A Hot Holiday in Australia

By Gary Morgan

Published on Mar 23, 2022




Pt Augusta

I woke up to the sound of someone tapping on my motel room door. I had ordered the motel breakfast the night before and they were delivering it right on time at 8am.

I had chosen eggs and sausages just to see what the quality was like. They were fine but the toast, as always with motel breakfasts in this country, was in a pretty little open paper packet with 'Good Morning' cheerily printed on it and was stone cold and all flobby. You'd think, after all these years, they'd be able to come up with a system that would deliver hot toast! I stuck it under the eggs and sausages as that was all the toast was good for, put tomato sauce on the lot, slid the cutlery out of its own paper packet and tucked in.

After showering and dressing, I checked my phone for messages. Alex in Sydney was checking up on me and demanding a body count. What did he think I did? Just have sex all the time? There was also a message from my sister saying hello. Unexpectedly, there was one from Des here in Port Augusta as well.

'Can you come to dinner again tonight at 6.30pm?' his message read. 'I may have another proposition for you'. He'd added the smiley face with the crazy eyes and tongue hanging out.

Intrigued, I messaged back, saying I'd definitely be up for another free dinner and he replied that I may find myself paying for it in a rather mysterious way!

I had decided to try and take a journey on the steam-hauled Pichi Richi Vintage Railway today. It could be sold out, being a Sunday, but I might be lucky enough to snag a single ticket.

I drove down to the railway station at 9am and had no trouble getting a ticket for the 10.30am Pichi Richi Explorer service. This 6 hour return trip would take me up to Quorn in the Flinders Ranges, a distance of 39KM each way. In Quorn we would have a couple of hours to look around and have lunch.

It was sunny and I found a sheltered spot out of the cold wind and read a book until it was time to board the train. The wooden carriages were delightful and very comfortable and the steam engine was a beautiful old thing, wheezing away at the end of the platform.

The train was quite full by the time we started off. At first we ran over the flat saltbush plains towards the mountains which rose up steeply to the east. Once into the mountains, the scenery was spectacular from the windy narrow gauge track. It had once been the start of the journey to Alice Springs until the line was shifted to a more efficient route in the 1950s.

Quorn was a beautiful and sleepy old town with great 19th century buildings. Once an important railway junction, it now existed on tourism. There was a lot to see and plenty of places from which to choose for lunch. I chose a pub lunch and had a good steak and salad with a large beer.

At 2.15, the whistle sounded on the train telling us that departure was imminent. We all got back on the train and enjoyed the return journey back to Port Augusta. My fellow passengers were friendly and chatty. It was 4.30pm by the time we arrived back after a very pleasant scenic and historical outing.

I got back to my motel room about 5pm and lay down for a rest for half an hour. Then I had another shower and got ready to go to dinner with Des. I couldn't help wondering what this new proposition was. It couldn't be more bizarre than last night's, surely?

At 6.15 I drove to Des's house, arriving right on 6.30. Des opened the front door and welcomed me in. After closing the front door, he grabbed me in a bear hug and kissed me lavishly.

'I kept getting flashbacks all day of you being fucked last night', he said.

Shoving a beer into my hand, he sat me down in the cosy kitchen and we chatted while he prepared dinner.

'What's this new proposition you mentioned?' I asked.

'It'll keep. Don't worry about it for now', he said, bending down and getting a roast chicken out of the oven. The smell of hot meat and herbs filled the kitchen, making me feel ravenously hungry.

Once again, dinner was superb. He was a great cook. He offered cheesecake for dessert and, while I accepted, I was mindful that this was my second slice of cheesecake in a week. I told myself I'd better start being careful or I'd be putting on more weight.

After dinner, we moved into the lounge room and chatted over coffee. Des got his phone and sat next to me to show me some photos of his trip to Europe last year. There were some good scenic shots as well as a sprinkling of photos of hot men he'd meet while there.

'What do you think of this guy?' he said, showing me a photo of a guy in black Speedos standing next to the diving board at a swimming pool. He was a spectacular looking guy, tall, hairy and well-muscled. He also had a black, neatly clipped moustache that really suited him. He looked seriously confident and even a bit formidable.

