A Dream Come True

Published on Oct 22, 1999



A DREAM COME TRUE! by Jennifer

1.The Meeting

Hi my name is Jennifer and I would like to tell you my story! My story is rather unique to say the least. As has been my journey to become a happily married woman! I do enjoy, so much, being a wife and doing all the things loving wives do for their husbands! But as far as what those things are exactly I will let that for my story!

Well, let me tell you now of my journey to become a loving wife! It all started when I met a woman on the Internet. Her name was Sharon and we met one night after having both been in one of those online chat rooms. You see I was online as Jenny and we talked for over an hour that first night. It felt wonderful to talk to another woman as Jenny. She also enjoyed talking to me as Jenny! We hit it off right from the start.

After many months we had begun to realize that we had a lot in common and that as the months passed we had become very close! We would talk about anything and everything! It was wonderful to be accepted as Jenny by another woman! As we became closer and closer we talked about even more personal things. Finally in March of the following year we both confessed our love for one another! But the question then became what kind relationship did we really have? Were we lesbians? Or was the fact that I enjoyed being Jenny just something that might be interesting every so often? We were both to find that out sometime later that was for sure!

Finally after about a year and a half we decided it was time that we should meet in person! We decided to meet at the local Houlihans near the mall where Sharon worked. I had checked in at a local hotel and then set off for Houlihans once I got settled. I was very nervous that night but I knew it was something I had to do. I mean I had somehow fallen in love with Sharon without ever having met her! And she had said the same thing about me! It was as though we were soul mates and belonged together. Little did I know that she wasn't only my destiny but that she would help change my destiny forever!

I arrived at Houihans a little early so as to get a beer or two before our fateful meeting so that I might be able to calm down a bit. I got a table near the door so I could see Sharon as she came in. I hadn't even finished my first beer when I had to already use the bathroom. You know what they say, "Ladies always need to pee"! As I saw all the girls going into the ladies room on my way to the men's room I found myself wishing I had a nice blouse and skirt on so I could also go to the ladies room to pee. But since I didn't I went to the men's room instead. As I came back to my table I found Sharon sitting there already!

She smiled when she saw me and I instinctively took her hand and brought it to me as she then also stood up. We hugged one another for what seemed forever. It seemed like forever because I didn't want to let go! And we then looked at one another and gently kissed! Nothing too passionate but one of those kisses you reserve for that very special person in your life!

We then sat down and Sharon said that she had gotten there even earlier and watched me as she tried to get the nerve to come over. We talked for hours as we drank and had a bite to eat. We talked as if we had known one another for years. Of course we did have an advantage over most couples when they first meet since we had talked online for well over a year. I could tell Sharon felt the same way as she too spoke with the kind of exuberance one only exhibits when they see a friend or lover they haven't seen for a very long time. We both agreed that our meeting was long over due and that we both already knew that we would become even closer in the coming months!

Finally, as it was late, we figured we should go. We walked out to our cars but neither of us wanted to leave but since it was late we decided that we should meet the next day. Sharon then whispered in my ear, "I want to meet Jenny tomorrow"! I said "Jenny wants to meet you too"! So we arranged for Sharon to come to my hotel room at around 11 am the next day.

  1. Jenny and Sharon Meet for the First Time!

The next day I awoke early so I could get myself ready to meet Sharon as Jenny for the first time face to face. I first took a shower using a body wash and then lathered up my legs to shave them. I wanted them as silky smooth as possible for Sharon so I also then rubbed in a skin moisturizer. I then ran water in the bath tub and pored in some bubble bath to help soften my entire body as much as possible.

After a half hour or so soaking in the bubble bath I then washed my hair and dried it. I used a curling iron to give myself some large curls. I had let my hair grow practically to my shoulders so as to give me something to work with at least. I then put in some curlers and applied hair spray to set. After a few minutes I took out the curlers and looked in the mirror. I knew that Sharon could have done a better job had I waited but I wanted to meet Sharon as Jenny as complete as possible!

Fortunately the night before I went to bed I applied two coats of nail polish so my nails were good and dry. It then was time to apply my makeup. I first applied a special beard concealer to start. I then applied foundation and finally my makeup.

