A life less than ordinary

By Gavin Hurst

Published on Jul 19, 2023


Chapter 119

Two weeks passed quickly before I was allowed out of hospital, and we delayed it a day so I could go straight to the new house, which we were both excited about. I wasn't really up for a marathon just yet, but to be up and about and starting to feel like my old self was something I was feeling good about. As we arrived, I noticed an extraordinary amount of extra security around the grounds as I walked slowly to the front door.

"I'd carry you across the threshold but am scared I would break you" Jackson looked at and me smiled as he spoke.

"It's ok bub, I am good" I laughed.

As we walked in, Karl was there in work mode as he greeted us along with both girls and Marcus.

I noticed how big Jules was looking these days, and hugged her as best I could, with my lack of movement and her belly in the way. Maggie was alive and kicking as always.

"Right, upstairs, bed, rest!' she said very matter of fact. `By the way, how cool is this house" she added. "I have friends around the corner, so I am happy"

"I'm glad you are, we thought nothing more than how important your social circle was when we purchased" I laughed, forcing me to cough.

"Hey, easy, Doctors told you that breathing will be difficult for a little longer. Time for bed" Jackson said, worrying about my welfare.

"No, I have been in bed nearly three weeks. How about I lay on the sofa in the family room, and then I don't have people trapsing through our bedroom every two minutes, and I can still see what's going on. Promise I won't overdo it. "

"Ok, but the moment I think you are, you arse is in bed" Jackson compromised.

It was so good to be out, seeing the sun light, seeing the harbour from every room, having space around us. This was like our own little paradise.

"Karl, join me in the family room please" I said as Jackson lead me away.

"Why? You are not working" Jackson said.

"I just want to make sure he has staff for here, that he is under control, you know."

"Yeah, I do know, but I have a surprise for you" Jackson said as he felt my arm as I walked.

As we rounded the corner, Michelle was sitting in a chair waiting for me.

"Well well well. The boots on the other foot." Michelle laughed as I hobbled across the room. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, she was here to look after me, but was also now overseeing Jacksons dairy, and overlooking all of the housing teams in all our houses. Apparently, she was doing amazing in her new role, and Jackson could only sing her praise.

I did have some business to catch on, that many didn't want to talk about, and that was who shot me. The police investigation was not turning up any possible leads, and were at a lose as to the identity of the shooter, or those actually responsible.

James sat with me and talked through all possible leads, and even his contacts in Europe were drawing a blank, including who had placed the bounty on my head. I was concerned, not just for my welfare, but for the welfare of my family and friends. What would happen if they missed me, and got the girls, or Jackson. James was right. We needed to find out who it was, and we needed to take it out sooner rather than later.

And whilst I left him with his task to find the persons, I needed rest. Breathing was still a difficult task for me, and at the moment that took greater effort than finding those who wanted me dead. I paid good money to my people to watch over for us, and if I had to increase that, I would. No one was going to be able to take a shot at me again.

Jackson was always uneasy around those types of conversations and had left James and I mid way through. I could see it in his eyes that he was uncomfortable, and I didn't pull him back when he excused himself. I knew he had to deal with it in his own way, as did the girls, and I wasn't about to criticise any one for that.

I slept off and on during the day, as Michelle kept an eye on me. She was good at what she did, and just over a year ago, I would never had believed I would have a full time nurse working for me.

"So, tell me, how have you been?" I asked her as she checked my vitals and did some wound checking.

"I am loving it. Whilst I don't mind doing this from to time, Sam has been amazing in training me up, as has Paul and James, and everyone else here. You all make me feel so welcome. I was going to go visit my family today, they live 20 mins away and I haven't told them I am here yet"

"That's fine, but obviously, I prefer it if one of the detail travelled with you, they can wait outside. I am just being over cautious I guess"

"I presumed as much, and yeah, that's fine by me"

I drifted back off to sleep, and was deep in sleep, when I was awoken by a blood curdling scream. My thoughts were that someone was in danger. Something else had gone horribly wrong. As I struggled opening my eyes, and short of breath, I could see people running around.

"We have called an ambulance, it is on it's way" I heard in the background.

Fuck, what, where were security, what was happening I was thinking as tried to call out, but with no breath or energy, I felt like a lame duck in the firing line.

With all the strength I could garner, I made my way to the foyer, to see Jules on the ground in pain.

"What the fuck is going on" I said.

"Her water broke, she is 4 weeks early, she is going in to labour." Michelle said.

"Jules, look at me. I need you to breath. Big breath in, big breath out. Look at me. You can do it" Michelle added, coaching her as she held her hand.

"Karl, I need a towel, I need a pillows. I need to prep her, because if this ambulance isn't here in the next 5 mins, we are delivering on the foyer."

As Karl ran to get the supplies, the outside detail came running in with the paramedics.

"Hi, what do we have here" The kind paramedic asked trying to reassure everyone around.

"Looks like you're about to become a mama." He added with a huge smile.

As he looked for a central line to place a canula in, Jules laid on the floor, sweating and panting. There was nothing Jackson nor I could do to help. Once stabilised they took her and Marcus in the ambulance to the hospital, whilst Jackson and Chris, Maggie & Sally and another detailed followed on in the van.

I was not allowed to go, as I needed rest. I was massively disappointed, but understood that timing was everything, and I had to sit this one out.

"Do I call you grandpa now, or just daddy still" Michael asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"You can call me anything you want" I said as I laid down again.

I laid on the couch with my legs on Michaels lap, just catching up with him.

"How you feeling big boy" I asked in all earnestly

"I have had a few chats with Cath over the last week. I needed it after you got shot. I was feeling like a failure"

"You aren't a failure. It was just planned well, and it was missed by all" I said to let him know I didn't blame him.

"That's what she said. I still need to get my head around it. But I will"

"that's my boy. Hey, I need a favour" I started off cautiously.

"I am going to be out of action for a while" I added pointing at my dick.

"Any chance, that if he gets horny, you may be to help out Jackson from to time"

"Seriously boss, you have to ask that. You know we love fooling around with you guys. I am sure Karl will be fine too"

"I just needed to ask. I like to make sure I am not overstepping my mark"

"Never Boss. We love you guys too much"

"I love you too." I said as he squeezed my feet.

Over in the Maternity ward at St Vincent's Private Hospital, Jules was being prepped for birth. Marcus was like a headless chook as he scrambled to do what he was told. It was Jackson that calmed him down by placing his hands on his shoulders, and pushing down, in order to ground him.

"Millions of women do this every day. Jules isn't the first. Just let the doctors do what they do, and enjoy the moment. It is going to be ok."

"Thank you. I just feel lost, like I'm not in control."

"And that is fine in this case. Enjoy the moment daddy" the reassuring voice of Jackson said.

"Now get in there and go watch your son's being born."

As Maggie and Jackson paced the hallway, you could tell that they were both sick of hospitals, but in this case, it was a matter of joy, rather than pain they were experiencing.

It took another hour and half before Marcus reappeared, smiling from ear to ear.

"Both boys are looking amazing & pretty healthy. They need to spend a bit of time in the nursery, because they are 5 weeks early, but the Dr seems happy"

Jackson hugged the man tight, and let out a scream of joy.

"Can I see my girl" Jackson asked the nurse.

