A Magic Journey

By william michael

Published on Aug 12, 2020


A Magic Journey

Iain's last memories prior to awakening was struggling through a rain soaked landscape of dense trees along a muddy, barely there path. Then it was hammering on a wooden door before everything went dark. Now, through barely open eyes, he was looking at roof beams and rafters. He was also listening to the sound of someone, or something, moving about inside the enclosed space.

Beneath him he could feel a not quite coarse cloth but with a comfortably soft cushion beneath, which he assumed was some form of pallet or mattress. He flexed his fingers and toes, and with small movements that he hoped were unnoticed, assured himself that his limbs were all functional and he wasn't restrained by anything more than a blanket.

"Good morning, I trust you are feeling better."

The voice was, unsurprisingly, unfamiliar. It sounded feminine, but lower in register. It also had a strange lilt to it that suggested it originated someplace foreign to him. He was by no means a world traveler but there had been numerous visitors to his family home and he had heard a variety of accents and dialects.

Since it was obvious she knew he was awake he hazarded opening his eyes wider and moving his head in the direction of the voice. What he saw brought a wealth of emotions to the surface and the major one was panic. The response was to try and back his way out of the bed, but that effort was frustrated by the sturdy headboard and the lack of traction of his bare feet on the bed cloth.

"Please calm yourself, my young friend. You are far from healthy enough to try and scramble out of that bed. You have nothing to fear from me, contrary to what you might have heard."

"You are a Zuhra enchanter. I have much to fear," the young man replied.

The object of his fear moved closer to the bed and he got a much clearer view. She was tall, easily half a head taller than he, perhaps more. She was dressed in a long robe, white with various sigils stitched into the fabric. Her long hair was the deepest black he had ever seen. But what was most disconcerting to him and what identified her as Zuhra was the pale blue tint of her skin and the deep purple of her eyes.

To anyone from the north, the Zuhra were legendary inhabitants of the southern plains and far distant hill country. All he had ever heard was that they were highly clannish, fiercely warlike and in the case of the enchanters, merciless killers who performed all manner of dark magic using human captives as raw material for their evil rites.

At the moment however, the first ever of that race that he had ever encountered was calmly regarding him from the foot of the bed, her hands clasped in front and a wry, half smile curving one side of her slightly darker blue lips.

"Would you prefer that I remain here while we speak, or might I seat myself closer," she asked, indicating a cushioned wood frame chair besides the bed, much closer to the head.

Iain assumed he was lost but perhaps there was a way if he could catch her off guard so he nodded and used his head to gesture to the chair. She offered a nod in return and then moved to sit in the chair. The few steps and way she folded into the chair spoke of grace. She kept both hands in her lap and regarded Iain with those exotic eyes.

"Are you in any pain?" she inquired.

"I don't think so."

"That is good. I haven't given you anything to dull pain since yesterday. If you are comfortable it suggests no significant injuries," she said.

"Yesterday? How long have I been here?"

"This is the fourth morning after the night I found you at my door. You were close to another door as well," she replied seriously.

"Death, you mean."

"Indeed. It wasn't until the second morning that I felt confident you would recover. May I know what brought you to my door?"

"I suppose I owe you that. May I sit up, this might take some time."

She rose with that same elegant movement and with surprising ease she helped him sit upright and closer to the head board. Then she returned to her chair and sat awaiting his tale. What she heard was a story of wealth, power, and treachery. She listened without a question, comment and barely a movement.

"My father was a wealthy land owner. My family occupied those lands for many, many generations. I was his only heir. We farmed, cut timber and raised livestock. We were quite prosperous. Unfortunately, a new baron came to control our province and almost immediately began to assert pressure on my father, trying to impose new tariffs, seizing cattle or grains to feed his household. Father once told me to be glad I wasn't born a girl, otherwise I'd probably have wound up forced into marrying one of the baron's sons.

"Finally, matters came to a head and my father cut all ties, and sent the Baron's bailiff running with his tail between his legs the last time he came to take more cattle. Within weeks the Baron's soldiers came. One moment I'm in my room and the next my father is pushing me out a rear window in the dark. The bastards attacked at night. So I ran for the trees. Some soldiers were waiting but I got past them and got to the trees first.

"They pursued but not for long. I had a bow and arrows secreted in an old tree fall. Five of them came in after me. None of them walked back out."

Iain stopped talking at this point and the enchanter spoke,

"You've been on the run since then?"

"Not quite. I was fairly sure of what would happen next. I had to wait three days but finally the Baron and his heir came to inspect their prize. They should have been more cautious. I believe the new baron is eight or so years old. Then I went on the run."

The enchanter's expression was somber and then she turned slightly and removed something from a small table.

"I believe this is yours."

Saying this she handed him a small cloth bag. He was startled but then reached quickly for the bag and felt it until he seemed satisfied.

"It was in your pocket, the only thing I found. Your clothes were little more than rags. We'll work something out when your well enough to get out of that bed."

Iain's eyes popped open as he seemed to finally realize that he was naked beneath the blanket. He complexion reddened but the enchanter made no mention.

"Thank you for your story. It is clear you've been sorely used. Now that you have arrived here know that you have found haven."

"I don't think so. The Baron's men weren't all that far behind. If I've been here four days, I'm surprised that they haven't been here already. As soon as I'm able I need to be moving on. If I am allowed to leave."

"That will be some days yet. You'll be guesting here for a while. But know that when the time comes that you are well enough to leave, you will be free to do so. As such, we should be properly introduced. My name is Alura Leah Malla Moramay. Alura will do fine."

"Iain of the house of Blackthorn."

"Do you feel that you could eat something, Iain?" Alura asked him.

The young man looked warily at her and didn't answer. She in turn fixed those large purple hued eyes on him and blew out an exasperated breath. She leaned forward and said,

"Young fellow, if I meant to do you any harm, I had more than a few opportunities when you were still unconscious. Why would I wait until now?"

"It is said the enchanters of Zuhra revel in the agonies of their victims. Then they kill them, cook them and eat them," he said, leaning back away from the baleful glare she was focusing on him.

In one smooth move she was standing, looming over him. Then she turned and walked away to the other side of the room. Then she quickly turned to face him again and with several strides she was on the other side of the bed and she was sitting on the edge, less than an arms-length away.

From this distance her features were clear to see. Skin tone and eye color aside it was clear to see that she possessed what he had been taught to see as classically beautiful. High cheekbones, thin straight nose, smooth skin and full lips. Right now, those lips were pulled into a tight line before she began to speak.

