A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on May 9, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Drilling

During the strange party at the castle, Juan had seen a glimpse of another side of Mr. West. He cared for his old friend even though he wasn't an alpha male at all. It put Juan at ease seeing him having a soft side.

After the next workout in the basement of the mansion, which he performed without any visitors, Mr. West showed up and got into the shower with Juan and soaped him up.

Juan dined upstairs, wearing only a towel around his waist. Mr. West talked about his upcoming plan for his different products and how they should be marketed. The man wanted Juan at ease. It would be easier to take the next step if Juan was calm and receptive to new demands.

Mr. West moved them both to the bed, Juan on his back while Mr. West laid on his side so he could look at his boy. "Spread your legs", he said. Juan did. He loved to offer himself, showing his willingness to submit. Mr. West smiled and then grabbed the growing cock. Juan inhaled sharply.

"I'm ready to wank you. But first I want you to promise me something", the man said as he very lightly caressed the hard dick. He put his other arm around Juan's shoulders.

"Next week I will bring a friend to your workout and let him fuck you", the man said. He felt how Juan tensed up in his arms.

"You have done well with the blowjobs, but I need more from you", he said still holding the boy's cock that stayed hard. "This gorgeous body can create so much pleasure. Modelling is one way to show it off, letting men I give permission to fuck your boy pussy is another."

A wave of emotion washed over Juan. He was deeply humiliated by this proposal. At the same time, it wasn't particularly surprising that Mr. West wanted more. And dirty and kinky stuff was something Juan was weak for, even if he tried to deny it to himself. The fact that the man dared to say it to his face was signaling the self-confidence Juan loved in a man. It was confirmed by the man's strong arm around his body. And his grip around Juan's still hard cock.

"Can't we have an ordinary relation?" Juan blurted out. It was the first time he said out loud that he wanted to be with someone, have a relationship. Why did it to have be with such a demanding man?

"I'm not into ordinary relations. I want control. And you need to be dominated. That is the real reason why you come back to work out in my basement", the man said as he manipulated Juan's hard cock.

Soon Juan was on the brink of orgasm. Once again, the man stopped. He only moved his thumb over the dickhead. When he squeezed it, pre-cum spilled out. He then wanked it in a steady rhythm as he said, "You will let the man I bring fuck you, won't you? Without hesitation."

That humiliating question brought Juan over the top. His orgasm was strong. He shot his wad up over his face and chest. His body jerked in the arms of the hairy man.

"Good boy. I'll take that as a yes."

Mr. West was surprised how easy that was. Juan was excited over the prospect of being fucked by a stranger, even if he didn't recognize it. It was his cock who betrayed him. Mr. West told the men on the mailing list.

The next morning Juan had to go back to his flat to pack his gear, but not until Mr. West had secured the chastity devise on him. It had become a part of everyday life. Juan didn't reject the man when he grabbed his balls after the shower to put it on.

Juan went off to a new photo session. But he had difficulty focusing on his work. "You're not present!" the photographer complained.

He shouldn't let himself be taken advantage of like this! It was outrageous. The man shouldn't give him away like this. He had to stop going to that mansion. It was a dangerous place. But at night he was thinking about how it would be to let an unknown man fuck him. His cock was denied becoming hard but pre-cum ran out of the caged cock.

Juan knew the man was exploiting his loneliness. Mr. West was using his weakness to take charge over him. But why did it feel so good? He hadn't regretted any moment, not even when he was made to suck cock in that garage during a birthday party for Mr. West's friend. (But what happened to those pictures?)

How much control was he ready to give up? To suck cock was sometimes not regarded as real sex. But fucking was.

Throughout the work trip he was tormented by these thoughts. And he became more and more horny. Back home in his big and luxurious flat he felt alone. He couldn't wait to leave the loneliness behind. He first thought was of inviting some friends, but he dismissed the idea. They did not understand his strong attraction to Mr. West as an alpha male.

His distress ended when he got a text message. "Be here tonight at 9PM."

He was delighted to hear from Mr. West and that he wanted Juan to come to his mansion. All doubts fell into oblivion.

In the salon at the mansion, Mr. West offered a drink and a cigar. The two of them talked about Juan's recently completed gig. They ended up in Mr. West's bedroom. Juan got undressed and laid between the sheets on the bed. Mr. West followed. He grabbed Juan's balls under the device. Juan spread his legs to show his submission and give the man better access.

