A Fisting Journey

By Paris Sucker

Published on Nov 29, 2020


A fisting journey

Chapter 1: Birthing an eggplant

Arriving in Berlin was a moment I wouldn't soon forget. Stepping off the train at the Hauptbahnhof station in the heart of city - the energy hit me immediately. I had been planning this move for the guts of the past year and finally the day had arrived. After a short stop off to visit a friend living in Amsterdam, I had been giddy the whole train journey; excited about what the next year had in store for me.

Since my first trip to this city years before, I'd slowly been gathering ideas on the best way to facilitate a move. Grad school was the perfect opportunity and I seized it with open arms. All those years visiting the city, getting to know the neighborhoods, coming for long weekends, and here I was, finally disembarking on the platform of my new life as a Berliner. I knew exactly how I wanted to spend my first night - and I had timed it just right; arriving on Sunday lunch time for my favorite club night in the city later that evening.

Luck had most certainly been on my side - my cousin's best friend was ending his own year of study in the city and he had suggested I take over the lease on his small studio-apartment situated in bustling Kreuzberg without me so much as having to do one stressful viewing. I headed straight home to get myself freshened up and to enjoy a few hours of the daytime city before I would get stuck back into the nightlife that I loved so much. Ever since my first trip to this town, I had been mesmerized and overcome by the liberated sexual energy that pervaded the bars and nightclubs. In the beginning, I had been shocked, but by my second visit, I found a kinship with the people here - from all backgrounds, countries and walks of life - that I had never experienced elsewhere. My mind had been blown away, at 18 years old, to be dancing into the wee hours of the morning in a club and to see young, seemingly-normal men exposing themselves in the toilets; allowing anyone to watch who felt the desire to do so. The seed of exhibitionism had been planted for me in those early days, and it is what kept me coming back for more of this endless sexual energy.

I had developed a kind of double persona; keeping my calm, sensible, straight-laced self in check at home, yet allowing a more carnal and dark self to come out on my frequent trips to this town. With each trip I had allowed myself to go further and further in my sexual desires - and I knew by the end of this year I would be a new man. I was excited to see where this journey would lead me. I was open for anything.

After dropping off my stuff, I called a friend, Mike - one of only a few vague acquaintances I had who lived permanently in this hedonist's paradise. He was on his way back to the city after a few days in the countryside and suggested we meet later that night at WHOLE - the bar we'd originally met in some years before. I was happy to hear him suggest it. That meant my favorite Sunday night hangout was still the spot to be - and I looked forward to the chance to re-acquaint myself with the crowd.

In the meantime the plans took any pressure off achieving anything with the remainder of my afternoon. I decided I would just chill out and save my energy for later in that evening. I unpacked the little belongings I had brought and was settled in immediately, feeling at home in the familiar apartment. It was small, but it gave me all the independence I needed - especially the freedom to meet whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I was excited about the thought of a year of fun and games ahead. I spent a few hours strolling around the neighborhood, got fed and watered and headed home around 9 pm to get ready to go out for the night. I'd decided to move early in the summer - long before the start of the semester so I could get settled in the city before school began. That meant several weeks of free time and I was ready for it.

I got showered and make sure to be ready for any eventuality - douching deeply in the hope that I would score later in the night. It was already after 11 pm when I finally was ready to head out and without word from Mike, I presumed we would see each other directly at the bar.

WHOLE - or HOLE as I preferred to think of it - was a small gay bar not far from my new place. When I arrived, you would be forgiven for thinking nothing was going on - I knew though that on a Sunday night here, there was always fun to be found. I knocked on and waited for the bouncer to let me in. The black door opened and I was just in time to get in without paying a cover fee. I walked into the dark, red-colored bar - the intense atmosphere hitting me immediately. It was a small place and so it only needed a few people to make it feel full - tonight was no different. It was early to start the night in Berlin but after being away for so long I wanted to make the most of my night. I pitched myself up on a high chair at the bar looking around for any familiar faces. I didn't recognize anyone. So I ordered a drink and got comfortable. Like most clubs in this city, techno featured heavily on the menu and tonight was no different. The heavy beat instantly helped you to get into a rhythm and let go of any other thoughts in your head. It was a total escape and before long, after my first drink, I was already chatting to the men around me - totally unconcerned that there was still no sign of Mike.

