A Lesson in Time

By Sanibel Boys

Published on Sep 21, 2008


Note: Things continue to be busy here on the ranch and I have attempted to write this chapter when time permitted. Thank you for the comments and thank you for your patience. Billy

This and all stories written by "Sanibelboys" is Copyright 2008 TM. All world wide rights reserved.

A Lesson In Time, Chapter Fifty Five

The four new teenaged slaves had been prodded, poked, and lightly hit with a stinger whip while they were being led to their juvenile barn'. I'm pretty sure that all of them were at some point, rather at ease with not having their families tag along behind them. The slave boys had already (?) been through so much humiliation and degradation for one day; or so they thought. It wasn't even lunch time. Will and Randy seemed to have more fun with the new slaves than probably one might expect. Evil and demonic thoughts kept sloshing around in their heads, much like always, and just because they had a new employer and a new crop of slaves (young and old) that didn't keep them from pondering all of the youthful offenders that they'd processed and trained' in the years prior to now.

Each of the boys was assigned a rather sparse place which to call his' space. The slave's space was nothing more than a wood frame cot complete with wooden slats where a three inch mattress had been placed. There was no pillow or pillows provided to them. At the foot of each cot w as a wooden locker for personal' items. Initially, the young slaves had no idea that their footlockers already contained all the necessary things each of them would ever, EVER, need.

Will stuck his hand into the front pocket of his work shorts and pressed a small remote; which in turn caused the steel bars on the buildings door to slide closed. The sound of the lock engaging echoed throughout the slave's quarters.

"Fuck Randy, sure wished we had this kind of shit back home", Will said with an eager smile. "Makes our jobs a hundred times easier".

Randy simply nodded his head with approval as he began to release each of the newly indentured teens.

"Listen up you fucking queer boys", Randy blurted out. "This is going to be your home, your school, your life and your world for the foreseeable future. You're going to keep it clean and by clean I mean so clean that anybody can eat off the floor without so much as getting a dust ball stuck between their teeth."

"Now show us what you should already know by now!" Randy screamed.

The four teens looked at each other as if none of them had the slightest clue.

It took less than five seconds before Randy and Will responded to the slaves' lack of knowledge and/or obedience. Both overseers took a small, pen like, item from their pockets and administered a slightly over zealous shock to the two closest slave boys. The youngest slave, fourteen, fell to the floor screaming in pain and the oldest slave, seventeen, fell forward onto his hands and knees cussing at will; spewing foul language the entire time.

Randy's booted foot made contact with the older teen's stomach; which only caused more of a traumatic situation. The slave not only pissed on the floor but he quickly began to puke as well. The younger slave faired better and managed to only lose control of his bladder muscle.

"You fucking stupid faggot cunts", screamed Will. "I thought with your background living in a slave state that you'd have known that you are to be kneeling in front of your Master or overseer whenever one is present."

The two remaining slaves quickly and silently knelt and miraculously knew to place their hands behind their heads. Slowly, deliberately, the remaining two slaves got to their knees and followed suit. It was a pretty sight to behold.

The two chastened slaves, with snot running from their noses and a few tears still wet on their faces looked amazingly resilient.

"Now then, where was I", Will said with what would become known as his `evil' voice. "You four bitches have a lot to learn apparently. We (pointing to Randy and himself) are here to teach you everything and anything that you'll ever need to know in order to survive your court ordered sentence. You fuck up more than once and you'll all feel the wrath of punishment. So, if one of you turds screws up, then all of you will be severely disciplined."

"The first order of business, now that you are all `officially' ours, is to get you queers in step with the proper protocol of your current position in life".

Will and Randy couldn't help themselves and weren't ashamed to display their happiness and joy of wanting nothing more than to `whip these slaves in to shape'.

There seemed to be a mountain of rules and regulations which these four slaves were to follow. Their overseers constantly re-enforced the punishment' part of their new lives interspersed with threats of allowing the hardened criminal types' to have their way with the teens.

As the lectures continued for the teens, they were slowly coming to grips with what their lives would be like for the foreseeable future. For them it would be nothing like making the porn videos and for sure it wouldn't be anything remote to any shape or form of a `heterosexual' lifestyle.

"You all may have thought it was cute or even funny to fuck a slave or to have one of them suck your dick for profit. But when you all took part in sexually abusing and harassing Master Kevin, you all crossed the line. Now I'm here to tell you that `payback is a bitch', Randy said with a commanding20vigor in his demeanor and voice.

