A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Commitment

At breakfast one morning Mr. West said, "Your old model colleague William asked me at the office yesterday if he could fuck you again".

Then the man looked at Juan and asked, "Should I let him?"

With a surprised expression, Juan looked up from the table. He replied nervously, "I told him he has to ask you".

"Yes, William told me. He's impressed by my power over you. He asked how I managed to make you my toy boy. I told him the truth, that you ran into my arms and let me take control." The man walked to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup.

Mr. West walked up behind Juan still sitting at the table. The man put a hand on Juan's shoulder and then moved down over his chest.

Juan was silent. He didn't protest. And his cock betrayed him inside the G-string, the only thing he was dressed in. The pouch beginning to bulge as the man put his hand under Juan's chin and pulled his head back. While looking down at Juan the man slowly put two fingers to his lips. Juan opened his mouth and let the fingers in.

Getting this intense attention made Juan surrender. He offered himself. Mr. West smiled when he moved the fingers over Juan's tongue inside his open mouth. He knew he was right about Juan.

The jock's mind was beginning to give away. His quest to maintain a moral high ground was collapsing.

At night the man took Juan to bed and guided him to his crotch. Juan began to lick the man's soft cock. As it started to grow, Juan put it in his mouth to feel it getting hard. The man caressed Juan's neck and shoulder as Juan began to fuck his mouth on the hard cock.

"Yeah, you're doing good. This is your natural self... To serve real males gives you purpose in life", Mr. West said. He wanted to use this intimate moment to further influence Juan's view of himself.

"You enjoy the comfort of having someone who take charge over you, isn't it so? But to make it work you must show me that you want to submit and eagerly follow my orders", the man said.

"To begin with - move your legs to the side", Mr. West said as he pushed Juan's mouth down on his cock and held it there while Juan moved his legs sideways. The man leaned forward to grab Juan's butt with his right hand as he let go of Juan's head with his left hand.

"Now continue."

Juan was manhandled as if he was owned, and he wanted it. He was serving his man, it felt so good. He moved his lips up and down the hard cock as he felt a big hand groping his butt.

The man was pleased. Sitting up while leaning his back against the headboard of the bed, he had his cock in a young man's mouth and a hand on his perfect buttocks. And he was guiding this handsome man deeper into submission.

"I'm sure you want freedom from difficult choices and if you surrender, you will avoid such things. I will take care of everything. You will have no responsibility other than to obey", the man said as he let his hand slip down between the butt cheeks.

"Do you want me to fuck you?", the man said after a moment of silence.

Juan lifted his head off the cock and looked up at the man with surprise. One reason why Juan endured the treatment he was experience was that he wanted Mr. West to fuck him. He had been obsessed with the thought since they first met.

He whispered, "Yes, please..."

Mr. West smiled. "Then you have to earn it. You don't only have to do what you're told - you have to WANT to obey. You have to WANT to submit. When I believe you do, then I will fuck you. Badly!", the man said as he playfully slapped Juan's face with an open hand.

Then Mr. West pushed Juan's head down over his cock again. Juan gave him a good blowjob. Meanwhile the man pushed a finger into Juan's pussy hole. To satisfy the man was indescribably delightful for Juan, especially when he was rewarded by the man's caressing hands on his body.

Soon the man erupted in a strong orgasm. His body jerked as he filled Juan with his semen. "Argh!"

Juan had difficulty sleeping. He thought about all the degradations he had experienced. It was bad. But he wanted to be close to Mr. West more than he regretted what was happening to him. Juan wondered if he was willing to sacrifice everything to be with his man. He began to see it. What had until now only exist, hidden in the subconscious, began to break through into Juan's mind.

The everyday life continued. Some gigs. A lot of workouts in the basement. But fewer contacts with other men. But one morning, as they had breakfast, Mr. West asked, "Where is your cell phone?" Juan told him it was in the guest room.

"Go and get it" the man said.

Juan fetched it and the man put his hand out as Juan returned. He gave the phone away.

"I want to take care of it for you, from now on. You don't need it anymore."

"But-". Juan stopped himself. He had learned his lesson.

"I already arrange your gigs, as well as travel and hotel bookings. You don't need it for that anymore."

Juan couldn't keep quiet. "But my friends..."

"You have sporadic contact with them at best", Mr. West said in a tone that signaled that there was nothing more to discuss.

Juan ate it in silence.

To Mr. West it was a new victory. The phone was the last link to cut to get Juan under complete control. He had no home of his own, no access to money, no clothes, no car, no phone.

