A Hot Holiday in Australia

By Gary Morgan

Published on Feb 25, 2022



Thursday PM

Hay to Mildura

I made good time to the next big town, Balranald, and had a cup of coffee at the roadhouse just before the town. It was 4.15pm and, although I should have taken a longer break, I headed for Mildura 162km away.

It's not a very interesting drive with mile after mile of mallee scrub, so I played music again and the time went quickly enough. I arrived in Mildura at about 6.30pm. I found a room in the first motel that I checked and quickly got settled.

Before going out to find some dinner, I decided to ring the two guys that Alan in Wagga had suggested I try to meet. Peter answered the phone after the first ring. He sounded very happy to hear from me.

'We were wondering if you weren't going to stop in Mildura after all,' he said. 'What time did you get here?'

'I've only just arrived', I said. 'It took me longer to get here than I expected'.

'Can you come to dinner?' he asked. 'We were kind of hoping you might'.

'I haven't eaten yet, but aren't I a bit late?' I said.

'No, we don't eat early out here', he said. 'Being on the farm, you tend to use all the daylight hours you can. By the time you come in and clean up, it usually means a late dinner'.

'Well, I could come, if that's definitely all right with you', I replied.

'Great!' he said, sounding very pleased. 'We're not far out of town but the road in to our property can be thick with kangaroos at night. Trevor will come and get you in our SUV. It has a roo bar. He'll take you back to town afterwards.'

I gave him the name of the motel and my room number and he said that Trevor would be there in 30 minutes. I took the time to have a very welcome shower and then I lay down on the bed and read.

There was a knock on my door at 7.15pm. I opened it to find Trevor waiting there. We shook hands and walked over to his car. Even though the evening was getting chilly, he was just in t-shirt, shorts and boots. He had nice legs from behind, I noticed.

We drove out of Mildura towards the east. Trevor was very friendly and chatty and wanted to know how Alan in Wagga was these days.

'Do you want the heating on?' he said. 'It's getting a bit cold these nights'.

'Sure', I said. 'I'm surprised you're just wearing shorts and t-shirt'.

'These are my floppy shorts', he said. 'I wore them specially. I was hoping you might want to grope my dick while we're driving back'.

'Sounds good to me', I said, reaching over and encountering something quite hard, hot and sizeable. I put my hand into the loose leg of his shorts and under the elastic of his underpants. It was very hot and hairy in there and quite exciting to have a feel around. I got my hand around his thick cock and pulled it out. I ran my finger over the large head and found it was quite wet on top.

'I leak a lot', said Trevor. 'It doesn't take much to get me going'.

I ran my hand up and down the length of his cock and then reached underneath through a lot of hair to find his balls. They were a good size and also very hairy.

'This is us', said Trevor, suddenly turning left onto a dirt road. 'Don't stop doing that, it feels awesome'.

I continued to play with his cock as we bounced along the rough track for about ten minutes. There was low scrub right up to the side of the road and occasional large gum trees loomed up either side as the car's headlights picked them up. I was glad I didn't have to bring my car in here.

Finally, a light appeared ahead of us and we were soon pulling up in front of a house. The front door opened and a man appeared in the doorway. I assumed this would be Peter.

Trevor and I got out of the car, walked over the crunchy gravel and Peter and I shook hands.

I was taken down a dimly lit hallway to a bright and toasty warm kitchen. It smelled like a roast lamb dinner was in the oven. I suddenly felt very hungry.

I was offered a beer and we sat at the kitchen table and chatted. Peter was also very friendly and it was easy to relax with both of them. After about five minutes, Peter got up and excused himself, saying he needed to finish getting dinner ready.

Trevor stayed sprawled in his chair and continued drinking his beer. I noticed he was playing with his cock in his shorts. He saw me looking, grinned and pulled his cock out and stroked it. It was about seven and half inches with a foreskin and precum starting to dribble down the side. Peter noticed what he was doing.

'You better suck him off', said Peter. 'Otherwise he won't be able to keep his hands off you right through dinner. He can be a bloody menace'.

