A Hogwarts Shorty

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jul 15, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Part 2


G. Cutter

Harry stretched himself in his bed, he could hear movements in the dorm and realised that others were up and about. It seemed Ron must have departed in the early hours and he was glad really. In the afterglow and around four in the morning they'd gone 'Securite' and had further sex and idly chatted about making an open statement and sod the rest of the school. They'd come out and proclaim to all and sundry they were partners - maybe not such a good idea at all. He had enough enemies, a lover would be a target and Harry couldn't bear to see Ron harmed. Of course, they'd both have to bear Slytherine taunts and maybe even opposition from friends and even Ron's family. The risk was too great and Ron had taken the noble if cowardly way out.

Harry threw his curtains apart and stepped from his bed and promptly jumped back in, he was still fully naked.

'Good morning, Harry.' Neville had to say something. Neville always did.

'Morning,' Harry croaked hurriedly pulling his pyjama bottoms on and grabbed his bathroom gear and towel.

He glanced at his watch and he was running late, this was the last day of term, they had exams in the forenoon and the afternoon off. In the evening they had the Grand End of Term Dinner when the points were determined and the House Cup awarded but the afternoon was first and foremost on Harry's mind. He'd got a taste for sex last night and he was determined to press ahead with Ron, he just hoped and prayed his friend felt the same way in the cold light of day.

He found Ron in the bathroom cleaning his teeth with a towel around his waist and as he took the next handbasin to start his ablutions Ron just glanced at him straightfaced. Harry's nerves were in tatters, his legs trembled.

'Morning, sweetheart,' Ron whispered.

'Hi,' Harry saw in the mirror a big soppy grin come over his face. All was well with the world.

'My litttle Lolita is in the shower,' Ron whispered and jerked his head to the rear.

'Really,' Harry laughed presuming Ron was talking about Colin and feeling a flash of jealousy continued in a lower voice. 'Better go and check him out... don't cop a stiffy for God's sake.'

'We going for it...? What we were talking about, you know C.C?'

'Yeah,' Harry grinned. Adventure was in the air, all they had to do was get through a morning of exams and then the working term was over, the thought of getting little Colin in a sex sandwich was the perfect end to the school year and he felt his dick twitch. It would need a bit of organising but he and Ron were good at plotting and planning, Ron came from a long line of mischief makers.

A few minutes later he walked into the showers and there was Ron in his pale glory with water bouncing off his freckled shoulders and in the corner Colin Creevey all soaped up and with his eyes screwed shut. The kid was a little angel and Harry felt another twing but fixated on Snape in long johns, that cooled him down a bit. He stood under a seperate shower and took the chance to baltantly oggle little Colin. He had a perky little willy that was barely an inch in length but would doubtless grow a little if excited but not a lot Harry guessed. As the boy turned around his delicious boy bottom came into view and this was totally and without the slightest shadow of a doubt a thing of sheer beauty. Colin was small anyway but he had the bottom of a child and the perv in Harry suddenly surfaced, he hurriedly turned inwards.

'Gawd...' he moaned out loud as he turned to face the wall.

Ron showering alongside giggled. 'Gissa wiggle, Col.'

'Shurrup,' Colin squealed and then with a little laugh waggled his sweet, soap sheened little bum.

'Gawd.' This time the two older boys moaned in unison. Colin's fate was sealed.

By lunchtime the exams were over and after the meal the students were free to do what they wished. Ron and Harry had talked and there was only one way they could see to get Colin up to the Common Room, the door was through his ever present camera and fate played into their hands. As they walked out onto the veranda into the chilly afternoon air they saw Colin with his younger chums flashing a camera which was much smaller and much newer than his normal one. A Christmas present Harry guessed and moved in.

'Nice camera, Col. Can I have a look?'

'Yeah,' Colin beamed, he absolutely hero worshipped Harry and by default Ron came under the umberella of approval. 'It's a new one, a digital.'

'Digital?' Ron chipped ion looking mystified.

'Yeah, no film, no developing and all that sort of thing.'

'I'd better be careful,' Harry handled the compact little instrument gingerly, he didn't want to drop it and break Colin's heart. He had a spell that would take care of it but unlike some he had a stock of spells he kept very much secret, an awful lot of spells and he was prepared to use some to get the afternoon on track.

