A Great Place to Live

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Mar 13, 2009


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at subchub4yngchsr@aol.com. For those of you who have read my other story - Young Master From DC, I will at some point continue that and have a conclusion to that story but this is the story I am interested in writing right now and I hope you all enjoy it.

A Great Place to Live - Chapter 3

So it was now the Summer before our 8th grade year of school. All of the parents in Section 10 of Phase 1 of Utopia knew that this was their last full year in Utopia. The lucky 20 parents would be off to the Mexican Riviera to live a life of luxury. The middle 60 would become civil servants and nannies. And that unfortunate bottom 20 will join the ranks of slaves and Utopia prostitutes around the world. Not a pretty picture for most of the parents and some of them were wondering was it worth it. Most would say yes, with all of the censored news they heard from outside of Utopia, the world economy was struggling and there was widespread unemployment and crime throughout the United States and the world. Utopia has been their little slice of heaven. As for us kids, we were loving life. Hanging out at the pools, roaming around town like we owned the place. Hell we were the oldest kids in Utopia now. No one was sure what happens after you graduate 8th grade but none of the parents would talk about it so we didn't bother to ask anymore.

Our final year of Middle School is about to start and I was very excited to see Richie, Joey and Tommy every day. As mentioned earlier I would do whatever Richie asked and the other kids knew that and would sometimes make fun of me behind my back or too me when Richie was not around. Joey and Tommy would also stick up for me, but Richie was my knight in shining armor. He was an all around god. Little did I know that he really would be treated as one soon. Richie got great grades, was an amazing athlete and had a huge cock for someone his age. He was a triple threat. It was one of the few things that kept me going everyday was knowing I would see Richie at school. We would all eat lunch together everyday. I would take the trays away from the table. No one asked me too, I just started doing it and no one stopped me. Then they started asking me to get them things. An extra Milk, Second helpings, give them my dessert. I was starting to see a real submissive side in myself. Again this was all very new to me at the time. By the time the new year rolled around I got all three of them lunch everyday and did not eat until they were done.

Behind the scenes the leaders of Utopia were meeting to determine who the top 20 and who the bottom 20 boys would be. They had pictures of all of us taken through out the years with hidden cameras all over Utopia including the school locker rooms. With our pictures they had our grades, our athletic accomplishments and any other pertinent facts they felt they needed to make their decisions. By the end of May they had made their decisions and our fates were sealed. Graduation day was June 15th so we had less than a month left in our old lives. Our parents were enjoying everyday that they had with us and some of them were starting to act all sentimental and funny around us. We had no idea why.

Finally the day arrived. It was June 15th, 2024. Almost 15 years since we moved into Section 10 of Utopia Phase 1. This was the last day of school. As far as we knew tomorrow starts our regular Summer vacation. When we got to school we were told that there would be a special assembly at the end of day before we were to go home. All the students were trying to figure out what the assembly was about but none of the teachers would tell us. Apparently today is a work holiday in Utopia for all parents in Section 10 and they were to remain at home. So the day came to an end and we were all brought into the auditorium. Onstage were a group of men we had never met before. They introduced themselves as representatives of the founders of Utopia.

They started off by announcing. Today is the last day of your past lives and tomorrow starts the beginning of the rest of your lives. You see when your parents agreed to live here 15 years ago they signed a contract that said 20 of you would become Masters, 20 slaves, and the rest civil servants here in Utopia. You have never seen so many shocked looks on the faces of young teenage boys. Everyone was looking around trying to figure out where they would be placed. Next they told us that we would never see our parents again. If we were made a Master our parents would be flown to a seaside resort to live, the civil servant parents would be brought into the service pool also. The parents of the 20 slaves would not fare so well. The men would be shipped off to other Utopia's around the globe as work slaves and the women would go to Utopia owned brothels for the rest of their lives. When they entered Utopia and you were born they signed over parental rights to the town. They have no legal claim to you anymore. You should forget about them as there is no chance you will ever meet up with them again.

After a few more announcements they called the first twenty names. I was wondering where I would fall but had a pretty good idea I would not be in the top group. Best I could hope for was to be a civil servant. Of course I had no idea what that entailed but it sounded better then being a slave. As the first names were being called I was paying close attention. One of the first to be called was Richie. I was very excited and happy for Richie and hoped that first group would be the Masters. After all 20 were called and seated on the stage, the founders announced that these 20 are the future Masters and leaders of Utopia. Everyone was told to applaud and cheer for them. So we did. Now the room was starting to fill up with Utopia guards all along the aisles and exits. The next sixty names were called and they were hurried out of the auditorium. Tommy and Joey were included in that group. I will dedicate a chapter or two to the life of a civil servant later on.

