A Great Place to Live

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 27, 2009


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at subchub4yngchsr@aol.com. For those of you who have read my other story - Young Master From DC, I will at some point continue that and have a conclusion to that story but this is the story I am interested in writing right now and I hope you all enjoy it.

The next few chapters will go over my early years and up to the end of my life in phase 1 of Utopia. Then we will be covering my life living with and serving Master Richie and possibly some other stories from some of the other slaves in Utopia and maybe some of the civil servants. Please note this is still a setup chapter and there is not really BDSM or Authoritarian tone yet, but stick with me, its coming soon.

A Great Place to Live - Chapter 2

In the weeks leading up to July 1st 2009 my parents took care of saying good bye to the few friends they still had, rid themselves of all worldly possessions, as you are not allowed to bring anything with you to Utopia except the clothes on your back. For the most part they donated everything to goodwill. They were very excited and ready to move down to Utopia in Florida. Finally their travel package arrived a few days before they were scheduled to leave. A limo would pick them up at their apartment and take them to the airport in NY. There they would be met by a Utopia representative who will get them through ticketing, security and check in quickly.

So the big day arrived and they were very excited. The car arrived on time and they breezed through the airport process with the help of the Utopia rep. They boarded the plane and it left on time. No turning back now, their new lives were about to begin. After the quick 3 hour flight, they landed in Florida. Once through security they were met by greeters from Utopia. They boarded the van and were immediately blindfolded and noise reduction headphones where placed on each of them. This was not a surprise as they were told this would be done to protect the location of Utopia. As far as they can tell it was around a two hour drive from the airport to Utopia. Of course for all they knew it was five miles from the airport and they just drove around in circles for the two hours. Of course that was not true and they were two hours away from the airport and a good hour away from the closest big city.

When they arrived at the gates the headphones and blindfolds were removed. There were armed guards at the gates and there was a notice posted on the fence warning outsiders to stay out. Also it mentioned that once through the gates you were on the sovereign land of Utopia and all rules and laws of Utopia would be upheld and supersedes the laws of the state of Florida and the United States of America. Our two greeters from Utopia told us this was absolutely the last chance we had to turn around. Once we walk through the gates (No motor cars allowed) there was no turning back. My mom and dad looked at each other and both said lets do it. They exited the van and walked to the gate. It opened up for them and they were escorted in by their greeters.

Once through the gates they were taken immediately to the welcome center. The Welcome Center was as building that was bigger then a football field and you were to follow a line and go from room to room and the orientation process would take most of the day. First thing they had to do was remove all of the clothing they had with them and turn over their driver's licenses and passports. Next they were taken to a room where they were to shower and their bodies were sprayed with a disinfectant. They showered and put on sweat suits that were given to them to wear through the orientation process. After that they were fingerprinted and blood samples were taken from each of them to make sure no diseases were contacted since they were selected. A doctor gave them a brief physical exam and checked my mom with an ultrasound to make sure I was developing alright. She was not eight months pregnant. In fact all 100 mothers coming in were between 6 and 8 months pregnant. They passed their physicals and moved on. In the next room they were given a shot in their arm that installed a microchip GPS unit with unique serial numbers in each of them. They were now officially citizens of Utopia and they could be found at any time. They were told they could go anywhere in Phase 1. If they tried to leave through the gate they would get an electronic shock and if they tried to enter phase 2 they would get a shock that would knock them out and they would be punished to the fullest extent of the law (immediate slavery for you and your spouse).