'You take the picture and it's stored in pixels on a memory card. You can then download your memory onto a computer and print or whatever,' Colin declared and almost danced in delight. 'You can see what your picture will come out like,' he gave the older boys a demonstration.

'Wow,' Ron gazed at his own image in the fold out panel from a few seconds earlier.

'It's like a polaroid?' Harry remarked.

'Yeah, sorta,' Colin agreed ever eager to please.

'Great for dirty pictures,' Ron sniggered but stopped as Harry frowned, Colin was a great blusher and he'd suddenly gone crimson.

'You could do some nice portraits,' Harry knelt a little and squinted through the lens at Colin, God the kid was so angelic.

'I could do some of you,' Colin volunteered eagerly walking right into the slightly accidental trap. Harry smiled at Ron.

'In private,' Harry murmured. 'I don't want to sit here with everyone ogling me. You could do some of Ron as well, then some together. I could do some of you as well for your mum,' Harry pressed on, he had Colin, he could see that from the kid's smile. Colin was trapped or even ensnared, whichever, he was just a little nearer to being the meat in a sex sandwich.

'Yeah, great,' Colin enthused. 'Where do you want to go?' His voice had dropped as if things had gone top secret and that suited both Harry and Ron down to the ground.

'We'll go up our dorm,' Harry suggested. 'No one there this time of day.'

'Good idea,' Ron backed up his lover and Colin tagged along as they left the rest of the mob who were splitting up into various clans and gangs. Hermoine was nowhere to be seen but she was probably at a girls only bash for the end of term... that fact was a Godsend big time. They made their way up the big staircase to their quarters without bumping into anyone of importance and Colin kept up a steady stream of chatter a stream that Harry was determined to dam with something meaty in the very near future.

Once in the warmth of the dorm they removed their outdoor clothing and relaxed. Ron actually managed to produce drinks with a quite routine spell and without blowing the place up... they were off.

'Facials and torsos,' Harry declared giving his wand a small shake. He heard the door click locked shut so no one would be coming though that for a few hours, they were safe.

'What, bare chests and whatnot?' Colin giggled again.

'Yeah, arty tarty,' Ron backed up Harry vaguely following their non-plan. He didn't know where Harry was headed but he assumed it entailed Colin and the four poster.

'Yeah, go on then, Harry. Sit in the light and look pensive,' Colin ordered now beginning to find his feet. He wondered if he could get Harry and Ron wrestling around half naked but that was a little too much to expect. Colin wasn't a complete innocent and the thought of his two favourite big boys under his command gave him a little buzz.

'OK,' Harry gave Ron an eye roll and perched on an upright chair and looked serious and then smiled as Colin clicked a couple off. He then showed the result which impressed Ron no end if not Harry so much. 'Do a couple of Ron now Col.'

'OK,' Colin went into his routine again as Ron posed bare chested on the chair. More clicks and more peering at the little screen.

'Sit on the bed Colin. We'll do some of you with me and then some of you with Ron.'

'OK,' Colin gulped. He thought he'd died and gone to heaven. A real portrait with the most famous boy in the school and with Ron and he did like Ron a bit more than he should. His little heart fluttered as he tugged his shirt off and nervously sat on the bed. 'Me sitting on Harry Potter's bed,' he twittered like a demented canary.

'Let's hope he doesn't decide to make you a sex slave,' Ron chortled and focussed on Harry's frown and Colin's shocked look. 'Smile for God's sake.'

'Fine,' Harry wrapped his arm around Colin as he heard Ron click the camera. 'Let's try something a bit friendlier,' he pulled the surprised Colin in closely and lay his cheek against his smaller partner's. God, Colin's face was so smooth, it was like satin, even Ron's face felt like it had a peach fuzz.

'Harry,' Colin whined but snuggled in closer. Harry emboldened dropped his arm and put it around Colin's waist.

'Look at Harry adoringly,' Ron smiled.

''Knickers,' Colin laughed but a moment later gazed up at Harry soulfully and that's when Harry made his move. He turned slightly and putting his other hand under Colin's chin tilted the boy's head upwards and planted a tender kiss on Colin's tightly closed lips.

'Brill,' Ron grinned broadly as he clicked twice capturing the moment for posterity.