Trevor pulled a 'hurt little boy' face and then grinned, pointing his cock right at me. As I got out of my chair to go over to him, he pulled his shorts and underpants right off and sat back. He had a large bush of jet black hair around his cock.

I kneeled before him and took his cock into my mouth and ran my hands over his hairy belly. There was a strong taste of sweet precum and I stuck my tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around over the head. Trevor groaned happily.

'You might want to take your jumper and shirt off', said Peter. 'Otherwise you'll get covered in cum. He shoots a lot'.

I stood up and stripped off my upper clothing. Trevor kept watching and stroking his cock. Even more precum dripped down the side of it.

'Do you like getting cum on your face?' asked Trevor.

'Yes, it's quite exciting, I replied. 'Do it to me if you want to'.

'Great!' he said. 'What about taking some pix of it? We would never show them to anybody.'

'He's got quite a big collection that he likes to wank to', said Peter.

'Well, so long as it's all kept private, I'm OK with it', I said. 'If they look good, can I have copies? I've never managed to get a good picture of that being done to me'.

'Definitely', said Trevor. 'Peter will photograph it for us. He'll take video of the actual event and then some still pix of the aftermath'. Peter held up and waggled his phone that had been on the kitchen bench next to him.

I knelt down again and started sucking Trevor's cock very seriously. I licked all the new precum off it first, and then retracted the foreskin to reveal the large purple- coloured head. I sucked it greedily. It tasted really good.

I then tried to deep throat his cock but it was bit thick to do so in that position, but I did my best and had Trevor squirming with pleasure as I did so. I sucked it up and down quite rapidly for a while and felt Trevor almost levitate off his chair.

Peter appeared to the side of us suddenly with the camera.

'That position deserves a photo or two', he said.

He got me to squeeze Trevor's cock to get some precum to dribble out and then just lick it off the head while he took a photo. Then he asked me to swallow the cock down as far as I could go while he took a second picture. After that, he returned to his duties at the kitchen bench.

I kept working on Trevor's cock and gave his balls a good licking as well. The hairiness was exciting and I soon had his balls dripping wet with the hair on them all matted from my saliva.

Then I went back to rapidly sucking him and soon I could tell from his breathing that he was getting close. Peter obviously knew the signs because he was back with the camera, ready to video the cum shot.

Trevor suddenly pulled his cock out of my mouth, stood up and, standing over me, pointed his cock at my face and rapidly jerked himself off. He was breathing like a steam engine. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.

'No, close your mouth', said Peter. 'He likes to see all the cum just on your face'.

'I'm ready', gasped Trevor. Peter started filming and I shut my eyes tightly.

Suddenly I felt a very hot blast of very runny cum on my nose and across my face. It almost felt like Trevor was pissing on me. It was followed by several thick, ropey shots of cum. I could hear Trevor gasping loudly as his cum was pumping out of him. Most of it went on my face but one spurt went right up into my hairline. He had avoided my eyes, luckily and I felt I could now open them.

His cock was only about an inch from my nose and had a large glob of cum hanging out of it.

'Lick it off', said Peter, who was busily filming it all.

I leaned forward and licked the head clean.

Trevor stepped back and Peter stood in front of me and took several closeup pictures. The cum was starting to dribble through my moustache and beard and it smelled really strong. I licked my moustache and enjoyed the musky taste.

Peter signalled that he had finished photographing. I stood up and he directed me to a mirror on the wall so I could have a look at the damage.

Trevor had shot a huge load. His cum was very thick and looked almost like lace all over my beard. Peter handed me a towel and showed me where the bathroom was.

I had another look in the close up bathroom mirror and hoped the photos looked just as good. I was also keen to see the video as I had to keep my eyes shut through all of that. Getting cum in your eyes can really sting.

When I returned to the kitchen and got dressed again, Trevor had disappeared.

'He's putting on his tracksuit', said Peter. 'Hope you enjoyed that'.

'I sure did', I replied.

'Wait until he fucks you. He'll fill your ass with cum, too'.

'Really?' I said. 'I wondered if him cumming now would put him off for later'.