"Give me 5 mins. We are just cleaning her up a bit" she replied.

Jackson whipped out his phone and rang me as soon as he could. I could hear the joy and tears in his voice that he was so proud of Jules, and that she was ok, as were the twins.

"Hey Marcus" Jackson yelled out. "I forgot to ask, what are their names"

"Oh, Jack Yaniv & Max Grant" He said beaming with pride.

As I heard this in the background I teared up myself as they had thought about the names for so long and had kept them from us, until they were born. Jackson was overwhelmed by the names, and as his tears flowed, I knew it was more than the babies births that had bought them on, but a long few weeks finally ending with some good news for a change.

Eventually Jackson and Maggie got in to see Jules who was understandably exhausted from the events of the day.

"Hey sweetheart, how you doing." He asked placing his hand on hers.

"I am never having kids again. That was fucking brutal and barbaric" she said as she was laying back exhausted.

"Sucks to be you!" Maggie added. "When I have kids, they are being cut out of whilst I sleep. None of this natural childbirth for me" Her face screwed up in disgust.

"Not like I had a choice. Little bugger was half way out by the time I got here."

"Ewww that's gross" Maggie piped in with.

"We better let you rest. We are going to swing by the nursery and head home. Daddy loves you so much, as we all do"

"Thanks Dada." She said as he leant down for a kiss.

As Jackson and Maggie walked out, Marcus was on the phone. It was 2 am in New York when Marcus rang his parents to share the news. The Finkelstein's were overjoyed at the birth of the twins, and at the same time disappointed that they were so far away.

"Once we can travel, we will be there Papa" Marcus assured the older couple.

"We love you son, and please kiss the babies and Jules for us. You are in our prayers" They finished the call on.

"Was that your parents" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, they are excited. A little disappointed it happened here so far away. But I promised we would visit as soon as we could."

"Good man. Now take us to the nursery so I can a photo of the little lads to show their grandfather"

As they walked in to the Nursery area, Jackson got me on FaceTime to see the babies.

"Hey Poppy, wanna see your grandkids" he said in a playful voice.

As he zoomed in on the pair of boys, I was emotionally spent to the point I was in tears. Two perfect little pink bubbles of joy had arrived, and I couldn't had been prouder at that moment in life.

As Jackson took me off video and into an audio call, he mentioned Marcus' parents being disappointed they weren't there. Can I ask you to weave your magic and get them here. I think it would be nice. Even if we flew them out commercial, it would still be the right thing to do.

"OK, I will ring them shortly, it's still too early in the morning to phone, even if Marcus has already"

"See, that is why I love you so much."

"Ok bub, give Jules a massive kiss and tell her I will see her when they get home"

"Sam," I tried to yell, forgetting my limited lung capacity and coughing and spluttering instead.

As I picked up my phone, I decided to ring him instead. "Sam, can you please come here for a minute."

As he walked in, I asked him to book flights with Qantas from New York to Sydney in First Class on an A380, and then organise an Air B&B in our neighbourhood. "And if there is nothing close by, and I mean within a 5 min radius, call the Agent and find something. I want the Finkelstein's taken care of as we would family."

There was no need for further instruction, as Sam knew what I meant and that I knew he could handle such.

Now, I was planning on just going to sleep to trying to get rid of the killer headache that was brewing, and the pain I was suffering in both my back and torso area.

It had been a long day.

Chapter 120

Jackson returned from the hospital and again was ambushed by local media. At least now they could drive in to the garage and shut the door behind them, giving ample privacy and screening from the snap happy Pap's. As he walked up stairs, he was surprised I wasn't on the lounge any longer, but had taken myself to bed. I had forgotten how large and spacious this master suite was and I was thrilled that it was separated by its own separate staircase away from the other bedrooms and parts of the house.

I Heard him walk in, but just laid as if I was asleep. As much as I loved him, I was just too tired to talk, and I was happy just lying there dozing. I felt his gentle fingers run through my hair, as he talked about how much he loved me. His soothing words and the stroke of his fingers made me so relaxed I finally allowed myself to sleep. It was so good to be out for a while, even if the pain woke me in an hour or so, it was rest I hadn't had earlier.

Jackson spent the evening wondering the house. Poking his nose in rooms, and exploring all kinds of bit's and pieces. He was like an excited child as he opened each door to discover a new treasure. Eventually he settled down with Maggie to watch TV, and as always, with News shows, there was footage of an ambulance at the front gate, then Jules being wheeled out.

Whilst speculation was rife on the reason of the ambulance, we had given a press release, and we were not planning on doing so until we knew both twins were ok.

"Gee they carry on with shit don't they" Jackson said out loud.

As Maggie almost spat her drink out, she added "Fat 8mth woman taken to hospital. Shit, I wonder what could be wrong. They just have nothing to talk about" She finished.

"Dada, can I ask you a question"

"Of course kiddo, you know you can"

"Is Dad OK? I am just really worried about him"

"He will be fine. But, if he doesn't do what he's told, I will kill him" He added before pulling Maggie in for a hug.

"Are we safe?" It was the first time that Maggie had asked about her personal security ever, and Jackson's radar went up straight away.

"See that guy over there" he said pointing at Chris. "He will make sure we are, as well as the 15 outside, and all of the other ones every where."

"Well how did Dad get shot"

"We let our guard down sweetheart. We just slipped up"

There was no other way of explaining what had happened to her. She deserved to know the truth, and now here it was for all to see.

"I will do my best to make sure nothing like this happens again. You and I have been through hell together. I need to make sure my partner in crime is safe."

"Thanks Dada"

They sat in silence watching the TV for about 5 mins, before Maggie spoke up again.

"So, something else happened too." She through in very casually.

"Oh, is it juicy gossip. You know I love gossip" Jackson laughed as her face turned red.

"Well, it depends. It may make the gossip columns, but I would prefer it didn't"

"Please, Margaret! What have you done. Were you smoking pot at college? Please no sex tape of you with some Instagram moron? What is it"

"Well, I kinda met someone. Someone that makes me feel special, someone who didn't know who I was. It started as flirting, but it has gotten a little bit more closer recently"

"Oh, does he have a name you would like to share?"

"She does, its Beth"

"Beth ha! Not a name I would called masculine, but I guess we can live with that, if that makes you happy"

"Dada, you know what I am saying don't you."

"I do sweetheart, and you have also known that we would never have an issue with whoever you had a relationship, as long as it was safe, and consenting."

"So I am allowed to be a lesbian?"

"Allowed? Since when do I have the right to decide that. Honey, I am really happy for you. Obviously there may be some people that will want to splash your pics over the screen all the time. Obviously, Dad & I will want to make sure there are no bad motivations behind her, but we would be happy to meet her."

She sat and pondered this thought for a while, and Jackson could tell that there was more to the story, but he was allowing Maggie to set the pace. It was her coming out, and she needed to be comfortable as to how she did it.

"There is something else" she said as she grabbed Jacksons hand. "She is African American"

"Maggie, you have pushed the envelope just too far now. A lesbian & black! My god child, what would your grandmother say if she were still alive." As much as Jackson tried to keep a straight face, he couldn't any longer before exploding in to laughter.

"Do you really think we would care what colour she is? Or what nationality? Or anything? She could be a Martian for all we care. As long as you are happy. Well, maybe not a Martian, but you know."

