A Naive Indian Slut

By Master DomTop

Published on Feb 4, 2023


The story was submitted by one of My online sluts. I didn't disclose the information upon his request and after all My slaves are My property and confidential ones. This story like others is inspired by true events and I transformed it into a series for My horny subs to enjoy. Do email Me how much you liked it.

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So, Indian men are inherently submissive both sexually and generally. There are many factors contributing for that. One reason is that a single man has to take care of many people of his family and usually gets pressed between his personal and family matters. So we usually surrender to the pressures of people and society around us. Secondly we are not very tall, we have small pricks (at least I have one, less than 4.5 inch when fully erect), have very low self esteem and above all we like to follow and comply to strong people especially men around us. I wouldn't have said this at all if I was not proven wrong. Why I'm saying that, you may ask? Because, nobody could expect a straight trophy bodybuilder who is jacked and had won many district competitions and also had been a runner up to 'Mr. X' (province/city not mentioned) last year to suck cocks and ride them.

I'm 5'8 (as I said not much taller), well-built with broad pectorals and big pecks. Cladded with washboard abs I bring satisfaction to all the eyes of all the girls in my village. I had a wide back that ended in v- shape. Working out my body and restricting myself only to desi protein have an incredible effect anybody could hardly move his/her eyes away from my glistening brown skin doing pushups under the shade of banyan tree. Moreover, I love flexing my body and showing of muscular strength. I would skip no chance of doing that. I was not only an eye candy for women but also a motivation for the men of my village. I even had given free training sessions to the young inspiring boys.

It is all about my physical appearance, let's come to my inner attributes. I'm not an arrogant piece of shit that mostly dudes become after becoming a Hercules. I won't say I'm the sharpest tool in the shred but also not the dumb jock will all muscles. I can be naive at times (more now) but people also ask for my suggestions. I'm 27, and about to marry a beautiful girl from a neighboring village.

A bodybuilding competition is imminent and I ll part in it. I will be visiting Mumbai and living with my father's best friend who is a lawyer. Both are the childhood friends and we have cordial relationship just like a family. Uncle Ram has two sons, the older Raj who is 25 and younger Sahil who is 21. Both are really good men. I used to play and go to school with Raj as a kid. It's been a while I've met them so it will be nice opportunity to relive old memories.

As I arrived Raj came to pick me up. We hugged excitedly and as I bent down to pick my bag, someone's hand touched mine and I looked up to see him. There was a cute boy nodding me to pick himself the bag. He was about my height or may be a bit taller and thin but had a nice smile. He reached his hand out and we shook hands.

"Rishi, meet Sahil. Hope you haven't forgotten him?", Sahil kept on smiling and I was surprised how did this small kid get taller.

"Man you had all grown up?", I asked with a smile and hit him on his shoulder.

"Thanks brother Rishi", he replied politely. We all went to their home. As it was getting dark and I was tired, they got me share the room with Sahil. It was not a big house. There were just three rooms. One for uncle Ram, one belonged to her 16 year daughter and this one was shared by the brothers. As I was the guest so I had to share brother's room and Raj had to share the room with uncle Ram. See in Indian families, younger siblings always have to make this compromise. It is a cultural thing, so I ended up in Sahil's room sharing his bed. I'm used to sleeping without shirt, so I took it off and laid down. I didn't notice Sahil staring at me while I did that. I grabbed my mobile and checked few messages all from my fiance that put a smile on my face. I wrote him a good night message and put my mobile aside. As I did that I saw Sahil crouching on the couch and I felt bad for him. This family was gonna take care of me for the next two weeks so I shouldn't make them uncomfortable, I thought.

"Hey Sahil, come up on the bed mate...don't be uncomfortable on the couch", I said to him.

"No, I'm ok here brother", he replied but my constant request forced him to share the bed with me.

"Man it's a huge bed. We both will be easy here", I lied as the bed could barely contain more than three people. I was already so buff that I took space for two people. At least, Sahil was opposite of me physically, so it didn't bother him much. To make a little more space Sahil moved backwards and our backs touched.