"Come here", the man said as he moved the chair he sat on away from the table. When on his knees, Juan opened the man's pants. As he did, the man asked, "What's the code?"

Juan gave it to him. When the man pushed Juan's head down to his cock. He started to suck it.

"I will change the code. If someone seeks contact with you about something important, I will tell you", the man said and put the cell back in his pocket.

Juan loved to suck his man's cock but was unsure if it was right to surrender his communication. But he still had his email, he thought. In the same instance Mr. West pushed Juan's head down and held it while he calmly said, "I have also changed the code for the Wi-Fi connection. There is no need for you to follow what is happening outside this mansion. You should focus on the tasks here at home. I want to control every aspect of your life. Therefore, all communications with you will go through me from now on."

He moved his hand from Juan's head to see how he reacted. Juan lifted his face off from the cock and looked Mr. West in his eyes. They become tear-filled, but Juan didn't say anything.

"Good boy", he said and caressed Juan's neck and cheek. "You are mine. And you will be in every way. That was what we agreed on, remember?"

Juan was silent, not knowing how to respond.

"Continue, give me head", the man said softly.

Juan put the hard cock between his lips again, not knowing what else he could do.

It was a new triumph for Mr. West. The power rush made him extremely horny. "That's right. Suck your man. Do your duty. I'll take care of everything else".

The man got his climax too quickly and shot his load into Juan's mouth. "Argh!"

The man wanted to celebrate his new level of control. He took Juan with him to a tattoo and piercing shop. Juan had never been pierced. His work as a model made it a big disadvantage to have piercings or tattoos.

Mr. West talked to the staff and the boss appeared and greeted him. Juan could see they knew each other. "Here he is, Yuri", Mr. West put an arm around Juan's shoulder.

"Nice", said Yuri who was a short stocky guy, perhaps a boxer in his younger days. Now he was eating Juan with his eyes. "Let's go back here", he said and led the way to a small room with a big chair, looking like a dentist chair.

Mr. West led Juan to the chair, but while Juan was on his way to sit down, Yuri said, "It will be easier if he removed his clothes before he sat down."

"Of course," said the man and looked at Juan. He pulled the t-shirt over his head. "Can't we remove all of the clothes?" asked Yuri looking at Mr. West.

"Certainly", smiled Mr. West and again looked at Juan. With some reluctance Juan put his shorts off. He then sat naked in the chair.

Juan thought he would get an earring, but Yuri asked, "Which nipple shall I prepare?"

"The one on his right", the man said as he looked at Yuri but put a hand on Juan's shoulder.

It was a shock. Juan had never wanted to have his nipple pierced. He wanted to protest. He looked up at Mr. West. Whispering he said, "But my work?"

"No problem. You will get assignments even with this body modification", the man said as he squeezed Juan's shoulder as to say he didn't want to discuss it further.

Yuri had the sterilized needles prepared. He worked with confidence and the pain wasn't that terrible. But then Juan saw the nipple jewelry Mr. West had ordered. It was a straight titanium barbell with a chain dangling from each end under it. To the chain was a tag attached. It was red and in the shape of a heart. On it the word SLUT was visible in white letters. It was smaller than a fingernail, but it was visible to everyone who come close.

Juan got a new, even bigger, shock. He couldn't believe he would wear this all the time. He looked up to Mr. West with eyes pleading as a puppy. The man put a hand to Juan's cheek. "You will look even hotter with it."

Yuri said it was in titanium and the tag would glow in darkness. He then gave instructions on how to keep the nipple bar clean and avoid infections.

"You wanted to use him?" Mr. West asked when everything was done.

"Yes. I would love to", Yuri said. Mr. West left the room and Yuri got down between Juan's legs. Juan was still stunned over what happened. He didn't react when the man spread his legs and put his lips around Juan's cock. It soon was hard and the man gave him a nice blow job as his hands explored the photo models crotch, abs and chest.

It felt good and Juan ejaculated in the man's mouth, but his thoughts were still processing the body modification.

Some days later Mr. West told Juan, "I'll have a new assignment for you. The john in the garage wants you again."

Juan swallowed a sigh and said "Okay."

"I will take you naked in my car to the underground garage. You will move over to his car. I will park as close to his as possible. Inside his car you will spread your buttocks and offer your pussy to him. When he is done, you will ask for the money and bring it back to my car. Got it?"

Juan felt cheap and sleazy at the thought of the shabby behavior he was expected to perform. He bites his lips. Mr. West saw it as uncertainty.

