A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Apr 23, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Disrobe

During the time between traveling to different gigs, Juan worked out at a popular and expensive gym. Afterwards he relaxed by streaming tv-series and movies at home. He read a lot about food and how to keep his body in good shape. And he jerked off thinking about Mr. West. The way the man was playing with him made Juan hot. The man was taking command as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

It was over a week until his next assignment. Out of the blue Juan got a text on his phone. "Be outside in five minutes. Harness on."

It was obviously Mr. West. Juan had other plans for the afternoon. He had planned to meet an old friend from college to catch up. Which of these meetings would he cancel? Without thinking, Juan texted the college friend that something with work had come up and he hoped they could see each other the same day next week.

He should have cancelled Mr. West, but he felt a need to meet him again. Putting on the harness made him even more horny. He put a t-shirt on, so no one could see it when he walked out of his flat.

He was embarrassed even if the harness wasn't visible. Actually, he was embarrassed over his own eagerness to meet the man. He really wanted to explore this somewhat dangerous adventure. His cock was hard in his shorts and the bulge was hard to hide.

Outside, Juan waited. And waited. Many people passed on the sidewalk and looked at him. Even some neighbours nodded to him as they passed. He knew they couldn't see the harness, but it made him nervous. He let a man he hardly knew dictate his actions. It was absurd! And yet, he waited.

After a long time, perhaps 30 minutes, a black SUV stopped, and the window of the passenger side was lowered. "Jump in!" It was Mr. West driving.

Juan quickly opened the door and got in. The man smiled. Then said, "Strip" as he drove off.

Juan's heart was beating out of his chest. Hesitantly he pulled the t-shirt, shoes and shorts off. His cock was rock hard. He was ashamed. Not because of his nakedness – he knew his body was something special - but because his hard cock revealed how much he wanted this. It gave the man even more power over him.

"Take out your phone, wallet and keys, then give the shorts to me", the man said as he looked at traffic.

When Juan had taken the things out, he put his arm out and handed over the shorts to the man. He opened the window and threw them out.

"Why did you do that!?!" Juan shouted in panic.

"Shut up! I'll take care of you", the man said still without looking at Juan.

It became quiet in the car. After some time, Mr. West pulled into a parking lot at a park with bushes and trees all around. It was empty.

"Get out", the man said as he opened the door on his side. Juan was scared. This was a public place. A car could pull up or people could stroll past. But he opened the car door and stepped out with only the harness on his body.

"You like this", the man smiled when he come over to Juan's side of the car. He looked at Juan's crotch. His cock was still rock hard.

The man grabbed the harness and pulled Juan close and kissed him. While he did, he grabbed the naked young man's balls. Juan moaned. Mr. West stopped kissing. He smiled.

"Get into the car", he said and slapped his butt hard. Juan looked surprised.

"I only wanted to see if you would follow orders", he said as he was back in the driver's seat. When he started the car, he said, "If you had refused, I would have driven you home and we would never have seen each other again". He looked over to Juan to emphasise his words.

"Okay, I understand", Juan said and was relieved he had passed the test.

This time Juan got a raincoat to cover his body as they walked up to the big mansion. They ended up in a big dining room with big oil paintings on the walls and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Let's have dinner", the man said. "But first, change into this", the man said and handed Juan a black jockstrap. "It will look good together with the harness", the man smiled. Juan did as he was told. He knew he degraded himself. This wasn't only about showing off his beautiful body, it was about obeying and letting the man decide. Juan was thrilled in a way he didn't understand. Perhaps it was the intense attention he got from a man he admired.

Juan was used to exploiting for his advantage the only asset he had in life, his great body. But this was something else. He wasn't showing it off, he was handing the power over himself to a demanding man.

It was completely new for Juan. It was exciting but also very scary. He was nervous and uncertain in a way he usually wasn't.

A servant arrived with two plates and put them down before them as if it was completely normal to serve an almost naked young man.

"I have a gym in the basement. You can work out here if you want", the man said as they ate.

"Could I?"

"Of course. But you must do it only dressed in jockstraps, and of course, the harness", the man smiled.

Juan knew that this would tie him closer to the man. And he didn't mind. Things were more exciting when he was around this man. He wanted to get to know him better.

Before a cab drove him back to his flat, Juan got the raincoat. He had with him a key to the basement in the mansion. He could use the gym whenever he wanted.