The club was small and to the uninitiated could have been like any other bar except with a rather controversial name. Downstairs in this place though, there was a dark, seedy underbelly, that was inviting for an over-excited man like me. The stairs at the side of the bar took you down into a darkroom - open to anyone who was looking to get off throughout the night.

All that being said, being a little shy I personally needed some Dutch courage to bring myself to go down there - a few more drinks and I would see how the evening progressed. In the meantime, a handsome, muscular German in his early forties was trying his hardest to chat me up. What I loved about this place; there was no judgment, you could do what you wanted with whoever you wanted. I may have thought I was sexually liberated, but I had no idea the year Berlin had in stall for me - starting with tonight.

I continued to chat to the handsome German, whose name was Timo, but I wasn't ready to commit yet; he seemed a little too nice for my tastes. I liked my men dark, with an arrogance. After some time, and a few more drinks, I excused myself and decided it was time to take a tour of the darkroom. I was definitely tipsy, but it was par for the course in a bar like this - I knew that many of the other guys were on things much stronger than just a few vodkas.

It was dark as I descended into the underbelly of the bar and it took my eyes a few moments to adjust to the somber, red lighting. I was always surprised by how many guys were already down there by the time I ventured in, as well as the fact that many were in harnesses or chaps - I never seemed to recall that many guys walking through the bar, let alone any in that kind of attire. Looks were exchanged, but I was really only interested in absorbing the energy that night, not getting into anything too intense. I filed past several guys perched against the walls and brushed away the hands that reached out for me. The darkroom was a real labyrinth and despite a number of visits, I had never managed to acquire a mental map of it in my mind.

The next corner I turned, I felt a strong, powerful arm grip me around the waist and pull me in tight. I couldn't tell right away who it was, but when I turned to see his face, I saw Timo from moments before at the bar. He planted a wet, sloppy kiss on my lips and the unexpected, overwhelming strength of his embrace sparked a new interest in him that I hadn't felt before. After a moment, I pulled myself away but he held me firm not allowing me to go anywhere. There was an almost imperceptible struggle between us as he established himself as the strong, dominant partner between us. I allowed myself to be held there for longer than would have been natural, as it organically became clear to bother of us that he had taken full control of this situation. Whatever resistance I may have put up melted away and when finally he released the embrace, I looked at him in a different light from before.

Without any kind of warning, he pulled me aside into a shaded corner and we embraced again. His tongue probed deeply into my mouth with the same strength and force he now exuded pushing his body against mine. Anytime I made an attempt to pull away, he would only hold out longer until he decided himself that it was time to release. His dominating energy was powerful and I began to feel weak beside him.

Our hands explored each other's bodies, and I was pleasantly surprised to feel toned, strong muscles anywhere I cared to caress him. His hand had reached right for my ass and without invitation his large fingers were working their way into my puckered anus. He reached up only momentarily to lick his fingers before plunging back into my briefs with his large hand and working himself with gradual but relentless motions inside me. I felt like he had seen through me the moment I walked into the bar, and knew that my asshole was there for the taking. I groaned as he worked more of his fingers inside me, and I resigned myself - in that darkened corridor - to being slowly penetrated by a stranger's hand. He was now three fingers in and, due to the bulky size, I felt like it the limit of what would be possible. I had no doubt from the intensity of his movements and the fixation of his hand massaging my hole that he wanted to take this further though.

I was a bottom, and had always enjoyed this role in sex. From early on, I knew that much of my sexual pleasure came from playing with my asshole and over the years I had experimented with dildos and plugs, but fisting had remained elusive for me. There was a certain boundary that I wasn't sure I wanted to pass - being fisted would take me way past that, and I would have to accept that my asshole would become a playground for men's fists. I wouldn't be a 'regular' bottom any more. I had struggled to shake this thought, and it had been a mental block to me taking this step in the past. I worried about the physiological consequences of being fisted, not sure what they would be - concerned too that it was the top of a slippery slope. I guess deep inside me, I still and some residual conservatism that would have to be broken down first.

I had managed to slide my own slender hand past my sphincter only twice and my anus had quickly reformed afterwards. The size of Timo's large fist knocking at my backdoor was intimidating to say the least. I knew that in most cases though, it was usually possible to default to good fuck instead - so when he insisted we head back to his, I felt like I could easily suggest a gear change if needs be. I though briefly about Mike, but still without a word I allowed myself to be persuaded by Timo's domineering energy and in the space of 20 minutes we were getting out of a taxi and he was leading me into his front door. I sat down on the couch and he handed me a drink - telling me to get as comfortable as I liked.