"I want you to take a deep breath and remember who you have become. You are not that guy you were before we met, but a submissive bottom boy getting hard when he is penetrated by a real man's cock. You love this. Stop pretend you don't."

Mr. West slapped Juan's butt hard.

"Come on! Time to go." Juan was about to put on his G-string when Mr. West stopped him.

"He wants you delivered naked", the man said and walk to the door. Juan didn't want to go naked in a public garage, and with this nipple bar! Mr. West was already outside before Juan pulled himself together. He had to run to catch up with him, feeling the nipple bar and chain move. Juan was struggling with his identity, why didn't he demand to wear regular clothes?

In the garage Mr. West saw the john in a row of parked cars. He stopped at the same row but with some cars between them.

The man would let Juan wear a jockstrap if he right away opened the door and was ready to executed his mission, but if he delayed it, he would make him move completely naked.

Juan didn't open the door. Instead, he looked pleadingly toward the man. But Mr. West said, "It's only three cars between us. You can go behind the cars, close to the wall, undetected. Go!"

To Mr. West delight, he saw that Juan's cock wasn't flaccid when he got out. That little whore tried to hide his excitement, the man thought and smiled.

Juan ran quickly close to the wall completely naked. The sliding door on the SUV was opening and Juan jumped in. Shortly thereafter the john followed and the door was closed.

"AH! Nice! Ready for action", the man said and pulled his pants down to his knees. "Make me hard", he said and grabbed Juan's neck to push his head down to the cock.

While the john's cock was growing in his mouth Juan glanced at him. He was really good looking. Some years older than him, with long brown hair in a ponytail and a short beard. He was muscular with impressive biceps and strong thigh muscles. His pubic hair was almost blond and his cock of a bigger than average size.

Juan wondered why this guy wanted to buy a whore. He could get a handsome bottom boy with ease at any gay bar. Juan couldn't deny it felt good to suck the john's cock, even in these sleazy circumstances. The man was eager and pushed Juan to stand on his knees in the backseat, with his ass out.

The man quickly penetrated the unhidden hole. They both groaned. The man pounded hard, slapping his crotch against Juan's bum pressing him down in the backseat. Juan had to recognize it to himself: he wanted to have an eager cock fucking him despite it was chaos in his head about the circumstances.

"What a pussy whore you are. So damn good!" The man slapped the butt repeatedly with his open hand as he slowed down his fucking.

"I want to look you in the eyes when I fill you with my seed." He pulled out and pushed Juan around to his back. He lifted Juan's legs up, held them at his ankles, and forcefully rammed his cock into the passive jock again.

He drilled with speed and energy. He was very attractive even in serious physical activity. Many men weren't, but this guy looked assertive and in full control even when he fucked hard. He knew what he wanted. When he cummed he looked Juan in his eyes. "Take my seed... Argh!"

When the man let Juan's legs down, he saw the nipple barbell. He smiled. "Yeah. You're a slut. And a damn good whore, worth every cent..."

As he put his clothes on, the man asked, "Do you want to know my name? I may buy you again."

"Okay", said Juan sheepishly.

"Xavier", he said. He leaned forward and began to kiss Juan's mouth. Juan kept it shut.

"I know hookers don't want to kiss, but I thought you didn't see yourself as one", Xavier said with a smile. He did - obviously - know more about Juan then he let on. It confused Juan. But when Xavier slowly and teasingly and with a smile moved his mouth to Juan's again. Juan opened his lips and kissed back. They kissed passionately.

"Wow! You're an eager one!" Xavier laughed when they broke off.

"Get back to your pimp", he slapped Juan's butt.

When Juan in silence opened the door, Xavier held up an envelope and said, "Aren't you forgetting something now?"

It was deeply humiliating, but Juan asked, "Can I get the payment?"

Xavier handed Juan an envelope. Juan blushed.

"You're so damn cute!" Xavier said as Juan left the SUV totally naked.

Juan ran back to Mr. West, feeling the man's load running down his legs. He tried to open the door to the passenger side, but it was locked. "Wait", said Mr. West as he got out of the car and walked to the backside. Juan wanted to get to safety as fast as possible.

Mr. West took the envelope from Juan and then opened the tailgate on the SUV. It was the area for luggage and there was a dog cage in black steel. "Get in!"

Juan looked as if he didn't believe what he said.

"You are too dirty to be anywhere else", the man said and moved his arm to say, "jump in".

Juan didn't want to be in the open, so he crawled into the cage. Mr. West closed the door to the cage and then the tailgate. Mr. West's cock was hard while he drove away. It was the first time he had Juan in a cage. It wouldn't be the last.