That left 20 of us still sitting in the stands. We were told to stand and come up to the front two rows. Once there we were again told to sit. We were given the bad news that we were to be slaves for the rest of our lives and that our ex-classmates would be our Masters. As of that minute we were now slaves. We had no rights, no freedoms, we were at the whims of our Masters. The first thing we were told was to strip naked. Slaves in Utopia Phase 2 never wear clothes. Everyone was slow to react until one of the guards cracked a whip in the air. All of a sudden all twenty of us were bare ass naked real fast. Most of us instinctively covered our cocks with our hands. We were told this was a no-no and that we were to always have our cocks on display for our Masters. At this point they left us sitting there naked and turned their attention to the twenty Masters on the stage to explain to them what would happen next.

We could hear them talking to the future group of Masters on the stage and all we could do was sit there. The Masters would be ranked from 1 to 20 and would be picking the slave that they wanted for the rest of their life. The slave would be sent to the processing center for one day and then join their new Master. The Master would be responsible for training the slave any way they see fit and however they wanted the slave to serve. Number 1 would get first choice of slave and so on down the list until number 20. As it turned out Master Richie was number 4 on the list. They never found out how the list was determined. Although they were only 15 years old they were now in control of their own lives and destinies. They would live until they were ready to be retired in Utopia Phase 2 in the lap of luxury with slaves to do everything for them. Each one of them would be given a mansion to live in with over 10,000 sq feet of living space that they would be able to design. Until the mansion was ready they would live with another Master and his family. Each Master would also be given the chance to take a wife to breed with. She will also be a slave but is to be treated with respect and to care for your child until they are 15 also and then she will be sent away or you can keep them. Aside from the slave you pick today each mansion will come with equipped with multiple house slaves and you can choose daily slaves from the Utopia slave force. There are over 10,000 slaves available at any time and only 400 to 500 Masters so there is never a shortage of slaves. There are also over 2,000 civil servants and they are beneath you but cannot be treated as harshly as slaves. You will get explained to you later how you can handle civil servants.

The slaves sitting in the auditorium are no longer your friends, your equals or even human. They are now to be considered property and nothing else for the rest of their lives. They have no rights and cannot disobey you ever. You may punish them any way you see fit. Feed them when you want, starve them if they don't deserve food. You can use them as toilets, beat them for your amusement and pretty much do whatever you want. The only thing you could not do was kill a slave. The slaves are owned by the Master but are still property of Utopia. The Master will decide if he wants his slave to have hair or be shaved. You may castrate your slave if you want, or even have his penis chopped off and have a clit formed. Each slave can be branded, tattooed and pierced however you like.

You will continue your education until you graduate high school, your slaves will attend school with you but as your servants. It is up to you if you want to continue your education past that level. You will never have to work a day in your life. There are golf courses, country clubs, and all other leisure activities available to you. In a few minutes you will have the opportunity to inspect all the slaves and then you will pick the slave that will be yours for the rest of your life. After you choose them you will get 1 hour with the slave and then they will be taken away for processing and returned to you 24 hours later.

They then turned their attention to us in the seats. They told us to rise and form a line along the exit row. As we were all naked we tried to keep some space in between each of us, however the guards pushed us together and we were nuts to butts. We were lead on stage were there were 20 raised platforms that appeared out of the floor. We were led one by one to a platform where shackles were attached to your legs. Then from the ceiling collars were dropped and very quickly the twenty of us were collared and not able to move. Our hands were cuffed behind our back. The Masters were told they now had 20 minutes to explore us and figure out which slave they wanted. Master Richie was exploring some of the other stock but then he came up to me and told me that he was looking forward to me serving him for the rest of his life. Lets face it your rightful place is at my feet and we have known that for years. This will just make it official. The really fucked up thing was he was right. I was meant to be Master Richie's slave from the moment I met him. I just hoped I was still available when it was his turn to pick. He told me that he talked to the three picking before him and they promised not to pick me. Master Richie was grabbing my cock, or should I say his second cock and was saying out loud that maybe he would have it removed. That scared me but I knew I would have no say in the matter. Oh well it's getting late again and my time on the computer is up. I hope to be able to continue this story soon and tell about my first few days with Master Richie. Bye for now.

As always I love feedback on the story. It's good to know people are actually reading it. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. Of course this story is total fiction but would have loved to be one of the bottom 20 boys and made to be lifetime slave to a young Master. If you are a young dom in need of an older sub/slave lets chat. I am on Gay.com screen name sub4ltrwyngrdom if you want to chat or email me at subchub4yngchsr@aol.com

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