"I'm sure you are more than a compliant cocksucker. You need to be a bitch taking care of alpha male's hard cocks in every way you can. And that means to also offer that pussy hole of yours."

Mr. West saw shame and anguish in Juan's eyes, but also excitement.

"You know how much satisfaction you can create by offering this fine body to horny men. And I want you to give men that pleasure."

The man rolled the stones in the ball sack between his fingers.

"You can't do this to me! I'm no low life. I'm no freak." Juan was upset with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, let it out. But I think you have an old fantasy about being fucked by a stranger, a big and strong man you can't overpower. Isn't that so? I think you have repressed a need to transform your ass hole to become a man pussy. You have been too ashamed to acknowledge your longing for hard dicks up your ass. Tell me I'm wrong."

Mr. West was calm and determent. He knew he had this deep-down passive jock by his balls - not only literally but, more substantially, mentally.

Juan stayed silence, weeping quietly.

"Yeah, I have known since I first saw you, that you are a pussyboy. You want to be close to hard cocks. And not only wanting them in your mouth."

Juan tried to sit up, but the man pulled the ball sack down hard.

"Ooooh..." Juan whined. He stopped moving.

"It is sad to see that you think those desires are bad or evil. They aren't."

Juan looked up to the man's face.

"A beautiful young man with a desire to amuse alpha males is a good thing. You will get what you need: be controlled by superior men and be close to hard cocks. And alpha males get what we want: a handsome guy to fool around with and who will help us nut. I will bring you there, but then you must relax and follow orders."

Mr. West wanted these ideas to stick, hard and deep in Juan's mind. He wanted to brand Juan's new identity.

"I don't want to make you into something new, only bring out the true Juan from deep within your soul. You are a pussyboy and have always been. I only want to help you find yourself. Your true identity."

He moved his hand up over the stomach and chest while Juan thoughtfully digested the message.

"You should be true to yourself. Don't lock yourself away from your deep desires like a nun in a monastery..."

The first sign of a smile come over Juan. He was silent and thoughtful.

"Until now your mouth has been enough, but we want more of you and you need more intimacy. The next step is to give men more access to all of this beautiful body."

The man played with Juan's right nipple.

"This is an opportunity for you to get what you have craved for so long. Let me flesh out your true self."

Mr. West playfully smacked Juan's cheek with a hand.

"You want to be mine. Our relationship began with the chastity device. Now I need more. I want to control your beautiful ass. If you want to continue exploring the road ahead with me, you have to give in."

Juan listened and absorbed the command without protest.

"Every time you've been in doubt, you've come back anyway. The reason is that you have a strong desire to search for and explore the secrets of your sexual needs. You and I want the same thing but from totally different positions."

Mr. West smiled as he saw Juan began to accept what he said.

"So, you have to stop being so selfish. Share what you have. Now! Get up on your knees so I can inspect the pussy to be."

After some moment of stillness, Juan in silence slowly moved his body around, got up on his hands and knees to present himself. His own desires had defeated all his misgivings.

He was surrendering.

Mr. West had a hard time not taking advantage of the opportunity when he let a finger move up and down over this almost virgin ring-muscle. He had to wait until Juan was completely in his power.

"Good boy. Next week I will allow a man of my choosing to fuck this hole."

Juan remained silent.

Mr. West slapped the butt hard.

"Are you excited over the prospect of being fucked by a stranger?" The man required an answer.

"Yyyyyeeeeessss..." Juan whispered. He was embarrassed. He had capitulated and wasn't acting as a man. But he needed to have the approval of Mr. West. He succumbed to a superior force.

After another work trip with a lot of mixed feelings and contradictory thoughts, Juan arrived and entered the basement at the mansion. He walked on shaky legs and felt a surge of anxiety over what this meant for him.

He began to do his workout schedule, as always naked, and he couldn't stop thinking about the last conversations with Mr. West. He felt like prey that powerful predators were out to seize. He was a lamb being led to the slaughter.

After only a few minutes, Mr. West come down the stairs together with a man Juan met before. He even remembered his name: Brian. This man had used Juan's mouth harshly and nastily. He also had a big cock, Juan remembers. It made Juan even more nervous. How should he be able to handle it? Juan had been fucked, but it was as a teenager ten years ago.

