A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I have had some really good feedback for this story. Thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the instalments.

If you enjoy this story then please let me know.

Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 8 -- The party gets started.

At five thirty Shane, Joe and myself get in the van and climb into the back. We pick up the blindfolds and I'm about to put mine on when my phone vibrates. It's from Sir again.

"Tie their hands behind their backs then put on your blindfold."

"I'm to tie your hands," I tell them, "Sir's orders."

I find leather restraints in the back of the van and I tether their hands behind their backs. I soon as I'm done I put on my blindfold.

The van door opens and Sir climbs in.

"Well done boys. Now it's party time," he says.

Party time? I suddenly remember! Sir was talking about a party last week and that there would be naked serving boys, I quickly realise that will be us.

The journey seems longer than normal and I wonder if we are going somewhere different. We arrive at our destination and are led from the van. Sir removes my blindfold and I see that we are in some sort of hall. It has a small stage at one end near the doors where we entered with a music system on it and at the opposite end is a table with lots of alcoholic drinks on. There are various contraptions around the room and my mouth drops open when I realise what they are. Near the stage is a large steel frame with chains hanging from it. In the middle of the room is a set of stocks and what looks like a doctors examination bench with chains and restraints on and next to that a hoist hanging from the rafters. Another table along the left wall has lots of different toys including eletro, whips, dildos, anal beads, a straight jacket and more.

I turn to Sir alarmed and he sees the panic in my eyes.

"Don't worry I won't let any harm come to you." he reassures.

Shane and Joe shuffle nervously. I then notice how Sir is dressed, he is wearing leather chaps that exposes his groin with a leather pouch that covers his genitals. Above his waist he is wearing a leather waistcoat and of course his balaclava. God he looks so fucking hot!

"Remove their blindfolds," he instructs me.

I do as I'm told, Joe gasps when he see's the room.

"Fuck!" Shane says as Sir unties their hands.

"Ok I want all three of you to strip naked," he commands.

I feel really nervous getting naked in a strange place and feel reluctant to do so, I think the boys feel the same.

"NOW!" Sir bellows seeing our reluctance.

Immediately we strip and soon all our clothes are in a pile on the floor. Sir picks them up and takes them to the stage and puts them behind the music system.

"We won't be needing them for a while," he says.

He picks something up from the table of toys, it looks to be several leather belts and clasps. He drops some on the floor and brings one over to shane. As he fits it on him it seems to be some sort of harness that fits over his chest. There is a strap that wraps around his chest with a number of metal loops on and two more straps connected to it that go over his shoulders. They all meet at the back where Sir is fastening them. He then puts leather cuffs on Shane's wrists and clasps them to rings on the leather strap either side of his chest. Shane now can't move his arms away from his sides but his hands can move around and he is able to clasp them in front of him. Shane looks at the contraption with amusement. Sir then fits the same device to me and Joe. I feel somewhat vulnerable in it not being able to move my arms freely. Sir then removes our chastity devices, heads back over to the table and picks up three cock rings and fits them to us all. Sir has difficulty in fitting mine as his touch is causing me to get erect, he crushes one of my testicles getting it through the ring causing me to yelp with pain. I look at my cock now and the ring is causing it to protrude further from my body, it feels even more exposed. He then removes our butt plugs.

I look at Shane and Joe stark naked, arms tied to their sides and sporting semi erections. Somehow I can't see them as the boys that bullied me before. In fact I feel quite aroused seeing them like this. I notice Joe lick his lips as he looks at me and I realise my cock is now fully erect.

"Ok boys, you are going to serve my guests with drinks tonight." he says.

"But Sir, how can we server drinks with these on?" Shane asks shaking his hands.

"It's not that hard, you'll figure it out," he replies.

"Why do we have to wear them?" Joe asks.

"It's to stop you from playing with yourselves and to prevent you from stopping the guests from playing with you."

My stomach filled with butterflies, the guests are allow to play with us?

"Oh yes," he adds, "but you are not allowed to cum without my permission, understood?"

We all nod groaning, we know that not having been allowed to cum for a week and people grabbing and groping us that may just be too tall an order.

Just then the doors open and three guests walk in. The first is an elderly man with some grey in his hair, rugged looks and dressed all in leather. Either side of him are two young guys wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they look around my age and are both blond. They both have dog collars on and the elderly man has a leash to each of them. I suddenly realise the are identical, this man has identical twins for his slaves. He motions to them and they immediately strip naked, their bodies are slim and sinewy with curvy feminine hips. Their cocks although flaccid are a good size and I estimate at least five inches soft. They are very handsome with cute turned up noses and big blue eyes. He then ties their hands behind their backs and leads them to the other side of the hall all the time their eyes staring at me with a look of hunger. Like wild cats that have found their prey. Their master finds his spot and the twins obediently get down kneel either side of him still with their gaze transfixed on me.

"Go and get our guests some drinks," Sir beckons to me.

I reluctantly walk over to them.

"W-w-would you l-like a drink?" I ask nervously.

"I'll have a beer" the elderly man replies.

I look down at the twins both licking their lips.

"My boys aren't thirsty yet, just the beer will do nicely," the man adds.

I walk away to the drinks table and notice a group of around ten guests arriving, a couple of them obviously slaves. I realise getting can of beer isn't so difficult to do with the restraints on but pouring a drink may have some challenges. I return with the can and hand it to the man, I have to get rather close as I can't reach out to pass it to him. Just then the twins move in and lock their mouths on my protruding very tight ball sack. I gasp and go to pull back but their master grabs the strap around my chest and pulls me closer.

"Where are you going? I do believe my boys want to play with you a little," he says in a menacing tone.

I'm suddenly scared yet extremely aroused as the twins suck my orbs into their mouths.

"Please let me go Sir, I have drinks to serve." I beg.

The boys now are running theirs lips up my throbbing shaft and as they reach the top their mouths and tongues perform a dance on my cock head. I groan and know that I will not be able to stop myself from cumming if they continue.

"Please Sir, I haven't cum for over a week and I don't think I can control it," I plead.

"Oooh, shall we make him cum?" The man suggests.

One of the twins smiles as the other slips his lips over my cock head slides down then length of my cock. I turn my head and give my master a pleading look.

"Don't you dare cum boy!" he shouts over.

I panic and pull back hard to break free, just then the man releases his grip and I end up flat on my back on the floor. I quickly roll over and struggle to my feet before the twins have a chance to get to me. I briskly walk over to my master, my cock swinging wildly, and grab his arm standing just behind him.

"Having fun?' he giggles.

I shake my head. I look back at the twins, they're smiling and licking their lips. I must admit it was really horny having those two beauty's sucking my cock. I see Shane and Joe are serving some of the new arrivals. One of the guests is stroking Joe's cock and another is feeling up Shane's ass. Sir pushes me over to them to help.