'Gosh,' Colin broke free red faced. 'That was so gay,' he was smiling just as broadly as Ron however.

'Do some with Ron,' Harry suggested suspecting where Colin's interests lay. He knew that Colin was delighted to be consorting with the famous Harry Potter but he was prettyy sure that Colin had a bit of a thing for Ron and Ron had something going for Colin. After all, he had brought up the subject the previous evening. Maybe it was time for a little encouragement.

'Alright,' Colin sat there bare chested looking absolutely yummy. Ron sat down alongside and this time his grin was wide enough to split his face, it was big enough to split the Hogwarts Estate in fact and more to the point Harry could see that his lover was displaying a noticeable lump in his old khakis. Ron was on top line and it was now or never.

'Right,' Harry cuddled the camera as the two sat there, he clicked when Ron put his arm around Colin and again when they kissed. Colin must have suspected something was up by now but still hadn't fled. 'We can get rid of these pictures?' Harry checked.

'You make sure they're on the card and take it out,' Colin murmured much quieter now.

'Want to do some really good ones, Colin?' Hary asked. 'With Ron,' he hastily added.

'Yeah alright,' Colin's voice was barely audible.

'OK,' Harry burst into action. 'Sit up inside the bed,' he instructed and scurrried about collecting the shirts and coats. He then released the door spell and leapt up onto the bed with the other two. and drew the curtain. 'Securite' he whispered holding his wand and smiled as he heard the chink of invisible locks. They were safe now.

'Wowee,' Colin gasped as the spell kicked in and the candles appeared.

'What now?' Ron looked eager and Colin looked nervous.

'A nice kiss and anything that comes to mind,' Harry perched up on the pillows and the others were at the end of the bed framed with the red damask curtains and lit by the corner candles wonderfully creating no smoke or smell also magically incapable of torching the place (I had to put that in).

This time Ron took hold of Colin and Colin quite confidently turned to face the ginger boy. This time the kiss was longer and Harry saw Colin's eyes open wide in shock, he guessed Ron's tongue was in action and he was right.

'Wowsers,' Coling gasped at the end of it. 'Don't let these photos get out,' he pleaded.

'Better delete them at the end,' Ron suggested and lay the giggling blonde boy out and attacked his pink nipples this time. Colin squealed and wriggled but he was game and when Ron's hand centred on his trousers he went limp. He was trapped by a boy he really liked and the most powerful boy wizard in the school one who was clearly in command of far more spells than was generally known. Colin didn't care, even at his tender age he was a realist and what was going to happen in this small but secure place was going to happen, the time for screaming and shouting was long gone. In a funny way he was looking forward to it, it could only get better. He pushed his groin into Ron's grasping hand and closed his eyes.

He grinned and sighed with satisfaction as he felt Ron's mouth on his crotch and then his zip going down and the waistband being unclipped. He also returned a warm breathed kiss before his eyes shot open. Ron's mouth couldn't be in two places at the same time and it wasn't. He stared straight into Harry Potter's twinkling eyes and opened his mouth to admit Harry's tongue.

Poor Colin, he didn' know what had hit him as Ron removed his shoes, socks and then tugged his trousers down leaving him naked apart from his tiny Taz briefs. The little Tazmanian Devil was bulging outwards helped by Colin's softy turning into a hardy and there was no magic in play there. 'I want to see you two naked,' he whispered into Harry's ear and Harry just grabbed his wand and it was done.

Colin felt in some sort of heaven as he lay between Ron and Harry and both boys were fully hard and very obviously up for some action.

As soon as Ron reached out for Colin's now fully hard three inches of jerking boy meat Colin turned towards Ron grasping the older boy's pale skinned erection and in doing so he presented his pert little bottom to Harry who promptly snuggled up pressing his his cock against the smaller lad's crack.