The car left the garage and Juan thought it was over, but Mr. West drove in another direction than to the mansion. They ended up in the park where Juan been naked and fucked before.

And quite rightly, there waited several men. "Do you have your new pet with you?" someone asked Mr. West when he got out of the car. "Can we play with your new dog?" another asked as they laughed.

Juan could see and hear how three men handed Mr. West payment for something. He didn't recognize anyone of them. He feared the worst.

The tailgate opened and three set of hungry eyes were eating the naked jock sitting on his ass with his knees pulled close to his chest and his arms around the legs in the dog cage. Mr. West opened the cage door and gestured to Juan to crawl out. He didn't want to but knew he had to.

The men pulled Juan out and groped him shamelessly. They loved the nipple bar. "Good to know!", they laughed at the tag SLUT.

Soon someone stepped up to Juan from behind, grabbed his butt cheeks and spread them forcefully. A hard cock was then pushed into the newly fucked hole. The man groaned, "Fuck, yeah! What a sloppy hole!"

As he started to eagerly move his hard cock in and out one of the others spat Juan in his face. The third guy then moved his face close to Juan and said with a cold tone, "You are trash. Useless for anything but get screwed. You love it, don't you?"

They slapped his butt cheeks repeatedly. The men looked to be in their 40s. One of them was fit and decently looking, while the others was somewhat overweight. But they compensated by being rough and aggressive.

The first guy fucked him hard until one of the other men pulled Juan away from him, only to quickly penetrate the pussy himself. "Wow! It's like a real pussy!"

The third guy hit Juan's face and ordered, "Put your hands on the car". They took turns. One by one they slammed their cock home. Pushed his crotch hard against Juan's butt. They were using Juan without any regard for him. He recognized he only was a hole for the men to fuck. And they fucked him hard until they were close. "Let's put it on his face", someone said.

"Yeah." Juan was pushed down to his knees on the grass. The men pointed their cocks to the handsome and widely recognized face. One by one covered Juan's face with their semen. It runs down over his chest.

They put their cocks away and thanked Mr. West. "Nice, he's a good slut for the money", they said before getting into their own car and driving off.

Mr. West opened the tailgate and looked at Juan without saying anything. Defeated Juan got in without any hesitation.

Sitting naked in a SUV's cargo hold, feeling semen running down his chest and out of his ass, Juan contemplated if he had made the right choices in life.

It was exactly what Mr. West wanted him to do. Juan had now been subjected to a particularly tough test, where he was pressed on his most tender point: being used as a whore. The purpose was to see if he reached a point where he regretted his choice and wanted to pull out, or if it was time to push him further on the path to submission.

Back at the mansion, Mr. West showered with Juan and soaped him up in silence. Caressing every part of his body. And when Juan's cock began to grow, the man spoke in his ear while he grabbed his ball sack with one hand and held a strong grip around the back of Juan's neck.

"I know it has been a hard day for you, but it has been a remarkably good day for me. I have seen my boy obey and do what he is supposed to do, even if he thinks he doesn't want to. That is something big. Very big. I know you're doing it for me. I know", he whispered as he hold on to Juan's ball sack and played with the stones.

This intimacy was what Juan needed. He started to cry.

"Yeah. Let your emotions out. It is hard to surrender to your innermost secret desires. You try to keep them away and uphold your old status. But you want to be fucked, used, displayed and played with. You love the attention it gives. And it feels so good, doesn't it?"

Juan was yammering over the harsh treatment and the many men he had to meet.

"Don't fool yourself", the man said as he put a soapy finger to Juan's pussy hole. "You do as I say because you want to. You do it to prove your loyalty and commitment to our relationship. And because it arouses us both when your body is being used. I want an obedient bottom boy as bad as you need a powerful alpha male. You need me to be able to live out your sexuality to the hilt."

Juan loved the man's hands moving over his body, claiming it. He still had some doubts in his mind.

"There is no middle ground here. Either you follow my lead, or we have to go our separate ways", Mr. West said as he rubbed Juan's biceps with soap.

Juan fell silent. It was his choice, no one else's. He knew it.

When Mr. West felt the boy was on his way to surrender, he moved a hand to the hard cock and slowly began to wank him.

"Will you continue our journey?" the man asked.

And Juan nodded. And soon he rewarded himself by getting a great orgasm with his cock in the hands of the man he wanted to be with.

"Follow me to the agency", Mr. West told Juan. "Logan has some new garment to show."

Many people were there. Juan recognized his old friend and now market assistant William, the clerk Matthew, the agency's attorney Kevin and to his surprise also the executive from another fashion company Raymond. All of them had fucked him, except the attorney.