I walk up to a youngish black guy, I'm guessing in his late twenties, dressed in tight cut off jeans, and hiking boots. His chest is bare and chiseled from obvious regular trips to the gym. The large cock is obvious in his shorts and his cock head is just showing from one of the legs. He looks to be a good eight inches and thick with it but I'm not sure if he's erect or not.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask

"My aren't you a cutie," he says.

His hand shoots forward and grabs my testicles. I yelp as he squeezes them hard.

"That's such a lovely cock too," he adds as he pulls my balls from side to side causing my cock to sway.

"Ow, please stop that hurts," I plead.

"What about your ass," he says and before I could say anything he has grabbed my right leg and lifted it up high.

I almost fall over but he wraps his other arm around my back and catches me. His hand moves down my back and between my ass cheeks to my now exposed hole. I gasp loudly as his finger starts to probe me.

"Please stop," I beg.

"Wow, very nice, I'm going to enjoy fucking this," he says.

I suddenly feel a hand grab my arm and pull me away.

"Sorry Jason, this boy's ass is off limits." It's Sir.

"Oh, didn't realise V, pity, I would have really enjoyed fucking that cute ass." Jason replies.

Sir pulls me away and I look back to see Jason wink at me and grab his crotch, I'm sure his cock has grown more.

"Watch that one," Sir says, "I don't trust him, he wasn't even invited. Go and serve those guests over there."

Sir points to two elderly gentlemen that look to be in their sixties. I walk up to them my erect cock swinging as I do, it feels well embarrassing.

"Well hello," one of them greets me.

He has silver hair and is dressed in denim. His face is somewhat weathered but you can read kindness in every wrinkle. His eyes sparkle as he speaks.

"You are adorable, oh and look at your boner how glorious. I must me wonderful to be so young and horny all the time." he adds smiling at me.

I blush.

"Now Victor, you're embarrassing him," His friend says.

His friend is of a similar age and dressed in a leather jacket and denim jeans. His head is shaved and looks somewhat aggressive but his voice betrays that aggressiveness with a campness to his tone and his movements.

"I'm Ronald, and this is Victor," his friend says ,"pleased to meet you," and he shakes my tethered hand.

"I'm Daniel" I reply.

"Daniel, so fitting," Victor says. "would you mind if I have a little play with your boner? It really is quite beautiful."

"Victor! Why would this lovely young man let an old queen like you molest him," Victor pipes in.

"Oh Ron, you can be so cruel sometimes,"

Victor really does look hurt, I can see it in his eyes, they lost the sparkle and I feel sorry for him.

"I don't mind," I said.

Victors eyes began to sparkle again. He reaches out and cups my balls, I expect his ageing hands to be rough but I'm pleasantly surprised at how soft his touch is. Ronald joins in by playing with my nipples, even his touch is amazingly gentle for someone that has such a rough look. Victor strokes the length of my shaft and I groan with pleasure.

"Now Victor, don't make him cum, I'm sure his master has told him not to," Ron says, he looks at me, "We know your master very well, ask him about us."

"Oh yes, no cumming just yet," Victor says and stops playing with me, "could we play with you later?"

I really like these two old men, they seem so gentle and caring and I really liked the way they touched me, it made me feel special.

I smile, "I would like that, I will ask Sir if it's ok."

"Wonderful," Victor beams a huge smile.

"Now how about some drinks," Ron pipes in.

"Oh yes, what would you like?" I ask

"A vodka and coke for me and a JD and coke for Ron," Victor says.

I smile and walk over to the drinks table, I pass Sir talking to another guest, he looks at me and winks. Pouring the drinks isn't as challenging as I though it might be, I just have to bend over close to the table to do so. I am aware though that my ass is expose and I can feel the cool air on my rose bud as I do so. I pick up the drinks and I notice Jason at the other end of the hall staring at me and licking his lips. I notice his cock seems to be even bigger and is showing quite substantially, it must be getting on for 10 inches now. I shudder. I notice Joe who is serving the lager group of guests their drinks on a tray as I walk back to Victor and Ron.

"Here are your drinks," I say.

"Thank you so much young man," Victor says.

The both lean forward an give me a peck on either cheek, I blush again.

I walk back over to Sir.

"I see you've met Victor and Ronald," he says.

I nod.

"You know they was my first and they cared for me when I had a rough patch in my life. I really to have a soft spot for them." he says.

"They want to know if they can play with me later?" I ask.

"Of course, in fact I insist on it, I want you to be especially nice to them."

"Yes Sir," I reply smiling.

I hear a loud clatter and then Joe shout, "Ah fuck!"

I look round and see that he has spilt all the drinks on his tray. This is probably due to the fact that he is being molested by the twins and their master, The twins are on their knees one of them sucking his cock, the other sucking on his balls, their master has his hand round his waist and his other hand is at his ass inserting a finger deep inside Joe's ass. Sir walks over briskly then grabs Joe by the strap and pulls him to the centre of the room. He unties his arms from his sides lifts them up and attaches them to the hoist where there is a bar that Joe can wrap his fingers around.

"You need to be punished for spilling those drinks," Sir says.

"But it was an accident!" Joe complains. Oh dear he didn't call him Sir.

"Ten lashes for spilling the drinks and ten more for not calling me Sir," Sir says as he pulls on the chain.

"No, please, I'm sorry Sir, please don't, please don't whip me," he begs as he is slowly lifted into the air.

Soon his feet are off the floor and he is dangling. Joe struggles causing him to wobble and start spinning round. Every one is watching intently. Sir picks up a whip with many strips of leather and walks over to Joe.

"Pleeeaaassee don't, I'm sorry" Joe plea's.


Joe screams it hits him across his back, he lifts himself up to try and escape the pain.


Across his back and buttocks turning them red. His face is turning red to from the screaming.


These were harder and Joe starts to cry. I'm surprised that a so called tough guy could be reduced to tears as easily as me but I remember to the night when I fucked him without knowing it. He cried then too and I had to sooth him, I guess pain and fear can do that to anyone.


Sir continues to whip him hard and I look around at the guests who seem to be enjoying the show. Some of them have their hands on their crotches and are massaging them. Joe is blubbering hard now, tears streaming down his face continuing to scream as he receives each blow.

Eventually Sir stops, I lost count but I guess he reached twenty. He lowers Joe so that his feet touch the ground but leaves him there and goes back to talk to some of the guests. Even though he used to bully and inflict misery on me I find myself feeling sorry for him. I walk up to him and kiss him, he looks at me through teary eyes and smiles.