As I had been anticipating this meeting ever since Sharon and I agreed it was finally time we met I had already plucked my eye brows to be as thin as I could with out it being too obvious. I then applied eye shadow and mascara. I had gotten one of those new mascaras that curls your eye lashes by itself without needing an eye lash curler.

And then finally I applied lip stick and looked in the mirror. I was amazed at how good I looked. I then put on a lacy bra and matching panties. As my breasts still weren't full enough yet from the breast cream I had been using I also used bra inserts to give me a fuller figure. With the bra inserts I had a B cup. I then put on a blouse and skirt that I had picked out weeks before to wear. Finally I put on some nylons and slipped on my matching high heels. I was now in heaven feeling very feminine. I also then put on some clip on earrings. I had thought of having my ears pierced but I thought better of it so I could still pass as Jeff when I needed to.

I was finally ready for our fateful meeting! A meeting that I had been waiting for for quite some time! I mean, last night Jeff and Sharon had met but today Jenny and Sharon were to meet! I thought of how wonderful the meeting between Jeff and Sharon had gone and I was hoping that the meeting between Jenny and Sharon would go as well! I was very confident that it would!

Just as I had walked into the bathroom to make one last check of things I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and peered through the little peep hole to make sure it was Sharon. It was as I could feel my heart pounding a mile a minute. I opened the door and Sharon just stood there in amazement not sure she had the correct room. I then said, "Sharon won't you come in", and finally Sharon realized that it was in fact Jenny who was standing before her!

I closed the door behind her and she immediately put her arms around me and we hugged. It was nice as our breasts pressed up against each other. Sharon said she couldn't believe how good I looked! With that, a smile came on my face, that when Sharon saw it she also smiled. Here we were finally meeting in person but it was like we had known one another all our lives. At that moment we both realized that we were meant to be together!

We then both sat on the edge of the bed as we wanted to be closer than just sitting on the two single chairs in the room. We talked for a while as I ask Sharon if she had any suggestions for me to improve my look. She had a few suggestions with regard to applying my makeup for the next time. But overall she said I had done a pretty good job and that she even thought I could pass as a woman in public. At that statement we both kind of got excited at the possibility of such an excursion!

We then both faced each other and put our arms around one another. We looked into one another's eyes and both got closer as our lips finally met as Jenny and Sharon for the first time. As our lips met we both liked the feeling of our lipstick covered lips touching. We kissed more passionately after first starting with a more tender kiss. I guess the thought of us as two women kissing got us both rather excited!

We then began to kiss a bit more passionately and Sharon finally said the words I had longed to hear," Jenny, I love you"! No sooner had she said that, I began to cry! Sharon then looked concerned and ask why I was crying! I told her that I needed to hear those words from her for so very long and to finally hear them was wonderful! With that, I then said, "Sharon I love you too and want us to be together always and forever! With that, she then began to cry, as well, as we then both realized that we, in fact, would spend the rest of our lives together!

Of course the only question remaining was, in what form would we spend the rest of our lives together! Only time would tell but we both knew it would work out and that we would both be very happy!

  1. Jenny in public for the first time!

At this point, Sharon then said to me "we should go shopping"! I said to her that sounded like a good idea and that I would be ready in about an hour, giving me time to clean off my makeup and to get changed. Sharon hesitated for a minute and then said, "I think you look just fine the way you are except wear this white ribbed sweater top and these navy blue pants"! She then said, "And with these flats and this handbag to complete your look we will just look like two girlfriends out shopping"! With that image now in my mind my heart started pounding about as fast it ever had. The thought scared me but also excited me as it did Sharon! She said that she would just make a few adjustments to my makeup and we could maybe go to the mall and do some window shopping.

I still wasn't too sure about this but I finally agreed as I changed into the clothing Sharon recommended. My bra, ever so slightly, showed through my white ribbed top. I actually loved that look as it let me, and everyone else, know that it was a woman they were looking at even though most of what they would see would be my silicone bra inserts. But I didn't care for I somehow knew someday maybe I might no longer need those inserts to fill out my bra!

Finally I was ready and Sharon had me walk and pose for her. She then thought that perhaps a mid heel shoe might be better. A little sexier she thought without being too over the top so to speak. So I put on a nice navy blue mid heel shoe that matched my pants perfectly! As we both looked at me, I seeing my reflection in the mirror , we both agreed I looked pretty good and was ready for Jenny to meet the world or, perhaps better put, for the world to finally meet Jenny!