"Thanks Dada." Maggie said as she picked up her phone. It was now 7am on the east coast of the US as Maggie hit her facetime. As Beth answered, presumably being woken from her sleep Maggie turned all soft and sweet like I'd not seen before.

"This is my Dada, one of my dad's" she said as she turned the phone to me to say hello.

Jackson was completely caught off guard and said a quick hello before signalling to Maggie to stop.

"You idiot. I wasn't expecting that" he said laughing.

"Don't stay up too long. It's getting late, I am going to bed." He said as he kissed her head and said good bye to Beth.

She seemed nice enough, but he knew when I found out, I might have second thoughts. Not because she was gay, but because I always worry about the girls.

As Jackson entered the bedroom, I was dead to the world. I didn't even feel his body slide in next to me, nor did I feel his kiss on the back of my head.

Chapter 121

Friday came about to a glorious sunny day. Late summer in Sydney was always the best time of the year, and with Autumn around the corner it was always just a perfect temperature. I was awake when Karl, Michelle and Sam entered our bedroom. I had the morning News on, and was reading some emails on my iPad as the three appeared.

Karl of course bought coffee, Michelle Medications and a wound dressing change, and Sam to tell me he had made all the arrangements we needed for the Finkelstein's visit. They were staying 6 doors down in a short stay that was listed on the market for sale. So it worked out well. They would be arriving Saturday Morning, and everything was set.

"I was going to ring them." I said.

"I know, but you were out cold, there was only a couple of first class seats available, plus I have a knack for convincing people what they need to do"

"Haha. Is that so"

"Yep, and they agreed, but wanted to pay you back."

"I hope you said no."

"What do you think!"

"Thanks Sam. Now not a word to Marcus"


"Jackson, wake up! Stop sleeping, it is time to get up" I said.

"Fuck off. I need more."

"Its 8:30. You have had enough. Too much to do."

"Ugh, bring me coffee." He mumbled under his breath.

"it's on your night stand" I added as I nudged him.

"What is so important about today."

"Well, I just received an email, and I want to meet someone today about it."

"You are not working. We are not working."

"Well, something has presented it's self, and I think I would like to investigate"

"Karl, I need suits for Jackson and I for today. We also need a car and driver. Tell Michael and Chris we are leaving at 10, and we are going in to the city"

"Yes sir!"

"Are you going to shed any light on this at all?" Jackson's curiosity getting the better of him.

"Not yet. I will once I hear back from Johan in about an hour. But until then, we need to be ready to leave at 10"

"Ugh, the suspense is killing me" Jackson said as he pulled himself out of bed.

"Thank God Michelle has left. Do you have no shame"

"Shut up. Sometimes I just forget" He said as he grabbed hold of his big hard cock by its base and waved it around like flag pole.

"Karl, cover your eyes" I joked in mock shock.

"Ha, I've had it before. We've all had it" he laughed as Jackson strode off to shower.

Whilst Jackson was in the shower, my phone rang. It was Johan. Earlier than I expected.

"How did we go. Your thoughts?"

"on paper it is brilliant. It ticks all boxes, and has just broken into a cash flow positive position. The negatives are the fleet is aging, and their international arm is not operational yet, after COVID. But, with a strong management team, a good capital investment, and solid route performance, I think as an ongoing asset, it would the right choice. The long and short of it is, I would say yes."

"That's all I needed to know. I have managed to get a meeting for 10:30 this morning. I might buzz you in at some time, if that's ok"

"That is fine. But no firm commitment until I have completed full due diligence."

"Yes Boss" I said, knowing that this would leave a huge smile on Johan's face.

As Jackson walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, he looked at me with suspicion.

"Anything you want to share? Who was on the phone?"

"It was Johan, he rang earlier than I expected."

"And? Why are you being so secretive" he asked with a smile.

"Well, to be honest, banking is boring. We both know that. So I asked Johan to put out a global search for acquisitions that may interest us. I gave him a list of things we liked, and surprisingly, he has come up with something that is starting to be shopped around on the quiet, and it is here in Sydney."

"Ok, now you are killing me. What is it. I have no idea"

"An Airline. Not just any airline, but the country's second largest."

"Are you shitting me!"

"No, and the price sounds reasonable, but we are only just commencing due diligence. We are meeting with the CEO this morning, more so as a meet and greet and sign documents of exploration. In other words, they won't sell it whilst we look into it"

"Fuck bub. That's huge. How much is that going to cost us?"

"Well, it is going to cost the bank around $6B USD"

"Wholly shit. An airline. I can't believe we talk like this these days."

"Yeah bub, an Airline. And something that really excites me."

"Me too." Jackson said with a smile, before changing the topic.

"How you feeling this morning."

"Not too bad. More discomfort than anything. Why?"

"Just curious. I wanted to talk to you about something, and wanted to make sure you are ok."

"Oh fuck. What now" I said as my defence system kicked into over drive.

"Haha. Nothing bad, but I wanted to discuss something with you, before you found out another way, and over react"

"When do I ever over react?" I asked as I looked at Jackson. "unless it is about the girls, I never over react" I added on to the end.

"Well, it's about Maggie"

`Oh double fuck. Pregnant? Drugs? Sex Video? Shop lifting at Macy's? That child will be the death of me."

"See, Mr over reaction in full flight. Now if you clam the fuck down, I will tell you."


"Last night we had a chat, she spoke about what's happened recently, and how we are doing. And then she told me something that didn't overly surprise me, and really it is what it is."

"Go on"

"Well, she has met someone, and she seems happy. Happier than I have seen her in a long time. They both go to Columbia, both Law Majors, both women."

"Ha, that didn't make sense"

"Maggie came out to me last night. She has her first Girlfriend, who I spoke with on FaceTime, and she seems nice. I just don't want you being over protecting dad, and saying the wrong thing."

It took me a while to get my head around it. No, I wasn't surprised Maggie was gay. Out of both girls, Maggie was the one I would suspect, but I was actually relatively OK about it all.

"Why do they always come to you first?" I shared my thoughts out loud

"It's because I am the calmer one when they need to test the waters." Jackson said with a smug look on his face.

"They go to you for other things. Its called dual parenting bub. I thought you were across all this now"

"OK Mr Smartarse. Thanks for reminding me. In other words, play it cool when she eventually tells me"

"Exactly! Now, go and shower so we are ready on time"

As I walked into the shower, I genuinely thought how much I missed our old 9-5 life. Somethings I would take back in a heartbeat, but I also knew that the girls future would be a lot better than what we had planned, and they would be secure for life. It was the latter part that reassured me and kept me going.

As slipped in to the back of the new BMW we had just acquired, Michael sat up front with our new driver, who was terrified of Michael, whilst Chris and two others followed behind us as a protection. Whilst this car didn't have the same bullet proof protection as the one n Munich, it was still safe and comfortable with plenty of room.

"What's the go boss when we get here?"

"You and Chris follow us up, the other two stay with the cars and drivers. We should be about an hour"

"I just haven't scoped the pace, so just a little concerned"

"It's in the middle of CBD, and no one knows about this meeting. Plus I promise to steer clear of windows for you."

"About time you learnt the rules" Michael fired back at me. I sat and smiled at him.