'Ooo-er,' Colin giggled as he tentatively took a little lick at Ron's nipple. Ron decided to make a move, he sensed that Colin was willing to go the 'whole way' but he was quite happy dealing with the preliminaries or the lead up and let his lover and partner Harry do the donkey work. If they got into trouble at least Harry could use his superior magic to rescue them. Ron started to lap and kiss down Colin's narrow chest and Colin must have suspected what was going to happen as he lay on his side quite still but trembling just a litttle as Ron's lips and flickering tongue drifted down his body. He moaned at the navel stage and held Ron's carrot top as the older boy peeled back the small foreskin revealing the slippery glans until now hidden. Colin knew it was going to happen but he nearly passed away to join the angels as he felt Ron's hot breath on his cock and then the first feel of Ron's wet tongue. From there it was just unadulterated pleasure. Ron's mouth bobbed up and down on the Colin's minicock trapping the foreskin with his lips and drawing it over the swollen head. He then pushed it back with his lips and lapped at the exposed glans tasting that taste... the taste of Colin's weeping, he tickled the kid's almost invisible blonde pubics and started to bob his head up and down on the jerking meat as Colin lay there moaning and getting harder.

Ron paused for a moment as he felt a tap on the head, looking up he saw Harry grinning above Colin's hips. Harry's mouth opened and Ron nearly fainted as he saw Harry's tongue. It was like a sinuous fleshy snake. The end was pointed and it looked surprisingly like a skinned penis waving around and Ron just nodded briefly and shut his eyes ducking down onto Colin's noodle. To think, that thing had been inside him last night and now Harry was clearly going to have a go at Colin's tender and presumably virgin arsehole.

Colin didn't care, he was lost in the moment and had almost forgotten that Harry was behind him as he felt Ron sucking away and then moving around on the bed. He opened his eyes to see Ron reverse himself and then the ginger boy's stiff and dripping cock appeared. Without any qualms whatsoever Colin grinned and grasped the hot meat guiding it to his mouth. It tasted funny and was a bit of a mouthful but he quite liked the taste and he was pleasuring Ron... so bloody what?

Harry kissed Colin's sweet cheeks to remind the kid he was still there and was rewarded by a wiggle and one of Colin's hands reaching back and ruffling his hair. He parted Colin's tight little buttocks and glimpsed the dark pink button within. It was literally puckering and pulsing as Colin was sucked and sucking moving his hip just a fraction into Ron's mouth. Harry let his 'love tongue' as he called it extrude from his mouth and lap at Colin's crack. Colin jumped and clamped but only for a moment, Harry could hear him giggle as he sucked at Ron and went for the boy's tiny sphincter. He lapped at Colin and the boy opened his legs fully willing to let Harry have his way but Harry was doing this for Ron, he's settle for the slippery seconds if Colin would stand for it.

A moment later he pushed his pointed tongue at Colin's pucker and felt the small muscle open and his slippery magically enhanced organ was into darkness, heat and tightness as it entered Colin's body. Colin tensed up and groaned. He'd let go of Ron's slippery cock and was now being sucked by Ron and tongue fucked by Harry... it was a dream come true. He knew he was going to get the real thing and young as he was realised that he was being prepared.

These two hadn't been interested in photography at all Colin realised. They wanted to use and abuse him and amazingly enough he was totally chuffed. He was over the moon, the two most attractive and wanted boys in the school wanted him and he wriggled and writhed in delight at their slippery attentions. Thinking about things as he did, he supposed it was technically a rape but he was having fun so sod the technicalities. He clamped his bottom on the slippery organ up his bottom and now seeming to be probing in his belly he even pushed back onto it. His back end felt slippery and loose but he knew it was for a reason.

'Roll over Colin,' Harry spoke and Colin realised that the slippery intruder had left him making him feel empty and wanting. Soundlessly he turned to face Harry and Harry had one more trick up his sleeve. He kissed Colin and then ducked and kissed Colin's jerking weenie. 'Watch this, kiddo.'

Harry's wand appeared and with a mutter he rubbed it up and down on Colin's cock and Colin felt his organ swell as if he was going to have one of his dry but quite recently wet cums. However, it wasn't getting harder, it was growing and Colin looked in amazement as his slender cock stretched and extended. Harry took his wand away and examined his handywork. Colin looked down at himself and smiled, his little cocklet had become a beautifully formed expansion on the original, it was about five inches and was a twin to Ron's which was now pressing up against his bottom.

'You got to show me how to do that,' he squeaked.

'It'll cost you,' Harry smiled.

'Anything,' Colin breathed.

'Anything it is,' Harry laughed and reversing himself took Colin's new and improved fuck pole into his mouth and offered himself in return. Colin looked at the dark skinned and larger version of Ron's penis and took it into his mouth as the same time Ron made his move. Spreading Colin's tight little buttocks apart he guided his straining erection in by pure hip and muscle control and pushed his slippery glans against Colin's gaping and well slicked hole.

