A Hottie Rides My Motorcycle

By moc.oohay@dutsyrotsfs

Published on Nov 4, 2006



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A Hottie Rides My Motorcycle By SFstorystud

This is a true story and one that still brings a smile to my face and a blood rush to my cock.

I was 20, a junior in college and was new to being out of the closet. I had just purchased a fun Yamaha motorcycle and loved riding it around the city and in the mountains just outside of town. As you can imagine, I was motivated to cruise around not only to get kicks out of my new bike and to check out the scenery, but also as a vehicle to get me more cock.

On this particular day, it was early evening, early autumn and the weather was great. The leaves were yellow, orange and brown and just falling off the trees. I happened to need to buy a book for a class and had parked my bike directly across the street from the bookstore.

As I dashed across the street, I noticed a very cute guy waiting at the bus stop just in front of the store. He was about my height, 5'10" or so, brown hair and with beautiful blue eyes. He also looked to be about my age, but maybe a couple of years older. I think that he must have noticed me as well (ya know, guys on bikes draw some attention) and definitely seemed to check me out when I took my helmut off. Our eyes locked for a split second, but being shy and new to checking out guys, I quickly averted my eyes. I had an instant hard-on.

I dashed inside and went about looking for my book. The picture of his cute face was frozen in my mind. I had no idea whether he was gay or not, or what I would even do if he was still outside when I was finished buying my book. But my mind raced about the possibilities.

When I came out of the bookstore a few minutes later, he was still waiting for the bus. I slowed my step and smiled at him just before hitting the crosswalk to cross the street. He gave a brief nod of his chin and smiled back. It was great smile with shining eyes and lovely lips. I grinned and crossed the street.

As I jumped on my bike and began to put on my motorcycle helmut, I noticed that he was still staring at me. I looked up and locked eyes with him once again. With a boldness I didn't previously know I had, I gave him a barely perceptible wave and pointed with my thumb sideways towards the back of my bike. I kinda nodded my head over my shoulder to indicate I would give him a life if he was interested. This was totally crazy spontaneity for me, especially since I had no idea if he might have been a creep. I guess that I thought he was probably a student since we were along the school campus.

He smiled again. He then nodded his head a couple of times slowly and then walked over to the crosswalk. As soon as he had crossed the street and approached me, he held out his hand and introduced himself as Jeff. I shook his hand and introduced myself as well.

I turns out that he was a graduate student and lived off-campus in an apartment about 3-1/2 miles away. He was on his way home and had been waiting for the bus for a while. He said that it was his lucky day since I was offering to give him a ride home and thanked me for lift.

I wanted to tell him that it was my lucky day since I was about to have a total hottie ride with my on my bike. But I did my best to control myself and just stay cool. Instead, I apologized that I didn't have an extra helmet, but that I would drive slowly and as safely as possible. I told him that he should sit just behind me and hold around my waist to stay on.

We made small talk for a minute and then he swiveled his leg just over the bike behind me and I noticed that he might have had partial hard-on himself. Once he was saddled up in the seat behind me, I knew he either had a phone or a wallet in his front pocket, or had a hard cock that was happy to see me. As I revved the engine, he locked his arms around me. Over the engine sounds, he gave me directions to his house.

As we drove down the street, I could feel his warm and solid body locked around mine. I was tingling all over and my cock was as hard as a rock. By the way, I am 5'10", brown hair with green eyes, in good shape from working out and swimming, and am 7" cut.

All of a sudden while I was driving, I felt his right hand wander down to my crotch. He started to rub the outline of my cock with his thumb and forefinger. I became a little light headed. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was all I could do to keep the motorcycle going straight and follow traffic signs and the rules of the road. I had intentionally been driving more slowly than I usually do for safety reasons and to prolong the drive. But now I think I was driving more slowly because I was distracted by the ecstasy I was feeling in my groin.

Pretty soon he was using his whole hand to fondle my cock through my jeans. He was particularly focusing on the area just below the head of my dick, which is my most sensitive erogenous zone. My eyes must have been rolling towards the back of my head. This was amazing! I couldn't believe this hot guy who came out of nowhere was now on the back of my bike and giving me a hand job.

Because we were both a bit distracted, I think he had forgotten to tell me a few turns so we were just zipping along down random streets heading (I guess) kinda in the direction of his house. I was glad that this trip was taking longer than it should have since I was totally enjoying myself and wanted it to last.