Finally we knew we had stalled long enough and must just go or else we would be there all day. So we opened the door to the room and walked out into the hallway. My room was on the third floor so we would have to take the elevator to the first floor and walk through the lobby of the hotel. As we approached the elevator a man accidentally crossed in front of us and when he realized what he had done turned to Sharon and I and said "Oh, please excuse me ladies" and motioned that we should go first! I couldn't believe it! This man actually did think I was a woman! I tried to hide my smile, as much as possible, as Sharon said thank you to the man knowing that my voice might give me away.

With that first encounter my confidence was beginning to grow. Exiting the elevator the man then said "Have a nice day ladies" and motioned once again for us to go first. As we approached the door to exit the hotel another man held the door open for us both! As we walked out of the hotel and into the daylight Sharon looked back and could see that the man was still watching us and Sharon whispered to me, "I think he likes the way our asses sway, that is why I had you put on a shoe with a bit of a heel as that helps to give the impression of a more sexy walk for a woman". I was already beginning to enjoy being treated as a woman but I knew that this would only be the beginning!

  1. To the Mall and Shopping

Sharon decided that it would be best if she drove to the mall just in case we got stopped by a policeman. As this was Jenny's first excursion in public we both thought it best that she doesn't end up in jail! Since the mall was only a mile or so from the hotel we arrived at the mall in a few minutes. It was mid afternoon by now and, as is the case on most Saturdays, it was very busy with shoppers coming and going. We both figured this was to our advantage being in a large crowd of people since then no one would really notice us or so we hoped!

Sharon parked close to one of the main exits so if we had to leave quickly we could. As we walked from the car to the main doors I felt wonderful but I could also see Sharon felt good too. You see, Sharon and I had talked about getting together for such a long time and finally that time had arrived and we both loved sharing this time together!

As we approached the main doors to the mall a man standing close by walked to the door and opened the door for us. It felt wonderful to be treated this way as we both said thank you and smiled to the man. Once inside we decided to first do some window shopping. As we walked along the main mall walkway I could hear the click of the heels of our high heels striking the floor. That was a sound I always loved as it reminded me of all things feminine and here I was the one making that noise now!

Finally we came upon a shop that Sharon had apparently planned for us to explore. It was the Fashion Bug and when I realized that we were going to go in I felt my pulse rate go up. My heart was beating so fast I almost couldn't talk when Sharon said, "Here we are Jenny, let's go in and try a few things on"! I then responded after a few seconds and said,"Sharon, are you sure we should do that"? With that Sharon smiled and said. "We definitely should do this"!

Once inside the store we started looking through the circular racks. I was so nervous I didn't even notice what I was looking at just as Sharon came over and handed me a skirt and said, "Here Jenny why don't you try this on!" It wasn't really a question but more of a statement Sharon was making that I should try the skirt on. Sharon realizing I was a bit confused said, "Follow me", as she led me to the changing rooms. I then went in and stood there for a minute trying to decide what to do. I briefly thought about going out and telling Sharon that this was a bad idea but I thought better of it as I didn't want to disappoint her. So I hung up the skirt and began to take off the pants I had on. I pulled on the skirt and zipped up the zipper in the back. Sharon peeked through the cloth drape at the entrance to the changing room and handed me a blouse. I unbuttoned my blouse and put on the blouse Sharon had handed me. I then stood there for a minute trying to get the nerve to walk out of the changing room for Sharon's inspection.

Finally I got the nerve and walked out. Sharon was standing talking to a salesgirl as I walked out. When Sharon saw me she motioned for me to turn around so she could get a better look. I then saw myself in the mirror, and as any woman would, began to look at myself with the new blouse and skirt I had on. Sharon walked over to me and said, "We both think you look really great in that outfit". At that moment the salesgirl came over with a nice matching handbag and said, "Here this will complete the look". So there I was admiring the image I saw in the mirror of me in my new outfit and with the matching handbag. I liked what I saw and whispered to Sharon, "I think I will buy this one". With that Sharon smiled and said "lets look for some more things". We must have spent an hour or so there and finally decided to pay for our purchases and try a few other stores. As we went from store to store I began to feel more and more like we were just two women out shopping. I felt wonderful as did Sharon!