That concluded the initial phase of the orientation. They then joined a few other couples who were entering Utopia that day for an informational session about where they would be living and what their jobs would be. The first thing they found out is that the new mothers would not get assigned jobs until their children were 5 and entered kindergarten. The founders of Utopia felt it was important for mothers to be their for the first few years of a male childs life. After that the nanny can take care of most of those duties and the women can become active members of the community. The men were assigned the jobs that they would hold for the next 15 years. There were no salaries since moneyw as not used in Utopia. If you needed something it was provided to you. Each job was for 40 hours a week and unless you were sick you were expected to work that every week for the next 15 years. There were no vacations except for the week your son is born you would get two weeks off from the day he is born. Now my dad was a bank executive in his past life and was very excited to find out what his new job would be. Well he did not have to wait much longer. For the next fifteen years my dad would be a librarian at the middle school. Considering the choices he could have gotten much worse and their was not much physical labor involved. He was told school was year round so it would always be open and his hours would be Mon-Fri from 8AM to 5PM for the next 15 years. Well better then being a garbage man. It really was not important what job you were assigned just that you did it to the best of your ability. There were no salaries, no benefits, everything was provided to you in Utopia and all residents were equals in Phase 1. They were given a welcome folder with maps of Phase 1 and the location of where they would be moving. All 100 new families would be in section 10 of Phase 1. Each years new arrivals are always placed together and there are always 1500 families living in Phase 1 at any given time. Next they brought in tailors who took their measurements and clothes would be delivered to their town homes as soon as they were done.

Next they were instructed on some of the rules they were to live by in Phase 1. Curfew was 10pm during the week and Midnight on weekends. No one was to be out on the streets after those times. You were only allowed to socialize with families in your section. You are never to mention to your son what will happen after the 8th grade is completed. You will be assigned a buddy family who has been living here 10 years and they will work with you the first month to get you acclimated to living in Utopia.

Finally they were ready. Their buddy family met them and walked them to section 10. There were 15 buildings each with 10 town homes. Each driveway had two golf carts in it. They start by fingerprint ID and you used them to get around Utopia. As mentioned earlier there are no cars in Utopia and you got everywhere by walking or using the golf carts. In Phase 2 there is public transportation but its people powered (to be explained later) not electric or gas. Utopia takes advantage of solar power for most of it's electricity and also have a power plant in phase 2. No one in phase 1 knows this but its driven by slave labor (will have more information on the power plant in future chapters). Utopia is totally self sufficient, completely off the grid from the rest of the country.

They entered their townhouse and where greeted by Carla who was to be my nanny for the first 15 years of my life. She was a 40 yr old woman at the time of my birth. She was their to be housekeeper, maid, and nanny for the entire time my parents were in Phase 1 of Utopia. The townhouse had two levels. The main level had a family room with a couch and table, a nice recliner for my dad and a large screen tv on the wall. Of course only approved shows could be watched in Utopia. The living room was a more elegant room used to entertain other families. The kitchen and dining room made up the rest of the main level. The apartment my parents had in NYC was less then one quarter of the first level of the townhouse. The kitchen had state of the art appliances and a nice table to eat breakfast at. The formal dining room had a table that could seat up to 12. The entire floor was furnished down to little knick knacks all over the place. They used the information they knew about my parents to figure what to buy.

My parents settled right into life in Utopia. Over the next few days all 100 families moved in. Well I should say all 100 sets of parents since all the woman were pregnant at the time. They had a get to know your neighbors function that first week and my parents became friendly with a few of the other expecting parents. The first thing they noticed was everyone of the 100 families was white. In fact all 1500 families in Phase 1 were white. The only non-white people they saw around where the civil servants who had some of the public jobs in Phase 1. All of the expecting parents were in their mid twenties to mid thirties and everyone seemed to be in fairly decent shape and good looking. In the back of their mind they were wondering which of these 20 couples would live the life of luxury after phase 1, and which 20 would live out their lives as servants and slaves here or in other Utopia's around the world. If my parents only knew they would fall into that bottom 20 I don't know if they would be so happy then. At least they got to enjoy 15 good years in Phase 1.

