A Night on the Town

Published on May 10, 2001


A night on the town (M/M, oral, anal, TV)

by einhard

Part II: Philly's good fortune.

PLEASE NOTE: This story is fiction from beginning to end. The characters don't exist, and the stuff they do, never happened.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This, the conclusion of the story, is divided into two parts. The first and longest includes sex between Phillida/Philip and a boy. The last part features the same two as well as a woman. Consider yourself warned.

Leaving the station and entering the busy street, I tried to examine my feelings. Was anything different? Did I feel like a girl? Did I know what "feeling like a girl" would be like? I had to conclude I didn't, because all I could discover within me, was excitement, and I could feel that even as a boy.

I set off at a leisurely pace, yet not so slow as to seem like a tart fishing for custom. A lady walks at a ladylike pace, which is what I tried to do. Walking like a girl wasn't all that hard, either. With my background in gymnastics and ballet, I was every bit as supple as the next girl. Most boys tend to be really stiff and graceless, neglecting their hips when they walk.

So there I was, looking like a girl, walking like a girl, trying to think like a girl (whatever that means). The thing now was to try and remember to talk like a girl. With my size, I don't exactly have a big, booming voice, but I still reckoned it would be best to pitch it a little higher than normal. A trick I'd tried on my own, was the breathy voice. You know, when you sound like you're whispering even if you're not. That's not a good explanation. When you sound almost as if you're breathing every sound out. Well, you are, of course, but almost as if you're making an effort to let people hear it. Don't know if anyone understood that, but "breathy voice" is supposed to be a typical feminine trait. I'd tried it, and knew I could make it work.

I was hardly experienced on the gay scene, but I had visited a couple of pubs, and tonight, my object was the General Gordon, a place I'd visited once before, and rather liked.

I found it, and entered. It wasn't crowded, but not deserted, either. Not many girls, but the few who were there, seemed to notice me. Maybe I was just imagining things, but I thought I could see a couple of lustful looks thrown my way. Nice!

At the bar, the barman seemed to have his doubts about me. I ordered a glass of white wine, and he asked me how old I was. Fuck! Of course I was old enough, and I could prove it, but the ID I had, revealed my identity (duh! as the Americans would say), telling him I was no Phillida, but a Philip. Ah, well. Leaving would be too embarrassing, so I told him I was 18, and naturally, he wanted proof. I handed him my student's ID from King's College. He examined it, and gave me a startled look. I pleaded with my eyes as best I could, holding my breath at the same time. Eventually, he smiled and handed my card back.

"King's College, eh? What are you studying, then?" he asked as he got busy with my white wine.

"Byzantine and Modern Greek studies", I answered in my high, breathy voice.

"That's not exactly a subject to attract young people in droves, is it?"

"I suppose not."

"So what made you choose it?"

"I am Greek, in part. My mum's parents are both Greeks, even though she was born here."

"Special interest, eh? What do you want to do with it once you graduate?"

Was he flirting? My pulse quickened.

"I'm not sure. It depends on which bit that interests me most; the modern or the old. I mean, I like Byzantine history, too."

"Maybe you'll be a dusty old professor someday, then." He flashed me an extra big smile. A conquest in sight? Not that I'd mind, he looked bloody good, he did.

"Well, I'm not old and dusty yet", I told him, trying to sound slightly coy. "Are you a student, too, then?"

"Economics at UCL. So we belong to the same university. I'm Tom, by the way, Tom Travers." He stuck his hand out, and I shook it.

"I'm Phillida, but you "know" that. Phillida Peterson."

"Right. Phillida. Now, listen, Phillida", he said as he bent over the bar. "It's really none of my business, but what are you after?" he whispered.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Well, a couple of the girls seem quite interested, but somehow I feel they wouldn't be quite as keen if they were to read the text on your ID, like I did. So, are you out to score with a girl, with a boy, or are you just showing off?"

I didn't want to guess at which shade of crimson my face was at that moment. Did he have to be so direct?

"Oh, I definitely prefer boys. And before you ask, all my..err.. attributes are fakes. Do you think I should make a run for it before one of those girls try anything?"

"It might be the safest. Now, please don't feel offended, but why go out looking like this if you want to pick up boys? I mean, the illusion is perfect. At least it's more than good enough to fool most people."

He was right. I had had my doubts, but had thrown them to the winds like a silly little girl. Now what? How could I go on with this and hope to find some boy to go home with?

"Cheer up!" he told me, still in a whisper. "If nothing else, you look great. But listen, I'm out of here in an hour. I'm only filling in for a mate who needed the early part of the evening off. If you like, you and I could go somewhere. You know, just to talk."

"Oh, yes! I mean, I should like that. I'll just finish this glass, then I'll be off. Back here around midnight?"

"Yeah. See you!"

He went off to serve some of the other customers, and I quickly drained my glass. I noticed one or two girls staring after me, but thought nothing of it, except that I allowed myself to be flattered. But piss on girls! Just then, I had the hots for Tom. Oh, I really hoped he was after more than just talking. But he must be, surely. He might be just a nice bloke, of course, but even nice blokes have a sex drive, and he did tell me I looked great.

I threw dejection and expectation aside for the moment, and just walked the streets for a bit, trying to look sexy and draw lustful glances. I did, too. I think. Or perhaps it was the alcohol. Ah, come off it, Philly! You're a self-assured young lady. It did happen! You know it!

Anyway, the time passed quickly, and soon it was almost midnight. I set my course for The General Gordon again, and my encounter (I hoped ) with Tom.

He was nowhere in sight as I arrived, and I began to feel nervous. Was he going to stand me up?

My worries were needless, because he turned up after a couple of minutes. To my surprise, he bent down and kissed me, pinching my artificially enhanced bottom at the same time. Quickly ushering me out, he laughed loudly.

"Did you see the faces of those girls by the door as we left?" He was obviously having trouble containing his mirth.


"Well, trust me, they looked like they'd bought the Crown Jewels, only to find they were glass pearls. Oh, Christ! That was fun, that was."

He wiped away the tears of laughter, then looked at me with a big grin.

"So where do we go, "Philly"?"

"I dunno. Any ideas?"

The breathy voice was coming out fine, I thought. It certainly wasn't difficult.

"It depends what we want to do. Do we want to sit quietly and talk, or do we want to dance, shout and snog?"

"You are direct, aren't you? Didn't your mother teach you how to comport yourself in the company of young ladies?"

For a moment he looked crestfallen, but then he just threw his head back and laughed again.

"As a matter of fact, she didn't. By the time I was supposed to start going out with young ladies, I was already screwing around with a couple of neighbourhood boys, which she found out about. So the opportunity to discuss relations with ladies sort of never presented itself. Would you like to instruct me, sweet damsel?"

