A Lesson in Time

By Sanibel Boys

Published on Mar 11, 2007


This story is (C)Copyright 2006, by TM. All World Wide Rights Reserved. This story may not be sold or made part of any collection without prior written permission.

A Lesson In Time, Chapter Thirty Two

Everything I was seeing and hearing was so much different than what I'd formulated in my head the night before. I suppose it was because everybody had arrived long before I had anticipated.

I sat at a table with my mother and father, watching the scantily clad slave pouring coffee. At the other table, Doc and Frank were hastily moving the slave folders from one stack to another. Mr. Alderton had walked over to speak with Shaun; way before Shaun could even get close enough for me to hear what they were talking about. It just seemed as though my eyes were going a hundred miles an hour, trying to soak in every aspect of what I was observing.

Mom said something to the slave, which caused me to turn in her direction. I instantly noticed that she had dropped her right hand down and was groping the slave's complete package. "Now Kevin", she said. "What on earth would make you think that I wouldn't inspect one of the slaves? It's only natural, that a woman of my stature and esteem know everything about the one who is serving us."

"I know mom", I hastily replied. "It's just that I've never seen you do that before and it took me by surprise."

"You don't think I haven't done this before. Of course I have. Who do you think made sure that your precious MoMo was properly smooth and cinched each day?"

I didn't bother to answer her, as I could always tell when mom us up for a good debate on the ethical and moral treatment of any and all slaves.

Dad remained silent, as he kept his gaze on the other two men. He didn't even drink his coffee. It was as if he was about to explode or something; from the way his face looked.

Jordan and John Henry maintained their vigilance, and remained kneeling for quite some time. I was beginning to wonder, just how long they could kneel there, like that, before the pressure on their knees would begin to impede their skill and training.

Mr. Alderton and Shaun walked over to Doc; and Mr. Alderton began speaking to

him. "I guess we'll start with the `worker slaves' first. That would be the most logical place to start", he said with a less than pleasing tone of voice.

Doc handed him a short stack of slave folders and calmly said, "We'll have the other folders ready by the time you return."

Dad stood up and as Mr. Alderton closed the distance between the two of them, dad said; "This place is a mess. A total fucking disgrace by my standards. >From those folders, I need you to see which of the slaves might have some experience in cooking, house keeping, and lawn and landscaping. If we're to assume responsibility for this entire estate, it will have to be turned around to meet our standards."

"Yes Sir", replied Alderton, "but this group of slaves are the ones who are only sentenced for a short period of time. I don't think we can convince any of them to stay on."

"You find the slaves we need and I'll see to it that they'll be begging us to stay on", my father said in his employer voice.

As dad returned to his chair, he calmly yet matter of factly said "Nothing but a total waste of money to hire a housekeeper and a cook; when you have a whole barn full of able bodied slaves to choose from. I'll never understand the guy who thinks money can get you anything."

My first thought was that dad was wrong... I thought that money COULD buy you anything. However, I kept quiet and let my thoughts flow away with the breeze.

"Honey, if you're finished playing with the slave, might I suggest that you let it get back to work", dad said quite harshly; as he once again placed his

attention on Doc and Frank.

"Thank goodness we brought at least one slave with us dear", mom said to my father. "From what I've seen around here, it's going to take a lot of work to properly get the right slave in the right job."

"Yes dear, I'm well aware of that. Just let me worry about it and you worry about something else".

As the black slave entered the kitchen, four well dressed men and women came

outside. I recognized them, by their faces as being employees at dad's company. They all looked like `bean counters' with their hand held calculators and note pads.

They stood next to the table, while the three of us remained seated. I was sure, that whatever it was that I was about to hear was going to be quite interesting.

They began speaking in terms so foreign that I was lost within the first minute. Even the way they maintained their composure, matched the way each of them was impeccably dressed and it all added up soon enough that they had just completed an inventory of the house, which included placing an estimated market value on it.

Dad raised his hand, calling a momentary halt to the droves of numbers being tossed out. The next thing I know, he's calling Jordan and John Henry over to our table.

"I take it that you slaves eat and sleep in the house?" he asked.

"Sir, yes Sir", they replied in unison.

"Well, as of now, you'll no longer be sleeping and eating in the house", dad

said in a nice way. "I want you two boys to gather up, anything that is considered yours and take it down to the cottage. From now on you'll both be living, and eating your meals there... is that understood?"

"Sir, yes Sir" came the response.

"And since you're moving in to the cottage, that must mean that somebody is moving out. Whatever personal belonging are there from the current occupant, just toss them out the door and I'll see to it that those items are collected


"Sir, yes Sir", they replied.