"Those who have told you those absurd stories have never met one of the Zuhra enchanters. We are sworn to serve. I have labored long hours these last four days to ensure that you live. Each cycle of the moon, I am visited by a dozen or more seeking my help. Two things are certain. One is that you will not leave this house until I am sure that you will survive the leaving. The second is that I have no intention of cooking you. Quite frankly, in your current condition, I doubt I would get more than soup stock out of you. And a thin soup at that. So, once again, I ask, do you feel you could eat something?"

Pressing back against the headboard trying to escape her wrath, he nodded and said,

"Yes, please."

"Well, that's better."

He watched warily as she rose and swept from the room. He was amazed how smoothly someone of her size could move. And despite the robe, or perhaps because of it, his attention was drawn to how her body moved beneath the fabric. He had to force himself back to examining the room. Despite her words he still had his doubts about her motives and looking for an escape route had become second nature to him. It wasn't long before she returned with a bowl and cup.

The bowl contained a broth with bits of vegetables and a few bits of shredded meat. The cup went on the table and she held the bowl out to him.

"Do you feel strong enough to feed yourself?"

"I think so."

A spoon was already in the bowl. Gingerly he took the bowl and used the spoon to sample a bit of the broth. It was delicious. He was surprised when he found himself looking at the bottom of the bowl. She took the bowl and offered him the cup. It contained water but with a hint of flavor. He looked at her over the cup.

"The water contains a bit of wild berry juice. No trickery."

He finished the water and handed back the cup.

"Thank you."

She gave him a nod and then took the bowl and cup and carried them from the room. By the time she returned he was slumped over on his side, sound asleep. With a rueful smile she easily rearranged him under the blanket and then what followed would have astounded him. She walked around to the other side of the bed and with a couple of quick hand movements, her robe slipped to the floor, revealing a body that would have amazed him. Then she lifted the blanket and climbed under. She wrapped the boy in her arms and settled them both in and quickly followed him into sleep.

Sometime after midnight she awoke to the sound of mumbling from the boy and his arm and legs were jerking and quivering. With a free hand she smoothed back his ragged, unkempt hair and then placed her lips against his temple and softly incanted a few phrases intended to sooth. A moment after she finished he let out a long sigh and settled into a quieter sleep. She wondered what manner of nightmare he was reliving. She pulled him closer and rested her head atop his and it took her a while to get back to sleep.

Late in the morning he awoke alone, although his thoughts were jumbled, a mix of barely perceived sensations and odd words he didn't understand. As if sensing his awakening, Alura appeared in the room. She was smiling a bit and holding a robe of plain cloth. She walked up to his side of the bed and said,

"We need to get you up for a bit."

She held open the robe in a way that made a bow to modesty so he could get slowly out from under the blanket and into the robe without revealing too much of himself. It was obviously a nod to his sensitivity as a young man since she was the one that had stripped him of his wet rags, cleaned and examined him for injuries. His legs were rather rubbery and he found himself upheld by a strong grip that had him wrapped in one arm and pulled up against her side. The top of his head barely reached her chin. He was still groggy and his tongue was a bit loose.

"Are all Zuhra as tall as you?"

"We are taller than most, but I am a bit more so than many," she said as she led him out of the room and down a narrow corridor, deeper into the house, or so he thought.

The next room he entered appeared more to be hewn from living rock as opposed to being built of cut stones. She led him to a corner and said,

"Here is the garderobe. Use it as you need. If walking back here is too taxing, I will help you but you need to be up and about."

She left him to his business and moved to the other side of the chamber. When he was done he called to her. Once more he was wrapped up in her embrace to move back towards the bed chamber. As they got to the other side of the rock chamber he noticed vapor rising from several large rock basins.

"Hot springs?" he asked quietly.

"Indeed. This chamber is far older than the house that is now attached to it. I suspect the front was originally walled off, but someone decided to build the bigger building out front. At least that was how I found it."

"You found this?" he asked just as they were getting back into the bed chamber and his legs were getting ready to give way.

She held him so he could slip out of the robe and slide back onto the bed where she helped him settle under the blanket.

"I'll get you something to eat and then I'll explain."

She left the room and returned momentarily with a bowl and cup. As he began tucking into the bowl she began to speak.

"Not all of my people are enchanters, as you could probably guess. And not all enchanters find themselves out on the borders as I have. Power and politics are as common among us as they are with your people. I bear the hallmarks of extraordinary power and there were those who sought to exploit that. I image that sounds familiar to you."

He nodded as he struggled to control his eating, not wishing to appear as a barbarian to Alura.

"So I fled. I traveled for a few years and then heard of a place, secluded and associated with past uses of arcane powers. So I came here and found it deserted and in need of repairs. I accomplished those and it wasn't too long before word spread that I was here and willing to help. I have been here ever since."

"Did you know I was coming?"

"Not as such. I became aware that someone had entered the forest but that happens often enough. I was surprised to find you at my door."

"And you live here alone?"

"You are the first to share my roof in many years. Those who come seeking my aid are eager to leave once they have their salve or elixir. I imagine they have heard many of the stories you have."

He looked a little chagrined and set the bowl on his lap and looking at her said,

"I apologize, Mistress, for reacting as I did. Had I paid attention and been thinking clearly your kindness would have been obvious."

Alura sat back in her chair and looked at the boy.

"Thank you for that, Iain. If you don't mind, would you tell me how old you are?"

"Well, let's see. We are past midsummer, yes?"

"Well past."

"Then I am just sixteen."

"Far too young to be on your own in such circumstances," she offered solemnly.

He snorted a bit of a laugh.

"Were I still at home I would be well on my way to being married, if not already. It was one signal we were out of favor because as heir to such a prosperous estate, I should have been pursued by many fathers for their daughters."

"Being such a handsome fellow wouldn't have hurt, either, would it?" she teased.

He responded by going rather red and for the first time he heard her throaty chuckle. Maintaining his composure in the face of her broader smile he said,

"I will not ask your age, but it is said that your people outlive whole dynasties."

"Another falsehood. We do live longer than your people on average, but only by about half again. Not by centuries. But know that I was barely older than you when I made the decision to leave my home."

He offered a nod as he handed the bowl back and accepted the cup to drain the fruit flavored water. He settled back into the pillow against the headboard, feeling more at peace than he had in quiet some time. If it was the result of some form of enchantment he was more than willing to welcome it. He was so tired of running.