I go back to serving drinks and as I do so I notice two other men have joined Jason and are chatting to him. Both of them look rugged, very muscled with shaved heads and unshaven. I see Shane walking over to Jason with some drinks. He gives the drinks to them men and before he could do anything Jason has grabbed him, spun him round and has him bent over inspecting his ass. Shane gasps as Jason's finger probes his sphincter.

"This is a pretty little hole," Jason says.

The other men lean in to take a better look. Jason whispers something to them and suddenly they grab Shane and lift him in the air, their arms under each leg with their other arms around his back. Shane is now splayed open and I can clearly see his hole. Jason gets down on his back on the floor, lifts himself up on his elbows and sticks out his tongue. The men lower Shane down and soon Jason's tongue is dancing around Shane's tight ring piece causing him to gasp in sheer pleasure. While Jason is expertly rimming Shane he is unfastening his shorts and soon has them completely removed. I can't see how long Jason's cock is from my angle but his ball sack is tight and very large. I judge from Shane's reaction that the cock his very big indeed. Jason nods to the men and the move Shane down Jason's body and over his groin.

Shane starts to panic, "No! Please he's to big!"

Then Jason stands his cock up and I almost faint. It's a whopping twelve inches! And very thick too as his fingers don't reach all the way round. I watch in disbelief as Shane is lowered onto the massive pole.

"Noooo! Please stop!"

Shane struggles but the men are too strong for him. Jason's cock head is firmly against Shane's hole and the men apply pressure. Shane's ring piece gives way and the cock head slips inside causing Shane to shout with pain. They slowly lower him inch by inch.

"ARRRGH! FUCK! NO, IT'S TOO BIG!" he screams but they don't stop.

Lower and lower he goes, it takes a while but eventually they have the whole of Jason's cock inside Shane's guts.

"OH MY GOD! OH JESUS!" Shane shouts.

The men then lift Shane up to the tip of Jason's cock and then slowly back down again.


The men take up a rhythm and Shane is slowly fucked by the huge pole. I can see panic in his eyes and he looks directly at Sir.


"Don't you dare cum," Sir replies.

Knowing how trigger happy Shane is, this is one order he will not be able to keep.


With one swift motion they slam Shane down and his cock explodes showering cum everywhere.

Sir swiftly walks over and grabs Shane by his chest strap and forcibly pulls him off Jason's cock with a loud plop.

"Hey I haven't finished," Jason complains.

Sir ignores him and leads Shane to the stocks.

"Please sir, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it," he plea's.

"You need to learn more self control. Twenty for cumming without permission," Sir says.

He opens the stocks and pushes Shane into them. His head and arms go into the slots and he kneels on the platform below. Sir then closes them and fastens a clasp. Shane is now trapped in them and with the platform being so high his ass is level with his head and showing his now gaping hole from his recent fucking. Sir picks up the whip he used earlier and begins to whip Shane across his ass. Shane screams at the pain and tries to break free of the stocks but they hold fast.


People are visibly masturbating now with cocks out all round the room. Sir completes his twenty strokes bringing Shane to tears and causing his ass to glow red. One of the men that held Shane earlier comes over to his head and takes out his six inch cock and offers is to Shane. Teary eyed he doesn't hesitate and opens his mouth, the man feeds him his cock and slowly starts to face fuck him. Sir walks away and returns to talking to his friends, meanwhile Jason walks over to Shane, his huge erect cock pointing skyward and swinging as he walks. I watch in amazement as he feeds the whole length of his cock into Shane's bowels, Shane groans loudly with his mouth full of cock. Jason picks up speed and he fucks Shane hard using the full length of his cock. I wince when I think that he wanted to fuck me with that thing.

I'm the only one serving drinks now and I notice a young boy, no older than me standing alone at one end of the room. He's looks like a geek with uncombed hair, thick glasses and ill fitting clothes. I wondered how he got invited. He's standing with his back against the wall and staring at his feet, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. I walk over to him.

"Hi," I say.

He says nothing and starts pawing the floor with his foot. Man this boy is shy.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask.

"A coke please," he squeaks barely audible.

"You can have something stronger if you like, maybe vodka with that?' I ask.

He shakes his head, not once making eye contact with me. I fetch his drink passing Joe as I do. Someone is tickling his armpits and Joe is bucking about laughing uncontrollably begging for them to stop. It makes me giggle.

As I return to the geek I'm surprised to see the twins are now standing directly in front of him. In fact they are kissing each other just inches from his face. The boy is blushing wildly and is trying to look away, not knowing if he should move or not, I can see he feels really uncomfortable. The twins are fully erect their perfect eight inch cocks being squeezed between their smooth feminine porcelain bodies. Their hands now untied are caressing each other as they kiss. There isn't a blemish anywhere on their smooth pale skin and their long blond hair swooshes across their beautiful faces. They really are like a pair of angels without wings.

They turn to kiss the geek and he tries to pull his head back but they have him pinned against the wall.

"No, please don't," he whimpers.

But one of them manages to steal a kiss for a short while before he manages to break free from the twins mouth only to meet the lips of the other twin. The boy throws his head back to escape the but the twins move in and nibble his ears and neck.

"Oh God!" he pants, "please stop."

The twins are now unfastening his shirt and he tries to stop them but they have his arms pinned against the wall. When they reach the last button they pull the shirt free from his trousers and expose his sunken chest. I'm mesmerized by this act of pure seduction, I'm finding it incredibly erotic. It's obvious that the boy is turned on by this too as his baggy trousers are tenting quite proudly and I'm dying to see what tool is causing such a large bulge. The twins gently push the shirt from his shoulders and down his arms, it falls off his hands and onto the floor behind him. They seem to have him under their spell as they caress his chest and tweak his nipples. The boy is gasping and complaining for them to stop but he seems powerless to make them. The twins are now working at the buckle on his belt and it's soon released, they pull down his zipper and unfasten the button inside. His trousers open up and reveal his boxers beneath.

The twins kneel down and I expect the boy to make a break for it but he doesn't, he just continues to lean against the wall resigned to what is about to happen. Before they pull down his trousers they untie and remove his shoes, it looks like they are going to completely strip this young man. Soon his shoes and socks are off and the twins return to this waist. They slowly pull down on the waistband of his trousers and boxers and as they lower I see the base of his cock appear, quite thick with a nice thick bush surrounding it.

"Please stop," he pleas looking at one of the twins but that just spurs them to carry on.

As they pull lower his cock is being forced down, more of the shaft is being exposed and I wonder how long this cock really is. His trousers are almost at his knees when his cock breaks free and bounces up. It's a marvellous ten inches at least, not very thick and it curves slightly to the left but still quite magnificent. The twins immediately clasp their mouths on the boys tight ball sack and he lets out a loud gasp, his cock twitches. I move closer standing directly in front of him still holding his can of coke, he looks me in the eyes.