'Stunning man!' I said. The photo seemed to have been taken from across the other side of the swimming pool and looked like it had been taken with a close up lens. It didn't look like it was taken in Europe as there was a tall gum tree in the background.

'That was taken here last summer at the Port Augusta swimming pool', said Des. 'He didn't know I was taking it'.

Apparently, the guy was called Steve and he was a trainer with the army which was stationed nearby. Des had been having mutual oral sessions with him for about two years.

'He's got a seriously big cock', said Des. 'He's a nice guy but also top like me, so that's why we've just been sucking each other off.'

'I wouldn't mind sucking him off', I said. 'He looks great.'

'So now we get to my proposition', said Des. 'I really liked watching you being fucked last night but we had to be so careful about everything.'

'Tell me about it', I said. 'I nearly licked the head of Liam's cock when I saw the cum hanging off it. He would have freaked out if I'd done that, I reckon'.

'Exactly', said Des. 'I'd really prefer to see you in action without any restrictions like last night and that's when I suddenly thought of Steve. I've fantasised for ages about watching him fuck someone. Anyway, after a phone call to him this morning, he's agreed to come over here tonight and fuck you'.

'You're kidding me!' I said. 'How do you know he'd even like me?'

'Because I sent him your picture, told him you're a very experienced bottom and that I would like to watch him fucking you', said Des, smiling. 'He agreed in about one second'.

'Bloody hell! What time will he be here?' I said, looking at my watch. It was just after 8.

Des looked at his watch, too. 'It's OK, he's not coming until 9. You need an enema?'

'No, I did all that in case you wanted to fuck me again tonight', I said.

'Then you're ready for some serious fertilizing', he said, slapping me on the back as he carried the coffee cups out to the kitchen. He turned back to me at the doorway. 'And Steve said he wants to see me fucking you, too.'

It was good to have an hour to think about what was going to happen. Would Steve be a great kisser? How big was his cock? Would he fuck rough? Just thinking about him had me in a highly aroused state.

A few minutes after 9, there was a knock on the front door.

'Prepare to meet thy doom', said Des, sniggering. He got up off the lounge and went out to let Steve in. I felt slightly nervous and stood up. I decided I would like to be standing when they appeared.

The door opened and Des came in first. Steve followed him, lowering his head a little to fit under the top of the door. He was at least 6 foot 4 inches or about 193cm tall and towered over me and Des. He looked even better than his photo.

He gave me a dazzling smile and shook my hand and then turned to Des.

'Yes, I can see myself fucking this one', he said, sounding like he was buying a new car. Des looked at me and laughed. I felt faint!

We all sat down and Des nipped out to the kitchen to get some beers. Steve's long legs seemed to stretch halfway across the room.

'Been getting much fucking on the road?' he asked, grinning.

'Err...I've caught up with a couple of friends along the way', I replied. 'I haven't been on the road long, though'. ' 'There are not many opportunities in this town. I usually save it up for when I go to Adelaide'.

'Lucky Adelaide', I said.

'Well, I expect to end the current drought tonight', he said. 'And I should warn you I'm as horny as hell'.

Des returned with three beers.

'Oh, I thought you'd be right up him by now', he said to Steve.

'Not quite, but very soon', he said, using those intense dark eyes to bore right through me. 'This guy's not getting away from here a virgin'.

'He's no virgin', said Des. 'I can vouch for that big time'.

We chatted as we drank our beers. Steve had been stationed here for about two years. He was heavily into physical exercise and went to the gym every day as well as running serious numbers of kilometres each morning. He was interested to hear about my trip and where else I planned to go.

When Steve finished the last of his beer, he sat forward.

'Finish those beers, guys. I've got some serious fucking to do', said Steve, standing up.

I got up, too and he wrapped his arms around me, giving me a bear hug that lifted me off the floor.

'I like to be the dominant one in bed', he said, letting go of me. 'Is that OK with you?'