Juan had to work out a lot. He was used to the crowded gym where he had to be social and interact with many people in the modelling world that frequented that gym. He didn't mind that many watched his body and licked their lips.

Now he changed to a more isolated gym in a basement. It had great equipment, but the real reason Juan wanted to be at the mansion was to get one particular onlooker, Mr. West.

Mr. West looked on as Juan got exhausted. The man rubbed his crotch over the pants. Juan had a gorgeous body. His arms, legs and abs were muscular but not oversized. Mr. West sat down on a bench, signaling with his hand what he wanted, not saying a word. Juan got down on his knees and opened the man's pants. He put the hard cock in his mouth and gave the man a blowjob, while sweat ran from his forehead and his chest.

It was cheap, nasty and degrading to be used in this way, but it made Juan hot. He couldn't understand why, but he loved it when this strong and powerful man took control of him. He wanted to be humiliated, used as if he was nothing.

After a shower they had dinner, talked about gossip in the modelling world, exciting new project and advertising campaigns as well as movies and anything they had encountered in everyday life. Then Juan would take his car back to his flat.

Weeks passed with this new routine. Workouts in a jockstrap and giving head to Mr. West.

Occasionally Juan traveled for gigs far away for a couple of days. He had Mr. West in his mind even on the trips. He didn't know why. The man hadn't fucked him. Even this was a strange thought for Juan. Normally he was the top, but with this man he saw himself as a bottom. He wanted to please him. He wanted this man to look at him. He needed this man to want him and use him as this man saw fit.

One day when he worked out, in harness and jockstrap only, Mr. West walked in. This time with another man. Juan continued with his program.

"I promised my friend he could have a good look at your beautiful body", Mr. West said as if it was nothing.

Juan continued without stopping. When he put the weights down and breathed heavily, still lying on the bench, Mr. West gestured with his index finger that he should stand up.

Juan did. As he was standing with his arms at his sides, two pairs of eyes stared eagerly at his muscles and abs as he caught his breathe with sweat running down his body.

"Turn around as in a fashion show", Mr. West said. Juan did. And showed his perfect ass that wasn't hidden by the jockstrap. Their gaze missed nothing.

"Good. Take a shower, then come upstairs", Mr. West said smiling. He and his guest left. Mr. West didn't introduce his guest. The men acted as if he was only an object to admire, not a person to talk to.

Juan put the single shoulder harness back on after the shower. Then a black jockstrap, Calvin Klein, with its front pouch that accentuated his assets and the back elastic straps that showed off his ass.

It was almost as if Juan become disappointed when he only saw Mr. West upstairs. The guest had left. But Mr. West noticed the eagerness to show his body off in Juan's expression, even if he didn't say anything.

Mr. West caressed Juan's chest, shoulders and stomach. He kissed his boy, but then broke it off. "Get me another drink, will you?"

Juan was confused. Normally other people came to serve the master of the mansion his drinks. Juan would never have accepted this level of humiliation if someone else had tried it. But now he followed the order and walked to the bar. He didn't know what the man wanted so he turned to him and asked, "What would you have?" Juan felt like a naked waiter when he walked up to the man with a glass filled with his choice of whiskey.

Mr. West sipped the whiskey and looked at Juan with his penetrating gaze. Then he asked, "Why is your cock hard in that jockstrap?"

"Err, I'm horny..." Juan replied.

"Yes, but why?" The man pressed him.

"I... I don't know..."

"I know. You are hot because you are attracted to strong and dominating men. Men who see through you and acknowledge the insecure boy craving control. The boy who wants to be fucked just like a girl by stronger men."

Mr. West got close and used an open palm to softly caress and clutch Juan's throat over his Adam's apple.

"Um..." Juan swallowed and felt more naked than ever.

The man felt how Juan's windpipe moved under his palm

"You need affection, but not from stupid guys who worship your body. No, you need a real man's attention. Men who tell you what to do, and give you tasks that will earn you praise or punishment."

"I... I'm not sure..."

Mr. West tock a step back.

"But I am. Now. Get down on your knees and kiss my feet. Tell me you appreciate my company."

Juan looked at the man with an open mouth. Was this for real?

The man didn't smile. Waiting for Juan to do what he was told.