"Please make them stop?" he begs.

But I don't want them to, I am incredibly turned on watching these two angels seduce this shy reluctant young man. The twins run their mouths along his throbbing cock to its tip but before they get there he lets out a long loud groan, his cock twitches and a huge rope of spunk flies out and hits me on my chest, there is masses cum just from this first spurt. He cums again and again blasting more thick ropes of cum over my body, I'm amazed at the volume of cum this boy has in him and I'm being plastered but I don't want to move, I quickly kneel down and catch the last few drops in my mouth, his young cum tastes delicious.

"Sweet!" the twins say simultaneously and obviously satisfied with their work they stand up and walk away.

I'm standing there soaked in the boys cum and still holding his can of coke. I stand up and walk up to him.

"Here's your coke," I say but he immediately drops to his knees and takes my cock in his mouth.

I'm a little surprised but I've gotten used to people doing that to me at this party. He is obviously very inexperienced and he doesn't take much in. However after six days of not cumming I'm like a loaded gun and his actions will certainly take me over the edge so I pull away. To my surprise he begins to cry. I kneel down to meet his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm useless," he sobs, "I'm ugly, I cum too quick and I'm useless at giving blow jobs."

"What? No, I stopped you because I was about to cum and I'm not allowed to yet," I explain.

"I nearly made you cum?" he asks seeming to perk up a little.

"Yes," I reply.

A smile begins to cross his face then quickly fades.

"I'm still ugly and cum too quick."

"Was this your first time?" I ask, he nods. "Well I'm not surprised, on my first time I cum straight away and as far as you being ugly you're not."

"Yes I am"

"If you was I wouldn't do this," I lean in and kiss him.

He kisses me back quiet passionately. I pull away and smile at him, he smiles back. He then leans forward wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me even more passionately, I respond likewise. He pulls off to get some breath.

"What's that taste?" he asks.

"Your cum," I reply.

His eyes widen, "is that what it taste like?"

I nod and he looks at my naked body smothered in his cum. He takes a finger and runs it through some of his cum and puts it in his mouth. As he does so he smiles at me then leans down and begins to lick it off. I close my eyes as his tongues dances over my skin.

"Oh god that feels so good," I say.

"Really?" he replies, I nod and he resumes licking off his cum more eagerly now.

"You boys having fun?"

I look up and see Sir standing over us.

"I see you've met Billy," he says to me.

Billy looks up and Sir ruffles his hair.

"I met Billy online so I invited him to the party tonight, I didn't actually expect you to turn up. When did you sneak in?"

"About twenty minutes ago," he replies.

"So what happened here?" Sir asks looking at the cum on me.

"The twins got to him," I reply.

"Damn those two, they are divine boys but they have an insatiable appetite. How did you get cum on you?" he asks.

"I was standing in the firing line," I giggled, Billy blushed.

"And all this is from Billy?" Sir asks.

"Yes sir, he cums more than me," I reply.

"Wow this we have to see," sir adds. "Anyway you're too new to this we don't want any of these predators scaring you shitless, come with me and I'll get you comfortable so you can watch the proceedings."

With that he takes Billy by the hand then leans in and kisses me.

I smile as I watch Billy being led over to the table of toys his huge cock still erect and swinging freely. I notice that I'm still holding his can of coke and I'm covered in his cum too, it feels sexy as I can feel it drying on my skin. I take the coke back to the drinks table and as I pass Joe I see that two guys are playing with him now. They have attached a set of nipple clamps on him and I must say they look quite painful. The one guy is holding his feet from behind so that he is hanging with his legs parallel to the floor. The other guy is wanking him hard and the scene has gathered a small audience too.

"I'm going to make you shoot your load boy, I'm gonna make you cum all over the place," He says quite aggressively.

"No please," Joe begs, "I'm not allow to cum, please stop!"

His assailant continues to pump his cock hard, "oh yes cum for me you little slut, I can tell you are close."


Sir ignores him and I can see that Joe is fighting his impeding orgasm.


Suddenly the guys stops.

"ARRGH! FUCK!" Joe pants, his cock bouncing wildly, obviously on the brink of an orgasm.

"Oh yes, you want to cum now don't you boy, you really want to shoot that load, and I'm not going to let you, you little slut".

The guy pulls on the chain joining the nipple clamps causing Joe to shout in pain. The guy gets close to Joe's face.

"Shall we make you cum boy?" he asks.

"No please I'm not allowed," Joe replies.

"But you really want to cum don't you slut."

"Yes," Joe whimpers.

"Well I'm going to give you what you want boy," and he starts to pump Joe's cock again.


"No Boy, I'm going to make you cum and your master is going to whip you."


"Oh yes boy lets see you shoot that load, lets see you cum so your master can beat you."


Just then the guys stops again.

"ARRRGHH! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ALMIGHTY!" Joe shouts as he teeters on the edge of his orgasm, his cock flailing around.

Joe's cock is fully engorged and looks ready to explode, his testicles have retracted completely up into his groin. I'm amazed at this guy's expertise, he really seems to know how to bring someone so close to an orgasm and when to stop without tipping them over the edge.

"Jesus Jim, look how hard he is" someone in the audience says to the guy wanking him.

"Yeah, this little slut really is ready to cum huh?" Jim replies.

Jim kisses Joe hard while pulling on the nipple clamps. Joe yelps.

"Come on you fucking little hoar, shoot that load for me, let me see you cum all over the place," Jim grunts as he continues to pump Joe's cock.


Jim stops again.


"But your master will beat you boy," Jim says.


This is making me incredibly horny, my cock is ready to explode itself.

"You asked for it boy, here we go, lets make you cum you fucking slut."

Jim pumps Joe's cock again.


Jim stops again.


"You cum when I want you to, you little slut," Jim says pulling on the nipple clamps.

"Y-y-yes Sir," Joe burbles.

Jim then grabs the hoist chain and lowers Joe, the guy holding Joe's feet lowers them to the floor so that Joe is now kneeling. Jim then whips out is respectable seven inch cock and feeds it to Joe.

I decide to get back to the drinks table before I shoot my load from just watching. I place the coke down and look round to see who needs drinks but everyone now seems to be occupied in some sexual or bondage act. I see the twins have now focussed their attention on Shane, one has his cock in Shane's mouth while the other is slowly fucking him. They are leaning over his back and kissing each other.

I look over at Sir and he has now put Billy into the straight jacket and chained the jacket and his feet to the large frame, he also has put a ball gag in his mouth. Sir is writing something on his fore head, so I walk over for a closer look.

"Do not touch" is in black ink on Billy's forehead.