Arriving at the non-descript office building in downtown Sydney, the winds that blow between the streets were gusting their way through as usual, but with a nice warmth about them. The streets were busy as people were doing their morning coffee run, and bike curiers were darting in and out between cars. "ah Sydney, you have not changed" I said as a taxi driver and a bus were yelling at each other over right of way.

Making our way as quickly as I could, with the assistance of Jackson, we got to the elevator and pressed the 47th floor button to take us to our meeting. The current CEO had years' experience in the industry joining on when they were bought out of administration during the COVID downturn that grounded the industry, but, with some solid financial backing and sound management principles, she had let the airline back to profitability, and had made a lot of many unpopular, but survival, decisions as she went. Now the private equity company behind it, were looking at cashing in and making a profit. We were interested.

As the doors opened, we were greeted by a young woman, who was expecting us.

"Mr Von Garbner, Welcome. Please follow me through to the board room." She said as if we had been friends for years. As we walked in I felt strangely outnumbered as 6 of their people were sitting around the table already. As introductions were made, Michael pulled out the chair for me to sit, as he could see my breathing was labouring and I was a little tired after the walk from the car to here.

I apologised first up for my shortness of breath. "I wasn't expecting this meeting today, but I wanted to jump at the opportunity" I said as way of apology.

"that's fine, please, is there anything besides water I can get you" Asked the CEO.

"No, I just need a minute, but if you have a spare lung without a hole, that would be helpful"

This caused some small laughter in the room.

"Yes, I did read about that. Terrible. Must have been a scary time."

"unfortunately, only for everyone around me. I was out cold the first 4 days, but anyway, here we are." I said trying to deflect away from a topic that made Jackson uncomfortable.

As we spoke, I learnt there were 114 domestic routes currently served by a fleet of 65 Boeing 737-800 with an average age of 18 years old. It wasn't the best fleet, but it was well maintained, and most routes were above 85% capacity on any given day. They had strong cargo numbers, and were looking at fleet renewal program and relaunching their international routes, with one set to launch to Japan in the coming weeks.

Over all, from what I heard, I was impressed. It was something that I could really see being involved in. It was childhood passion that had followed me through adult hood. As we finished up, I asked for a moment with Jane, the CEO.

"Can I ask what your plans are going forward?"

"I am not sure. It would depend on who buys the airline, the offer I'm presented, and the scope of my role."

"Well, if it is us, we would be willing to offer you a very competitive salary, a generous bonus scheme, but, as we are privately owned, we do not offer a share offer to any employee. And as far your scope goes, you would have carte blanche pretty much similar as to what you have now."

"It is certainly something to consider"

"And as for fleet renewal, I would have some plans for that considering what your main competitor has just announced. I don't like being number 2 in any market. We are number one in every market we operate in. This will be no different, and with that comes hard work and reward. Once my team has done it's due diligence, I would like to fly you to Munich to meet our senior leadership team."

"That sounds wonderful. Let's get all this happening, I am sure your team will be happy with what we present."

Leaving the meeting I instructed the driver to take us to the airport.

"What? Where are going?"

"No where. I just want to visualise something."

"Oh, OK." Came Michaels response. "No getting out of the car then"


"Are you ok bub. It is a strange request"

"I want to look at planes. Different types of planes. I want to see what we are looking at before I go crazy and spend all this money. I want to dumb it down in to my terms."

"That sounds fair. Let me know if you need to talk though about anything."

As we pulled in to the viewing car park, I opened the door, which freaked Michael out.

"It's ok. We are the only ones here. Help me out and you can hold my hand" I joked.

As Chris and the other detail jumped out, they thought something was wrong.

"No No, It is all good. I am just looking at planes." I swear they thought I had lost my mind the looks they were giving me.

As I looked across the runways and terminals, in the distance I could see our own piece of aviation history, our A330-900 sitting proudly in general aviation. She was simply stunning.

"Hey Jackson, grab a pen paper and write these down" I instructed as I called out plane types and carriers so I could research them later. As he wrote furiously I could see he wasn't keeping up, and I laughed as I stopped to let him try.

Once I had done that, I was content to let the bean counters count, as I waited the results.

"Let's go home. I am tired" I instructed the driver as Michael finally let out a sigh relief.

"You tired too big boy?" I laughed after he sighed.

"Yeah, trying to figure out your next move isn't always easy"

Driving back home, I could see we were getting near the hospital where Jules was with the twins.

"Stop the car, I want to see the twins" I instructed the driver.

"Michael, not a word, you can push me in a wheelchair if it is easier"

He laughed at this before commenting "Now you're talking. But not a long stay, you need a rest"

Everyone was treating me like I was 40 years older than what I was, which for me was rather funny. Did I treat them this way? I asked myself as Michael snuck a wheelchair to the car.

Walking back in, many staff were friendly and asked how I was feeling.

"Wonderful, I am visiting my grandbabies" I boasted gleefully as Jackson lead the way.

As we approached Jules room, I could hear the cries of one baby. As Jackson knocked on the ward door I was presented with my beautiful, if not exhausted daughter, nursing one twin, whilst Marcus held the other.

"Hey dad, what are you doing here" she asked, not expecting me

"I had a meeting I needed to go to and on the way home, we found you. Plus are you going to stop Poppy from seeing his gems"

Maggie and Marcus laughed as Marcus handed me little Jack who was drifting off to sleep post feed.

"He is the most beautiful little human I have seen." I said like an emotional old fool.

"Dad, there's two. No favourites" Maggie scorned me.

"Well I haven't seen Max yet, so Jack is the cutest little human I have ever seen....yet"

As I sat there holding him, Jackson took a heap of pics on his phone. After Jules had finished feeding Max and he was passed over, Marcus took some beautiful pics of Jackson and I with the twins. They would become irreplicable in years to come, but right now, it was the holding of one twin each that did us over. We were smitten.

"How did your folks take the news Marcus?" I asked knowing better.

"Really good. But I have tried to call them today and not answering. Even Dad's phone is off. He forgets it sometimes and it goes flat" not phased or suspecting of anything.

"Well, that is good. I bet they can't wait to see them" I added on the sly

"Soon we hope, soon"

I need to talk to you both. We will need to put a press statement out soon. The press saw the ambulance at the house and have been annoying the staff here. Did you want Sam to deal with it?

"That would be great dad. I am too tired to deal with that shit. Ill attach one of the photo's we just took with it, that way it will shut them up. That OK."

"yeah that is fine. I was hoping that my parents would see him before the media thou, so can wait until I can facetime my parents first"

"That is perfectly understandable. Let me know when you have."

As we drove home, I was the happiest man in the world.

Chapter 122

As I laid on the sofa resting, so many things were going through my head. Could I really make an airline work. I had excellent marketing skills. I was getting better on financial matters, and I flew on a private plane. What could go wrong. Could we actually afford it, or was it a pie in the sky dream. Surely Johan would pull me up if he didn't think it was right.

Laying there I had a thought. May be a good one. But to investigate probably I needed my team here. I was about to throw a major spanner in the works, and if it paid off, we could make a lot of money.

"Johan, Grant. I have just had a brilliant idea. But I need you, Steven & Klaus here. It's going to take me a few days to pull it together, but I think I know a way to make a lot more out of this airline deal, and have the numbers stack up"

"Let me guess, you aren't going to share your idea yet either, are you."