Alura shifted herself from the chair and perched herself on the edge of the bed at his side. Again she pushed the ragged bangs back from his face and held his head between both hands.

"Rest. Sleep. No unpleasantness will invade your dreams. Here you are safe."

He managed a slight smile before his eyes closed and he was once again asleep. She settled him down and then returned to her chair to watch him for a while longer. She knew a pair of scissors would be needed in due time and perhaps that would help relieve a bit of the gauntness and bedraggled look. He was indeed a handsome fellow.

When she walked into the room the next morning with his soup and water she found him sitting up, supported by the pillow and head board. His expression appeared puzzled.

"Is something amiss, Iain of Blackthorn?"

"Much is amiss, Mistress, but at the moment I am confused."

She set the bowl and cup on the small table and sat down, her hands clasped in her lap.

"About what?"

"For weeks now I have had troubling dreams about the attack and then my escape. But the two nights have been different."

"How so?" she asked, but with an idea where this might lead.

"I cannot remember anything specific but I feel calmer, safer, and when I wake up I have the feeling that I've been held somehow. Does that make any sense to you?"

"A great deal in fact. Since you've arrived, each night you've slept while I've held you."

The boy's eyes popped and he looked shocked.

"Mistress! Are you saying that you...? I'm not wearing anything...." The boy tried to voice his objections but was too flustered to complete a thought.

"It's alright, Iain, I wasn't either," she replied with smile, as if enjoying his discomfort.

At this comment, he simply worked his mouth but nothing was coming out. She rose up and reseated herself on the edge of the bed with elegant ease. She placed a hand on the side of his face.

"Listen to me, young fellow. You came to me near death from the wet and cold, not to mention how weak you were from being on the run for so long. I had to use my own body heat to get you warmed up that first night. I also became aware of the dreams you were having and I was able to do something about that as well. I'm sorry if this has somehow offended your sense of propriety, but if it helps any, think of it as necessity for your recovery."

The boy took a deep breath and without appearing to, tried to move his hands down into his lap. Apparently, the idea of having this imposing woman naked in bed with him wasn't so much shocking as it was exciting. A slight twitch of her lips was the only indication that she noticed his actions.

"I apologize, Mistress. I should be thanking you for saving my life. I'm afraid very little of my upbringing has prepared me for this."

"I doubt that there are many, if any, who would be fully prepared for what you've had to endure. Take some solace from the fact that you have survived, you have eluded your pursuers and for the time being you are safe. I'd have to say, well done."

He couldn't help but smile and get a little red in the cheeks. With a bit of that throaty chuckle she leaned forward and caressed his forehead with her lips.

"Now, eat something and then we will get you on your feet and find you something to wear. Then you can sit and learn something of what I do here."

So he ate and then drank and then got himself into the robe for a visit to the garderobe and then a bit of a washup with some of the warmish water available from the hot spring. He wasn't sure how the basins were connected to the spring but he was curious, which meant he would find out. Then Alura handed him a longer robe that was made from a slightly heavier, finer weave cloth. It had three quarter length sleeves and a hemline just above his ankles.

"I realize this isn't what you're used to, but nothing you wore survived your journey. We'll see what we can manage as we go. Now, come with me."

Feeling a little odd but not having much choice he fell in behind and couldn't help but have his eyes drawn to the motion of her hips and buttocks beneath the back of her robe. When he went past the door to the bed chamber they emerged into a much larger room that seemed to serve as a combination of kitchen, preparation room, living room and a space for dealing with those who came seeking help. There was a long table, racks of numerous plant parts hanging from the walls and ceilings, bowls for mixing, implements for cutting and some he had no idea what they were for.

What he didn't see was any chains, things with spikey nobs, leather cuffs or cauldrons big enough for an average human, whole or in pieces. We allowed himself to relax a bit. Alura gestured for him to sit in a large wooden chair that while it looked hard was actually quite comfortable, largely due to the subtle curves that seemed to mold perfectly to him.

"So, this is where I do my work and through that door," she pointed to a stout door made of planks, z-bracing and some rather substantial looking nails, "I made your acquaintance."

"A fortunate event," he offered quietly.

She chose not to acknowledge but she was pleased non-the-less.

"All my preparations are done here from these materials. Some things I can do ahead of time and have ready. Others need to be done on the spot as someone needs them. I've even had to use this as an operating theater."

"You are a surgeon?" Iain asked as this was a rare occupation in the provinces of the north.

"Of some ability. More so a bonesetter and puller of arrows."

"There has been combat in this area?"

"No, my dear, no worries of that. Careless hunters in the forest. Or perhaps something more sinister but singular in nature. I have a request to make of you."

He sat up a bit straighter and gave her his full attention.

"At this time of the year I have mostly completed harvesting much of my raw materials. Now I have to start preparing them. Would you be willing to help me?"

"I would, but I have no idea how to do any of that."

"If you can wield a knife without losing any fingers, you'll have all the skill required," she said with a smile.

"That I can do."

So she had him move to a taller chair near the table and handed him a short but extremely sharp knife and began instructing him in how to cut certain leaves, stems, roots and a few things that he didn't recognize. Based on the quantities that he saw there was days' worth of work here. But then again, what else did he have to do. So he cut while she sorted and offered comments on what the item was and what it could be used for.

One thing that was starting to intrude on his awareness was a fragrance that was foreign to him. He hadn't been aware of it up until now so he wasn't sure where it was coming from. Most likely it was from any one of dozens of packets and bundles that were all over the interior of the room. Or perhaps, it was the result of a number of fragrances coming together, he thought. Whatever the reason, it was becoming something of a distraction. To hide this he feigned fatigue, which wasn't far from the truth.

"I'm sorry, Iain. I should have been paying attention. Back to that chair there," she said, pointing to the first chair he had sat in. "It was so nice to have someone to talk to while we worked. It's been a long time."

Once the boy was back in the very comfortable chair he looked at the enchanter and asked,

"How long have you been here?"

"Decades. I was here a few years when I had a young woman, a human, ask to learn from me. She stayed less than a month, finding the work not what she suspected."

"She was expecting waving your hands and getting flames and sparks and colored lights and smoke?" he asked.

"Yes, exactly."

"It's part of what we in the north are told about the enchanters. I don't ever recall anyone talking about dicing vegetables and setting bones," he said with a bit of a smile.

"Well, since then you've been my first overnight guest," she explained. "I realize the circumstances that brought you here have been dire, but your arrival has been something of blessing for me."