"Come next Saturday you slaves will have much to tell your family and friends. Perhaps they will want a demonstration as well. We'll make it quite obvious to them that you've all begun to learn your place in life and that you are all very eager to please your Masters and your overseers. There's nothing like having a child placed into indenturement, especially when you see how well they've adapted to hard work, obedience, discipline, and `personal service'", Will said as he began to open up the first of the four footlockers and extracting a length of chain and two locks.

While Will began emptying ever item from every footlocker and tossing them all onto the floor or the slave cot, Randy continued the indoctrination speech.

"You fucking fags will only be allowed out of your new home, for special education, summary punishments on Saturdays, or for doing something for your Masters. This is you home, your life, your world; so get fucking used to it now."

The four slaves couldn't keep up with the rantings of both Randy and Will yelling and barking out instructions at the same time. One could only wonder if in fact that the things one heard about Arkansas hick boys was really true.

"When you are called upon to kneel before the Masters, you'd best remember exactly what you are... Not who you used to be", shouted Will. 0In the days and weeks to come it is our responsibility to shred every ounce of your former life from your body and soul. We are good at our jobs and you slaves will soon see and feel just how good we really, really, are."

Randy couldn't resist, by adding..."Should any of you queers find yourself in that cage over there, I can assure you that if you thought your last two days kept in stocks up in the processing barn were bad, you'd best be thinking again." Both Randy and Will let out what could only be described as good old fashion belly laughs as Will quickly said, "And thinking is something that none of you slaves will be doing before long. We're going to see to it that you will never ever have to think again. Your position here is to do whatever is demanded of you without thinking. You won't even need to think about taking a shit, because we will do your thinking for you."

One by one, the slaves were summarily chained to their slave cots, which by all standard humane theory was more than ample or required. The chain on each salve's ankle was just long enough for the slave to stand up next to his cot; without having enough chain to reach any other slave cot, thus preventing any unauthorized activity between any of the slaves.

"Get used to your new home until feeding time", Randy barked as the two overseers turned smartly towards the door as it was sliding open allowing their rapid departure.

Outside, Randy and Will were high fiving each other excited about the days ahead with the new young slaves; as they made their way back up to the main slave barns to inspect what work had been done to make the slave barns ready to stand inspection.

Back inside, the four teenagers sat somewhat quiet with the two youngest ones trying in vain to hold back the tears and sniffles. "Fuck this shit guys. There are four of us and only two of them assholes", the oldest of the four said. "If we stick together as a team, those fuck wads won't be able to do a damn thing to us."

"Shut the fuck up you asshole", shouted the youngest slave. "In case you haven't fucking noticed dickhead, they've already done more to me and you than we'd have ever expected. We are all in some really deep shit here."

Without thinking, without pondering the consequences the oldest teen reached back behind himself and yanked the formidable sized butt plug from his own ass; tossing it clear across the open space of the barn. "Fuck this place! Fuck those assholes, and fuck all of you guys!.

"You dumb shit", shouted the next oldest teen slave. "Didn't you fucking hear them guys say that if one of us fucks up that we all get punished? How fucking stupid can you get? How fucking ignorant could you be, thinking like you just did?20Now we are all going to get into trouble because of your dumb fucked up ass."

"Got that right" said the youngest of the four. "None of us can even reach the damn thing now. When they find it laying over there, there is going to be hell to pay. Ain't it bad enough what has happened to us already this week? Now you have to go and add more shit on all of us."

The older slave simply glared at the three others and wondered why the next to oldest hadn't said much of anything ever since they were all enslaved.

One by one the three younger slaves gingerly sat down on their slave beds, which by doing so elicited some yelps and groans as their respective butt plugs seemed to re-seat themselves into their anal openings. The older slave remained standing but began what you'd call a `nervous' pace alongside his slave bed.

After a few minutes of silence the three slaves got up and started to rummage through the items that Randy and Will had strewn about, from their respective beds. Not understanding much, nor making sense of any of it, the slaves began to put the items back into the footlockers; all that is except for the rebellious older slave.

"They are going to find out", said the next to oldest slave.

"What are you talking about?" asked the other two.

"They are going to find out about me and you guys too, and tha t is something that I didn't ever want you guys to find out about me", answered the now crying slave boy.