"No, but here's the deal, bring your lovely wife, and if it stinks, you get a free holiday out of it!"

"Grant, I hve never worked for anyone like you. But I trust your gut."

"Great. I will even spill for first class on Emirates. Nothing beats Caviar and Dom at 40,000 ft"

"I'm sure that Sophia will be suitably impressed" he finished off with a laugh.

"Can you please co-ordinate with Sam, and talk to the two hobo's in New York. Let me know when you are due"

As I ended the call, I told Sam what was happening and that he needed to organise accommodation, security and everything else. I also wanted to look at some office space in Sydney, preferably something with harbour views, large enough for at least 2 dozen staff, an office for me, and a board room etc.

"Are we moving to Australia Boss?" he looked puzzled as he spoke.

"Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but, I will keep you posted."

"Let me get on to it and I will tee up some viewings"

As Jackson entered the room, he could tell I was up to something.

"Care to share?" he asked

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't give me that crap. When I see Sam flustered I always know you are behind it"

"I may have a plan on something. Something that could make our life even better. But, before I spill, I want to make sure it add's up. Just give me. Few days"

"You do realise you are supposed to be taking it easy. You do realise that you more or less resigned from working? You do realise I want to spend more time with you, not less"

"Yeah, yeah. I know, that is what I am planning on doing, but if I can do what I am thinking, it would mean we could stay here at least half a year, every year. But it needs to add up"

"OK. Have you spoken to Johan?"

"He's on a flight tomorrow morning hopefully, and Steven & Klaus are coming too"

"Well, call in the calvary I say"

"I just hope I can work it out. As for resting, my feet are up, I have this stupid oxygen in my nose, and my breathing is good"

"OK, just take it easy. I am going downstairs to the gym for a bit"

"Since when do you go to the gym." I looked puzzled.

"Since we got 3 new guards that wear lycra and have massive bulges in them, and at 4pm everyday they work out"

"You are seriously an old perve." I laughed.

"You'd be there if you could"

"No playing in the steam room after work out. The cleaners don't need your cum being washed off the walls"

"That's no fair. I normally breed my trade"

This banter was making me feel good.

"Hey, I spoke to Michael and Karl, and whilst I know I am out of action, they are happy to help if you need a hand"

"Oh, pimping me out now are you" his smile told a different story, and I knew I could have this conversation with him, with a big part of our relationship being open, and honest.

"I don't need the money, honey"

He kissed my forehead and went off to play in the gym. I could only imagine him checking out every guard on the books.

As Jackson entered the gym, he was surprised to see Michael there, as well as the three newbies, all working out.

"What brings you down here Mr J" Michael asked.

"I've been working out a lot lately, mainly in the afternoons. I haven't seen you in here yet" Jackson responded with a wink.

"I need to make sure the newbies are training probably and keeping in form. It is a part of their contract."

"Ah, so purely in a supervisory role I see"

"You could say that"

As Jackson walked closer to Michael, Jackson whispered in his ear.

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter kid. I know exactly what you are doing here"

Michael blushed knowing that Jackson had clicked on to his real reason. The look on his face said it all.

3 hot, muscled 20 somethings in their prime, shirtless and wearing lycra pants showing every outline that God gave them. Jackson was in his element, and having Michael there made the situation more hotter.

"Does anyone need a spot" Michael asked the guys.

"Yeah Boss, I could." The younger of three said. His ripped slightly furry torso had sweat glistening off it as Michael made his way over to the weights and stood with his legs spread helping the younger guy.

What Jackson didn't know was that Michael was not wearing jocks and as the younger guy laid back and looked up, he could see Michael's beer can cock pointing straight down on him. What Jackson did notice was the growing bulge in the younger mans pants extending up towards the seam of his pants, as he dreamt about what he could do with Michaels cock.

The other two lads were doing some rowing side by side and I could tell that had obviously started earlier, by the amount of sweat that were dripping. Jackson needed to look busy, so hopped on the running machine to do some running, and take in what was happening around him.

Every time Michael squatted down to assist the younger man, his knob would poke out of his shorts, missing the younger guy by an inch or two. For the young guy it must have been sheer pain, for Michael he was in his element.

As everyone spent the best part of 90mins working on different parts of their bodies, Jackson was the first to call it quits before stripping off his kit and walking naked in to the medium sized steam room. As he sat there he let the steam work his tired muscles and as he started to drift off, the two guys who had been earlier on the rowing machines opened the steam room door.

"Oh Sorry Mr Von Garbner, We didn't realise you were in here."

"That's fine lads, there is ample room in here. But I have a zero clothing policy"

As the awkwardly ditched there towels the three of them were sitting on the upper level chatting like blokes in a gym do. Jackson was being fairly coy, and mainly listened to what was being said. As the guys talked about `chicks' and the like, Jackson knew they were straight lads. But, as always, Jacksons cock had a mind of its own, and as it started to rise up from his furry pubic mound, the two guys stopped talking and starred.

"Fuck me, how big is that thing"

Jackson didn't realise that they were talking about his cock at first, and he quickly came round to the conversation.

"Shit sorry, mind of it's own"

"It's a fucking monster. My girlfriend would fucking scream if that went in. She complains about mine, and I am no where near you"

"I don't know, you aren't too bad there, and you are only semi." Jackson responded before adding, and yours a pretty nice size too buddy. Size isn't everything" he finished with.

"yeah, says the guy with the 10" cock"

"If you must know it's just over 9" and if you want to see a dick of death, I'd suggest you check Michael out" He laughed

Out of habit more than anything, Jackson started to stroke on his cock, just slow strokes of pleasure. He wasn't even thinking of getting off, just window shopping as he liked to call it. But now as these other two were starting to firm up, why not wank.

As he started to take greater strokes both the guys, now either side of him, were hard and slowly playing with their cocks too.

"A mutual wank doesn't make you gay lads, a good circle jerk is good male bonding" Jackson said, not even he believed he said it.

As the three of them jerked off Jackson occasionally touched either guys balls and gave them a little thrill. But he was getting bored. He needed to shower and rinse off.

"You guys don't come out till your finished. Enjoy" he said as he exited the steam room. Heading in to the bathroom off the Gym where there were two shower stalls, Jackson heard moaning as he approached the door. As he pushed the door open, in the first cubicle the younger guy was being drilled like no tomorrow by Michael.

"Do you need me to go." Jackson asked politely.

"Stay, go, join in, watch. Your call" The sexual side of Michael was now very different to the working Michael. He was learning how to become very dominant, especially with younger guys, as I noticed he had with Nic. But I would never say he had hurt them; it was role play at its finest and he was damn good at it.

Jackson was instantly hard as started watching the young lad take Michael. As he moved in front of him, he shoved his cock in the young guys mouth, and it's acceptance was welcome.

Jackson was face fucking the lad whilst Michael reamed his arse. They were the ultimate tag team when it came to sec, and they both knew it.

"Swap ya big boy" Said Jackson who was getting close to finishing off.

As Jackson started fucking the lad he said to Michael, "how many fucking loads you dropped in here already."

"Two, yours will make three."

"I want cum daddy" said the young lad who arse was now well and truly wrecked.

