A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Jun 18, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Removal

He couldn't get it out of his mind. The film Mr. West recorded when Juan masturbated with a masquerade mask over his eyes, was probably spreading like wildfire among gay men. And the mask didn't protect him very well. Some connected Juan, the fashion model, with the naked and horny jock showing off his hot body in the film.

He thought about all men who could be jerking off watching him expose his body. And his hand went spontaneously to his dick. He held it as it become hard, without wanking. What is happening to me, Juan thought when he realized he become hot thinking about all the men wanting, watching and lusting after his body as it was shown so clearly on the film.

The next morning, Juan made his breakfast in the kitchen without seeing Mr. West. But he got text: "Take a jog at 10AM". He put a t-shirt, shorts and sneakers on and started jogging the distance he had been instructed earlier, with a certain detour through the woods. He didn't do it under protest since his anxiety had transformed to something more like excitement. He wanted to suck cock. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he couldn't deny it either.

Four men waited, one of them Greg, the athlete with broad shoulders, strong arms and legs. He smiled and said "strip".

Juan did and then got down on his knees in the grass and began to give the men blowjobs. But suddenly Greg pulled Juan up by his arms and turned him around. "Bend over", he said.

This wasn't what Juan had expected. He tried to turn back, facing Greg to ask if it was a misunderstanding. But he was slapped hard with an open hand on his cheek.

"You are here to follow orders, nothing else", Greg said calmly but with an assertive voice. Juan was stunned and wasn't moving.

The other men grabbed Juan and turned his back to Greg. "Bend him over", Greg said. Juan felt hands pushing his upper body forward. And a man stepped in front of him and pushed Juan's head to his cock.

"Suck it", he said. Juan was surprised over the harsh treatment, but opened his mouth and took the semi-hard cock between his lips. As soon as Juan had accepted to take the cock in his mouth, Juan felt Greg spreading his buttocks. Then his cock was poking at the ring-muscle. Soon it slowly penetrated Juan.

Even if Juan was occupied by serving the cock in his mouth, it was a great feeling to be filled from behind. Juan had to admit it felt good.

One of the other men moved a hand down to Juan's cock. "He's hard", he laughed.

"Of course! He is a bitch and want as many cocks he can get", the man with his cock in Juan's mouth said. He put a hand on Juan's head to move it down further on his cock.

"Let me have it", a guy said and pushed the man at Juan's head aside. The cock was suddenly removed, but a new quickly took its place. The cock in his other hole moved in and out in powerful strokes.

Juan was fucked under the blue sky.

Greg withdrew, but Juan wasn't allowed to stand up straight. A hand on his head prevented it. The man sensed Juan's intention and stopped it. "No, no. You stay on my cock", he said.

Then a new cock penetrated Juan from behind. Juan loved being manhandled, but he was nervous about the place, outside in the forest. In broad daylight. But the men were eagerly exploiting his body. They took turns, moved between putting their cocks in his mouth and ass.

Suddenly Juan heard someone approaching through the bushes. Sticks were snapped close by. Juan tore away from the men holding him, wanting to reach his clothes.

Two guys caught up with him and pushed him to the ground.

"What the fuck is going on?" asked the man who emerged from the bushes.

First Juan thought it must be the police, but then he heard it was his man, Mr. West.

The men laughed at Juan's panic reaction, but Mr. West didn't like his boy's behavior.

While the two men still held Juan to the dirt, Mr. West squatted in front of Juan. "You have no right to break away from alpha males like that. You should only concentrate on your task, serving their cocks. And trust that the men have the situation under control."

Juan swallowed. He was unsettled. His intention was not to offend them. "I only wanted to protect myself", he whispered.

"It's not for you to do. You will always let alpha males take charge over the situation", the man said.

"He disrupted our fun", one of the men said.

"He must be punished", another one remarked.

"Of course," Mr. West said. "Juan, get on your hands and knees. Crawl back to Greg and beg him to give you five strokes with his open hand over your bum."

Ashamed, Juan crawled to Greg and begged him. "Slap me..." Juan said with a weak voice looking down to the ground. He was unsure, hurt by the harsh treatment and sensed he was treated as trash.

"Look at me when you beg!", Greg barked. When Juan looked up Greg spat him in his face. Juan closed his eyes. Then he got a slap on his face. "I said look at me!"

