A Dream Come True

By Mark Writer

Published on Feb 18, 2004


This story includes homosexual content. If it is illegal for you to read such material or if such material offends you, read no further. The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Thanks to all the readers who sent e-mails. They were greatly appreciated and helped me decide to continue the story. I apologize for the delay. I won't make excuses. I had the conclusion in my head, but I just couldn't make myself take the time to key it into the computer.

The previous part ended:

"Matt, we both have to tell our folks sooner or later, and now

seems like a good time to me," I said. "Why don't we treat our

parents to dinner at a restaurant and tell them together."

"Yes, Jim, let's do it together," Matt agreed. "But I don't

know how dad and mom will take it. What will your mom say?"

"Matt, if our parents love us, they will still love us. And

I'm sure our parents love us."

"Yes, Jim, our parents love us."

A Dream Come True - Part 3

"Then let's go talk to them," I said.

Matt and I made our way quietly to the bathroom, took a quick shower and returned to his room to get dressed.

"Pack a change of clothes, Matt," I said as we dressed. "We'll have to stop by my apartment so I can pack a few things, too. Oh shit, I forgot! I don't have my car here. We'll have to walk to my apartment."

"There's plenty of time," Matt said, as he stuffed a T-shirt into his duffle bag. "You only live a few blocks from here. It's just 3:15."

"Yeah, but let's get going before we wake your roommates," I said. "Be sure to bring some cash, too."

Matt and I really never hurt for money. His grandfather sent both Matt and his cousin, Brad, a generous check each month to help with college. And, my grandfather had left me a college trust fund that provided for my college expenses and spending money.

Matt said, "I've got a little over a hundred. That should be enough, don't you think."

"Should be," I said. "I've got about that much stashed in the apartment. Between the two of us we should be able to make the trip and take our folks out to dinner with no problem."

"Well, let's get out of here and head to your place," Matt said closing his duffle bag.

We tiptoed down the hall and out the front door. When Matt shut the door he sighed and said, "Whew, Jim, I think we made it out of there without waking anyone."

"Matt, relax, everything is going to work out," I said. "When they realize we're not there, they won't have any idea what we're up to. And, after we come out to our folks and tell them your moving in with me, Brad won't have anything to hold over your head."

As we walked down the deserted sidewalk, Matt put his arm around my waist. "Jim, I'm so glad I told you about Brad blackmailing me. Thanks for helping me," he said. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. "That's why I want to help. We were such fools to keep our feelings from each other. You wouldn't be in this fix if we hadn't."

"I know, Jim, but we were scared high school kids."

It was a quarter to four when we reached my apartment building. I unlocked my door, and we entered quietly to avoid waking Blake, my roommate. I led Matt through the dark living room to my bedroom. We could hear sounds from the other bedroom.

"Sounds like Blake got lucky tonight," I whispered

In my bedroom, I turned on the light and opened my closet. I grabbed an overnight bag and quickly packed. Then dug to the bottom of a dresser drawer for my envelope of emergency cash.

"Well, I guess that's all I need," I said. "Ready to hit the road?"

"Yeah," Matt said. "I'm sure glad we're doin' this together. I don't know if I could face mom and dad alone."

"Well, your not alone. I love you Matt, and I'll always be there to help you."

As we crept through the living room, the door to the other bedroom opened and Blake appeared, wearing only boxers. He stretched and yawned. "Hey, Jim, where you going so early?" he asked.

"Me and Matt are going to visit our families for the weekend," I said.

"Hi, Matt," he said. "I was just checkin' to be sure it was you and not some burglar this early in the morning."

"No, it's me." I said. "But now that you're here, I want to ask you something. Matt needs a place to stay. You wouldn't mind if he moved in with me for a while would you."

"Won't bother me," Blake said.

"Who you talkin' to?" A voice asked from Blake's bedroom door.

"It's my roommate, Jim, and his friend, Matt," Blake answered.

A blond hunk with a toned body and bulging white briefs entered the room. "Hi, dudes," he said. "I'm Trent. Didn't mean to butt in; I'm just on my way to the bathroom."

Blake smiled and asked, "It won't bother you guys if Trent stays with me some will it?"

Matt and I agreed it was no problem.

"Well, you and Trent have fun," I said to Blake as we left. "We'll be back Sunday evening,"

Matt and I loaded our bags into the trunk of my Mustang and headed home. We had driven about two hours when we decided to stop at a McDonald's for some breakfast.

I yawned as we sat in a booth eating. "You know, I'm getting' kind of tired, Matt," I said. "I just realized that we didn't get any sleep last night."

"Yeah, I bet you are after all that driving. You want me to drive for a while?"

"No, you're probably as tired as I am. We both need some sleep. Why don't we find a motel and sleep for a while? We're only a couple of hours from home. If we leave by noon we'll be there in time to go to dinner."

