A Ghost Finds a Body

By Fang Saito

Published on Sep 3, 2022


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and is protected under copyright laws. The author retains all rights. No reproduction is allowed without the author's consent.

Conversations and feedback are appreciated to Greyson B. via email at hokkaidohotel86it@gmail.com. The emails I have received thus far are greatly appreciated.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting https://donate.nifty.org/.

This story will contain graphic depictions of sex between male teens (m/m). If this is an issue for you or the laws where you live, you are obviously in the wrong place. Also, this is a story with plot, not merely wank material. There will be potentially triggering subjects, including language, violence, and bullying. You have been warned.

You can also check out my other story, Cadence, in the Gay / adult-youth section.

A Ghost Finds a Body

Chapter 4

The two boys managed to get Kyle's pants cleaned up eventually, and with prompting from Marcus' mother, they found an older shirt that managed not to swallow Kyle too terribly. They ended up walking back over to the school in time for Kyle to catch his bus. Dr. Veeson had offered to drive him home, but being mortified about his parent's potential reaction, he begged her not to. She seemed concerned over Kyle's insistence, but in the end acquiesced.

They didn't really talk on the walk back, both still a little intimidated by the other, and a bit embarrassed over the intimacy they had shared. Kyle was still very nervous with the older student. Marcus was not conventionally gorgeous or anything, but he wasn't horrible looking either. Kyle thought he had a kind of charm to him, something that had been growing on him the longer they hung out. He wanted to ask if they could hang out again, but once more feared he would come off as needy and begging. Instead, they got to the school just as the building started to empty of students, and playing something of a knight in shining armor or a bodyguard, Marcus made sure that neither the jocks, nor Brody, were around to stop Kyle from finding his bus.

Once seated, Kyle looked out the window at the junior that was still watching his bus. He kind of wanted to wave, but he also really didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He also wasn't sure how he felt about the entire afternoon. He had really liked what they had done. Man, that had felt awesome, and was definitely going to be something worth jerking off thinking about later. And he had really liked Dr. Veeson.

But deep down he was kind of glad he hadn't had to do anything in return. He was certainly curious what it might have been like to touch Marcus' cock, to stroke it. But what if he had messed it up? What if he couldn't do it right, and Marcus couldn't cum? How humiliating would that have been? Then his feelings started to shift, and now he was starting to feel guilty that he didn't do anything for Marcus.

Kyle wasn't sure what he wanted. He kind of wanted to see Marcus again, but he was also a bit afraid of Marcus. A tiny part of him, the part that lacked self confidence, was worried that the older boy was going to quickly and easily tire of having a freshman, a kid a year or two younger, trying to be friends. But an even bigger part of him was worried about the opposite. Marcus had seemed quite enamored of Kyle, and he was gay! What if this was all about sex? What if Marcus wanted him to do other stuff? Butt stuff? Marcus had said he had already done stuff with other guys. Had he done anal? Had he fucked other guys? Did he want to fuck Kyle?

Marcus was really big guy! Kyle was around average for his age of 14, something like 5'6 and 125 pounds. Marcus though, damn. He had to be at least a foot taller than Kyle, and easily double his weight. If Kyle had a seven inch penis, what kind of monster did Marcus have to have in his pants? He had seen enough porn videos to see the size of the cocks that all the adult tops wielded. Marcus would tear him in two! Kyle didn't even notice that his own cock twitched at the idea.

Kyle's father never got home from work before 6pm, but it was 50/50 whether his mother would be home when he arrived home from school on a given day. Today he lucked out, and the house was empty. Kyle went back to his room, dropped off his backpack, and headed to the bathroom. He undid his zipper and pulled out his member in order to pee, and found that perhaps he hadn't cleaned up as well as he thought, because his penis and pubes were still sticky and nasty.

"Ew", Kyle said. But it was said quietly, and with a little fascination in his voice. By the time he finished relieving himself, he was already starting to plump back up a little, stiffening as his mind replayed just exactly how he had gotten so messy. Deciding that a shower was just as necessary as clean clothes, Kyle started stripping down, tossing his clothes in a pile on the floor. As he pulled his shirt over his head, he felt the sting of his shoulder, and gingerly slowed down to more carefully finish removing the shirt. This also reminded Kyle that Dr. Veeson had given him strict instructions to make sure not to get the bandages wet, unless he had someone to change the dressings afterward.

The shower turned out to be more awkward than he had initially anticipated because of the bandage. Trying to get his hair clean turned out to be a lengthy, delicate effort. Concentrating so much on keeping the back of his shoulder dry had the added effect of making him mostly forget about his aroused cock. Mostly. Well, at least it was enough of a distraction that he didn't stroke himself too much. Well, not as much as he normally might have. Well, at least he didn't finish himself in the shower.