Juan didn't stop his training. He was too nervous. He was holding a heavy dumbbell in each hand, let his elbows rest at his side while he was lifting the forearms out parallel to the floor. And then bending the elbows to bring the weight up to the chest, and then returning to the start position.

"His cheeks are flushed with excitement", smile Brian as the two men walked up to Juan.

"Bicep curl is a good workout for the arms", said Brian. "Hold your hands in neutral position." He showed Juan with his wrists. "You turn them when you lift and rotate back when you lower the dumbbells."

Juan followed his advice as he continued to lift the weights up to the chest and down to his sides.

"Breathe in during the part when you're working against gravity, letting the weights come back down", Brian instructed.

As Juan continued to lift and lower the dumbbells, Mr. West left the basement.

Juan continued the exercise even though he did more lifts than he used to. He didn't know what would happen when he finished.

Brian grabbed Juan's arm to stop him. "Put the dumbbells down and follow me", he said.

Juan dropped one dumbbell to the floor. He was jumpy and aroused at the same time. Once he got the equipment in place, he walked on shaky legs over to the bench where Brian was standing.

"I loved our last exercise", Brian said as he pinched Juan's nipple. "I have heard that the mouth works better when other men use it now", Brian said, bringing two fingers to Juan's lips and caressing them.

Juan was taken by how confident Brian was. Allowing someone to touch their lips suggests submission, they both understood that. Juan swallowed hard. The situation made him both excited and jittery. Brian was an alpha male, tall and well built. He had short brown hair and looked great with his beard.

And his eyes were penetrating. They made Juan feel that Brian knew what he was thinking. The male model was not only showing Brian his naked body, but he also undressed his spirit.

"Get down on your knees", said Brian. Juan complied, slowly lowered himself to an even more subdued position.

"Look up at me", he continued. When Juan looked up, the man pushed two fingers against Juan's lips. He opened his mouth and let the fingers in.

"Will you be an obedient bitch, as your boss assured me?" Juan nodded.

"Tell me", he said and pulled the fingers out.

"I... I will be... an obedient bitch...." Juan said weakly.

"Open my pants", said Brian and, when Juan lifted his hands to do it, continued, "with your mouth."

Juan looked up at the man as if to check if he meant it. Brian only lifted his eyebrows, as to say, "what are you waiting for?"

Slowly Juan moved his upper body and head toward Brian's crotch. He tried to open the zipper with his teeth, while pushing his face against a growing bulge inside the pants.

Brian wanted to establish a clear division of roles between the one who decides and the one who obeys. When Juan showed his obedience, Brian opened his pants and push them and his underwear down. He then removed his shirt.

Juan looked at a mature, hairy, and strong body of a man in his 40s. "Make me hard", Brian said. Once more Juan leaned forward, and this time got the cock in his mouth. It was as big as he remembered. He put a hand around it, but Brian pushed it away. "Only that mouth pussy", he moaned.

After some time, Brian grabbed Juan's head and pushed his cock deeper than Juan had gone. Juan tried to relax and take it. He managed to take more faster than before. Brian's pelvis was almost at Juan's nose when he coughed. When Brian pulled back for a second, Juan gasped. Then the big cock was pushing itself down his throat again.

Brian was satisfied. "Good work", he said as he slapped the wet cock against Juan's cheeks and nose.

"Get on your knees on the bench and point your ass out." Brian didn't ask him but told him. Juan felt it as pure power. No room for discussion.

Juan got up on the bench. His ass was exposed. He knew what this meant. It would transform him from a top to a bottom boy. But he was ready for it, even if he knew it would further reduce him to a passive bitch. He didn't like it, but if it was the price to join Mr. West's circles, he accepted his place.

Brian stepped close and caressed the naked buttocks. "A first-class ass", he said with delight.

Then the man surprised Juan when he squatted down, spread the butt cheeks, and started to lick the crevice and the rosebud. It was a magnificent feeling and Juan shivered with pleasure. Then a finger poked at, caressed, and slowly penetrated the ring-muscle.