"It's my understanding that the two of you are well trained in the art of pleasing a man and you should have your own space to keep yourselves well kept and prepared for such an activity. After you've moved in, I need you to report back to me, with a list of things that you feel are missing from the cottage, and I'm only referring to things that will help enhance your abilities... not your personal pleasures."

"Sir, yes Sir" my friends replied.

I saw to faint smiles and brighter eyes on Jordan and John Henry; more than I 'd seen since my arrival.

Mom had to put her two cents in by saying, "I'll be down to the cottage sometime before lunch to see how you two slaves are making out and I just might have a few suggestions of my own; which of course depends on the condition of the cottage as it is now. However, I expect the two of you to have it cleaned top to bottom by the time I arrive."

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am" they said.

"Go on and get going before I have the two of you boys whipped", dad said; and I almost thought for a second that I saw a smile on his face too.

The accountants started back in with the numbers and stuff, while I saw dad taking notes, or so I thought.

Dad leaned over, past mom, and handed me a folded piece of paper; and then he returned to sitting properly.

I looked at my father, who motioned with his head, that I should open the note. The note read, as follows:

"Your two friends are our friends too. They've been `our' friends a long time. Will explain later."

I looked at my father, with a blank expression on my face; only to see him with a huge smile on his.

The slave returned from the kitchen with a fresh pot of coffee and refilled everyone's cup. My mother just couldn't keep her eyes off of him, and I almost felt as if she was having some sort of feelings about/towards him. Her gaze, once again was noticed by my father.

"Perhaps Kevin, you can take your mother on a carriage ride around the place.

That just might help to get her mind back on the business at hand instead of

thinking about having a cock in hand", dad said quite sternly.

Noting dad's tone of voice, I remained silent as I stood and waited for my mother to stand. She didn't seem to pleased that my father was excluding her from the remainder of the conversation he was having.

Just as we went through the back gate, Alderton and Shaun were almost upon us, as they made their way back to my father. I could only imagine the look on Shaun's face, when dad would tell him that he no longer would be sleeping in the cottage. Matter of fact... where would Shaun be sleeping? Heck, maybe dad was going to fire Shaun too.

"Come on Kevin, let's get out of here. Show me something beautiful", mom said in a voice that told me she was upset.

We walked up to the pony slaves and I fell, or started to fall, into one of those relapses that Mr. Alderton had told me about. Seeing the pony slaves all hitched to the various modes of transportation started to get me excited. I keyed in on the young man that was hitched up to the carriage.

This time, for whatever reason, he actually had a horse bit in his mouth. I guess it was to impress dad or something; but it sure did look uncomfortable.

Mom noticed it to. "This is a nice touch", she said trying her best to smile. "A lot of the times, ponies don't have their bits in and to me that's defeating their purpose in life." She ran her hands `all over' the pony slave; just as if she was inspecting a real animal. I watched as she hefted the slave 's cock and balls. "Nice penis and scrotum on this one don't you think Kevin?"

Embarrassed to have to answer that question, I paused, especially because I would have to give my opinion on another male's cock. "Yes for his height and

weight, I'd say his penis is quite admirable."

"And what about these other slaves? Have you had much contact with them? It seems to me that I either heard about or watched you on video while you were learning a few lessons."

"YES MOM!" I said rather rudely. "They are all quite nice, as they should be for the job they are assigned to do".

"Well come on then. I only have about an hour to spare before lunch and my visit to the cottage." Mom said, as she waited for me to help her climb up onto the seat.

Mom grabbed the reins before I had a chance to. "I've never ridden in a carriage before, let alone controlled a slave like this. This should be an amazing journey. Which way do we go son?"

I pointed towards the farthest parcel of land, down where the worker slaves normally would be found `slaving away'. The only reason I started there was just because, should the pony slave start to tire out, I wouldn't want my mother to get upset with him if we still had a lot of ground to cover.

Mom picked up the reins and gave them a good shake; getting the handsome pony slave to start off at a fairly smooth pace. All of the `worker' slaves were still standing in their own respective area, as we passed quickly by.

"Kevin, did you see that?', mom asked.

"See what?" I replied.

"The overseer of all those slaves. He's sitting down under a shade tree. That shows a total lack of respect for the person he gets his paycheck from. I' ll have to mention that to your father, who'll most likely terminate his employment too."

I kept quiet for several minutes, while mom enjoyed her authority over our pony slave. But then, I just had to start asking a series of poignant questions.