Raymond come forward and put his arm around Juan's shoulders. "I thought you were the one to show off Logan's new merchandise". Juan was uncomfortable with this flirting. He didn't know what he was expected to do.

Logan presented the new clothes, if you could call G-strings, jockstraps and harness and other leather items that. When a fashion model appeared on the improvised runway Juan recognized him from the masquerade party. He was one of the other guys in a superhero jumpsuit.

The guy was gorgeous in his blond hair and light skin. His body was muscular, and he was tall. There he had an advantage point compere to Juan.

"You're sexier than him", Raymond whispered into Juan's ear.

Juan couldn't help but ask Raymond, "What is your interest in all this?"

"I have invested in Logan's business. I want to see how his new things work out with the public." As Raymond spoke, he moved his hand down caressing Juan's back on the outside of his shirt. But when he moved the hand to Juan's pants. He tried to get his hand down inside. But the belt prevented him.

They stood in the audience, and everybody was looking toward to the runway. Raymond moved his hands to the front of Juan's pants and unbuckled the belt. Juan didn't know what to do. He stayed passive, looking at the action on the runway, as the man moved a hand into the pants and grabbed Juan's cock.

He looked Juan in his eyes and smiled. He leaned close to Juan's ear and whispered, "I can feel you want this". Raymond slowly wanked the cock and Juan felt how his cock started to get hard.

As this went on, the young clerk Matthew, who was in the crowd, got close to Juan on the other side from Raymond and he saw what was happening. He grabbed Juan's neck and leaned over to Raymond in front of Juan and whispered. "Have you seen his new nipple bar?"

"No. Is it hot?", Raymond whispered back.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it either", Matthew said and then gestured to Raymond that they should move out of the audience. They walked slowly, pulling Juan with them.

Matthew led them to a storage room with lots of shelves with boxes and office items, but not so much space to move.

"Open the shirt and show us the new ornament on your torso", Matthew said. Juan didn't want to, especially taking order from a kid. Raymond slapped Juan's face with an open hand.

"You heard him".

Juan slowly unbuttoned the shirt Mr. West gave him before they left the mansion earlier. Matthew and Raymond almost simultaneously pulled one side each of the shirt apart exposing Juan's chest and abs.

Juan was ashamed. He knew what would happen. The two guys laughed at the tag SLUT. But as they laughed, they pulled the shirt of Juan's body. Their hands caressed Juan's skin.

"He is so damn sexy", Matthew said.

"Can I have a moment with him alone?" asked Raymond as he looked at Matthew.

"Of course", Matthew said but he wasn't pleased. Raymond was an important person and Matthew knew it.

Raymond inspected the nipple bar. "I love it", he said. He put a hand over Juan's crotch outside his pants and could feel Juan still was hard.

"And I would love to fuck you right here. But I haven't made any deal with West. So, let's put your clothes in order, shall we?", Raymond said and gave Juan his shirt.

They walked out of the storage room and back to the audience. Juan thought he was safe. But then he felt someone tapping his shoulder. He turned. It was Mr. West. He took Juan to his office. In the room sat his old model colleague William.

"William has done a remarkable job this week. And he has asked for you", Mr. West smiled and then left the room.

William got up and locked the door. "Strip", he said as he turned to Juan. He began to undress. He was happy it was William.

Soon Juan stood there naked with a hardon. William stared at him. Then walked up to him and moved a hand over his abs and chest. He didn't comment the nipple thing. "I didn't remember you being so hot", he smiled.

Then he kissed Juan. He responded. They kissed for a long time, during which William pulled his clothes of his body. When he threw Juan onto the sofa on his back, William grabbed Juan's legs and moved them up over his shoulders.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" William asked. Juan nodded.

William spat on his cock and then moved it in between Juan's butt cheeks. When he found the hole, he slowly pushed his cock into his former colleague. They both moaned.

William slowly started to fuck, first in long, slow strokes. Then he sped up, only to stop deep in Juan. He smiled as he looked Juan in his eyes, "You're exactly as the tag says, a slut, aren't you?" Without waiting for an answer William lowered his head and kissed Juan again.

"You're the best slut imageable. And you are as obedient as a pet, I've heard." William began to fuck again, spreading Juan's legs wider.

The hard cock gave Juan the pleasure he so desperately needed. He wanted to have William's cock deep in him. He wanted his hole to be used. Juan couldn't deny it anymore. He was a slut.

End part 18

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Next: Chapter 19

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