A Love So Blind

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on May 28, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay specially my Lance=).

And yes I'm girl first attempt to write a fanfic about these beautiful group of boys So please if I say something that's not quit right let me know, also if this story contains male/male relationships so if any of that stuff offends you then why are you here?

Please feel free to email me me with any thoughts comments or ideas. lissaagreen@aol.com

ch 1 A Love So Blind

Lissa A. Green

How did I end up here? Why do I feel so stiff? I tried to remember the last thing that I did. I was at a concert with my sister and her two friends. It was a contest or something that they won four tickets to see NSync that part I do remember, but other then that everything was a blur. My Mom came in the hospital room. She had been crying. "Oh God Jason! I thought I lost you for a moment! You really had us worried there," "how do you feel son?" "Confused," "sounds normal to me," said my sister. She had been crying to. "Do you know where you are Jason?" "The hospital, but how?" "Is the patient awake?" In came in a woman wearing a white outfit. "yes he just this moment opened his eyes," said my mother. "Hello Jason, I'm Ms. Willings your nurse. I kept an eye on you all through the evening, do you remember anything?" "I think I would remember you nurse." I tried to smile, my dad laughed. "Sounds like he's going to be just fine." "Yeah. he does have some stitches that will be taken out today, and I want to keep him in over night and keep another eye on him. Maybe to refresh his memory." "When can we take him home?" "Tomorrow afternoon, is that okay with you Jason?" "Huh? oh yeah it's fine." I said trying to sit up but the pain stopped that from happening. "Sweetheart, do you need anything from home?" "No, Mom, I'll be fine. You don't have to worry." "Geez Jason, I know you don't like NSYnc but did you have to hire someone to shoot you in order to go home early?" "Very funny Sandra, is that what happened?" "Laura, why don't you take Sandra to the cafeteria for some hot chocolate, I'll be with you in a few minutes." My Mom kissed my on the forehead, Sandra did the same and they left the room. Me? I was still in a dazed. I was shot! and I lived? How did this happen? "Jason, I know your probably very confused right now, but do you have any idea what happened?" "Vaguely." "You were taking your sister and her friends to see a concert they had won tickets for. We sorta forced you to drive them there. Someone at the arena snuck a gun in how I have no idea, they took a shoot and the bullet hit you in the back, it's a miracle your alive. I wanted your Mom and sister to leave the room because you know how sensitive they are." "My God! I can't believe this happened." "I can't either. I fell so responsible because I practicaly forced you to take them," "no dad, don't blame yourself, I don't blame you or Sandra. I'm just still confused, I don't even remember going there." "You weren't their for long, in fact as soon as the gun went off the band's bodyguard called the ambulance. I'm just so grateful your all right Jason." Did I did what I thought I saw? A tear was slowly coming out of my dad's eye. Then by shock he leaned over and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry for getting so emotional like this. Your my only son, I love you, if anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I'd do!" "Dad, it's allergist, the nurse said I'm going to be fine, I'm going home tomorrow, then we can go back to normal, you can still take advantage of my youth." He looked up at me and I smiled to let him know I was kidding. "Just what ever you do, don't tell grandma about this, if she found out she have the whole florist covered this room." "I won't tell her. You just get better and we'll come first this tomorrow to come and get you." "I'm sorry sir, but visiting hours are over." "It's okay Ms. Willings, I was just about to leave. Good night son, if you need anything," "dad, it's only going to be twelve hours from now, I think I can handle everything." I smiled. Suddenly realizing what a cool guy my father is. "Okay, okay, I'll stop mothering you, that's your mother's job. good bye Jason." "Bye dad, and thanks." Almost as soon after my dad left my eyes closed and I was asleep.

When I awoke the next morning Nurse Willings was there looking at my IV line. "Morning Mr. Karrens." "Morning, but what good is it? And what's with the Mister all of a sudden? I'm Jason, Mister is my dad." She smiled and fluffed my pillow for me. "I'm sorry." "You know with the good treatment I'm getting here, I may not want to go home, Specially since I have a pretty nurse." "Your very naughty. But we have to stop flirting, I could get in trouble. Your breakfast will be in very shortly, and I think there is a basket of roses over by the sink, you might want to check those out." "Thank you." Oh great I thought to myself. I knew my grandmother would find out what happened. I tried to sit up in bed which surpassingly didn't hurt as much as it did last night, those pain killers they give you must really work. I hopped over to the sink there on the window was a gorgeous bouquet of freshly picked roses. I had to smile. Even though I'm a guy, I still love getting roses. I leaned over to smell them and noticed a card in the basket. I picked it up and read what it said.