After finishing his shower and managing to get himself dry, Kyle wrapped his towel around his waist and gathered up his clothes before making his way back to his bedroom. He quickly dumped the clothes in his hamper, followed by the towel he was wearing. Kyle slipped on some briefs and basketball shorts, then laid down on his bed. His parents didn't think he was old enough for a cell phone, and his laptop and Xbox had been confiscated as part of his being grounded, so he just lay there in a bit of a funk. He thought about pulling out a book, but was too preoccupied by the day's events to give in to that distraction.

The afternoon had been so full of highs and lows. Kyle had cried in the library. Cried! In front of people! True, Marcus appeared to be the only one who saw, but even that was mortifying. Kyle was so embarrassed over how much of a little kid he had to have seemed. First he cried, then he proved he didn't know how to take care of his own injuries, and then... Kyle blushed as he thought back to what had happened. He had admitted he had no experience, and then had begged Marcus for sex! How he had come up with the courage to do that, he had no idea. But he did. And then Marcus had actually jerked him off. God, how amazing that had felt. How perfect. How right.

Kyle pulled down the waistband of his shorts and underwear, cupping them under his balls. He always loved the pressure this caused them, and his rapidly swelling hardon twitched as he grabbed it in his fist. As long as it was, it was quite skinnny, so he was easily able to wrap his fingers around the shaft as he began stroking. As Kyle closed his eyes and recalled how it had felt to have the older guy's hand on him, his tip spit up a heavy bead of precum, which fought to stay at his tip, but was quickly too much, and began running down the underside of his cock. His fist encountered the mess on his next slow upstroke, and he unconsciously adjusted his fingers to work the slickness along his shaft, lubricating his actions. He remembered how Marcus' fingers had regularly swirled around his cock head, and though he normally never did this himself, this time he deliberately tried to recreate the experience. This caused him to leak even more pre, even as his abdomen tensed at the extra sensation. It didn't feel the same though, since his hand automatically flinched away as soon as the sensation was too much.

Abandoning the distraction of rubbing his sensitive head, Kyle went back to his tried and true jackoff method, and after a few minutes had himself ready to climax. His rhythm sped up, his tip flared, and his stomach tensed as his cock began spewing forth its messy load. Similar to before, only the first shot managed to fly free to land in his naval, while the rest ran down his shaft, over his fist. Kyle couldn't get the memory of feeling Marcus' hand gripping him out of his thoughts, and really hoped they could do it again.

Kyle managed to get through the weekend without getting too much grief from his folks, and Monday morning found him nervously contemplating all his potential options. Should he try to find Marcus? Would he have changed his mind over the weekend? By Saturday Kyle had realized that he had no contact information for Marcus. Not only did he not have his phone number, he realized he didn't even actually know his address. He hadn't paid enough attention to catch the street name. In the end Kyle decided that he didn't have much to go on, and went back to his default, drifting back into the background to see if Marcus might find him instead.

The morning passed quickly without incident, and without seeing Marcus. In an effort to make it easier to be found, he retraced his steps at lunch and headed back to the library. He got the stink eye from the librarian, but he went back and took a cubicle in the back. He recognized the kid that was already back there, named Cade, that was in a few of his classes. He tried chatting him up for a minute about one of their assignments, but the conversation quickly fell apart since it was obvious that they were both quiet wallflowers. Cade had a bit of an emo nerdy thing going on, but was way too skinny and pale to really do much for Kyle. Not to mention short. Even shorter than Kyle. Still, he was a great student, and usually good for a helping hand if approached about a homework assignment. The lunch period passed disappointingly quick, with no Marcus. After school he tried lingering at the door Marcus had taken him out of on Friday, but he didn't see him before finally having to run catch his bus home.

Tuesday passed the same, and by Wednesday Kyle had given up on the idea of Marcus wanting to meet him again. He was therefore pleasantly surprised when he went by his locker after second period and saw Marcus leaning in a doorway a short distance down the hall. Being so tall, he could see over most of the crowd, and as he spotted Kyle, his face lit up. He straightened up from his slouch and moved through the other students to intersect Kyle.

"Hey there," said Marcus.

"Hey," responded Kyle hesitantly. He was glad to see the older student, but was waiting to see the mood of the conversation before committing.

"I haven't seen you around. I don't know if I've been missing you, or what."

"I've been around. Sorry I didn't run into you." Kyle paused, trying to decide how much to ask. "So what's up?"

