A New Address

By Harry Palmer

Published on Jun 26, 2021


A New Address

I had moved to a new town and been here just over two weeks I knew the town quite well from visiting before I moved and found I could walk into the town center in about ten minutes from where I lived but was trying different routes the weather was an untipical British summer very hot the new route I was trying was going to be about a twenty minute walk and with the heat wish I had waited till a cooler day. I knew what direction I was going in and turned into a street which I hoped would take me into town soon, the top of the road was lined with 1930's terrace houses six on either side then as I looked down the road you could see a mixture of different styles and era's over the years land must have been sold and houses built all the houses looked in good repair and their gardens what there were seemed to be well kept. On my right hand side were a pair of Victorian semi's one in good repair the other had no gate weeds in the small garden and the paint on the windows and front door flaked and peeling also the windows upstairs and down had the curtains closed. I walked past and as I looked up the road there was a man walking towards me he looked in his fifties or maybe older he was dressed in a shirt and trousers as he got closer I noticed his shirt front was covered in stains he was unshaven and his hair was short and looked greasy as he was within two foot of me I could smell strong stale sweat I said good morning he smiled and said hello hot init I said yes too hot and he carried on walking as he passed me the pavement being narrow we were about a foot a part I smelled piss nice I thought. I walked on and turned around as I did I saw him going into the shabby Victorian semi I carried on into town and did what I had too. Three days later I was trying another route into town and ended up at the top of the same street as I walked down I saw the same guy walking up dressed in the same stained shirt and as he got closer I notice how stained his trousers were especially around his flies again as he approached I smelled sweat and piss my cock started to stir in my trousers as he was a couple of feet in front he said hello I said morning another hot one he said yes and walked on to his house. As I was in town I noticed in an estate agents window the shabby Victorian house for sale I thought Mmm a chance to get to see and smell him closer as I walked in the agents a woman came up and asked if she could help me I said I was interested in viewing the Victorian semi in the window she asked what my position was regarding buying I lied and said I had just moved here and had some capital over and was looking for a rental property as your savings earn't nothing in the bank these days she said I know what you mean, she went and got the details when she came back she said it needs up dating and a vision and asked when I wanted to view I said day after tomorrow nine thirty in the morning she said that would be fine took all my details and said the seller was'nt on the phone but a member of staff lives around the corner and drops a note in the door and there had'nt been any problems so far with this method. I said fine she then gave me his name, as she was finishing up the paper work she looked a bit hesitant I said is there something you want to tell me about the property .she didn't know what to do I said I know in your business you can't talk about sellers or the property but if I need to know something I would be greatfull she looked around the office one colleague was in the front with a customer and the other at the back over the photocopier she said the owner lives on his own and the house was unkept and recommend I didn't wear anything smart I thanked her and said I would keep what she told me to myself. I got home and went into the garage and pulled out my filthy pants and jeans which I had worn and pissed in over the years and never washed, the pants were boxer style but very heavy cotton which I brought on line, they had been found in a old shop and were from the 1950's or 60's never worn I had pissed in them many times never shit in them but had shit not wiped my arse and pushed the pants in my crack I put these and my jeans on and pissed myself several times during the day then took them off and hung them in the garage to dry. The day of the viewing came I dressed in the filthy pants and jeans stinking of piss with cotton shoes no socks and a short sleeve dark shirt it was the hottest day of the year 25degs at 9am I walked to the house and the sweat was pouring off me I knocked and waited quite a while then when the door opened I was hit with the smell of cooking a musky smell and an udertone of piss. The guy was behind the door I said good morning I'm Harry I hope you were expecting me he said yes I'm George come in as I walked in on the right hand wall was a pile of old news papers about 4 foot high the corners all brown as he closed the door I turned and he was dressed in a vest covered in stains on either side under the arms were brown sweat stains he had a mass of black hair under his arms and a mass of hair coming over the top of the vest and the bottom 6 inches was stained brown but the best of all he only had a pair of Y fronts on the whole front brown from piss which was the only thing I could smell my cock shot straight up. Sorry he said I will go and put my trousers on it's so hot I didn't get dressed I said if I wasn't here I would be in just my pants I said it's so hot out there today far too hot for clothes then said I've sweated so much it feels like I've pissed my pants and it's running down my legs. He smiled and chuckled I said it's only us here don't worry about putting your trousers on just wish I could take mine off then to my delight he said why don't you so I just pushed my shoes off took off my jeans and laid them on the news paper pile and put my shoes back on I could now smell how pissy I was thanks I said that feels so much better. He said this way and as he walked past me bingo the back of his pants had a 3inch wide brown strip from the waist band down disappearing under his legs. My 7 inch cock was so stiff and with