Juan opened his eyes while Greg's saliva ran down his cheeks, "Please slap me." Juan was stunned. But Greg smiled as he put one knee on the ground behind Juan and first caressed the marvelously taut smooth globes. Then he delivered five powerful strokes.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Juan felt like a young boy who had done something naughty.

"And now ask those other gentlemen to do the same", Mr. West said.

"Please slap me", Juan said with a low voice looking up at the nearest man.

"Gladly!" he said and in rapid succession hit his bum hard.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Juan got five strokes from the other two as well. His buttocks burned when it was over.

"Now let us continue", Greg ordered. He laid out Juan's clothes on the ground and said, "chest on the ground, ass up".

Juan didn't protest. As he got in position, the five men saw that Juan's cock was hard. And they got hard watched him submit. It was a beautiful sight. The bum on this jock looked even better in this position, and tinted red.

When nothing happened, Juan turned his head and looked up. He saw the men staring down on him. He was keenly aware of their desire, and it also made him hot.

One of the men, Juan thought his name was Frank, kneeled behind Juan and grabbed his reddish butt and squeezed it. It hurt. Juan tensed. Frank then spread Juan's butt cheeks. "Yeah! That's a beautiful pussy hole. Look!" Frank let the other men observe the exposed pink hole between the red butt cheeks.

"What a goldmine", someone said.

Juan felt a hard cock was pushing at his sphincter. It felt good. But it didn't penetrate. "Now, move your hands back here and hold your buttocks spread apart", Frank ordered. Juan grabbed his butt cheeks as Frank removed his hands.

Juan had been stared at all his adult life, and he had a job where he exposed his body every day. But this was more intense and personal. He offered his body to those men. Wanted them to use it for their pleasure. His cock was hard. He was ready to be fucked. To his surprise, the punishment made him even more eager to be accommodating.

Frank moved his cock over the unprotected hole, up and down, before he penetrated it and let it sink all the way in. Both Frank and Juan groaned.

"Damn! Such a fantastic pussy!" Frank said as he began to fuck. When he come close, he pulled out. Another man took his position and speared his hard cock into Juan. He fucked hard and fast for a while before he withdrew to let a third man push his cock into Juan's love-channel. Last was Greg.

"You love this." Greg said looking down at Juan, who didn't respond. Greg pulled Juan's knees back, forcing his body down flat on the ground, while Greg laid down on top of him. Still with his cock inside Juan.

This maneuver meant that Greg's head now was above Juan's. Greg started to fuck him slowly again. He slapped Juan's neck and cheek as he said, "You love this. Tell me. Don't lie!"

Juan's head was on its side in the grass. He saw the feet of several men standing and watching him being fucked. And he had a big, demanding cock in his ass filling him, owning him. His buttocks were red and hot after being punished.

To say you love this would be to surrender to their demand, becoming their sex toy to play with as they wished. Juan knew it. But despite all the objections his brain made, he answered in front of the five men: "Uhm... yes... yes, I do..."

Greg smiled in triumph as he fucked harder but then pulled out.

The four men once again replaced each other, laying on top of Juan's back. They fucked his pussy, caressed his body, slapping his tender butts. Telling him he wasn't anything else than a slut. But they pulled out before they reached climax.

Eventually Juan's pussy was left empty. They told him to kneel. The four men were close when they gathered in front of Juan and wanked their cocks in front of him. One by one they unloaded on Juan's pretty face, his nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyes, forehead and black hair. Semen ran down to his chest.

"What a sight", someone said. Juan had to hold his eyes closed while the men wanted their cocks cleaned. Juan licked them and then they got dressed.

Juan moved the semen away from his eyes but was then stopped when Greg grabbed his arm.

"Now, put your shorts on and jog home, but don't remove our gift of love from your face until you can take a shower. Got it?!"

Juan nodded. He didn't find his t-shirt and didn't ask for it. He was the first to leave the place. He hoped he wouldn't run into people. He met some but they probably thought it was sweat running down his bare chest.

While Juan jogged back to the mansion, the men talked with Mr. West. They thanked him for letting them use his new boy. And how nice it was to give him a bukkake.