He lowered his head to hide his red cheeks. When he didn't lift his head she moved to his side and put a hand under his chin to tilt his head up. He had fallen asleep. When he awoke he was back in bed and the robe he had been wearing was draped over the back of the chair. He was considering getting out of bed when Alura walked in with a tray.

"Oh, good, you're awake. I was afraid I was going to have to wake you. Time to eat."

"Did you carry me?" he asked.

"Of course. How do you think you got here that first night. Your health is much improved but you went weeks on short rations. You have a good deal of weight to regain. You were no burden."

"At least not that way, I'm sure."

"My dear fellow, don't you dare think that your being here has been a burden. I've enjoyed every minute of it, once I was sure you'd recovered, of course."

Much to her surprise tears started to course down his cheeks and his thin frame began to heave with sobs. The tray was on the table in an instant and then she was sitting on the edge of the bed, gathering him into her strong arms. His hands gripped her robe and he was holding on with what strength he had left. She was rubbing his back and the back of his head and trying to talk to him in low tones. When she felt the grip on her robe loosen she sat back and let him rest against the head board. She waited patiently for him to break the silence.

"I apologize, Mistress. I suppose your kindness has been so different from what I've experienced lately, it overwhelmed me. I am your servant."

"No, dear, I have no need for servants. What I do need is an assistant but we will speak of that tomorrow. Right now I want you to eat and then get more rest."

It was just a matter of moments after he had eaten that he was asleep again. It was sometime after midnight when he awoke and once again he was wrapped in a pair of strong arms and had the feel of a warm, smooth skinned body pressed up against his back. This time however the resilience of youth allowed certain signals to move through him and he began to respond in a way that was making him very nervous.

He tried to pull himself forward to put some space between himself and Alura but her arms tightened and pulled him in more tightly. Despite his conscious reaction, beneath the surface his state of excitement was causing his erection to progress upward along his stomach and the way Alura had her arms around him, the head made contact with her wrist. He was doing everything he could to keep from moving and he was listening for any hint that the enchanter was aware of what was happening.

He did jump a little when her arm moved and a long fingered hand took hold of the shaft of his cock in a firm grip. Then there was a pair of lips at his ear shushing him and saying,

"Relax, dear. Let this happen."

And then the hand was slowly stroking his shaft. While he was no more than average height for a young man his age, he was presenting Alura with more than she would have expected. The shaft was thick and the head, if allowed, would have covered his naval. She continued to stroke his cock slowly while her other arm pulled him up tightly, causing her full, firm tits to press hard into his back. He figured his ass was up against her stomach. Her lips were now exploring the side of his neck.

He had heard various philosophers expound on the nature of paradise in the afterlife. He thought they had it all wrong. He figured he had found paradise right here in life. So he just let himself be carried in whatever direction Alura wanted to take him. She seemed to sense his willingness because her lips began to travel up the side of his face and then came to rest lightly on his. He received a second jolt that raced down to meet the one that had centered in his balls when she had gripped his cock.

He wondered if he should try and add something to what was happening, but with next to no experience he decided to let her make that decision. She seemed more than content to let him lie there while she stroked and kissed him to a state of ecstasy. At some put the blanket was pushed back but in the dark of the room nothing was really visible. But what it did do, and perhaps that was Alura's thought was to expose his body so that she could play with it.

Without relinquishing her grip on his hard cock, she used her lips to excite his nipples and then kiss her way down his abdomen. He jumped a little when she let her tongue tip tease his navel but his hips came up off the bed and he moaned when her lips slid down over the head of his dick. His hips began to move on their own and he was fucking her more than willing mouth.

He may have been near to death when he first arrived at her door, but now a week later, having been rested and fed and provided whatever medicines she had at her disposal, he was rejuvenated and hadn't had any sexual relief in months. He couldn't hold out for long and with a final thrust he began to pump a load of cum into her mouth. Her heard her murmur and gulp as stream after stream of cum surged from his cock. When he was finally spent he sagged back into the mattress and felt her sucking and licking his cock before she moved back up along his body and fastened her mouth over his and allowed some of the cum to flow into his mouth. She didn't relent until he swallowed.

Then her head was rising up over his face and without any light he could only just make out even a bit of her features but something told him she was pleased. Her tits were pressed against his chest and it felt warm and secure. He was feeling very satisfied and very safe at the moment.

"Thank you for that, dear. Now, I want you to sleep and we'll talk about all this in the morning, yes?"

He was already having trouble keeping his eyes open so he simply said,

"As you wish, Mistress."

He was asleep before she settled down with her head next to his and her arm across his chest with the blanket pulled up over them both. She had great hopes for what the morning would bring. When she awoke they were in much the same position as when they had gone to sleep. When she looked over at him she was a bit surprised to see him looking back, his warm brown eyes locked on hers.

"Good morning, my dear fellow. How do you feel this morning?"

"Quite well. Content and safe, thank you. And you? I feel you were short changed last night."

She smiled and leaned forward enough to be able to meet his lips with hers. It wasn't a long kiss but it was soft and warm and full of feeling.

"In no way was that true, dear. But I'm pleased that you are so concerned. But there is something that we must discuss. Do you recall when I was telling you about how I had to leave, well, flee really because I showed signs of great power that my people recognized and some coveted?"

"Yes, you compared our situations based on politics and desire for power."

"That's correct. The most visible signs of that power are these," she said, pointing to her eyes. "The great majority of my people have eyes that are either a much lighter purple or a darker blue. Those with great arcane powers show the deep purple. They also tend towards greater height."

"You certainly have that. You present a most imposing figure," he said, smiling again.

This won him another kiss. He was really beginning to like that.

"There is something more and it is most important that you know and understand," she said, more solemnly.

With that she swung herself out from under the blanket and stood up with her back to him. It was an impressive sight. Again, her entire body was the pale blue hue, but beneath that skin firm muscles moved and they were evident in her shoulders and back, the back of her upper legs and ass. He was very much enjoying the view. Then she turned and admiration turned to shock. Yes, her breasts were large and firm and full. The nipples were a darker blue, almost black and her stomach was flat and firm. What was so surprising was instead of the puffy vaginal lips that he had been told about some years ago, there was a dark skinned, semi rigid cock of substantial size above a large pair of balls

"I-I don't understand. Is that the sign of your power or are all Zuhra such?"

"No, dear. It is the last sign of which I spoke. As you can imagine, my parents were aware of the portents from the time of my birth. They did what they could to shield me but short of locking me a basement, sooner or later others would notice. So here I am. Such as I am."