After a few minutes, Timo joined me on the couch and he held me firm again in his unclenching embrace. He wasted no time, getting right back to where he left off, and I could feel his fingers probing at my nervous asshole. The pressure of his hand pushing further inside me was becoming intense and now with this forth finger joining in, I felt like I needed to say something. I reached down for his free hand and lifted it up in front of us. It was large, much larger in size than my own.

"I can't take something this size," I said to him sighing. He grinned and laughed slightly.

"One day!" he exclaimed, grinning at me and with that we relaxed down onto the couch. I was on the verge of suggesting that he lube up his dick, but up until that point it hadn't seemed to figure much in our exchange - although the gropes I had managed to snatch in the darkroom told me he was very impressively endowed.

Before I made any suggestion though, he reached into a draw beside us, still grinning and pulled out a black, cone-shaped butt plug. It was certainly smaller than his hand, but most definitely not what I would describe as slight or slender. He looked at me and smiled, raising his eyebrows with a very suggestive glance. Something told me his mind was made up - he was going to dilate my hole tonight and I had little choice but to accept the compromise that was being offered.

As I relaxed on the couch, Timo set up the scene. He laid out a large towel below me, and set out a bottle of j-lube, some poppers, the butt plug as well as a long dildo on the table beside us. He was meticulous in lining everything up neatly and setting me comfortably in position on the couch with my legs in the air; my back supported high up on a pillow. Finally he put on some music and we were ready to begin.

"Take these. Anytime you need to take a hit, don't worry I have more in the fridge," he said, handing me the large bottle of poppers. I didn't need an engraved invitation. I immediately took my first hit and felt the blood rush to my head as the cool, sliminess of the j-lube was squeezed out onto my exposed asshole. Even before any kind of penetration began, the emotional impact of being in such a position with a large, powerful man was quite overwhelming. Oftentimes the anticipation is greater even that the actual event. I felt so totally vulnerable that my hole was at the complete mercy of another man. My cock was rock hard in expectation.

Timo started slowly, using his fat fingers again to probe and spread the lube around my slit. Right away, I knew I could let go of any abandon, or any need to control the situation. There was lube everywhere and my naked body and hole were his for the taking. I watched carefully as he picked up the long dildo first. I was relieved knowing that I would easily be able to take its narrow girth as a warm up for what was later to come. It seemed to me that Timo knew very well what he was doing; he gradually introduced the floppy, fleshy dildo head to my waiting ring-piece. It slipped effortlessly in an inch or two deep, but soon met a faint resistance. I knew that was my cue to take a long hit of the poppers - as Timo gently worked the dildo in regular motions in and out of my hole. He continued like this for several minutes. The tightness of my inner sphincter relaxed and, when I eventually looked down, I saw only the short end of the dildo exposed outside of my ass. He worked it in and out of me like this, allowing my asshole to release the last of its tension as I let the slow techno beat wash over my body.

With time, the beat began to pick up and Timo too began to move with a greater urgency and longer thrusts until I felt the dildo be withdrawn completely. I stayed lying down in the same position with my head relaxed on a pillow and could just about make out in my peripheral vision that he was setting down the dildo and picking up the butt plug. Although at first the sensation felt the same, I soon noticed a much larger pressure stretching out my hole as the plug made its way into anus. I took a hit on the poppers and pushed out against it as best I could, willing my sphincter to open up around it. The music swirled through my body and the image in my mind of this man carefully dilating the orifice at the end of my colon sent pleasure right through me.

After a few moments of this unrelenting pressure, I couldn't take it in any further, and I let out a large groan as the pressure turned to a stinging pain and my hole wasn't able for it any more. I jostled myself on the couch to escape the invading object and was relieved to feel him withdraw the plug from inside me.

"It was almost inside," he grinned, looking down at from between my legs that still hovering in the air. He held it up to show me and I was a little surprised given the width of the base would probably have been the limit of anything I had taken inside my asshole up to that point.

"Give it another shot...I reckon you can take it all," he said grinning again, obviously excited. With that I opened the poppers and brought them up to my nostril while nodding to him to go again. As soon as the poppers began to hit me, I pushed out with all the strength I could muster. Timo pushed back with the plug snugly in the palm of his hand and I felt my sphincter expand to what felt like its most impossible limit. The pain was momentarily excruciating, yet I wanted to achieve this and I knew the moment it was inside it would all be worthwhile.

