A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Apr 26, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Perform

Juan didn't like it, but he had to acknowledge his exhibitionistic tendence didn't end with posing in front of a camera in fashion clothes or entering a catwalk. He also got thrilled when two powerful and dressed men watched him jerk off naked on a bed.

When Juan went to the gym in the basement after his last work trip, he was afraid of what may happen, but also excited. He thought more about sex than ever before. Mr. West sparked a need in Juan to interact with potent men who knew what they wanted - and seized it.

As Juan worked out Mr. West came down and looked at him.

When Juan put the weights down and moved to a different station, Mr. West said, "Good work. I have a new rule for you. From now on during work outs, you should be completely naked. No jockstrap and no harness."

Juan stopped. "Why?" he asked spontaneous.

"Because I 'm telling you. Get it off!"

Mr. West loved to see Juan swallow and his Adam's apple move. So hot. Especially when he was nervous and unsure. The man really wanted to own this cute puppy.

After a short hesitation Juan removed the harness and then the jockstrap. He then stood there as naked as the day he was born.

"Good. I want to see this body. All of it."

As Juan continued his schedule, Mr. West walked toward the stair. He turned and shouted, "After showering you can put on the sleeveless tank top on the bench. But nothing more." Then he walked away.

When Juan had dry himself, he put the tank top on. It was thin over the shoulders and had big holes for the arms. It didn't cover his body particularly well. Though, it was long enough to hide his crotch.

He walked up to the main floor and discovered that Mr. West had guests. He recognizes some of them. They had visited his work outs or been at the dinners. They were men of money and prestige. They acted as if they owned the world. It impressed Juan.

Mr. West told him to take a tray from the bar and serve the men drinks. He was nervous because he had never done it before. And while he walked among the guests, they started to grope him. Hands lightly caressed his shoulders, neck, arms and thighs. Then someone playfully grabbed an ass cheek only covered by the tank top. Others followed. Hands began to lift the tank top to look at Juan's sexy, tight round butt.

To his embarrassment this humiliation made Juan hot, and his cock started to get hard.

"I can't do this!" he told Mr. West when he walked to him at the bar with an empty tray. But Mr. West put new, filled glasses on the tray as he told Juan, "You are doing fine! This is the entertainment I have promised my friends. Smile!" The man lightly pushed Juan out toward the men.

Now hands grabbed his balls, caressed the inside of his thighs and also his hard cock. The groping of his butt cheeks became more forceful and shameless.

When Juan was back at the bar, Mr. West put new glasses on the tray and with one hand grabbed Juan's hard cock under the tank top. He let his thumb move over the cock head. He smiled.

"You're leaking pre-cum like a water tap. You are loving this!"

Juan was ashamed. Exposed in more than one way. When he turned and walked out with a full tray, he felt something cold on his shoulders and then the tank top fell down from his chest and lay over his arms.

Mr. West had cut off the tank top at the shoulders. Juan's chest was now exposed to the delight of the men. "Let me hold this", a man said as he took the tray from Juan. Another man then pulled the bottom of the tank top down, and it fell to the floor. Juan got the tray back.

Now Juan was completely nude. And with a hardon. Shocked, Juan walked the room and offered drinks while the men more forcefully groped all of his body. They pinched his nipple. And he felt fingers poke at his ass hole.

Worst were the hands that grabbed his hard cock and made it come closer to an orgasm.

Mr. West took the tray and told Juan to get up on the stool he had put forward.

"My friends! You have made my boy horny!" The men laugh. "I think its best that he finishes it off here, so you all can enjoy it. Wank yourself to climax for my friends!" says Mr. West as he slaps Juan's butt hard.

Mr. West now went much further than he planned. It was to let Juan keep the tank top on and not perform public masturbation. But the man was impressed with how well Juan handled himself during the onslaught of eager hands grabbing him everywhere. Guys could lose their mind if they took it as hostile attacks while they were in an extremely exposed and vulnerable position. They could be scared to death or hit the men as a counterattack. But Juan got hard and even if he complained, he didn't stop working the floor.

