A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Dec 12, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: It's been a while! Thank you to everyone for their emails and tweets! I love hearing from all of you. I hope to continue writing this story soon. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

A Locked Boy's Bondage

They arrived at Master Edward's front door at around ten o'clock. By then, the cool morning air had warmed up, perfect for swimming in the backyard pool. Eric felt more comfortable in his skimpy clothing now that he was in a fenced-off backyard.

Master Edward walked over to a spot under the patio rafters. "Stand here boy."

Eric did so, and faced forward, hands at his sides.

Master Edward approached Eric with a small key.

Eric took a sharp breath. His cock twitched inside his cage. Would he be unlocked today?

Master Edward inserted the key into the padlock on his chest. With a turn and a click, the chain fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Eric's chest lightened as the heavy weight left his chest.

Master Edward smiled. "You won't be needing that here." He looked down at Eric's feet. "Take off your shoes and socks boy."

Eric kicked off his sneakers and peeled off his socks, placing his socks inside his shoes before moving them off to the side.

Master Edward collected his shoes and placed them inside a wooden chest next to the patio door. At the same time, he retrieved a length of red rope. He held up the bright red coil in front of Eric.

Eric's heard skipped a beat, but he kept his eyes forward.

Master Edward circled Eric, admiring his exposed body. Eric's muscular physique was his to play with. Edward owned him. He considered the possibilities. How should he display his prized muscle boy?

Finally he made his decision. He stood behind Eric and whispered into his ear.

"Ready boy?"

Eric shuddered, but kept his eyes forward. "Yes Sir."

Edward smiled. "Hands behind your back boy," he whispered.

Reluctantly, Eric moved his hands behind his back.

Master Edward wrapped a double length of red rope around Eric's chest under his armpits, creating a chest harness around Eric's bulging pectorals. Then he grasped both of Eric's forearms and tied them parallel against each other, with each wrist in the elbow crook of the opposite arm. Then he tied each of Eric's wrists to the opposite side of the chest harness.

Eric's chest strained against the tight white muscle tank, further accented by the red rope harness. His arms bent behind his back only added to their tightness.

Master Edward paused to test his handiwork. He placed one hand on Eric's back, in-between his shoulder blades. His other hand grabbed Eric's left pectoral, bulging against the tight fabric and rope, and tickled his nipple through the fabric.

"Nghh..." Eric tried to pull his chest way from Master Edward's teasing hands, but the ropes held his arms tight against his back, and his chest puffed forward against his will. His hard nipples jutted forward through the white cotton garment, making them easy targets for Master Edward's teasing.

Master Edward's fingers traced circles around Eric's hard nipples. Waves of warm pleasure radiated from Eric's chest down towards his abdomen and crotch. His cock expanded to fill the metal cock cage.

Eric's breath grew hot and heavy. "Ohh... Sir I... Ahhh-MMPHHH!!!"

Before Eric could react, Master Edward stuffed a red ball-gag into Eric's moaning mouth. Edward tied the gag tight against his head, securing the red rubber ball into Eric's mouth.

Eric tried to push the rubber ball out with his tongue, but it held firm. "Mmmphmm. Mmm."

Master Edward grinned. 'What's that boy? You want your nipples played with?"

"MMmmph!!" Eric moaned in protest, but the ball gag muffled his words.

Master Edward smirked. "Don't worry boy. There's more to come." He placed two plastic footstools at Eric's feet, shoulder-width apart. "Step up, boy."

Eric couldn't protest, so he stepped onto the footstools, placing one foot on each footstool, leaving his feet shoulder-width apart.

Master Edward took a bamboo spreader bar. With more red rope, he tied Eric's ankles to the spreader bar, forcing his legs apart. Finally, Edward look a long length of red rope. He attached one end to Eric's bound forearms and chest harness, and he tossed the other end over the overhanging rafters. He pulled the rope tight.

Eric felt the ropes on his chest pull upwards from his back, tightening around his chest, straining his arms and chest. "Mmph! Mmmph!" Eric struggled against his bondage predicament, trying to relieve the stress of the tight ropes against his chest.

Master Edward drank in Eric's struggling muscles. "If you stand on your toes, with your back straight and chest out, it won't hurt."

Eric stood up on his toes as straight as he could and to his surprise, the pressure around his chest lessened.

Edward smiled. "Good boy. Now I get to have fun with you."

Edward placed his hand on the back of Eric's knee. "Are we ticklish here boy?"

"Mmph..." Eric tried to moved his leg, but the spreader bar kept his legs in place, and the ropes kept his back and torso straight. Eric was forced to hold his position and stay on his toes.

Master Edward admired his handiwork. A genius contraption really. He no longer needed to order Eric to hold a pose. The bondage would force him. His fingertips slid from the back of Eric's knee to the inside of his thigh, right below the hem of his nylon jogging shorts.

"Fmmmphmm." Eric moaned through his gag while Master Edward caressed his sensitive spots. By now, his cock had begun to press painfully against its cock cage. He tried to force his legs closed, but the spreader bar held them apart. He tried to twist his body away, but the constricting ropes around his chest kept him on his toes. If his feet dropped from the footstools, the pressure would be unbearable. No matter how he tried to maneuver his body, the ropes kept him still. Eric could do nothing but moan in protest.

Finally, Master Edward stopped. He stepped back to admire the sight. From the rafters hung his beautiful football stud clad in a tight muscle tanktop and red nylon jogging shorts. The boy's chest and arms were bound with tight red rope, his legs bound to a spreader bar, and a red rubber ballgag in his mouth. His entire body hung straight up in his bondage, balanced on the toes of his bare feet, elevated by the two footstools. Master Edward breathed deeply to control himself. The sight was almost too much for the keyholder to bear. "Beautiful. I think our guests are going to enjoy you." And he left Eric to find his balance while he prepared for his guests to arrive.

It didn't take long before the doorbell rang. Master Edward smiled. "Right on time." He looked at Eric, still hanging by the red ropes. "I'll be back. Don't run away boy." Edward smiled and entered the house through the patio door, leaving Eric to his own thoughts. Eric tested his ropes. Running away wasn't an option. He pressed his tongue against the ball-gag. Still secure. Eric learned that if he stretched his torso out straight, and he relaxed his arms, he could stand comfortably on the balls of his feet as long as he stood perfectly still. But any movement at all and the ropes would tighten around his body like an angry boa constrictor. Eric took a deep breath through his nose. He focused his body, balancing on the balls of his feet and standing still. Stay still. Stay..... Still...... Whoosh! SLAM! The patio door slid open. "Well, well, well. Fancy bumping into you here Gunnar." Eric's eyes widened. Standing in the patio doorway was Coach Bob Carson.

Next: Chapter 6

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