"For fuck sake", yelled the oldest teenager. "What the fuck are we going to find out, you simple shit."

Trying to contain his tears and composure the youthful offender answered. "Everybody is going to find out that I'm gay. I'm not like any of you guys. When they find out that I'm a queer they are going to treat me like dirt and you guys will probably end up hating me too."

"Holy fuck" came the response from the others.

"All this time... All these years of having you as a friend and now you're telling us that you're a fucking fag!"

"Shit!" came another response to such news. "We've been coming out here getting slaves to suck us off and getting to fuck a few of them queers and now you are telling us that all this time we could have been fucking you instead?"

"Chill bro", came the response from the youngest slave. "We still love you even if you do suck dick and take dick up your butt. "It's just a shock to hear that shit coming from you; the one person I looked up to all these years. I won't be telling nobody that you're a fag. But, just maybe some day you'll suck my cock and let me slide my man stick up your

beautiful butt."

The teenagers all fell silent, each processing the day and the latest event of finding out something personal and very easily slanted to their advantage when and if the opportunity came along.

Luke was rather pleased with the work of the slaves that had been assigned to lawn and landscape duty. He had intended to head straight to the main house but was stopped in his tracks as he saw two of the slaves partially hidden behind a row of shrubs off to the side of the house.

Luke watched the other slaves toil away at pulling weeds, trimming the walkways and other standard job functions, while he kept an eye on the two slaves who seemed to be engaged in some form of sexual comfort behind the shrubs. A smile crossed his face and a rather warm feeling came ebbing over and into his inner being. For now, Luke wasn't going to make a fuss over the situation, but he for sure would put it in his memory bank for a later time.

Luke slowly moved toward the one slave that he felt had taken on the role of being the lead of the small group.

The naked slave fell to his knees and bowed his head, which brought immense pleasure to Luke. "You sleep in barn #1 don't you slave?"

"Sir, yes Sir" the muscular, white slave replied.

"I thought as much. I was sure that I saw you up there last evening", Luke said calmly and rather polite ly. "You slaves seem to be doing a good job so far, but I'm guessing that you could use a few more hands to help out since this yard is so huge", Luke commented yet still casually, while he looked down on the kneeling slave and admired his smooth and ringed body and face.

"I noticed two slaves behind some shrubs next to the house and I'm guessing that they are gay. Do you know how many of the slaves are gay?"

"Sir, no Sir", the slave replied.

"Well, here is a deal you can't refuse. I want you to come to me by days end with the total number of gay slaves we have here. Then tomorrow I want you to point them out to me. For you reward, we are going to make you one of our slave trustees' and that means that you get a few favors tossed your way from time to time. We also want you to tell us who you feel would also make good trustees'. We don't need a bunch of names, two or three at most. Some of the perks of your job will simply be to watch over your work detail without actually having to do the manual labor portions. Sound like a fair deal to you boy?"

"Sir, yes Sir", he said. "Sir thank you Sir".

"Now then, the one thing that is fucking obvious around here is that none of you fuckers have had any formal training when it comes to overseer and or Master respect", Lu ke said with a less friendly tone of voice.

"Beginning right this minute you will show me what you think is `proper', since I just gave your slave ass a cushy promotion."

The slave placed his hands behind his head and lowered his torso towards the earth. The slave slowly and seemingly with sincerity kissed the boots of his overseer.

"That's a start boy", Luke said firmly.

By the time the slave had risen, Luke had extracted his rather impressive black dick from the confines of his shorts.

"A slave should always think how it can continuously bring happiness and pleasure to a free man. Sucking, kissing and licking a free man's sex package is a most appropriate way to show reverence", Luke said in one of his more dominating tone of voice.

The thirty year old slave stared at the massive cock in awe. The length was beyond belief, but the girth of the penis was even more impressive. The chocolate skin tone added to the picture the slave was seeing.

"Now then boi, I think it is about time we begin to demonstrate how all of you slaves will act, work and even dress. All of you bois will be learning much over the next months and years that you are all with us. First of all, keep in mind that as one of our chosen trustees you must show by example and lead all others to follow your example", Luke said rather calmly as he began to s troke his cock to near full erection.

"First things first... how slaves should be clothed when working out of doors. It makes no sense to spend time and money to decorate a slave and then to have it wear clothes. Since you are already bare chested, it would seem fitting that you and the others worked stark naked all day long. I'm thinking, from mere observation, that your old owners allowed you freedoms which are reserved for free men. Those days are now over, so peel off those fucking shorts and boots and set them neatly on the ground."