I look at him naked from the waist down, his legs splayed wide apart, his cock semi hard. He tries to break free but it's futile, he gives me a pleading look so I just kiss him on the forehead. Sir looks and gives me a wink.

Just then a pair of hands wrap around me and start to caress my body, I look back at Victor.

"Hello sweetie, ready to play?" He asks.

I look at Sir and he nods at me. I smile at Victor and nod my head. Ron moves in front of me and Victors fingers find the drying cum on my body.

"Oh my what do you have all over you?" He asks.

"It's Billy's cum," I reply nodding in his direction.

They look at Billy.

"Do not touch?" Ron says, "What a pity and such a beautiful cock too."

They squeeze me tight between them and Ron kisses me deeply while Victor nibbles on my neck. Victor starts to stroke my cock but I'm not ready to shoot my load yet so I have to stop him. I drop to my knees deciding to give them some pleasure first and immediately begin to eat Ron's bulge through his jeans.

"Oh my, he want's your cock Ron!" Victor says.

Ron quickly obliges by unfastening his jeans, he lowers them down and his thick seven inch cock breaks free and slaps me across my face. I bury my face into his groin pinning his cock against his belly and begin to lick his balls sack. I hear him moan as I move my mouth up his solid cock to the tip and slowly devour his meat. I open my throat and swallow him in my nose reaching his thick silver bush.

"Oh Victor, he's wonderful, V has taught him so well."

Victor moves round next to Ron his cock already out, a good eight inches but not very thick. I pull off Ron and immediately suck Victor in and I hear him gasp loudly.

"Oh sweet Jesus, this boy is the best cock sucker I have ever known!" he says.

This makes me feel good as I take it in turns sucking on their cocks. I'm suddenly aware of something bobbing next to my face as I'm swallowing Ron's cock. I look sideways and see that Billy's cock is just inches from my face, he is rock hard and he is pushing forward as far as he can to get his cock to me. I look up at him and he has a desperate look in his eyes, I want to suck him in but I know I can't. I continue to suck on Ron's cock as Billy tries even harder to reach me with his causing it to bounce wildly. It must really frustrating to see someone sucking cock inches from your own and not have done to you.

Victor moves behind me and lifts up my ass, he kneels down and I feel his tongue touch my ring piece causing me to gasp loudly. I suck on Ron's cock with more enthusiasm as Victors tongue dances in and out and around my tight muscle. Victor grabs my cock and begins to to stroke it.

"Please Victor," I plead, "I haven't been given permission to cum yet, please don't play with my cock."

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll leave it alone." he replies.

I suck hard on Ron and I can tell he is close.

"Oh my god Victor, he's gonna make me cum!" he announces.

"Really?" Victor says looking up.

Ron's cock twitches and as I pull away a bolt of cum erupts and hits me in the face. I quickly open my mouth to catch the rest but the next one hits me on my forehead. Ron grabs his cock and guides the rest of his cum into my mouth. I notice Billy straining hard trying to get his cock closer, he is moaning and trembling now.

"URRGH FUCK!" Ron shouts.

Eventually he is spent and pulls me up, his cum tastes more salty than others.

"I haven't cum like that from a blow job for years," he says.

I suddenly feel very proud of my self. I turn round and Victor stands up so I bend down and suck him in. Ron disappears but immediately returns holding a six inch dildo, I push my ass up more to give him access. He lubes it up and slowly inserts it, it feels wonderful to have my hole filled again. I'd almost forgotten since having the butt plug removed earlier. He pushes it deep in me and I groan with delight, sucking Victor in deep at the same time. I match Ron's strokes with the dildo sucking Victors cock from it's tip to it's base. Victor is panting heavily and his legs are starting tremble.

"Oh mother of Mary I'm going to cum!" he announces.

I decide to swallow this one and suck Victor in as deep as I possibility can. His cock pulsates and hot cum blasts down my throat.

"URRRGGGGH! I'M CUMMING!" he shouts.

I swallow every drop.

"I told you he was good," Ron says.

Victor pulls out and collapses to his knees his legs giving way.

"Oh my God! You're not kidding, In all my sixty years no one has ever made me cum from a blow job!" he says.

Victor scrambles to his feet and they both stand me up still with the dildo deep in my ass.

"Can we make him cum now V?" Ron asks Sir.

Sir nods and I smile at him, at last I am going to get some relief, my cock has been ready to cum for the past hour now. They lead me to the hoist, Joe is released and I am shackled to it in his place. Victor pulls on the chain and I am raised up so my feet are dangling off the floor. Still with the dildo deep in my ass Victor and Ron begin to pleasure me. They take it in turns sucking in my cock and balls, their hands wandering and caressing me as they do.

"Gentlemen, my boy is about to shoot his load, you may want to see this," Sir announces.

All of a sudden I have an audience, with the exception of Shane who is still tied up. Victor and Ron have stopped sucking me know and Victor is slowly wanking my cock as Ron fucks me slowly with the dildo. Victor is expertly rubbing my cock head very gently but it's sending me wild. I start bucking my hips but he slows his pace.


I'm trembling as his fingers slide down my slippery cock and back up to the tip. My testicles have completely withdrawn inside me. Every muscle in my body has turned to rock as my orgasm washes over me.

"UUUURRRRGGGHHHH! FUCK! I'M CUUUUUUMMMMMMMINNNNGGG!" I scream as the first bolt of cum erupts from my cock.

I hear everyone gasp as it shoots a good eight feet into the air coming down on one of the guests. Again and again I erupt shooting my cum high in the air showering the guests. They all break out into applause and cheers as my orgasm ends, I suddenly feel like the star attraction at a show. I hear a couple of grunts as some guest let go with their loads too.

"That was spectacular, thank you my sweet sweet boy," Victor says and gives me a tender kiss.

"Yes you really are lovely," Ron adds and kisses me too.

I'm released, dildo removed and arms restrained once more so I can resume serving drinks.

I notice that Shane has been released from the stocks and is serving drinks again. I walk up to him.

"Are you ok?" I ask concerned, "I mean I can't believe you took all of Jason's cock."

"Yeah, I think so, it hurt like fuck though. Even when I was in the stocks," he replied. "I don't know how long it'll be till my ass gets back to normal, I can't walk properly. When the twins was fucking me I couldn't really feel much."

"Damn!" I say.

"Fuck man, I love seeing you shoot like that," Joe says walking up to me, "it's made me harder than a fucking rock."

I look down at his cock, it's solid and pointing straight up.

"Haven't you cum yet?" I ask.


"I thought sure that guy was gonna make you shoot," I say.

"Yeah, that was fucking awesome, I've never been so close and not cum before, If I don't cum soon I'm gonna go crazy."