'No, he jerks off five or six times a day', said Peter. 'He'll be recharged soon after dinner and will probably give your ass two loads.'

'Awesome', I replied.

'So that should make a total of three loads for tonight', he added with a suggestive leer.

Trevor returned and suggested another beer but Peter said that dinner was ready to be served. He offered us a glass of red wine instead.

Dinner was excellent. I had been right about the roast lamb dinner and it was superbly cooked and came with a selection of very tasty vegetables. It was interesting to hear that Peter and Trevor had been together about ten years. Trevor was originally from Perth and had met Peter while he was on holiday over there.

I was curious to know how two top guys managed to satisfy each other sexually. Since I'd already sucked one of them off while the other one watched, I didn't feel shy about asking that question.

'We fuck each other occasionally', said Peter. 'You can learn to do it and enjoy it, but both of us really prefer to be top, so the best solution is to invite bottom guys to help us out. That's turned out to be exciting in very different ways. We have a few guys here from around town who are regulars and then there are people like you passing through. We do quite well.'

'Speaking of fucking', said Trevor. 'Let's get these dishes cleaned up and head for the bedroom.' They both got up from the table and started clearing away.

'You come with quite a reputation as a bottom, you know', said Peter, who was putting dishes in the dish washer.

'Has Alan been telling stories out of school?' I said, wondering what they've been told.

'I heard you're one hell of an ass eater', said Trevor. 'That one's definitely on my list'.

'What else did he tell you?' I asked.

'That you can take two cocks in your ass at once', said Trevor. 'That's on both of our lists'. I don't know how Alan knew that. I couldn't remember ever doing that with him.

'Sounds like I have reputation to live up to', I said.

'You sure have', said Trevor. 'And you haven't heard what's on our list of stuff we like to do, too'.

'Well, surprise me', I said. 'I love surprises'.

'We're both going to shower before we hit the bedroom', said Peter. 'Would you like another one, too?'

I nodded. If they were planning to be all fresh and squeaky clean, I decided I would like to be, too.

Peter took me to the bathroom and showed me the bath towel to use.

'We'll shower in our ensuite while you're in here', he said. Come up to our bedroom when you're ready'.

He closed the bathroom door and left me to it. The shower was hot and the water pressure was fine. I used some of their shampoo and washed my hair, just in case any of Trevor's cum had landed in it earlier. The room was really steamy after I'd finished. I dried myself, wrapped the towel around me and walked up the passageway to where I could hear a shower running.

The guys' bedroom was quite large with a king size bed. Peter was sitting on the bed with damp-looking hair and a towel wrapped around him. Trevor was still in the shower. I could hear him singing something vaguely familiar.

'He fancies himself as an opera singer', said Peter. 'I tell him not to give up his day job'. Good advice, I thought quietly to myself.

Peter invited me onto the bed. As soon as I did, he leaned over and started kissing me. He was a nice kisser, very smooth and sensuous. He reached under my towel and played with my cock and balls as well.

'I'll take some more video and pictures, if you don't mind', he said. 'Trevor likes to see himself in action, especially fucking'.

'Not a problem', I said. 'I'm not shy. Video anything you like'.

'I might go and get the IPad and set it up for when we double fuck you', he said. 'I've never had the chance to video that before'.

He got off the bed and his towel fell off, showing his very nice hard cock, which was about seven inches long, cut and quite thick. He didn't bother to put the towel back on again and left the room.

Trevor appeared from the bathroom, stark naked. His cock was fully hard already. Did it ever go down? He had a great body, muscular and very hairy in all the right places. I wondered if his back was hairy. I was sure I'd soon find out.

'There you are', he said. 'Where's Peter?'

'He's gone to get the IPad', I said.

'Ah! He'll want to video the double-fucking. That's good', he said. He started stroking his cock.

Peter appeared in the doorway. He looked good naked - slimmer than Trevor but well-proportioned with long legs. His chest was covered in fine brown fur starting to turn grey and there was plenty of hair around his cock, which had stayed hard while he was gone.

'I thought you'd be up him already', he said to Trevor.