I giggled.

"This sweet damsel hasn't been a damsel very long, leaving her with scant experience", I told him, managing to keep a straight face. I thought for a moment, then decided:

"To hell with it! Let's go to an awfully straight place and try to blend in."

So we did. A super-trendy disco, where everybody looked like they starved themselves so they could spend loads of money on designer clothes and cocaine. The admission was a small fortune, as were the drinks. I had to admit that I felt out of place. The red dress might have been more appropriate than the simple outfit I wore. After about fifteen minutes I was distinctly uncomfortable, but perked up when Tom whispered in my ear:

"Don't look so glum! Can't you see all the girls are staring enviously at you? And the boys are just as jealous at me."

Wow! I never thought of that. Glancing around, I did see a some girls throwing surreptitious looks at me. This cheered me up enough to empty my glass of bubbly (I was well on the way to getting drunk, but didn't care anymore), and I suggested a dance.

If I tell you I dance well, you probably won't be surprised. Looking back, I see I've told you I can do almost anything well. But with me a former ballet dancer, it wouldn't be too surprising, would it? Actually, I haven't much experience with the kind of dancing that goes on at a disco, but I can move gracefully and with coordination, at least sober. And to my delight, both Tom and I were steady enough to aquit ourselves well on the floor. Then again, that could be the rosy glow left by the champagne, the white wine and the liquor I had poured down my throat in the course of the evening and night.

We started out with a couple of energetic dances, before a slow one began. Tom moved up close and slid his hands around me, first letting them rest on my waist. It wasn't long, though, before he was kneading my bum. It felt a bit strange, since he was using his hands on the padding. The sensations weren't all that pleasurable, but the whole situation made it exciting. And uncomfortable. My one-eyed trouser snake began to respond, and with the stuff I was wearing, this was no delight.

The dance ended, and I told him I needed the little girls' room.

"Mind you do go to the little girls' room, then" he whispered to me. I tittered a bit as I imagined the impression I would make if I were to position myself at a urinal in the little boys' room.

I navigated over to the lavatories without problems, had my pee, and then almost made a fool of myself afterwards. In womens' toilets, you don't fiddle with your prick to make sure it's comfortably positioned. Not on the floor, in everybody's sight. It's simply not very smart. Nor is it smart to gather a lot of water in your hands and splash it on your face. It's likely to disturb the make-up, and it simply isn't very feminine.

The one girl who was in there with me, and whom I didn't notice until the water was running down my face, had a full view of everything. Fortunately, she was pretty plastered, so perhaps she hadn't observed me too closely. I quickly dried off, put on some more lipstick, and was out of there in a flash.

I found Tom again, and asked him if we could leave. He agreed, and we were back out on the street again in a couple of minutes. The weather was still good, although a bit chilly, and we started to walk. He put his arm about my waist again, and I just leaned comfortably into him, letting him lead the way.

"Well, here we are, then. Would you like to come up?"

"What?" I shook myself out of my pleasant reverie, and looked around the quiet street we were in.

"This is my place. Would you like to come up?"

"Do you live here alone?" I asked.

"No, I live with my sister, but she's out. Probably won't be back until morning. So, would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Would you like to come up?"

"Sorry. Yes. Yes, I would."

Tom unlocked the street door and we walked up three flights of stairs. He unlocked another door, and I found myself in his flat.

"Shit! This is a great place. Are you rich or something?"

He smiled. "I thought that high-pitched voice was a fake."

Oh, damnation! In my excitement, I'd clean forgotten about the voice. I must have turned a different shade again, because he hastened to reassure me.

"I really don't mind. Your own voice is nice, too. But to answer your question: No. It's my parents' old flat. They've lived in Kent for the past ten years, but they kept this place. My older brother lived here when he was a student at RADA. Then, when he left, my sister moved in. She's a few years older than me, me being the baby of the family. And then I moved in with her when I came up to UCL."

"RADA? What's that?"

"The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. My brother's an actor."

"Sounds nice. Would I know his name?"

"I doubt it. He's into experimental theatre. Extremely artistic and serious. But for all I know, you might like that."

"No, I don't go to the theatre much. The ballet is more my scene."

"Really? You dance yourself?"

"Not anymore. And I never performed on a stage, either."

"Still, you move well. Drink?"

Oh, dear! It wouldn't be wise. But then I wasn't out practicing wisdom. I wanted a shag.

"I really shouldn't. If I drink any more now, you could easily have your wicked way with me. But then, I wouldn't mind that. Do you want to have your wicked way with me?"

"Oh, I do! I think we'll have that drink. You like "Green Orange"?"

He opened a cupboard, revealing lots of bottles with fancy labels. My parents never got beyond keeping a bottle of gin, one of vodka and one brand of whisky.

"No idea. What is it?"

"It's Pisang Ambon - that's some green stuff - mixed with orange juice. Very nice."

"Sounds good. I'll try that, then."

Tom mixed our drinks, and we sipped them. It did taste nice. Not very strong, either. He scooted up closer on the settee, and I found myself looking into his big, brown eyes. He stroked my hair.

"I think this is what the girls at the dance place admired most. The hair. It's really...I don't know what to call it", he said, still stroking it.

I sighed to myself. I'd get to use that word again.


"Yeah, that's right. Luscious. Is it real?"

"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, it's so perfect. And you told me you were part Greek. Shouldn't you have dark hair and brown eyes?"

Ah-hah. That little misunderstanding again.

"Lots of Greeks are blond with blue eyes, especially in the North. My grandparents come from Greek Macedonia. And anyway, my dad's Scottish", I patiently explained.

"Ah. May I kiss you?"

"Thought you'd never get round to it."

He leaned down, and I closed my eyes in anticipation. As our lips met, I felt a small jolt go through me, as if he was electrically charged. Believe it or not, I had never kissed anybody before. Not full on the lips. It hadn't seemed the natural thing to do with Tony, and I had never been on a date with anyone else. Not real dates, anyway.

After the first kiss, we had another. And another. And then some. It was wonderful. The lips are a really sensitive part of the body, you know. But of course you do. That's why kissing is such a big thing, isn't it? At the sixth kiss or thereabouts, I felt his tongue trying to enter my mouth. I parted my lips, and soon we were duelling. I decided to be a bit more bold, and stuck my hands down his trousers, pulling his shirt up. I stroking his bare back, and he squirmed - with delight, I hoped - and pushed me down on the settee. Christ! This was good. Me on my back, his full weight on top of me, hands gently kneading my boobies. Of course, I couldn't feel anything in them, but as he carefully manipulated them, I felt the movements. Also, he was grinding his crotch into mine. The padded underwear effectively reduced my sensitivity in that area, but I had no problem figuring out the movements.