the pants being cotton it stuck straight out so as his back was turned I pulled my hard cock straight up over the waist band which held it in place and the shirt covered it. He walked into the front room and over to the window and opened one curtain as he stretched up I noticed the massive bulge in his pants he looked to have a very sizeable cock he was very hairy legs arms and as with the front of the vest he had hair sticking out over the back of the vest as he opened the other curtain he cut a 5 or 6 second fart he looked around and said oh manners, beer makes me shit and fart and I was at the pub last night I said better out than in and it sounded like that one needed to get out he chuckled. As I looked around the room there was a fire place with open fire, the hearth was full of ash spilling onto the floor which was old lino with a worn rug in the middle on top a coffee table full of papers and letters on the wall opersite the fire was a brown draylon sofa the end arm was black from body grease as were the back cushions at head height and the cusions sunk low on the seat and although brown there were dark stains on the cushions the room smelt musty. He said he had been born in the house and lived there with his dad and uncle and had no mum as he walked past me into the hall he cut another fart I said nice one to which he chuckled as I followed him I smelt the fart ripe and earthy the sort you do before you have a shit. The other room was on the side of the house oppersite the stairs with a window on the side looking onto a garden wall then the house next doors wall the room wasn't overlooked so there were no curtains the first thing about the room I noticed it stank of piss and shit same set up as next door lino and a very thread bare rug gas fire on the wall a TV and opersite was a blue draylon sofa the far arm and back cusions black from body grease the front edge of the seat cushion on the far side and down the front had a big brown shit stain and the cusion on top was ringed with piss stains. In the middle of the room was a coffee table full on empty beer cans news papers and take away containers on the rug between the sofa and table were several large brown stains hense the strong smell of shit in the room. He turned and said this is the room I use all the time while saying this he scratched his arse then farted for about 10 seconds I said there's nothing more manly than a bloke cutting a fart he smiled at this lifted his right leg and farted again I looked him in the face and said beauty he said I needed that one then sniffed the air and said ripe. By now my cock was dripping loads of pre and the front of my pants were getting wet but I thought what the fuck he walked past me down the hall towards a door at the end, the floor was just bare boards as he walked he farted with each step as I followed the smell was so strong meaty and earthy I thought this guy needs to shit He opened the door into a kitchen which stank of frying and old fat the left hand wall had a gas cooker on the top a frying pan with dirty fat in the rest of the cooker top was brown there were stains all down the front on either side were very old kitchen cupboards covered in tins bottles and food packets the walls behind covered in stains on the opersite wall was a kitchen sink full of dirty plates and bowls to the right hand side was a back door and straight ahead in the middle of the wall another door to the left side of the sink on the floor was an enamel bucket with water in laying across one side of the top a pair of shit stained Y fronts on the wall above this a very old gas boiler again he farted this one was very wet sounding he opened the door at the end and this was the bathroom on the left hand wall a sink brown inside the taps were white with lime scale next to this was a metal toilet cistern high on the wall and the pan below had no seat and was every shade of brown inside and out behind the pan on the wall either side of the water pipe the wall was covered in shit splashes and stains as was the floor around the pan, on the other wall was a bath same as the sink taps covered in lime scale and the enamel sides ringed in brown. He said this was an outside shitter and coal shed and his dad and uncle made it into a bathroom as he said this he cut a massive wet fart and said I need to make a shit I said no problem mate go ahead and sat on the edge of the bath he was standing in front of the toilet and just pulled his pants off and there was his cock it must have been 7 or 8 inches soft cut and a massive bell end and one of the biggest black bushes I've seen he was so hairy you couldn't see his bollocks. I said fucking hell George your cocks massive he chuckled and said my dad's was bigger and his brother my uncle was even bigger it hung almost to his knees. He stood over the toilet and slightly squatted no attempt to sit I said you shit standing just like me he said yes that's how his dad showed him I said I can't believe how big and hairy your cock is he chuckled and said when he was at school the boys were always asking to see it also one of his teachers asked to see it and played with it I said can I have a feel he said yes I got up and my cock was so hard I stood in front of him and took his cock in my right hand and with my left reached for his bollocks I found them in his mass of pubes they were massive as I fondled his bollocks his cock started to harden and he took a sharp intake of breath I said is that OK he said yes no one has touched me for ages with this he farted and splattered the toilet with bits of shit then said I'm making a shit now I was stroking his cock which had grown to about 10 or 11 inches I heard a craking and bent down and looked between his legs to see a mid brown turd coming out of his arse it must have reached about 16 inches before it dropped into the pan with a massive splash he said that's nice you playing with my cock while I make a shit your cocks got a bone and you've got a hood as I looked down mine was sticking out of my pants. I said that's cause I'm playing with yours he farted again and said I've got to make another shit by now I was tossing him quickly and pre cum was coming out