Juan was horny and needed to cum, but not this way. What should he do? He was so aroused. And he wanted to please the man and his guests. They looked at him with anticipation and coveted him with their lustful gazes. Juan was used to being watched. But now he didn't have any clothes to show the audience and they wanted him to work his hard cock. It was extremely intense.

Juan grabs his cock and start to slowly jerk it in front of all the dressed men.

Never had Juan been so exposed, so naked and so objectified. He hated it. He loved it. And after only a minute or two he shot load after load up in the air before splashing down on the floor.



The men applauded and wolf whistled.

Mr. West helped Juan down and led him to his bedroom. "Use my bathroom and then wait", the man said before he left.

It took several hours before Mr. West come back. He undressed and pulled Juan close on the bed, in a spooning position with the boy in front of him.

"You did well today. How do you feel?" The man put one arm around the boy and lightly fondled one of his nipples.

"It was strange. I'm used to being watched but now I was naked and performed a sexual act in front of horny men."

Mr. West was carefully listening to the tone in Juan's voice. There was no regret or trauma in his account of what happened. Only astonishment. This model was an obvious exhibitionist, which is not particularly surprising. But that he would take the physical approaches so well was less of a given.

"Who does something like that?" Juan asked calmly.

"A beautiful male model like you. Everyone was deeply impressed. Both of your body and your courage to do it. They loved it. And your orgasm was strong, wasn't it?"

"Yeah... It was as if all the sexual excitement in the room filled my body as I cummed..."

Mr. West moved his hand to the other nipple and lightly pinched it. "Your sexual desire ignites when men give you attention and show their desire. That's a good thing."

"Is it? It sounds like I'm a sexual deviant ..."

The man pinched the nipple harder. "It does not. It will give you lots of opportunity to have fun", Mr. West said as he moved to his back.

"Now take care of my cock." Juan turned around and took the soft cock in his mouth and was pleased when it grew hard while he licked and sucked it. He fucked his head on the cock until it erupted and filled his mouth with semen.

"Argh!" The man pressed the head down to feel the warm mouth pussy around his cock for a while longer. Juan started to choke, as you do when your throat is obstructed with something big and you lack air. Finally, when Juan was about to panic the man moved his hand away and let Juan raise his head up.

"Good boy", said Mr. West as if Juan was a puppy already.

Juan was exhausted and fell to sleep.

The next day he went down to work out after breakfast. Soon Mr. West was walking in with one of the men who was present last evening.

"My friend was so impressed by your show last night. Why not give him a blowjob, as you do for me.", Mr. West said as if it was nothing.

Juan swallowed, as he was breathing heavily after a physical session. He wanted to protest, but after the last night, Juan was quiet. He was uncertain of who he was after his embarrassing happiness last night when he ejaculated in front of an audience. He wasn't proud of himself.

Mr. West watched Juan closely. This was a major step in bringing his boy to submission. So far Juan had only performed simpler tasks: showing his body off and letting men grope it. As a model he was used to a lot of attention, although it had now become more intrusive. And at the behest of someone taking charge, thus: Mr. West.

Now Mr. West wanted Juan to perform a sexual act on a man he didn't even know the name of, and, most importantly, because he was told to do so. If Juan passed this threshold, he would become a groomed and directed cocksucking bitch, and after that he was well on his way to be dominated.

With big eyes Juan looked at Mr. West as if he was seeking guidance.

The man shouldn't smile in an important moment like this, but he couldn't help himself. Juan was so damn cute when he was caught off guard and didn't know what he should do.

"Come here and do your duty", the man said with an encouraging tone.

Slowly and defeated Juan walked up to them, head bowed. He stood still looking down to the floor. Ashamed, humiliated and with his self-esteem plummeting. Juan should leave, but he needed the company of this man. He saw no other way than to offer himself.

Mr. West saw the internal struggle in his boy, but saw no reason to not push him on. The man placed a light hand on Juan's shoulder. "You can do it", he said.