She sat down on the edge of the bed, making no attempt to cover her nakedness. He kept his eyes on hers and took a deep breath.

"Your thoughts?" she prodded.

"Everything about you that I thought I knew has proven to be wrong. I don't know why the tales are as they are but it is obvious that the distortions were intentional. Nothing about this," he said, gesturing to all of her, "changes what you've done on my behalf. Or what happened last night. My experience is almost nonexistent so I suppose I shouldn't have notions about what to expect."

His hand came to rest on her bare thigh and her cock began to respond. She was trembling a bit but she maintained eye contact and her lips were all that moved when his hand left her thigh and took a firm hold on her burgeoning erection. He would explain later why he was willing to do this. For now he felt he should return some of what he received earlier. She on the other hand was ecstatic at the feel of his smaller but still strong, and warm, hand.

His hand began to move up and down and he was secretly pleased that she seemed to be reacting as he noticed her chest was beginning to rise and fall with more emphasis. He gave the shaft a squeeze and noticed a bit of clear liquid appear at the tip of the head.

"Oh, my dear boy, that feels so wonderful. I had such hopes."

She reached over and pulled back the blanket, unveiling his naked body to include a fully erect cock reaching up above his navel. She took hold of it and smiled as he groaned a bit.

"It seems we make each other feel rather happy, don't we," she asked in that low throaty voice he was coming to enjoy hearing.

"I'm thinking that happy is just the start of it," and then he leaned forward and pushed his smooth chin against the bulk of her nearest breast and then began to work the hard, dark nipple with his lips and tongue.

Alura groaned and brought her free hand up to grip the back of his head and pulled it tightly against her. The stroking and sucking continued for a while as the two near strangers began to forge a bond. She seemed happy enough to let him suck on her nipples and stroke her fully erect cock but he had other ideas. Continuing with the notion that she had shortchanged herself earlier, he moved his head back way from her tit and lowered it until he was able to apply his lips and tongue to the head of her cock.

When she moaned in pleasure he knew he was on the right track and he opened his mouth and let the lips slide over the head. She let her body settle back onto the bed and Iain shifted around so that he could focus more fully on the new task of sucking her cock. Her hand sought out and once again found his cock and began stroking it slowly and steadily, not wanting him to peak too soon.

He on the other hand was determined to give her as much pleasure as possible and his mouth began moving up and down the fat shaft and getting as much of the length in as he could. He lacked the skills to get it past his throat opening so only about three quarters made it past his lips, but it seemed sufficient as Alura was moaning and her hips were squirming on the bed. He took hold of one of her full tits and squeezed and kneaded, feeling the hard nipple against his palm.

Much to his amazement her first orgasm wasn't long in coming. He heard her gasp and then her hips bucked and he felt the first stream strike the back of his throat. He began to gag some so he pulled off enough so that the next stream hit the inside of his mouth and he tried to swallow but he knew some was getting past his lips. When she was done he swallowed once more and then began licking up what was left. He also remembered what she did earlier that morning so he shifted himself so that he could get his mouth on hers and shared some of the cum load. She purred as she tasted herself from his mouth.

"Oh, dear, that was so wonderful. You have such good instincts. Or perhaps you were trained?" she asked, smiling.

"No, Mistress, as I said, my experience is near to none."

"Iain, my dear, you know my name, you can use it."

"This seems more appropriate, Mistress. And exciting somehow."

"As you wish, dear. And it seems you have more for me," she said, squeezing his cock for emphasis. "Let me show you something more."

With that, she reached down and took hold of her balls and pulled them up against her softening dick. What she revealed was what he had originally expected to find, a fully functioning pussy. She smiled a bit and said,

"Might you have an idea what to do with this?"

He blinked a bit and then nodded and began to shift himself around. She in turn brought her legs fully onto the bed and arranged herself so she had her feet near the head board but her legs were spread out, welcoming him in. Her arms were held out and she was smiling softly. He got on his knees between her firm thighs and shuffled up a bit until he could bring his cock to her pussy lips. Her tits were pancaked somewhat and her cock and balls were laying against her lower abdomen. Using one hand, he rubbed the head of his cock up and down the lips and she gasped, then he placed it near the bottom and pushed. In fascination he watched as the head began to slide in, disappearing into her depths.

"Oh, yessss, you feel so big, so wonderful. Fill me, dear. Don't stop until you've filled me."

So he continued to push and her lips yielded and the shaft began to go deeper and deeper. When he was balls deep he stopped and then began to pull back. He came back a little too far and the head popped out and her legs quickly wrapped around the back of his thighs and began to pull forward. He popped back in and was balls deep again in one stroke. She was groaning now and her head was moving side to side. Then he was pumping in a steady rhythm, fucking her now thoroughly soaked pussy.

He looked down and saw that her cock was now fully hard again and pointing up towards the bottom of her heavy tits. He had once been told that this occasion, his first time, might prove difficult and even a bit disappointing but at this moment he couldn't imagine anything better happening to him.

As he became more confident in his fucking he decided to experience more of her body so he let his arms slide forward until his body was resting atop hers, her cock wedged between their stomachs and her tits pressing into his upper chest. Due to their height difference she wound up kissing the top of his head as he fucked her with steady deep strokes. Her arms were wrapped around his back and her hands were grasping his ass. He had never had a morning like this and wondered if he ever would again. She, on the other hand, had other ideas.

Her hips were flexing and meeting each of his downstrokes with an upward thrust and they were grunting on impact. They continued fucking like this for some time until, as if a bolt of lightening had entered the room, they both spasmed in orgasm and he began to fire strong streams of cum deep inside her while her orgasm exploded inside her and up through her cock, sending cum between their bodies, adding a slippery sensation to the experience.

As they descended from their sexual highs, she pulled his head up and began to kiss him with lots of grinding and tongue action. Then she was hugging him to her as tightly as possible, her head against his. When she was finally able to find her voice she said,

"Oh, by the gods, that was the most wonderful thing I've ever felt, ever done. You were just magnificent. So much energy."

That brought something to mind and said,

"I once heard one of the servants say that every boy should have an older woman to teach him the ways of manhood for only she could have the necessary experience as well as deserve his attentions."

"Well, my dear, I don't know that I have all that much experience and I'm not sure I deserve such attention."

He pushed up on his arms and looked down and said,

"I don't know about the first, but you deserve all that I can give you and more."