He raised himself slightly, and started unbuttoning my blouse. He didn't take it off altogether, just pushed the fabric aside and started to kiss his way from just below my navel, moving slowly upwards. Oh yes! It was so exciting, his hot breath on my skin, his lips planting feather-light kisses all over. Between my legs it was getting painful, though.

I pushed him slightly away, and he looked at me quizzically.

"It's wonderful, Tom, but I need to get out of some of the stuff I'm wearing. Excitement isn't always comfortable, you know."

He looked bewildered for a moment, but then grinned wickedly.

"Ah! Phillida's non-fake attributes are insisting on their due, eh?"

I nodded, feeling the colour rise in my cheeks yet again.

"We can move into the bedroom if you like", he said.

"All right."

He took me by the hand and gently led me out of the sitting room and along the corridor. The bedroom wasn't very big, but the bed was.

"My, my. You could entertain a big party in here."

"I suppose so. There's never been more than two people here,though. Not in my time. Now, did you want to get out of... of whatever it is you're wearing?"

"Yes. Would you turn your back for a moment, please?" I wanted to control the order in which he got to see the various parts of me.

He obediently turned round, and so did I, leaving us back to back. I could hear him getting undressed as well. I quckly lost the shoes, the jeans and the padded garment. The blouse went into a heap on the floor as well. I kept the stockings and garterbelt on, along with the bra. The Monster was stabbing the air in front of me, standing at about ninety degrees.

"Can I turn around again?" asked Tom.

"Yes." I stayed with my back towards him.

"Nice. Very nice." He moved closer and put his hand on my shoulders. Moving closer still, he let them slide down to my boobies, cupping one in each hand. I shuddered, and my cock rose a bit more. I felt his hard cock on my arse, causing another shudder. I did so hope I'd get to feel it inside me.

"Don't I get to see all of you, Phillida? Won't you turn round for me?"

This was it. Would he be turned off by the absurd weapon I was carrying around? Taking a deep breath, I swung round, trying to look in his eyes.

I didn't catch his look at once, though, because he only had eyes for the Monstrosity.

"Crikey! It's so big, so...so beautiful. Can I touch it, please?" He lifted his eyes to mine. I almost cried. He called it beautiful! The thing that got me my hated nickname, the thing that made Tony almost a stranger once he saw the chance of stuffing it up his anal canal. The thing that I had always felt spoiled my appearance. And Tom thought it was beautiful!

I nodded. "You can, if you let me touch yours."

He reached out and gripped it firmly. I was more hesitant, but put my hand around his rock hard prick. It was a little bit longer than Tony's, but not much. Thick, though, thicker than Tony's.

"Shit! I've got both hands round it, and there's still bit left over. I've never seen one so big." Tom was obviously still in awe of The Humungous One.

"I like yours better. It's very nice, Tom."

"But it's small. Isn't it? At least compared to yours."

"Well, compared to mine, I suppose most pricks are. But yours is just right. I'd love to be fucked by it. Will you fuck me with it, Tom? Please?"

"You want me to fuck you?"

I nodded.

"Oh, good. I don't think I could take yours inside me. Have you ever fucked anyone with it?"

"Yeah. A mate from school. He loves it. I think it's great, too, but I would rather have him fuck me."

"You would?" Tom looked a bit shell-shocked still, but he composed himself and pulled me close. Our two spears duelling, he kissed me again.

"Let's lie down."

He got on his back on the bed, pulling me over him.

"This is so strange", he said. "I can play with your tits, and they almost feel real, and at the same time I feel your huge prick against mine."

"Have you had a lot of experience, then? With real titties, I mean?"

"Yes and no. Not so many, but lots of times."

"Is that so? A steady girlfriend?"

"Sort of." He sounded a bit hesitant, but I decided not to press him. What he and I were doing together, was more important than his past with girls. Or with boys.

We kept going for a while, then he made me sit up, straddling his chest. He continued playing with my breasts, which now proved their quality. The weight, the texture, everything felt right. Or it seemed to feel as right as it could be, considering they were artificial and this was my first time wearing them.

"Can I suck on that thing?" he asked.

"'Course you can", I whispered back. Things were hotting up now. I arched my back, showing off the tits even more, running both hands through my hair. He grabbed the base of my cock and pulled slightly to indicate he wanted me closer to his face. I shuffled up, and putting one arm behind his head to lift it up, he stuck his tongue out to lick at the head of the Thing. He just touched the frenulum lightly with the tip of it, moving it up and down a little.

"Tee-hee! That tickles!"

He didn't answer, just lifted his head a little bit more and took in the whole of my head. The small one, I mean. He bobbed up and down a few times, then released it.

"I'll need to get in a better position to do this right. It's simply a lot bigger than the ones I've had in my mouth before", he told me, panting a bit.

I smiled.

"That's all right. Actually, I'd like to suck on yours for a bit. I really love that. Can I?"

He seemed to light up. "Wow! Would you? That's great! I can hardly ever get Ka...erm, my... this other person do that."

Hmm! A little mystery here. Who was this mysterious Ka...? Like I cared. I was about to get my lips around a wonderful prick. Nothing else mattered.

"Lie still!" I ordered him, then turned around, placing my knees on each side of his head. The 5 1/2 incher was right below me.

"Oh, Jesus!" I whimpered, then bent down, mouth wide open. In just a few seconds, I felt the head approaching my gullet and the pubic bush tickling my chin. Sucking cock is so great! Yeah!

I lost no time getting into a rhythm. I wanted to bring him off fairly quickly, just to let him feel the might of Phillida. Later on, we'd go slow.

I placed the thumb and index finger of my right hand round the base of his cock, masturbating him in synch with my sucking. At the other end, I felt him stroking my thighs, still covered in the stockings, then moving up to my arse, teasing the cheeks with light touches. He said something.

"What?" I lifted off him a little and turned my head towards him.

"I said: You're quite a callipygian little thing, aren't you?"


"Callipygian. An adjective meaning "having shapely buttocks"."

I had to laugh.

"Callipygian, indeed. Well, here's a chance to get a better look at my callipygicity or whatever you'd call it." I rose to my knees, looked behind me to aim, and then sat down on his face.

"Mmmph!" came a muffled shriek.

"Don't complain! If you going to spout erudition at my arse, then I don't see why I can't grind it in your nose."

He lifted me up a bit.

"I don't mind your arse at all. It's pretty. It's just that I couldn't breathe."

