A Late Night with David W

By J. J. W.

Published on Dec 7, 2007



It is after midnight, and as usual I am bored and horny. I am watching David Letterman on the TV while trying to break into my local city chat room on AOL. I am clicking and clicking and getting that usual "Room Full" message from AOL. I again check through each person listed as "Chatting" and discover the usual number of screen names that when you click on them, you receive an "AWAY" message. I yell at the computer that AOL. "YOU HAVE SO MANY DAMN RULES. WHY NOT HAVE A REAL USEFUL ONE. LIKE IF YOUR AWAY MESSAGE IS OVER ONE HOUR OLD, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROOM!" I follow that with `BESIDES THAT WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE A ROOM LIMIT OF 36 WHICH IS THE SAME SIZE AS 20 YEARS AGO. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THAT COMPUTERS HAVE A LOT MORE STORAGE THAN THAT NOW."

I stare again at the "Room Full" sign and conclude my frustration with a hearty "AOL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!" scream. I feel better and as if someone has heard me all of a sudden I am in the room. I send my usual greetings to the room, announce my presence, and indicate a strong desire to suck and lick and rimm. I look expectantly at the screen and the im catcher. NOTHING. Well it is my normal life. I am going to have to get off with one handed reading of NIFTY again. I think to myself perhaps I should list myself as possessing well practiced hand to cock co-ordination as a skill. After this brilliant thought, I go back to dreaming and drooling about finding some leather MAN who will put me into some leather restraints, pull a hood on me and fuck me royally after I have carefully used my willing mouth to arouse and lubricate his POWER TOOL. I sit and wait, and wait, and after a while I let my hand start the slide down to my crotch. "Another night of one handed adventure" I sigh to myself. Then, the im catcher shows a message. I am drooling in happiness, and I rush my hand from my crotch to the keyboard. Hope springs eternal, as does my cock as it reacts to this rush of hope. I see the expected "hi" message, and restrain myself from creativity, and respond with `hi" back. The usual conversation begins. Since it is a no brainer, I wonder if I could not just save up a series of standard responses and just go through numbers 1 through 10 in order and hit correct responses every time. What's up" is the response, and I groan as I type my "Not much looking for action." My standard response #2. After we do go through the normal garbage, "davidw9876" seems to get to the real business. "U bottom?" This question is always a problem as there are probably 70 bottoms for every top in AOL. I go for honesty in the night and type "Yup. Looking for TOP." I wait for the normal response to this comments of "Sorry me 2. Good luck." Instead I read "TOP here looking to use a talented bottom." My cock jumps, and I begin to really get excited - on many levels. "GREAT!!!!!" I type. "Experienced bottom into being put into restraint and then being put to work by superior MAN to make me serve HIS needs." This is probably more than I can deliver, but in the lovely conservative Midwest city in which I live, real TOPS are rare, and one that really makes me squirm would be a real surprise. So I feel that since I do not expect to be meeting a REAL TOTAL LEATHER S&M, B&D TOP, I can fudge a bit on my abilities and capabilities as a bottom boi. "Send front, back, front body shots and cock and face pics" is the next screen. I like that this is not phrased as a request, but an order. "SIR yes SIR" I reply and drag out the disk on which I have my pics, and pick out pics of my back and front pics in a leather harness that I had taken of me three years earlier in Washington, DC just for this type of request. I then copied onto my e-mail by home made (digital cameras are great) cock and ball shot. Finally I sent a second e-mail with a vanilla face pic. Why a second e-mail. I know it sounds silly and probably naïve beyond reason, but I did not want my naked shots in the same e-mail with a face pic of me. I know; I know that since both e-mails are from the same address and are sent within seconds of one another, but somehow to me it seems I give myself a chance to disassociate my real face from those naked pics. I sent them off, and waited for some response. I feared the "YUKK!" response. I waited. I waited. I waited. I now knew I would not get the YUKK response but the even meaner and more weasel one of just disappearing. I was just ready to type in my statement that "Sorry that I do not meet your standards." response, when a message arrived. My correspondent had sent me one picture. He was cute and probably around 20. My 5 ½ cock rose to new heights. "SUPER NICE" I typed back. The screen came to life again. "I want you here now. Now is when you have to decide if you are a real bottom or a wimp. COME NOW!" Far from turning me off, this 20 year old was pushing ALL my buttons. I want a TOP who orders, and one that does not ask me what I want. For a total bottom like I am, I am happy when the TOP is happy. I know that sounds strange to some, but for me it is true. I really get a total sexual and personal satisfaction NOT when things are being done to me actively, but when I know that I am truly under the control of the TOP, and that following the TOP'S orders, I am providing the TOP with what HE WANTS. I answered, "SIR this boi is ready to serve, SIR." There was a pause, and then the next message appeared. "Give me a phone number, and we will give you directions and instructions, boi. What is ur first name boi?" For some reason I typed in my real first name justin, and my real cell phone number. I waited and then the phone rang. I picked it up and the youngish voice that said "Justin?" "SIR yes SIR "Clean out your ass, and drive down to the corner of Crestview and 16th Street. On that corner is a large Victorian house. You have 30 minutes to report." "SIR" i replied, "boi wants to obey, SIR.. "THEN STOP WHINING AND OBEY!" I was very conflicted, I wanted to obey, and I was afraid to obey. The address was in an area of the city that had been highlighted in the local paper as the highest crime area in the entire county. "I am afraid to drive into that area of the city this late at might. I really want to come, but I am afraid that I can get shot or my car will be stolen.