The slight increase in Luke's tone had grabbed the attention of the other slaves who instantly stopped working to watch and listen to their fellow slave get a lesson in proper protocol. Even the two slaves who were semi-hidden from the others stopped their kissing and fondling of one another's body to watch the spectacle unfold.

There is hardly any need to even mention the astronomical amount of humiliation and shame that the newest trustee was feeling at the time.

"Good, very good boi, you listen and follow directions without hesitation or reservation. Such behavior will get you far with me and the others", Luke said with a smile. "Now get back down on your knees and I want to see a whole lot of fucking tongue action on my nuts and cock".

As the slave began licking and slurping his tongue over the dark flesh of the overseer, Luke notice d that now the other slaves had moved slightly closer to him and the other obedient slave.

Luke couldn't nor wouldn't let such an opportunity pass without attempting to drive home yet another point that needed to be instilled in all of the slaves.

"Look at this will ya! A black man taking care of white boys. I don't suppose you people will ever get over the fact that the Civil War is over. From what I see and read you white boys still think you are superior in many ways to men like me. Where I come from boys like you slaves, fight amongst themselves to become my personal `boi' and I expect in time you and your fellow slaves will somehow manage to be fighting over me to", Luke expounded with a certain air of dominance.

It didn't require any words, and the kneeling slave stopped licking the abundantly adequate scrotum of his overseer and did his best to accommodate Luke's massive cock into his mouth.

Luke remained silent; words weren't needed as he saw the other yard slaves begin to shuck their shorts and boots. The sight of eight naked, ringed, hairless slaves was a beautiful sight for sure. Luke was accustomed to having naked slaves around and near him, but this was the first time that he was alone' with a small group of slaves at his newest place of employment. Life is good' Luke thought to himself.

After only a couple of minutes Luke pulled his hips back and pushed the slave away from his cock. "I'll let you taste the sweetness of my seed another time slave", Luke said, nearly showing delight with a smile.

"Back to work now all of you. All I want to see is eight fucking slaves working and sweating till I tell you to stop. Now get busy, unless you want to hang on the platform after supper and be one of those who will feel the sting of the whip".

All of the slaves quickly got back to work, with the new `trustee' passing out orders as if he was a free man. Luke liked the slave's attitude and the instant respect that the other yard slaves were showing towards him.

Luke needed to get into the main house, the basement, the `hog pen' and see what Kevin had decided. Luke stuffed his deflated penis behind the buttons of his shorts and slowly made his way towards the kitchen side of the main house.

His demeanor was one of delight. He'd just instilled a degree of moderate dominance over a group of slaves; which he knew all to well would radiate amongst the two slave barns like a run away freight train.

Will and Randy were, in like kind, teaching their respective barn slaves with the same lectures and beyond. Both of the overseers were taking delight in the fact that each of them was teaching and training such a large group of 20 to 40 year old males as if they were kindergarten students.

Mr. Alderton was also being himself. Tyler, on the other hand was more than just a little unnerved with what had already been an eventful first hour in Arkansas as he sat naked in the rental car, exposed to any and all who were adventurous and curious enough to see inside the car.

"You see Tyler", Alderton was saying, "What you are feeling now is exactly what a newly enslaved male would be feeling. The idea of and the eventuality of being totally naked out in the real world is something a slave must come to grips with. We instill in all of our slaves that being naked is a good thing and something to be proud of. Our slaves are our `bread and butter' so to speak. We attempt to treat them all fairly and with a certain degree of respect. Here in Arkansas, things are quite a bit different simply because up until now, they've not had any real exposure to what, how, when or why slaves are treated, trained or even kept."

Tyler's brain was going a hundred miles an hour as the car slowly made it's way down the main street of `Hicksville, USA'.

Alderton was one not to relent once his brain and intentions were squarely focused on the subject of slavery; especially since he had a prime piece of male flesh sitting but two feet away from him.