Juan didn't look up, but slowly got down on his knees without a word.

The man opened his pants and pulled the cock out. He slapped the semi-hard cock at Juan's downturned face.

"Does he deserve to suck my cock?" the man said with impatience and disappointment.

"Give him a chance", pleaded Mr. West as he put his hand on Juan's head. He didn't want to force or even persuade the boy. He should do it by his own will. Open his mouth for the cock on his own initiative. That very act on its own will be remind him the next time he hesitates.

"Okay", the stranger said and pointed his growing cock to Juan's lips.

After some delay, Juan opened his mouth and leaned forward and let the cock in. He slowly started to suck and move his head back and forward.

"Yeah... That's good..." the stranger moaned. Mr. West was even happier. He had now turned his prey into a bitch, doing sexual acts with men he was told to satisfy.

Juan loved to feel the cock getting hard in his mouth, but he knew what this meant. He was now a cocksucker, willingly and disgracefully letting a man use his mouth.

It didn't take long before the stranger come. "Argh!" Juan swallowed his load. "Clean it", the stranger said when Juan was about to move away. "Use your tongue". Juan did as he was told.

The man straightened his clothes and said, "Yeah, you were right. He was pretty good". The man shakes Mr. West's hand and then left.

Juan was still standing on his knees. Shocked at what he just did. Mr. West put a hand under Juan's chin and lifted his face up.

"You did great. And I can see you enjoyed it to". Juan's cock was almost hard.

The man signaled to Juan to stand up.

"Your cock started to get hard when you saw the pleasure you gave that man. You want to be dominated and give pleasure. Let me help you so you can do that."

Before Juan could say anything, Mr. West slapped his ass hard and told him to take a shower before he left. "I have important things to take care of."

Juan was again confused over his feelings. Was the man right, or was this something he should end? He couldn't decide and lay sleepless. He jerked off, trying to think of something else than the action he had been told to do, suck a stranger.

In the morning he decided to use the gym in town. But when he was on his way out, he changed his mind. He took his car to the mansion and started his workout in the basement. He was tense. Would Mr. West use him as last time?

When Juan was lying on his back on the bench lifting the bar with heavy weights, two men walked up to him. Mr. West said "Juan, I have promised my friend he could suck you off while you did weightlifting. Okay?"

Before Juan could react, the stranger got down on his knees between the young man's legs. Juan gasped as the man put a palm on the inside of his thigh and spread his legs out from the bench. The stranger smiled. Juan flinched as the man took his balls in a vice grip and the cock in the other. He started to jerk Juan's cock until it was hard and then leaned forward and took it in his mouth. Juan gasped.

Mr. West pointed to the weights. Juan grabbed the bar and lifted it up and started his training as his cock got a blowjob. Juan had difficulty concentrating on his workout.

When Juan was close to cumming, Mr. West put his hand on the stranger's shoulder. "Time to change places."

Juan stood up as the man opened his pants before he sat down on the bench. Juan knew what was expected of him. He looked at Mr. West but he only patted Juan on his back, as if to say: Do it.

Slowly Juan kneeled and put his head between the man's legs. The cock was semi-hard and the man groaned when Juan closed his lips around it. When the cock was hard, the man pushed Juan's head down to take more of the cock in his mouth. Juan choked and lifted his head up.

The man quickly pushed Juan's head down to make him take it again. Juan coughed and felt the gag reflexes kick in. He lifted his head but in a moment the stranger pushed it down a bit further than before. More sound from Juan's throat.

"He is good, but can be better", the stranger said to Mr. West.

"Yes, I have come to the same conclusion. He hasn't had enough practice, I believe", he answered to Juan's astonishment.

"But you have taken him under your wings?" the man who had his cock deep in Juan's mouth asked as if he was surprised.

"Yeah... We had a special bond from the moment we met... And look at this body! It makes up for the shortcomings", Mr. West said as if Juan couldn't hear or wasn't there.