A few weeks later the mothers in Section 10 started giving birth to their baby boys. My mother was one of the middle ones. But by the end of the first summer their were 100 new residents in Utopia. After all 100 families had their son's it was time to bring in the doctor's to sterilize the men and tie the tubes of the women so they would no longer be able to have children. The way that they performed these operations it was irreversible. Remember this was one of the things they agreed to when moving here. So they left me with Carla for a day and went to the hospital in the center of town when their appointment was scheduled. My father met with the doctor first. It was a very cut and dry procedure. The doctor injected a substance into both of my fathers balls and he was instantly sterile. He would never be able to ejaculate again in his life. The doctor was very cold and even joked that this made it easier if he saw him again years from now. My dad did not know what he meant but the doctor was referring to the fact that some of the Master's in Phase 2 liked to have eunuch's around and the doctor performed the surgery to remove the slave or even some of the servant's penises at the Masters requests. In fact the doctor's were nothing more then civil servants of Utopia and were at the beck and call of the phase 2 Masters.

The first few years of my life in Utopia were not very different from if I had grown up anywhere else. To us it was natural that there were always other boys your own age to play with and no one ever questioned why there were no little girls around. Once we were 5 years old we started our schooling. We were broken up into 4 classes of 25 students each. We would have the same groups until we graduated from 8th grade. My given name was Michael and everyone called me Mikey growing up. Of course our parents were never allowed to discuss what was going to happen to us after 8th grade they tried everything they could to prepare and get us into the top 20. Of course no one knew what the selection criteria would be that year. It could be anything. The Founder's had carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. Our parents had us playing sports, reading books, doing extra homework. All hoping we would place in the top 20. Almost just as much for us as for them to get a life of luxury after Phase 1.

By the time we reached 3rd grade things were not looking good for my parents. Even though I played the sports with everyone I was never any good and did not enjoy them. I was not fat but was a little chubby compared to everyone else. And even at that young age it was very apparent that my cock was extremely small. In adulthood my slave cock is only 3 inches when hard. Master Richie jokes often about why bother chopping it off as it's barely there. I am grateful for that. The only thing I had going for me was I was a natural student. I excelled and got great grades even with very little effort. I loved movies, watching tv and surfing approved web sites. My best friends growing up were Tommy, Richie, and Joey. The four of us hang out all the time. Our parents knew that law of averages at least one of us would be a slave for the rest of our lives.

By the time we were in Sixth grade the four of us were inseparable. We would get in minor trouble from time to time but never anything serious. Even at that young age it was apparent that Richie was the leader of our little group and I was probably the biggest follower of any of us. When Richie told me to do something or said we are going somewhere I went or did it no questions asked. At the time I had no idea that this would be the fate for the rest of my life so it's almost like I was getting practice and falling into the role I was destined for even before it was determined. It does go to show that there are naturally submissive men and men who are just meant to lead and dominate. Richie was one of them. In Sixth Grade and 12 years old he was already 5'5" inches tall, very slender and one of the best athletes in our year. Everyone admired him. I had seen him in the showers sometimes too and he had a huge cock or at least what I considered huge at the time. One time I thought he caught me staring but he just smiled and never mentioned it. That smile. Oh I loved that smile. They taught us all about boys and girls in school but we had no physical contact with girls our own age ever. For some reason that never bothered me. I realized I was more attracted to the other boys anyways. When Richie smiled I would melt and be butter in his hands to meld however he wanted. I am pretty sure he knew this also but he never took advantage of it. Now there were some bullies and other kids who did try to take advantage but Richie was my protector and they all respected him so I was left alone. By this time I was an outcast and a loner among the kids my own age.

Oh boy it's getting late and Master Richie's son will be home from school soon. He might need something from me so I better wrap it up. The next chapter will go over my last few free years and how they brought us into phase 2 as Masters, Servants and slaves. Again I realize this chapter did not have much Authoritarian material but trust me future chapters will make up for it.

As always I love feedback on the story. It's good to know people are actually reading it. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. Of course this story is total fiction but would have loved to be one of the bottom 20 boys and made to be lifetime slave to a young Master. If you are a young dom in need of an older sub/slave lets chat. I am on Gay.com screen name sub4ltrwyngrdom if you want to chat or email me at subchub4yngchsr@aol.com

Next: Chapter 3

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