He let his tongue dart out quickly, licking at my little puckered orifice. I emitted a little squeal.

"Little Philly likes a rimjob, does she?" I nodded with my eyes closed. Silly, he probably couldn't see much besides my slender little bottom. The tongue came back out, and this time he flicked the tip of it around right in the center of my being, right at the hole. Christ almighty! I fell forward on to my hands, getting another eyeful of his cock, now glistening with my spit and something that was surely pre-cum.

"Mmmh!" I purred, swallowing him again. It wasn't so easy to keep up the rhythm this time, because he kept rimming me, which was a distraction. It's so good! In Heaven, they spend a lot of time rimming each other. Stands to reason, doesn't it? There's not much that's better.

I kept up an irregular rhythm, alternately concentrating on getting maximum suction on Little Tommy and on enjoying Big Tommy's tongue. By now it was darting in and out of me. Thankfully, I was clean back there.

At last he let his tongue rest, at the same time increasing the volume of his moans. I felt his balls. Oh, yes, they were definitely creeping up, the scrotum tightening. I bobbed my head faster still.

"Oh, Philly, I'm getting close. You'd better stop sucking soon, or you'll have a mouthful of sperm", he croaked out.

I would stop, only not just yet. I wanted him really on the brink first, so I bobbed a few times more, until he started wailing.

"Ohh, yeah! It's...I'm cum...cumming, soon, soon, noowwww!" he yelled.

With impeccable timing, I removed my mouth an instant before a jet of greyish, slimy liquid shot out of the piss slit, hitting my nose and entering both nostrils. That wasn't expected, and I started a bit, snorting loudly. I must have increased the pressure on his prick at the same time, because I could feel the contractions in his urethra very plainly as the second and third burst of semen travelled up and out. He just yelled even louder, then the shooting was replaced first by a heavy oozing, then just a light trickle. I let my thumb glide over the glans, starting just below the frenulum, moving over the slit and back down the front.

"Yikes!" he screamed. "Stop it! You're killing me!"

"But what a way to go!" I giggled. I didn't stop, though, just kept on torturing him.

"Stop it, I said!" He was squirming hard now, and I removed my hand, allowing him to relax.

"That was really wild! My first blowjob in months. Where did you learn that?"

I lay down beside him. "Practicing on Tony", I answered.

"Is he the mate you mentioned?" I nodded, and reached out with my left hand to stroke his chest and abdomen. He had a little more hair than me, but only a light coating. Nothing very visible, at least not in this light. It felt good against my fingers.

"Ohh!" he shuddered. I kept going for a while, just quietly enjoying myself. Tony was never into this sort of thing; it was all business to him. Suck and fuck. Nice as that is, it can't be all that sex is about.

As he calmed down, he placed one arm under my neck and pulled me closer, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"That was very nice, Philly. You know, I can't get over the sight of you. Here you are, with your sexy bra, your garter-belt and stockings, bouncing boobs, make-up and everything. A lovely girl, and then this huge thing sticking out from between your legs. It's so absurd I want to laugh, and at the same time it's so exciting my own prick feels like it's raring to go all the time. Pretty strange."

I licked my lips and reached for his prick again. He was right; it wasn't limp, and as I squeezed it, it actually hardened a bit.

"So you both like me, then? You as well as your little friend here?"

He turned over on his side, taking my head in both his hands and fixing me with an intense stare.

"Yes, Phillida. I do. He does, too, but most of all, I do."

Well, what do you know?! Emotional outbursts already? Was he getting infatuated? Or was he just a bit over-emotional? Or...It was scary to think about. Could it be that he was falling in love? Oh, shit! I was nowhere near ready for that. I only went out on the town for some fun, for Pete's sake!

Hold on, Philly! Don't jump to conclusions here. First of all, how to answer? Don't think too much, just say the right thing.

"I'm glad, Tom. I like you, too. But I'm after some more fun. D'you think you and your little friend might be "up" for that soon?"

"There's no need to mock him, you know. Just because he's smaller than your "little" friend, doesn't mean he's microscopic." Even if he had a smile on his face, I thought I detected just a hint of something sore in his voice. Could he be embarrassed because of his size?

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tom. It's only a figure of speech. You can refer to any prick as "the little guy" or something like that."

"Not yours."

I laughed out loud, which seemed fortunate, because he relaxed visibly. Good. Embarrassment is bad for sex.

"I s'pose not. But truly, I think your size is much more...I dunno...much more right, if you know what I mean. For one thing, I can get it inside my none-too-big mouth. I can't do that with Nessie here. Not all of it."

"You mean you can get any of it in your mouth?" He looked incredulous.

"Well, yeah. I told you I used to dance, and before that, I was into gymnastics. Does wonders for your flexibility, that."

"Show me!" He was supporting himself on his elbow now, clearly excited. Him and the little guy. I had to make something out of this.

"All right. If you'll just be a little patient, I will. I need to plan it, though."

"You want music?"

I considered for a moment.

"I think I'll manage without, thanks. No! Music would be nice. Is there any ballet music?"

"Nothing much, I think. Only "Swan Lake"."

"That's perfectly all right. Bring it on."

He disappeared out the door, returning on the trot after a minute, carrying a CD.

"Your kind of music, Tom?" I asked. He blushed just a little, then shook his head.

"No, it's Katie's. My sister's."

It didn't register immediately, but once he'd inserted the disc, it struck me. Katie! "Ka..."! The same person? The shock of that thought rooted me to the spot for a moment, but fortunately I had my back turned just then. Maybe he didn't notice.

As the music started, I began moving, too, but only mechanically at first. The thought of Tom and his sister did shock me a bit. But it was sort of titillating, too. However, I had already admonished myself once before that night about jumping to conclusions. I didn't know, after all, I was only guessing, so I pushed it out of my mind. Or at least to the back of it. I had an act to perform.

The "Swan Lake" music can sometimes be a bit trite, because it's slightly worn out, but when the performes know what they're doing, it's marvellous, and this was a good recording.

I started with my back towards Tom, stretching both arms up, then slowly arching my back, hoping it would be enough for him to see my strutting tits, still well contained inside the bra. Then I bent forward, back rounded, giving him a full view of my shapely buttocks. Callipygian, my arse!

I rose to my full, albeit modest, length, turned ninety degrees right, letting him drink in strutting boobies and equally strutting cock at the same time. Then a light skip, landing with bent knees, before a dramatic turn ninety degrees left again, making me face him. You know, arms waving about, everything waving about. Can look frightfully elegant, but also perfectly ludicrous.