It was obvious Juan had come a long way on his journey to submission. The most sensitive and difficult threshold for Juan seemed, at the moment, to be the publication of images of him naked and in erotic action. It was probably an indication of his remaining will to fight for and protect his dignity. Juan tried to save some of his sovereignty and control.

Mr. West wanted Juan to give up his self-image of first and foremost being a star within fashion. He should acknowledge, before anything else, he needed to be a bitch for hard cocks. He was a photo model, yes, but first a bottom boy offering himself to be fucked by alpha males.

On the next gig for a big brand, Juan met an old friend by chance. They had a drink in the hotel bar. The friend asked if he was newly in love. Juan became uncomfortable and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I don't want to snoop", his friend smiled.

"It's complicated..." Juan said.

"I'm happy for you, however it may be. You used to be so emotionally closed off and unavailable. But today you are open and seem content with life."

On his way back to the mansion, Juan thought about what the friend said. The friend didn't know what Juan was engaged in, but maybe it wasn't so wrong to give in to his own desires if it had the effect the old friend saw?

While Juan showered after training the next day, Mr. West waked in with the camera already rolling.

When Juan saw it, he grumbled, "Nooooo..." But he continued to soap his body. He knew the man wanted him to grab his cock and balls covered with soap foam in front of the camera, so he did despite he was against being recorded on film. And his cock started to get hard.

Juan moved his hand over his hairless body, abs, chest, armpits, arms and legs. The man used his hand to signaling "turn around". Juan did and let his hands move over his buttocks.

"Rinse off and dry yourself", the man directed. The whole time the man recorded Juan from different angles.

"The bench. On hands and knees." Slowly Juan complied. The man got close to his face with the camera. He put his free hand to Juan's face and playfully slapped his cheek. Juan blinked. Then he put two fingers to his lips.

Juan looked up to the man, as if to say, "must I?" The man didn't respond. Once again Juan felt himself being defeated as he opened his lips and let the fingers into his mouth while the camera recorded it. You couldn't be more submissive and yielding than that (without being fucked).

"Look into the camera", the man said as he pushed his finger deeper. Juan's reaction was caught film. He had that cute expression when a submissive boy wants to do the right thing and intensely wants to please his master.

Mr. West slowly pulled out and again slapped Juan's cheek, this time harder. Then he ordered, "Lay your chest down on the bench, grab your butt cheeks and spread them."

Juan wanted to protest. This was the most private part of his body. He didn't want to show his pussy hole off to the world.

The man knew it, and that was exactly why he wanted Juan to do it. Break down one more barrier around Juan's self-image and reach his innermost being in order to make him accept his new purpose in life.

Mr. West and the camera noticed the delay, the hesitation. This was a big mental step for Juan. The man decided to not rush it. The more Juan thought about it, the heavier and more groundbreaking it would become when he by free will complied. Juan looked back and saw how the camera had his buttocks and the crack in view.

Nothing happened. It was quiet and still. But the camera was rolling.

If he was going to leave, this was the time. Juan could get up from the bench and depart from the mansion, Mr. West and all the alpha males.

But he loved the attention he got, the crazy adventures, the strong men, and their hard cocks. He had preferred it would happen more slowly and gentler, but now it was what it was.

Slowly Juan lowered his chest to the bench and moved his arms back. He grabbed his butt cheeks and spread them. He knew he now was showing his pussy hole to the whole world. It could destroy his reputation. It was a deeply despicable act. But it made him horny as hell.

Mr. West used his free hand to pull Juan's cock back. He exposed it to show all the viewers that it was both hard and leaking pre-cum. There was not the slightest doubt that this was something Juan wanted and loved to do.

"Now stand up and look straight into the camera". The man captured every move of Juan's body as he did as he was told. While the camera took close-up, Juan swallowed and show his sexy Adam's apple and throat. He was serious, no smile, but his face revealed how turned on he was.

"Good", the man said as he put the camera down.

"We have an appointment in town. Get dressed and be outside in five", he said and walked away.

Juan was shocked over how easy he had surrendered and let the man exploit him in front of a camera - again. But he got dressed and the man drove the SUV to the city.

They entered a doctor's office, where Mr. West greeted a man in a white coat. They led Juan into what looked like an operating room.

"I have examined the pictures you sent, and it should be no problem to solve the task", the doctor said to Mr. West.

