A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 17, 2023


(Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Property

After the flogging and multiple men had fucked him standing tied up, Mr. West slowly led Juan to the bed. He told him Juan had taken the punishment as the obedient boy he is. Juan was beaten, pitiful and confused. He knew he was treated as if he was inferior, secondary to alpha males. He understood why the men wanted him. Despite all the warning signals he had received over time, Juan had been prepared to continue to let himself be used.

But now, after this? He had been tied up, beaten and brutally fucked. His body hurt. His ass was sore. His self-esteem had plummeted.

The man put Juan down on his stomach. With a light hand, he began rubbing Juan's back with ointment.

"It is time for you to acknowledge what you are", Mr. West said with a low voice as he moved his fingers over Juan's red back and butt.

"You love to get attention, but that is not enough for you. The job as a model no longer satisfies your needs. You need more tangible attention. That's why you didn't pull out when I increased the pressure", the man said as he moved a hand down on the inside of his thigh.

"The more demanding I have been the more affectionate you have become. And now when I have let you be whipped, you can't repress it anymore. You love to submit and let your body be an object for real men to entertaining themselves with."

Juan lifted his head up and looked Mr. West in the eyes as if he was prepared to protest. Mr. West Slapped his face hard with an open hand. Smack!

"Don't move!"

With his other hand which was down between Juan's legs, he grabbed the balls and pulled them hard. "Aaaaah!", Juan cried.

The man moved his hand up beneath the body on its stomach and found the cock. It was hard.

"I can rely on you cock, but not on your mind", the man said in triumph. "You are a slut!"

Mr. West pulled the cock downward as he spread Juan's legs. He let two fingers move up and down over the hard cock.

"You will stay still and let the redness on you butt and back goes down. While you rest, think about why you like what has happened so much."

The man left the room.

Juan couldn't deny that despite the harsh and rough treatment he still felt a rapturous desire to the man and the men's eagerness. He eventually dozed off.

He woke up when Mr. West laid down beside him in the bed. The man turned Juan around to his back so he could caress Juan's smooth skin. He would never be tired of feeling this attractive body up. He moved a hand over the chest and abs. Then up over the shoulder blades and neck. When he saw Juan's cock began to grow, he first gently stroked the inside of Juan's thighs. Then took hold of the cock and began to slowly massage it. Juan was passive as he felt his cock became hard.

If Juan so quickly reacted to erotic stimuli after the harsh treatment, he did like it. Even if he didn't completely understand his own reaction.

Mr. West grabbed Juan's balls and looked him in his eyes. "What you need is not only tutoring, but firm and strict guidance. You long for the comfort of having someone in charge, isn't it so? You don't want independence. You need to be submissive."

The man continued to let his free hand move up over Juan's hairless crotch, abs and chest.

"To hand over responsibility to an authority is an attractive thought, isn't it? You enjoy the simplicity of doing as you're told."

He grabbed the still hard cock.

"I want you to surrender, but it scares you. Now is the time to let go."

Juan was worried, unease and nervous. And ashamed. It was as if he had been caught doing something naughty, he had been exposed for who he actually was. He looked at the man and whispered, "Are you sure?"

The man smiled. "I know you know I'm right. Surrender now. It will give you serenity and purpose."

To take a beating without being traumatized but as calm as Juan was now, could only mean one thing: he was onboard and loved the treatment.

"I wouldn't spent so much time and energy trying to convince you of what you are if I wasn't certain. At every step we have taken you have confirmed my belief that you are born to be a slave for strong men".

While the man slowly wanked the hard cock, he continued to pull Juan out of his denial, and making him to surrender.

"As a slave you will do as your told, and you will be punched when you disobey. Your master will make all the decisions. You will be used. But also taken care of."

Mr. West felt Juan was close to admitting what he was but needed a final push.

"You will confess that you are a slave because that's your true nature. Everything you have accepted so far proves that you are a submissive slut for alpha males. You are possessed by strong men's attention."

Mr. West manipulated Juan's cock in his hand, physically showing him that he already owned him and could do with him as he saw fit.