After a moment of silence, Juan slowly got down on his knees. He looked up at the man. He nodded. Juan put his hands on the floor and bend town to kiss the man's shoe.

"The other one now", the man said in triumph.

Juan did.

The man moved to the couch and sat down. "Come here. Sit between my legs."

Juan was still stunned by what he just had done. He walked to the man and sat down on his knees again.

"Take care of my cock", the man said as he drank the last of the whiskey.

Juan opened his pants, and exposed the old man's crotch. It was semi-hard. Juan leaned forward and took it in his mouth.

The man pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. While Juan sucked his cock, the man had a conversation about business. It was demeaning. But Juan continued. When the man was close, he pushed Juan's head away. Juan just sat there, waiting for the phone call to end.

When it was, the man pointed to his cock and Juan leaned forward and again took the wet cock in his mouth. It was great to give the man what he wanted.

When the man was ready to shoot, he grabbed the back of Juan's head and pushed it down deeper on his cock as he ejaculated. He groaned, "Argh... Oh, fuck!"

Juan felt his air running out. Just as he started to lift his head, the man removed his hand. Juan gasped for air. His eyes were tear filled.

"You did good. Now you can leave. I have business to attend to"

Juan looked up at the man holding his phone, he needed to make a new call.

Humiliated Juan went back down to the basement and got dressed and drove home to his flat. He was mad and confused at the same time. Why did he let the man do this? Why didn't he protest? Why did he obey?

Back home he was more aroused than he had been in a long time and jerked off as he thought about what just happened to him. His orgasm was strong. Something made him love the encounter with this man.

Juan continued to work out in Mr. West's basement. On more and more occasions Mr. West had guests who wanted to look at Juan as he worked out and see his sweaty, almost naked body.

At one point a man stepped forward and was about to put a palm on Juan's chest. Juan stepped back by reflex.

"No, no. Let him touch your beautiful body", Mr. West said with a convincing voice. Juan looked at him and he nodded. Juan then stood still while the stranger put a palm on his chest. Juan's heart was beating fast, and he looked down to the floor. The man let the palm move up to his shoulders and down to his stomach as it was still moving as he was breathing hard after the physical training.

"He's so damn handsome. Almost divine", the man said. The two men then turned and walked up the stairs.

Juan showered and was once again more excited than angry by the violation of his privacy. He walked up the stairs and the man wanted a whiskey and then a blowjob. They didn't talk about the stranger and how he had groped Juan.

The next day he was travelling to a new gig for five days. In his hotel room he jerked of, thinking about the humiliating moment when a stranger touched his chest, with permission of another man – not him.

Back from the modelling work, he went to Mr. West's basement and did his workout, wondering if it would happen again. He didn't want to acknowledge to himself that he actually wanted it.

When he was halfway through his program and was running on the treadmill, Mr. West arrived with a new man he had never seen. They looked at him running on the treadmill. And talked to each other, probably about him.

Finally, he stopped the machine. He was out of breath after speeding up at the end. Sweaty.

The men walked up to him. The stranger, he was as masculine and self-confident as Mr. West, then put a hand on Juan's biceps and squeezed. "Flex your muscles", Mr. West ordered. Juan did.

The man loved the physical strength Juan had. He moved his hand down over Juan's sweaty chest and stomach. Juan gasped. He wanted to step back but knew he shouldn't.

"Now turn around", Mr. West said. As Juan did, the man grabbed one of his butt cheeks and squeezed it.

"You can continue", Mr. West said as the two men walked away.

The workouts in the basement started to follow the same routine. Mr. West guided a man who was allowed to grope the young, virile and smooth body while Mr. West looked on. More often than not, Mr. West wanted a blowjob when Juan had showered, and the guest had left.

When a visitor was back for the second time, they become more intrusive and demanding. A man lifted the jockstrap to looked at his cock and balls. Juan jerked and was about to step back, but Mr. West had put a hand on Juan's shoulder to hold him in place.

To Juan's dismay, his cock started to get hard. Both men smiled. After that most men stopped and pulled the jockstrap away to see the model's genitalia. And every time they stripped him, his cock started to grow. ** After another longer break for travel and photo gigs for advertising some big company's products, Juan thought about whether he should use Mr. West's basement for workout. But he couldn't deny he had jerked off thinking about the delight he was creating for Mr. West when he sucked him off. And how the disgraceful situation he was put into, in a strange way was exciting and made him feel alive.