Juan had no idea what was going on. He became nervous.

"Undress and sit here", the doctor said to Juan. He looked at Mr. West and he nodded. He stripped and sat down. His legs were put on rails that could be moved sideways so that the legs were spread.

"I'm a professional electrologist. With electrolysis I will permanently remove your body hair. It's good that you don't have any hair on your chest, arms and legs. This makes the treatment easier to carry out", said the doctor.

"I will insert a thin wire into the hair follicle under the surface of the skin. An electric current will destroy the hair root. No more hair will grow out. The procedure is not painful."

The doctor turned to Mr. West and asked, "All hair on the body? What did we say about the beard growth?"

"I want his face smooth and soft as the rest of his body", Mr. West answered.

"It will make him look younger", the doctor concluded.

"That's right", the man confirmed.

Juan was perplexed. He knew female photo model often did it, but this was something more extreme. He would lose his pubic hair forever.

"This will require several sessions, but let's start", the doctor said and grabbed Juan's balls to get better access.

Mr. West looked to see if Juan was distressed by being duped into this body modification. To his delight Juan accepted it, even if he looked a bit frightened.

"Now when you live with me, you have to get undressed for real", the man joked as they drove to the agency's office after the treatment.

"Sit. I have some things to do", said Mr. West to Juan and pointed to one of two visitors' chairs, while he himself sat down on the other side of the desk. He made some phone calls. Business.

Then the man put the phone down, he said "time for you to take care of some business too". He grabbed his crotch. Juan walked up to him, kneeled, opened the pants and put the soft cock in his mouth. "Ahh. I need this right now", the man moaned.

When Juan had made the cock hard and started to move his head up and down on it, someone knocked on the door. To Juan's dismay the man said "enter!"

The man held a hand on top of Juan's head to prevent him from move it away.

"I have... Oh! I can come back", the man opening the door said as he saw Mr. West wasn't alone behind the desk.

"No, no. Sit down", Mr. West said. "Actually, Kevin, this is the jock I been talking about."

"Aha, I see", the man said curiously looking at Juan while his head continued to move up and down on the hard cock.

"Have you written me those legal documents we talked about? As my lawyer, you have always conveyed the correct legal wording."

"Yes, yes, that's why I sought you out".

"Any problem?"

"No, no, but clarifications are needed for the agreement to be complete."

"Such as...?" asked Mr. West.

"How long will the apartment be rented out? You can put in a specific date or write: until further notice, with a certain notice period", the lawyer said.

"The latter", Mr. West said. "Do you want to try him. He has a marvelous mouth..."

"No, no. I'm fine. I put the papers on your desk", the lawyer said and walked out.

"I'm sure he would have liked your mouth. He's such a closet gay", laughed Mr. West as Juan continued to suck.

"When you're done, I'll have a contract for you to sign", the man moaned as he pushed Juan's head down further on his cock.

"Now that you're living with me, I have promised a friend that he can rent your apartment. You don't need it anymore."

The man was prepared for Juan to try to raise his head off the cock but he used his hands to prevent it. "This solution will remove an unnecessary expense for you. And it is a waste that such a nice apartment is not used. My friend has already got the keys you brought with you when you moved into the guestroom in the mansion."

Mr. West noticed how Juan had stopped sucking, but he didn't try to break free.

"Continue to suck that cock in your mouth", he said with a stern voice as he playfully slapped his cheek with his hand.

Juan did.

"You don't need that place anymore. You're with me." Mr. West wanted to ingrain the new situation into the mind of Juan while he was sucking.

"My friend has been kind enough to put your personal stuff in boxes and moved them to a garage at the mansion. He will borrow your furniture until further notice."

It was a great power rush for Mr. West to be able to tell his acclaimed photo model where he would live from now on. And Juan hadn't protested yet. This submission from his handsome jock pulled him over the top. He cummed and filled Juan's mouth with his wad. "Argh!"

Juan tried to lift his head, but the man wanted to cherish the moment and held the head down and his cock in the wet mouth.

"I want you to sign the lease without any questions. You live with me from now on. That's the only thing you have to know."

Then the man removed his hands so Juan could get the cock out of his mouth. He looked up at Mr. West. With one hand he gently caressed Juan's shoulder and neck and with the other he pushed papers on the desk closer to Juan.