"Take this town, these people for example", Alderton began addressing no particular person or persons, "The y have had legalized slavery in this state now for eight years and they aren't even up to par with the bare needs and minimums of slave protocol or slave training. I've already experienced it first hand how the slaves in this town act almost like a free man and they are barely recognizable as a slave. I have encountered seven slaves in the last twenty four hours who don't even say Sir' or Master'. They don't even have the basic slave clothes denoting their position in the town. They are allowed to act like they are simply free citizens, except for the fact that people like you and me will and do require certain.. um... `personal service' from time to time. The court system in this county sucks. Even the local judge has a personal slave but yet the judge knows nearly nothing of the rules governing the enslavement procedures except those that he's been told to enforce. Things like that are going to change and fast."

Tyler was now looking wide eyed at Mr. Alderton as what he'd said more than just sparked interest in Tyler's want, desire and need to learn all that he could from whom ever he could.

"You see Tyler, during your internship you will learn much and experience a lot of what you learn. In time you will be handling a small group of slaves on your own so that you can feel the enormous responsibility that comes with either housing, training or caring for slaves such as we have out at Willow Knolls. I know that Zeb and Kevin will be of great assistance for anything you would even need to learn or to experience."

Tyler politely began to respond to his personal impulse to ask Mr. Alderton a question. "If you don't mind me asking Mr. Alderton... but I still am not convinced that riding through town naked and exposed like this in any way will help me to become a good overseer, Master or slave owner. And if I may say so, I still can't figure out why Zeb and Kevin have specified that my internship clothes be so scant and in the color pink."

Mr. Alderton did not readily respond to or even consider answering Tyler's concerns immediately.

"So Tyler, I'm guessing that you've had more than ample time to review all of the material on your company laptop that Ms. Mudfart and others have given you to read. I know it must have been hard on you, just a little perhaps, to read how Kevin has taken to his internship. Kevin is a real trooper if you ask me. I remember as if it was yesterday when he was in my office and he had to strip naked and allow me to guide him through all the halls of his father's office building by his cock, down the stairs and then to stand naked and exposed in front of family and friends, including the State employee from right here in Arkansas as the women circumcised him in front of everyone. He is a real20hero for doing that and doing what he is now doing, if you ask me", Alderton said with a subdued grin.

Sheepishly Tyler nodded in agreement with Mr. Alderton, as Tyler kept looking out the window.

"Tell me Tyler, did you know that Kevin was a homosexual male?"

"I didn't know it until about three years ago Sir", Tyler answered.

"Really! How did you find out? Asked Alderton.

"Well it was sort of by accident' I guess", Tyler said as he began to conjure up something that wouldn't expose himself in the eyes of Mr. Alderton. "We were just shooting hoops and I bumped into Kevin and discovered that he had an erection. I simply asked him why he was boned up like that when we were just playing a simply game of basketball. Kevin told me that him seeing me in my shorts and without a shirt was a turn on' to him. So I just asked him if he was gay and he said he was, but he didn't want any of his family to know that he was."

"Is that all there is to that story or is there more?" questioned Mr. Alderton.

"Well, what I discovered not long after that, that his entire family had already discovered that Kevin was a homo boy. Apparently one of their house slaves discovered some magazines and toys in Kevin's room and told Zeb about it. Zeb went into Kevin's room on the sly and found the items and in doing further snooping found items in Kevin's room that lent Zeb to think that in some fashion that his brother was into Sado-Mastic notions and the slave lifestyle."

"And", Mr. Alderton inquired.

"Well when Zeb told me of all of these things I was taken back by it all, but I really didn't care all that much because I would and still do feel the same way about Kevin and even Zeb. They are really great guys and I'm ever so thankful that Mr. Latimore has assigned me to work with them the entire summer. It should really be an education, knowing Zeb and Kevin", Tyler said finalizing, hopefully, Mr. Alderton's inquisition.

It wasn't but a split second and Mr. Alderton has his right hand soothing the soft flesh of Tyler's left leg. Tyler was startled and he flinched up from his seat.

"It's just a normal thing that a free man can and will do with a slave Tyler. There is nothing obscene or immoral about a free man doing such. I just wanted you to experience just one more small thing that you will probably be exposed to for a bit out at the farm" Alderton said, nearly spilling over with the onset of laughter.

"I'll tell you what Tyler. Let's pull in here and get a cold soda for the last few miles of the ride", Alderton commented as if it was a forgone conclusion that Tyler need somethi ng cold to drink.

Mr. Alderton eased the car off of the road and parked in front of what you might call a nearly collapsing building that served as a convenience store. There were several males sitting on the steps leading up to the entrance of the store, who, just by their clothes looked like red blooded country hicks from the back woods. Tyler was beginning to get nervous upon seeing the men, but there wasn't much he could do.