I let out an involuntary moan as Timo applied a second wave of pressure and I felt the plug budge the final inch inside me as my ring stretched out to accommodate the base and widest part of the butt plug. It was a burn that flashed through my hole and disappeared just as quickly as my sphincter closed mercifully around the neck of the plug. My abs and gut were so tensed up from pushing it took me a moment to relax enough to appreciate the feeling of fulness inside my rectum. The plug was firmly fixed in place and Timo was tapping on it gently sending shivers through me as the tip massaged my insides. My sphincter, though gripping tight around the neck of the plug, was held wide open - much wider than anything it was accustomed before then.

The intensity of a moment like that was nearly indescribable. The fine line between pain and pleasure that comes from having another man take control of a sacred entrance to your body. The feeling of vulnerability to have your anus stretched open in the presence of another person, the control he has over you at that moment is like ecstasy. I lay there exhausted and exposed by the feeling of my hole being stretched by this large butt plug. It was impossible to ignore the strange feeling and more than ever in my life, I was constantly aware of my stretched out sphincter muscle.

Two or three minutes passed, and I the pressure of my anus trying to close up around this foreign object was becoming too intense to handle. I reached around and took another large hit on the poppers and lay back as my butthole relaxed again around the thick circumference of the toy. I continued taking hits this way for a few more minutes, not wanting to face the feeling of pushing it out until finally after one long hit, Timo demanded I expel the plug. I pushed as hard as I could and the sensation - although very intense - was much more bearable than on the way in. As soon as the plug popped out though, the emptiness of my colon was staggering and I begged for him to push it back inside.

"I have an idea," Timo declared, grinning again from ear to ear. With that he disappeared into the kitchen and I had a moment for my hole to begin to regain it former shape. When he returned, I saw in his hands two eggplants and his smile somehow seemed to grow even wider.

One of the eggplants was relatively small and narrow, the other though was about the same size if not slightly larger than the plug. He'd washed them and they were glistening with waterdrops. I really didn't know what to say and lay there a little dazed. Without a further word, Timo set them down on the table in line with the other toys and knelt back down beside my ass. I took the chance to reach down and feel my hole; the lube was so slimy my fingers slipped right inside, and I was surprised that it didn't feel puffy and damaged but rather just looser than normal - smooth and open.

Timo squeezed out more lube onto my ass and almost immediately began introducing the smaller eggplant. It was long and narrow, not too dissimilar in shape to the dildo, but there were no balls on it, and Timo had removed the green stalk. He pushed the wider end in first, while I wiped off my hands on the towel and took a hit of the poppers. After the butt plug, this long narrow eggplant slipped almost effortlessly inside me. I felt almost no pressure on my sphincter - it opened effortlessly. With one finger Timo pushed on the other end lightly and it slid with minimal resistance inside me, so much so that before I knew it I even felt Timo's finger pass my loose, open sphincter too and continue to push the eggplant deep into my guts.

When I sensed my sphincter begin to close around the eggplant and Timo withdraw his finger, I began to panic. A cold sweat washed over me, and a thousand thoughts rushed through my mind. What happened if it got lost inside me? Could it cause damage? Will it hurt trying to get it out? I was shaking and Timo could see the concern in my eyes as I writhed around agitated on the couch.

"Sssshhhh, you can push it right out," he grinned and put his hand on my abdomen to calm me. I felt like I could feel the object deep inside my gut - precisely underneath where he had placed his hand and I thought that perhaps he was imaging where it was too.

"Come on push it out for me," he encouraged. So just like before I pushed and gradually I could feel the vegetable moving inside my colon. The sense of fullness but also violation was so strong, I felt a tingling and pre-cum at the end of my dick. Finally I knew my sphincter was beginning to bloom as the tip of the eggplant passed the threshold of my anus. It felt much like taking a shit, except that my sphincters - both internal and external - were forced to open much wider than usual. The intensity was again indescribable. Once it passed the half way point, the pressure of my sphincter closing up again behind it forced the eggplant forward and at length I felt it shoot out quickly. My hole gaped open slightly and I felt that familiar emptiness again.

