A Naive Indian Slut

By Master DomTop

Published on Jul 22, 2023


Apologies for the delay. But here is the next chapter. Enjoy

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The dream of this night puzzles me, how can my subconscious broadcast such obscene images to my brain? How the hell can I be excited by a man who is like my little brother. I felt my cock live at the thought of this perverse dream, as if it had its own mind, its own desire and it only asks for one thing: sahil's hand. My body temperature starts to rise, my breathing gets louder from this nightmare/fantasy. This warmth that his hand gave me was so pleasant, nothing to do with my solo sessions, his movements on my cock were slow to soak me in this sweet torture every second that passed, his play with my balls finished me, I was at his toy.

My 4 inches began to release precum, the excitement was too strong for a simple man like me. My brain turns off little by little to give way to my natural impulses. My hand began to caress my chest, "Ohhhh.....fuck....Mhhhh" I moaned. I kept going down to my crotch, I grabbed it and jerked off at the same speed as Sahil in my dream. "Ohhhh.....yeah like this...Mhhh..more, i want more." My other hand swept over my hot body and a wave of never-before-seen pleasure washed over me as I touched my nipples.

"Oh...... Yeeeeeeah....mooore" why have I never been told that they can provide so much pleasure? How could I have overlooked this?

I started tickling them, pressing "Fuck yeeeeaah...So.... fucking......Gooooood" I went into a daze, nothing else mattered except my release. Unconsciously, I then imagine that it was no longer me but Sahil doing all the dirty stuff.

"Ohh.....yeah dude....go faster.....Fuckkk yeahhh....Mhhhh.....Pleaaase..." It was real torture but I loved the feeling, my dopamine was at its peak. I was in perfect symbiosis with every drop of pleasure that my body felt.

"I..m gonna cumm bro... FUCKKKKK YEAH" I roared louder than I would have liked but I'm sure they didn't hear me. My cock then pulses my loads with liveliness one of the best orgasm of my life, (I couldn't be further from the true definition of pleasure).

******* I tried to chase these perverse thoughts from my mind, today is the competition, I must honor all these hours of training and my family who supports me. The competition is present, each candidate came with a specific goal: to win.

Like every year, the candidates are real muscular mountains, but this is the first time that I find myself in full admiration of all these veins that stand out, of these pecs bigger than melons, of these perfectly built 6 packs, of the asses that could crack nuts and much more detail, it smelt of manhood.

"Fuck" I thought, holding back my saliva which almost escaped from my lips, you have to thank God for having created the male body, The muscular man is the most beautiful lust in this world, The man is the most beautiful thing in this world. My blood goes to my mini-me which becomes hard devoid of my will, these works of nature must have pleased him. "Not right now" I said as if he heard me, I focused my brain on the competition because after all I had come to win too.

******* -sahil:

"Do you think Rishi has a chance? were the words that emanated from Arun's mouth. I came to his house quite early in the morning, today is the big day for Rishi, even if the altercation between us is forgotten our relationship is not at best, I preferred that he did not meet me not so as not to disturb him, knowing that he is having erotic dreams with me satisfies me for the moment.

"Stop talking bullshit! Of course he has a chance," I cried after him, "I just hope he loses." I finish more calmly, "His disappointment would be a good way in but I should act quickly, moreover be his executioner will be of no use to me, he must give himself up to this new pleasure of his own free will. "It'll never happen, it's not because he dreams of you that he will throw himself into the unknown, it's just these unacknowledged desires!, he will never face it if you don't push him one little. » I know it, I don't know where this compassion for Rishi comes from, but if I wanted Rishi to know true pleasure, his paradise, his place and his role in the hierarchy of men, I must disregard my emotions and be worthy of it, to be the light that shows him the path to follow.

"well you have a lot to say yourself" I point out to him. " I just wanted..... "

"Not a word," I interrupted, "come and kneel down in front of me. My voice was strong and authoritative. Arun complied with my request.

"Recite me your poem unbutton this shirt."