Then he looked to the side and then returned his gaze to those incredible eyes and said,

"Is it too early to suggest that I intend to never leave here?"

Her smile waivered a bit and then she said,

"It is too soon to discuss such weighty matters, but I love to hear those words from your lips. Despite the magnificence of your performance, you still have a ways to go to reach full health. We can talk about the future later. I think we should sleep."

"What if someone comes seeking your help?" Iain asked.

"I will know, fear not."

With that the two shifted around on the bed, wrapped themselves in each other's arms and after a long soulful kiss settled down and fell asleep. He awoke to the feel of her lips on his forehead and when his eyes fluttered open they met those deep purple irises looking down at him.

"I suppose we should get up and attempt to do something useful," she said.

"I suppose so. Although I'm thinking what we did this morning was very useful. And a great deal of fun."

This earned him another kiss and then they both pulled themselves up out of the bed. He couldn't help but look at her as she stood there naked, preparing to pull on her robe. When she noticed, she cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry, Mistress. I find it very difficult not to look at you."

"I'm pleased that you find it so. I hope you always do."

He pulled on his robe and noticed that she in turn was watching him closely and he blushed a great deal. So they went to the big room and ate a meal that was more lunch than breakfast and then after sharing a warm hug, went back to the work of preparing vegetative raw materials that comprised the basis of her healing work.

About midway through the afternoon there was a pounding on the door. Alura looked over to Iain and said,

"Why don't you see who's there, dear?"

"What should I say?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something."

So with a bit of a shrug, Iain got up and went to the door. He pulled it open to find a man of middle years standing in the doorway. His initial reaction was to freeze, thinking one of the old Baron's bailiffs had found him.

"Where is the healer, boy?"

"The Mistress is within, whom shall I say seeks her service?"

The man blinked a time or two, seemingly nonplussed by the quality of language and the confidence with which it was delivered. The fact that Iain was still holding the small, sharp knife might have added to his unease.

"Um, Balford, Chamberlain of the Lord of the March."

Iain turned to look over to Alura who was watching with interest.

"Mistress, Balford, Chamberlain of the Lord of the March requests your services."

"Have him enter, Iain dear."

Iain stepped back and still holding the door, directed the man in with a sweep of his arm. The man stepped in and saw Alura standing by the table, looking very tall and imposing, removed his hat and said,

"Enchanter, his Lordship requires additional elixir."

"Chamberlain, what his Lordship requires is less game and even less wine. Then the elixir would be much less necessary."

The Chamberlain shook his head and said,

"You know that, Enchanter, and I trust you are correct, but his Lordship will not hear of it. So here we are."

"Yes, and here you are," she said as she handed him a stout jug.

The Chamberlain took the jug and placed a small cloth bag on the table.

"As before, Enchanter."

"That is sufficient."

The man turned to leave and Iain pulled the door open and with a nod acknowledged the man as he moved past. Then he closed the door and slid the bolt. When he looked at Alura she was smiling broadly.

"You did that extremely well, dear. You handled the Chamberlain perfectly."

"Before things went terribly wrong, we had quite a few visitors, a few of some status. I watched as the door warden greeted those and bade them enter. Plus I did not wish to embarrass you in any way."

She gestured with a hand for him to join her. When he did so she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight while kissing the top of his head.

"My darling, your concern for me is admirable, and adorable. I'd ask that you not worry about that so much. Just be who you are and that should be more than enough. For me, anyway."

"That's all I care about," he replied, squeezing her the harder.

She tipped his head up and back and placed a long, searing kiss on his lips. She was a bit surprised but extremely pleased when she felt his hands come to rest on her firm ass cheeks and pull her body closer. However, when she felt his knees give way she pulled her head back and said,

"Oh, no, my darling boy. You've had enough for one day. Back to bed with you."

"Yes, Mistress," was all he said.

She looked at him and then said,

"Well, you took that rather well, dear."

"This is your house and I am your assistant. Plus, I am still under your care so, I do as I'm told."

"Come along then," she said, taking him by the hand and walking back to the bed chamber.

He was relieved of his robe, kissed once more and then put to bed. When he was asleep in a matter of moments she smiled softly and went back to the front room. Despite appearances he was still weak and she resolved that there would be no taxing him this night.

In fact, when she slipped into bed with him later that evening, he didn't give any indication that he was aware. She pulled him up tightly and now that all her secrets had been revealed she allowed herself to snuggle up so that her cock was pressed into his ass. She thought she heard a murmur but he made no movement so she held on and went to sleep.

In the morning, she awoke to the more than pleasant sensation of a mouth working up and down the shaft of her now fully erect cock. Opening her eyes she could see the back of Iain's head as it moved up and down. She was immediately aroused and didn't want to interrupt his efforts so she laid back and enjoyed the sensations. After a while she realized his mouth was off her cock and he began stroking it. Then she jumped a bit when she felt a tongue begin to lick along the lips of her pussy. Oh, this boy could do such things to her. And she intended to have him do them over and over again.

Right now she was enjoying his explorations of her pussy with his tongue while his hands skillfully stroked and massaged her fully hard erection. She couldn't remain a bystander any longer so her hands came up to grasp his head and pull it in tighter to her pussy. With her encouragement he was sucking her clit and licking her lips and plunging his tongue in and out of her pussy while she bucked and shuddered.

Then with a bit of inspiration he let his tongue flick down to the ring of her asshole and she yelped and her hips came up off the bed and her cock began firing streams of cum toward the ceiling that splashed down over her stomach and heaving chest. When she was done cumming she let go of his head and he looked up along her body and to see her looking down at him. He watched as she used a finger to scoop up some cum from her tits and licked it off. Then she did it again and held it out, offering it to him. He crawled up and licked the offering off her finger and then she slipped her finger into his mouth. Then she had her hands on his shoulders and she pulled him up until he was able to rest his hard cock between her tits. Then she was pressing them together, enveloping his cock and applying soft, warm pressure.

Each time the head emerged from between all that flesh her tongue flicked out over the head. Iain braced himself with his hands on the top of the head board and let the warm of her skin, the pressure of her tits pushed against his cock and the lubrication of her cum build sensations that were threatening to blow off the top of his head, or so it felt to him. Finally he could stand no more and with a muffled shout began shooting loads of cum that hit under her chin. She gave squeals of delight as the load ran down her neck and onto the upper reaches of her chest.