Colin gasped and nearly bit Harry's dick as he felt Ron enter him and then it was all right. He rubbed Harry's cock against his smooth cheek and groaned pushing back onto Ron's slow and gentle movements. He was being topped by one of his faves and the other was sure to follow... it was the end of term after all.

Ron was in some sort of pervo's heaven, little Colin was probably the smallest and most angelic boy in the school and he was scoring. He was getting down and dirty with Colin Creevey and for once Colin wasn't talking or waving a camera about, that was heavenly in itself. He was so smooth, so soft and in spite of Harry's super tongue so damn tight. Ron finally bottomed out and clung to Colin kissing him furiously until Colin craned his head around ad their lips just about met in a sloppy kiss. 'Fuck me, Ron,' Colin grunted and Ron grinned. The very last words he expected to hear from the goody goody Colin, the kid was gone.

Colin was gone indeedy, gone big time. He was thrusting his slender hips to and fro fucking Harry's mouth and the same movement moved his tiny white arse on Ron's rampaging cock. He could feel Ron coming near to his climax and felt regret but then he smiled, this might be the first but it wouldn't be the last. He also felt his own nuts tighten and warned Harry. Harry promptly nipped of the boys tight scrotum smoothing the balls down in their sac.

Hareeee...' Colin wailed as he felt the boy wizard nuzzling his belly but holding his nut's tightly until the urge to squirt ebbed. 'Oooh, Harry.'

'It's bigger and will cum according to size,' Harry glanced up Colin's belly. 'But you can't cum forever, save the good one for your pal.'

'Really?' Colin giggled whilst still being rumped. He hadn't even contemplated doing one of the larger boys and now it seemed he was being invited to give Ron a return match.

'Yeah, save it, Shrimp,' Ron huffed and started to go faster and harder. 'Here's Ronnieeee...' He rammed in hard and heavy and gave a final corkscrow into Colin's sweet little bottom and exploded. He thought he was going to cum forever as his rigid flesh pumped and squirted what seemed to be a magical cum into the smaller blonde boy. It just kept cuming and cuming and Colin squealed in mixed delight and disgust as he felt Ron's cum oozed from his hole and down his leg. The Weasley had excelled and now he lay glued to Colin's back exhausted and shattered. Poor Ron, he never knew what hit him as Harry and Colin spread him onto his back and lifted his knees to his chest.

'Go on, Colin, he's all yours,' Harry pushed the smaller boy close upto Ron and Colin knew what to do without telling. He grasped his new enlarged cock and totally on automatic pilot guided to to Ron's sweaty pucker and slipped inside. He gasped with absolute pleasure as he felt Ron's tight warmth seem to grasp his cock and the ginger boy's legs subsided onto his back.

'Nice one, Colin,' Ron groaned and this time their lips met for a decent kiss and that was one accompanied with a furious tongue tango.

Harry glanced at his watch and watched Colin rump his little heart out for a bit and then craftily rubbed his wand over his erection. Six inches, seven and finally eight. He held the massive meaty lump and worked his foreskin over the dripping bulbous head. It was the size of a plum and one of Harry's better efforts. He played with it for a little while as Colin enjoyed himself he then shuffled in behind Colin's moving body.

Fun time. He positioned his monster cock at the tiny bobbing bottom and positioning himself slowly pushed.

Colin wailed as the massive chunk of meat speared into him pinning him to Ron but in a few moments he didn't care. He was shagging his Ron and it seemed he was being done by a new improved and exceptionally large Harry Potter.

Little Colin had turned in a better than average term academically, he'd done well at sports and he'd made lots of new friends. He was popular and he even had some of the younger girls chatting him up but this was the ultimate. He was fucking Ronald Weasley and he was being rumped by THE Harry Potter. Total and absolute bliss.

The End.

That's it. I like the HP films no end and I'm madly in love with Rupert... sorry Ron. So there you go. Just a one off and I hope some of you enjoyed, even the Hogwarts purists.

Sorry: Final edit done (hopefully) and I've just been inspired to do a third. So, there will be a final to wrap up this little venture into Potterland.

Next: Chapter 3

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