Shutting off the engine, Alderton reached behind his seat and rummaged through one of his shoulder bags. "You can stay here if you want. I guess you aren't quite used to being like you are yet. So just stay here and I'll go grab us a couple of cold sodas."

As Mr. Alderton opened up the driver side door, he also managed to lift up Tyler's left wrist and quickly fasten a steel manacle on it and snapped the other end to the headrest. Tyler was so stunned by what was happening the only thing he could do was to attempt to voice his objections, but Mr. Alderton was already leaning over him and affixing Tyler's right wrist in like fashion to the headrest.

"That's just so none of those men can yank you out of the car Tyler. Nothing to be alarmed with", Mr. Alderton spoke rather matter of factly.

"Thanks", Tyler replied; thinking that perhaps Mr. Alderton wasn't nearly as heartless as Zeb had led him to believe.

No sooner had Mr. Alderton disappeared into the store, the three males approached the car. Tyler became frightened beyond words.

"Well lookie here", said a nearly toothless, stank smelling hillbilly.

"Looks like this here boy is heading out to the slave farm for some good times", said another, who appeared to be in his early twenties.

"Guess his owner don't trust him none", said the third guy who was the youngest of the group. "Got this'un all trussed up so's he can't get away none. And a might pretty one at that. Looks like he ain't been processed yet, seeing as how he's got all his hair".

"Don't suppose it'd hurt none if we got a might bit closer", one of the men said as he opened up the passenger side door. "Boys, come lookie here. This here boy don't have nothing shaved off his pussy yet. He must be a real virgin, prime piece of meat".

The man grabbed hold of Tyler's right ankle and propped it up on the dashboard just as the driver's side door opened up and the youngest man slid over and pulled on Tyler's left ankle and held it firmly on the dashboard as well.

Hands bound and legs spread wide Tyler was about to utter something when one of the men cupped his hand over Tyler's mouth. "Best shut the fuck up you bitch", he whispered into Tyler0s ear.

"Let me see.. move over", exclaimed the third member or the gang. "Holy shit, lookie there will ya. This here boy is still a virgin". The man said as one of his grease and dirt covered fingers was probing and scratching at Tyler's pucker hole.

Tyler tried to communicate but with each attempt at speaking the man's hand pressed harder and harder against his mouth hole. "Bet this one comes from the city. He ain't even tanned none, and we've seen his kind up to the slave farm. Yep that's right city slicker we'z all been kept up there before and we ain't about to fuck up and get sent back up there. That's a fucking crazy ass place and you'z gonna have to be a man about it, so's they can turn you into a prime piece of cunt."

"Maybe we can come visit ya boy", said the youngest man. "I hear tell that they's now handing out visitor passes for Saturdays. Bet you'd like to see us men come visit ya now".

Tyler was sweating like a stuck pig over a bed of charcoal. His body was frozen in time. His mind was hoping and praying that Mr. Alderton would put and end to this madness. He hadn't envisioned something like this ever happening to him.

Mr. Alderton paid for the two soda pops and stood by the filth covered window peering out at the activities taking place around his rental car . The show was well worth the fifty dollars he'd paid the three men earlier in the morning.

"Let me see if the bitch knows how to kiss a real man", the oldest man said with his toothless grin exposing the lack of hygiene well expected from those not actually living within the city limits.

Tyler, struggled hard and resisted gallantly but in the end, he had to accept the idea that it was useless. The man's lip pressed firmly against his own, and within a few seconds Tyler could feel the man attempting to jab his tongue inside. Just the thought of it repulsed Tyler so much that he felt like wretching.

As Tyler was fighting the kiss, he felt his ball sack begin to cause him pain. "Damn nice nuts on the city boy. Wonder if they's gonna slice them off like they did to that one white dude a couple of years ago. Sure was pretty hearing that slave screaming and begging like a black man at his own lynching."

"Get the fuck away from my car!" yelled Mr. Alderton, as he valiantly contained his urge to smile and laugh. It took only a couple of seconds for the three men to vacate the area, which was to simply run around behind the store and wait till it was all clear to return to the steps out front.

"Damn! Are you okay? I never can trust these country people to mind their own business. One of these days they'll end up on the receiving end of a bullwhip and then we will see who ends up laughing last", Mr. Alderton said as he un-cuffed Tyler from the headrest.