I kept skipping about for a little while, showing off all my attributes, fake or natural, from various angles. Tom was sitting on his knees in bed, his hard cock stabbing the air. It did look ever so nice!

I sat down as elegantly as I could. There was a carpet, which meant I couldn't swivel about on my bum, so I settled for rolling a little bit. It was time to get down to business.

Lying flat on my back, I raised both legs to ninety degrees, back and bum staying firmly on the floor. Then, I allowed the legs to fall slowly backwards. Or upwards, if you like, towards my head. Lifting my arse off the floor and rounding the back, the toes began approaching the floor. The head of the Thing that was more than 1/7 of my body-length was in very plain view. I lowered a bit more. It was surprisingly easy, considering I hadn't warmed up.

It touched my lips, and I stopped for a moment, lifting my neck just a little bit to create the illusion of a monster trying to force itself inside the tiny mouth of the little innocent. Then, I opened fully, taking at least three inches inside. I lowered my head again, letting it slide almost completely out, then back in again. After bobbing "up and down" like this three or four times, I let my head down on the carpet to relax a bit.

"Fuck! That was incredible!" Tom said in an awed voice. I looked up a him and giggled. That gaping mouth and shocked expression was funny!

"You liked it, then?" I asked, trying to sound seductive.

"Hell, yes! I never thought anything like that would be possible."

I rolled over to my side and looked him full in the face.

"You ready now? Ready to take me? Posess me? To enter into me and hold me firmly? Are you?"

He nodded dumbly, and I got up, taking care to appear as graceful as I could. On my feet again, I noticed he had fished out condoms and some lubricating stuff from somewhere.

I positioned myself over him in the same position I'd been for the rimjob.

"So, get on with it then! Prepare me!" I told him in a peremptory voice. He didn't say anything, just put his tongue to work again. Oh, it really was exquisite! Tony never did it this good.

Shortly, I felt the tongue leave me, to be replaced by some cold, liquid stuff. As he smeared it over the entrance, it soon warmed up, though, and then he placed a fingertip at the hole. At first, he just allowed it to rub up and down a bit, then he pushed, and it was inside to the first knuckle. He wiggled it a bit, causing me to squirm and emit another small squeal.

"Nice, isn't it?" he asked. I just moaned.

He pushed some more, and soon most of it was inside. He located the prostate, and allowed his finger to squeeze it slide over it.

"Haaah!" I gasped, shuddering all over. I could feel the goosebumps, each and every one.

"It gets better, I promise", he told me, as he let the finger slide out, then back in again. He manipulated the prostate once more, and it felt different. Just as pleasurable, but it wasn't a shock this time. I could relax and just concentrate on the feeling.

This went on for some time, until he entered with two fingers. At first, it was just a little painful, but it didn't take long for my arse to get used to it. It was different. With two fingers, it was harder for him to manipulate the prostate, but did it ever feel great at the opening! I was pretty much lost in the feeling, and whimpered pitifully as he allowed both fingers to leave me.

"Don't fret yourself, my fine Philly! The main course is just about ready now."

I opened my eyes and glanced down at the drooling member beneath me.

"Turn round and help me get ready!" Tom prompted. I shifted 180 degrees and lowered my bum - hole still wide open - down to his knees, and he handed me a condom.

"Here. You take off the wrapping. My hands are too slippery."

All patience was gone from me now, and I ripped the packaging open with my teeth, then placed it on the tip of his prick and swiftly rolled it down.

"Here's lube." He handed me a jar, and I scooped out a liberal supply with two fingers, then smeared it quickly all over his coated cock. A little bit more, and I was lubed, too, back there. He handed me a towel, and I wiped my hands.

"Ready, Philly?" he whispered huskily. I nodded briefly.

"Ever done this before?" I shook my head.

"Then I suggest you sit on top and lower yourself onto it. It won't hurt so much, and you'll be in control. You know how to do it?"

Piece of cake. Tony had done that lots of times on my cock. I nodded once more. A deep breath, and I moved into place, taking hold of "little Tommy". I sat down, and felt him almost at my entrance, adjusted a little and took another deep breath.

"Here goes", I muttered, and began sitting down. It wasn't as easy as I thought, and at the first try, he just slipped away under me. I tried again, making sure I had a firm grip just below the head.

"That's right, Philly, you're doing well." I opened my eyes briefly to see him smiling at me. Just then, the head broke through the outer ring.

"Haah!" I whimpered softly, but kept going until I encountered more resistance. Right, there's one more ring inside. I knew that, of course.

"Just take it easy, and remember to breathe. You can take it out again if it hurts too bad." Tom was coaching me, using a low, almost sing-song voice. Take it out again? No bloody way! This was what I'd dreamed about for months. That thing was going in!

I did relax a bit and catch my breath, though. The cock was just as hard, and I shifted my grip before pushing down further.

"Aouww!" This time I screamed a bit. It had passed the sphincter muscle in one quick go. Almost as a reflex, I began to move up to get rid of the intruder, but caught myself. Tony had done this lots of times, and he told me if he only made a few stops, taking some time to get used to the feeling, it would be okay.

It was. The pain subsided quickly enough, and I slid all the way down on Tom's remaining length, bringing out another little scream.

"Are you sure you're all right?" He sounded genuinely worried. My eyes still closed, I reached behind me and felt his balls nestling right beneath my arse crack. Opening my eyes, I smiled as radiantly as I could.

"Yeah! S'wonderful" I hissed out. He relaxed visibly, and grabbed my titties again.

"I can't imagine anything more exciting than this", he said in a slightly distant voice. "My prick buried up a tight arse, and the sight of a beautiful young woman above me. A woman sporting this." He grabbed the Mighty Worm and pulled at it. It had lost some of it's hardness, but not for long. I just sat there, trying to gain control, clenching and unclenching my sphincter a few times.

"Departing for Dodge City and all points west. All aboard!" I shouted, and started riding him. Slowly up, then slowly down. Up again, then down. This was way better than I'd expected. The pull at the opening; delicious. The feel of the head sliding against my prostate both on the way out and back in again; heavenly. I started going faster. Hell, that was even hotter! More of the same stimulation, along with my three assets swinging and bouncing. Looking down at the Mother of All Pricks (or should that be "Father"?) swaying wildly from side to side and up and down, the absurdity of it all struck me, and I felt the first drop of pre-cum forcing it's way out.

"Yeah! Fuck me, Tom!" I was yelling again, never worrying about neighbours. Bending down to support myself on both hands, I accidentally slapped him in the face with one boobie. For some reason, that seemed incredibly funny, and I did it again. Bending even farther down and lifting his head at the same time, I smothered him in between them.