When his balls were drained he slumped and let himself fall slowly over onto his side besides his otherworldly lover. They wound up facing each other, chests heaving, cum puddling on her chest. He reached over and repeated her gesture by using his finger to scoop up some of the thick white liquid and brought it to his lips. Then he did it again and offered it to her, who happily accepted and then together they cleaned her up, sharing the output of both their cocks.

The more Iain got to know this extraordinary person, the more he was confused at why she was out here alone. He, more than most, understood the need to flee enemies, but he would have thought that after all this time, someone would have realized what an amazing creature she was.

"You look like you have a question, dear," she said softly.

"I'm just confused, Mistress, why you are still here by yourself. You are so amazing. So beautiful, so desirable. And with all your knowledge," he said before stopping as if realizing he had spoken out of turn.

A warm hand came to rest on the side of his face. Then her lips were on his and her arms were pulling him into a crushing embrace. He returned it as best he could and they were soon kissing passionately, moving about on the bed. After some time had passed, their previous exertions caught up with them and they settled down still embracing but with their faces far enough apart that they could talk and watch each other's faces.

"Everyone should have someone who sees them the way you see me. The world would be a much happier place. Remember, darling, not since that young woman has anyone spent more than a half a day under this roof. Not nearly enough time to get past the stories you yourself have heard. You had the opportunity to observe and learn. Thank the gods that you did."

"I am happy that I did, too," and then he frowned. "Mistress, can you bear a human fathered child?"

"No, dear. No more so than a cow can bear that of a sheep. We have much in common, yes, and perhaps in the deeps mists of time we were closely related, but we have long ago gone our separate ways."

"I see," he said, actually sounding a bit disappointed.

They lay there holding each other for a while longer before getting up to start their day. It began with a joint washing, standing naked together in the largest basin in the rear of the house, using cloths and fragrant soap of Alura's making. It was the most fun Iain had had in a bath that he could recall. They dried off and put on their robes and went to the front room to eat and begin the day's work.

Knife in hand, the boy picked up where he had left off, dicing this and shredding that, all the time listening to Alura's wonderful voice explaining uses, where things could be found, and any peculiarities. This is how matters progressed for the next two weeks. Alura intentionally eased back on the lovemaking, leaving at least a full day between each episode and making sure things were slow and loving as opposed to the early frantic passions they had experienced.

During the second week, she took the boy outside for a couple of hours a day, letting him get sun and to familiarize him with the clearing and surrounding forest. The house was on the eastern side of the opening, backed up against a ridge of rock that was where the original spring cave was located. He had gotten a good look at the house who's interior he had already memorized. The walls were made of field stone, mortared together and about a yard thick. The roof was of a flat stone, likely slate of varying shades of gray and black.

It looked extremely stout and he had to wonder what the original builder was concerned about. It was too far south for snow or biting cold. He didn't think high winds were an issue but he couldn't be sure. So he had to wonder what enemies the builder or builders were dealing with.

It was during one of these outings when a rather extraordinary event occurred. While near the far edge of the clearing from the house, a rustling in the undergrowth got both their attention and to their amazement a small, human like creature stumbled from between two trees. Dressed in leggings and a tunic of some form of animal skin it was obvious that the being was hurt. The front of the tunic was red with blood and whoever it was, was holding a hand to one shoulder, holding an embedded arrow.

Alura was moving with long strides and just as the little `person' collapsed, she caught him, or her, up and began moving towards the house.

"An Elfwin, female. And the arrow went clear through the shoulder. Come along, dear."

Iain was right behind and he was also looking for any sign of who fired the shot. Within moments they were inside the house and the little creature was placed sitting on the table. With a closer look, Iain could see that it was indeed a female of the race of rarely seen beings. The almond shaped eyes, the small ears, an almost childlike appearance, she was maybe four feet tall. The shaft in her shoulder looked to be too big for anything a person of such size would use. Was a human or Zuhra hunter responsible?

"All right, dear, we have to move fast as she's already lost a great deal of blood. I'm going to trim the fletching off and then when I say to, you will grab the head with this cloth and then pull it through. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Iain supported the little female while Alura used a small knife to remove the feathers from the end of the arrow shaft. Then she cut a shallow groove along the length and filled it with a brown gel that had a pungent aroma. Then she took up a tallow candle and she looked at the boy.

"Use that cloth and gently but firmly hold the arrow head. When I say `now', pull it all the way through and out. Ready?"

Iain nodded and took his position. Just as she touched the candle flame to the gel she said now'. The gel flared, the boy pulled the now flaming shaft through the shoulder and the Elfwin girl' screamed and slumped. The slightly charred arrow was laid on the table while Iain once again held up the Elfwin so that Alura could pack the wound and bind it. Then she was laid down with a pillow under her head.

Iain looked at Alur and asked,

"Hunting accident?"

"Possibly. From her dress and ornamentation she is a person of some standing among the Elfwin. It could be something more sinister. We will have to wait and watch."

"Would that I had my own bow and arrows," he said.

"You lost your bow on the way here, yes?"

"No, I had to sell it about a week before I got here. I was out of money and food and I had grown too week to draw it, so necessity dictated."

"You were very wise to see that. You may find the materials here to make what you need. No hunting will be needed, but I understand you will feel better having one to hand."

"You are very wise to see that," he said, giving her an impish grin.

She gave a throaty chuckle and kissed the top of his head. It was late in the afternoon when a low groan signaled the little female's return to consciousness. When her eyes opened she was looking up into Alura's face.

"Zuhran, why am I here?" she said trying to look around.

"You appeared in my clearing with an arrow through your shoulder. Your injury has been tended to and what matters is you not moving and opening the wound. You should also drink some of this for you have lost a lot of blood."

"What matters, Zuhran, is my leaving this place and returning to my own people."

As she lifted her head she caught sight of Iain and her eyes flew wide.

"What is that thing doing here?"

"If you are referring to the young man there, his name is Iain and he is my assistant, who, you should note, was instrumental in saving your life."

"I find that hard to believe. Humans aren't much more than mules with only two legs."

Iain stiffened and then fell back on lessons learned from years of observing interactions and interplay between his father and various visitors. So he maintained a neutral expression and said,

"Madame, it has been my privilege to assist Mistress in saving your life. I would not wish my presence to add to your discomfort so I will wait outside. By your leave, Mistress?"

Alura was trying to suppress a grin as she could see and hear the Elfwin maid sputtering.

"Thank you, Iain. I will call if I need you."

With a bow he turned and with quiet dignity left the house. Alura fixed her patient with a penetrating gaze with those deep purple eyes until the girl looked away.