"Owning companies in the fashion industry has its advantages", the stranger laughed. Then he pushed his crotch forward and his cock deeper into Juan. He coughed and jerked back, but the man didn't let his mouth completely leave the cock but allowed him to catch his breath before the head was pushed down on the pole again.

"You can do better than this!", the stranger said. Juan was learning how to breathe as the cock was passing in and out of his mouth. He wasn't used to this. He had been the top and got his cock sucked. He should be offended by being exploited this way. But it was a revelation for him that in the company of strong and determined men, his mind yielded, and he wanted to please them.

Once again, the man pushed the young man's head deep down on his cock. Juan choked on it but didn't pull his head back more than he needed to breathe. He moved his head up and down. The man withdrew and slapped the wet cock to Juan's face, and then push in again. Juan choked and coughed but struggled on. His eyes were tear-filled, but he tried to relax while letting the man fuck his face.

When the man pulled out, saliva and white mucus ran down over Juan's chin and down onto his chest. Juan looked up and through his tear-filled eyes he saw two inspecting men evaluating him. He felt like a schoolboy. But his cock was hard.

"If you want, I can train him for you", the stranger offered.

"Thanks, but I will do it myself", Mr. West said as the stranger once again pushed his cock between the acclaimed photo model's lips. Juan was relieved by those words. The man started to fuck the mouth faster and he soon erupted in a strong orgasm. "Argh!"

The first load hit the back of Juan's mouth. He swallowed all the semen of a man whose name he didn't know.

"Lick the cock clean and don't soil the pants", Mr. West said.

As the two men walked out, Juan could hear the stranger say, "Thanks for letting me try your new toy".

Juan took a shower. The whole scene was crushing to his self-esteem. It was mean and degrading. He was put down. But. But he couldn't become upset because he was finding it erotic and hot. And he knew the men had seen his cock getting hard during the blowjob. His cock betrayed him.

When he was dressed, ready to leave the basement for his flat in town, Mr. West was back.

"Stay the night", he said. It sounded like a suggestion, but his posture told Juan it was an order. He walked after the man up the stairs. It almost felt strange to have dinner at the mansion fully dressed.

Later, in bed the man started to wank Juan's cock slowly as he looked him in the eyes. "What are you thinking?"

Juan blurred out the truth. "I want you to fuck me..."

Mr. West smiled. "I know. But as I had said, I only fuck slaves. And you aren't one."

"But didn't you treat me as one today, with your guest?"

"Good observation, my boy", he said and stopped wanking and moved his hand down to grab the ball sack.

"I have high demands when I recruit a new slave. You obviously fit my requirement when it comes to good looks. But to become a slave one also must have the right mindset to not only accept submission but be ready to give up one's independence."

The man started to wank the cock again. Juan moaned in pleasure. It was something extra when he could spread his legs and let the skillful hand of a powerful man work his cock. Despite the humiliation, Juan knew the man wanted him. The sexual tension was high but restrained.

"You have to prove you are able to let another man make decisions about your life", Mr. West explained. "And you show good signs."

When Juan was just about to cum, the man stopped. "Pleeeeassse", Juan begged.

"No. I have decided that you will not cum tonight. Be at peace with it."

The man leaned down and kissed Juan. "I want you to agree to a new demand: Do not wank this cock until I tell you."

Juan wanted to move his right hand to his cock and finish the work. "I really need to cum..." Juan wailed.

"I know. That's also a criterion for a slave: strong libido. But you need to show that you understand what it means when a Master control that sexual appetite."

The man sat up and guided Juan's head to his crotch. Juan took the man's cock in his mouth and worked for a long time before it become hard, but then it was rock-hard.

"From now on, you need to be prepared for a man showing up without me at your training session in the basement gym. He will be invited by me. He will look at you. And if he gropes your body, you will let him. Continue the workout while his hands are on your body. That's what he wants: To see your body and muscles work."

Juan lifted his head up off the cock. "Why...? " Isnït it enough for them to watch?"