Dearest fan,

I'm sooo sorry what happened the other night

The rest of send our deepest prayers in hopes you

get better soon.

We went to see the other night but you we're asleep,

We all hope you get well soon and hope you aren't seriously

injured. We want to apologize for our lack of security that was

representing our concert, I know these roses isn't much but I hope

they do the trick.

Please get better soon, sign Justin, Chris, Joey, JC and Lance.

I was in shock! Complete in shock! I received roses from five guys I barely knew, nevermind liked, I was just so overwhelmed. That's when the nurse came back into the room. "Oh good I'm glad you are up and walking." "Can you please tell me who came in my room last night?" "Well, I was reluctant to let them in, because I knew you we're sleeping, they we're so sweet though they looked a little unhappy. I hope that isn't a problem." "No, I'm just shocked." "Well, I'm sure a good breakfast will help that, now eat up and wash up, you need some X-rays done in an hour." I was still in a daze, about everything. The five guys, I couldn't stand or care less about came and brought me flowers. I had no idea what to think, but I knew breakfast was the last thing I needed. ______________________________________________________________________

ch 2

It wasn't soon after I started pulling food into my mouth when my mother showed up. "Hi sweetie!" she said kissing me on the head. "Hi mom." "Well it's good to know a night in the hospital didn't interfere with your eating habits." "Hay little sister, how you doing." "Better then you, I imagine." she playfully poked my arm and I smiled at her. "So I hear you we're trying to get friendly with the nurse, trying to get a sponge bath?" "Sandra!" "Mom, relax, actually yeah the nurse is kinda cute, but I think she unavailable." "Too bad, hay who brought you these?" said Sandra walking over to the roses." "I swear son, grandma doesn't know about it." "I know dad, they're from someone else," "Excuse me is this Jason Karren's room?" My dad suddenly got protective and businesslike and answered, "yes it is who might," "Oh my God! I can't believe it!" I was so embarrassed and surprised! "Sandra please don't make a scene!" My mother said. She held out her hand to shake his. "I'm sorry if I came at a bad time, I didn't mean to interrupt." "No it's okay, you didn't interrupt anything, Mr., umm, Mr?" "Bass, Lance Bass." "Duh mom get with the program, he's from N*SYnc! I'm Sandra Karren's obviously the one you came here to see." Sandra was never know for being shy around new people, never mind a famous pop star who happened to be in the room. "Actually Sandra, I think he's here to see your brother, come on let's go and get something to eat and leave them alone." Sandra reluctantly went my parents, I could tell she didn't want to leave. "I'm sorry about my sister, she well she's a huge fan of yours." "Hay not a problem at all. Actually she seems quite nice. I'm sorry the rest of the guys couldn't make it with me, they are at an interview about what happened, but they said they would try to stop by tonight." "Actually I'm going home this afternoon, but I do appreciate it. and the flowers." "Well I'm so happy to hear that you ok enough to leave today, you have no idea how worried I, we all were. I just feel so guilty." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, guilty? You guys didn't do anything." "Yeah, but you got hurt at our concert. We we're all really nervous after it happened, we canceled the rest of the show and since then all we thought was you. We feel responsible for this, and we all want to make it up to you." "Mr. Bass, you really don't have," "Please call me Lance, Better yet, James, that's what all my friends call me. And believe me, if you accept what I'm about to offer, you'll take a lot of load off of five guys minds." "You sound like a salesman." He smiled for the first time since he walked in the room, and that's when I noticed, those beautiful green eyes! they sparkled when he smiled. They were hypnotizing to look at. It was like looking into a beautiful sea green ocean. "I'm sorry." I shuddered. "I didn't mean to stare." "It's okay. They guys and I want to treat you and family out to dinner. I know you need time to rest and get suddled back into your own place, but we really would like to do this for you and your family." Again I was at lost for words. "Really you don't have to." "I know, I want to." "Well I'm sure my mother would love a night off from cooking and we would love to get away from it." I laughed and so did he. "And I'm sure Sandra wouldn't mind hanging out with you guys, I'll have to talk to them and make sure though." "That's not a problem, we will b in town for about a week, then it's back o Orlando for a break, but let me give you my cell phone number and my hotel room number. Please feel free to call at any time." "Thank you so much for the invite and for coming back." "No thanks is necessary. If you'd like some company I can stay a while, I mean if you don't mind." "of course not, I'd love for you to stay." I buzzed the nurses station to ask her for a deck of cards and for two sodas. A few moments later my family came trotting back in Sandra was pleased to find Lance still here even though he was about to loose in badly in crazy eights. "Glad to see you again Sandra." He greeted her with a smile. "Same here! Hay I don't mean to sound rude but is JC here also?" "No I'm sorry they are at an interview. I know he would be upset to miss meeting you though." That made her smile. I was glad his feeling weren't hurt when she asked him that, my sister never thinks before she opens her mouth "Mom, dad," "What is it dear, are you okay?" 'yes mom I'm fine, I was just going to tell you that Lance has invited us to have dinner with him and the rest of the guys when I'm feeling better." "Oh Mr. Bass, I'm really honored but," "Please ma'am it will be our pleasure and It's Lance. the guy's and I already talked it over and Jason has my phone number so when he's up to it we'll be glad to send a limo to have you be picked up." "Wow a limo and everything!" "You really shouldn't go through so much trouble Mr, I mean Lance." "No trouble at all sir, I'm just glad your son is feel alright." We chatted for a little while longer then it was time for me to get ready and go home, sadly, Lance also had to go and meet with he rest of the guys for sound check. "Sandra, I'll be sure and have JC sign a picture for you." "Really?! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" "Anything for a fan. Good-bye Jason, and remember you can call me anytime." "Good-bye and thank you again."