"Here he comes again," I say as I see Jim and the other guy walking in our direction.

"Fuck I ain't going through that again, see ya," suddenly Joe walks off briskly his cock bouncing.

I go to leave when Jim grabs me by my restraints.

"We'll if your mate doesn't want to play again, you'll do," he says.

I struggle to try and get away, "I can't, I have drinks to serve."

"May I?" Jim asks looking at Sir. Sir nods and I give him a pleading look.

I'm frog marched over to the examination bench almost tripping on the way, my cock starting to swell in anticipation. He unfastens my restraints and orders me to climb up, I do so. He then tells me to lie down on my front and as I do so they grab my arms and pull them down either side of the bench and tie them to the feet. Then he grabs me by the waist and lifts my arse up in the air so I'm on my knees, then ties my legs to the table. My ass is now exposed for every one to see and I feel really vulnerable.

Jim goes over to the toys table and picks up a massive dildo, it's as big as Jason's cock and I panic.

"No please that's to big!" I cry.

I see Sir shake his head, and Jim puts it down, I breath a sigh of relief. He then picks up a much smaller one, however it's still as big a Sir's cock but I'm much happier about that. He returns, gives it to his mate and then lubes up my ass.

"Ooh this is a nice ass," he says, "I can't wait to see this dildo slipping in and out of it."

His touch is surprisingly gentle for such a rough character, and in no time I'm as hard as a rock. As he rubs lube in and around my crack his other hand reaches under me and grabs my cock and pushes it back so it sticks out from between my legs, I'm groaning from the pleasure his touch is giving me. He applies lube to my cock too working it in with long strokes.

"Look at this cock, so much bigger than the other boy's, I'm gonna love making this thing shoot," he says as he continues to stoke my cock and finger my hole.

I notice an audience around me and feel quite embarrassed at my position. The other guy puts the dildo at my opening and slowly pushes it in. It slips past my sphincter quite easily as I relax but still causing me to gasp and soon it's buried deep in my ass. I hear some of the people watching groan and notice some of them wanking. His mate then slowly starts to fuck me with it and I groan with the pleasure of having my ass filled. I'm really turned on too by the fact I am really vulnerable and that everyone is watching my ass being abused.

"Oooh that's nice," Jim says, "it's so hot seeing this big dildo fucking your boy cunt."

"Ohh, fuck yeah! Fuck me with that big fucking dildo!" I say no longer caring about my embarrassing position and I'm really enjoying my abuse.

Jim then strokes my cock he's not as fast as with joe but taking long deliberate strokes up the full length of my shaft. He's pushing it far out from my legs, it's quite uncomfortable but very erotic but I think he's doing it like this so everyone can see him wanking me off.

"This is a beautiful cock I'm so going to enjoy make you shoot your load for me," he says.

I know his game though from what he did with joe earlier and I'm more than willing to play along with him.

"Please don't, I'm not allow to cum," I say, this eggs him on.

"Oh yes boy, I'm gonna make you shoot your load, and then watch your master punish you."

I hope to god he doesn't and this is really only a game. I realise the twins are close to my head watching me, one standing behind the other caressing his brothers beautiful body and cock. Both of them have their eyes transfixed on me, not my ass like everyone else but my face. Joe walks past in between me and the twins with some drinks his cock still rock hard and bouncing as he walks, the twin in front reaches out and strokes Joe's cock as he passes. Their gaze is till on him when he returns, I wonder why he chooses to pass them so close when there is ample room behind them to get past but I soon realise when I see his gaze is fixed on them too. As he walks past them they grab him and soon have their arms around him caressing his body and his cock. I get the impression that's just what he wanted.

"Are you ready to cum boy? Are you ready for your Master to punish you?" Jim asks.

"No please, don't," I beg, "I don't want to be punished." I'm not sure my faking it is not that convincing.

I'm getting close now and I'm being fucked harder by the dildo banging hard into my prostrate. Suddenly I start to panic, what if he does want me to cum? What if he really does want me to get beaten by my master?

"Please stop," I beg, this time I'm not faking.

"Yes cum you little faggot, shoot that boy cum for me."

I feel the orgasm building and I really am worried now.

"ARRRRGH FUCK! STOP! STOP! PLEASE! I'M CUMMING!" I shout. He doesn't stop.

"NOOOOO! PLLEASSSEE STOP! I'M GOING TO CUUUUMMMM!" I scream as my whole body tenses and I feel the orgasm race through my body. Suddenly he stops and the guy fucking me with the dildo whips it out. Jim grabs my cock really tight at it's base and stops me from exploding.

"URRRRGGGGHHH! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" I shout as my cum is denied exit.

Jim holds my cock back for all to see, it feels to me like it's doubled in size. That was too close for comfort, a split second later and I would be feeling the wrath of Sir.

"Ooooh yes boy, you nearly came didn't you?" Jim asks.

"Yes Sir," I pant heavily.

"You want to cum don't you little slut."

"No, please, I'm not allowed to cum, please don't make me cum."

Jim caresses my ass and fingers my hole for a while letting my body get back to normal.

I look at Joe, he is now being rimmed by one of the twins while the other is sucking on his balls. Joe has a look of pure lust on his face, he seems totally lost in the moment. Soon the Dildo is back in my ass and I'm being fucked again.

"Ok faggot, it's for real this time, I'm going to make you shoot your load all over the place."

There is a seriousness in his voice and I'm uncertain whether or not I can trust him not to make me cum. He continues to stroke my cock as I watch the twins abuse Joe.

"Oh yes you little slut, I'm going to really enjoy watching your master beat your pretty little ass," Joe says, his voice sounding menacing.

"Please stop!" I beg, "Please I don't want to be beaten."

The dildo is being completely withdrawn from my ass before being rammed back in to it's hilt. I'm groaning and panting, my cock feels unbelievably hard. The twin rimming Joe stands up and kicks Joe's feet apart, I then see the boy's slender cock slide into Joe's ass, Joe gasps all the time looking at me. Seeing this kickstarts my orgasm and I'm soon begging for Jim to stop.

"ARRGH! FUCK! PLEASE STOP, I'M GOING TO CUM!" I shout but Jim continues.


Suddenly Jim stops again and the dildo withdrawn, he holds the base of my cock tight and I'm washed over with a stifled orgasm.

"ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I scream with frustration.

"Oh yes boy, you want to cum now don't you?" Jim asks.

"Please no," I plea.

"SAY IT! Tell me you want to shoot your load!" he barks.

"YES!" I shout, "I want to cum, I want to shoot my load but please don't make me do it."

"Tell you what boy, how about we punish you first then let you cum? How about that?"

"I don't understand?" I ask.

"How about it V?" he asks my master, "How about we whip his ass first for cumming without permission then make him cum?"