"Hand yourself over to me. Let me own you completely. You should be my property, nothing else."

Juan erupted in a strong orgasm. His body jerked as he shot his load up in the air. The man put his wet fingers to Juan's lips. He opened his mouth and licked them clean.

"Now hug me and tell me what you are", the man said as he sat back up against the headboard.

Slowly Juan sat up in the bed leaned over to Mr. West and hugged him. With both of his arms around the man, he said "Yes... yes... I am your slave... I will obey."

The man smiled, grabbed Juan's head between his hands and kissed him.

"I want to be yours", Juan had to admit. He couldn't deny it any longer.

"I know", Mr. West said as he pushed Juan back down, and moved himself around. He grabbed Juan's legs and lifted them up and positioned himself between them.

"Now I will fuck you, but I want you to repeat to me what you are as I take you."

Mr. West put his cockhead to Juan's pussy hole but then stopped, looking Juan in his eyes.

"I'm... your slave..."

"Again" the man said as he increased the pressure and his cockhead spread the ring-muscle.

"I'm your slave."

"Continue!" the man said as he pushed his cock home for the first time ever. So many other men had fucked him, to make him understand what he was, but now he was Mr. West's personal property.

As he began to thrust his cock deep into the jock, Juan said it over and over again. "I'm your slave."

After having eye contact for a long time, Mr. West spat Juan on his face. "Yes, you are. And you will be a good slave. You will show me and other real men respect. You will always offer this body to give pleasure. That's your only purpose."

Mr. West speeded up as he asked, "Do you understand?!"

Juan nodded.

"You have a last chance to change your mind before I fill you with my seed and own you", Mr. West panted as he slammed into the primed and ready slave boy.

Juan stayed quiet as the man thrusted hard, jerking not only Juan but the bed as he for the first time stuffed his seed into this handsome young man and thus owned him. "Argh!"

While Juan did his work out naked in the basement the next day, Mr. West walked down the stairs and was followed by many men. Not only the alpha males that fucked him tied up the previous evening (Anthony, Brian, Frank, Greg, Ian, Jason and Scott) but also the businessmen Logan and Raymond together with the younger guys, Demario, Kevin, Matthew and William.

The fourteen men gathered around Juan.

Mr. West held up something in black leather. He handed it to Juan. He could see it was a dog collar with a label on it with the word SLAVE.

"I will put it around your neck and lock it in place as a proof that you now have become your master's property and waives all claims of making any decision at all."

Juan was stunned. Now it would be official. He was surrendering to Mr. West.

The man gestured to Juan to step up to him. When he did, the man said, "Down on your knees."

When he was, the man put the leather collar around his neck and secured it with a padlock.

The man applauded. "Yeah!"

"Now stand up and let the men inspect you".

One by one the men grouped his balls, pinched his nipple, smacked his chest, squeezed his cock as they looked at the collar and greeted Juan to his new life.

Then Logan showed everyone the advertising with pictures of Juan that he had published. The men praised Logan for the edginess and horniness the pictures mediated.

When Juan saw them, he swallowed hard. He was as exposed as you could be. Almost all his body and face filled the advertisement. Together with all the kinky stuff.

"Those are hot! The slave imbues the ads with a sexy attitude that makes the items irresistible", someone said.

"Yes, they make you want to fuck that horny, well-shaped jock in the ads!" The men laughed.

"Juan, fetch the tray with drinks upstairs and serve the men", Mr. West said.

When Juan walked down the stairs with the tray, only dressed in the collar around his neck, several men took photos of him with their cell phones.

When he walked between them, they not only took a glass from the tray, but they also felt Juan's body up shamelessly.

"Let us toast for Mr. West and his new catch!"

As they got ready the man took the tray from Juan and said, "kneel".

"We have watched the exciting process of how one could make a celebrated and sexy fashion model into a sex slave. It has indeed been remarkable to see how our host with skill and experience has molded this specimen into what we can witness here today", Anthony said.