'Sure', I said.

'And I do like my victims to be a bit piggy', he said. 'Ass eating, anal to mouth and swallowing cum, that sort of thing'.

'I'm fine with everything', I said. His muscular hairy ass being lowered down onto my face suddenly flashed through my mind. I felt slightly shaky. I found it exciting that he was so open and direct.

'Let's go then', he said, moving towards the door.

We went from there into the bedroom. The heating had been on for quite a while and it was pleasantly warm.

Des closed the bedroom door behind us and Steve turned to me, holding out his arms.

'Come here,' he commanded. I was happy to do as I was told!

He wrapped his arms around me again and started kissing me.

Des sat down on a chair next to the bed.

'Don't get too settled over there', said Steve to Des. 'You're going to be busy fucking him with me'.

While kissing me, Steve put his hand under my shirt and ran his big hands over my chest. Finding my nipples, he squeezed them firmly but gently. He was a brilliant kisser, using his tongue expertly.

'Let's get out of these clothes', he said, breaking away.

He was wearing a navy blue tracksuit, so it didn't take him long to take it all off except his brief underpants, which were the same colour as his track suit.

Seeing him standing there almost naked was awesome. He was a mountain of a man with a perfectly proportioned body. His chest was covered in dark brown hair and was thick and curly between his nipples. His underpants were showing a very large bulge, which almost made me stop breathing.

He lay down on the bed on his back and watched me finish undressing. Beckoning me to join him, I climbed onto the bed and he rolled over on top of me and started kissing me furiously, running his hands over my body at the same time.

He put his hand down the front of my underpants and explored inside. I managed to get my hand between our bodies onto the bulge in his underpants. The heat coming off it was intense.

Still kissing me, he pulled my pants off me and threw them away and also removed his, too. Then he sat astride my chest and looked down at me.

'Hope this isn't a deal breaker', he said, pointing to his cock, which was not far from my face. It was a serious length but it was the thickness that impressed most. The head was a good size but dwarfed by the thickness of the shaft of his cock. My fingers barely went around it when I grasped it.

'I know I've sucked it but how big IS that, actually?' asked Des.

'Last time I measured it, it was on the happy side of 8 inches', he said. 'The circumference is 7 inches - that's the killer part.'

'I'm always up for a challenge', I said, hoping I wasn't signing my death warrant!.

'Have a suck', he said, moving forward and putting the head in my mouth.

The head tasted really good. It was difficult to get it very far into my mouth as it got wider immediately. Deep-throating was not going to be possible tonight!

He moved it in and out of my mouth as much as he sensed I could manage. I concentrated mostly on the head and I noticed he would close his eyes with pleasure when I licked just below the head. It was good to know his particularly sensitive spot.

Then he kissed me some more and started working his way down my body giving me a tongue bath from my lips to my neck, my nipples, chest, navel and then to my cock.

He swallowed it right down to the balls and worked his throat muscles on it. At the same time, he fondled and squeezed them lightly. Then he took his mouth off my cock and licked and sucked each ball before lifting my legs and diving his tongue into my asshole. I groaned with surprise and then pleasure. I sensed he was probably good at everything.

From there, he turned me over onto my stomach and, getting me up on my knees, he pulled my ass cheeks open and gave me an amazingly long rimming that involved tongue and teeth and air being blown inside me. I felt I could die happy, it was so good.

Then he lowered his body onto my back and rubbed his cock up and down between my cheeks. The size of it and the heat was really very noticeable and definitely exciting.

'Right, your turn to do some work', he said, throwing himself onto his back.

I positioned myself between his legs and started sucking his cock. Now I could work on the thick shaft a lot more as well as the head.

'Fuck, that looks hot!' said Des, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was now naked and stroking his hard cock.

'Come onto the bed and help him', said Steve.

Des climbed onto the bed and we shared the sucking, passing this beautiful cock back and forth to each other's mouth. I could start to taste precum after a while and it was really exciting to run my hands over Steve's muscled, hairy body.

'Right, let's fuck this guy', said Steve, getting up. 'On your back first'. The big moment had arrived!

