in front of the door marked 'Mariah Carey and Party', she suddenly felt a strong desire to flee, even though she had been waiting for this moment for so long.

But she didn't have the chance to change her mind. As soon as she had knocked timidly at the door, a beefy, tall black guy opened it, and without another word, stepped aside and let Siobahn enter. Siobahn felt the heat of another heavy, hulky man standing close behind her, and Siobahn had the odious feeling that if she so much as tried to get even an inch closer to her idol than Mariah wanted, she would be thrown out of the room as if she were little more than a stray cat.

The room was pink and surprisingly cluttered. Pale pink roses and lilies adorned the room, placed delicately in antique china vases scattered around the room. There were pink voile drapes over the door and over the large settle in the center of the room, and heavy pink velour curtains shut out the light at the large bay window. Pink shaded lamps stood on antique mahogany tables, and the carpeting was thick piled and pale pink, almost exactly the same colour as the painted walls. Siobahn guessed that all of this had been contrived here at the most colossal expense. Siobahn's eyes rested for long moments on the pink velour settle, draped with flimsy pink voile and satin, and she came face to face with her idol.

Mariah was sleepy eyed and radiant, and just the nearness (although Siobahn stood some feet away from her idol) of Mariah's satin-sheened nubile body was enough to radiate a glowing warmth around the room. Draped in a flimsy, long, pink satin wrap, her long highlighted hair piled high in a dramatic bun on top of her small, neat head, Mariah looked absolutely delectable. Siobahn felt her eyelids soften and droop, felt a flush of glowing warmth throughout her prone body. She was beautiful, so beautiful, and Siobahn was not disappointed. In real-life, her idol was even more perfect than she was on screen. But Siobahn had heard reports of diva-like behaviour, so she stood nervously at a distance, suddenly at a total loss for words.

Her idol, however, swept away from the sofa in one long movement, her wrap sliding casually over her long legs as she did so, and she went to Siobahn, smiling warmly. Taking Siobahn's trembling hands in her own warm and pampered ones, she said, in her sexy American drawl, "You must be Siobahn! I've been waiting for you.....I guessed you must have gotten stuck in the crowds after the show. It's such a nuisance. They all clamour round, and most of the time I can barely get away, let alone any of the fans". Mariah laughed a golden, sunny laugh. "But, hey, you're here now! So tell me, what did you think of the show?"

Nervously, Siobahn told Mariah she thought the show had been absolutely perfect, her best yet, in fact. Mariah grinned a huge, totally fake-looking grin, her large, pearly white teeth even and perfect, and glitning in the lamp light. Mariah, still holding Siobahn's hands, guided Siobahn over to the settle and sat her down. She made small talk for a while, every now and then flashing her gorgeous, over-perfect grin, and then, suddenly, she turned away from Siobahn. To her entourage, she said, "Could you leave us alone for hal an hour?". Some of her staff looked a bit uncertain at this suggestion, knowing that Mariah had suffered with her mind recently, and that she might not be making a sane and rational decision here, but, as Mariah was generally a girl who got what she wanted, her staff left as requested. As soon as all of the other people had left the room, Mariah turned back to Siobahn, and the serious look on her face and in her eyes when she did so, shocked Siobahn slightly.

Siobahn had been unaware that as she had sat here, looking closely at her picture-perfect idol, breathing in the sweet smell of her softly-perfumed body, that her pussy had been getting steadily wetter and wetter. As she moved slightly, Siobahn was quite surprised at feeling the wetness of the crotch of her panties, and as the material rubbed at her pussy, she suddenly flet the urge to go masturbate, or even better, to wrap her arms around Maraih's sunny body and press her lips against Mariah's gorgeous rosy pout. Mariah, lips glistening and dark eyes huge and wide, whispered to Siobahn, "So, now we're alone. That's what you really wanted, isn't it?". Siobahn was too stunned to reply, but she didn't need to. Leaning very close to Siobahn, so close that her lips were almost touching Siobahn's flesh, Mariah whispered in her ear, "Do you want to kiss me? You can, if you want to". Siobahn reflected that this was better than all of her dreams and fantasies, all put together. A shiver went through her body as she felt Mariah's breath on her ear, her pussy released a fresh flood of desire into her already soaking knickers. Without thinking about it, she leaned close to her idol, and pressed her lips lightly to her cheek.