"Sir, the queer here has only one goal in life: to please you. You own his sucking mouth, his whore pussy, his fag cock. Please let me help.

I should have been used to seeing him humble himself for me but it still excites me so much, it couldn't make me harder, "this is Rishi's place" I thought.

"Okay, now take it all off," Our friendship flew away to make way for sex the way we like it. Me above and him below. He waited patiently for my next command, I spread my thighs and watched the growing hunger to serve in those eyes. "Come here" I grab him by the hair and pin him against my 6 inch, "yeah feel that, it's the object of all your thoughts, the keys to your paradise"

"Oh yeah sir.... Give it to me" Arun implored pathetically. "You're really rude, that's no way to ask," I teased. I rub his head on my cock, he must bury the smell and think of nothing but my cock.

"I beg you, let me do my job"

I take off my clothes faster than lightning and tie my belt around his neck, any occasion is good to remind them who is in charge.

"open your mouth slut!" I order.

like a good, docile puppy, he obeys without flinching. I thrust my cock into his mouth and let him set the pace he wanted.

"Yeaaah fuck....Mhhh... you like it right" "Mhh...Mhhh...MHHHHH" these moans muffled by my cock sound like the most beautiful of melodies. I grab his head and impose the new rhythm to follow.

" Yeah.... Yeah like that...Mhhhh yeah fuckk.. that's why you were begging no, take this and that.......So fuckiiing goood" I moaned.

He no longer sucked me, I used his mouth and he can only take it.

"slurrrp....sluuurp....MHHHHH" Arun can only produce these sounds.

"Yeahhhh.....Mhhh yeahh.... It's a good hole, you take it well... Yeahh" I pulled my mouth back and saw the saliva coming out of Arun's mouth, those red eyes, his breathless look: it was beautiful. A simple toy in all its glory.

"Come on, let's go to your room, I mustn't be jealous between your 2 holes"

I saw Arun recover but I corrected him immediately, he tends to forget very quickly.

"On all fours, walk past me and shake your butt" seeing those cheeks move puts all my senses in turmoil, I just wanted to stick my spear in her hole and free myself from all this tension. Arrived in his room, I pulled on my belt to force him to get up and threw him on the bed. I took this cake in my hands and shook it, I spanked him, I know he likes it. "Oh yeah...More" "Take this!" I attacked her asshole with my tongue. "Oh yeahhhh.....MHHHHH...Yesssss....So good!!!...Eat...it....OHHH Yeah"

Arun's body didn't know where to go because of the rimming. I continue to eat this hole while jerking off, my cock released a lot of precum and an endurance contest does not interest me. I pull my tongue out of Arun's hole making him moan in disappointment. I took my 6 inch and stroked it against her crack. "Oh yeah, please" "Yeah...you want it...earn it" "Oh Sir..I'm useless without your dick, Pleaase fill my hole up with your cum" Arun spread his ass cheeks pathetically begging to lift him up. This pink hole is hungry and all it wants is cock.

So I decided to feed her. "Oh yeahh...thank you sir...thanks for feeding me" "My pleasure is the only thing that matters here, MY pleasure is YOUR pleasure" I start typing, not caring much about Arun. "Oh yeahhh....Fuckk me...Mhhhh...More... OHHH Fuckk my hole....Break my ass..I need it!" Arun could barely utter a phase as the pleasure was there. "That's a PU-SSY, a greedy pussy" I roar, coordinating my thrusts with each syllable. "OH YEAHHH!!!.....A greedy Pussy....MHHH...Fuuckkk Me..Yeahhh!!! » I grabbed him by the hair to straighten him up, "you enjoy it rough huh!!" my thrusts are fast, dry, brutal. That's what he was born to do, take cocks. "Oh yeahh Sir...I love it...please give me more...use my hole...Fuckkk me...MHHHH yeahhhh!"