"I just didn't know," Marcus started to say, but then trailed off. There was a pause between the two boys as they managed to lock eyes with one another, the noise and bustle of the students around them ignored. Then Marcus continued, speaking fast, as if he had gathered up his courage to speak, but needed to get it out before he lost his nerve. "Do you want to meet up with me again. I'm sorry. I don't want to seem pushy, but I really like you, and I want to hang out with you again."

Kyle quickly glanced around to see if anyone seemed to be overhearing their conversation. The crowd in the hall seemed to be too chaotic for anyone to really pay them any attention. Kyle was just about to respond, but Marcus mistook the younger boy's glances as panic, and quickly jumped back into backpedalling.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so pushy. We don't have to do anything. We can just hang out. We don't even have to go to my house. We can hang out at the mall or something." All this was said very quickly, with Marcus barely stopping to take a breath.

Kyle thought it was kind of sweet, and smiled as he said, "Sure."

"Wait, really?" asked a bemused Marcus.

"Yeah," Kyle responded. He blushed slightly as he added, "I've thought about you a lot since Friday. It would be cool to hang out again."

"Would you be able to come over after school some afternoon?"

Kyle frowned, thinking about his grounding. "I don't know," he said. "I'm still grounded. Maybe I can claim it is a study group? Something for school?"

"Well, see what you can find out," Marcus said, then with a grin, he added, "I'm sure there are a few subjects I could 'tutor' you in!"

Kyle blushed again, and nodded.

"Hey, give me your cell phone," Marcus said, "so I can give you my number."

Kyle's face fell a bit as he quietly admitted, "Sorry, I don't have a cell phone."

Marcus was confused for just a moment, but then said, "No problem." He pulled out a notebook, scribbled down his name and some other details. As he handed it to the shorter boy, he said, " I wrote down my email address as well as my number, in case you want to contact me that way."

"Oh," Kyle responded, as he accepted the folded piece of paper. His shoulders hunched as he ashamedly responded, "About that. My parents took my laptop as part of my punishment." He seemed a bit angry and resentful as he added, "So I can't email or get on Discord right now."

"Geez, that sucks," said Marcus. Then, piping up, he grinned and said, "We really need to get you un-grounded!"

Kyle laughed, and quickly agreed. They chatted for another minute before both needing to leave and get to their next classes. They did agree to meet in the cafeteria for lunch, which went well. Nobody seemed to notice or care that they were sitting together, and they were able to spend an enjoyable half hour exploring various topics to learn the hobbies and interests of one another. By the end of the day, Kyle was feeling particularly good about himself, and vowed to press his mom on the possibility of an after school visit.

In the end it didn't take much convincing. Kyle did a bit of polite whining at dinner, and ended up getting his laptop back, as well as permission to stay out for a "study group" after school Friday, as long as he could figure out a ride home. As soon as possible after dinner, Kyle took his laptop back to his room and shot Marcus a quick email about Friday, and whether he could possibly get a ride home by dinner time. While he waited for a response, he spent some time catching up on all the online stuff he had missed the last few days.

A little after 9pm, he received a response back from Marcus.

Hey there, Friday sounds perfect. I can absolutely give you a ride home. By 6? 7? Whenever, no problem. Should be a lot of fun, and I look forward to seeing you again. Want to meet for lunch again tomorrow? I'll be at the same table we were at today, if you want to. If not, no problem as well. I can't wait until Friday.

Kyle was both nervous and excited as he read the email. He sent back a short reply agreeing to meet for lunch, then put away the computer. Did Marcus really like him? Did he like Marcus? Sure, he seemed like a nice enough guy, but he was worried that he would want too much. After all, Kyle still liked girls. But he certainly wasn't going to turn down the possibility for more sex.

School passed surprisingly quickly both Thursday and Friday. Both days, Kyle ate lunch with Marcus. They shared enough interests in movies and music to find each other entertaining, although it was clear that Marcus was definitely in the nerd crowd. He seemed to know every niche science fiction and fantasy series on any streaming service imaginable. Kyle was also starting to feel quite hampered about not having his own cell phone. He would be turning 15 in only a few months though, so if he couldn't talk his parents into one by Christmas, maybe he could convince them for his birthday. It hadn't bothered him before, but now he actually had someone he wanted to talk to.

The bell finally rang, announcing the end of the school day. Kyle made a quick stop by his locker to swap out his books for the weekend, and navigated to the side entrance to meet Marcus. As he was waiting, it occurred to him that he was very deliberately doing this for sex. It weirded him out a bit, and he almost changed his mind and bolted for the front of the school, and his bus. But when he saw Marcus headed his way, he was glad he stayed, and had decided to just enjoy whatever happened.

Next: Chapter 5

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