'No, he's going to suck us first', said Trevor. 'You have no idea how good he is at that'. Well, it's always nice to get a compliment!

I want to kiss him first', said Peter, getting onto the bed. First, he pulled my towel off of me and then climbed on top, grabbing my arms by the wrists and holding them back full length away from my body. Then he started kissing me. It was an unexpectedly aggressive move and I found it quite exciting.

He shoved his tongue deep into my mouth and, while kissing me strongly, ground his body against mine. His cock felt very hot sandwiched between us and the fur on his upper chest was nicely rough and wiry.

A hand felt for my cock and I realized it was Trevor. I shifted a bit so he could get a good grip on it and he started jerking me off. While he was doing that, I felt some lube going onto my asshole and then some fingers starting to explore it.

Peter stopped kissing me and, straddling my chest, stuck his cock into my mouth. I sucked on the head and took it as far down my throat as I could. I could feel Trevor now sucking mine. He also now had two fingers deep in my hole.

I looked up at Peter and squeezed his nipples. He smiled back down at me and kept moving his cock in and out of my mouth. It tasted good.

'Your turn, Trevor', said Peter, pulling his cock out of my mouth. 'I'll take some pictures'. He got off me and reached for his phone while Trevor straddled my chest. He lightly slapped his cock on my face a few times and, when I opened my mouth, he shoved his cock into it. I sucked it hard and he groaned. I was also aware of Peter ready with the camera alongside us.

'OK, face fuck him', said Peter. Trevor started moving his cock deeper and faster in my mouth as Peter took some video of it.

'Can you try and take it right down your throat?' asked Peter. 'It would look really hot if I got that on video'.

It was a bit hard to answer him with Trevor's cock filling my mouth so I sort of nodded and opened my mouth wider. Trevor pushed gently and more of his cock went down my throat. I kept my mouth wide open, hoping not to gag and suddenly Trevor's pubic hair was up against my nose. His seven and half inch cock was right down my throat. I was surprised that I could still breathe.

'Fuck, that looks really hot', said Peter, pointing the phone camera at us. He stopped filming and Trevor immediately pulled his cock right out of my mouth. I took a very welcome deep breath, leaned forward and licked the head a bit.

'You better stop that', said Trevor. 'I nearly shot my load down your throat then'.

He turned to Peter.

'I think you should fuck him', he said. 'I want to watch'.

Peter put the phone down and got me to lie on my back. He put some lube on his cock and lifted my legs. First rubbing his cock up and down over my hole, he suddenly stuck it into me and pushed it in right up to his balls. I gasped with surprise. Peter grinned at me.

'What a tight hole you have', said Peter. 'Let's see if I can loosen it up a bit'.

He started fucking me, slowly at first, and then gathering speed. He lifted my legs back even further and fucked me deeper. It was exciting to look up and see this good-looking guy's face showing the pleasure my ass was giving him. He was very good at moving his cock inside me.

He stopped for a moment with his cock half in and half out of me. I could feel Trevor's fingers on my hole.

'That feels great', I said. 'I love having someone else playing with my hole while I'm being fucked'. I felt Trevor's fingers tracing right around my hole and then trying to squeeze in next to the cock. It felt impossibly tight but also very exciting.

Peter pulled his cock out of me and got me to turn over. He fucked me doggie-style for some minutes, much harder than while I was on my back. It felt really good.

'Take over', he said to Trevor, pulling his cock out of me. 'Do you do anal to mouth?' he asked me.

'Sure', I said. He came round in front of me and sat up against the bed head and stuck his cock in my mouth. Meanwhile, Trevor got behind me and rammed his cock into my hole and began fucking quite hard. It was a bit difficult to concentrate on two things happening at once, but I managed to keep sucking Peter's cock and enjoying the hard pounding Trevor was giving my ass at the same time.

This went on for about five minutes. Trevor kept the speed up constantly. He was clearly quite a fit man. Then he stopped and pulled his cock out of my hole.

'Are you up for a double-fucking now?' asked Trevor. I nodded, still sucking Peter's cock.

Peter then got up and set up the IPad on the dressing table to the right of the bed. It would be able to capture video of us double-fucking from the side. He set the video going and came back to the bed.