But I was so horny, and I could feel his hard-on pressed hard against my butt. His hand was busy stroking my crotch, fondling my balls, and rubbing my dick, and the pressure felt so great. All of a sudden, I gasped for air as I began to shoot come wildly in my underwear. I didn't want to yell out for it to be too obvious to the world, but Jeff knew exactly what was happening. His hand slowed down and then he just kept my mound covered while I came and came and came. I did my best to steady the motorcycle as we drove on.

When my ejaculations were over, I took a quick moment to recover. Then I smiled with this huge grin and patted his leg as a gesture of thanks. He gave my cock one more squeeze and then just left his hand there to grip for support as we drove.

At that point, he was able to give me a few directions so that I could actually find our way to his house. When we arrived and I stopped the motorcycle, he pushed back and patted my shoulders. He then swung his leg over the back and stood next to the motorcycle. He had a devilish smile on his face and a huge bulge in his pants.

I expressed my thanks for the delicious hand-job and he replied that the pleasure was all his. He also thanked me for driving him home. Even better, he then asked me if I would like to come in for a drink and for a chance to get to know one another better.

I didn't need any encouragement. Of course I said yes and jumped off the bike. He lived in a nice neighborhood in four story apartment building. We entered the building and climbed the stairs up to the second floor where his apartment was. After he opened the door, I followed him in and shut it behind me.

He swung around to face me and we immediately locked lips for some heavy making out. He was passionate but gentle. Our tongues danced over one another's while our hands began to explore one another's bodies over the folds of our clothing. We must have kissed for at least 5 minutes when we both finally paused for a moment to breathe some air.

He offered me a drink and we both decided to have a glass of water. We both wanted to continue our playing so that cocktail or wine would have to wait until later. He then led me into his bedroom and we both started to disrobe. I must say that this was incredibly ballsy for me but I was just going with the flow.

We quickly were naked. He was equally hot out of his clothes. His chest was mildly furry and he had the cutest bubble butt. His cock was a little longer than mine ^Ö at least 7 inches ^Ö and almost the same thickness. He was in fairly good shape since he was a runner and played tennis. We locked lips again and then cascaded onto the bed.

After some long passionate kissing, we were doing heavy exploration of each other's body. He pushed himself on top and started to lick my ear, neck, nipples and then lapped around my cock, licking up any dried come from my earlier orgasm. I was rock-hard and ready to go again.

I reversed our positions and did the same kind of roaming of his body with my tongue. I spent a long time sucking on his nice hard nipples and then, while tweaking them with my fingers, descended lower to take his cock in my mouth. I started at the head and licked around it for a long time. Then I slowly eased my mouth down his rod, ever so slowly, until I had his meat deep inside my mouth. I deep-throated him for a couple of minutes until he motioned that he was getting close to coming and gently pushed my head away. He wanted to slow us down a bit.

It was his turn to sit atop me, and he started licking my nipples, cock and balls again. But he didn't stop there. He pushed my legs up and began to explore my butt. He was licking my rosebud as he stroked my dick. He was opening me up with his tongue while starting to get my hole ready for his cock. I was in heaven.

After he had relaxed me and opened me up a bit down there, he opened his nightstand and got a condom out. Once the condom was rolled on, he got some lube and massaged my hole a bit more to make sure I was ready. Then he took his cock and plunged it in.

I am normally a top and a very quick bottom. It doesn't take me long to come when I'm excited. We must have fucked for about 2 or 3 minutes when I told him that I was almost ready to shoot. He told me to let it go and he would come with me. He pounded my ass for another second and then we both erupted. My cock shot cum all over his torso while he was pumping his jizz in my ass.

When our orgasms stopped, he pulled his dick out and then I lowered my legs and he dropped his torso down on top of mine. We kissed, cuddled and hung in that position until we both fell into a short nap. When I awoke, he was still dozing but woke up just a moment later.

This was the start of an amazing relationship. More stories about our great sex will come later.

Copyright 2006 by sfstorystud.

Please e-mail me at sfstorystud@yahoo.com to let me know if you enjoyed this story. If encouraged, I have a few years of experiences and stories possibly worth sharing. Helpful comments and suggestions also are welcome.

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