"Not a bad idea, Jim. I am sleepy," Matt agreed. "Maybe we should call our folks and let them know we're on our way and want to treat them to dinner."

"Yeah, I have my phone in the car."

We rented a room at a nearby motel. Once in the room, we undressed, collapsed on the bed, kissed and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke a few hours later, Matt was spooned against my back, his arm across my chest. I carefully slipped from bed and went to the bathroom. Matt was still sleeping when I came back. He now lay on his back, one arm above his head. I lay next to him and admired my sleeping lover. He looked so cute and peaceful. I leaned over and lightly kissed his forehead, and then his nose and chin. He never flinched and continued to sleep.

I kissed his neck and across his chest to his exposed armpit. I kissed and licked its small patch of dark hair. Matt stirred but never woke. I trailed my tongue across his chest to his nipple. I flicked it with my tongue and felt it harden. Matt's hand rubbed the back of my head.

I raised my head and looked into his eyes. "Oh, did I wake you?" I asked.

"Mmmmm hmmm. But don't quit, or I might go back to sleep," Matt joked.

"OK," I said then lowered my head and playfully licked his other nipple. I smiled at him and said, "I don't want you falling back asleep."

"Awww! You make an awesome alarm clock, Jim Calvert," Matt moaned.

I ran my hands across his stiff morning wood. "Oh, Matt, you're all swollen," I said and slid his boxers down. "Let me kiss it and make it better."

"Only if I can do the same for you, but I can't reach you," he said.

I quickly removed my boxers and flipped into a sixty-nine position. "How's that? Better?" I asked.

"Much better," he answered and leaned into my crotch.

We each kissed up and down one another's stiff polls. Then, I ran my tongue around the head of Matt's cock while Matt tickled my balls with his tongue. I could feel my juices churning as Matt's soft, warm tongue and lips licked and sucked. Copying him, I focused my tongue's attention on Matt's tight balls and perineum causing him to pause and moan his appreciation.

"Mmmmmm! I love when you do that," Matt whispered.

Matt then moved to my stiff cock, licking up and down the shaft and around the head before sliding all seven inches into his hot mouth and throat. I did the same to his throbbing cock. And, soon our heads were bobbing in unison as our hungry mouths slid up and down each other's hard cocks.

As I deep throated Matt's hard cock, I buried my nose in his dark pubic hairs, inhaling and enjoying his manly scent. My tongue massaged the underside of his shaft. I felt it stiffen and pulse, and I knew Matt wouldn't last much longer. I slipped my lips to the rim of his head just in time for the first shot of his warm, thick cream. I savored the flavor of Matt's sweet juice as it continued to flow into my mouth.

The sensations of Matt's eruption and his talented tongue tickling the head of my sensitive cock were too much for me, and my cock blasted again and again into Matt's waiting mouth. When the explosion ended, I was totally drained and exhausted.

After climaxing, Matt and I lay motionless and speechless, nursing each other's deflating cocks for several minutes as we recovered. Matt was the first to speak.

Matt let my flaccid tool slip from his lips and sighed, "WOW!"

"WOW!" I repeated and rolled onto my back.

Matt asked, "Jim, will it always be this fantastic?"

"Let's hope so," I answered.

"I don't know if I can take it," Matt joked.

"Pansy!" I laughed.

Matt threw a pillow at me as he jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I followed and joined him at the toilet. In seconds our yellow streams criss-crossed, the water foamed, and we each breathed sighs of relief as we emptied our bladders.

"I guess we have to piss right after we cum like Carl said he does," I laughed, remembering Matt's roommate barging in on us in the bathroom.

"Yeah," Matt smiled and then looked serious. "I wonder if him and Brad have missed me."

"Maybe," I said. "But they will probably think we've gone out to eat or something."

"Yeah, I guess," Matt agreed. "Hey!" he said, "We haven't called our folks about dinner."

I ran to the desk and got my cell phone. "I'll call my mom," I said.

The phone rang several times before she answered. "Surprise," I greeted her. "Me and Matt decided to make a surprise trip home and take our parents out to dinner."

Mom was delighted at my surprise and said she would call Matt's mom to workout the details.

"OK," I said. "Wait a few minutes to give Matt time to call them, though."

I handed Matt the phone, and he called his mom. He mimicked my call, and his mom was just as delighted.

We showered and were dressing for the drive home when my cell phone rang. It was my mom. "Jim, Carol and I decided to cook dinner for you and Matt. We're on our way to the grocery store," she said. "How about beef stroganoff? That's one of your favorites, and Carol said Matt likes it, too."

"Mom, you don't have to cook," I whined.

"We want to," she snapped. "Now, ask Matt if stroganoff is alright."