'Do you want me to fuck him first to loosen him up for you?' asked Des.

'No, I want to watch his reaction while I do the hole-stretching', said Steve. 'You warned him I've got a big cock but he came anyway, so he must be up for a heavy fucking.' He looked at me for agreement. I nodded.

'My cock won't touch the sides after you've finished with him,' said Des, pretending to complain. 'I was just trying to make it easier for you'.

'Stretching holes open with my cock is the most exciting part of the fuck,' said Steve, 'especially when guys can't handle it and start screaming.'

He paused and looked down at me. I must have looked a bit frightened at what he'd just said.

'Just kidding', he grinned at me. 'It has to feel good for you or it's no fun for me either'. I felt better immediately!

He positioned himself between my legs. Des moved up on the bed alongside me and ran a hand over my chest while he played with his cock with his other hand. Steve lathered his cock with lube and then lifted my legs up and back hard against my body.

He placed the hot head of his cock onto my hole and jiggled it. The heat came off it in waves. Then he pushed gently, looking intently into my eyes as he did so. The head went in easily and felt good. Then he pushed a little harder and the stretching of my ass commenced. The size of this cock going in to me was awesome. It just seemed to keep stretching more every time he pushed it in a bit deeper. There was a panicky moment where I felt I couldn't take it and suddenly he was in all the way up to his balls.

'It's all yours, my friend', said Steve, smiling.

'Shit, that looks so hot', said Des. 'Now fuck him!'

Steve started moving slowly in and out. I concentrated hard on trying to keep my hole as relaxed as possible. Going tense on this one would be a disaster. Steve kept moving steadily in short strokes, not going all the way out, giving me a chance to get used to the thickness without worrying about the length.

Looking up at him, I knew that I would remember for a very long time how he looked while fucking me. It was awesome to think that I was completely impaled on that huge cock.

'You're doing fine', said Steve. 'I can feel you relaxing on it bit by bit'.

He started doing longer strokes and pushing it hard inside me when it was up to his balls again. I could feel the hot head really deep inside me.

Des was leaning over me now and squeezing both nipples. It added a very sensuous feeling to the whole experience of being fucked. I was gently jerking on my cock, being careful to not overdo it. I had to last the distance here. Cum now and I would tighten up and find it impossible to keep being fucked with this huge cock.

It was hot to see Steve closing his eyes as a result of the pleasure he was receiving from my ass through his cock.

'I think I can go a bit harder now', he said and, without waiting for an answer, he positioned himself a bit higher above me and started a series of very long, quite hard strokes. He felt like he was going even deeper and I gasped at each stroke.

'Come on, open it up, open it up', demanded Steve. I really was trying! I felt I had no control of my ass muscles as his cock started pounding my ass. He got faster and faster and started breathing heavily. A fine sheen of sweat was appearing on his chest and shoulders.

For the next ten minutes or so, he pounded my ass mercilessly. It was heavy but I got into the rhythm of it and relaxed even more. I could do this!

'OK, this is the home stretch', he said and, gathering my legs and pushing them right back, he increased his speed and really let me have it, harder and harder. I wasn't expecting him to go even harder than he had been already. I seriously felt for the first time that I might have to ask him to stop, but he suddenly groaned loudly and I could feel him cumming deep inside me.

He kept cumming and cumming, filling my hole with a huge load. Then he stopped moving, looked down at me and said, 'Don't move, whatever you do, don't move'. I froze.

He was still deep inside me and hovered over me, holding himself in that same position without moving. A drop of sweat dripped off his nose and splashed onto my face. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be concentrating. He stayed like that for about three minutes.

'Yes!' he suddenly shouted and started pounding my ass again just as hard as when he was close to cumming before. I could hardly breathe. Then I felt him cumming inside me again. The man was amazing!

He collapsed on top of me this time and kissed me madly, finally slowing down and holding his cock full length up inside me. I tried to squeeze my ass muscles around it, but he was so thick, I couldn't do it.