"Tod zwischen den Brüsten!" I tittered hysterically, all the while pushing up and down on him. With him plowing me almost horizontally, the prostate massage was even stronger.

"Mmmph!" came a muffled cry from somewhere in between there.

"Sorry, Tom. Didn't mean to suffocate you, it just seemed like a lot of fun."

I planted a big, wet kiss right on his lips, making sure to move my lips round a bit. Yes! Now he was full of lipstick smears. As could be excpected, this only made me giggle more.

"So, you think it's funny, do you?" With that, he grabbed both my hips and made one mighty shove with his own, causing the wonderful cock to enter me deeper than before.

"Oh, God! Do it again, Tom!" I gasped out.

"You want it hard, do you?" He lifted me up, pulled his calves back and then just slung me over on my back. In seconds, he was pistoning in and out of me, making loud slapping noises against my buttocks each time he hit the bottom.

"Fuck, Tom! You're killing me! Don't stop, waaaah!"

But he did. Well, he didn't stop altogether, just stopped the violent fucking motions.

"This is nice, too", he told me, gliding slowly almost all the way out, then in again as deep as he could go.

"Oh, it is. Those long, slow motions, oh, it's fantastic, Tom!"

"So, what do you like best, then?" he asked. "This?" A series of the hard, slap-slapping movements, making my breasts dance so wildly they almost hit my nose.

"...or this?" Five or six of the long, slow, gentle shoves.

"I don't know", I panted. "I don't know. Just keep doing it."

Which he did. You know, with the experience I've gained since then, I still don't know which is best. I think the hard way is hottest when I'm wearing my boobies, because it makes them jump about so. Plus, it's such a sensory overload. And when I'm not wearing them, I suppose the slow, soft fucking is best. Not so much a sensory overload as a full load. But it's a close call.

"How about this fellow, then?" asked Tom and grabbed the Baseball Bat, his perfect cock still sliding in and out.

I'd almost forgotten about that. Reaching round to it, I found it was all sticky from all the pre-cum that had leaked out of me.

"Leave him to me", I told him. Boy, was this going to be hot!

I put both hands behind my knees, then lifted my head up. Yess! I could reach it. Opening my mouth, I let the Giant inside. Woo-hoo! I was giving myself a blow job and getting my arse fucked at the same time! The sight of one prick plowing my hole, another invading my mouth, and a pair of tits dancing inches away, was too much, and I felt the orgasm coming on. I lowered my head again, grasped the Terrific One with both hands, and staring with unseeing eyes into the ceiling, I jerked violently on it. The build-up was so intense, I started hyperventilating and probably came close to fainting.

"Oh, Philly! That's so...it's so...yeah! I'm cumming! Hah! Ungh! Ooooh!"

Tom's words barely registered, as I felt something starting to rush upwards through my urethra. Weird, it was almost like a pellet or something, travelling through the barrel of a gun. But that was just the ejaculation. Then the orgasm seized me.

The feeling was pretty familiar, only there was so much of it, and in so many places at the same time. It began in my groin, somewhere just below the balls, and then spread out. Upwards, downwards, inwards. The first five seconds were just a series of muscular contractions, and then the Mother-Spasm hit me.


I think that was the sound I made. One, long, high-pitched wail. Something warm and slimy hit my throat, then another spasm. My cock-head felt like it was splitting in two, my sphincter contracted round the cock inside me, sending ripples of exquisite pain/pleasure coursing through me, then a third spasm and something soaking my chest.

It subsided a bit, and there were two smaller spasms. I awkwardly lowered my legs, trying to breathe normally again, and then the latter part of the orgasm set in. It's when my dick ejects tiny spurts of cum, just trickling out on the glans, and the PC muscle contracts, increasing the friction just below the piss slit. It's incredible, even if it is sort of "minor".

"Huh! Ah! Oww!" I gulped out, twitching and squeezing Tom's prick, still lodged inside me.

And then I came back to earth. Tom was wearing a strange expression on his face, like he was awed and amused at the same time.

"Christ, Philly! You cum harder than anybody I've ever been with. How do you do that?"

I crowed with glee, giving him an extra hard squeeze with my agile arsehole.

"A girl's got to have some secrets", I told him, trying to sound coy.

"I suppose. But it was really wild."

"Good!" I purred, stretching my legs out.

"Yowch!" It came out involuntarily. The yelp, I mean, as well as his prick. I had expelled it with my movement, and far too quickly, at that.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you", he said, like it was his fault.

"No, that's all right. I didn't think. I've no experience getting fucked, you know. Should have let you take control."

"Does it hurt badly?"

"Not anymore. D'you have a towel or something I could wipe myself with?"

He handed me a small towel, and I wiped my own sperm from all over my upper body. The globs on my skin were all right, but some of it had landed on the bra, soaking into the fabric. I hoped it wouldn't cause trouble. I'd never washed a bra before, but didn't think it would be very difficult.

Finally, I gently wiped my bum. It didn't smell bad, and when I looked at it, there was nothing nasty there. That was a relief! I handed the towel back to Tom and lay fully back, basking in the afterglow. Now I knew why Tony loved getting fucked so much.

Tom mumbled something.


"I just said that it was great, and thank you."

"Thank you! We have to do it again soon. Tonight."

He grinned. "You sure you're up to anymore tonight, then?"

"Of course I am. I just need to rest a little bit."

He said something else, too, but I only caught a few words. Something about "a little kinky", and then he was gone.

Part III: Girls together, boys together (M/M/F, inc, TV)

My back was all warm and just a little bit sticky. I snuggled back against whoever it was. My foggy mind took a few seconds to recall who it was. Of course! Tom, the bloke I met last night. I was in his bed, wasn't I? Was that a hard prick I felt against my bum? I wiggled a little. Yes, it was. Nice!

Oh, Tony was there, too. Or somebody. There were more than two hands caressing me, and I didn't think any of them were mine. Flexing left hand. Right hand. No, it was definitely a third person. Nice of Tony to drop by. But did he and Tom know each other?

Fuck! My eyes had slid open, and no more than two inches from my eyes were a pair of... what? A pair of breasts, that's what it was.

"Wha...? Who? How?" I croaked out, opening my eyes fully at the same time. It hurt! Too much light.

"Light bright!" I squeaked out, quickly covering my face with my hands.

A woman's voice laughed out loud.

"Isn't that sweet? She's seen "Gremlins", too."

I was mortified. I loved that film when I was little, and for a couple of years, this little scream was what I emitted every time my mum switched on the bedroom lights to wake me up. Why did that flash into my mind now, so many years later? But more to the point, who was this girl?

"Who are you, and where's Tom?" I asked.