"Mom, can you tell me what all is going on here? I already know some of it, but every time I turn around something else new pops up."

"Kevin" mom began rather quietly and with a great deal of self-control. "An intern's job is to observe and report his observations, just like you're doing. Your father and Ms. Mudfart say that your reports are outstanding. However, when it comes to a point where our interns are being mistreated and taken advantage of, your father and I take a pretty dim view on such matters."

"I understand all of that mom, but what about everything going on here today. Surely there's more to all this than what dad and Mr. Alderton have told me. You've always been upfront with me before, so mom... please tell me what's really going on." I said, almost sounding pathetic.

My mother kept quiet until we had reached the place where the worker slaves had been at work cutting trees. She eased back on the reins and brought the pony slave to a halt.

"Let's get down so I can walk down to that pretty creek", mom said in her ` standard' motherly voice.

I had just turned back, from looking at our pony slave, when mom started speaking. "Kevin, it's not a big deal that you're gay. That shouldn't stop you from becoming whatever it is that you want to be. However, there is, or should I say was a problem with the way you went about allowing these men to video some of your sexual encounters. It's not your fault that they administered those drugs to your system, but your father is taking care of that.

Had it not been for Mr. Alderton catching your sister on one of the computers, you'd probably be in a lot worse situation and condition than you are now. Thankfully, your father and Ms. Mudfart were able to rectify some, not all of the damage she's done."

"Mom, what damage? What was she doing on the computer?" I asked, knowing full well that she had sent me two emails.

"Seems like your sister hacked one of the computers and was able to find your

location and your email address; along with a bunch of other things. It appears that she had sent an email out to Doc about you. And your father thinks that is why the man and his men decided to take advantage of you."

"I know it must sound silly mom, but what she did couldn't have been all that bad."

"Kevin... that's where you're wrong", mom replied, as I noted her voice starting to show signs of anger. "Your sister not only sent an email here, but she

forwarded the same email to every location on your itinerary."

"And so... what's the point mom", I asked.

"Jesus Kevin... are you that stupid that you can't see what might happen to you for the rest of the summer. Imagine going to, say Texas where their laws and rules are the toughest in the nation. Can you imagine what someone their might do to you after finding out that you're gay and not forgetting that Doc and Frank have sent everyone of those places a copy of your `Training Pussyboy " video."

I didn't know what to say. I was getting the picture now... loud and clear. " Mom, why did you call it my "Training Pussyboy" video?"

"Well son, that's the title that they've given it, along with a nice photograph of you on the front cover. Seems only logical that having your face on the cover, would certainly piss your father off. Who knows how many other places have already ordered one of them and lord knows who in town will recognize you."

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't know anything like that would happen", I said, almost in tears.

We reached the creek and mom stooped down to dip her hand in the cool water. I stood beside her, in case she slipped and fell in. The water looked inviting, and it also brought back memories of me being fucked down here as well as all of the dicks that I sucked off. I closed my eyes and I could clearly visualize the hours I'd spent here. I could almost feel the cocks ramming in and out of my ass along with the smell and taste of all that slave cum.

"Kevin the one thing you should know is that your father and I have been watching this place ever since the last intern was here. If it hadn't been for him, we'd never have gotten those two sweet slave boys to keep us informed as to what all had been going on at this god forsaken place. If I'm not mistaken, that one adorable slave, John Henry, the one you seem to have a crush on, has been using one of the computers in the house to keep your father informed as to what everybody is doing and what things are and aren't happening here."

My mind raced with a combination of feelings. I had no idea that John Henry was dad's mole. But now, knowing that, should my feelings for him change? Only time and circumstance would tell.

"Your father and I had planned on buying this place in two more years, but with everything going on here now; your father decided to pull the plug and offer these men a deal. We both wanted to move out of the city and your father was planning on staying here on weekends, while living back east during the week; until such time as he could promote somebody to help run the company."

"Mom ... why didn't you guys tell me about this before. If I would have known that, I would have been keeping myself more apart from these men. Now, I've gone and wrecked your plans", I said sullenly.

"Nonsense Kevin", mom snarled. "Nothing would have had any bearing on the outcome as it stands now. One way or the other, we were going to buy the place,

but now it just might be an advantage."

"How's that to be mom. It doesn't sound much like an advantage to me', I replied rather sheepishly.

"I'll tell you later son, but right now let's get going."

Just before climbing to the seat, mom turned to me and said, "Kevin, you don' t look all that comfortable in those shorts. Why don't you just remove them for now?"

"Mom, no. I'm okay with them", I snapped back at her.