I grab his cock which hasn't been touched since we started fucking, "What's the use to you!" Tell me!!" "to piss....only to piss..Oh Yeahh...Moree...Fuckkk Meeeeee" my juice starts to rise, my dick asks for deliverance. My moans get louder and louder, "Yeahh....that's a good boypussy....Mhhh So tight....My dick loves it....I'm cuuuuming Boy....take it!!!..OHH Fuckkkkkkk yeahhh"

"Cum in my ass...Yeahhhh...So good..MHHHH....Oh Fuckk" my cock wets her innards with my juices, letting them make their way to impregnate this babes pussy. Arun's cock is still hard and begs to release that pressure but a bottom should only enjoy the real organ he was given at birth: his pussy. A "POP" was heard from Arun's hole as I pulled my cock out. "Your pussy is very good" I admitted, "it was amazing" we try to catch our breath, I can't wait for Rishi to discover the real carnal pleasures.

******* Rishi:

I looked at the parade landscape with disappointment, I had done my best but it wasn't enough, I finished second, victory was so close. I was in Sunil's car, he came to pick me up. I didn't dare look at him for fear of staring at him for too long, the episode where I watched his balls come back like a flashback in my head.

"Oh come on man, it's not so terrible you still finished 2nd you're in the top 3" Sunil consoled me, "if it had been me I wouldn't even be top 5"

"please, you would be top 5 and even higher, to be second is to be the first loser, all those hours of training to get the silver medal"

Sunil placed one of his hands on my thigh, this contact created an electric shock in me. I looked at his fingers caressing my thigh as a consolation since words are lacking, this friendly gesture disturbed me since I appreciated it a little too much. He withdraws his hand to refocus on the road and I regret it, I would have liked let him leave it on me. Wait What?

"Listen man, first or not you did your best and that's the most important thing, you won't have any regrets. Anyway, I'm proud of you."

Hearing those words made me feel good and I decided to turn my head in his direction. I notice he was already looking at me. It was a long eye contact and I made a superhuman effort not to move my eyes to inappropriate places.

"Come on, I'll take you to your uncle's, a surprise awaits you and you can see my brother who is really excited for you",

"let's goo"

******* The night came quite quickly, despite my defeat my family was proud of me and I could finally let go of alcohol. I got to see Sahil, Sunil's brother again. A hot guy.

"Hey dude one more drink?! Sunil shouted through the music. I had had enough to drink but I didn't want to appear boring, everyone is having a field day at this party, no one is left out.

"Yeahhh! »

Sahil also warmed my heart, I hadn't seen him all day. Even though our relationship isn't happy at best, seeing him makes me happy.

"Let's raise our glasses to Rishi" Uncle Ram, "the real winner of this competition"

"Rishi! Rishi! Rishi! Rishi!" to be acclaimed by all is really a feeling that all men must experience in their life. We have the impression of being a God.

******* Sahil was helping me somehow to go to my room without falling, we weren't dead drunk but quite drunk. Arrived in my room he threw me on the bed. I took off my top and my pants to be more comfortable.

"let me jerk you off for the win", Sahil said boldly touching my crotch. The alcohol was taking hold of me and despite my resistance I let him do it as I was so horny and getting hard making myself embarrassed.

"I can't even jerk off like before," I admitted. " How so ? Can't get a hard on anymore?", "yeah but, the problem is what makes me hard, I dreamed of a man's hand on my bone" I still can't get over it. "Really, like this...I bet it's me", I quickly looked at him with my red face (cuz if alcohol) I felt Sahil's hand on my crotch. I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"Yeah.. Mhh" a low moan escaped my mouth, my penis was filling with blood as Sunil's caresses, However an image of Naina comes back to my mind. "What the hell dude" I whispered, "get your hand out of there."

"But why, we're not doing anything wrong, and then look at me too, I'm hard" Sahil took my hand and placed it on his cock. I imagined its proportions and it's bigger than mine. I had too little of strength (of will) to withdraw my hand.

"It's not moral, I shouldn't have touched that besides I'm getting married."