"Sounds good to me," I hear Sir say behind me, "I administer twenty for cumming without permission."


"No but you will boy, I'm gonna make you cum without permission. This way you get the beating out of the way first," Jim explains. "Tony how about you administer it?"

The guy fucking me with the dildo walks over to the toys table and picks up a bull whip.

I panic, "NOO! PLEASE! NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" I scream.

"How about the riding crop?" I hear Sir say.

Tony puts down the whip, picks up a riding crop and walks back over to me. I'm starting to cry and I beg them not to continue. Suddenly.


"ARRRRGH! FUCK!" I scream.

It stings like fuck yet amazingly it also feels erotic. Jim is stroking my cock again keep me worked up. I look up at Joe as the crop strikes my ass again causing me to scream out. Joe is wide eyed watching my ass taking a beating, the twin fucking him is also pinching his nipples while the other twin is now deep throating his cock. He looks to be really turned on by my punishment.

The crop is hitting my ass hard but my cock feels even harder than before. I'm screaming with the pain but I'm amazed that I'm actually enjoying it. Tears are in my eyes but I'm not crying like I normally do from getting a beating, it seems that in my turned on state my tolerance for pain is much higher. Before I know it I've had my twenty strokes and ass feels sore and sensitive. Jim rubs my ass letting his finger slip into my hole, I groan.

"Ok you little hoar, I'm gonna make you cum like you've never cum before," Jim says.

The dildo is back at my ass and slipping in deep, I groan at the wonderful sensation of having my ass filled. Jim resumes stroking my cock, pushing it out for everyone to see.

"Come on you slut, lets see you make a mess with your cum. Tell me you want to shoot your load."

I really do want to cum now and although I have just had a beating I still feel the need to ask for Sir's permission.

"Please may I cum Sir?" I ask.

"No you may not," Sir replies.

Now I'm confused, I don't know that if I cum I won't get a beating because I've already had one or Sir really doesn't want me to cum and I will get another beating if I do. Jim masturbates me closer to my climax.

"Oooh look how hard his cock is, I do believe I'm gonna make him shoot his load."

"Please stop! I don't have permission! Please don't make me cum!" I plea.

Jim ignores me and keeps wanking. I look up at Joe, he is looking directly at me, the twin behind fucking him hard, his cock disappearing in the others mouth. His muscles look to be bulging, he has an odd look on his face, it's sounds like he trying to shout but stifling it. I suddenly realise that's the look of someone who is about to shoot their load, I look down at his cock to see it pulsate, the twin sucking him delightfully groans as Joe fills his mouth. Suddenly sir appears behind them and pulls the twin off Joes cock by his hair and his cock spurts cum up the boys face. Sir grabs Joe by the hair and frog marches him over to the stocks his cock still spurting cum, it seems Joe was trying to get away with cumming without Sir knowing. Sir quickly secures him then takes the bull whip. I watch in horror as Sir swings it back and it whooshes through the air making an almighty crack on Joe's ass. Joe screams at the intense pain.

"You disobedient little fuck!" Sir shouts.

A bright red line appears across Joe's ass as he screams for forgiveness, tears streaming down his face. Seeing this sends me into my orgasm.


Jim slows down dramatically. By now I've had enough and the need to cum is overpowering.


"Yes you little slut say it, say how much you want to shoot your load," Jim says, slowly sliding his fingers up the whole length of my cock. The dildo is still being pulled out completely then rammed deep into me. My whole body is teetering on the edge of an orgasm and It's sending me wild.


I very slowly begin to slip over the edge and my orgasm rockets through my body.


My whole body shivers as my cock suddenly erupts, I continue to scream as I deliver my load behind me.


He continues to milk the last few drops of cum from my cock and my body jerks as my climax comes to an end. I relax panting heavily and look over at Joe. Sir has finished whipping him and his ass is bright red, he's sobbing heavily as Sir releases him from the stocks. Shane walks up to Joe to comfort him and Joe immediately flings his arms round him and cries on his shoulder. For the first time I see affection between them I have never seen before.

Soon I am released from the table and Sir beckons me over to join Joe and Shane. I'm relieved to see that Sir doesn't seem to have any intention of punishing me. As I join them he gets us all to kneel face away from each other. He then ties our hands behind our backs and then to each other.

"Gentlemen, it's Bukake time," Sir announces.

"What the fuck is Bukake?" Shane asks me.

"I don't know," I reply.

"I do," Joe says as people start to gather round us.

"Well, what is it?" Shane asks.

"Everyone gets to cum on our faces," he replies and with that our mouths are instantly filled with cock.

I can't see who is feeding Shane and Joe but the twins made a b-line for me. Their slender eight inch cocks take turns in sliding down my throat. I look up and see them kissing each other as I swallow each of them in turn. I really is quite an erotic site as I view their smooth silky slim bodies from their cocks. Soon they begin to jack off over me and I open my mouth as they both ejaculate at the same time, their cum mixing on my face and in my mouth, it tastes quite sweet.

The boys retreat and is replaced by their master, his cock short but thick. I don't get to suck him because as soon as he walks up to me he erupts and cum blasts from his cock onto my face. My face is now caked with cum and there is more on it's way as another guest steps up to me. His cock a small five inches easily fits in my mouth and I suck on him hard. I then notice another cock bouncing just inches from my face, I look up and see that Sir has bought Billy over and is hold him from behind presenting his cock to me. I pull off the other guest and go to suck on Billy but Sir pulls him away, I can see that Billy wants it but Sir isn't allowing it. I return to suck on the other guest and soon he is blasting his load over my face.

Sir moves Billy in front of me to take the place of the guest I had just been sucking and I see that sir is finger fucking him. Billy is bucking and grunting and groaning and his cock is swinging wildly as he tries to get it to my mouth. I open my mouth stretching forward trying to get his cock, I want it as much as he wants me to suck him. Billy sounds like he is almost screaming through his gag and I see his testicles had disappeared while Sir massages his prostrate with his finger. He looks like he is about to blow his load and I'm not wrong, he lets out a high pitched squeal as his cock erupts and huge thick ropes of cum blast over my face and waiting mouth. It's almost like he is pissing cum there is so much and I am being drenched it's running down my face and onto my chest and overflowing in my mouth. Sir eventually lets him go causing him to lurch forward his cock enters my mouth and I swallow him deep and feel the rest of his cum fill my gullet. He moans out load through his gag.

"Christ, I have never seen so much cum from one person," I hear Sir say.

The smell of cum fills my nostrils and my cock aches for another release. Sir pulls Billy back his cock leaving my mouth and I gasp for air. My face is smothered and I can't open my eyes without cum going into them.