'Trevor's got the biggest cock, so he should go underneath', I said. Trevor lay down on his bed on his back and held his cock upwards. I sat down on his cock facing him and leaned forward. Peter then positioned himself behind me and stuck a couple of fingers in my hole and lifted, creating a space to get his cock into.

I've done this plenty of times but you always get a bit of a shock when the second cock first slides into your hole. It stretches you alarmingly and takes a bit of getting used to. Both Trevor and Peter had quite thick cocks, so it felt pretty awesome.

'Feeling OK?' asked Trevor, looking up at me.

'Yes, but just give me a bit of time to get used to it before you move', I said, squeezing my ass muscles around both cocks. It only took a short while to adjust to their size inside me.

'OK, you can fuck me now', I said. 'Go for it'.

The next five minutes were extraordinary. It felt like the thickest cock in the world was fucking me and the temperature of my ass went up with two hot cocks inside me. They moved mostly in a seesaw action with one cock pushing in as the other was pulling out. I felt I had no control of my ass muscles at all but it was a really exciting feeling.

Peter stopped and suggested the IPad be moved to behind us so they could get some good rear penetration images. He pulled his cock out of me and organised the IPad to a small table that he positioned as close as possible to the end of the bed.

'That should be good', he said. 'It's taking good video of Trevor's cock up your ass now'. He got back on the bed behind me and I mentally prepared for another bout of double-fucking.

'You should see your hole', said Peter, fingering it gently. 'It looks so tight just with Trevor's cock in you. I don't know how you can manage this but I'm glad you can'.

He shoved his cock back into my hole again on top of Trevor's and both of them began moving again. I kissed Trevor while being fucked and Peter reached underneath me and squeezed my nipples. It all felt amazing.

Suddenly Trevor announced he was about to cum. Peter immediately started pounding my ass harder and, with a shout, he shot his load into me just as Trevor's cock started jerking and cumming inside me as well. With both of them thrashing around while blowing inside me together, it was hard to keep my balance but I just managed to stay in position and neither cock slipped out of me.

'Fuck, that was hot', said Peter, gasping. His cock was still jerking inside me. 'How are you, Trevor?'

'I think I just unloaded the biggest cumshot of my life', he said. laughing. 'I could feel you cumming on top of my cock while I was shooting as well'. Trevor's cock was still jerking inside me, too.

They stayed in that position without pulling out for a little while longer. It was so good feeling little jerks every now and then inside me from their cocks. I could feel that my cock had leaked some precum as Trevor's belly felt sticky.

Eventually Peter carefully pulled his cock out of my ass.

'Whoa, look at all the cum! It's just pouring out of you', said Peter. I lifted myself off of Trevor's cock which was still hard. It flopped wetly onto his belly where there was a little puddle of my precum. I could feel more cum dripping out of me.

Peter grabbed his camera and got me to spread my ass cheeks.

'I've got to take some pictures of this', he said. 'You wouldn't believe how much your hole is gaping open. I can see more cum inside you, too'. After taking the photos, he put the camera down and stuck two fingers into my ass.

'Lick our cum off', he said, offering those fingers to me. I did as he asked. It tasted great.

'That's it, I'm fucked', said Peter. 'How about you, Trevor?'

'I'd like to have my ass eaten', he said.

That was definitely OK with me! I got him to lie face down with his ass up. He had a very hairy ass, not just around his hole but his ass cheeks were quite hairy too. There were little patches of fur on his back, too.

I started by licking the fur on his cheeks. He shuddered with pleasure. Peter busied himself with the phone camera, taking images from the side. After working on Trevor's cheeks, I pulled them wide apart and ran my tongue upwards between them from his balls, over the sensitive area between them and his hole and finally up to the small of his back. Then I returned to his hole and, pulling it open as much as I could, stuck my tongue through the jungle of black hair and chewed on it greedily.

Trevor started moaning with pleasure and I noticed his cock was rock hard again. I used one hand to massage it while I worked on his hole. He started leaking precum onto my hand.

