A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jan 16, 2002


Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading.

A Love For James Chapters 9 and 10

I awoke the next morning to find the bed was empty. I pondered over where exactly James could have gone to. I looked next to the bed and saw the time was just after 11am. I must have been really tired especially after my sleepless night from the Rick situation. Though I did feel kinda bad about the whole thing and wondered what he was doing. My guess was prostitution. That's what he did when I hired him. Though, don't get me wrong, I never did anything with him. I was brought out of my daze by James walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. I pretended to be asleep to see if he would drop the towel and I could get a peek and him in all his glory.

"Quit pretending to sleep Jesse. I saw you gawking when I came out of the bathroom."

"Busted," I simply stated getting a chuckle out of both of us.

"Well, I wanted to get a glimpse of you in all your glory and figured that was the best way to do it," I explained.

"You should have just said so." And with that, the towel was gone and he stood in front of me with his semi-hard penis hanging about a foot or so away from me. I was turned on and knew it would only be a matter of time before I was definitely hard. I could tell James was not a regular exhibitionist though cause the idea of him being naked in front of me was starting to get to him too. Before too long he was back under the covers in a flash.

"Back to bed so soon?" I asked.

"I'm not completely comfortable with standing in my bedroom naked."

"Oh, don't like people staring at your precious goods?" I asked in a childish voice joking with him.

"It's not that but I'm not naked around anyone but people I date and well, I have a hard time not getting turned on by it." He said in a shy manner as if he were afraid of how I would respond to it.

"Oh is that what it is. James here is getting all hot and bothered while being naked for me?"

"Well, you haven't got the softest penis right now either now do you?"

"No, but it's custom for a guy who sees his lover naked to be aroused."

"Well, I'm a horny man. We didn't have time for me to get some relief last night"

"So, you are upset cause I didn't suck you off last night? Is that it?"

"No, you misunderstand me."

"Well, help me understand why this joking conversation has become a serious one revolving around sex."

"It's not about sex. Look, I'm not always comfortable with the way I look and when seeing me naked arouses you, I get aroused too. That's what it is. It has nothing to do with me seeing myself and getting turned on by it. Ok?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I tried to make this into you not getting any last night. We'll fix that right now." With that I grabbed his softening cock and gave it a few strokes to get him hard again.

"You ... don't... have to... dd. d.... do ..... that. But don't stop," James moaned. I pulled the sheets off of us exposing both our bodies and our hard erections. I wanted to concentrate on him and only him and knew from my past that if I did this just right, we both would get some relief.

I continued my hand job on James cock as we shared a lustful kiss dipping our tongues into each other's mouths frantically tasting every inch of our mouths. I let go of his lips and asked him to turn his body around. I twisted my body some and began my attack on his nipples sucking one in my mouth while I pinched the other with my fingers. I repeated the same as I let his cock go free. He seemed disappointed by that but I winked and he knew I had something planned. He leaned up on his elbows and I got up and sat down near his crotch letting my hard cock touch his. He got the idea of what I was gonna do and we began to grind our hips into each other causing our cocks to hit one another. James was letting out deep moans that made me harder for him. I knew we were both close so I got up off him and asked him to do as I did. He sat on my lap and we continued what we were doing. I slid my hands onto his ass pulling him closer to me as we ground our cocks together. As he was getting closer I slid my finger down his crack and found his hole just waiting for me. I could feel the heat radiating from it. I slid my finger into my mouth getting my finger nice and wet before I slid it back down his crack and rammed my finger up his ass just as he came between our chests causing me to cum with him as we moaned together from intense pleasure.

"Wow," James said panting after his orgasmic experience.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that."

"I did so very much. I guess I never realized how good certain things feel until you experience them again and that was incredible."

"Well, now we need to hit the shower."

"Do I get to join you?"

"Yes cause I can't guarantee I will be able to stand up and if not I need you there. Plus I am not letting you out of my sight sexy."

We got up and walked towards the bathroom. I turned on the water and got into the shower immediately washing the cum from my chest and abs as James got in behind me. I stepped away from the water and allowed him to wash off the cum on his chest. Then I turned him around and pushed his head under the shower getting his hair wet. I reached beside me for the shampoo and lathered up his head with it. When I was done massaging his scalp I pushed his head under the shower and ran my hands through his hair to remove all the shampoo. As he rinsed out the rest of the shampoo, I put soap onto the lather sponge and began to wash his body off in a very sensual way and washing his cock last. When he was rinsed off completely, he switched places with me and repeated the same things to me. It was erotic but we both were so spent from our orgasms that this just felt so nice and relaxing. When I was all washed up we got out and dried off. We brushed our teeth and styled our hair before getting dressed.