"Yeah, it isn't the first time our host have delivered a slave to our little community", Frank said. The man Juan sucked off on a restaurant when they celebrated his 50th birthday.

Juan swallowed. To hear he wasn't the first hurt, even if he shouldn't have been surprised.

They toasted and talked while Juan was standing on his knees, looking down to the floor.

When the men walked up the stairs nothing was said to Juan. He stayed where he had been told to stay. Hours later Mr. West walked down to him. He heard a click and then his neck was pulled.

"Stand up." Juan saw the man was holding a leash he had fastened to one of three loops in the collar.

"You did good today", the man smiled and pulled the leash and led Juan up the stairs and to the bedroom.

"When I say 'take the position', you will go down on your knees and put your upper body down and ass up. You can show me right now", the man said and pointed to the bed.

Juan did. The man undressed and then caressed Juan's butt cheeks while he put some lubrication to the cleft between them. Then he pushed Juan's butt down so he could move his cock to the exposed man pussy. He speared into his new slave and fucked him good. A straight fuck until he cum. "Argh!"

When he pulled out, he said "Clean". Juan turned around and put his head to the man's crotch and licked it and sucked the last of his semen out of the cock.

Then the man pulled Juan down in front of him in bed and fell to sleep with his arms around his slave. Juan was too excited to fall to sleep. He thought about the collar and wondered about what this all would mean.

When it was time for the next photo gig, it was again at Logan's company for erotic garment and sex toys. And when Mr. West was ready to leave the mansion, Juan asked about the collar.

"It stays on", the man said and walked up to the car. Juan followed somewhat somber. And then Mr. West opened the tailgate to the SUV. Juan looked at his man but without any reaction crawled into the dog cage in the back. The man wanted to make Juan used to the cage. He smiled when he thought about what was awaiting his new slave.

Once at the parking lot in front of Logan's business, it felt strange for Juan to get out of the car naked and with the black leather collar around his neck. He felt more exposed than ever.

To make it worse, Mr. West put the leash to the collar and pulled his slave with him over the deserted parking lot and into Logan's premises.

During the shooting Juan had his collar on as he demonstrated different items for the camera. Logan also wanted Juan's face on the pictures as often as it was manageable. But his dick escaped because the media outlets he would advertise in would object.

Between photographs being taken, Logan let fingers move over Juan's man pussy. Soon he let one fingers penetrate the model's delicious ass. Logan was always just outside the camera angles and when they shifted items Logan was there again, pushing two and then three fingers into Juan.

"I want to have this pussy, after everything is done", Logan said as he looked at Mr. West.

"Sure", he said as if it was nothing.

When the list of items was complete, Logan put Juan on a table, standing on his hands and knees. He lubed his fingers up and told the photographer to continue the recording as he pushed four fingers into Juan. He massaged the ring-muscle, squeezing it, moving in and out. When he felt Juan had relaxed, he put the thumb together with the rest of the fingers and pushed his hand against the sphincter. It was denied entrance.

Logan put his free hand on Juan's waist and said "relax". Then he pushed hard. Juan gave a cry as the man's hand disappeared to the wrist. Logan was pleased. Again, he was inside this handsome model.

"Look at me", Logan said. Juan turned his head back. "You're doing good". But the real purpose for making Juan to turn was to give the photographer the opportunity to capture both the fistful male pussy and its face in the same picture.

Logan pulled out, only to push his hand in again. "This is a good workout making the hole able to take whatever you want to put in here", Logan smiled as he talked to Mr. West.

He started to fuck the hole with his hand, stretching the ring-muscle to its limit.

All three men in the room were dressed but horny with hard cocks in their pants, looking on as the naked jock was used as a sex toy. To his utter surprise the photographer saw Juan's cock getting hard. He quickly snapped away to catch the jock showing of his hard cock as he had an arm up his ass.

"Can I fuck him when Logan is finished with him?" the photographer asked Mr. West.

"If I get those digital pictures that aren't about merchandise", Mr. West bargained. He had seen how the photographer took pictures of Juan while he changed clothes, harness and other items.