"I trust someone will come looking for you?"

The Elfwin snorted and said,

"More than just someone, I can assure you of that."

Alura simply nodded. Outside, Iain was quietly simmering. He had seen more than his fair share of arrogance but this creature took it to new levels. He suspected she was someone of some stature but he had to wonder if the arrow was more than just an accident. He knew of all kinds of reasons for assassination but he could also easily imagine someone killing her just for being her.

He kept a watchful eye on the clearing and the undergrowth along the edges. So he wasn't surprised when first one, than several of the smallish human like creatures emerged into the sunlight. A total of six appeared but he was pretty sure there were more back in the murky shadows. Four were dressed alike in fairly unadorned attire. One of the others had somewhat more adornment and the last, who looked older wore a far more grandiose outfit. They all had short swords at their waists and the four plainly dressed ones carried short bows but without arrows nocked.

When they saw him they stopped and exchanged a few words. He recognized their concern so he stood in plain sight with both hands raised and facing out. Then he waved to invite them to approach. The four body guards, which is what he was sure they were, fanned out while the other two moved straight towards him. When they reached a distance of perhaps three paces he stood with both hands held in front of himself and he said,

"Welcome to the house of Mistress Alura the Enchanter. I believe you are here regarding the Elfwin female currently in her care."

Both of the Elfwin males regarded him and then the elder one said,

"Yes, indeed. She absented herself from our lodge and we have been tracking her since yesterday. What is the nature of her injury or illness?"

"Injury. An arrow through the left shoulder."

At this all six became quite agitated. The elder Elfwin regained his composure first and said,

"May I see her?"

"Allow me to inquire, please. One moment."

He turned and went to the door and opened it. They saw him step in and then step back out.

"Mistress Alura asks that only one enter and please do not agitate the patient. Her health is still fragile."

The elder Elfwin nodded, spoke a word to the younger and then he walked in through the door Iain held open. With the door closed Iain remained outside and the younger Elfwin moved closer.

"What can you tell me?"

"She stumbled out of the undergrowth with the arrow in her. Fortunately we were outside and got to her almost immediately."

"Most fortunate. She might have laid out here unto death."

"Oh, I think not. I believe Mistress would have become aware soon enough. So we carried her in and we removed the arrow, sealed the wound and bound it. She has been conscious for a while now, but there was a lot of bleeding."

"I imagine that was less than a pleasant experience."

Iain recalled an expression and he decided to extemporize.

"I was taught never to speak ill of the dead, or in this case, the near dead."

For the first time Iain heard an Elfwin laugh, a higher pitched version of a human laugh.

"Were I to adopt such a manner, I would never speak of her."

"Your sister?"

"As you would call her. My younger sibling, as unpleasant a manifestation of life as has ever been spawned."

Iain couldn't think of a single response so he did not make one. Instead he cast his eyes to see where the four bodyguards were and finding one nearby he proceeded to examine the bow. He saw that it had a slight recurve and that it was made of layers of material. He frowned and the Elfwin noticed.

"A problem?"

"Not as such. I see your bows are laminated. Doesn't the damp of the forest create problems with the glues?"

"I don't know the nature of the glue used, as it is a tightly held secret of the bow crafters but moisture is not a problem. You are an archer?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid I had to part with my bow some weeks ago."

Either the Elfwin was not curious or he heard something that suggested no questions were welcome.

At this point the door opened and the elder Eflwin barked a few words and two of the bodyguards legged it off into the undergrowth. They emerged a few minutes later with two poles that they must have just cut. Then they and the other two guards moved into the house. Iain stood by and after some moments the older Elfwin emerged followed by the four carrying an improvised litter of two poles and a borrowed blanket.

At seeing Iain the older Elfwin barked a command and they stopped with the maid on the litter next to him. She looked up and with an expression that could only be described as chagrin. She took in a breath and then began to speak.

"Sir Iain, I wish to apologize for my earlier comments. It was an unforgivable breach of manners, particularly for one who was so instrumental in saving my life. I wish to beg your forgiveness."

Iain recognized that she probably didn't mean a word, but was being compelled by the Elfwin who was most likely her father. Not knowing how long he would remain in this house, although he had hopes, he chose to be a good neighbor.

"There is no need to beg, Madam. The pain of injury and the loss of blood can often alter the perceptions of those so afflicted. What is important is that you are alive and on your way to recovery. Anything else is of no moment."

He then stepped back and watched as the Elfwin maid turned her head and stared at the sky. Her father nodded once to him and then gestured for the litter bearers to move off. The younger nodded once and with a clap on the arm, moved to follow after. Iain then looked up to see Alura standing in the doorway gesturing for him to re-enter.

When the door closed she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. As the stress that had been building since the arrival of the ungrateful little wretch flowed out of him, he let the warmth of Alura's body and spirit warm him. He was surprised a bit then when he heard her chuckle but not the warm one he had come to recognize but one that had a distinct hint of evil.

When she lifted his head up so she could kiss his lips he noted a glint in those deep purple eyes. But he held any questions while the kiss lingered. Then she relented and lifted her head.

"My darling boy. Don't ever feel that you need to leave this house. It is your home now, for as long as you choose. No matter who or what the cause, nothing should make you feel that way. Yes?"

"Thank you, Mistress. I will remain for as long as you will have me. May I ask the reason for your laughter just now?"

"How you handled that apology that was not. I heard her father, for that was who he was berate her for her foolishness for leaving their lodge, getting herself shot by some human hunter and then insisting she atone for anything she may have said. I guess knowing her as he does, he was sure she said something. But you saw through the ruse and your response was so perfectly polite and so cuttingly cruel. You are an amazing young man and I feel so privileged to have you in my life."

When he went to reply she touched her finger to his lips and then led him to their bed chamber and they eased all memory of the unpleasant day with an evening of pleasures that saw them repeatedly trading loads of cum first onto each other's bodies and then into each other's mouths as they cleaned up. Then it was a slow, thorough washing in the big basin. This was followed by a happy meal and then bed.

This provided all the rest they needed for an early morning awakening that had them resume their carnal feasting to include her tonguing and fingering his ass until the pressure was too much and he fired massive streams of cum into her mouth, some of which she saved to offer him by way of deep, sustained kissing.

In the warm afterglow, wrapped in her long, strong arms he felt that he was indeed home. Not a home of servants and wealth and politics but one of spirit and warmth and purpose. His journey to magic had been transformed to a magical destination.

Next: Chapter 2

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