Juan wasn't used to being touched here. As a top he had fucked other guys asses. They had quickly undressed, and Juan had been eager to get his cock in the young guy and get his release. No foreplay. No deeper perspectives. Not like this.

When Brian stopped and stood up, Juan looked back. He saw how Brian lubed his big cock up. Their eyes met and Brian smiled. Juan swallowed.

"Are you ready to be a pussyboy?" he asked. Juan breathed nervously. He was almost panicking. Not because of having sex with a man, but because his entire self-image would crumble. To be fucked in the ass was something more than sucking cock.

The moment he allowed others to take advantage of his body, he would turn into a bottom bitch, to someone who allowed himself to be dominated. He wouldn't be a real man anymore.

And then it happens. Juan felt a cock poking and pushing at his hole. Brian moved lightly. Then he used more force and the cockhead popped in. Juan jerked in pain and the man moaned.

Juan felt an acute need to pull the man away from him. But he thought about Mr. West. "He wouldn't be happy if I ruined this".

Brian slowly moved half his cock in and out of this handsome and submissive young man. This is something he's been dreaming about since Mr. West told him he caught a first-class fashion model he would turn into a slave boy. Already then Mr. West had promised Brian he could be the first one who drilled him one step closer to submission.

He steadily pushed more of his cock into the male model's pussy. Brian was delighted that Mr. West asked him to open up the new boy. It's not every day you get the chance to fuck a fashion model. And the only thing Juan did was moaning in delight of having a strong man using him.

Mr. West had told Brian to go easy and make it a pleasant exercise for the new boy. Brian moved his hands over Juan's naked skin. Over his bums, waist, back and down to his stomach. He felt the boy begin to relax. Brian wanted to get more of his cock into the newly opened love-channel. He grabbed Juan's waist, pulling him back onto his cock and moving further inside the wet man pussy.

Juan had to take it, he had no room to move as the hotrod lay deep in his smarting colon. Brian now could fuck the hole at a slow pace. He held a steady rhythm. Brian heard more groaning sounds of delight from the jock.

"Oh... uh... uh... ohh... yes..."

Brian couldn't hold back, he started to fuck faster. He was sliding all the way in and almost all the way out. Then back in deep again. The moaning from the fuckboy continued. Brian smiled. It was as Mr. West had told him: this was a bitch in disguise.

It felt surprisingly good for Juan. His ass was filled with cock and it gave him satisfaction in a mightier and more intense way than he ever felt before. Not even when he had fucked guys, had he experienced this fulfillment, this limitless enjoyment of being filled and at the same time giving pleasure to a stronger man and his demanding cock.

"Oh, fuck!" Juan shouted. He was on his way to climax. He couldn't believe it.

Brian speeded up and with each thrust he slammed all of his cock into Juan, smacking his pelvis against Juan's butt, moving fast and powerfully. Drilling the pussy hard.

"Argh!" Juan got a stronger orgasm then he ever had. Out of his imprisoned, soft cock ran his semen down to the bench. His body jerked in pleasure.

And Juan's body clamped down on Brian's cock. It took him over the top. He climaxed and filled Juan with his jizz.

They both panted.

Brian stayed inside Juan, as he moved his arms around Juan and lifted his upper body. Brian then grabbed Juan's head, turning it to the side as he lowered his face to Juan's. They kissed as Brian still had his cock in Juan. With his hands Brian grabbed Juan's chest as if he had breast. Juan felt as if he was treated as a woman. It was humiliation mixed with great pleasure.

Brian pulled out and slapped Juan's butt. "Good work, bitch!"

The man got dressed and went upstairs. Juan could feel the man's semen dripping and drooling from his aching pussy down his legs. He dumped the last of the load in the toilet. Then bent over at the waist to check his asshole in a mirror. He reached back to pull the cheeks apart as he stared at his hole. It was swollen and irritated from misuse, looking like a puffy lipped orifice.

Juan couldn't resist to touch it, rubbing his middle-finger seriously over the sensitive ring-muscle. He was amazed at how good it felt to push the finger inside. More of Brian's load dropped out.

Then he showered and went home to his flat. He wondered why he hadn't been more upset by being treated this way. He understood why an older, powerful man wanted to play with a young good-looking guy. But why did he let himself be played? And why did it feel so good to be fucked?