Mariah's cheek felt silky sofy and delicious under the slight pressure of Siobahn's moist lips. Barely able to believe that she had just kissed her idol, Siobahn started to draw away, with the throbbing in her pussy beginning to turn into an ache, but as she began to move, Mariah took hold of her chin in her soft hand, and pressed her rosy pout to Siobahn's trembling lips. Siobahn's stifled gasp escaped into Mariah's slightly open lips, and Siobahn felt the breath catch in her throat. Barely able to let herself feel the kiss, totally unable to breathe, Siobahn felt the gentle pressure of the other woman's warm and moist lips. The kiss was brief, over far too quickly, and as Mariah lifted her head slightly, Siobahn was afraid that she would see the tears glistening in her eyes.

But Mariah did see the tears. A slightly cruel smile spread across her face, lifting her high cheekbones even higher, and, before she could even recapture her breath, Siobahn felt her idol's lips on hers again. Only this time there was nothing gentle or light about the kiss. Mariah's lips forced themselves upon Siobahn's with a burning passion. Siobahn felt her own lips slacken, let Mariah take total control and possession of her lips. The kiss was rough, demanding. Mariah opened her lips wide, mashing them against Siobahn's, and her tongue went into Siobahn's mouth with dominant force. Their tongues met and intertwined, sliding against one another. Siobahn flet her thighs tense and untense; was aware of the heat and wetness between her legs. Her whole body felt as if it was melting, yet at the same time, fireworks were beginning to explode throughout her whole being. Her pussy and arsehole pulsed almost painfully, each throb sending tremors up and down her spine. Her nipples were hard and burning, poking through the thin material of her white lycra top.

Mariah's hands began to slide up and down Siobahn's arms in long, smooth strokes. With each sweeping stroke, Siobahn felt the answering throb in her pussy, felt her pussy lips spread wider and wider with the slick juices running down her thighs. Mariah's sly hands slid slightly away from Siobahn's arms coming in towards her breasts, then they slid back again, then they came back in towards her breasts, a little closer this time, then back out again, then back in again, clser and closer each time, until Siobahn thought she would faint with impatience and desire. Mariah pulled her mouth away for a second, and her glistening lips dropped close to Siobahn's ear. "Do you want me to touch you, Siobahn? Do you want me to touch those high little breasts? Do you want me to slide my hands further down your waist....", Mariah broke off for a second to lightly squeeze Siobahn's tits, making Siobahn gasp with pleasure, then she ran her hands down her side, down to Siobahn's slender waist, "....Like this?". Siobahn was in the grip of roar sexual pleasure like she had never known before, her whole body was trembling violently, her pussy was so wet, she could feel her butt sliding around on the soft velour of the settle. She flet that she could hold off no longer; she needed Mariah, needed her now, had to feel her hot and fat little pussy, wanted more than anything to bend her mouth to her lovely firm breasts and take the hard little nipples into her moist and warm mouth. Gasping in pleasure, pressing her pussy into the sofa and wriggling her butt, trying desperately to bring herself off, she gasped out to Mariah, "Oh, god, Mariah, I want you so fucking much. Touch me, please touch me".

Mariah grinned her sultry, come-to-bed grin. Her cheeks were more rosy than ever, her full lips glistening, her dark eyes were like melted treacle. "Tell me what you want me to do to your body, and I'll do it", she said, with a smile. Siobahn felt an instant's shyness, but that was soon eclipsed by her almost frighteningly intense desire. "I want you to touch me tits", Siobahn said huskily. Mariah reached out and gently squeezed Siobahn's tits, lightly pinching the nipples. "Like this?", she whispered. Siobahn gasped her assent. With one quick motion, she pulled her own top off, and yanked her bra away from her body, so her rosy nippled, firm tits were exposed. Then she parted her thighs so wide that the little skirt she wore rode right up them, exposing the crotch of her soaking wet, white knickers. The wetness exposed her pussy totally, and Mariah could see the strip of dark hair covering her pussy when she looked down. "Now I want you to touch my cunt", she moaned, spreading her legs as far as the little skirt would allow them to go. Mariah's face was no longer grinning, Siobahn noted. Her eyes grew darker and darker, her cheeks grew rosier and rosier, her lips more and more pouty. With a glimmer in her eyes, Mariah reached out and lightly rubbed at Siobahn's pussy through the cotton knickers. Her fingers spread the lips slightly, and, still through the panties, she began to rub at Siobahn's hard little clit through the wet cotton. "Is that good?", Mariah whispered, and Siobahn nodded, feeling her body buzz and throb like never before. God, she really fucking loved this woman. Her idol, the one woman she had wanted for fucking ages, was fucking her now, touchng her body and kissing her like something out of a dream.