I went into the kitchen as James was getting dressed and found my cell phone on the counter. I looked at it and saw that I had missed five calls. I listened to my voicemail to find the first was from my grandma, just checking up on me and making sure things were ok. The second message was from my neighbor letting me know that the landlord had stopped by and had some information to give me and was going out of town so he left it with my neighbor. The third was from my sister, said she had sent some papers to my landlord and I should get them soon. I was actually worried now. My sister had a baby when she was 19, I was about 17/18 at the time. So, my niece would have to be about 5/6 years old by now. But, my sister always had problems in her life and the last thing I was ready for was for them to try and put custody of my niece in my hands. But, I had a feeling that was what it was about. The fourth message was from my boss telling me that he needed to see me as soon as he could and if I could make it in today it would be great. The final message was from a girl I had dated in high school. That was all before I found out I was gay. We had had sex in the past and one time unprotected just after graduation. We broke up about a week later and we both were tested. We both came back negative and she told me she never got pregnant. Guess I was lucky.

Just as I finished my messages James walked in.


"Yeah, Five actually."

"Oh, anything important?"

"Yeah, 4 of them. One from the boss, one from the neighbor with word from the landlord, one from my sister, and one from a girl I dated in high school before I admitted I was gay."

"Oh. You never told me you had a sister."

"She's a half-sister. She had a baby when I was about 17 and I see the baby every once in a while but it's been a while."

"What did she want?"

"She said my landlord had papers for me from her. That's what the neighbor called about. Landlord left the papers with her."

"And your boss?"

"Wants to see me today some time. Didn't say about what really though."

"Not to be nosy which I know I am being right now, but why would an ex be calling you?"

"I'm not sure about that one yet. She left a number and I saved the message. I'll have to call her sometime today when I get a chance."

"Oh, I guess I will drive you back to your place then and let you get what you need from your neighbor and go see your boss. It sounds like you have a lot of stuff to do."


"Yeah?" he asked kinda sadly.

"You can come with me if you want. I am gonna call my boss from home. If it's bad you probably can't go to the meeting but I would love to have you with me."

"You would?"

"Of course. Come on. Let's go."

We drove over to my place and I went next door and got my papers from my neighbor. I took the papers inside and sat at my kitchen table and read over them. It was exactly what I thought they were. The courts were threatening to take Starr, my niece, away from my sister because she couldn't stay clean. They had tried to pass custody to my grandparents on either side and they both said they were too old for that responsibility. That left me or foster care. I hated to think of my niece being raised by two strangers but I just wasn't sure if I could handle all that right now. I'm a gay man. What would that look like to the courts?

"What is it sweetie?"

"The courts sent me paperwork giving me the option of declaring custody over Starr Celeste Towns."

"Starr Celeste Towns? Is that your niece?"

"Yes it is. It's me or they send her to a foster home."

"Wow. I won't suggest anything cause it's not my place. I can't believe that they would dump that on you."

"It's ok. I just have to fill this out really quick. Could you access my voicemail and get the number from my ex please?"

"Sure thing."

I filled out the paperwork that said that if my sister wasn't clean in a month and didn't stay clean, I would take custody of my niece. I then called my sister and begged that she stay clean cause I couldn't bear this responsibility right now. I told her that I would help her out with raising her with money that she needed if she could stay clean. She promised to try her best and keep in touch with me.

James returned with the number for my ex. I looked at it and decided to call my boss first.


"Mr. Juventus, it's Jesse. What can I do for you today?"

"Well, I had some questions over the paperwork you gave me. It can wait until Monday if it must but some I can just ask you right now."

"Well ask what you can and I'd rather save the rest until Monday. I have a lot of things to get finished today."

We went through the paperwork and I cleared up a few things and fixed a thing here or there that he brought up that I hadn't gotten to yet. It took about a half an hour and we were through. We hung up and I looked at James.

"You can't avoid it forever Jesse."

"I know James but I am not sure what she has to say and if I really wanna know."

"Call her or I will."

"Fine. Be that way."