As Jackson felt his balls rise, he unleashed a 5-day load that left him weak at the knees. Michael busted his third load on the lad's face. As they both pulled out simultaneously the young guy fell to the shower floor, as if their cocks were keeping him upright.

"You ok Carrick" Michael said.

"Yep, absolutely fine. Just spent. I am just gonna sit here and wash off and chill. That was one hell of a workout this afternoon."

"Good. Glad you liked it. Just remember, we exercise a lot of discretion here, and we hope you understand that, otherwise no round two"

"100% Boss. And fuck yeah. I want round two"

As Jackson and Michael shared a shower, they didn't realise before it happened but they started kissing.

"Well that was unexpected" Jackson said.

Michael laughed, there was no hidden meaning, just two mates who had very hungry sexual appetites.

As the two men walked back up stairs the wondered in to the family room where I was lounging and bored. I could tell by the look on their faces that they were not innocent.

"So who was the victim" I said laughing and coughing at the same time.

"Now why would you say that" Jackson said as he laughed.

"Because I know exactly what you two are like"

Michael walked off to find Karl, and as Jackson sat down, he was smiling and grinning

"That good ha?" I said as I gave him a nudge.

"Never as good as you, but certainly filled a void"

"You're such a sweet talker" I smiled at him as he leaned in for a kiss.

"When are we getting a cook here. I am sick of take out, and no one here besides you can cook"

"Sam said the same thing, and as New York is not being used at the moment, I am flying him out here. Saves employing someone else, and we both love his food"

"Thank god, I am starving. In saying that, I think I might hit Uber eats. What do you feel like"

"I'm not really hungry, but see who is here, and make sure you order enough. I think Marcus is back, I want him to get some rest tonight, he has his parents tomorrow and I think Jules will be home too"

"Fuck. The twins. We have nothing here for them. Shit."

"Oh fuck, I didn't think of that either. We have nothing. Get Sam here now, call Michael in, and call all the guards in. We are now on `operation bring babies home' "

As everyone gathered around in the family room, I was serious, but also humorous.

"Gents, Michelle & Sally. We have a major issue. One that has been overlooked, and one that needs everyone to pull out full stops. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, Michelle, you will lead the boys on a shopping expedition to buy everything we will need to bring the twins home tomorrow afternoon. You know the shops, you also know what they need. I will move Maggie in to a different room so the room next to Jules is a nursery. All you muscle Mary's will be building all the furniture once it arrives." This earned a good laugh from the detail in the room.

"Michael, you will have a different, but more important job, which I will explain later. But I need everyone on board and ready"

"Yes Boss," came the chorus of all present.

"Karl, Can I please have you move Maggie over rooms ASAP."

As everyone made an exit, I held Michael back and went to my wallet pulling out a business card.

"Tim, Grant Von Gerber here, how are you."

"Wonderful sir, is there a problem with your car?"

"No, not at all, the complete opposite. Do you have an X7 in stock. I don't really care about colour, I just need one tomorrow morning"

"I have one M Model in stock, blue, ready to drive off the showroom."

"Sold, I will transfer the money once you send me the contract, and I my Head of Security will be there at 9am. You don't happen to know where I can get two baby capsules fitted straight away?"

"I do know someone, leave it with me. Make it 10am, and I will have the seats fitted before it's collected"

"You are a saviour." I said breathing a sigh of relief. "Send me a list of your inventory also, I will need. Few more vehicles here over the coming weeks, and I may as well start setting the wheels in motion so to speak"

"Certainly Sir. It is a pleasure to get your call."

"Tim, all I ask is that you don't talk to the media, and you are discrete and not trade of our name"

"Wouldn't dream of it. Whilst I do have you, I do have a new i7 electric sedan coming in next week, call past and have a look, perhaps a drive."

"Oh, smooth talker. Deal. I will call in later next week and we will talk vehicles"

"Good night"

"Thanks Tim"

"Right, tomorrow morning I will get you to collect the car with the baby capsules in it, and you are to drive that car home as if your life depends on it. You are the one I trust"

"Gee Boss, no stress at all" He laughed. But I would rather not drive here yet. I am still getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road.

"Bub, I will drive the car home, Chris can ride shot gun, Twins and Jules in the back, and there is a third-row seat for Marcus."

"Fair call, I know I can trust you" I said as I kissed him

"I cannot believe we forgot about the babies and all the stuff. How did we miss that"

"Don't get worked up, we have a plan, but in all honesty, Jules wasn't supposed to drop yet"

"That's true" I added as Marcus walked in the room looking absolutely devastated.

"Marcus, talk to me what is wrong"

"I just realised with everything going on and Jules going early, we have nothing here for the babies"

The three of us already in the room laughed, not at him, but at the situation.

"Marcus, we have just had this discussion, and because I didn't want you worked up, mainly because you are exhausted, we have taken care of it."

As I walked him through everything from Nappy's to car, his eyes just rolled back in his head.

"How do you do all this. How do you think of all this?"

"We didn't need you worrying about it at all. I just want everything right for when Jules comes home, so you can both relax a little"

I was yet to organise an agency nurse, but I thought I would save that till later. Marcus was certainly overwhelmed with the sudden changes that were facing his life.

As Saturday rolled around there was certainly a lot of activity happening in the household.

Michelle at the boys were out the door at 8am on the dot. Michael was ready to collect the car, and Sam was ringing around trying to secure a nanny on short term without notice.

At 10am the Finkelstein's were also due to land, and we had yet to arrange to collect them. I was thinking that could collect them, but then there would be no space. As there is no way they would let me go alone, or only with one detail and no driver.

As I went to wake Marcus, he was spread across the bed snoring soundly. I didn't have the heart to wake him, so instead asked Karl to go and collect him. Best he sleep now, as once the twins were home, his sleep would be interrupted.

"Karl, how do you feel like a trip to the airport" I asked as he was pouring me coffee.

"That's fine, just give me the details"

Now that was sorted, I could relax a little and await the return of the shoppers from their mission, and then watch them play construction in record time.

Jackson was at a little loss this morning, I was thinking that he maybe anxious about the twins arrival.

"What's up, you seem stressed"

"Nothing major, just so much happening, and I don't know where to start."

"We have until 2pm, so I am not too stressed, I am sure the boys will get it all done"

"Everything has just happened so fast."

"I know bub, and I also know you're not a big fan of change"

"Well there is that too, but I am sure we will get there soon"

"I might have a tea to settle the nerves a bit and sit out in the sun. Care to join me"

"As long as you help me out there, I would love it."

As he called out to Karl to make him tea, we went and sat on the veranda overlooking the harbour, with the glorious sun bouncing of the water, it was a spectacular morning.

One thing about Jackson, we never had to speak to feel a sense of connection. And as I reached out to hold his hand, this never more evident than now. The comforting touch of my husband managed to make us both feel good, and certainly connected.

"Are you stressed about the airline purchase"

"No not really, if Johan tells us it is a no go, then it's a no go. Pretty simple, we will move on to the next project. Hence I am not overly investing time in it until he gives the green light"

"That's fair enough. I am loving being back in Sydney thou, it feels so good, and right, I guess"

"I get that. I forgot how much I missed this town. All the complaining we used to do getting around it, and now we find it is one of the best cities there is."