"Kevin, don't argue with me. Take your shorts off now", she said.

I eased the shorts down and off my body, holding them like a vise grip as I climbed up and sat next to her.

"What's wrong with just wearing a jockstrap around this place?" she asked; but a question to which I did not answer.

"And your nipple rings. Do they still bother you Kevin?" mom asked nicely.

"No ma'am they don't bother me at all now", I replied.

"Well they look nice sticking through your shirt, the way they do", she commented.

"Thanks mom."

"Where to now Kevin", mom asked, as she once again got the pony slave to move forward.

"Well, I was thinking we could stop by the horse barn for a minute, then go to where the new indentured slaves are processed and then we'd finish up looking at a couple of the slave barns; it that's okay with you mom". I responded.

Our pony slave did a great job, pulling us up the slight incline towards the horse barn. I was actually more than just impressed... I was amazed!

The ride was mostly quiet for several minutes, with mom making only fragmented comments about the beauty of `this and that'. Then out of no where she started asking me questions that I didn't expect, nor did I have the inclination to answer.

"Are you comfortable with yourself, now that your whole family knows that you are gay?"

"I suppose so mom", I replied.

"Do you see yourself having a partner for life or are you the kind of man that just likes to be with a man every now and then."

"I haven't given it to much thought, to be honest about it."

"What if, say, you hadn't been all drugged up and stuff; do you think you would have enjoyed what the men did to you?"

"I don't know mom. I haven't seen or heard everything that is on the video so I can't honestly say. And besides mom, it's not a very easy thing talking about sex, man to man sex with your mother", I said trying to sound emphatic.

"Don't be silly", she said; as she reined the pony slave to a halt. I sat there as mom climbed down and walked the short distance to the fence. "This is some of the prettiest land in the country. Don't you think so too, Kevin?"

"I can't say for sure, but it is indeed a pretty view from here", I replied.

"Come down here a minute Kevin", mom asked of me.

I quickly dismounted the carriage and stood alongside of her. She began pointing out and even naming most every variety of tree and flower within view. Mom sure did know her stuff.

"Kevin, why not remove your shirt so I can see how well your rings look against your skin", she asked.

I didn't want to argue with her now, or ever. I knew exactly how `bitchy' she can get. I slid my shirt off and tossed it up onto the seat of the carriage alongside my shorts.

Mom immediately commented on the rings, as she had decided that there was a need for her to hold the rings in her hands. "Weren't these rings a lot smaller", she asked.

"Yes, ma'am, but they enlarged them shortly after they started feeding me those drugs." I replied.

"Well, they do make you look so much more masculine. I'll grant you that much ", mom said with a smile.

"So tell me Kevin, do you like the rings? And what about them shaving all your hair off. Do you like the way you feel and look without all your body hair?"

"I'm getting used to the rings, and I don't think they look bad either. As far as my hair goes; that was just a temporary thing so that I could get the feel of what a new slave goes through, but it ain't bad at all, really."

"You do realize Kevin that once a slave has been trained for a particular job, he or she doesn't normally have a chance to change. Take your friend for example. There's very little chance that he'll ever be more than a sex slave for as long as he is a slave. The sad part about the boy is that he's only been trained to service males. Unlike, say your sister who's being trained to service both sexes. Let's say you were a slave, which would you prefer... men or women ... or both."

"MOM, don't talk like that please!" I blatted right out. "She's not really a slave. You and dad only put her there because of the way she was acting and

because of some of the things she did and didn't do. It's more like a punishment for her."

"Well yes, son; but as long as she's in the program... it's always best to refer to one such as your sister as a slave... summer or no summer... she's still a slave."

I'm not sure if my mother was trying to sooth my anger towards her or if she was actually trying to stimulate me; for some strange, unknown, reason. She began toying with my nipples and running her hands over my smooth body. I began to feel a bit uneasy.

"You see son, even your mother; should you have been a slave, has the authority to feel your skin in such a way. It's not a choice for a slave. Nothing, and I mean nothing... belongs to a slave, not even his skin. Now tell me, what do you think about having a female touch you in such a way."

"I can't say mom. Geezsh! It's not like this in the real world. And besides.. You're my mom, so what can I say." I responded with an attitude.

"You don't think that if I grabbed Jordan's penis that he wouldn't react favorably to it? You don't think that the slave wouldn't get an erection? Of course he would. All men get excited no matter which sex touches his privates" , mom said with a smile.

"We'd best be getting on with our tour now", I said; trying to defuse the situation. What I really wanted to say to her was that I didn't like having a female touching my body in any way.