I dialed the number and a woman answered the phone.

"Yes, I am looking for ......"


"Yes this is Jesse. Autumn??"

"Yep. That's me. I'm glad you returned my call though I am not sure you wanna know what I have to tell you so I was hoping we could meet in person."

"Well, only if you give me a hint about what it is we are gonna be talking about."

"Alright. I have someone in my life I want you to meet. I think you will really like her."

"You aren't trying to set me or something cause I have told you that I am gay and I have met someone myself."

"Bring him along. I'd like to meet him but let's meet at the Stapleton Park Grounds in an hour."

"At our spot?"


"Ok, see you there in an hour."


What am I doing here? I feel sick to my stomach and James had a meeting to go to so I am by myself. I must be nuts. Why would anyone meet their ex in a secluded part of a Park to meet someone? I am crazy. I admit it. I'm a nut job.


I turned around to find none other than Autumn. She looked as beautiful as she did when I dated her in high school. She hadn't changed much in appearance. I also noticed a little girl about 5 years old walking behind her but very close to her. I guessed that she was the one that Autumn wanted me to meet but I wasn't sure why. I guess just after high school she must have met someone who got her pregnant cause it wasn't me. But what would a new boyfriend have to do with me meeting their daughter?

"Hello Autumn. Who's this cutie behind you?"

"This is Sarah. She's my daughter. I wanted you to meet her."

I heard her whisper something into Sarah's ear and Sarah ran off to play in the sand box about 30 feet away from where we were standing. We sat down and things were quiet for a minute as I watched Sarah play.

"She's a beautiful little girl. Has the spunk I had when I was little," I said breaking the silence between us.

"That she does Jesse. She does a lot of things that remind me of you. That's why I called you. I haven't always been completely honest with you and I'm sure you are beyond confused at why I brought you here today to meet my daughter."

"Just a little bit."

"Well you were supposed to bring someone too were you not?"

"He had a last minute meeting to attend to."

"Oh, well I think it's for the best that it's just you and me anyways. There are some things that I can't keep lying to you about anymore. "

"Like what Autumn. I've never known you to lie to me about anything. I mean, you and I were completely honest with each other about our testing for HIV when we weren't careful. And you got tested for pregnancy and that was negative. So, what haven't you been honest about?"

"Well, almost all of what you said was true. We got tested for HIV/AIDS together so we both knew we were tested and we had the results read together so there was no way to be dishonest about any of that. I also did get tested for pregnancy. That's also true."

"I'm not following. What wasn't...... you WERE pregnant?????"

"Yes. I was afraid to tell you when I found out and once we had parted I didn't want to burden you with it. You seemed so joyous about your new life as a gay man. You would never have to worry about pregnancy and you were just so happy when I said it was negative that I couldn't bear to tell you the truth."

"I see. So let me get this straight. You brought me to our spot in our favorite park not to introduce me to just anyone, but to MY OWN DAUGHTER?!?!?!?"

"Jesse, please calm down. I didn't want you to get upset but Sarah is a smart little girl just like you and she's been showing signs that she's like you more and more now. She's in school and she constantly asks about her daddy and I finally had to tell her that she could meet him. That's why I called you yesterday. She knows you are her daddy. I have showed her pictures. She wanted to meet you and now she has. But I hope that you will want to remain in her life."

"I don't know what to say Autumn. You just dropped a bomb on me and I am speechless."

"Well, I hate to add insult to injury but I have breast and pancreatic cancer and I only have about 2 years left to live. That's why I got a hold of you. I haven't been with anyone since you because they are all scared because I have a child. I want her to live with her daddy when she can no longer live with me. Can you do that for me??"

"I would do anything for my own child. But right now I am just gonna go play and see if I can get to know her."

"Ok. I will be here waiting when you are done."

I walked over towards the sand box and Sarah looked up at me. I sat down at the edge and she walked over to me and put her arms around my neck and hugged me big. Then she whispered in my ear, "I am glad to meet you daddy. I love you and hope you love me too."

"Oh, of course I do. Now that mommy has told me all about you we can get to know each other really good. ok?"

"I'd like that daddy. Can I visit you where you live?"

"Whenever you'd like."

We played in the sandbox for a half an hour before I told her that I had to go but I would call and keep in touch with her. I also told her that one day she could come and visit at my house. I told her I loved her and gave her a big hug. She gave me a kiss and we waved good-bye. I called Autumn on her cell about ten minutes later and told her that I was very thankful for what she did but to give me time to think things over. She agreed and I went home to think about what a day I was having.