The thing that was most disturbing was that he had an orgasm without touching his cock. It wasn't even allowed to be hard. Nevertheless, it happened.

It was the chastity device that played a prank with him! He became so damn horny when he couldn't jerk off.

But the last thing Juan thought about before he fell asleep was this ferocious gusto Brian showed. Nothing was sexier than a powerful man using all his energy and skill while fucking.

The next day Juan had to go to the agency's office and decide about upcoming gigs.

The following day he went back to the basement to work out and beg Mr. West to remove the device.

He was almost finished when the big black guy he had sucked off before walked up to him with a big smile. Juan took a break. "What's up?" Juan asked.

"I have a message for you from the boss", he said and became more serious. He showed Juan his cell phone. A message read, "Juan, Let Demario fuck you."

"Are you serious?" Juan said. He had to protect his dignity. To be told something like this in a message on someone else's phone? It was bad.

The black guy, Demario, undressed and took hold off his cock. "You don't want this?" Juan looked up and it was as if lightning had struck him. Demario body was hot. He was fit and tall with a muscular body. Probably in his late 30s.

Demario smiled. He saw how Juan was yearning for him. Demario walked up to him and kissed him. He moved his hands all over Juan's body and squeezed his buttocks. Finally, he grabbed Juan's ball sack, inspecting the chastity device.

"Now, you will give me this fine Hispanic body. No fuss. Turn around and bend over", Demario said with a demanding tone.

Juan looked at him, but he had a stone face waiting to be obeyed. Slowly Juan turned around and presented his ass to the man. He grabbed Juan's butt cheeks and squeezed them.

"Shit!" Demario said. He was impressed. Juan really had a perfect butt.

Demario spread the butt cheeks and spat on the inviting hole. He had planned to let Juan suck him and then give him a rim job, but he was too hot. He wanted to fuck this guy. He put his cock against the exposed ring-muscle and pushed his dick head against the tight hole. He pushed harder and harder until it penetrated the hole, and the big black cock sank in.

"Shit!" he groaned as he speared the guy. Juan groaned. "Ahhhhhh."

Slowly and gradually Demario pushed deeper and deeper with every thrust. When he got deep, Juan jerked as the cock hit his intestine. But Demario continued, he knew the soft channel would bend to accommodate his hard cock soon enough.

He moved his black cock back and then forward into that pink hole. Then he stopped.

"Do you want me to take it out?" Demario asked.

"No... please... fuck me", Juan whispered.

"Louder!" Demario demanded.

"Please, fuck me!", Juan said.

Demario began to move his cock again, holding Juan's waist with his hands. He fucked in a steady rhythm for a long time. This was a tight ass, he thought. Probably not been fuck many times.

"Walk to the wall and put your hands on it", Demario said. Juan thought he would be released, but Demario held on to Juan's waist and walked with him with his cock deep in the pussy hole. When Juan raised his hands to the wall, Demario started to fuck him good as he let go of the waist and moved his hands all over Juan's body. Over his shoulders, around to his chest and stomach.

As Juan relaxed Demario soon had all of it inside and his pubic hair pressed to Juan's bum. Now he fucked him with long steady moves. Juan couldn't believe it could be this good to be fucked. He thought it was the top who got the best sex, but now he realizes it wasn't necessarily so. Juan moaned without thinking.

Demario slowed down but didn't stop. "Do you want more?", he asked as he moved one palm up over Juan's back.


"Beg for it", Demario demanded.

"Fuck me..." Juan complied.

Demario sped up but said, "Continue!"

"Please, fuck me!" Juan eagerly said, over and over as Demario fucked hard and fast. Until he cummed. He pressed his pelvis against Juan's butt and filled him with his semen. "Argh! Oh, shit!"

After a moment of silence , except for their breathing, Demario said, "When I pull out, you turn around and clean my cock. Understand?"

Juan nodded. He was horny as hell.

"Lick my balls", Demario said. And Juan complied. He didn't know why, he just wanted to please him.

Demario pulled him up and grabbed the back of Juan's neck. Them kissed him passionately. "I will tell Mr. West you did good and that I want to fuck you again. Soon."

End part 6

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If you want to encourage me to write more chapters, feel free to cheer on by writing an email.

And I want to express thanks for the help with English grammar, to the person concerned.

Next: Chapter 7

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