They talked just beside the table where Juan was fist-fucked by Logan. He clinched his fist and tried to move it out of Juan's man pussy. He got closer and closer to make the ring-muscle surrender and stretch enough.

"Relax, slave. This will happen. Let my fist out", Logan said calmly while he caressed Juan's back with his free hand. Finally, the hole expanded, and the fist appeared, only to be pushed back. Again, it met resistance, but slowly gave away while Logan kept the pressure up.

"I think that's enough for now", Mr. West said. "I have some business to talk about. Let us step out while the young man tries the slave out.

"You can use him as he is positioned now. Don't move him", Mr. West said to the photographer.

Juan was on a table and understood he would be used again.

The photographer put the camera away and pulled his pants down to his knees when he had stepped up behind Juan.

"Damn! You are hot!" he said as he pushed Juan's buttocks down until he sat on his feet, putting his pussy hole in the right height. The guy pushed his cock into the stretched hole.

"I love sloppy cunts", he groaned. Then he began to fuck. He slapped Juan's butt while he increased his pace. "Your so damn hot it should be illegal. The photos we took today will leave a great impression, I'm sure of it!"

Juan could hardly sense the cock. His ass had gone numb after being stretched by Logan's hand. But Juan loved to feel the man close and moving eagerly against him. Juan wanted him to go on, but the guy soon filled Juan with his load.

"Come to my office", Logan said to the photographer as he pulled his pants up. Meanwhile Mr. West attached the leash to Juan's collar and pulled it. Juan got down from the table, but his legs was stiff. Mr. West still pulled the leash. Juan felt like a dog. It was the man's intention.

At night Mr. West just said, "take the position" as they entered the bedroom. Juan put his ass up and chest down on the bed. The man undressed and spat on his cock before he speared it home. Juan moaned. He wanted to feel the hard cock in him.

The man fucked hard. "Squeeze the pussy", he said. The pussy had become sloppy. Mr. West wanted more friction. "We must make this hole capable of being both sloppy, but also able to being kept tight as a virgin", the man said more to himself than to Juan.

When he got his release, the man quickly fell to sleep.

The next morning Mr. West told Juan to sit on the toilet. He fetches an electric razor. "As a slave you should have stubble haircut". Juan wasn't prepared to this major change in his appearance.

It was a test. Mr. West wanted to see if Juan still was fighting for his old image as a photo model or if he had come to terms with his new life. The man watched closely how Juan reacted when he walked up to him with the razor.

"Must we do this?" he whispered sheepishly.

Mr. West hit him hard with an open hand. Smack!

"You know the answer! Tell me!"

"Sorry... You decide..."

The man hit him again. Smack!

"You should not question your master's decisions. Ever!" A third hit. Smack!

To the man's delight he saw Juan's cock was beginning to grow. Juan was into this. Mr. West shaved off the black hair on Juan's head to an induction haircut, the style worn by military recruits.

After he was done, he let Juan look at himself in a mirror. "This is to tell everyone that you no longer are the person you were before. You are a slave now. Without any other purpose than to serve your master."

Then Mr. West pulled the leash to make the slave follow him outside to the garden and storage building behind the garage.

"Here is all your stuff. Both from the apartment you left and from the guest room you have lived in until now. Almost everything. I let Demario pick the things he wanted or believed he could sell."

Juan saw his clothes, his books and other things like his rewards and diploma. Beside them in the garden was a fire in an oil drum.

"I want you to burn everything. Your old life is over. Nothing of it should exist", Mr. West said as he put a hand on Juan's shoulder.

Tear filled Juan's eyes.

"You belong to me. And I want everything from your past eliminated. This is also a way to tell you that there is no way back. Your earlier life is gone forever."

Slowly Juan began to lift his things, looked at them, remember how he got them. And then throw them into the fire. He did feel sorrow to lose all those things, but to his own surprise, he at the same time didn't want to save those things. He did not long to return to the old days.