Mr. West pressed Juan's head down on the cock with a hand on top of it.

"No, it isn't enough. They will have my approval to feel you up. And..." The man put a hand under Juan's chin to lift his head up and look him in the eyes.

"And they will have my permission to require you to give them head, when you're finished with your exercise. I will have told them that you are ready to suck them off."

"Noooo... You can't do that to me..." Juan complained.

The man grabbed Juan's head and lifted him up to kiss him. Then he smiled. "Yes, I can. I want you to be a better cock sucker. The workout will include practice for your mouth to satisfy a hard cock."

Juan sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

"Look at me!" Mr. West said with a sharp tone. When Juan opened his eyes, the man pushed forward with his psychological pressure. "I have told them you are my cute cocksucker. You don't want to make me a liar, do you?"

"No, I don't" Juan felt guilt.

"Good. I know you will make me proud", Mr. West smiled and guided Juan's head down onto his cock again. While Juan sucked the man continue to press on.

"You will give each man the best blowjob you can. The men will report to me and give you a rating."

Juan looked up with his eyes with the cock still in his mouth sucking it. Did he really mean that?

The man soon filled Juan's mouth with his semen.

They slept together but Juan wasn't satisfied. He was horny and nervous at the same time. He thought about what waited for him if he continued his work out in the basement. He was appalled over how Mr. West could even have come up with such an idea. But at the same time this detestable idea made a tingling sensation in his cock. To be humiliated this way turned Juan on. He didn't like his own reaction, but it was the truth.

The next morning Juan eat breakfast naked while the man had on a robe. Mr. West asked if he would use the gym today or go home. "I ask because I need to know if I shall bring someone over who wants a blowjob done by a professional photo model". The man smiled.

Juan looked at him, who become more serious when he said, "I mean it". They both know this was a critical moment. If Juan decided to stay, his real answer was that he allowed Mr. West to offer Juan's mouth to whoever he wanted. It would be a new step to submission, willingly accepted by Juan. For a moment of agonizing thoughts followed while Juan looked down to the table without eating. Then the answer came.

"I will use your gym, yes", Juan said and swallowed. He should have used the chance to back away, but for some reason Juan felt he had to do this. He wanted to please this man.

"Good boy!" Mr. West said.

When Juan had worked out for an hour, Mr. West arrived with a big black guy. "This is him", Mr. West said to the black man.

"Nice!" he said with a smile and hungry eyes as Juan ran on the treadmill, while his cock and balls moved from side to side.

Juan was used to intense spectators at fashion shows and at photo shoots. But this was still a new and uncomfortable experience. He was naked and physically exercising. Sweat dripping. And this wasn't modelling work to make marketing for some clothes. No, he put his body on display for sexually hungry men. Juan was both tense and aroused.

When Juan stopped the machine, he walked up to the black man who caressed his groin outside the pants. Without a word Juan got down on his knees and opened the man's pants. When he found and grabbed the black cock, the man said with delight, "That's right. Take care of it."

Juan looked up to Mr. West. He nodded. Juan put the soft cock in his mouth and began to suck it. Slowly the black cobra grew bigger and bigger. Even Juan's cock got hard.

"Shit!" the black guy said as Juan moved his lips and tongue up and down the long cock. He couldn't get all off it into his mouth, but the guy was so horny he soon was ready to unload. He pulled out of Juan's mouth and wanked his cock to orgasm. He shot his big load over Juan's face.

Then he pushed his cock against Juan's lips and Juan opened up and sucked the black cock clean.

"Damn! I would love to use him again!" the black man said to Mr. West.

"I bet you would", smiled Mr. West and then walked the black man out.

Juan still was on his knees with his face covered with an unknown man's semen. He was embarrassed over how easy he now let men walk in and use him. But on the other hand, he was aroused and started to wank his hard cock thinking about what just happened.

His orgasm was strong and wonderful (but without permission).

End part 3

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Next: Chapter 4

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