Timo didn't miss a beat. He immediately held up the much larger eggplant and grinned - we both knew exactly what would happen now. He took a moment to prepare me again, with the lube and handing me the poppers - I was resigned to the fact that this larger object would be pushed deep into my gut and the feeling of anticipation both excited and scared me in equal measure.

Once again, Timo decided to begin with the wider side of the vegetable. He was rubbing it up against my loosened hole, and it felt large and imposing against my cheeks. He ordered me to spread my crack open and I reached down to grab as best I could on my slippery ass. As I pulled myself open to the invading object, the hot feeling of my ring-piece being stretched wide was instantly more intense than at any moment during the night so far. Timo was looking me directly in the eyes, and he seemed determined to achieve this macabre desire he had in his mind. As the pressure grew, the familiar, involuntary groan escaped from my lips as the white-hot burning sensation shot through my lower body and sent daggers up my legs. I pushed out like I was taking a shit and after another moment the eggplant popped inside me. The widest part had somehow passed by my outer and inner sphincters and the girthy neck of the vegetable held my hole unnaturally wide-open - nonetheless a wave of relief washed over me.

Timo slowly turned the eggplant in a circular motion while applying some pressure to gradually push the last two inches inside me. I was fuller than at any other time in my life. I collapsed down on my side, brought my legs up beside me and took a moment to catch my breath. I could feel intense sensations rising through my guts and with every slight movement I was in nirvana. The eggplant was deep inside me and yet my anus felt like it was unable to close. The stretch that had been required would not be without consequences for my formerly puckered asshole, and the way it continued to gape open I wondered if it would ever regain its shape again.

Timo was overjoyed. He was staring at my hole and couldn't get enough of touching it; he put his hand up against it and savored its openness. He ran his finger around the edge of my sphincter and declared how horny it looked hanging open in that way. For my part, I was taking hit after hit of poppers, enjoying the intensity I had never before experienced of being both widely - and deeply - opened up. I would never have guessed the sheer joy that would come from this feeling of fullness inside my rectum. I wanted it to stay inside me as long as possible. I knew that it wouldn't been as easy to eject the object this time though.

After five or ten minutes, Timo began to encourage me to take deep breaths in and out, he held my hand and guided me in my breathing as I lay, groaning.

"It's coming....let it come!" Timo was encouraging me, and still guiding my breathing as I moaned on the couch trying to gradually push it out of my hole.

"Let the baby come!" He looked down at my confused expression, and continued to grin widely. Finally I understood the desire that he had concocted in his head. Something about the moment turned me on so much and I began to touch myself as I continued to push. I closed my eyes, moaning and letting Timo enjoy his own fantasy moment. The narrow end of the eggplant gradually began to crown and I felt like the wider part would be agony and yet also ecstasy to push out.

"There's a contraction," Timo continued as I tensed my lower abdomen to gain as much force as possible. The eggplant inched out of my wide open hole. I groaned loudly, but had to release for a moment and take a break. I knew it would require one forceful and strong push. I gathered my strength and with a groan I gave it all that I had.

"Yes...that's it...come on now," Timo was still offering words of encouragement while holding my hand, I looked up at him desperately. With my free hand I reached down and felt around; at least an inch of the vegetable was protruding by now. I continued to push.

"Let the baby come! Push it out!" Timo's voice took on a new insistence and gravity. "Dilate the vagina! Come on, ohhh, it's a big one - it's going to ruin your vagina. Push, push, push!"

Finally I felt my anus dilate wide enough as the girthiest part of the eggplant passed through my freshly-created birth canal. Then it slipped out and slopped down on the soaking towel. I had no strength left to even try to tense up my sphincter, and my asshole just lay open as the widest part of the vegetable which has just forced it way out. Timo reached down and rubbed his thumb around my gaping hole - a look of total admiration in his eyes. It was an incredible experience and when I reached down with both hand I was astonished at how loose my new cunt was. I couldn't imagine it ever closing again, and what's more in that moment I didn't want it to. Seeing how Timo looked at my hole, a new desire took hold and I wanted to inspire this kind of feeling in many more men in the future.

Exhausted, I lay back on the couch completely spent, but more content than ever before. This man had given me a gift, he had opened my eyes to a new experience and I wanted to explore it to its very limits - whatever the consequences.

If this chapter turned you on, consider checking out the video that inspired me: Search Xtube "Kinky role-play - giving birth to an aubergine"

Next: Chapter 2

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