"I'm right here", came a voice from behind. I recognized it as Tom's, and he gave my left shoulder a little pat, as if to reassure me.

"And this is my sister, Kate." The young woman smiled radiantly at me, showing beautiful teeth. As I opened my eyes fully, I saw she was completely naked. Also that The Whopper was fully erect, with the head only an inch away from her exposed cunt.

I shook myself, and both of them giggled.

"A bit too much for your little ladyfriend, Thomas?" said Kate.

"Perhaps, sis. But she did say she'd be up for something kinky later on. I'm not sure it registered, though, because she was rather sleepy at the time."

He pulled me over on my back, and looked straight in my eyes. "Are you shocked that I brought my big sister into bed with us? Do you want to leave?" he asked me. Not that he seemed worried or embarrassed. No, he simply sounded as if he wanted to give me a chance to back out.

"No, no", I mumbled hurriedly. A thought struck me, and I gasped.

"You mean, you two...?" I let the question hang in the air.

"Oh, yes. We shag each other all the time", answered Katie. "We're perverts, we are. Brother and sister committing incest at least twice weekly for the past two years. And this morning, we thought you'd like to join us."

Whew! A bit heavy, this. Not something to spring on a girl suddenly, in the early morning, when she's hung over.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost eight", said Tom.

"Well, whatever else is going to happen, I need to piss", I told them both firmly. I rose to a sitting position, causing a slight upheaval in my stomach. For a moment, it felt like I was going to throw up. It stopped quickly, though. I had obviously been drunk last night, but not entirely purblind. I got up on my knees, waded out of bed and hit the floor. I could stand steadily, good. Out the door and down the corridor. Fortunately, there weren't many doors, and I found the bathroom on only the second try. My erection was less obtrusive now, and I had my piss with relative ease. That done, I inspected myself in the mirror. I hardly looked divine anymore, but thankfully quite human. The hair was a bit disheveled, but the make-up and lipstick seemed to have stayed in place. Most of it. The bra was still in place, too, albeit with a couple of visible stains. The boobies? They were exactly where I had left them, hanging perfectly. Sometimes you do have to splash out a bit to get quality. The garter belt needed minor adjustments, as did the stockings. Rinsing my mouth out with water, I returned to the bedroom and my two incestuous friends.

"Christ!" I exclaimed as I entered again. Tom was on his knees, licking his sister's pussy, while she gently moaned.

"I hope we're not shocking you too much", said Katie. It seemed she was the one in control. Tom turned his head quickly, sending me a stupid grin before returning to his cunnilingual duties. I don't know if that is a word, but the latin word for tongue - lingua - is the same that forms the root of words like lingual, linguistics and language, so "cunnilingual" it was in my mind. I swear to you, I actually thought that out as I stood there! The next thought was: What's it like, licking a pussy?

"Come back to bed, Phillida!" said Katie. Not peremptorily, but in a voice that showed she was used to being in command. So I obeyed. I sat on my knees beside them, treating myself to an eyeful of perversions.

"Do you like it? Watching us, I mean?" asked Katie with a smile. I couldn't exactly deny that I did, considering that I was gaping at the sight and my nine inches were proudly stabbing the air. I nodded.

"Ever been with a girl?" I shook my head.

"Wanna try this?"

"All right."

Tom left his place, and I crawled between the smooth legs. I lowered my head to within three or four inches, and the smell hit me. It wasn't very nice, but not disgusting either. Never mind, best to get on with it and get a taste. Lowering myself even more, I got an eyeful as well as a noseful. Not pretty. A bit gross, in fact. What the hell! Anything once. I stuck my tongue out, and made contact. Weird. Opening my eyes to see what I was doing, I let the tongue dance about a bit more. The clitoris. Nothing special, just a little bump. She liked it, though. The vaginal opening. This was boring, this was! My prick was almost limp again. I lifted my head and looked down at the owner of the pussy.

"What's the matter, Philly? Don't like it?" I shook my head.

"That's all right. How about these, then?" She took hold of her boobies and squeezed them.

"Yeah. I want a bit of those!" I told her.

"Come and get it, then, little lady!" she teased. I reached out with both hands and gently cupped them. Woo-hoo! A real set of titties. Surprisingly, they felt much like my artificial ones, only a bit bigger. I rolled them round in my little hands, feeling the weight and texture. Smokin'!

"D'you want to taste them?"

Did I? The thing between her legs hadn't been very exciting, but I might just as well try this, too. I licked tentatively below the big nipple on the right one. It was okay, but not wildly exciting. The nipple? Much the same. No, they felt a lot better in my hands than in my mouth.

"That's right, love. Just squeeze my tits. Harder!" She reached up and started playing with mine, as well. Felt nice. I pushed hers upwards, then together. I was starting to leak precum from the once-again hard mate between my own legs, a clear sign that I enjoyed what I was doing. You know I said I was content in my maleness? At that point, I still was, but boy! Why couldn't I have real tits?

Tom was stroking my arse now, one finger playing around my perineum and anus. I moaned lightly.

"Philly getting excited? I think it's time, Tom", whispered Katie below me.

"Yes, ma'am", he answered smartly.

"Yes, ma'm?" I must have spoken it out loud, because Tom explained at once.

"Katie's an army officer. Captain Kate Travers."

No wonder she sounded like she gave orders all the time. But I couldn't ponder that just at the moment, because Tom was rolling a condom on me. Did he want me inside him? Not that I minded, but it was much hotter to have him screw me. He lubricated the whole of the shaft, as well, and then...And then he put the head between Katie's legs! Holy shit! They wanted me to fuck her! Me, sticking my prick inside a woman! Well, never in a month of Sundays...!

He pushed, and I entered, bringing a groan out of the young officer on her back underneath me. He pushed again, and half of the shaft was inside. Whoa! Tight! Hot! Another push, and my bollocks made contact with her bum. Was this weird or what? Twelve hours ago, or thereabouts, I had never been dressed in anything besides boys' clothing. Not for real. And I'd only had my prick inside one person, a boy. I had anticipated other boys with willing bumholes, but a woman! And me dressed like this, dangling titties and all.

"Take off her bra, Tom. I want to see those tits swinging free as her cock pierces me."

Tom gently pulled at my hips, indicating I should pull out, which I did. Then he pushed again. Finally, I took the hint. In, out, in, out. That's the way to fuck a man, and that's the way to fuck a woman. The bra came off, and instantly, there was an added weight pulling at my chest. I hoped the things would stay in place.

Katie was beginning to moan loudly under me, and I increased the pace a little. More to make my pectoral appendages move than to please her. Seems I killed two birds with one stone there, judging from the happy face she made.