Soon I was in a deep sleep and I had a beautiful dream. My fiance Naina was there with me feeling my big biceps. I was smiling and ogling her over her beautiful body. He squeezed my muscles harder feeling every inch of it. Then she moved aside touching my melon shaped globes. Usually I do that to her but anyways, I liked her touching my pecks and giving them a squeeze. The touch felt so real like it was not a dream and I moaned a little. I could feel my cock tenting in my trousers. Naina's fingers encircled my right nipple and tweaked it gently making me groan. Her hand moved down felling my six pack abs and spread that area for some time. The feeling was so amazing and it didn't look like a dream. My cock was throbbing as if it would explode all the churning fluid in my ball sac. Her hand moved down and my heart raced on a high pace and as it wriggled through my waist, I turned my body around and opened my eyes slowly. I thought that bed jiggled a bit but totally ignored it. I looked around and saw Sahil's small back. He must be sound asleep and then I looked at my crotch and to my surprise a wet spot had formed with a protrusion. "Fuck", I cursed. The dream really made me wet. I was totally embarrassed and struggled to sleep again.

******* I was hard as a rod in morning and horny to the peak. After having a wet dream my cock was begging for a release. I wished Naina was with me so that I could have calmed my urge down. But it couldn't have worked out either until we were married. That makes me virgin I guess. Again it is a cultural thing we have in India. I have never had sex just few kisses and a regular masturbation in nights.

There was only thus thing I could do. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and masturbated there quietly. I imagined fucking Naina and shot my load with a racing heart. It was a quick relief, I also happened to shoot quickly and had a low stamina. I came out of bathroom only in a towel. Sahil came into the room and looked at me. Again I didn't notice him lusting over my body as I was so busy in choosing my attire to wear.

"Man, I can't believe you have grown so much. Last time I saw you clumsily walking around bumping into things", I laughed initiating a conversation with him.

"Yes brother Rishi. You have also become so big you know. I can recall you were so lanky back then but now you are an inspiration. I even show your weightlifting competition to my friends last year, pity you couldn't win it. My mates are eager to see you though", I couldn't tell if he purposely mentioned that it I was being sensitive about coming as runner up but I totally ignored that.

"Yeah, I was so confident to win that, you know", I said with passion in my voice.

"Yes, you will brother...look you have also improved so much. I bet your arm size had increased a lot", he came and touched my arm squeezing it.

"Will you flex for me brother Rishi", he asked with such innocence that I couldn't refuse him and put a flexing show for him.

"See, I was right you have improved a lot", he touched my pecks and I didn't even imagine what wild thoughts were running in his mind. I was so used to such things. Even my friends would touch my biceps and punch my pecks so I was cool with that.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Breakfast is ready. Come quickly, I can see your muscle show after that", he said smiling and I reacted in the same way.

"Just gimme five minutes mate", I said and quickly pull off my towel as I heard him closing the door.

"And one more thing---", I quickly turned to see him and looked at his surprised expressions.

"Oh..I'm so...sorry....I really am", I turned and put the towel away as I assumed Sahil must have left the room. I even heard the sound of door handle. But when I heard his I turned around and clumsily picked the towel to hide my crotch but I knew it was too late. He must have seen my little package.

"It's....it's ok", I sure was annoyed with him but I pretended like nothing happened. He looked embarrassed himself. I should have at least locked the door or waited a minute or two. It was my mistake.

"I should apologise.....I was saying if you wanna see around the city, I and big bro were planning to take you out today", he said looking down with the evident shame on his face. I just nodded my head with utter embarrassment. "Fuck", I cursed. I quickly changed my clothes and came down to the table. I couldn't even look at Sahil as I was so embarrassed.

***** Sahil:

"So your hot stud relative arrived after all?", I was at Arun's home who was my best friend. The moment I saw brother Rishi my cock couldn't stop getting hard. He had become so handsome suddenly. I saw his competition last summer where my eyes would roll with his every muscle pumping. He is a work of nature. When he would swirl his moustache that looked incredible on his shaven face, it would take my breath away. After all, moustache is the symbol of masculinity for Indian men.