Juan knew he should go back to his old gym, but he couldn't help but return to the mansion.

While Juan sucked the man's cock one day, Mr. West caressed Juan's shoulder and neck. "I want you to accompany me to a dinner this evening. I have a suit for you in the bedroom."

The man pushed Juan's head down and fucked it until he cum. "Argh!" Juan was proud of becoming better at cocksucking. He licked the cock clean. "Put your tongue out more and lick the pole like an ice cream cone", the man said as he caressed Juan's shoulder and neck.

When the man was satisfied and began pulling his pants up, he said, "You should show your gratitude for being allowed to do this task by saying `thank you'."

Juan looked at the man with surprise. Wasn't it he who should thank for the blowjob? But after a moment, Juan understood this was a new way to underscore his submissive role.

"Thank you..." Juan whispered and looked to the floor.

Mr. West nodded triumphantly and then they walked to the bedroom and Juan tried the suit on. It was handmade by a famous designer.

"Damn! Elegant and sporty at the same time", Juan said as he saw himself in the mirror.

At the dinner there was no one Juan knew, and the talk was boring. When Juan thought it was time to leave, Mr. West put a hand on Juan's shoulder and walked him and three of the dinner guests to a room with a big conference table in the middle and lot of chairs around it.

"These men need a fashion model for their new collection and I have suggested they hire you", Mr. West said.

"Great!", Juan smiled.

"But before they do they want to inspect your body. Will you undress to the jockstrap and let them?" Mr. West then said.

Juan swallowed. He wasn't prepared for this. Never before had the agency or the companies he had worked for demanded to see him almost naked. They had looked at his portfolio and earlier work.

When Juan with shock in his eyes looked at Mr. West, the man nodded: "Do it".

Slowly Juan got his jacket, shirt, shoes and pants off. He stood up as one of the men, a guy in his 40s, said, "The socks too".

Juan bend over and as he removed them, the man put a palm over his butt.

When Juan stood up, all three men groped him. His ass, his pecs, arms and shoulders. While they did, they talked to each other.

"Yeah, this is a good specimen. He has the right body frame. Great face. A bit short in height. But it will work."

Then they turned to Mr. West. "He will do. Send the contract tomorrow", they shook hands with him and left the room.

"What the hell! Why-" Juan said but was interrupted.

"Shhhh!" Mr. West slapped Juan with an open hand over his cheek.

"You're in a new league now. This will bring in twice as much as your accustomed to. Get dressed."

Juan quickly put the clothes on. Mr. West stopped outside Juan's home. "You have to learn to trust me. Fast. I don't accept disobedience. You will do as I tell you, understand?"

The man talked calmly, but the words hit Juan in the stomach. He had made the man angry. It was something he didn't want to. He didn't understand why he felt so bad about it.

"I'm sorry. So sorry", Juan said. And he meant it.

"Okay. We'll see. Get out."

Juan couldn't sleep. Why couldn't he ask why the man had let those men touch him during a business meeting? It was wrong. His integrity was violated. Was that what the man wanted, to take his integrity from him? Of course, Juan had bowed down and kissed the man's shoes. But that was something between them. Now it seemed as if the man wanted to take it to a new level.

It was wrong. Juan was a professional, well paid fashion model. He shouldn't accept it. But it was exciting to be around Mr. West. And Juan knew his cock was hardening in the jockstrap as the strangers in their suits groped his almost naked body.

Despite all the doubt, Juan ended up in the gym in the basement of the mansion the next day. "When you have showered, come up", Mr. West said when he walked by during Juan's work out.

Juan was a bit shaky when he walked up in his jockstraps and single shoulder harness. Would he be reprimanded again? Would he be kicked out? Despite the treatment, Juan wanted to stay.

Upstairs Mr. West sat with two men in suits. "Bring us the tray, Juan", Mr. West said and pointed with his hand, as soon as Juan walked up to them and on his way to sit down. He was used to being treated like a star, greeted with warm words and talk about how good he was in that job or that advertising campaign. Now he was treated like an almost naked waiter. Juan shuddered with discomfort but did was he was told.

As he put the three glass and whiskey bottle on the table, first one man grabbed his thigh. Then the other man grabbed his arm. Juan stopped. The men let their palms move over Juan's body.