The reply came quickly. "The house is right on the corner, and I will come out and stand there on the corner and wait for you. I will guide you to parking in the back of the house, and that parking area is absolutely safe, I thought about this idea, and it was tempting. I guess my time thinking over the idea was longer than SIR was interested and another e-mail arrived. "As I said boi, are you too much of a wimp to have enough courage to drive in this area to have the session you have always wanted? I will give you a route here that will keep you out of the areas you are most afraid of, and I have stated I will guide you to a safe parking and furthermore I am willing to stand on a street corner and wait for you. If you can get up enough courage for that, then you would be of no interest to me. You clearly are not man enough to be a bottom for me." This reply was well crafted to overcome my fears of the area. I really was drooling from all over in anticipation, and his assurances seemed impressive to me. I wrote back, "I am giving myself enema now. Should be there in about 30 minutes." Almost immediately I got my reply "boi I am truly beginning to second guess my offer. I said 20 minutes and I mean 20 minutes to be at this corner. I am sending you the route to get here from the intersection you gave as where you live. You should have no trouble if you told me the truth about where you live." I am going to start your 20 minutes at 12:36." I realized he was giving me an extra 3 minutes, and so I replied with a "SIR yes SIR." And quickly got the nozzle up my ass. I had shit a little earlier and so I decided that two bags would clean me out, and after they were done, I made my normal preparations, printed off the directions, and got into the car. The intersection I have given him was only one mile from the real intersection, and so I really could follow his directions to get there. I leave my credit cards and most of my money at home when I do one of these little adventures. I only carried my driver's license, and everything else stayed home. I kept watching my time, and following his directions I did indeed see that I would be there with about 3 minutes to spare. I momentarily thought I would slow down to arrive just in time, but I saw the guy whose picture had been sent to me standing on the corner. I had mentally decided that if the picture had not matched I would just drive on past. I pulled over, put down the window. "Good job boi." was SIR's comment. Now, drive around the corner, and just at the east side of the house you will see a drive, drive up the driveway. At the back you will see a gate. It will open for you and you can then just park in an open space. I followed his directions, and felt much calmer. Although I was still not thrilled to be in this part of the city, the parking lot was indeed secure. It was well lighted, surrounded by a high fence, and with a serious gate to get in. Suddenly it dawned on me that this whole area was sort of like going into a prison. I had delivered Christmas presents once to a prison and this fence and gate suddenly gave me the feeling of going "inside" again. After I had parked, I looked over to the back of the large Victorian home. I noted it was in excellent condition, and someone had spent big bucks on this home in one of the city's worst area. Someone must have big bucks to put this much at risk in this area. As I looked, I saw SIR standing at a door and motioning me in. I got out of my car and walked rapidly toward him. I wondered if I should drop to my knees when I got near him. "Get your ass in here boi" he shouted, and then disappeared inside the building. I sped up, and reaching the door. When I went through the door I went from the brightly lit parking area to the inside of a cave. Momentarily I was sightless. A hand grabbed my right shoulder, and then a hand grabbed my left shoulder, and the momentum that I had generated in trying to rush to follow SIR into the house was reversed, and suddenly I found myself thrust against the door that I had just moved past. "SPREAD EAGLE BOI!" a low and very commanding voice said into my ear. This voice was NOT the voice of the person on the street. This voice was lower than SIR's, more commanding, more menacing. This voice WAS the voice of a SIR. I felt and hand running up my back under my polo shirt which I had not tucked into my Bermudas. The hand was large, much larger than the person outside would have. It was warm, and as I felt it press against my skin, it seemed to affix me to the door. IT did not push me into the door, as mystically force me to press into the door. One hand was motionless, but other hands removed my sandals. Then the button on the Bermudas was undone, and my Bermudas were pulled down and off. I automatically brought my legs together to assist in the removal of the Bermudas, and automatically spread my legs again as soon as they were removed from my bare feet. I was now naked from the waist down as I had not put on any underwear. Soon my polo shirt was also removed, and that hand held me on the door as I was rendered nude. I knew that my cock which had deflated when thrown against the door had returned to its hard and excited state. Again in my ear this voice, which seemed to me very deep like Morgan Freeman's said, "You are doing well slave." I noted that this time I was referred to as slave and not boi. A cloth hood was pulled over my head at this point. This hood was like a cloth bag with a draw string, and although I could not see through it, it was porous enough for me to breathe easily. I was not afraid of asphyxiation. A collar went around the base of the hood, and it was buckled on