"Man, I was so close to him last night. You cannot believe how horny I was and I couldn't control myself just looking at the sexy hunk lying close to me", I told every Knitty gritty to him.

Well I didn't tell you but we happen to be a closeted gays. Despite the new act that denounced homosexual sex as a criminal act, the social stigma is still there.

"I knew he would be in a deep sleep so I get to squeeze his biceps and touch his pecks even tweaked one of them. And you know what I realised he loved when his tits are being touched cuz the moan he made was so worried and any deaf would tell he was enjoying it. I was so close to touch his cock but then he woke up and I quickly turned around. My heart was racing I thought he would figure it out", I said with a sigh.

"Fuck man, he is so buff, he must have a huge cock too. I'd love to ride him", Arun said with a glow in his eyes but my excitement turned into a devious grin.

"Well, for that part, it is so unfortunate if you that he has a prick even little than yours", I said cockily.

"What???", He said with shock.

"Yes, I also assumed he must be lacking but today while he was changing I mistakenly opened the door and got a good look at his crotch. Man it might be 4 and a half. Yours is bigger than his", I said lost in his muscular built and a round bottom ass.

"Fuck....I can't believe that. I'm five and he has shorter than mine. What a pity", Arun clearly looked disappointed.

"Your are sad as if we Indian men have 10. We are not Black Africans or whatever", I said calmly.

"Now come and suck me off...I'm still hard just thinking about how hot he is", I adjusted myself and Arun came lowering my boxers down.

"But you do have six inches long which is the biggest one I have seen at least", he complemented my big cock and started sucking me. Well, I was an exception and among the lot of men who were not big or buff like Jay was but I surely surpassed him when it came to his package. To be honest, I'm still in a shock how a strong man like him could have such a small dick.

"Man, we should fuck him then", Arun said after taking my load in.

"You give an amazing fuck. I was thinking to get laid by him. I still want to as he is so strong but we can also have a muscle ass to pound you know", Arun's idea was not bad at all. Why didn't I think of that?

"Hmm...sounds good but that man is straight and is about to married next month. The idea sounds great and nothing more", now he had mentioned I really wanted to fuck brother Jay but he wasn't into dudes.

"Come on Sil, why not seducing him? You are good at doing that. Or we can fuck him when he is intoxicated", Arun said.

"Sounds good...I can try that but I want him to enjoy that willingly like he wants my cock and begs for that like you do", I smiled.

"Well you said he is a straight....so it kinda seems impossible",

"Let's see what happens", I said and pulled him down on my cock again.

****** I was doing pushups when I saw a girl watching over my sweaty shirtless body from the adjacent house. I smiled as I was used to having suck stares from the girls and women of all the ages. I started flexing even more as you know I cannot miss any opportunity where I have to boast off my muscular physique and strength. The girl started giggling and our eyes met. She surely wanted me and I was mor Ethan happy to give what she wanted. Naina was not there and I needed a pussy to fill. I was willing to cheat on her to satisfy my lust. I felxed harder pumping my biceps and triceps showing off my wide back.

"Hey there brother Rishi", I heard Sahil and turned around around.

"I was told you were practising at the roof so I decided to bring you this apple juice", sahild gave me the glass.

"You have a great body brother.", Sahil complemented. I filled the entire glass in one go spilling few streams over my pecks that trickle down to my crotch.

"I....wanted to...apologise again brother for the...morning thing", he looked quite ashamed. I had even forgotten about that.

"Hey...you still thinking about it...come here dude", I hugged him and gave him a head lock.

"Let's be chill about it and forget it', I said pretending cool about it.

"I'm so glad brother", this time he hugged me tightly.

"Arun wanted to see you...I told him that he could come tomorrow",

"Sure why not. Your friend is my fired.", We both smiled and he flexed again to show off his strong body.