After about five minutes, I stopped and, lying on my back, I got him to squat over my face, pull his cheeks wide open and sit down with his hole on my mouth. When I stuck my tongue into his open hole and wriggled it about, he gasped and moaned louder than ever. Peter kept busy with the camera. I was feeling curious to see what images he had captured.

After a few minutes more, Trevor lifted himself off me.

'I'm going weak at the knees', he said. 'That was truly awesome'.

He stood there stroking his still hard cock.

'I think I've got another one for you', he said, grinning.

'Fine with me', I said. 'You choose the position'.

'I haven't done you on your back', he said. 'Let's do that'.

He got me to lie back on the edge of the bed. He had decided to fuck me while he was standing up. He lifted my legs up and, bending down, stuck his tongue into my hole.

'Wow, that tastes good', he said. 'And it's all hot and squashy, too.'

He stuck his cock in and it slid right in easily. He started moving and leaned forward to kiss me.

'You're really hot and juicy inside', he said. "OK if I give you an extra hard pounding now you're so loose anyway?'

'Go as hard as you like', I said. 'I like a heavy fucking'.

'You got it', he said, increasing speed. Peter was busy with the phone camera again.

Trevor gripped my legs by the ankles and started pounding my ass furiously. He looked so hot above me and his cock felt great inside me.

'That's not my idea of a rough fucking', I said, teasingly. 'Really show me what you're capable of.'

'Fucking rape him, Trevor, he's asking for it', said Peter.

The next few minutes were pretty memorable. Trevor pounded me so hard I could barely breathe but it was an awesome feeling being fucked aggressively like that. I started jerking myself off while he fucked me and the speed and depth of his fucking pushed all the right buttons for me. I lost control and blew a huge load all over my stomach.

Suddenly with a deep groan, Trevor shot his load into me violently. This was his third load of the evening but it felt just as strong as the earlier ones. He then collapsed on top of me, kissing me feverishly. He stayed in that position for a few minutes until he caught his breath. Running my hands down his back, I noticed he was sweating profusely.

Eventually he pulled his now softening cock out of me.

'Want me to lick the cum off it?' I asked.

He straddled my chest and stuck his cock in my mouth. I sucked the last drops out of it and he groaned and arched his back. He was sounding a bit exhausted.

He climbed off me and, when I got off the bed, both guys put their arms around me and we had a deep three-way kissing session. It looked like they had enjoyed it all as much as I had.

'I'd better get down to the bathroom', I said. 'My ass is probably still dripping'.

I headed down the passage to the bathroom. I used the toilet, had a good shower, dried myself and dressed. I then waited in the kitchen for Peter and Trevor to re- appear. I checked my phone for messages while I waited but nothing important had come through.

Both guys eventually appeared from the passage. They were wearing matching track suits.

Peter made some coffee and, while we drank it, he showed me the video he took of the double fuck. He'd captured it really well. As usual, I found my facial and verbal reactions the most interesting aspect of it all. It was very interesting to seeing my asshole in close up stuffed full of two big cocks and I was impressed by the amount of cum that flowed out of it when Peter pulled his cock out after they had both cum in me.

Then Peter showed me the photos and short videos he'd taken on his phone camera. These varied in quality but there were some good shots of Trevor cumming all over my face in the kitchen then face fucking me in the bedroom. I liked the rear view shots of Trevor fucking me doggie-style and I definitely wanted a copy of me eating his hairy asshole.

The most spectacular of all was the video of Trevor 'raping' me at the end. I was amazed at how heavy that fuck actually was and the look of concentration and pleasure on my face during it was priceless. Peter promised to send me copies when I got back home.

It was now after 11pm and time to go back to my motel. Trevor got his car keys and Peter gave me a long kiss goodnight, saying he hoped I'd visit again some time. I told them they were very welcome to stay with me if they were ever in Sydney.

It didn't take long to get back to Mildura and I didn't see any kangaroos on the way. Trevor pulled in to the parking lot of the motel and stopped in a visitor parking space.

'I could cum again if you're up for one more', he said. The man was a sex maniac!

'Sure', I replied, getting out of the car.