Finally after about four hours of going from store to store we decided it was time to take our purchases and return to the hotel room. As we were walking out to the car a male friend of Sharon's yelled to Sharon, "Hope you can make it to the party tonight!" With that Sharon said to me, "Come on and meet my friend Tom"! Now I was really nervous as we both walked over to where Tom was standing. Tom was a rather handsome guy and a little over 6 foot tall. Sharon introduced Tom and I, and in my most feminine voice, said "Hi"! Tom then said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Sharon has told me a lot about you"! With that I think my face must have turned a hundred different shades of red. Fortunately with all the makeup I had on I was sure Tom didn't notice. Tom then turned to Sharon and said, "Sharon, make sure you bring Jenny along with you tonight to the party!" Sharon said,"Well, we aren't sure what we are doing but maybe we could stop by for a few minutes".

With that we said goodbye to Tom and headed for the car. Once in the car I said to Sharon, "Do your really want to go to that party? I mean that could be pretty difficult to pull off being Jenny at a party"! Sharon agreed but said that in order for me to feel more feminine I need to try to be around people as Jenny more. I agreed and so we went back to the hotel.

  1. Back at the Hotel and ....!

When we arrived back at the hotel we walked through the lobby and to the elevator. I was really beginning to like being Jenny more and more! I could tell Sharon was enjoying being with Jenny too! Not that I ever thought otherwise but it is always nicer knowing than just believing something to be true! And by the look in Sharon's eyes I could just tell she loved being with Jenny!

We then got out of the elevator and walked down the hall to the room. On the way we passed a couple and they smiled as we passed. It was just so great to be accepted as Jenny! We then got to the door and we walked in with all our purchases from our shopping spree. Before I even was able to put down my bags Sharon came up to me and put her arms around me and she kissed me gently on the lips! I reciprocated with a tender kiss back as I then held her even closer. She responded with an equal hug back. We then paused, for a minute, as we looked into each other's eyes! At that moment, we both knew what was going to happen shortly!

At that we then began to kiss more passionately! Our lipstick covered lips seemed to melt into one another! Sharon then reached around my back and began to unzip the back zipper to my pants. As she did my pants fell to the ground. She then whispered in my ear, "Jenny I want to teach you now how to be a wife!" She went into the bathroom and a few minutes later emerged wearing the strap on that I had brought for her. She then sat on the edge of the bed and told me to get on my knees in front of her. I instinctively knew what to do at that point as I began to kiss the head of her "special cock". She then said, "I want you to practice as if I were your husband so that maybe later you will be ready for the real thing!"

As I sucked my "husband's" cock I inserted two fingers in Sharon's "special place". We were very much working as one now. Sharon was moaning as I continued to suck her and working my fingers inside her deeper and deeper. Sharon began to shudder as she reached climax in only a matter of minutes and she uttered the words, "Jenny, I love you"! With that I suggested that perhaps I should use "my built in strap on". We then both stood up and carefully undid each others buttons. Our blouses fell to the floor as we embraced one another with our breasts pressing into one another. The same thoughts were running through our minds that we were two women having a lesbian affair. It was the kind of tenderness that only two women can experience together.

Sharon then got on the bed as I then laid next to her. Sharon reached down and began stroking my "special clitoris" although it didn't need any encouragement as it was already very stiff. Sharon then laid on her back and said, "Jenny, give me your strap on". I then got between Sharon's legs and inserted my clit into her. As we moved together in such rhythm we both felt a special closeness that we both knew we could not ever feel with anyone else. Finally we both began to shudder as we reached orgasm together. It was just so incredible to feel this kind of closeness and love that even after we both climaxed we continued to kiss passionately!

After a minute or so then Sharon said, "Jenny, I want you to now lick out the sperm from my vagina because I want you to get used to eating cum as a good wife should!" At that moment I would have done anything Sharon had ask of me so I then slipped down between her legs and began licking her and sucking out the cum from her vagina. I wasn't sure but I think Sharon must have climaxed again as she moaned and groaned with each movement of my tongue!

Finally, exhausted, we both just embraced one another in that kind of wonderful afterglow when you know that you are with the one person in your life with whom you want to be with forever! Yes, finally, Sharon and I realized that all we had talked about and felt for one another was real!