"Sir, I can't see," I say.

Soon I feel Sir wiping the cum from round my eyes and I'm able to open my eyes, I see Sir smiling at me.

"Jesus, you wanna see your face," he says smirking.

I smile back. Shane is still sucking cock but Joe looks round at me.

"Fuck man, look at you!" he says.

"You can talk," I say looking at his cum soaked face, we both start to laugh.

I look round to Shane and see that Jason is face fucking Shane hard and deep. He seems to be turning blue and I then realise with horror that Shane can't breath.

"SIR! He's choking him!" I shout.

Sir looks up and in one swift motion grabs Jason and flings him across the room causing him to go flying on his ass.

"For fucks sake Jason are you trying to kill him!" Sir shouts.

"I was about to cum," Jason complains.

Shane isn't moving, or breathing.

"SHANE!" I shout, "For fucks sake breathe!"

Sir spins round and slaps Shane hard on the face sending cum flying. Shane suddenly takes a huge breath and immediately begins coughing.

"I think you better leave," Sir says to Jason.

"Fine!" Jason replies, "but you are going to regret it."

With that he collects his things and leaves. Sir turns to Shane.

"Are you ok?" he asks showing genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Shane splutters, "thank you Sir."

Sir unties us and Joe immediately flings his arms round Shane, I notice tears in his eyes. Sir looks at them and I'm sure he's raising an eyebrow under his balaclava.

"I thought I'd lost you," I could just make out Joe whisper in Shane's ear.

The incident seemed to have put dampeners on everything and no one seemed interested in continuing. Many of the guests packed up and left shortly after. Sir then decided to call an end to it and asked everyone to leave.

"Trust that asshole Jason to spoil everything," he says and with that he disappears.

Shane and Joe walk over to me.

"Hey Daniel," Joe says as they put their arms around my shoulders, "We would just like to say we really are sorry for giving you a hard time and we honestly would like to make it up to you."

"That's ok guys, I think you already have," I reply.

"Well I hope we can be friends, you know with perks," Shane says as he playfully strokes my now flaccid cock.

I laugh, "Sure, I'm certain Sir will have plans for us all."

"Ok lets get you cleaned up," Sir says returning with a large bowl of warm water, sponges, soap and towels.

As we are cleaning all the cum off ourselves Sir releases Billy from the straight Jacket and takes him to collect his clothes.

"Tomorrow at one?" I hear Sir ask as Billy dresses.

Billy nods then promptly leaves never taking his eyes off the floor.

"Wow he's shy, just like you was," Joe says to me.

"Yeah but he can't half cum, he almost drowned me."

"Let me help you clean it off," he says.

Joe soaps up a sponge and starts rubbing it around my chest, Shane joins him and soon they are soaping my groin. Immediately I pop a boner. I grab a sponge and we are soon soaping each other down and getting very horny. Joe turns round and pushes his ass into my cock, I realise he wants me to fuck him. I look at Sir for permission and see that his is sitting on a chair watching us intently. He has taken out his cock and is wanking it slowly, he nods at me. I lower my cock, push it at Joe's opening and it slips in. Joe gasps, grabs my hands that are on his hips and pushes back on my cock. Shane drops to his knees and begins sucking Joe off. I fuck Joe with long deep strokes all the time not taking my eyes off Sir. I watch him stroking his long hard cock, he is obviously getting off watching me fuck Joe. I'm mesmerised at how seductively he wanks his own cock, his fingers manipulating his cock head then sliding down the full length of his monster. We fuck like this for several minutes when Joe suddenly looks at Sir.

"ARRGHH! SIR! PLEASE MAY I CUM?" Joe asks urgently.

Sir nods and suddenly Joe's ass clenches my cock tight and pulsates and I realise he is shooting his load down Shane's throat. This brings my climax on and I look at Sir.

"Please Sir may I cum?" I ask.

"Yes but don't cum inside him, I want to see you shoot again," he replies, he has almost stopped wanking his cock, it looks ready to explode.

Joe leans forward giving me better access to his ass and look down and watch my cock slip deep into his ass.

"Sir I'm going to cum!" Shane announces.

I look up and realise Shane has stood up and is being sucked off by Joe. Sir nods.

"URRRGHH! FUCK! GNNNNNMMMPPHH!" Shane shouts and grabs the back of Joe's head pushing him deep onto his cock as he delivers his load into his mouth.

I continue to fuck Joe to the point of no return at which point I quickly whip my cock out. I rub my cock between his ass cheeks.

"ARRRGH!! FUCK! HERE I CUM!" I shout and I blast another huge load skywards.

As I pump my load, it showers down on Joe's back, I look at Sir and see his cock erupting huge bolts of cum up into his balaclava and into his open mouth. His eyes all the time transfixed on my exploding cock. Eventually our orgasms end and Sir stands up, walks over to me and kisses me tenderly, I can taste the cum in his mouth.

"That's enough messing around," Sir says, "finish cleaning yourselves up and get dressed, we need to get this lot out of here tonight. Oh and don't forget these."

Sir gives Joe and Shane their chastity devices and butt plugs from off the table, they groan.

"You don't need your's tonight as you're staying with me tonight," Sir says to me.

We spend the next hour packing the stuff away and loading the van. When we leave Shane and Joe are in the back but because of all the stuff there is no room for me so I get to sit up front but we still have to wear our blindfolds though. Shane and Joe are dropped off and we continue back to Sir's place.

"Sir, I had fun tonight," I say.

"Good, I'm glad you did."



"I'm still horny."

Sir giggles, "so am I"

"Sir, will you fuck me?" I ask and reach over to find his groin, I give it a squeeze.

"What now? In the van?"

I nod.

"There's no room," he replies, "but I have a better idea."

We drive for a while further then he stops the van. I assume we are at his place but as we get out he takes off my blindfold and I see we are at the woods where he discovered me several weeks ago.

"What here?" I asks in disbelief.

"Why not, it's 2am and no one around, it's lovely and warm and its very erotic to do it outdoors,"

"Yeah why not," I giggle.

Sir fetches a blanket from the van and we walk someway in to the woods and find a clearing. He places the blanket down and we both strip naked both of us fully erect. Sir then lays me down and kisses me passionately, I feel the roughness of his balaclava on my skin.


"Yes Daniel?"

"Can I see your face?" I ask, my heart thumps.

"No, you're not ready yet,"

"I am Sir, please?"

"No Daniel, please don't ask again."

He then lifts my legs up and his cock head touches my hole.

"Fuck me Sir," I beg.

He pushes and his cock slips easily in, I feel no pain, only pleasure. The cool night breeze seems to heighten my senses and my body feels electrified. For the first time ever it feels like we are making love.

Next: Chapter 9

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