******* Sahil:

He was again so close to me in the bed and tonight he was face to face to me. He was sound asleep and I wanted to take his beautiful face in my hand and kiss him. I moved closer and feel his warm breath hitting my face. I was captivated by his deep cleavage that cut his chest and defined his bulging pecs with protruding round knobs of pleasure. They literally were the size of melons. I couldn't control myself and just took over. My hand automatically moved and brushed against his taur nipple. I was cautious not to wake him up. My eyes were stuck on to his face as my fingers patted the nipple gently. I wanted to squeeze his pecks really bad and I did squeeze one gently.

"Ahh", he moaned gently parting his lips. I squeezed a little harder this time moving myself even closer. I was few centimeters away from touching his lips. My cock was getting hard but I didn't stop. I moved my hand on the smooth surface in an up and down motion. His face reacted to my touch and I quickly stopped and closed my eyes pretending to sleep. He moved a little bit and after sometime I started my physical manipulation again. I touched his boulder sized arm and kissed it. This time Rishi felt the touch and moved his hand away turning his body around. His wide back was now facing towards me. He had a thin waist and broad shoulders. I waited for him to go into deep sleep and after twenty minutes I touched his skin again, waited for his response and then continued feeling it. My had moved like a snake over his back and then I pushed his trousers. A Little bit down to reveal his ass crack. I noticed he wasn't hairy at all may be they had to be smooth when flexing their bodies for the contest. His ass was defined, looked round and bubble through the trousers. I pushed a little bit more but then he moved around and I quickly turned as well. I felt him wake up and gulped down a glass of water but then he slept again. I was really nervous and couldn't mustered up more courage.

****** Again I had a wet dream which felt real. Someone was squeezing my pecks and kissing my biceps. The hand was moving all over my body feeling every inch of my skin and then it moved in my pants giving me amazing stimulations. I worked up suddenly and saw another wet patch in front of my trousers. Fuck, I couldn't stop having wet dreams.

In the morning as I entered bathroom to take a shower, I closed the door and noticed it didn't lock as it was broken. I don't recall this yesterday as it was alright. I didn't pay much attention and took the shower. I was again hard and starting stroking myself with little moans. I felt like someone was watching me and looked at the door but none was there. I shot my load and came out.

"Hey brother Rishi. How are you doing?", Sahil appeared out of nowhere.

"Doing good dude", today I made sure and sat down in the bed and waited for him to leave.

"Breakfast is ready and we are waiting for you", he said and I told him that I ll be down there in a flash.

"Okay. I have nothing to say more. You can take your time", he chuckled and left.

***** I started my practice again as I had no much time left. I was again weightlifting at the roof. I have rented all the stuff for a week so it was not that difficult for me to practise. The girl from yesterday again was there and I winked at her to which she smiled seductively.

"Brother Rishi, hope I didn't disturb you?", I was a little annoyed as I thought to talk to that girl but quickly realised these are all distractions and I should focus on the practice. I felt thankful to Sahil that he came and prevented me from taking things further.

"Yes brother, is there something you need help with?", I asked him leaving the dumbells and cleaning all the sweat with the towel.

"I told you about my mates. These are Arun and Tony", he introduced me his two lanky friends. We all shook hands.

"You really are inspiring Rishi", Arun said.

"We saw you last year's video and your performance was so amazing. And I thought you were the deserving winner", the nerd Tony complemented which boosted my confidence. At last someone said that to me.

"And I believe this year you will kill it", Arun said and I smiled with a glow on my face.

"How about showing your moves to us brother Rishi?", Sahil said and I loved his idea. It would be a great practice session too.

"Sure, why not. Sit tight and let me present myself", I said excitedly and show how things were done.

"That's amazing", they hooted which added more to my confidence and ego. Both Tony and Arun came to me and squeezed my arms and abs. I was feeling so proud and let them feel my muscles. They sure took their sweet time feeling my body making me a little awkward and Sahil felt that so he took them away from me. They sure we're my fanboys. I started my practice again.

Next: Chapter 2

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