  1. The Party

It was now about 6 PM and Sharon and I had both fell asleep in our embrace! We both must have awoke at the same time as we opened our eyes together. We looked into each others eyes and said, in unison, those special words to one another, "I love you"! We then brought our lips together and kissed one another softly. It was one of those defining moments in a person's life that truly has meaning beyond his or her own very existence! The kind of feeling, that when felt, a person can only thank God Himself for being allowed to feel such love!

In a few minutes we were completely awake and Sharon then said that she thought that perhaps we should go to the party Tom had mentioned. I quickly then said, "Are you sure you want to go?" Sharon responded after a minute or so and said that she thought it would be important for Jenny to experience even more of what it is like to be a woman! At that moment, I didn't know what Sharon had in mind exactly but I agreed that perhaps the party might be interesting. As I would find out soon that was to be an understatement!

The party was to start around 9 pm so we had time to get ready. Sharon wanted me to wear one of the new outfits we had bought. It was to be a white turtleneck top with a navy blue skirt. Also with a pair of matching navy high heels. Since it was a bit cold out she also suggested I wear a navy blue cardigan sweater over top. Sharon was going to wear almost the same outfit so we would look like twins! As I looked in the mirror I liked what I saw. Again I could see the faint outline of my bra through the white turtleneck top. Once Sharon helped me fix my hair and touch up my makeup we were ready to leave for the party.

Once again Sharon said she would drive so as to make it less likely of any trouble if we got stopped for some reason. It took about twenty minutes to get to our destination. As I got out of the car I looked and realized that we were at a fraternity house. Having been in a fraternity while in college I knew that sometimes things could get pretty wild! Fortunately being there with Sharon made me feel fine knowing that Sharon would never allow me to be in any danger.

As we walked up the walk to the front door the music got louder and louder as it seemed that perhaps there might be a live band playing. Just as we got about 15 feet from the door Sharon stopped and she took my hand and looked into my eyes. She looked kind of serious all of a sudden and she said to me, "Jenny just remember that I love you very much and want us to be together always!" She then paused for a few seconds and then continued, "But in order for Jenny to grow as Jenny you also need to experience things as a woman does!" With that said she kissed me on the lips but very gently so as not to smudge our lipstick. I wasn't exactly sure what Sharon meant by that but I had a feeling I would find out soon enough!

We then continued to walk up the walkway to the door of the frat house. As we opened the door the music got louder and as we stepped in we could see that the place was packed. I couldn't see the band but the music was so loud I knew that they had to be somewhere close by. As we tried to make our way through the crowd I could feel what appeared to be hands touching me on my rear. I guess this was the first lesson that Sharon wanted me to learn. That, as a woman, men just think they can do what they want, like grabbing you anywhere they want! Not that I really minded, at first, but after a while it began to get very annoying! Finally we had made it to our destination, the kegs of beer!

After we both had gotten a beer we headed back the way we came but veered off to the right and began to make our way down some steps. Sharon apparently had been here before as she knew just where to go so I just followed her. Once downstairs the music got much louder and I could see the band at the far end of the room. Immediately in front of the band was a small dance floor where a few couples were dancing. At that moment I found myself wishing I was on the dance floor too! The only question was with who? I wanted to dance with Sharon in the worst way but I also found myself wondering what it would be like dancing with a guy? At that moment Sharon yelled to someone Hi! It was Tom who I met at the mall! He was a really good looking guy! I found myself thinking he was really cute but I quickly stopped myself so it wouldn't be obvious.

Finally we made our way over to Tom! Unfortunately Tom was with a girl. Oh well, at least it stopped me from thinking........well you know! Tom said Hi and then introduced his girlfriend, Christine! She was very pretty I had to admit. She had long blonde hair just beyond her shoulders and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a pink scoop neck top with a nice pair of white pants. I found myself wondering what I would look like in that outfit!

We tried to talk but it was difficult to hear with the loud music so Tom suggested we go to his room which was off from the room we were in and down the hall. Once we got to Tom's room we stepped in and Tom closed the door so we could talk. By that time Sharon and my beers were empty. Seeing this Tom immediately ask if we would like another and we said yes but didn't want to fight the crowd. Tom then pulled out two cold Miller Lites from the refrigerator he had in his room. We said thank you and started chatting again. I had been having trouble earlier with my female voice but with the alcohol things seemed to be getting easier in that regard.