of his cock. He grunted and I looked between his legs and another turd lighter in colour and about 6 inches dropped into the pan he farted then said finished I stood up and as I did he got hold of my cock and started tossing me we were there in the bathroom which stank of shit and farts tossing each other he said shall we go into the back room I said yes he moved in front of the sink turned the hot water on then with his right hand put it between his arse cheeks and proceeded to wipe his arse he rinsed it and repeated this several times. He said come on so I followed his into the back room he sat on the sofa and took of his vest as he did I striped my cloths off and throw them on the floor. I put my legs either side of him and lowered myself onto his legs and sat our cocks were together and I tossed both with one hand I said I can't believe how big your cock is he chuckled and said yours is a big one I said yes but not as big and hairy as yours he leaned in and kissed me I notice prior to this his nipples like mine were quite large so while we were kissing I got hold of them and started squeezing them he groaned and broke the kiss leaned back and started squeezing and twisting mine I pinched his harder he groaned farted then I felt wet all over my chest as I looked down he was pissing he said sorry I'm making a piss all over you I didn't make a piss when I made a shit as you were playing with my cock and playing with my nipples made me need to go I said don't worry it's sexy he chuckled and carried on his piss must have shot up about 3 foot raining down on us it smelt strong and was quite dark. When he finished he farted again and smiled I said that was nice he said it's a long time since I've made a piss on anyone. My uncle used to like me to make a piss on him he used to take me to the toilet we would take our clothes off and he would sit on the pan and get me to sit with my legs either side of his waste and get me to make a shit between his legs while he made a shit in the pan. While we did this he played with my cock which got a bone and stuck up so when I made a piss it sprayed up his chest. When I did this he got a bone and his cock used to stick out bumping up and down across my arse crack and lots of times I would make a shit over his cock but he never minded. As George was telling me this I was still tossing him and so much pre cum was running out of his bell end and still being wet from his piss my hand was just slipping off so I stopped and took hold of his nipples and started squeezing them hard he moaned loudly and another jet of piss came out of his cock he leaned forward and took hold of both our cocks and tossed them while putting his mouth over my right nipple licking then bitting it while his free hand twisted and squeezed my left one by now I was panting and moaning and wanting to spunk up but didn't want this to end just yet. There was quite a bit of pressure on my legs stretching them either side of him so I said I need to stand up as I did he leant forward and took my cock in his mouth and started sucking it then licking my bollocks then he stuck a finger up my arse which made me fart he took his tongue of my bollocks chuckled and said nice fart cheers I said not as good as yours he said that's the beer it makes me shit and fart I said where do you drink he said The Red Lion and told me where it was and said you should come and have a drink in there great I said then I can listen to you fart all the way home he laughter loudly at this. He turned me round put his hands on my back and pushed me forward as I bent he put his face to me arse and started licking then pushed his tongue into my shit hole and started rimming me while he was doing this I managed to get my arm back and my hand round his cock and tossed him. After about 5 minutes I felt his cock get even harder he pulled out of my arse and said I'm going to muck I let go of his cock turned around facing him got hold of his cock again and within 3 pulls he said I'm gonna muck here it comes and he spunked about 6 thick shots over my chest 1 on my chin and the rest in my hand as he did so he farted again then fell back onto the sofa I was standing tossing in front of him he said do you want to make your muck I said yes pull my nipples I again straddled his legs he pulled my nipples hard and I tossed off all over his cock which although he had cum was still hard and standing up. We sat there for a few minutes recovering his cock still stiff I said doesn't your cock go down after you spunk he said it stays on the bone for ages and my dad's was on the bone after he mucked for over an hour. He said do you want to see up stairs I said please he said dont worry about getting dressed I followed him upstairs and was amazed how hairy his arse was on his cheeks and the amount of hair sticking out of his crack which still smelt shitty. He showed me the 3 bedrooms I showed interest I didn't want him to know I had lied about the viewing as we were standing inside the door of the smallest bedroom I said I need a piss he said I need to make a piss too we can do it together we went down into the bathroom which still stank of his earlier shit I said how about we do it like you and your uncle he looked at me I said I'll sit on the crapper you sit on my legs and piss up me he smiled and chuckled and that's what we did he pissed up my chest and over my head which rained down onto the both of us as his cock was still stiff and again he cut another fart I pissed over his chest. We went back into the side room I put my cloths on walked to the hall got my jeans and put these on he followed me his cock was now semi hard I said thanks for a very interesting viewing I will let the agents know and hopefully I will see you in the Red Lion he said if your passing you can always call in I said I will do that thanks then started my journey home in the sweltering heat stinking of piss and spunk and the smell of his shit and farts still up my nose.

Please let me know what you think of my story, what happened in the Red Lion and on the way home is to come.

Cheers Harry (harrypalmer709@gmail.com)

Next: Chapter 2

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