"we're just 2 guys having fun" Sahil's hand resumed its movements on my cock as if to accentuate his remarks. My cock could not have another reaction than hard, my moans increase in decibel. "Mhh...Dude...Don't.....I'm getting married" I pathetically begged him not to do something stupid. "Forget her, I'm here, I'm the one pleasing you" he lowered my boxers and grabbed my cock. He started jerking me off.

"Yeahh...Mhhh.... no..no Sahil don't.." i was at odds with myself even one part wanted him to keep touching me and the other no. i had to think about naina, what we have i couldn't let this happen. I am a man, I have to exercise authority. "Shhh... you'll like it I'm sure." Sahil whispers to me. He started kissing me. "Mhh....Ohh....Don't....Fuck...Stop" I pushed my head back to avoid his kisses, but I let my neck was at his mercy. He covered it with kisses. "Do you like it?" "Mhh...noo....Yeeah", the excitement was palpable, I lost myself between my feelings for my future wife and the undeniable pleasure I felt. Did I like that? Sahil's hand and kisses are driving me crazy. What little resistance I had left me, I did something I thought I couldn't do. I raised my hand to Sahil's neck, pulled him closer to me and began to kiss him. Another man's lips on mine, I must have lost my mind. It was wild between us and Sahil was clearly setting the pace. The dominated in the story was me. "It's okay huh" I didn't know what to say, I had never been so intimate with someone but I knew I didn't want to stop until I came. "Mhhhhhh dude... Go faster or let me do it" "shh....that's bad manners...pleasure for someone like you has to come from someone like me you understand" Sahil whispered in my ear, "you have to ask nicely" he finished biting my ear . "Oh Yeahhh" I was ridiculous and the alcohol didn't help, I arrived in this competition and here I am practically offered to Sahil.

"Beg for" sounded more like a requirement disguised as a request. I didn't want to give in but he alternated the speed of my masturbation making me moan. My resistance seems to have never existed at the moment I could not impose myself, I am his plaything and that suited me.

"Pleaase.. Pleasse...Mhhh.. Sahil....make me cum" "good boy" "Yeahhh...Fasterrr....don't stop..Mhh"

only my moans fill the room, I didn't care who might come in and find us I just wanted to release my load.

"I..Yeahhh...I'm gonna" "I get it" says Sahil accelerating "Goal" "OHHH....FUCKKKKK....Yee.... Sahil's hand covered my roar.

"That's it, let the real pleasure invade you." But only real men are allowed to let their load out, for people like you the pleasure is inside, They have to take pain to feel true happiness, They have to serve higher men to feel alive, They have to use their real organ: their pussy and not this useless bone. My brain registered each of this information as if it was in full reprogramming.

In reality, Sahil had applied pressure on my cock preventing my load from coming out but not orgasm. This pleasure was so intense that I felt like my mind was going out of my body, my body was seized with spasms and I couldn't control anything. I've never experienced such pleasure I've wanted to feel like this all my life, My brain was releasing so much dopamine it felt like I was in heaven. I heard a "good boy" that sounded so distant still trying to get over my emotions.

Sahil wiped his hand on my chest, and made his way straight into my arms. I did not having any strength to try to understand what happened.

******* I awoke from my sleep with a horrible headache, what was my amazement to see my boxers down exposing my cock. I was wondering what could have happened yesterday when the flashbacks come back to my head. How, how could I let this guy play with me like this.

"but it was so good, a pleasure you've never experienced before" arouses my inner voice. I messed up for fun, I betrayed Naina, Loyalty is so sacred. I am the worst of assholes. Remorse overwhelms me.

"Maybe you've just discovered what we call 'happiness', you've had so much fun with it." made me observe this voice. I wanted him to shut up, I thought back to the overflow of emotions felt, my hand slipped towards my cock involuntarily then I started to think back to his words, the pleasure must be granted to me by a category of a man of which I am not a part and not by myself. "FUCK! I blurted out frustrated and confused that I didn't even see that I did what he told me I was leaving my cock alone.

****** Sluts like rishi are welcomed to serve my Master. Can email me for your queries.

Next: Chapter 4

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