"Thanks, I thought those men were going to kill me or rape me there for a few seconds", Tyler said gasping air thinking that he'd just been rescued.

"Well, here's your soda pop", drink up before it isn't cold anymore", Alderton said as he snatched the soda cans from the roof of the car.

Tyler popped the top and starting swallowing the drink really fast. "Don't mind me a bit Tyler, but you do look rather handsome compared to some and I don't pass out compliments to men very often. And if I may add, you look good with your feet on the dashboard", Alderton said, finishing his comments by taking his own swig from his soda pop.

The car started down the two lane road, with only nine miles to go before reaching Willow Knolls. For whatever unknown reason, if there was one, Tyler left his naked feet resting on the dashboard. Mr. Alderton was well adapted to driving with only his left hand.

Zeb had only made a cursory inspection of the horse barn. He was amazed that the barn slave could have done all of the morning duties all by himself. Fresh straw and hay set out where it needed to be. Nine equine water buckets filled with fresh water, each tethered inside one of the stalls which lined the sides of the barn. The horse cleaning area, shone brightly and s melled nearly sterile.

Zeb's brain was running amuck with the images from the photos and the one video of Kevin in the horse barn; underneath one of the stallions, sucking the mammoth piece of horse flesh until the horse deposited a decent amount of his seed down Kevin's throat. There was going to be many changes in the horse barn in the coming days for sure.

Zeb barely noticed his `favorite' slave. The barn slave was out chatting with his horses as if the horses were people. It was refreshing to witness such a thing. Zeb knew that he had much to make up to the barn slave for all of his diligence.

Zeb only strolled to the top of the knoll, which overlooked nearly every inch of property from the big main house up to the main road, before picking a patch of earth upon which to sit and ponder on, meditate about and absorb all that surrounded him; all that is his.

Zeb's initial thoughts from yesterday of having the barn slave service his cock and ass were left for another time as he duly noted the yard slaves, now totally naked, toiling away in the front lawn. He had no choice but to notice Luke who was seemingly passing along directions and such things to one particular naked slave. Zeb smiled because he had known all along that coming here with his three friends to partake in the largest commitment of his life was and is the right thing to have done.

Zeb's eyes gently closed a s he envisioned the `training sessions' which were taking place over at the two main slave barns. Knowing his buddies like he did, the slaves would soon learn that their new home is not a place to feel comfortable or over confident.

He was keenly aware that Mr. Alderton was arriving soon, bringing along his father's latest conquest of what dear old dad' called an intern'. However... this new intern had been previously alerted to some of the more important aspects of his job. Zeb could only hope and pray that Tyler had been able to keep the secret. After years of being friends and neighbors Zeb felt it was time to include his `friend' in the grand scheme of things. God forbid Zeb's father or mother had caught wind of what Zeb had been planning for only a short time. If the shit hit the fan now, it would certainly cause Zeb to lose more than this beautiful estate.

Thinking of Tyler, Zeb could almost recount, revisit and envision the many times that he and Tyler and taught each other, showed each other, the age old tradition of a boy changing into a young man. The first time that the two of them had their mutual jack off session sent waves of conflicting emotions running through Zeb's head; and to this day those same emotions existed but perhaps not for Tyler.

Zeb was shockingly distracted when the sole dog on the estate came up from behind and more or less began to lick Zeb0s face. Such an unnerving event caused Zeb to lean away from the dog; which only allowed the dog to take a more aggressive and dominant stance in front of him. Zeb couldn't help but notice the dog's pink stiffy. It was huge.

Thinking back, Zeb realized that he'd near forgotten about Jordan and the dog. He had been informed that there was an almost unbreakable bond between the two. Perhaps, if and when the insanity of the initial take over of this place calmed down, he'd let Jordan and his dog get back together. Zeb was, and had been, keenly aware that there is a small but wealthy group of people world wide that would like nothing more than to own a boy bitch and his dog.

Also running through Zeb's mind was the matter of pony boys and hog boys. Each classified amongst the elite of those indentured. All would be taken into consideration and debate in the immediate future. The who, what, where, when and how much would be discussed and agreed upon.

Zeb felt his Blackberry buzz in his pants pocket, so he had to push the dog away as he reached for the device. He'd forgotten about the device ever since he last checked for any overnight emails and voice messages. According to the screen, Zeb had 4 emails and 9 voice messages waiting his attention.