Then he looked at me and asked if I was OK. I nodded and he grinned.

'That was a big one', he said and started pulling his cock out of me. Coming out of my ass, it felt even bigger than when it went in!

Steve sat back on his haunches, his softening cock shiny with cum and lube. Then he rose up and straddled my chest.

'Suck the last drops out of it', he said, pushing his cock into my mouth. I sucked it greedily. His cum tasted sweet. He moaned and closed his eyes.

'That was one hell of a good fuck', he said, rolling off the bed. 'Your turn, Des'.

'Yay, sloppy seconds', he said. 'Love it!'

Des got me to turn over and rammed his cock up me doggie-style.

'Fuck, there's a lot of cum in here', he said as he started fucking me steadily. I could feel Steve's cum being pushed around inside me. Des's cock made a squelching sound as he fucked me. I guess my ass was now looser than normal but Des felt great inside me.

'I think I'm going to cum already', said Des. Your ass feels so amazing I can't hold it'.

Instantly he shot his load into me and groaned. I held my breath and enjoyed the feeling of his cock jerking inside of me, adding more cum to the big load already in there. Then Des whipped his cock out of me and got off the bed.

Instantly, Steve got on top of me and rammed his cock all the way up me again and started pounding me roughly. I felt like he was pushing me through the bed! Within less than a minute, I felt him shooting a third load into me. He pulled his cock out of me quickly. I could feel drops of his cum splattering onto my asshole.

'Now there's a creampie for you', said Des, looking at my hole. 'You wouldn't believe how much cum is there'.

It feels like most of it is inside me', I said. 'Anyway, as they say, all donations gratefully received'.

Des got a hand towel and wiped the cum off my ass.

'Turn over', said Steve. 'How do you want to cum?'

'Just do my nipples and I'll handle the rest', I said.

They positioned themselves either side of me and worked a nipple each. Des supplied some lube for my cock and I lay back and did a photo replay in my mind of the incredible fucking I'd just experienced. It took me only a couple of minutes to cum.

As I blew my load, Steve dived down and put his mouth over my cock and started sucking. It made me cum even stronger than I expected to. I'm sure I filled his mouth with it all. He took his mouth off my cock, swallowed, smacked his lips with satisfaction and leaned up and kissed me deeply.

'Thank you, hot man', he said. 'Give the man a kiss, Des', he said. 'He's worked pretty hard for us tonight'.

Des kissed me slowly and sensuously. I really liked the way he kissed.

I realized I urgently needed to visit the bathroom and got up holding the towel against my ass. I saw my bath towel from last night was still draped over the railing in the bathroom, so I took a quick shower as well.

When I came back to the room, it was empty and their clothes were gone. I got dressed quickly and went down to the kitchen where I could hear voices. Des was making coffee and Steve was leafing through the local newspaper.

'I wish you were staying longer', said Steve. 'I'd love to have another crack at you'.

'I'll have to come back this way after going further west', I said. 'I'd be thrilled to meet up with you again'.

'Then it's a date', said Steve. 'Don't forget or I'll track you down and rape you'.

We chatted some more over coffee and then Steve departed after giving me a kissing that made me think I was about to be fucked by him again.

'Is he serious about meeting up again?' I asked Des.

'He's a man who says what he means', said Des. 'I'd enjoy watching him fuck you again'.

'I've really enjoyed being fucked by you, too', I replied. 'And it is so good to meet you after chatting for a couple of years'.

'Come and see me again on your way back, if you like', said Steve. 'If you're not in a hurry I might be able to rustle up some additional fun'.

'As Steve said, "It's a date"', I replied.

I got up to go as it was getting late. Des kissed me deeply and opened the front door. I drove back to my motel and got into bed immediately. I still felt a bit revved up after all the evening's action, but I soon fell into a deep sleep.

To be continued....

Comments welcome at gorm4571@mail.com.

You might also enjoy my previous stories 'A Hot Holiday In Pakistan' and 'A Hot Holiday in Europe'. They are also here in the 'Encounters' section of Nifty.

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Next: Chapter 12

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