After an hour or so, and a few too many beers, Sharon thought we should be going soon. Tom realizing we both were a bit drunk suggested that he drive us home. But Sharon said she really didn't want to leave her car there so Christine said she could drive Sharon home and Tom could drive me home. That way we would get home and not have to leave the car. Sharon then said that we could then perhaps meet at my hotel room for a night cap since we had beer there too. Everyone agreed and so we made our way to the cars.

I was a bit nervous as now I would have to be with Tom all alone in the car as we drove to the hotel. Once we were on our way Tom and I talked quite a bit. Mostly about Sharon and how we both really thought she was wonderful. I asked Tom how he knew her and Tom said that he and Sharon had been friends since childhood and that they were like brother and sister. That made me feel much better since I was beginning to feel a bit jealous when he first started talking about Sharon. I mean Tom was a really nice guy and very handsome to boot and a girl would have to be crazy not to want to be with him I thought! I found myself thinking exactly that! What it would be like to be with Tom as a woman! I do have to tell you my "clit" was getting a little wet thinking about it!

Finally we got to the hotel and Tom quickly got out of the car and ran around to my door and held it open before I could even attempt to open it myself. I do have to tell you getting out of a car with a skirt on does take some practice. I had to make sure I didn't forget myself! Fortunately I did remember who I was and I swung my feet and legs out and stepped out as Tom took my hand. It was rather sweet! He made me feel so much like a lady! I think the smile on my face must have told him that for sure!

Just as we were getting out of the car Christine and Sharon arrived in Sharon's car. We all met in front of the hotel and walked into the hotel together and then to the elevator. Once we got to my floor we walked down the hallway with Sharon and I in front and so I found myself swinging my hips a bit hoping Tom might notice. I couldn't believe I was doing this but something inside of me just made it seem so natural!

  1. Sharon and Jenny's New Experiences

Once inside the room we shut the door and got some beers for our night cap. At that moment Sharon then said we need to do a toast. I was a little confused but I thought what the heck! Sharon then looked at me directly and ask me, "Jenny do you remember what I said about you needing to experience things more as a woman so Jenny could grow more as a woman?" I responded, "Of course", realizing that with that question she had just revealed my secret to Tom and Christine. Sharon seeing that I was about to turn bright red she said, "Don't worry Jenny, both Tom and Christine have known about you all along! In fact they love the idea, as do I! "

With that Sharon then said,"Tonight, Jenny darling , we both are going to experience something new!" You see, Tom and Christine are both very bicurious and, as you know, I am as well! And, although Jenny it is you that I love and want to be with forever, I also need to experience what it is like to be with a genetic woman too!" With that little speech I no longer was red any more and went to Sharon and put my arms around her and kissed her passionately! Before I took my arms from around her I said, "Sharon, I love you more than life itself since our love is so deep that we can appreciate each others needs and not be afraid to allow one another to experience that which we both need so very much!"

With that Tom came over to me and took me in his arms and looked into my eyes before kissing me very passionately. Just for a moment I opened my eyes and saw Sharon and Christine doing the same! As both couples continued to kiss, Tom then began to pull off my turtleneck top. I could see that Sharon and Christine had already made it to the one bed and were slowly undressing one another. I then told Tom to sit on the other bed with his legs hanging over the edge. At that moment I was just glad I had gotten a room with two double beds! I then had him take off his shirt revealing a very muscular upper body. He obviously worked out quite a bit to look like that. He definitely was what us girls would call a "hunk"!

After admiring his upper body I instinctively got down on my knees in front of him between his legs with his crotch staring at me. I then undid his belt and pants and undid his zipper pulling his pants down around his ankles along with his underwear briefs. I then pulled off his pants and briefs completely revealing his already very erect penis.

By this time Sharon and Christine were completely undressed and were kissing very passionately with their breasts squeezing up against each other. I could tell Sharon was enjoying herself very much! Sharon then got up and she and Christine got in a "69" position and began licking one another's vagina. I could hear much moaning from over there but knew I shouldn't distract myself from what I was about to do if I was to satisfy Tom!