"Now, rent out that apartment", said Mr. West and saw a bewildered look on Juan's face.

When Juan was about to talk, the man slapped his face hard with an open hand. He didn't say anything but looked with a stern gaze at Juan and took the pen from the table and handed it to him.

Juan knew he could pull out. He could save his home and his integrity, his freedom. But then he would be alone in the world. Back to his boring and uneventful life. It would be safer, absolutely, but he didn't want to go back to solitude.

Mr. West and other alpha males acted too harsh, too rough, and yes even brutal, but at the same time they gave him what he needed most right now, attention. And even if it was too crude, the sex was the best he'd ever had.

Mr. West slapped Juan's cheek again. "Do it."

Once again Juan surrendered to the man. He put his signature on the contract renting out his home without a time limit.

"Good boy", said the man and put another paper in front of Juan.

"Now when you live with me you don't need a car. With this paper you sell it to Brian for a symbolic amount."

Juan got tears in his eyes, but he swallowed and slowly sign the paper, removing his possibility to move easily.

Mr. West was delighted but didn't show his feelings. In this moment he had acquired a firmer grip on his new boy. The goal was to make Juan concentrate more and more on the attention he got from alpha males. He should not care about what happens outside their relationship. Juan would slowly but steadily be cut off from the world.

"I have a dinner to attend, and I want you to come along. Here are some clothes", the man pointed to a clothes hanger. It was a suit of latest fashion. It was like old days, Juan was thinking for a short moment.

The dinner was in a fancy restaurant downtown with several men, some with their wives. The food was excellent. It created a certain feeling of discomfort for Juan that several of those middle-aged men in suits had seen him naked, got blowjobs from him or even fucked him. He knew it and they knew he knew it.

This situation gave Juan a new sense of inferiority he had never felt before. Previously, he had been the star during socializing and dinners. He had been on top of the world and had his way. He was admired for his work and his ability to create a prestigious and sexy atmosphere in ads and promotions.

Now Juan perceived that he had lost his status and reputation. He was a pussy boy in those men's eyes. That was exactly what Mr. West was counting on. Juan would realize his new place as an obedient servant.

When Juan thought it was over, Mr. West put a hand on Juan's shoulder and said to one of the dinner guests, "Shall we take a last drink at the bar at your hotel, Logan?"

"Absolutely" the fat man said.

The three of them crossed the street to a luxurious hotel. Juan suspected what was going on.

As they had their drinks, Mr. West told Juan. "My friend Logan here is in the textile business and would like you to try some of his garment on. He has them in his hotel suite. I have told him that's okay with you."

Mr. West stayed in the bar. When they used the elevator, the fat man put a hand on Juan's butt and squeezed it.

"You will dress well in my new creation", he smiled.

In the suite the man put a suitcase on the table and pulled out a jockstrap. It was the thinnest fabric Juan had seen.

"It won't give much protection", Juan said.

"That's exactly the point. Try them on."

Juan undressed. The man gloated and stared intensely. When Juan was naked, the man handed him the thin jockstrap. It didn't hide anything. It rather enhanced the jewels of a man.

"I told West I would like to fuck his new boy in those. And he said, I could do it if his agency got my account for marketing", the man laughed.

"That was an offer I couldn't refuse!" he said and grabbed Juan's arm and moved him to the bed.

"Lay down on your stomach but keep the legs on the floor", the man said. Sooner than Juan expected he felt the man spreading his butt cheeks, but instead of a cock he felt a face pressing itself against the ass. A tongue began to lick his ring-muscle. It felt good. He did it for a long time.

"Okay. Come down on the floor. On all four." The man had taken his pants off but still had his shirt and tie on. Perhaps to cover his beer belly. He was on his knees and put his cock against Juan's hole and pressed it in. Juan almost didn't feel it. Like a finger. Thin and short. But the man moved in and out in short moves. He soon cummed.

By learning and habit, Juan began to turn to lick the cock clean. But the man already used tissue to wipe his little thing clean. He probably didn't want to show it. Juan felt sorry for him, and he would like to lick and suck a small cock for once.

"You can keep that jockstrap if you promise to wear it", he said and slapped Juan's butt.