"Serve us", Mr. West said. Juan had to stay bend over as he opened the bottle and poured whiskey in the three glasses.

One of the men pinched Juan's nipple as the other moved his palm up on the inside of Juan's thigh.

"He is an obedient boy", one of them said and was both surprised and impressed.

"I only keep models that follows orders", Mr. West said as he grabbed a glass.

"Good to know", the other man said as he pushed his fingers inside the jockstrap to push it aside and let Juan's cock be free. It was semi-hard.

"It seems he like to be inspected", one man smiled.

"Can I..." the man asked as he pointed to Juan's cock.

"Sure", Mr. West said as he looked Juan in his eyes with a stern gaze.

Juan felt a hand grabbing his cock. His heart was pounding. Of outrage? Of embarrassment? Of excitement? Juan didn't know himself.

"His dick is growing in my hand", the man said with amusement.

"Let me feel it", the other man said and took over the grip around Juan's cock. After jerking it a few times he bent it down and then let it loose. It was rock hard and quickly slapped against Juan's stomach.

"Okay, Juan. You can leave now", Mr. West said.

Holding the jockstrap in his hand Juan quickly went down to the gym and then home to his apartment.

Once again, he was humiliated in the worst way ever. But he become hard and masturbated to the memory of what just had happen. He had a wonderful orgasm.

The following week nothing happened when Juan did his work out routine. He didn't see Mr. West. Then Juan was on a trip for a gig abroad. Juan wanted to talk about their relationship, but he didn't know how. He didn't even know what he really wanted. It was exciting but also wrong and outrageous. He shouldn't put himself in such vulnerable situations.

Back home Mr. West text him; "Outside in 30 min. Suit on."

Juan was happy to hear from the man but also worried over what would happen this evening. Despite his doubts Juan showered and got into the suit Mr. West had given him. He walked down to the street. He waited for a long time. Again.

But the man picked him up and told him it was a meeting about a new contract and the customer wanted to see him. Juan was both scared and excited.

They ended up in a conference hotel. Hundreds of people were leaving a big ball room with lots of round table. In the front five men were still sitting at a table. Mr. West and Juan walked up to them. They greeted and sat down to talk about a perfume they wanted to launch with a fresh face. They wanted to be bold and the model willing to show almost all of his body.

"This is your guy", Mr. West said and pointed to Juan. "He is used to work with a minimum of cover. And I suppose you want to inspect him before we go further", the man said. "Stand up and show them."

Juan stood up and undressed down to his jockstrap.

"Walk the room", one man said. Juan did. This was like a catwalk. Juan relaxed. But after they had looked at him and were ready to make a deal, Mr. West gave Juan a key to a hotel room. "Wait there."

Eventually Mr. West and one of the men in the ball room came to the hotel room. "I have promised Mr. Catachi to make a personal inspection of the model. Strip."

Juan for the second time in an hour undressed down to his jockstrap. This time an Asian looking man in his 50s eagerly looked on. And when Juan stood up, he got close and started to feel Juan's body up.

"Remove the jockstrap", the Asian man said. Juan looked at Mr. West. He nodded.

When Juan had pushed the jockstrap down to the floor the man grabbed Juan's balls and looked Juan in his eyes. Then he turned his head to Mr. West as he still was holding on to the balls.

"He's a bit shy, isn't he?"

"But he follows orders", Mr. West answered.

"Yes, that's good. I would like to see him masturbate."

Juan couldn't believe his ears.

"I understand. Juan, sit down on the bed and do it", Mr. West said as if it was nothing.

Juan swallowed and was confused as the man still was holding on to his balls.

"Come!" Mr. West raised his voice.

When Juan started to walk, the man let his balls be free.

Juan sat down on the bed. His cock wasn't soft and when he grabbed it, it soon was hard. The two men looked on as the model on the bed jerked his cock to orgasm. Juan had never done something remotely similar, except when he did it for Mr. West. Now the audience was doubled.

Despite the situation (or because of it), it felt incredibly wonderful to masturbate. Juan leaked a lot of pre-cum and soon he was there. It was a strong one. "Argh!" Juan groaned as semen was landing on his chest and stomach.

"Nice show! And what a big load he shot", the man said to Mr. West.

End part 2

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Next: Chapter 3

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