Going from most recent message to oldest Zeb learned that Shaun was well on his way via chartered aircraft which departed Hot Springs going non-stop to Dubai .

The next message was from his father, simply telling him that Tyler was on his way out and that all `appeared' to be in satisfactory condition.

The following message from Zeb's mom was more startling. "Zeb I have decided to come out with your father on Monday. See you then, hugs and kisses... btw... am sure Kevin will look all nice and pretty too."

The last and the oldest message was from John Henry's father. "Scheduled to arrive there in ten days to pick up the package". Zeb for sure had to keep this secret to himself and Luke and nobody else. It will be a shock to the slave should he find out that he is being sent back to live with his father in Central America.

Zeb did not have a problem smiling at that message and he thought to himself, sure am glad it ain't me that is heading south'. Plus the fact that John Henry's father wasn't getting him free or even anywhere near cheap'.

Zeb caught sight of Luke walking towards the kitchen side of the house, knowing all along what was next in line for Luke to work with and could only hope that Luke remembered the conversation they had last night in regards to Kevin.

Being so far out in the county, sound travels well most days and today was no exception; as Zeb look towards the sound of an automobile just starting to make its way from the main road towards th e house. Tyler had arrived. Zeb smiled.

Zeb got up from the knoll and brushed himself off, with the dog still paying close attention to his every move. He smiled and waved towards the car as he saw Mr. Alderton stick his hand out of the window and wave. From where he was standing he couldn't completely see Tyler, but Zeb did see what appeared to be human flesh, feet, held close to the windshield of the rental car. I guess old man Alderton simply can't keep his hands off of man flesh. I'm glad that Tyler and I had our talks' already.'

In the basement of the house, more precisely, the hog stall, Kevin had been sitting on the straw covered floor reading and re-reading the typed message from Luke.

Jordan, his personal slave, was dutifully kneeling on the floor with his hands properly kept behind his head.

Kevin could expect Luke's arrival at any time. It had been over two hours at least since Coffee had delivered the letter.

Kevin took one look over at the long bench farthest away from him and could still not see everything that Jordan had unpacked and placed there. It most likely was better that Kevin didn't see ANY of it because it was all new things that he'd never seen or heard of before. Kevin began to re-read the letter again, mainly because he found parts of it rather interesting and sexually arousing.

"Master Kevin,

Do you recall the days y ou spent at Windy Hills? Remember telling Ms. Mudfart in your daily emails to her that you saw the overseers take several males away but that you didn't know where they were taken and for what purpose.

Windy Hills is one of the few places that produce "hog boys" in the country. They sell decent hog boys but not the best. WE will train, produce and sell the finest hog boys money can buy.

If, after reading this letter, you decide to continue your education into the world of indenturement, procurement, training and handling of human flesh and commodities and desire to learn everything that I can teach you ... then perhaps you should stay where you are now. In the hog pen. If you decide you'd rather not proceed, in experiencing only a fraction of what a real hog boy is trained to do and become, I will understand.

If you stay...

You should place yourself on hands and knees with your butt facing the doorway.

Once I enter the room, you will not speak unless asked to speak

Your slave will assist me in preparing you for the hog stocks which you see before you. They are safe and humane although they may not look such.

You may or may not receive further body adornments. Master Zeb will decide that for you.

Your slave will always be there for you, so you need not concern yourself about every being left alone.

You will be removed from the hog stocks' whenever there is a need to vis it the medical room or the room known formerly as the playroom'; but most days you will spend in this room... silent, sightless, speechless, deaf

You will eat and drink only that which I approve of for the time you are experiencing a `way of life'.

The length of time you will be in the hog room will be a minimum of seven days and not more that ten days.

I hope I see you when I arrive. I know what you need and I know what you want


Kevin didn't seem to fear much of what was in the letter. He was happy enough and pleased with everything so far. He'd done nearly that much for his dad when he was interning up at Windy Hills. This should be easier since his slave, Jordan, would be there and never leave the room.

Kevin could place every bit of trust in his brother, Jordan and even Luke.

Kevin handed the letter to Jordan. "I need you to read this so you know what is going to be going on for the next week".

"Sir, thank you Sir", Jordan softly answered as Kevin simply rose from the floor and positioned himself as outlined in the letter.

To Be Continued..

Comments to billyparker22@aol.com

Next: Chapter 56

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