James called my cell about an hour later and I didn't answer it because I was just so mentally exhausted. After my cell stopped, my house phone rang. I figured it was James as well. I just didn't feel like moving. I continued to sit in my bedroom on the window bench looking out as the sun set over the horizon. I heard the machine go off and James' voice filled the room, " sweetie??? Are you home??? I thought you would be by now but I guess not. You aren't answering your cell either. I will stop in real quick to see if you are home and if not I guess call me when you get this. I love you."

He was so sweet and within minutes he would be in my house and in here begging me to know what was wrong and what had happened. I wouldn't answer cause I just didn't feel like talking. I had had a long enough day and I wanted to just be alone for the night. But with James coming, I couldn't get out of it. I went to the main hall and double latched my front door. That would prevent him from coming inside and although it would worry him, I needed to be alone.

Ten minutes later I heard the lock turn and the door open partly. It opened up until the chain latch reached its limit. I heard him call out to me to come open the latch but I never moved from the master bedroom upstairs. I heard him beg and plead about how he was worried that I hurt myself and that something was seriously wrong, but I never moved. I closed the bedroom door after that. I had to drown him out somehow. I wanted to be alone and it wasn't happening.

An hour later I heard the door shut and I guess he had given up. The door locked and I heard the footsteps go down the walkway back to the car. I looked out the window and watched him walk away. I felt so bad inside. I called ahead to his house and left a message telling him I as fine, just wanted to be alone tonight. Five minutes later, my cell rang and it was him. Ten minutes and the house phone rang. I finally forced myself to shut my cell off and take my phone off the hook. Finally, there was peace and quiet.

That night I tossed and turned thinking about what I had done that night. I had shut out the most important part of my life and I had hurt him. Now I hurt and I felt horrible for what I had done. I couldn't sleep so I got up and got in my car and drove straight over to his house. I was a mess and I knew it. I pulled up into his driveway and knocked on the front door. Within seconds the door was opened and there was Justin.

"Jesse? You look like shit man. What happened?"

"Long story. Where's James?"

"Crying himself to sleep upstairs. He's really upset man. What happened?"

"I'll explain later."

I walked up the stairs one at a time and opened the door to the bedroom slowly. I heard a faint sobbing coming from inside and then he yelled, "GO AWAY ALREADY!!!"

"James? It's me."

He jumped up out of his bed. "Jesse?? Is it really you?"

"Yes sweetie. It's me. I'm sorry for shutting you out."

"Oh, GOD I am glad you are ok. I was so worried that something bad had happened to you."

"I'm fine sweetie. Just had a lot on my mind. Things have been crazy around here today."

"What happened with Autumn that got you so upset?"

"Autumn told some lies to me that were BIG lies. She withheld information that I had a right to know about."

"What kind of information?"

"You know how she said she wanted me to meet someone in her life?"


"It was her 5 year old daughter, Sarah."

"Oh that was nice. She met a guy, had a kid, and then brings the kid to her ex to show him what he couldn't have. That's wrong."

"You have it all wrong James."

"What do you mean Jesse? You aren't trying to say that Sarah is ... yours are you?

"That's exactly what I am saying. She lied about the pregnancy test cause she thought she wasn't. I was so happy cause by then I knew I was gay. When she found out she really was pregnant, she didn't tell me cause she saw how happy I was to know she wasn't."

"No wonder you shut me out tonight."

"It's been such a long night but I couldn't sleep without getting it off my chest. I love you and I want you to know everything about me. But I need sleep and I need you. So, how about we go to bed?"

"Sounds good to me sweetie."

We crawled into his bed and wrapped ourselves up in each other's arms as we drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Justin returned some time later to see James and I snuggled up with happy grins on our faces. He smiled as he returned to the living room to let the others know things were ok. They left the house and all was quiet yet again as we slept the night away in each other's arms wrapped in the safety and loving warmth of the other.

Hope you all enjoyed this part and I am sorry to have made you wait so long for it. I will try to have my parts out more frequently. I can't promise anything. Send feedback. Have gotten a good amount of feedback that helps me know if you like the story or hate the story. So, send the mail, good, bad, or evil and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 7: A Love for James 11 12

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