But it wasn't a dream. It was reality. Siobahn reached out and untied the ribbon holding Mariah's wrap shut, and with delight she descovered Mariah was totally naked beneath it. Her nipples, Darker than Siobhan's, jutted like hard little bullets from Mariah's rounded, firm breasts. Her pussy was blad and glistening, the lips open slightly to reveal the wet flesh within. With a hungry gasp, Siobahn reached out, and with both hands, she began to twist and gently pinch the nipples, watching Mariah's face as she did so. Within seconds, Siobahn's hungry hands ran their way down Mariah's silky soft body, down to the open wet flesh of her cunt. Siobahn slid her fingers between the lips, and began to rub at Mariah's hot wet clit, sliding about in the juiciness of her wet and ready cunt.

Maria began to gasp. Siobahn felt Mariah's fingers worm their way inside her panites, and within seconds, Mariah was fingering Siobahn's bare and wet pussy flesh. Siobahn bucked her hips encouragingly as Mariah began to work a finger in and out of Siobahn's soaking hole, her thumb rasping on the hard clit with expertise. One finger slipped easily in and out of the wet flesh, then two, sliding in and out, in and out, as Mariah finger fucked Siobahn with vigour. Siobahn copied this on Mariah, riding one, then two fingers in and out of her open wetness, her thumb matching the other, and sliding about in the juices at her clit.

As Siobahn felt herself coming, felt her pussy begin to contract on the fingers inside it, Mariah suddenly pulled out, and instead, ducked her head down to Siobahn's pussy. Kneeling on the floor, with Siobahn sitting on the sofa, Mariah positioned herself between Siobahn's thighs, and ducked her head to the pussy. Sucking all of her fanny into her mouth, lips. clit, everything, Siobahn moaned at how good this felt. Mariah used her tongue to part Siobahn's pussy lips, and her tongue began to lap at her clit, pressing against it firmly, pushing it upward with long smooth strokes. Then she would duck her tongue down to the hole, dip into the wetness there, then slick it back up to the clit, where she would begin again to press firmly at it, lapping away. Siobahn yelled a long, drawn out wail as her climax began to take her; the most violent climax she had ever experienced in her whole twenty-one years. Her legs trembled, squeezing Mariah's head like a vice, and slowly began to relax and slide away. Her climax throbbed and throbbed and throbbed, pounding throughout her with amazing intensity.

When she had recovered enough, Siobahn was determined to make Mariah come with as much intensity as she had just done. Shoving Mariah back on to the settle, making her lie flat, Siobahn rose herself up for just long enough to kiss those soft, supple lips, letting her tongue flicker deeply into the other womans' mouth for a moment, then she ducked her own head to Mariah's pussy. The pussy smelt sweet and tasty, and as Siobahn plunged her tongue deeply into the hole, she knew she was right about the tasty. Siobahn plunged her tongue in and out of Mariah's wet cunt, while her thumb went up and worked frantically on her clit, sliding here and there as she circled it violently on the hot little button. Her tongue continued to plunge iin and out of the wet hole, slower at first, then faster and faster, and within mere seconds, Mariah's melodious angel's voice was yelling profanities at the ceiling, as her pussy contracted on Siobahn's tongue, and she came and came.

It was over. All over. And it was much more than Siobahn could have ever expected. She got on the settle next to Mariah and they cuddled together for long moments, talking softly to each other. Mariah helped Siobahn adjust her clothes and re-dress, while Siobhan wrapped Mariah's wrap back around her, and tied the belt firmly. And when Siobahn drifted out of the building, half an hour later, she went with a huge grin on her face.


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