We went into my room and I turned the light on.

'I'll just get my lube and some towels', I said. Trevor started taking his clothes off.

When I came back from the bathroom, Trevor was naked and stroking his hard cock.

'Can you eat my ass again to start?' he asked.

I was hoping he'd say that. I really liked his superbly hairy ass and I was very happy to have another go at it. I got my clothes off quickly.

'How do you want me to do it?' I asked. 'Sitting on my face or doggie position?'

I really liked sitting on your face but you're so good at it that my legs went to jelly too quick', he said. 'Let's go doggie-style'.

He got onto the bed face down and ass up. Looking at that beautiful big, muscular hairy ass again was making my legs go weak, too.

I got onto the bed behind him and buried my face in that hairy jungle between his cheeks. He groaned as I flicked my tongue in and out of his hole. I reached underneath and started playing with his hard cock, too.

I alternated between licking and sucking at his hole and using my teeth a little as well. He started making whimpering sounds and I pulled his cheeks open wider and got my tongue into hole as far as I could. We must have stayed locked together in that position for about ten minutes, both of us really enjoying it.

Eventually he told me to stop or he would just cum spontaneously.

We both stood up and he kissed me long and hard, pushing his tongue right down my throat.

'I don't suppose I could rape you again, could I?' he asked. 'That was an awesome fuck before'.

'It's fine with me', I said. 'As I said before I enjoy a good, hard fucking'.

'I don't want to hurt you, though', he said. 'I'm pretty strong'.

'Leave it to me to tell you to stop if I think it's too much', I said. 'I trust that you'll stop'.

'Great!' he said, stroking his cock. 'Fucking really rough has always been a fantasy of mine. I've never had the nerve to ask anyone to let me do it before'.

'Ok, then no holding back', I said. 'Fuck as rough as in your fantasies and then double it'.

'Same position as before?' he asked. That was fine with me.

I put some lube on my asshole and spread some on his cock. Then I lay back on the bed with my ass at the edge and he moved into position, lifting my legs back tight against my body.

He stuck his cock into my hole and pushed it all the way in. It felt just as good as before.

'Fuck you're really tight again', he said. 'Are you sure you can handle a rough fuck now?'

'If you don't rape me, I'll never speak to you again', I said. He laughed and pulled his cock outwards and then slammed it back in right up to his balls. He leaned forward and kissed me, moving his cock steadily inside me.

'Here we go', he said, holding my legs down hard and increasing speed. Soon he was pounding my ass quite hard and I encouraged him to go even harder.

'Oh fuck!' he said. He stopped kissing me and concentrated on just fucking me as rough as he could. He looked like a man possessed. It felt good and looking at him in action was really exciting.

'Harder, harder', I said. It was getting difficult to breathe but his cock brutally slamming into me felt awesome.

'I'm cumming', he said and exploded deep inside me. He stopped fucking and held his cock full length inside me as his cum filled my hole. It felt amazing.

He fell forward on top of me and started kissing me passionately. He was breathing very heavily. It took him a few minutes to recover and by then he was kissing me very tenderly. He was a really warm kisser.

Then he pulled his cock out of me, wiped it with one of the hand towels and grinned at me.

'Thanks for helping me with one of my top fantasies', he said. 'It was wonderful'.

'I hope we can do it again in the future', I said. 'Come and visit me in Sydney'.

I got up and used the towel on my ass to stop anything dripping. He looked at the time. it was almost midnight.

I better get home', he said. 'Thanks for the most awesome evening'.

'Thank you and thanks for the four cumshots', I said. 'All donations gratefully received.' He laughed.

At the door, he turned and kissed me deeply.

'We'll see you in Sydney for sure', he said. 'Stay in touch'.

After he'd gone, I cleaned up and got into bed. After all that heavy action, I fell asleep almost immediately.

To be continued....

Comments welcome at gorm4571@mail.com.

You might also enjoy my previous stories 'A Hot Holiday In Pakistan' and 'A Hot Holiday in Europe'. They are also here in the 'Encounters' section of Nifty.

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Next: Chapter 8

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