"I can make sure he throws it all into the fire". It was the black guy Demario who appeared.

"Good", Mr. West said and left.

Demario quickly filled the oil drum with some of Juan's clothes and then grabbed the leash. He pulled Juan into the garage. There Demario grabbed Juan by his waist and kissed him.

"It's so damn cool to see how the boss succeeded to make you his slave", Demario smiled when he broke of the kiss.

"Get down and make my cock wet. I can't wait to fuck this new slave", he said and pushed Juan down.

Juan opened Demario's pants. An already hard and big black cock appeared. Juan let his lips close around the cock head. Demario moaned and pushed Juan's head down on his cock.

"Work on it until you can take all of it into your throat", Demario said as he pulled his cell phone out.

Demario began to film Juan as he moved his mouth down over the black cock. Juan with each move got down farther on the big pole. When he was close to push all the cock into his mouth, Demario said, "Look up as you fuck your head on that cock!"

When Juan did, he saw the phone was close. But he continued to achieve the order. He moved his head down and let the cock penetrate his throat. On the third thrust while filmed his lips were all the way down on the cock and his nose deep in Demario's black pubic hair.

Demario put his free hand on top of Juan, prevented him from moving his head up until he began to cough. Juan breathed hard for a moment, still with the camera lens on his face.

"Go down on it again!"

Juan did. He deep-fucked his head on the cock while recorded.

Demario put the phone away and pulled Juan up. As he stood before Demario, he smiled but then slapped his head hard from the side with an open hand. Smack!!

"What a slutty slave you are", he said and slapped him again from the other side. Smack!!

"Turn around and spread your ass cheeks for me!" Juan obeyed and quickly Demario pushed his cock against the man pussy and didn't stop until the whole cock was deep in the slave's body.

"Shit! You have had a lot of things done with this hole", he laughed and started to fuck Juan with gusto.

Demario moved an arm around to Juan's cock and find it semi-hard. As he held it in his hand he could feel how the slave-cock become hard.

"Yeah. You love this", he said.

Demario then grabbed Juan's waist and fucked the sloppy hole relentlessly until he dumped his load inside the slave. He panted as let his cock remain in Juan. Then he ordered, "Get down and lick me clean". Juan did.

Then Juan was done and ready to stand up, Demario grabbed Juan's head again. "I have to piss. Be my toilet", he said and then let a jet of piss hit the back of Juan's mouth. He didn't hold back and Juan had difficulty to swallow fast enough to not spill it out of his mouth.

"Good slave", Demario said. "Let's finish the task of destroying your past."

They walked out to the oil drum and filled it with more of Juan's stuff. When everything was gone, Demario took the leash and pulled Juan with him back to the mansion. He handed the leash to Mr. West and told him everything was gone.

"Good. Thanks. I'll let you know when you can borrow him again", Mr. West said.

"Oh! I recorded him while he sucked my cock. Is it okay for you if I share it with my guys?", Demario asked.

"Share it with me first, and then I can give you an answer", Mr. West said as if it was a small thing.

"Sure!" Demario left.

Mr. West pulled Juan with him to the kitchen. The man began to cook dinner. He turned to Juan who had sat down at the kitchen table. "As a slave you will not sit at the table. When you're not told to do something else, you should bow on your knees with your arms on your back and look to the floor".

Juan stood up but didn't know where he should go. "Come here. Stay besides me", Mr. West said. Juan walked up to him and got down on his knees as told.

Every now and then Mr. West had a piece of the future dinner in his hand and without saying anything put it to Juan's lips. Juan opened them and took the food. It was deeply humiliating to be treated like a dog, but at the same time it was making him hot.

Mr. West continued the slow process of making Juan into an obedient slave. Step by step he would learn his new role in life. It was extremely satisfactory for him as a master to see the new slave accept the humiliation to which he was subjected. Mr. West's cock got hard to see the confused but at the same time eager former fashion model obey and open his mouth like he was a dog. He was beginning to come to terms with his new life.

The End

This story ends here, for now. Thanks for all the emails.

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