securely, but not so tight that it choked. I heard the click of a lock, and THE VOICE with just a hint of humor, whispered, "No slave. You will not be choked nor asphyxiated. You just need to have some senses removed so that you can concentrate on the essentials. Listen to my voice and obey. That is your duty as a slave. I tolerate nothing less than a slave's total and immediate obedience." I involuntarily shivered as I felt myself totally under authority, and this both excited and scared me. The old phrase of "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it." ran through my mind. The VOICE said, "A lead will now be attached to your collar, and you will follow the lead slave." I could see a shadowy figure ahead of me and then there was a tug on the leash attached to my collar. I followed the tag down hallways, and through doors, and finally was led carefully down some stairs. I could very well have been led in circles around the same hallways for all I knew. I had no idea where I was, except that it was now down in a basement. The coolness and the feel of a basement enveloped my naked body. I was shivering. Suddenly we came to a stop. My lead said "On all fours." I dropped down on my hands and knees. My lead then added, "Slaves never stand in the dungeon unless ordered. I will take you into the dungeon now, and I will tether you to the rail. Just remain motionless until a MASTER gives you an order." I then heard a knock at a steel door. Then I heard a sliding of a panel, and promptly my handler said "MASTERS slave 36 and new slave delivering new slave, MASTERS." I heard bolts being moved, and then the sound of the door being opened, and then a heat and the odor of sweat and fear engulfed me." My lead was moved and a sudden and forceful yank propelled me into the chamber. I heard the door slam behind me and I felt my lead be wound around something. Then I was left. There had been a cessation of activity for my arrival, and now I heard the sounds of whips hitting naked flesh. I guess there were two floggings being made as the sounds of the whips seemed distant from another ^Ö not a lot, but distinctly different. Then I heard chains, and moaning. Suddenly I was detached and following my lead as fast as I could crawl I went up probably five steps and then a deep masculine voice ordered, "I am going to remove the hood. slave YOU keep your eyes shut tight until ordered to open them." My eyelids went down and I pushed them tightly shut. I felt the hood being removed, and indeed the collar everything was removed, and I was completely naked, with not even chains, collars, and cuffs holding me. Then I was picked up by arms which seemed mammoth and my neck was placed in a steel ring. I was positioned correctly, and the other half of the steel collar came around my neck and clicked shut with the sound of a lock snapping shut. The height of the collar forced my arms to bend to lower my head, and soon both wrists were also locked into steel rings. At this point I became aware that under me was a steel beam, maybe six inches wide. Then my angles were also locked into place. I was now locked to this steel frame with all my movable parts locked securely in immobility. "OPEN EYES!" was the command, and my eyes flew open to see my dream and my nightmare of a dungeon. In front of me were two naked bodies, one fastened to a ST. Andrew's Cross, and the other spread eagled by chins to steel eyebolts on the floor, and to a wench in the ceiling which pulled each arms out and up uniformly. The two slaves were well muscled and powerful looking, but all that muscle power was helpless in their restraints. From behind me again the voice of power thundered, "Slaves 38 and 40 look at your new brother slave!" They both snapped their heads up from looking at the floor in front of them to my direction, and I saw the look of fear and resignation, and perhaps sorrow staring me literally in the face. "Well salveboi, you said you wanted to serve and be held by steel so that you had to do as ordered. I think you will agree we are giving you what you wanted. Make sure you show your proper gratitude for our making your wish come true." I would have nodded, but no part of me could really move especially my head locked in the thick steel collar. I heard the sound of air rushing by an object and then I felt that object across my butt. I was being paddled by some very large, and very unyielding piece of wood. I was not told to count and so I stayed there enduring the worst pain I have ever know. The first one produced a cry of pain however that was quite involuntary. It is the primeval animal cry humans make when something has returned that human to its ancient roots as an animal. The force of the blow would have propelled me several feet forward except that I was unable to move any part of my body more than fractions of inches. After allowing a moment for me to recover another stroke landed, slightly above the original and again from by inner soul came the sound of animal anguish. A total of ten strokes covered my butt thoroughly and methodically. Welcome slave 53 to your new reality. In your induction period you will learn to obey, and you will then become an asset of the brotherhood. You will serve for the rest of your life. This is not a game, and this is not a one-night fantasy time. This is forever." These comments might have sounded very ominous except that now i knew i was truly a slave in that the MASTERS could make me do anything, and were in complete control. i started weeping. In my own mind i was not sure out of fear, out of pain, or out of joy for finding beginning my true life.

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