"This is so, hunh!, wild. A set of bollocks slapping my bum, the biggest cock I've ever seen sliding in and out of me, the feel of stockings on my thighs and a set of swinging knockers taking up my field of vision. Ahhh!" A particularly hard stab set off that moan.

"Do it again! Make my boobs dance about, too!" I pulled out and shoved viciously back in.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me, girl! Hard!"

I complied, starting a frantic rhythm. Slap! Slap! Slap! My boobies jumped about all over the place, as did hers. I lifted her bum a little bit more and moved my knees a bit more under her, the way Tony loved it. The vaginal opening is very close to the rectum, you know, so the technical side of things wasn't too difficult.

"Yes, Philly! Yes! I'm getting close! Keep it up! For God's sake, don't stop!"

Slap! Slap! Slap! Ten strokes, twenty, thirty. I was going fast, starting to sweat.

"It's gonna...! I'm...! Oh! Aaah! Hmmmh!" She was biting her lower lip, head shaking from side to side.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Five strokes, six, seven. I was getting into this now. She was my bitch, my pussy, my cunt. I was in control, I had the power. Eight strokes, nine, ten. Fucking, fucking, fucking this woman.

"Haaaaaahh! Ooouuhh! Yes! Waaah!" She began twitching, tweaking her own nipples.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

She lost it, wailing and shaking like mad. I felt her pussy contract around me, trying to milk me, to coax my sperm from me. One last mighty shove, and she banged the mattress with both hands.

"Oh, stop! It's too...Huuhh! Too fucking much! Stooooppp!"

I took mercy on her, allowing the orgasm to run its course. I'd never seen a woman cum before. I'm not sure it was really exciting, but it sure was different. I hadn't had an orgasm, but there was time.

After a minute, she was breathing regularly again, but those magnificent breasts were moving up and down a lot. I let my right palm slide over her nipple, eliciting a small squeak.

"Stooopp!" Smiling to myself, I left her in peace. The Mighty Pecker was still inside her, and I began to pull it out.

"Don't. Leave it inside me."

"All right. D'you want to go again, then?"

"Bet your arse I do, girl. In a little while."

I settled down to wait. Tom resumed his stroking, and this time he'd lubed up a finger. I could feel it slipping inside me, gently massaging around the opening.

"Ooh, that's nice, Tom", I whispered, lifting up just a little, so he could go a bit deeper. He slid it in to the second knuckle, wiggling it a little. Then deeper, and he hit the prostate. It's not that his fingers were all that long, but with me being so small, even the distance from my anal opening to the prostate is short. The only distance on me that's long is...Well, you know what that is.

My cock still deeply embedded inside Katie, I gave myself over to the fingerfuck. He only used one finger, but the way he let it slide slowly, pressing it down, letting the tip massage the love gland inside me, it was heavenly! Another activity that's definitely on the daily menu in Paradise.

He took the finger out, making me whine piteously. Not for long, because the next thing I felt, was his condom-clad and lubed-up penis prodding my rear entrance. Oh, yes! That perfectly proportioned cock was something I just had to have inside me again.

He pressed it lightly against me, and I could feel the tip splitting me just a little bit open. I pushed back, and the head began to enter me. He pushed me forward again, and I slid deeper into the snatch I was occupying. Katie gave a small gasp, but smiled and nodded, indicating she was ready to go again. I pulled out, and Tom slid a little farther in. Back a bit, and he was past the sphincter. I froze, waiting for the initial pain to stop. Then, when I relaxed and let my head fall forward again, he shoved inside me, hard. I almost fell on Katie, and she screamed as I pierced her on my full length.

"Ah! I feel like I'm bursting. Oh, yeah!" Well, it seemed the Prick from Out of this World had at last realized its potential.

"Glad to be of assistance, Ma'am!" I giggled stupidly.

"Fancy yourself as a comedian, do you?" she gasped out.

"Yes, ma'am!" I thrust hard into her, then pulling out to meet Tom's equally hard shove.

"Well, less of the witticisms and more of your horse-prick, girl!"

I pushed most of the way inside her, then stopped and braced myself. As Tom stabbed my bottom, hitting the pleasure central inside, I entered Captain Travers' cunt fully again, only to sort of bounce back out. Yes, that was it, let him do the work.

He established the rhythm, and all I had to do was keep the correct level of tension in my muscles. Soon, Tom was panting like a whale behind me, Kate squeling like a stuck pig, and I just stayed there on my hands and knees, head thrown back, getting fucked at both ends, so to speak.

It couldn't last long. Even if a girl-pussy is less tight than a boy-pussy, I was still so worked up from my first session inside her that I knew I'd be squirting within a couple of minutes. I engaged the auto-pilot, and just let enjoyment and the kinkiness of the whole situation take me over.

I felt it almost at once. You know, this building of tension, not only in your groin, but in your throat? Like you're having a delicious attack of thirst? I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the way I feel when a really good orgasm is on the way. I disconnected the noise, more or less, but when the high wail below me and the loud roar behind me, combined with the twitching and jerking of two bodies, told me brother and sister both were going over the edge, I just relaxed some more and let it all out.

It was the first time I'd cum inside a condom. With Tony, it was always bareback. Stupid, I know now, but that was the way it was. Actually, unloading in a rubber is more intense than without one, because there's more pressure directly on the glans. But the really cool feeling was when the first jet of sperm left the piss slit. It actually felt like I was pissing extra hard.


I probably went on for at least twenty seconds, eventually making my own ears hurt. The twitching seemed to go on for ever, but finally, everything was over, and Tom and I both pulled out.

"That was something else", muttered a hazy-eyed Katie down on the bed.

"It was", I nodded, twisting my head to give Tom a great big kiss. He was still panting a bit, like an animal in heat, and the feeling when he let his hand slide over my sensitized tummy and down to cup my bollocks was the perfect conclusion to my night and morning of depravity.

We eventually got up and had a shower and a leisurely breakfast. Leaving, I was Philip again, although dressed in Katie's trousers and Tom's shirt, jacket and shoes, all too big for me, and carrying Phillida's paraphernalia in a borrowed plastic bag.

Getting home, I just walked around for a bit, trying to come down from my high. I had a nap in the afternoon, then woke up in a serene glow, remembering the events of the night and morning, and the fact that I had a date with them again on Tuesday evening. Meanwhile, I needed to just be normal Philip again, and spend a lazy evening relaxing in front of the telly with a drink. Life was sweet!


This story is copyrighted by me, einhard. (c) May 2001. All rights reserved.

Any comments? You can mail me at: einhard@excite.com

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