With Tom's cock already standing at attention I put my hand around it and began to stroke it. He moaned a bit but then I just couldn't help myself, as I wanted to satisfy him completely, I kissed the tip which already had precum oozing from it. I loved the taste of him as I began to more and more engulf his cock with my mouth as any wife or girlfriend would for her man!

I didn't realize it but Sharon from time to time would glance over to watch me suck Tom's cock! Later she would tell me she kind of wished she could have me "suck" her cock if she only had one! But Sharon was loving what she was doing to much to think to long about that, as she and Christine were licking one another passionately, lapping up each others juices! I would also glance over at Sharon, as I sucked Tom, and was so very happy that she was finally experiencing that which she had longed for for such a long time! To be with another woman! I loved her that much, that seeing her enjoying herself and fulfilling her dream, made me feel so very good as it did for her to see me fulfilling my need to be with a man! Although many people could never understand such intense love between two people, Sharon and I did, and still do as we both realize that we both need to, from time to time, experience this!

But getting back to what we were doing. I continued to suck Tom and every so often take him out of my mouth and lick his balls and up his cock to the head. I would then roll my tongue around the head as he would moan and groan! Finally as I could feel his cock begin to grow in my mouth I engulfed him once more! He began to moan more loudly as his cock began to pulsate and his shoot his sperm into my eagerly awaiting mouth! I loved the taste of his semen as it made me feel so very much like his lady! I swallowed all that I could as I didn't want him to think I didn't love every drop of his manly juice!

Just as Tom finished cumming inside my mouth Sharon and Christine were moaning and groaning as they both were reaching climax at the same time! They then turned around and kissed so as to taste each others own juices! They kissed passionately until they both just kind of laid next to one another exhausted!

Sharon then looked over and said to me, "Well, Jenny I can see you and Tom really do like one another", as she noticed some of Tom's cum on my face! I smiled and said yes as I and Tom kissed. Sharon then said ,"Jenny I think you do need to feel Tom inside you more than just in your mouth to be a woman!" With that Tom then told me to get on the bed and get on all fours as he approached me from behind. Christine came over and helped things by putting some KY jelly on Tom's cock.

Sharon and Christine then put there arms around one another and decided that it might be fun to just watch Tom and I make love! Tom began by slowly pushing the head of his cock against my "vagina" and then slowly rocking back and forth as he began to penetrate me more and more with each motion. Finally he was inside me with the head and in only a few more thrusts he was completely inside me! He continued to go in and out and in and out! It hurt at first but after a while it began to feel wonderful! I then found myself wanting him to shoot his sperm inside me as a man does with a woman when making love! Finally I could feel him growing again and his cock then began to pulsate as it did before in my mouth! I could then feel his warm sperm shooting inside me with each pulse and thrust of his cock!

As Sharon and Christine watched they would kiss one another as this very erotic scene was obviously turning them both on. Sharon then got the strap on cock I had brought and she put it on. She then had Christine lay on her back as Sharon straddled Christine's legs as would a man. Sharon entered Christine with the head of the strap on and began to go in and out as Tom and I had done only minutes before. Christine began to practically scream with pleasure with each thrust of Sharon's "cock"! I could tell Sharon was loving it too as she felt in control as does a man when making love to a woman!

Finally with all four of us completely exhausted and after a short rest we decided that we should all go home but knowing that we would all get together again! And again and again and again!!!

Now, also, if you are wondering about how I became a happily married woman I really didn't technically but I do feel like one! Sharon and I did get married but, to be honest, I am more the wife most of the time anymore. As I now write stories for my publisher from my home office for a living I am dressed as Jenny almost all the time. Sharon loves it that when she comes home from work I am there in my apron with dinner ready on the table. But then isn't that what a good wife should do anyway?!

Also, Sharon and I have discussed perhaps me actually having the surgery to actually become Jenny totally and completely but we are enjoying things too much as they are still. Maybe someday in the future who knows! But, to be honest, what is most important to us is the love that we share! For it is that love that really makes us both happy and allows us to satisfy our dreams! And although we still do see Tom and Christine for a weekend getaway every so often, Sharon and I will always remain together as lovers and friends! What more could any one ever ask for than that?! To love and be loved by someone so unconditionally and with such complete devotion! At least, for us, it is all either of us will ever need!

The End!

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