"Matt, you like beef stroganoff?" I asked Matt's questioning face. "He said it sounds good," I quickly continued.

"Carol wants to know if strawberry shortcake is OK for desert."

"Sure, Mom."

"We'll plan on having dinner at seven," she said in her take- charge fashion. "You boys can get here by then. We'll eat at our house. Just come straight here."

"Dinner's at my house at seven," I told Matt and laughed, "Our moms are cooking."

"I figured that out," Matt laughed. "Your mom's stroganoff and my mom's shortcake."

"That's the menu," I said. "We have to be there by seven."

"That gives us lots of time," Matt said with a wicked grin and pulled off his t-shirt.

We seductively undressed one another and returned to bed. Our hands, lips and tongues passionately explored each other's bodies, until sleep overcame us. A few hours later, we awoke fully refreshed with throbbing boners. Fortunately there was just enough time for some sex play to relieve our hard problems before the drive home.

The Linder's car was parked in the driveway when we arrived. Matt and I grabbed our bags and bravely walked to the door. Our mothers hugged and greeted us, and Matt's dad, Bob, hugged him and shook my hand.

While our mothers finished dinner, we waited in the living room with Bob, talking about school and sports. I had trouble following the conversation. I was rehearsing in my mind how to tell our parents that Matt and I were gay lovers.

"Dinner is served," mom finally announced.

We went into the dining room. Matt and I sat next to each other on one side of the table, Mr. and Mrs. Linder on the opposite side and mom at the head of the table. Dinner was awkward with our parents asking questions about school, and us responding with short answers.

After the main course dishes were cleared from the table, I held Matt's hand under the table and said, "Matt and I have something we want to tell you."

Matt squeezed my hand so tight, I thought he would crush it.

"What is it fellas," Bob asked.

I took a deep breath and stammered, "I...I...I have always... Matt's been my closest friend all my life."

"Yes, I've never seen two closer friends," Bob said.

Suddenly Matt blurted out, "Jim and I are in love!"

I was startled. I looked at Matt. He stared sternly at his parents. They smiled at one another, then at mom and me.

"I see," Bob said to Matt. "You agree with what Matt just said, Jim? Do you love my son?"

I gripped Matt's hand tighter. "With all my heart, Mr. Linder."

My mom started to cry. "Oh, Jim, that's so sweet," she sobbed.

"I'm so happy," Carol said. "Matt, it has been obvious to us for years that you and Jim were more than just good friends. We've been waiting a long time for you and Jim to recognize that."

Bob cleared his throat and said, "Matt, Jim, I suppose this means you are entering into the, uh, homosexual lifestyle. Now, as you know, I have never accepted that as normal."

"Bob, don't!" Carol interrupted.

"Dad, I know how lowly you think of gays," Matt whispered and hung his head.

"Will you all quit and listen," Bob said. "I have something to say, and I'm going to say it. If you'll just let me finish, I promise not to lose my temper." He glared around the table and continued. "Like I was saying, I don't think the gay lifestyle is normal. The heterosexual lifestyle is far more common and widely accepted. It had to be terribly difficult for our sons to admit their homosexuality and love for one another to us tonight." He smiled at Matt and I. "I commend you for your strength and courage. You will probably face other difficult situations in life because of your sexuality as well. I'm sorry, but that's the way society is. I may not understand or accept the gay lifestyle you live, but I love you, Matt. I will always love you." He put his arm around Carol. "Your mother and I will always love you and be here for you." He smiled at me. "Jim, I have always thought of you as a second son. Now, I guess you are. Or should it be son-in- law? No, I like son better."

Bob walked around the table and stood behind Matt and I. He put a hand on each of our shoulders, leaned between us, and kissed Matt's cheek, then turned and kissed my cheek. Bob grinned and said, "That doesn't mean I'm gay, but it does mean I love you two."

Carol ran around the table and hugged and kissed Bob. "I love you," she cried. "That was so beautiful, I couldn't add a thing."

Carol pulled Matt out of his chair and hugged and kissed him. Then she did the same to me. Mom joined the group and kissed and hugged me, then Matt, Carol and Bob. Tears ran down all of our faces-even Bob's.

Bob wiped his eyes with a napkin and attempted to regain his masculine composure. "Let's have some dessert to celebrate," he said.

Over dessert, Matt explained that he was moving into my apartment with me. Our parents agreed we should live together. They suggested that we look for a nicer apartment or house to live in next semester. Bob even offered to send us on a trip during our next break. He jokingly called it a honeymoon. Mom agreed we should go on a honeymoon, and she wanted to help with it, too.

Dinner had turned into a real celebration. A celebration of the love Matt and I had for one another, and a celebration of the love our parents had for us.

The End

Please e-mail and let me know how you like the story. I appreciate your comments, good or bad, and I reply to each one. markwriter629@hotmail.com

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