The drive home was in silence, which was fine with me. I was starting to get a headache. I still couldn't figure out why Lance would want to hang out with me in a hospital no less. Sure he felt bad but I'm sure he had better things to do. And I was also confused by the way I suddenly looked at him. Those beautiful eyes and was it me or did I get a hard on just by looking at him? Did he noticed? I admit I haven't had many dates, I'm not that good looking, brown hair hazel eyes my stomach is a little on the heavy side but I wouldn't say fat. But I never had to question wether or not I was gay, that was just out of the question all together. But now I'm suddenly starring right into a face that was so beautiful, so angelic, the way my sister looks at him! I was so embarrassed! So confused! I grabbed the bottle of Advil from the bathroom pantry. I poured two out onto my had and held my hand under the faucet for some water. I used some to splash on my face and turned it off. I was so exhausted I just wanted to crawl into bed. I found myself turning the TV on and herd a familer voice on the screen. "Actually, we take very serious actions when it comes to gun safety, as you all may have known an incident had accord at one of our concerts the other night, and we feel responsible for what happened to the families suffering and well being. We just thank God that he wasn't hurt serverly and that he lived through it. In fact that why Lance isn't here now, he's at the hospital visiting with him." I looked at the TV screen. The owner of that voice was JC I was in so disbelief of what I had just herd. Moments later my sister came rushing into my room. "Oh MYGODDIDYOHERWHJCSAD?" "Sandra please talk in English. and next time knock, I could've been naked. "Sorry." she blushed "Anyway, did you just hear what JC said?? He practically mentioned you on TV! I think that is soo cool!" "Yeah it is sorta cool." "Sorta? God what does it take to get you excited about something?" "Sorry, I guess I'm still not feeling well." "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I just got a headache. Would you mind turning the light off? Sorry to cut this short but I'm really tired." "it's okay, I have friends to brag to anyway. Good night Jason." "Night Sandra "

That night I had a dream. I was with Lance and we we're eating dinner together alone. The restaurant was turned down low and were the only people in there. I was laughing and so was he. He smiled at me and whispered something, then something happened that never happened before he leaned over to kiss me and I was leaning over to accept it. We we're interrupt with a bullet shoot that's when I woke up." I felt sweat pouring down my face. My God I just had the worse nightmare! I crawled into the bathroom again to get some more Advil and went downstairs for breakfast. "Your famous Jason!" said Sandra "Morning to you to." "She right honey look." My mom handed me the newspaper and there on the front page was an article about the shooting. "A local resident was shot during an NSYnc concert Saturday April 29th. policeman say that a security guard let someone in with a gun in armed. Officer Kevin Lawrence has recently talked to the security guard and had put him under arrest. He confesses in knowing about the gun when he let him into the arena he knew his plan was to shoot one of the NSYnc members but the plan was interrupted when he accidently shot Jason Kerrens at age twenty-one in the stomach. Jason was rushed to hospital moments after the bullet was shoot NSYnc's bodyguard himself has called the nine-one-one call. The gunman however is still on the loose. and no trace of knowing who he is.' "Oh my God! I have to call Lance, I want to make sure he's all right." "Jason, he's fine, please just relax and have something to eat." "Mom this is important I need to talk to him." I couldn't think of anything else but the article and what it had said. He was aiming for one of the NSYNc members? but who? and Why? So many thoughts where running through my head. I just had to call Lance, I just hoped he was alright.

Next: Chapter 2

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