"Yeah, plus, I can hang with friends when ever I want"

"I know, and that is important. Baby steps bub, baby steps. I don't want you thinking we may stay here permanently when it may not be the case"

"I get that. I am just taking one day at a time"

Chapter 123

As the mighty Qantas A380 touched down in Sydney, a very tired, but nervous Yaniv & Shona appeared through customs to see Karl holding a sign with their name on it. As always, morning at Kingsford-Smith Airport where a scene of chaos and reunion, as most international flights came in a succession of people. This morning was no different.

"Oh, hello Karl, we have met before" Yaniv said as he shock the younger mans hand.

"Yes Sir. Welcome to Sydney"

"Very unexpected, but very appreciative"

"I'm sure Marcus will be thrilled. When I left he was still asleep. It has been a busy few days, and Grant let him sleep in today. I think he needed it"

"he is young and fit. He should not need so much rest" Yaniv laughed.

"Yaniv, enough, the boy is tired. Let him rest" Shona chimed in.

"You are soft on him. You are his mother" the older man laughed, as his wife gave a disapproving look.

Hopping in the car, they had never been to Australia before, and were surprised to not see Kangaroo's in the street.

"It is all a myth to get American tourists here" Karl joked with him.

"It is so clean and modern. I am surprised"

"This is my first time here, and my biggest concern is staying on the left hand side of the road, but I think I have it all under control." Karl said, causing a look of worry between his two older passengers.

The trip to the house took just over 25mins in the lighter Saturday morning traffic, and were greeted by Grant & Jackson who had come in out of the sun.

"So lovely to see you both. I am so happy that you came. It is such an important period in our life"

"Yes, it is. But Grant, today is the sabbath, so I will have to attend synagogue at some time today."

"I will have Sam organise that for you. No doubt in light of everything, today would be important for you"

"Very, and if you and Jackson were free this evening, I would ask you to attend so as one we can pray together."

Slightly kicking Jackson so he didn't put his foot in it, I agreed that that would be lovely.

I could almost hear Jackson roll his eyes back in his head as I agreed on our behalf.

"Now where is my boy" Shona asked, as Jackson took her by the arm and lead her upstairs to where Marcus was still asleep.

Opening the bedroom door, Marcus was just awake and rubbing his eyes. He actually had to rub them again to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His mother who he idolised had just walked in and he was overjoyed to see her.

"Mom, what are you doing here. What about papa" he said trying to gather his thoughts.

"If I know your father, he is ordering people around down stairs and getting some coffee."

"What? He is here too"

"Yes, my boy, Grant & Jackson flew us out here so we could be with you all and see our new grandchildren. Such an important family time"

As he jumped out of bed, he ran to hug his mother tight and to embrace the woman who had always supported his every move.

"I must see him"

"Well, I suggest you put some clothes on and come down stairs." She added before leaving the room, with Jackson in toe.

"he is such a kind man" She said for no one, but Jackson smiled at the comment.

Sitting downstairs talking with me, Jackson and Shona joined us for coffee.

"Your home here is so beautiful. It is amazing. That view is stunning"

"Well, we have a place for you a few doors down which has a nice view. We thought you could do with your own space whilst you are here"

"It is too much; we can never repay you"

"You don't have to repay. This is how families support one another. Family is very important to us"

As I was speaking, Sam handed me a note, and after reading it I spoke to all in the room.

"Great news, Havdalah at Temple Emanual is this afternoon at 5:30pm. It is only a 10min or so drive from here. I will make arrangements for us to attend"

"That would be wonderful. Not only is Havdalah a sign of the entering of a new week, for us, it is about welcoming new life" The rabbi added.

"Please let the Temple know we will be attending, and we will have some additional people standing at the back of the temple." I instructed Sam as he went about his way.

Michael returned shortly after with new car.

"All done" I asked

"She is sick as Boss"

"I gather it is a good choice"

"I want one" he laughed in a good way.

"Michael, got you please grab Karl for me and ask him take the Finkelstein's down to there house they are staying in. They may like to freshen up and grab some rest before Jules arrives home."

"Certainly boss."

"Thank you, Grant. Whilst the flight was extraordinary, I didn't sleep much at all. We've been travelling for 22hrs. a sleep would be lovely"

"My pleasure. I will have you collected just after two and you can be here when they arrive."

As the older couple left the team arrived home with that many cartons and boxes and all sorts of bags filled.

"A little hectic I see." Laughing.

"This is only half of it, a couple of the boys are going back to collect the rest whilst these lads build cots and tables, put wheels on prams. You name it, we have to do it." Michelle said as she returned my AmEx card and receipt

"Fuck, I bet the sales assistant nearly died"

"No, that would have been me when I saw the total" She laughed.

"I still need to visit David Jones to grab some more clothes if that is ok."

"Sure" Jackson said, before adding, "I will come with you. I have a few hours to spare"

Chris rolled his eyes as he hated going shopping, but as Jacksons detail, it was his job.

"I saw those eyes, Chris. If you're good boy I will get you a nice Jock strap"

Chris laughed, but the thought of the beefy man in a jock did more to Jackson than Chris. He was the unobtainable one in Jacksons eyes, but the banter between them was solid, and always good to watch.

"OK, leave this with me and you two get out of here. Take our car, just in case."

I was starting to feel anxious. It had been almost 20years since we had a baby in the house, now we were expecting two. And whilst we knew Jules and Marcus would do an excellent job, I was also concerned that it could be a little overwhelming, hence the nanny to assist with the job.

I slowly made my way to the nursery which resembled more of a war zone than the peaceful sanctuary I had a vision of.

"Have any of you ever done this before?" I asked which was met with silence.

"You are some of the toughest men on the planet, and you can't use an Alan key. Seriously"

"We are trying boss." Said Corey as if he was fighting for his life in battle against on coming forces, as he was putting together a change table.

The goings on in this room I could have stayed and watched for hours, but instead, I needed to look over some documents whilst Jackson was out, as I knew if he found me working there would be hell to pay.

Flipping through what I wanted to see, I highlighted a couple numbers that I wanted to talk to Johan about when he arrived. Although they were all arriving tomorrow, I had set up a meeting in the board room at the Hyatt where Sam had booked them in. I wanted an office environment, and I knew if we worked here, the interruptions would be massive and work progress slow. I was also giving Jackson the time to unwind, do as he pleased whilst the Finkelstein's were here to spoil Jules and Marcus.

I was batting away on my task when Jackson returned, and right on key I was lectured about overdoing it. I knew it would come, but it was all wiped away when he showed me some of the clothes he bought the twins. Memories came flooding back and I knew the same effect was hitting him.

"I wish we could have afforded David Jones babywear when the girls were young" He laughed as he held up some beautiful items.

"Things have certainly changed. But anyway, those guys should be all but finished upstairs. I am not climbing the stairs again. And you need to get to the hospital. Are you taking Michael or Chris?" I asked.

"I'll take Chris. And I will check on the room now."

He kissed me good bye before checking everything and leaving the house in a hurry with Chris.

As Jules arrived home with the babies, and Marcus, it was perfect timing that Yaniv & Shona arrived at the same time.

Before Jules could even sit, Shona was all over her as they both took one of the boys each, and admired their health. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Jules was massively overwhelmed by it all and just wanted a time out and some peace.