When Juan got down to the main floor of the hotel it was empty. He couldn't see Mr. West. And Juan only now became aware that he had neither wallet nor phone with him. What should he do? Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw one of the men he had served in the basement. He blushed. He remembered his name: Jason.

"Are you lost?" Jason asked.

"Erm, yeah..."

"Come! I'll drive you to West", he said. Once again Juan felt lost and weak. He needed help. His self-confidence took a new blow.

In the car Jason asked what he did at the hotel.

"Erm, I discussed with a possible client my upcoming gigs."

"You get a lot of help from West, don't you?"

"Yes, he's great. He has a big network of social and business networks."

"And you are a part of it, aren't you?" the man smiled. Juan knew where he wanted to direct the conversation.

"Yeah, I suppose so". Juan didn't want to go there.

"Don't be shy. I think you have a powerful argument to offer in any dealing."


"Why don't you give me a piece of that argument? Take that shirt of for me..." The man wasn't begging but telling. It hit the right nerve in Juan. This was a man who had self-confidence and knew what he wanted. It was what make Juan tick.

"That's right", he said when he saw Juan pulled the jacket and shirt off.

"Throw it to the back seat", the man said. Juan wanted his clothes close by, but it was as if he wanted to follow the man's order. He did as he was told.

"While you at it, why don't take the pants off?" The man turned the car off the highway.

Juan undressed. When he was naked the man stopped the car on a deserted parking lot. He leaned over and caressed Juan's chest and pinched his nipple. "So, you live with West now?" he smiled and grabbed Juan's balls. As he fondled with them Juan's cock got hard.

"The price to take you home is a blowjob. Come here and serve me", the man said when he had turned the engine off. Juan leaned over to the driving seat and opened the belt. The man was eager and opened his pants. Juan fished the semi-hard cock out and put his lips around it.

"Ooooh, yeah. I need this", the man said as he put a hand on Juan's head and pushed it down, telling him to take more of the cock into his mouth. He sucked and fucked his head on the cock until it erupted in a nice orgasm. "Argh!"

Juan swallowed and licked the cock clean. Then he sat up. The man adjusted his pants and started the car. "You're a damn good asset for West, I can tell you that!" he laughed.

He stopped outside Mr. West's mansion. "Nice to see you. I hope we will meet again soon!" the man said as Juan opened the door to the back seat to get his clothes.

Juan dressed and walked up to the mansion. He had no key, so he rang the bell on the front door.

Mr. West opened. "You left me..." Juan said and bowed his head. He didn't know why he did it.

"But you get a ride home. Good boy", the man stepped to the side so Juan could walk in.

"Who drove you?"

"One of your friends, Jason", Juan said.

"And how did you pay him?"

Juan got silent.

"I got a text from him, praising your skill. What skill do he refer to?"

"I sucked him off", Juan murmured.

"Have I told you to do so?" the man asked. It was obviously who had arranged the situation, just to be able to push Juan forward on his journey to submission.

"No... But..."

"He asked you to do it, and you did, right?" Mr. West tried to be serious.


"There you see. It wasn't me who enticed you to offer your body to strong and horny men, you did it yourself. I only direct your inner desire to more effective results."

Mr. West stepped up close to Juan and grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. The man was so pleased. This jock had given up his home and his car. He constantly submitted to new constraints.

Mr. West walked with Juan to his office. "Strip and sit on the floor under the desk", the man said. "Serve me while I have to make some calls".

Juan did. He opened the man's pants and pulled his soft cock out and started to suck it while the man called someone on his cell phone.

Then he made another call. All business.

But Juan soon noticed the third call was something different. "Yes, I have him between my legs, sucking my cock. - - - You don't believe me? - - - Wait."

The man put the phone to Juan's ear. "Tell him what you do."

"Hallo! Who is this?" the voice in the phone asked.


"What are you doing?"

"I..." Juan looked up at Mr. West and he nodded. "I'm sucking cock."

"Wow! In his office, while he is working?" the man unknown to Juan continued.


"Okay. I would like to have you between my legs too. Now, let me speak to him", the man said.

Mr. West took the cell phone back.

"You believe me now? - - - Of course, you can fuck him when you come by next time. He has promised to do his duty."

Juan swallowed. He was losing control.

End part 11

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Next: Chapter 12

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