Without as much as acknowledging my last comment, mom went right up to the pony slave and grabbed his dick. She began stroking it and sure enough the slave's cock went rigid. I watched her start to masturbate the pony slave, as if it was just something natural for a free person to do. While stroking his cock with one hand, she started to fondle his scrotum; which caused the slave to emit a soft moan. "See son, the slave likes it", mom said rather gleefully.

I'd seen enough. My own cock was straining beneath the leather and I didn't want mom to notice. I climbed aboard the carriage and waited until she was finished proving her point.

The pony slave started to groan and flex his hips and I knew that he wasn't long in having a healthy orgasm.

Mom quickly released her grip on the slave and moved away. "I didn't say you could squirt, boy", mom said. "Damn slaves all think that just because they get all hot and bothered that it gives them the right to spill their slave


My mother quickly left the slave to his agony of not achieving an orgasm. Climbing up next to me, she snapped the reins and the slave moved towards the horse barn. All I could think about was the pony slave and his cock. I wanted; no ... I needed his cock in my mouth. If mom hadn't been there, I'd have been on my knees sucking him with every ounce of strength I had.

The closer we got to the top of the knoll, the pasture where the horses were kept; came into view. I looked at them, just praying that my mother wouldn't say anything about them.

On the crest of the knoll, my mother brought the carriage to a sudden halt. " Will you look at that", she said; pointing across my chest towards the house. "Looks like the `shit has it the fan' and I missed it", she said with a giggle to her voice.

I looked towards the house, and all I could see was a mass of furniture being brought out and placed on the lawn. Everything from sofas to beds was now decorating the landscape.

Mom just started laughing, uncontrollable, as she got the carriage moving again. The moment that she stopped laughing was when she first noticed my father coming out of the horse barn, accompanied by his security guy.

My father walked towards us, until the carriage came to a stop. There was a look on dad's face that I'd not seen before. "Christ almighty, are those men stupid OR WHAT?" He said with an uncertain sound to his voice.

"What do you mean by that dear?" questioned my mother.

"Well, for now... let's just say that they're outta here." Dad said smiling.

I noticed my father starring at my scantily clad body as he once again spoke. "Well, they got paid a fair price for the place, as much as I hate to admit it. They really didn't want to sell, but considering their alternatives... well... they didn't have much choice in the matter."

"I hope you didn't overpay them dear", mom replied.

"Hell no! By the time they signed over everything, they ended up getting thirty-three percent of the market value of everything... including the slaves" dad proudly said.

"Everything, you mean as in everything dear. You bought everything?"

Mom was jumping down from the seat, into dad's arms, when dad quietly replied, "yes dear, I mean everything from the house and barns, to the livestock and

slaves. You and I bought everything and now we have to make sure that we get a decent return on our money. You might say, that the slaves were a bonus."

"We both know how to do that", mom said to dad. "Now that we actually have a separate business away from the city; the laws give us a lot of leeway when it comes to such things. It wouldn't surprise me, that if in two or three years we don't surpass the cowboys down in Austin or the snotty farts up at Windy Hills. They'll be apple polishing our feet".

"Best make that one year honey. I'd hate to think that it would take us more than that to recoup our money before we turned a respectable profit. Now, I don't want to sound bossy or anything... but I'd suggest that you go into town and see what they have in the way of some furniture for the house. We can discuss the finer details of the deal when you return. Lucy can drive you. She' s good at driving those big SUV's. If you can't find what you like, just get something for the time being until we can decorate the house the way you want."

"That's a great idea, my love; simply great" mom said, sounding more like a school girl than my mother.

"You two can eat lunch in town while you're there. We have so much work to do that every minute wasted is like losing an hour. The golf cart is on the other side of the horse barn and Justin here will take you back down to the house."

Mom didn't say another word. She walked quickly and with determination through the barn; and the last I saw of her for the remainder of the afternoon was when she had turned around to wave goodbye.

"Now Kevin, I know you need to eat something for lunch, especially after spending two hours alone with your mother. What say... we take the carriage back down... just the two of us? There are a few things you and I have to discuss and that will at least give us a few minutes alone. Not saying that you and I don' t have more to talk about, but I want to give you an idea of what needs to be discussed."

I watched dad ease himself up onto the seat. He handed me the reins and told me to control the pony slave. The only controlling I wanted to do was to the slave's dick, not his reins.

As I wheeled the carriage around, dad quietly said, "After lunch you can show me the horses."

To Be Continued...

Comments to Sanibelboys@aol.com

Next: Chapter 33

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