As I stood, Michael was quick to assist me. "What do you need boss" he asked as I rose.

"My daughter" I said as I reached out to hug her as best as I could.

"You are amazing my sweetheart." I whispered in her ear. "Lets walk" I said guiding her to towards the stairs.

"You need to walk slowly with me. Stairs are still a bitch with my breathing, but I want to show you something."

As we neared the top of the stairs, we turned and walked the hall way leading to the bedroom suites. As I stopped in front of the door, I looked at her and said "Open it. This is for you"

Pushing the door open she was shocked at the transformation the room had taken. Even I was impressed and made a note to thank the boys for all their hard work in such a short time.

"Dad, It is more than I could have ever imagined. It is beautiful"

"Well, don't thank me. You need to thank all 15 detail that spent the morning shopping and building."

"Are you serious"

"Very, and Michelle is the one that pulled it all together, with Dada doing the clothes shopping"

"You are my everything" She said as she teared up.

Everything that a new mother needed was in this room, times two. There was nothing she could ask for.

As we were struggling to find an agency Nanny, Michelle had offered to step in as she wasn't that busy at the moment and it would keep her busy.

"So you will have Michelle to help you, and also, if you aren't sure, I am sure she can offer you any assistance you need. Plus our old Doctor is on call."

"Oh, Dr Thew. I loved him when I was a kid."

"Good, he lives a suburb away, and will come to the house if need be"

"Dad. I just don't know what to say. You have made everything perfect"

"Now, about your in-laws. Give it time. They are a little over the top, but they do mean well. Let her be the grandmother she needs to be. You wont see that much of them. They've even got us going to temple shortly"

"Ha. Oh my god. I will stay home with the boys."

"I thought as much. You have an excuse, I don't. I am going to leave you hear a moment, join us when you feel up to it. There's no rush"

Chapter 124

Driving to the temple, or anywhere for that matter was always a stage production. In our car was Jackson, Myself, the driver and Michael. In the van behind us were all 3 Finkelstein's, Chris, and two other detail.

As we arrived at Sydney's biggest synagogue all eyes were on us. The people attending, as well as the media pack that always followed. Exiting the car, I asked Michael to take me to the media.

"Folks, please, I am here with my daughters' in-laws. This really is a non-event for you guys. I ask that you please give it a rest today. Give us some privacy"

Some took that as sign to leave, whilst less than half of the die hards decided to dig in stay, shouting questions as I walked away.

"Yaniv, sorry about the media. What do I do when we get inside."

"Just follow our lead. I will sit with you"

Sage advice from an older senior Rabbi.

As we got to the door, the Rabbi and the Senior Rabbi of Sydney were at the door to greet Yaniv, and Jackson and I.

As Yaniv spoke fluent Hebrew, we had no idea if he had just sold our kidneys off, or if he was being welcomed. Either way we were greeted kindly and ushered to some special seats inside. It was a privilege to be seated here, and for two people who are proclaimed agnostics, there was a sense of spirituality we had never sensed before.

I found the whole service to be executed with suck precision and inclusion, it was something I had not experienced before.

The Rabbi's also welcomed Yaniv as one of New York's most eminent Rabbi's, Chair of the Von Garber Repatriation Foundation & also Jackson and I were welcomed as supporters of the faith, and friends of Israel.

Over the last year or so, where we had been invited to so many events, I couldn't pin point one event where we were made to feel as welcome as this.

As we were leaving, it took us about half an hour as many of Sydney's distinguished business leaders wanted to introduce themselves and thank us for our contribution.

Cards and invitations where passed our way as Michael was trying to make sure I was safe and not about to collapse, before finally getting me in to the car.

"Fuck, I think we have just reached celebrity status in our town" I joked.

"Ha, I was thinking the same thing. Some many people in their who I have seen in the papers I never knew were Jewish. I was pretty stunned but it all, and actually, I was moved by the service"

"Same here, it was actually beautiful."

"Michael, radio ahead and have the guys stop at Catalina on the way home. I think we need to give the younger ones a time out before we get home."

"Roger Boss."

I rang Jules and told her we were having dinner out, and that her Maggie and Marcus just eat what they want. I didn't need her being slammed again by the in-laws. I was now running interference for so she could adapt.

I rang Catalina and told them I would be there in 20 minutes. Dropping my name certainly helped as they went from fully booked, to certainly sir, in the space of one sentence. I often laughed when this happened, and it was something I never tired of.

Sitting on the water's edge as the lights danced across the harbour was a treat for the two New Yorkers. Thankfully Yaniv loved his wine, and Shona didn't mind a glass either. It gave us time to talk shop, and about where the foundation was heading.

"I have purposefully kept this part out of our new Philanthropic arm. Whilst it will draw from the experiences, and the network attached, it is important to me that this is treated in a different light, at least until we exhaust all avenues of returning goods"

"And I thank you for that. We have a lot of fakes and phonies calling. They try a lot of different stories, which whilst touching, they have no ability to identify any thing. People will always try. We have had a few genuine people supply evidence etc, and we are in the process of examining and cross referencing."

"That is good. And are you enjoying the work"

"I never thought I would have the opportunity to do such a thing in my life. I hoped one of my son's would, but they have never shown the same interest"

"Our son's like money too much." Shona interrupted him. "One is a doctor out west in Los Angeles. Not Married. One works on Wall Street. Not Married. Then there is Marcus. My little Bubbala. Not married yet, but he gives me two babies to spoil."

"It's funny you say that. Marcus is the most modest of all my team. He is genuine. How he survived the Military, I will never know."

"Ugh, don't even talk about that. I said, Marcus, you need to attend Rabbinical School. Then he runs out and enlists. I was angry. But, now, he has a beautiful future wife and two children. I am proud. I only wished he got the wedding and the babies the other way around" he laughed as our food started to arrive.

We both really enjoyed the evening out with the older couple, and they certainly had a different perspective than what we had. It was nice to understand and see. But as always, we spent our evening being stared upon and looked at as if we were some freak show, despite the staff's best efforts to try and give us a little more privacy.

As the night finished, we said good night. The van was taking them to their place down the road, and we were heading home. We would see them in the morning, and for me I was exhausted. As we arrived home the sound of two screaming babies was echoing off the walls. Maggie was holding one, and Marcus the other.

"Where's Jules" I asked.

"She has locked herself in her bathroom, saying she can't cope. Michelle is talking her round."

As Jackson flew up the stairs, I knew he was better placed to deal with it. Whilst I took little Max off Marcus and started to sooth him the same way I had soothed both our girls when they were young.

In about 3 minutes Max had stopped. This also had a flow on of Jack stopping as well. This silence bought Jules out of her bathroom.

"I am so sorry, the screaming never stopped. 3 hrs of screaming. I was doing something wrong."

Michelle interjected. "You are doing nothing wrong. They were hungry, they were tired, they were fighting internally with what they wanted more. You need to ask me to help Jules. Don't try and be super mum on your first day. You are going to stumble, and that's ok."

As Jules sat next to me, she asked for one of the boys, as Maggie passed Jack over. As she put him on to feed, she was calming down.

I knew she would be great, it was just going to take time.

Next: Chapter 32: A Life Less Than Ordinary 125 128

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